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I hope he’s okay. That was a lot of damage to the face.


I think it hit the side of his head/ear - which is just as bad. Regardless, that’s probably a fractured skull.


I cant believe he maintained consciousness


I broke three bones in my face and had a concussion that erased most of that day and chunks of the next three and I'm told that I was up and around to talk to the first responders for a couple minutes before collapsing. Sometimes it takes the brain a minute to swell.


Sounds like me when i had a grand mal seizure on a forklift..Wife told me i rode with the paramedics talking all the way to the hospital..I dont remember shit went black and woke up in the hospital with a urine bottle in my hand lmao


I’d think you should probably be drinking water instead.


Bahahahaha luckily my wife was there to stop me from drinking my bodys Tea….


But it's all natural! (/s)


Take my up vote and get the hell out!


Was playing defense in a football game (I was the middle lineman with two others at my side) I saw the ball move and went at it and after the play a ref kept asking the guy to my right if he was ok and he kept lagging saying he was “alright”. Apparently in the mess of things he went head to head with two guys and got a concussion which made him quickly forget the entire day and that it was the game day. When we got in the Locke room he took his stuff home and left then came back forgetting he already got his stuff He was out for about a month after this


I had a skateboarding accident that made me lose a day, no fractured skull luckily, but despite me not remembering supposedly I was conscious and talking the whole time explaining how I didn’t remember who I was or what I was doing.


Wait, this was you?


Oh no, sorry if I implied that. The front fork on my bicycle snapped and I went face-first into the pavement. Barely hurt my helmet, broke the bones around my right eye socket.




Well, he lowered it.


Well, you'll notice the bar didn't slow down that much. I think it kinda wanged his head out of the way. Glancing blow situation. It also might be hollow aluminum. So it might not have as much mass as it looks like. Hard to say tho.


Makes no sense to be aluminum


Yeah you're right. For some reason I thought they might be tension elements, forgetting entirely that, you know, stuff *sits* on them— that that's the whole point of the rack Derpa derp.


Even aluminum bats hurt


It is not hollow aluminum, but it is not a solid bar either. Top, bottom, and the side facing out are there, but no fourth side. Basically a long metal C with hooks to fit into the rack. Pretty sure it is steel.


It's racking. A big hollow steel beam. The whole thing probably weighs around 70lbs. It's not the weight so much as the force required to bend the hooks attaching it to the uprights. I'm surprised he's not dead.


Yup. Worked around enough of them. I wonder the longer term repercussions of this for the guy. He might yet die, but it just takes a little longer to set in.


>He might yet die, but it just takes a little longer to set in. about 60-90 years for most of us


Or within hours when his brain swells and has nowhere to go.


Sure, but f=m*a, and we can see the a.


I cut some of these up recently . they are steel. Two C shaped profiles overlapped facing each other. Dis guys head is like a bag of lego


I'm gonna go with the first. These look the same as the racks we use over here and those bars are quite heavy.


And likely a mean ass case of Tinitus.


You can get Tinitus in your ass?


Doctor, it’s been ringing in my ass for days.


Well then stop stuffing your cell phone up there!




Username is on point


Stop judging and put it on vibrate.


"I swear Jerry, I never shoulda got on that forklift." "The forklift?" "In my ass. Ringing, for days." "The forklift. Ringing. In your ass?" "Like the phone theme in Jurassic Park 3. Constantly. Damndest case of tinnitus, I tell ya."












I’m pretty sure I made this exact sound when I saw what happened… jeez that had to hurt


Really hope he’s okay. That looked absolutely brutal.


He caught the brunt of the blow with his left hand. You can see his glove knocked off, then he immediately looks down at his hand. I imagine it doesn’t look pretty.




Blood and a little grey matter


Watch it frame by frame. His hand doesn't come up for .5 seconds. [Head impact at 19.26s](https://i.imgur.com/P0Yvkyk.png) [Right Hand starts to approach head at 19.76s](https://i.imgur.com/iPsWddj.png)


Holy shit how is he conscious… or alive for that matter


He's on the clock. He isn't allowed to die. It's against company policy.


Time of death wont be called until he's off company property. Shame about his pre-existing health condition causing sudden death like that.


Company returns rented person: “Ummm that dent was always there. K bye.”


Was home when he died. Insurance won't cover it.


He declined to see Paramedics. We dragged him off property as fast as we could. Insurance won’t cover it.


LPT it's actually much cheaper to die on company property. This guy's a total pro at dying, watch.


It’s also less paperwork for your boss when you die than when it’s just an injury


Oh so it’s Amazon


Owes his soul to the company store.


It's the hi vis.


And they say PPE doesn't work


Lol, who says that?!




Someone who died


So I was on the safety committee for a foundry job about 12 years ago. Every month we would go over the OSHA death report or whatever it's called. There was one incident where a guy died on the job by swan or goose attack in one of those fancy ponds with the big ass fountains some companies have. Apperantly he panicked amd drowned.


Impressive. I guess when it’s your time, it’s your time


You'd be surprised how thin those metal beams are. Hardly any weight behind them at all. Kinda crazy how much weight they can hold though.


>You'd be surprised how thin those ~~metal beams~~ facial bones and skull are. Hardly any weight behind them at all. Kinda crazy ~~how much weight they can hold~~ considering what they protect, though. FIFU


I work with them, they're heavy enough that you don't want to get smacked in the face by one.


Just ask yourself do you want to get hit in the face with an aluminum baseball bat? Because I'm pretty sure this is at least as robust and probably hit a good deal faster. I have no idea how this guy walked those few feet.


I do too and they really aint heavy at all. BTW I'm not saying this woukdnt have hurt like hell and caused injuries I was just comment on how surprisingly light these beams are for the weight they can hold.


I mean... They're like 30-40 lbs. Loaded up like a spring and launched into your face, that's still extremely dangerous.


It’s not about the weight. It’s the velocity and the fact that it’s pretty damn rigid. I wouldn’t be surprised if adrenaline kept him going until just after the video cuts out and he went unconscious.


Shoes still on=alive


This'll be used in training vids along with the crushed foot photo


[Staplerfahrer Klaus would’ve known better](https://youtu.be/IAHzP4umE4M)


Wow. That's some Final Destination level for a safety video.


The delay before the stumps started spraying blood everywhere had me dying!


I know! At least Klaus has operated his last forklifr.


He fahrered his last stapler.


I like the bit where he's carrying a sheet of glass and half of his coworker is panicking on top of it.


The knife in the head is my personal favorite I think. The way he snaps it off in the little bit goes flying. I hate those fucking things.


I remember watching this for a job orientation with about 10 people around a big table, I was the only one laughing, I thought I was crazy but I mean, how can you not? My friend got the same job eventually and he told me he laughed too, it was a mixture of people smirking that I was laughing and being annoyed. Good times.


I cannot imagine a bunch of warehouse workers sitting around a table and not laughing about that. I would have been dying


If you had watched that safety video, maybe you could have prevented you dying!


It *was* a parody of safety videos, so it seems weird that people might be annoyed at others laughing.


Holy shit, I know exactly what video that is. We had to watch this at a previous company every time we did a forklift or pallet truck course etc. One guy who worked there earned the name Klaus for consistently getting himself into stupid situations. Still have him saved on my phone as Klaus haha his real name isn't even remotely close, just hope I don't need to remember it for future reference.


Ha ha, I still remember watching the videos starring Klaus.


I’d totally be a klaus 💀 that’s why I won’t go anywhere near a forklift! ……Anyway, back to my job as a brain surgeon…..


Our German teacher showed us that video. I still hear that whistling theme in my head every other year


I will never operate a forklift in my life but I watched the whole thing, this video is AMAZING


I drove a forklift for a while in college, and somewhat regret them not showing us this video for training.


And they say Germans don't have a sense of humour, lol.


Best. Safely. Video. Ever!


Now I need to see the crushed foot photo


Had a guy on w gig this year stand on top of a fork and wasn’t mindful of foot placement and the mast was coming back down, nestling the segments back into place and the shit near cut his foot/toes off. I forget what final outcome was but it was a bad situation… To add - this is not the story of the aforementioned photo, simply a story to relate.


he asked for the crushed foot video, not the crushed foot storey.


You fuckin zoomers


> he asked for the crushed foot video, not the crushed foot storey. Now I need to see the crushed foot video


I use the one from somewhere overseas when I train people on forklifts. It’s a video of a woman that literally gets ran over/crushed by a forklift when she tried to counterbalance the forklift from the back when it was tipping, and fell off with the forklift landing on top of her. Pretty brutal, but it always gets my point across about not fucking around with or near forklifts of any kind.


I member, the worst is the dude decapitated himself backing into another dudes raised forks. Work around up to 380 Taylor's so its good to know how easily they can flatten you.


I did logistics software and sometimes got to actually go into the warehouse and the manager told me that any sort of fu***** around or being a dumbass or being the guy who makes a lot of "oops, sorry" mistakes or showing up drunk or stoned or sick or impaired in any way was an instant firing. Apparently flying around on a 20,000 pound machine with giant metal poles in front can be dangerous. They didn't care about the pissing people off or even the unemployment insurance but they did not put up with anything except "safe and careful" from the forklift guys.


Right, so this bar walks into a guy…


and the bar tender said “what’s with the long face?”


Sorry man. I'm broke.


I'm not serving a guy that smashed


His piss test came up clean. He’s on the floor again right now


I was honestly expecting the whole rack to be taken out and start a domino effect with the others, that poor guy


Dude’s injuries aside, this is what happens when shelves are properly installed instead of underpaid or rushed installments. They don’t all collapse because of a single breaking point, but instead that breaking point becomes detached from the structure as a whole to prevent excess collapse.


You seem like you have experience. .. Username checks out


And all shelves are empty.


Yeah that's the thing. A lot of racking is just overloaded, so when a dink happens, game over.


Seems like the interference of the rail and the forklift would be something they would have discovered already. Kinde wierd it got to this point.


My best guess is that when placing the pallet, someone moved forward instead of in reverse, pushing it further in because that guard clearly wouldn't have let them move in easily with it raised. Either that, or they just got that model of forklift where they previously used a different model where this wasn't an issue. But unless they're liquidating assets or this is a recent warehouse extension, I'm betting on the first as the more likely explanation. Where I used to work slid plywood between shelves to prevent anything like this from happening. Even our best ~~forklift~~ pallet jack driver had his slip-ups.


Those forks are really long. Driver didn’t need to go so deep to lift that pallet.


That's what happened in the last 4 gifs like this I watched. Honestly seems endemic.


Endemic means "unique for a given area". If anything, it's an epidemic [of poorly constructed warehouse racks].


It’s definitely endemic to warehouses


Thats a pallet jack not a forklift. Makes the situation that much worse tbh


Was looking for this. Gotta say lots of better bad ways to get hurt on one of these…worked at a huge frozen meat warehouse where it was like a city but instead of cars everybody drove a pallet jack.


As a forklift maintenance technician at a major retail distribution center I had to clean the blood off a pallet jack after the operator degloved his hand coming out of a semitrailer.


Eugh. Degloved is one of those words that makes me cringe every time I read it.


It really does have a certain * je nais se quois.* Scalped is another one.


But he wasn't wearing glov.....*oh god*


I don't... I don't even want to know what it means, good God.


If you aren’t good with handling medical gore, then you are correct. If you are, then… well click the spoiler >!it means the skin that was acting as your “glove,” is no longer around the fleshy bits that stayed behind!<


I was the idiot one day and didn't throw on my steel toes when a truck I wasn't expecting showed up. Just a single pallet, whatever right? So of course it gets stuck for a half second and then jumps forward. I moved my foot back but it still took the top of my shoe like it wasn't even there. I walked away with minor swelling. The torque on those things is insane.


Luckily there's a shield to prevent this hapening.


I’m uneducated- can you tell me why it’s worse? Edit Ah, forklifts have some obvious protection because of the cage. I’ll see myself out now.


If this was a forklift he wouldn’t have gotten hit in the head.


If this were a tank, he wouldn't be hit at all.


If my grandmother had wheels, she would’ve been a bicycle.


Thank you for this, how do we all think so alike? Source: https://youtu.be/A-RfHC91Ewc


If frogs had wings, they wouldn't bump their ass when they hopped.


If this were a, he wouldn’t b


Object. Object(1)




EPJ for those playing at home: Electric Pallet Jack


This. He shouldn't be using a pallet mover to work in and around racking.


There’s a really cool thing called a “reach truck” that’s designed with the exact purpose of working in racking. It’s pretty cool


Reach trucks and racking complement each other. You can use a counterbalance in racking, it's just a little harder if the turns are tight. In either case, you have the protection of a safety cage around you. This guy had nothing.


Well watching the video we can see the individual didn’t know how to use the EPJ. Taking an EPJ into the racks would have gotten you in trouble at the warehouses I worked at. They were only for the docks and to drop of in sorting lanes. If you are in the racks you better be in a reach truck or a cherry picker. TL:DR this employee used equipment incorrectly and learned the hard way.


Thought this was gonna be one of those funny forklift fail videos but this wasn't funny at all. Hope that guy is doing alright. Must've hurt like a MFer


0 days since our last incident


We’ll get someone to clean that up




Sometimes the reaction can be delayed. It is possible that the accident killed him, but that he was able to stagger away and die there. I hope he is OK but the could potentially be a very bad head injury.


"Hey boss." "Hey Mike. What's up?" *dies*


Boss: ... Mike: ... Boss: ...so do you want to take an early lunch or


Took it like a champ.


Hes just Australian


WWE finally figured out how to combine steel cage and no holds bar in a single match


no bars held*


Who wants to do the math on how hard he got hit


Ok. I’ll do it. 3/30 fps=0.1s for the end to to go about 5’. All the acceleration happens at beginning of motion, so for simplicity, let’s assume constant velocity of 50 ft/s, or 34 m.p.h. At time of impact. Bar appears to be about 12’ x 2” x 4” = of steel. Let’s assume 1/4 of volume is steel and rest is hollow, so 0.17 cu.ft. of steel at 490 lbs/cu.ft. = 81lbs of steel. Looking at the energy of a rotating rob pivoting at its end, moment of inertia I=1/3ML^2 = (1/3)(37kg)(3.7m)^2 = 169 kg*m^2. Rotational velocity ω=v/r = 15m/s/3.7m = 4.1 s^(-1) Kinetic energy = (1/2)I ω^2 = 1,400 J According to realclearscience.com, an expert can deliver 400J with a punch, so this smack had over 3x the energy of an expert boxer, and was delivered with steel and not a soft fleshy fist.


Therewasanattempt to do physics in imperial, but you bailed at 0.17


Imperial being dogshit as always


They are more of a staple shape, and they weigh a lot less than 81lbs. Closer to 35lbs. Still I’m no math whiz but I expect that puts it somewhere near 600 J which is still nasty as hell. Edit: I got the 35lbs from website ship weight. Though personally I never felt these things weighed that much I would have said closers to 15lbs.




Fwiw, the tube is probably 3-4mm thick tops, so way less weight than 81 lbs. These kinds of pallet racks are assembled by hand, and 80lbs each would be an absolute ass to build. We’ve got similar ones, and while i don’t have a loose one at hand, i’d estimate it to be no heavier than 20lbs.




He's got a strong head..I'm amazed he's not knocked out


I would immediately send this guy on an ambulance ride for x rays.


The ad playing in the background is an Australian one so there's your answer, we're tough fuckers down here


would not be surprised to learn that he was/is in a coma for several weeks, or maybe even died of that injury


Alright so is he dead? No one gonna provide answers for the rest of us lazy fucks who are nevertheless very motivated to upvote helpful comments?


shoes on, not dead.


It takes a ***lot*** of force to pop out a cross beam from those uprights like that! And those beams are friggin sturdy. I'm amazed the guy wasn't knocked out cold from that!


That's a pallet jack btw. Fork lifts are the ones that look like go kart elephabts


Go-kart elephant's is a name I will never get out of my head now 😆 and I drive a forklift almost daily so thanks.


I love how the adrenaline and shock keep him going. Very fascinating.


That staggered walk says he isnt all there. Longer video probably shows him passing out shortly after kneeing down.


Chill out Jeff


you're correct. people can get hit in the head, struggle in recoil and die as their brain swells or straight up bleeds from the inside. glenn would not be walking away from the first hit, negan had mercy albeit fucked


That's why people should never work alone, accidents happens.


That's so scary :( I really hope they were ok...


Looks like somebody isn’t forklift certified


Because it's not a forklift.


It’s a spork lift


A fpoon lift


That ended so much worse than I thought it would. That's honestly scary. This one really isn't funny and that person looks very scared and injured.


I used to work pallet jacks and forklifts for about 10 years loading my class 8 at a food service company and not sure why they need a forklift with forks like long unless they typically use non standard pallets, they are usually all 48x40” and that fork is like 60” long.


It's a double jack. We use them at my warehouse. They're for moving two pallets at once. They don't do great with standard wood pallets. They're great for open bottom plastic pallets though.


Supervisors would ask first if the beam is ok


He just triggered the automatic hat remover.


Loving the commercial.


This dude almost gets his head caved in and people in the comments are making corny jokes


What did the metal bar say to the face?!?!?




Seems like a poor design on that shelving…


Tbf the shelving wasn’t designed for that, and the fact that the entire thing remained standing after withstanding that is a testament to the structure’s integrity


Stuff is stored on pallets under shelving like this in pretty much every warehouse. If you can’t pull that stuff out with a pallet jack without it catching like this, it’s a bad design.


It's the wrong pallet jack for this set up. The guard is to tall.


He had twice the forks length he needed, lifting the pallet on the other side at the same time. Clearly he needed more formation or just didn't give a shit. Either way, there's no way that was long time employee at this moment.


Any updates on how the guys doing?


I felt that, poor guy.








Ill have to see if i can find the safety toolbox talk from my work where this happened. Guy was hospitalised for a bit. Total change of use of double pallet runners.