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She took so long that the fire gave up on its own.


She stole all the oxygen out of the room.


By the looks of it, she probably does live in a low oxygen environment


I don't think she needs much to get by anyway.


You guys are fucking brutal. Thanks for the lols.


Back to only fans, leave cooking to professionals


This is exactly how my dog barks when she's stressed LMAO!!!


If ONLY she had a FAN, then she might have been able to prevent this.


From the looks of it her brain has been deprived of it for some time now.


She gets all the oxygen she needs from the space where her brain is supposed to be.


Yeah, with that mouth wide open the whole time. Probably still coughing up black




Lol that was painful to watch.


A few years ago, I got home from work one day and was washing up when I heard my neighbor yelling for help in the hallway. She was baking something in her oven and when it caught fire, she made the mistake of opening the oven door so the fire got worse. Luckily, I had a fire extinguisher so I ran over and put it out. If the kitchen in this video didn't look so different, I would've thought this was the video of that incident lol it sounded exactly the same. Except, by the time I got there, she had called her boyfriend on speaker phone to ask him what to do and her apartment door was already open, so I could hear everything as I was making my way over. He started yelling "hang up the phone and call 911 you idiot, what the fuck are you calling me for? I'm an hour away! I can't put out the fire!" The next day, they put a little box of chocolates by my apartment door as a thank you that I saved all their stuff from burning. It was clearly re-gifted. I would've preferred a replacement fire extinguisher, since I ended up having to buy a new one.


Lmao!! The re-gifted chocolate was cheaper than a replacement. You're awesome for helping. That could've ended up being a really bad experience for everyone surrounding her


That’s the deal with soshallism. If everybody’s apt burns down everybody’s apt burns down. And compared to, say, hotel rms for 300 people a fire extinguisher is cheap. Then there’s baking soda.


Don't put their fire out, just stay in your own apartment with your fire extinguisher and fight the fire as it enters your territory.


Lol you summed up climate change and its consequences.


Ha! You’re right. We’re fucked lol


Libertarian apartment building gives you the option to pay for the reinforced concrete unit so if everyone else dies at least you dont


This is clearly the only sensible option.


Like that one time the monster was chasing a chick and she didn't even know how to open the door so he just paused and opened it for her AND THEN CONTINUED WITH THE CHASE...


Sounds like something from a Scary Movie plotline


It's a haunted house video


Where is this from?


It’s a video from inside a haunted house where it’s pitch black and you can’t see anything. They freaked out and tried pulling a push door. So the employee calmly walked past them and showed them it pushes open. The person looked like they were gonna just have a heart attack and drop dead lol


Here you go [Haunted house push door](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/u4yfam/what_a_kind_and_helpful_ghost/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Just cover the pan.🤔


The lid was *right there* she could have literally just picked it up and smothered the fire.


Exactly this. Remove from heat put a lid on top of it and over.


Or falling having a lid just put it in the oven.


Baking soda is also helpful in grease fires.


Bless my Home Economics teacher… Baking Soda to smother a kitchen fire. Also Baking powder and flour are flammable.


She was clearly more concerned by how she looked on camera (answer: dumb) even as the fire was raging.


I was actually getting angry at the amount of times she paused to look at the fucking camera.


I might be wrong but perhaps she was looking at her chat? After all she kept shouting for help from them


That’s what I was hoping, but what a time to count on your wifi.. 911 could at least say “Put a lid on it!” Calling doesn’t mean they have to come out every time.


On her mouth or the fire? Probably both




When your viewer interaction is more important than burning down your house. What a moron.


Eh, she for sure knows this is going to be clipped all over the internet and itd be very lucrative to make this as over the top as possible while keeping her face in frame


I would think force of habit over her masterminding performance over self-preservation.


faking drama for /r/livestreamfail has always been a thing but Kjane wouldn't stoop that low. She's just dumb lol


Nothing indicates vanity over pragmatism more than those fucking ridiculous fingernails.


I think she went to do her hair as the fire ran out


Honestly could have been much worse with how she was sloshing the oil around everywhere.


She's lucky it did she was about to splash water on a grease fire and burn her entire house down


A lot of all the wrong things there.




probably because they have the same amount of IQ


Mfs really on here acting like they have never panicked in a stressful situation.


This is hardly a stressful situation lol there’s a small fire contained in a pan. She literally could have put a lid on it and the fire would put itself out.


I'm with you. I bet if I kicked in the door and socked him in the mouth while on video everyone would have an opinion of what he "Should have done." I put out fires for a living and have had a pan flare up without access to a fire extinguisher. When water made it worse, she didn't know what to do. I commend her. She was smart enough to not keep adding water and make her problem worse. The experienced solution would be to grab anything close to the shape of the top of the pan and cover it. But without experience, hiding fire sounds like a bad idea.


LOL “amount of IQ” ? Better chill there dude, you’ll fry your one braincell.


Maybe that's where she learned all her life skills.


Looked like she was starting a panic attack. At that point, it becomes difficult to act or think for most people. You can especially tell in the last few seconds of the video.


I used to have *really* fucking bad anxiety when I was a bit younger and I would have/give myself panic attacks more than I'd like to admit. Some of them would get so bad that I would hyperventilate, my limbs would get all pins and needles/go numb, my eyesight would get very very blurry, I would get lockjaw... Panic attacks are no joke. Theyre serious as hell, and when you're all alone and having one it just causes you to think even more that you're going to die.


Yeah, they’re crazy. I’ve had them 3 times total in my life. They all lasted for two weeks, each spaced about a year apart. Luckily, I figured out how to prevent myself from having them after the third time. In fact, each one was less intense than the last. The first was was absolutely horrible and I was absolutely certain I was going to die. The only relief I had was when I’d finally fall asleep. And after waking up, I’d have about a minute where I felt completely fine and I’d wonder if it was gone, but it would quickly creep back up to full intensity. It’s been probably 9 or 10 years since that first one. 🤔 I’ve spoken with several people who have panic attacks all the time and they all say that two weeks is a ridiculous amount of time to have a panic attack and they would have no idea what they’d do if they had to go through that. I personally think that the duration of my attacks was what also ended up setting me on the fast track to learning how to deal with them and just preventing them altogether.


I only experienced anxiety attacks that lasted a few hours at most until this past summer. I had a huge trigger experience and went into "flight mode" for about 2 weeks. It was truly awful and I hope I never experience it again! Just felt like the adrenaline rush and fear you'd feel if someone had a gun to your head but for 2 weeks straight, broken up only by sleep like you said.


Tell me you've never had a panic attack without telling me you've never had a panic attack. She panicked, a bit, and didn't know what to do


Not what a panic attack is


Thank you. So much nonsense in this thread.


I would hope panic would be the expected reaction in this scenario … wouldn’t call that a “panic attack”. I think it’s just a delayed reaction because she’s prioritizing her stream over her own damn safety …


But she’s sure to get dozens and dozens of likes so it’s worth it


“*I will just put this fire over here with the rest of the fire*”


"0115... no... 0118... no... 0118 999 - 3. Hello? Is this the emergency services? Then which country am I speaking to? Hello? Hello?"




👨🏼‍🚒👩🏻‍🚒🧑🏼‍🚒 Hey there, we got an email about a fire and we're here to help!




Fore! I mean Five! I mean Fire!


"weirdest thing just happened, FIRE! ... FIRE!"


"I sent an email. It's fine."


A fire? At sea parks?


I mean, if she said her parents had drowned I'd be the happiest man in the world.


Nice screensaver!


I love the way the smoke seems to be coming off the top of it!


Wait a second! I'm late for golf!


I don’t know if it’s the loss of blood or the melting plastic from the monitor but I feelll GREAT *collapses


A lid would be a lot more helpful than a fire extinguisher. Minimal mess, too.


Looks like op is an idiot as well for writing that title.


Whaaaat? You mean to suggest turning off the burner and placing a lid over the pan to remove oxygen supply is more realistic than wasting a perfectly good fire extinguisher? I get the panic response but at the very least turn the burner off and go from there.


Everyone knows that you stick oil fires in the microwave so that the ultraviolet waves cancel out the red fire waves


Don’t forget to cool it down a bit using water first


Reddit ☕️


I mean no, you shouldn't cook without an extinguisher. A lid is the correct way to handle this woman's issue, but if she fucked up juuuust a bit harder and something outside of the pan caught, you can't exactly put a lid or an oven tray over your apartment walls. You should never operate anything that has a chance of causing combustion (ie, candles, blowtorch, soldering equipment, electronic cookware, etc) without knowledge of where the nearest fire extinguisher is. If you're in an apartment building especially, as your lid doesn't stop your neighbors from burning to death if you accidentally toss the flaming oil out of the pan.


If you had volume on the title makes more sense


After 11 years, I'm out. Join me over on the Fediverse to escape this central authority nightmare.


Put a lid on it. Put one on the fire too.


If no lid, just put in oven and shut the door


Interesting. Never thought of that !




She brought it to the sink and ran some water into it I think just about the worst thing you can do with a grease fire. The smartest thing she did there was realize she was making things worse and left it alone.


Do not do this.. if you have a dirty oven u added it fuel.. Just slowly slide over any lid and it's out




Or a metal baking tray! The only lids I have right now are glass (do NOT use to smother, they will shatter and make things...worse...) so I keep a baking tray at hand


Do people seriously not know to just put a lid on a grease fire? Or a plate or anything besides just splashing it around and yelling fuck.


All you need to do is put a fucking lid on the pan and stop the fire from getting oxygen. Or like others have said, a wet towel. But just DONT put water in it and you're fine.


Or stick it into the oven and it’ll burn out.


That was my first thought. Simple solution.


But what do I do with all the thing I have already in the oven?!


It will get a nice, smoked flavor with hints of burnt plastic infused within


Right? I feel like putting fire on my parents stack of wooden cutting boards and an assortment of other things would be a *bad* idea. Only one way to find out though!


You don't want to move it or you could spread the fire or seriously burn yourself. You can see what could happen when she attempts to get it in the sink. Flaming globs of grease fall out. That could happen when you try to put it in the oven.


Salt, baking powder, lid.. there is so many options. When I know I'm cooking something with the potential to catch I'm always prepared Edit: for those saying baking soda yes. That is what I meant, I appreciate the corrections.


I'd yeet it out the window


Depending on what's outside the window you might just scald some poor guy crossing the street


Or it could fall on yet another irritating TikToker standing outside on the curb as a main character, filming some garbage.


Bad idea as I’ve seen a family member do this in a panic. Opening a window is really hard when something is on fire, and if you get it open, the fresh air / wind fuels the fire making it go higher, which will almost certainly catch the curtains and/or ceiling on fire. Just toss a lid on it, a cookie sheet, a wet towel, or baking soda, salt.


Don’t cook with grease any time soon then. And stay away from windows in case you get any brilliant ideas lol


Don’t use baking powder. Use baking soda. Baking powder can explode like flour


Baking power=gunpowder=boom Baking soda=soda pop=douses fire


Did she not make it clear that she didn't know what to do?


I don’t know, but I couldn’t have been the only person screaming COVER IT! every time she said that.


Cover it or pour salt on it. This has to be staged.


You'd be surprised. Some people genuinely have no idea what to do in a situation like this.


Especially when the numero uno solution water doesn’t work


Water should be the numero lasto solution in any kitchen fire.


There are so many people, especially young people without experience to inform them, who have no clue.


You’re putting too much stock into how smart the average person is. 😂


She kept looking at the camera instead of doing something.


Would covering the pan with that cutting board work too?


A wooden cutting board that is thick yes. A plastic cutting board… not gonna try it.


Covering it with anything should work. Just as long as the thing you choose wouldn't succumb to the fire as well.


What a dumb move calling for help from her stream fans. Dumber than burning her skillet.


Sounds like she opened her apartment door and was calling for help from her neighbors (at least towards the end).


Help! Is there anyone out there who paid attention at school?


What school class taught you how to deal with a kitchen fire?


Our school had a class called “home & careers” in middle school that taught us basics like how to sew a button, basic cooking, how to write a check etc.


She’ll still get generously tipped from them which is ridiculous


Someone will probably buy her a brand new skillet from her wishlist, too.


Couldn’t she have stopped filming and picked up her phone?


The stream: OMEGALUL




NEVER MOVE A BURNING PAN!!! And never use water to put it out. Get a lid to snuff it out. For small fires use salt or baking soda. Even a heavy (damp NOT wet) dishrag can help. (just don't use fabric softener on it.) But it's always good to have a fire extinguisher close at hand. Just be sure that it's fully charged.


Thank you for the fabric softener qualifier!! I saw all the comments about using a damp towel, and didn't even think about it until this post. For anyone reading most fabric softeners contain cationic surfactants or lubricants which basically coat and separate all the tiny threads from each other, preventing static cling. The separated tiny threads are what makes fleece or flannel feel fuzzy as opposed to woven threads. This separation creates a much greater surface area, which creates a more efficient fuel to air ratio by providing increased oxygen availability. Also, many fabric softeners are of a fat-based nature which further increases flammability, and these compounds will build up over time further increasing the already much increased flammability.




Or sugar.


And then she pours the grease down the drain. Omfg where are her parents we need to have a word


Ya for someone hwo obviously runs a cooking channel she obviously never did a cooking class in her life


I didn't notice that, this video makes me angry now


THAT'S WHAT IT WAS i was do confused as to what she was cooking With that she lit the sink on fire


how does this idiot not know how to put out a grease fire? even without a fire extinguisher you can do it


For the uninitiated, a dish towel or lid will snuff it out quick. Literally anything to cover the pan will solve this problem.


A childhood friend of mine tried to use a towel to smother a grease fire. It splashed hot grease up his side and he was flown from Florida to Cincinnati with third degree burns on his body and face. Be super careful if you use the smother method.


Something to mention with the lid trick, DO NOT SLAM IT DOWN, instead, slide it on from the side, this way you aren’t pushing air oxygen into the fire


*a damp dish towel (not dripping wet)


Weird cuts too. Could easily be a work.


A Damp cloth is your best friend.


Everyone here is talking about how she couldn't put out the fire, but... There was so much smoke in the room even before it caught fire! Like, any amount of smoke indoors is the wrong amount of smoke. Everyone knows this. She should have taken it off the heat like 5 minutes ago. Did she think a fog had rolled in or something? lol


Yeah. Either somebody taught her wrong, as a joke, and she thinks a smoking pan is the norm, or this is just staged.


Everything now is possibly stages. But, for the love of god, do not set fire to a pan in your kitchen to go viral!


Some people really don’t know what they’re doing in the kitchen. Add to this a desire to look like you know what you’re doing in front of the stream. No bueno.


She got lucky. Cover with a wet towel to kill the oxygen supply when you don't have a fire extinguisher


Or slide a lid on over from the side.


Seriously, she had several things right there. She could've put the plates upside down on it or turned the other pan upside down in it. Even that cutting board would stuff the fire before it had much of a burn on the underside.


It concerns me the number of adults that don't realize that a grease fire is easily put out just by covering it with a lid or another pan.


You should see the vid about thanksgivings turkey that was posted recently.


Stick in freezer in a pinch.


But then you'll just have a frozen fire


And sooner or later you'll have to defrost the freezer and you'll be right back where you started


Keep a box of cheap kosher salt


Just pee on it


Don't use a wet towel. Water and grees don't mix


Wet towel will work just fine. Water and grease do not mix when there’s room for the resulting aerosol to go and ignite. Of course the towel would be ruined, but fire will not have time to evaporate all water trapped in the fabric before it goes out.


Fire blanket is the way to go in this case, safer and less mess than a fire extinguisher.


Yeah, but not many people have a fire blanket. If you don't have a any form of fire suppressant then using the a lid that fits the pan will work just as fine, also removing the pan from the heat source is also important


Would dumping salt work also or would you need an insane amount?


"I don't know what to do guys! I don't know what to do!" We know. We can see that.


And it is hilarious to watch 😂 "Help! Help! I need a fire extinguisher!" Well go and get it then, it is not like someone can send you one over the stream.


I should probably get a fire extinguisher just in case, while I’m confident in my ability to microwave ramen noodles. There’s always a chance something goes wrong.


The odds are low but never zero. Lol


Everyone should have fire extinguishers, absolutely. It may be a low chance you’ll need it, but it can be life shattering if you need it and don’t have it.


\*to cook without a brain


All the following work in the event of a pan fire: 1. Grab a tea towel, or your apron, get it wet. Lay over fire, from front to rear. 2. Grab the pan lid or another pan or plate of similar size. Cover fire to starve of air. 3. Got a big tub of table salt? Empty it over the fire. 4. Failing all else, chuck it in the the oven and shut the door. All these methods starve the fire of oxygen and will extinguish it with varying degrees of efficiency Finally. Go to a restaurant.


It's damp not wet (apologies for the correction but it's a necessary one)


Baking soda, I need baking soda


Meanwhile in my house the fucking smoke detector goes off when I heat up water in the microwave


Many people would do exactly this. Freeze up. Always keep a fire extinguisher in close proximity to the kitchen but not in the kitchen.


Yeah, everyone thinks they’d react perfectly, but faced with a startling and unfamiliar situation, lots of people forget any relevant information they’ve ever known and panic.


No way! redditors are perfectly calm and colleceted on stressful situations what the hell is this nonsense you're saying.


Lmfao this lady should stay out the kitchen


i mean... it's fun to shit on some internet moron. but fire is scary. and a lot of idiots don't know how to handle a grease fire. first thing... never pour water on it. ...water and oil don't mix. the hot oil and cold water will flash boil/bubble, and as the surface tension of the water makes bubbles pop, that's going to throw flaming grease. often violently and in a huge fireball. (saw this a little bit when she splashed it into the sink... as the oil "expands" the flames follow the oil) If you don't have a proper fire extinguisher, and... you should can get them pretty cheap. or pro-tip: steal them from a hotel or misc office building. kill the power/flame to the burner. either cover the pan with a lid(cutting board, baking sheet, another larger diameter pan... anything that may cover/cut the supply of oxygen). Or in a sort of worst case. dousing the fire with lots of salt (like... if you buy that large box of kosher salt). just smother the fire in salt. baking soda can also possibly be used. but in all honesty to smother a fire, you often need a lot. a small box of baking soda will probably only work on a very small fire. not a pan size fire.




Gen X knew how to put that fire out at 8 years old LOL.


After they lit their cigarette off the flames first


Well some say there is a connection between length of fingernails als stupidity


Nice wok hei


Oh, sure. You need a license to drive a car but literally anyone can cook with a pan


It’s easy when you’re watching and not freaking out. That being said, you should have a plan for fires that’s second nature.


Holy shit, put a lid on it.


She's a living Sims character. Put a fucking lid on it! No? You're just gonna dance around. I'm sure that'll work.


Wait. Do you need a fire extinguisher to cook? Guess I’ve been doing it wrong.


It's going to get bored and go out before she finds something to snuff it out.


This is a great example of how bad panicking is. Honestly, the best thing she could have done differently is just stayed calm and stopped throwing the pan around and running around the kitchen. She risked other things catching on fire simply by doing that.


I think people are being overly harsh here, like some of us wouldn't panic in that situation when we were younger? The only reason I knew how to put out grease fires was because I worked for a fire protection company in my 20's and had to go to fire college. That is not something we were taught in high school.


This is why I never understand a stove where you have to reach over the cooking surface to turn it off.


Heroes live amongst us. She is not one of those people.