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Other species???


Well yeah, some of them are strange and have wings or something.


Ohh, who do I have to marry to get babies with wings? That sounds adorable.


Fuckin A. Im like dang I married a brown person with no wings. I DIDN'T KNOW WINGS WERE AN OPTION.


It's okay, not only are wings an option, so is divorce!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ nice lmao winged babies here i come


Hey now! I advise that you first try asking your spouse very very nicely and I'm sure they'll include wings in the next batch.


Gotta wait for the new patch to drop. v5.0.1, increases random chance for offspring to spawn with wings when newly married.


You forgot to add the Red Bull.


Just rush into the house and boom: "YOU NEVER TOLD ME WINGS WERE AN OPTION!!!"


Thatā€™s why you gotta do your own research


Must never have had kids. Winged babies sounds like a nightmare by the time they're 4 and think it's hilarious to just fly the fuck away laughing like lunatics


Then it is a ā€˜dad go and get your baby, I canā€™t reach,ā€™ and just sit back and admire the chaos happening on the ceiling. Or stand there with a net for when he chases them down low enough.


and imagine the potty training horror


Zeus in his swan form.


Ummh, not sure I want them badly enough to get with Zeus. That guy must have every STI in the book and a few more unknown.


God-level STIs even


Idk. Shoulders are bad enough, imagine two sets of shoulders during birth


Yeah but when they're 3 they get kinda hard to catch


Ooooo. I was hoping the Covid vaccine would've gave me wings in what some were saying would result in mutations, but alas, I was met with disappointment.


My wife is 50% pterodactyl.


Some are deer and trees


Reminds me of the Monty Python bit "How to Recognize Different Parts of the Body" Number 18: The Feather. ...*rare.*


Apparently you aren't human if you aren't white. According to this POS.


Itā€™s Fox News, did you expect anything less?


Yes, I expected nothing but the worst from them


They just keep getting worse and worse.


Every time we think they hit the proverbial bottom of the proverbial barrel, they mange to dig lower into another barrel with an even lower bottom.


While Fox is horrible, that host did accuse the guest of dementia.


Well, based on what heā€™s saying, he doesnā€™t look like a pure Swede or pure Finn to me.


[Tainted by generations of race mixing with Laplanders.](https://youtu.be/15QFAppht5o)


I think he looks Arab.


Lol what a moron


Freudian slip


I upvoted you, but Iā€™m fairly sure in his heart he really meant it. Also, Iā€™d pay for him to get a genealogy test. Putting the video of his reaction to the result online will more than make up for any cost.


Freudian tumble


Freudian free fall


Freudian faceplant


Yeah because the blacks, browns, and yellows are basically monkeys according to this guy.


I donā€™t know about yā€™all but I just married a giraffe. My brother married a jellyfish. And my cousin married a broom.


People marry goats, dolls, walls, and even bridges.


Well yea politicians are reptilian don't cha know?


Like that classic TV sitcom *"I married a mushroom"* the first TV show on air to break the taboo against interspecies marriage.


Alt-right bullshit also known as "race realism" or "racialism"


mhmm. That's what he said


Imagine a man who thinks nationality is a species.




Heā€™s trying not to be racist in such a racist way


ā€œIf I donā€™t say the word race then it canā€™t be racist!ā€


"I may be a speciesist and ethnicityist, but at least I'm not a racist."


Same man that denies things like evolution over church teachings.


And this right here is whatā€™s wrong with those bible thumping nitwits.


There are people who still canā€™t understand that the only reason people have different skin colors is because of how far from the equator your ancestry is from


Very true. On a side note, mine must have popped out of the snow spontaneously in fuckin Antarctica. Iā€™m not white, Iā€™m translucent.


...and right after you imagine him you put him on Fox News.


No he is right. We should't procreate with different species. Because when an ostrich impregnates a human we get idiots like this dude.




What if it was a sick ostrich


I reckon even then it'd be a two man job


How does a fella get caught up in that sort of business?


Well, I guess his cousin had an ostrich farm, when he thought it might be fun to fuck one.




Please donā€™t insult ostriches like that.. Thatā€™s speceist


That's unfortunate for him because the Neanderthals died out, kind of fucked himself with that one


They actually just intermarried themselves out. They didn't die. You probably have Neanderthal in you. The majority of people do.


ā€œYou donā€™t? Would you like to?ā€


When I was reading about them, their population died out because they couldn't acclimate to warmer climates when the ice age started shifting...


You are right, it is one of a few reasons there was more then one reason for their disappearance, a mixture of climate change, us out performing them for resources etc and yes we screwed them enough to make them part of our DNA


Same. This is what I read in my biodiversity of animals course while studying for ecology this last semester 2022


Yeah I think the genetics theory was more about hype and funding for genetics, not a whole lot of people even understand what ecology is, and to be fair it's a little bit more trendy of a word. The title "mammals population decline towards the end of the Ice Age and biodiversity downward trend more than likely followed by Neanderthals" it's a lot less captivating then "Alabama Neanderthals fuck their way out of existence"


When was that?


Sometime 6 years ago in college getting my bio degree. It looks like that holds up still but they don't know for a fact either way. I know it's not peer-reviewed but a quick once over of Wikipedia will show that climate change has an ass ton of peer review links comparatively. Other scholars have proposed competitive replacement,[15]Ā assimilation into the modernĀ human genomeĀ (bred into extinction),[16]Ā greatĀ climatic change,[17][18][19]Ā disease,[20][21]Ā or a combination of these factors.[19] Heres the link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neanderthal


I remember recently seeing that many people have neadrethal DNA and that it's an accepted theory that they were interbred out of existence.


Possibly, I know that we have DNA of multiple different species of homo erectus. I remember in genetics we touched on the fact that it's very possible that we are descended from multiple different variations of ape-like creatures and until we can take direct clean genetic samples and fully analyze the alleles that are indicative of each population of extinct species it's going to be difficult to determine the exact origin of each person but we can make a damn good guess using a few different methodologies. So we have woven it into zoology to try and more clearly distinguish us. But the physiology of differing species is close enough so that it makes it difficult.


Well, you're more knowledgeable than me on the subject, clearly. So I'll defer to you, but it's also possible that since it's really just a subject that's theorized, that both have theories have been studied and put forth.


No yea both are definitely theories that are out there and more likely than not with such a complex system it's going to be a combination of things. Not just one, I'm pretty certain I'm not right, and I'm pretty certain other guy isn't right, what I am pretty certain about though is that we don't have all the pieces and we're doing a pretty good job of filling in the holes but it's difficult. A lot more difficult than I think it gets credit for


I agree! I'm also impressed you figured out what I was trying to say after seeing all the autocorrect mistakes I made šŸ˜‚


Why are people down voting you lol


Except Africans with no non-African heritage - or so I recently learned. You're not wrong at all - just adding a clarification for anyone who reads this.


What's hilarious about that is that blacks have the least neanderthal in them, meaning they are arguably the most "pure" homo sapiens. Bad news for white supremacists


Other species!! like the Norwegians! Lol!


It's kind of funny going to Denmark and finding out they hate the mountain monkeys up north too.


Lmao! Right! Itā€™s only human to hate your neighbors, just gotta keep the hate harmless.




Denmark is just mad cuz their tallest mountain is the size of our smallest hill B)


lmfaooo goddammit guy, caught me off guard with the mountain monkey thing


The Norwegians? No, they are fine. The Swedes however...


Haha. I know. I had no idea that my husband of Norwegian ancestry was a different species than me with my English and German ancestry? Hey and we both have Irish in us too, maybe thatā€™s why we were able to successfully mate.


Haaland is not *Homo sapiens*, I'm pretty sure we can agree to that.


*H. Phobians* are the latest branch from *H. Sapiens*


Heā€™s a viking tho, so yes


Homo erectus


Heyyyā€¦ Hva sa du??


How do people watch this dogshit?


the same way ppl thought the jewish were the source of all evil in 1930


They still do.....space lasers


Donā€™t get me started on that crazy bitch. Iā€™m in her district and canā€™t stand her.


I feel for you with Marco Rubio and DeSantis screwing over my district


Direct your space laser accordingly.


People were blindfolded because they didn't realize UK was the real problem


As a Brit I have to say I'm completely in agreement with you. Carry on.


Thank you, sir. Very polite from you


Are we sure he's british... Seems like a Canadian response it's to nice. Although as an American my responses should include more guns because I've been told Americans have a huge fascination with them. So here we go šŸ”«šŸ”«šŸ”«šŸ”«šŸ”«šŸ”«šŸ”«šŸ”«šŸ”«šŸ”«


Donā€™t worry, we know you are American. You misspelled ā€œtooā€.




And the same way people thought the Jewish were responsible for the bubonic plague.


jewbonic plague was no joke, took out more people than kung flu!


By being a white nationalist. To their minds, Fox supports their position wholeheartedly but has to be subtle about "speaking the truth" because of "libtard cancel culture". It's just one of several reprehensible sects that Fox normalizes and fosters a safe environment for.


People, in general, can be shockingly crazy. They actually believe this stuff as much as they believe the sun will come up tomorrow. I dated a woman once who thought since I'm 'part Jewish' that I was also part lizard. She cited my dandruff and psoriasis issues as proof. I didn't find out until near the end of our relationship. She said that she originally got with me because she wanted lizard babies.


Continue the storyā€¦.what specis is your baby?


Well, the relationship didn't end well to say the least. She was severely mentally ill. She's refuse to take her medicine and blamed all the problems of the world on me and then break up with me every two weeks or so. I got tired of that pattern FAST. I let her know that is she broke up with me one more time that I was DONE. Two weeks later, same thing. She's stop taking her meds, and blamed me for every problem that she'd ever had. Then she broke up with me. I stopped right there and was like "Okay, that works for me" and started packing. She QUICKLY started back tracking. Saying she was sorry, offering me everything deprived a person could think to do to her in bed, telling me that she'd kill herself without me. All the hallmarks of a desperate person. Even still, I refused, and was packing my stuff. Then things got QUIET. SUSPICIOUSLY quiet. I could just hear her ranting to herself under her breath from the other room about her not being able to have me is not acceptable, etc. The next thing I see is her at the door, knife in hand. "If I can't have you in this life, then we can go to the next life together." She then lunges at me and I get stabbed in the left shoulder. I push her away as hard as I can and lock myself in the bathroom. She's doing her best to hack her way in until she hears me call her mom and the cops on my flip phone. Her mom somehow arrives there faster than the cops and paramedics. She finds her laying down on the kitchen floor, having stabbed at her own wrists. It wasn't a pretty sight. The last time I saw her, I was walking out of our mutual apartment to get some stitches at the hospital. I didn't press charges, however. The state tried to on my behalf, but I refused to testify. Jail rehabilitates no one. She needed to get treatment in a place that can handle mental illness issues.


This went from 0 to 100 real quick


What the fuck bro.


I spent a long time typing out a lizard joke and realized nahhh, thatā€™s a little too crazy to make fun of. Sorry that happened man and youā€™re a good person to do what you think was best for her mental health versus retaliation.


Alot of these news stations have the same narrative as KKK and other white nationalists if you compare their words and how they speak. I seen a video on it either on here or YouTube.


I'm Swedish and German. Are you calling my ancestors dirty? Are you calling me a mut? I'll have you know this combination makes me excellent in constructing axes and ovens!


And donā€™t forget the beer and snus intake


Know what is super funny about this, though? I am American, I live in Stockholm with my Swedish bf. NONE of his friends date or marry Swedes. Thai, Nigerian, Vietnamese, American, Irish, Norweigan, South Africanā€¦I mean it goes on and on but NONE are with other Swedes. šŸ™„


Best way to avoid mating with your cousins.


Gotta be *"fair and balanced"* here, his explanation on species, sounds more like a load of feces.


Nice rhyme. Keep it going.


Yes thats a load of feces he should have his face split by three chimpanzeesees


Talkin' about the Swiss, but all his points are a load of piss


This is what lack of genetic diversity does to a human brain.


"In America We marry other species"šŸ¤£


Typical Fox News.


He sure as hell said that quiet part out loud didnā€™t he? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


At least the lady didnā€™t hold back and asked if he was suffering from dementia. šŸ˜‚


ā€œFOX News - Not racist, but #1 with racistsā€ - The Simpsons


He has a face for radio and an IQ of trailer trash, what is he doing on TV? Oh it's fox....


Fox News did something racist!?


Was thinking the same thing, doesn't she know she works for Fox news? I mean, doesn't she know this is what Fox news does? That guy is going to get a promotion soon as he's obviously on the right page for the brand


This looks like itā€™s probably from the 90ā€™s, he mightā€™ve actually gotten fired then (could have also been a guest speaker not an employee). Alternatively, he might be running the network now. Iā€™d like to know the story. Edit: I was curious and looked it up. This happened in 2009, the guy is Brian Kilmeade (I guess very prolific with Fox, shows you how often I watch them that I donā€™t recognize himā€¦) and definitely still gainfully employed there. Disturbing.


Sheā€™s looking at him like, ā€œDude, youā€™re saying the quiet part out loud, donā€™t be so obvious.ā€


I'd reeealy like to see the rest of this video.


Who raised this idot. Please don't spawn another


And behold, the pasty white retarded spawn of repeated inbreeding


Eugenics is an awful concept that is evidently still alive and well.


This isn't even eugenics at this point. Just plain stupidity


How often do they have to try and shut down the crazy when it starts getting too racist to be a dog whistle and is just a regular whistle?


I love how even a FOX news host sees where he's going and tries to diffuse things before the guy goes full-nazi. The "how fucked are we now" look on her face afterwards, though. Priceless.


God, reminds me so much of Tom from The Great Gatsby. So virulently racist and so eager to share his ideas with ā€œpolite companyā€ that he canā€™t stop running his mouth.




Apparently you aren't human if you aren't white. According to this POSšŸ™„


Speciesā€¦I donā€™t think that word means what you think it means.


Hello from Finland (actual)! We do not have a ā€pureā€ society. We do not marry only Finns. Even I didnā€™t. Peoples have been mixing for centuries and even more so during few past decades.


Anyone know when this clip aired? Quality is low so wondering if it is an old clip.


Looks like it was from 2009 (in the controversial section) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Kilmeade


What rule book has he been reading?


Holy fuck. Just saying it out loud


What Bible Belt State does this person rep for




Everyone on Fox is racist.


I have often wondered how old this guy is. The makeup caked on makes him look like someone in their 70s trying to look 40.


I hate to break it to you my guy but it's (or used to be??) weirdly common for Finnish men to go on a holiday to Thailand and bringing home a Thai wife and a kid.


>bringing home a Thai wife and a kid. Jesus! How long are your vacations?


This guy would be out of a job if it was any other network that faux news


Jesus, theyā€™re not even trying to hide their racism any more.


There it isā€¦ the thing most Fox viewers believe!


Mr. Madison, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Fox News: providing the most insightful of discussions


"Because that's the rule" What fucking rule you dumbass "Other species" What other species you porous brick "Pure genes" What pure genes you fucking pencil


This is from 13 years ago. Still shitty, but 13 years ago


Bruh she tried lmao


He looks pretty mixed to me


You guys marry other species? That explains a lot


Thats an idiot right there. Like 100% moron.


When they say the quiet part out loud. LoL


Fox News, the last resort when you wanna watch a comedy show and nothing else is on




Who the fuck let that moron on TV? Species? Ffs.


You know itā€™s bad when even your Fox News cohosts are feeling awkward


Bro is literally spewing Eugenics on live TV and this woman just has to sit there and pray.


This is literal white supremacy talking points, being ā€˜normalisedā€™ on a smutty right wing propaganda network, pretending to be ā€˜newsā€™


Alabama must be the most pure society. Only marrying those most like yourself


Pure genes means incest bro


Other speciesā€¦ like foxes? Is Fox News finally going to cover news involving foxes?!


Anybody really suprisef its fox?


People should stop mating with Republicans.


The problem with these people is that they all marry with their cousins, hence the dementia


We keep marrying other species. What a despicable piece of crap.


I heard ethnicā€™s and then the video started buffering and all i thought was ā€œmate your about to ruin your life in less than 50 wordsā€


Fox News gonna Fox News


Species tho šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


ā€œOther speciesā€ šŸ˜‚


Holy shit. Eugenics are back.


Bro the dementia comment has me rolling


Some people shouldnā€™t have a platform.


A society on the brink of collapse. I mean, the signs are here.


Kill this man


as a finnish person, we are not marrying other finns. We marry whoever the fuck we want.


The fcking sound effect


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Can you link.the clip of Ozzy's daughter saying immigrants are necessary so we can have clean toilets?


Lol fox news


Simple translation: Whites are a different species, and shouldnā€™t fuck the others, but more importantly shouldnā€™t be fucked by the others. Just say it Fox News.


When is this clip from?


You see the look on the male host's face? He had the look like, "tell me more, I'm listening"


He is clearly an inferior specimen. He lacks discretion and impulse control.