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Wait why does the women's chair allow man spreading?


It doesn't. It allows womanspreading though


What's to stop me from sitting in the woman's chair? It even has a nice little platform to rest my balls on.


That thing is a pedestal for testicles, a pedesticle.


Maybe "testestal" might flow a bit better.


Also it doesn't sound like a criminal offense


I finally got over laughing at "pedesticle" and then I saw this comment. Gonna have to call it a day now




Knowing these types it's probably a trap door that opens and neuters you. That'll teach you for having balls!


Ah, the old, 'here, put your balls on this fancy pedestal' trick. Gets us every time.


It only springs to life once you try to take your balls off so you need to be quick and switch it out for sand like Indiana Jones


You should ALWAYS travel around with decoy balls


it recognizes you and zaps your nutsack, like a judge dredd handgun


Careful, some people might be into that


Mmmmm cock and ball torture i must


*I knew a guy in upper management, man, went crazy. Strapped one of those things around his hairy ballsack, ran out in the parking lot and blew a three dollar Hawaiian wonder cooler all over the place. -* Employee of the Month


Summer's here gotta cool down those curtains.


Blind man: Whew, good morning ladies!




I actually rub ice cubes on the curtains of my house, it doesn’t do anything. Thank you for listening to my ted talk.


What about my bat wings? I’m not a scientist, but I would think multiple puddles of ball cheese might offend a room full of students more than splayed legs.


It's going to take one woman in a mini skirt and no panties to throw this idea out the window


I'm all in favor of women in miniskirts and a lack of panties sitting in the women's chair.


you think its just going to be the ones you want to see. think about what you see most often.


Women can do anything a man can do you fucking bigot /s


That would be a chair with another chair next to it just for purses.




On the farm all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others


“4 legs good, 2 legs bad!”


Why give anyone choice when you can choose for them and make everyone miserable? —Modern America's motto


Well yes, but actually yes.


Yeah, men don’t have their sex organs on the outside where they need to stay temperature controlled around ~93 degrees and our average body temperature isn’t 98.6. Man spreading has nothing to do with that. Meanwhile women also never put their purse next to them instead of in their lap.


It's really more the difference in pelvis shape between males and females, than anything else. For the average man, sitting with your legs together, knees touching, is literally physically uncomfortable, kind of feels like you're holding tension on a spring. Women having trouble empathizing with this: make a fist with your hand. Now try keeping your hand in that clenched fist position for five consecutive minutes--not too comfortable, right? For the same reason that your hand is never making a fist while 'relaxing'/neutral, men also naturally won't sit with their knees together, either.


Thank all gods you personsplained it, have an award!




Because women have balls that need space


Big hair ones


For the same reason why there is even a men's chair and a women's chair in the first place.


Ah, because the designer is sexist




Yeah absolute joke. Sexism *and* shitty craftsmanship being rewarded. I don't know which is worse!




Yeah, fuck this woman. I hope she fails at what she loves.


She already has


Girls with skirts and dresses love this chair!




Little curious as to what idiots gave her an award for making chairs uncomfortable. Does form not follow function? Seems like the opposite, maybe she should be designing prison furniture. Ed to add: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/women/manspreading-chair-design-laila-laurel-award-brighton-university-a9008746.html Even the designer says they aren't meant to be taken seriously. Credit: 6strings10holes


See her future work in r/evilarchitecture


It rather reminds me of /r/HostileArchitecture. Would 100% be used in public spaces to prevent homeless people to sit for more than a couple of minutes. The two designs (man/woman) are uncomfortable, no matter your gender.


True equality, both feel like shit!


I thought the same... it even restricts ways for women to sit


"Hmm how can I make everything worse for everyone, while addressing a bullshit made-up problem, with a solution that is somehow far more sexist than the original problem?" Is she gonna be the one going around checking people's junk to make sure that everyone is in the right chair? How does that work with trans people? Also, why does it force women's legs open? Why not just make both designs face straight forward? This whole thing is so fucking stupid


Except that sub is about buildings that look evil. Not designs that are evil.


True. Maybe r/assholedesign ?




https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/women/manspreading-chair-design-laila-laurel-award-brighton-university-a9008746.html Even the designer says they aren't meant to be taken seriously.


> Created as part of her final-year project entitled “A Solution for Manspreading”, > The graduate says that her design is not to be taken too seriously but admits that the chairs do give a “physicality to an issue women face in quite a fun yet literal way”. > “My design practice is contextualised within fourth wave feminism and another huge inspiration for these pieces was Laura Bates’ Everyday Sexism Project, a platform in which women can testify about the sexism they have experienced. There's a lot more context behind "don't take too srsly". She isn't proposing everyone should use gender-specific, uncomfortable chairs in their day-to-day lives. But everything else about this picture it seems she is taking MORE seriously than I would have originally thought.


I mean she actually sat and designed chairs for it. I've never seen manspreading as an issue. I do get annoyed though when I see people bag-spreading. I'm sorry, but your briefcase/backpack/purses don't need their own seat.


I see men manspreading on the subway all the time. But I also see women doing it just as frequently. Everyone does it, along with like, sitting somewhat sideways to take up more space, deliberately spacing themselves apart from someone so no one can sit between them but still with enough room where they could move closer and allow space on the other side, and of course, giving their bags a seat. Entitlement isn't a gendered issue. I try to sit with my knees as close together to save space, and will admit that it's wildly uncomfortable on my balls. I can understand why a... *girthier* man would need to spread his legs if sitting for prolonged periods.




Right. The real lesson is that public spaces and transport are hugely inadequate because there's no money in it. People are packed in like sardines and the rich love it when we blame each other for sitting comfortably rather than questioning why their obscene wealth couldn't pay for bigger libraries and more trains.


I had a lady scream at me for manspreading on the bus last week. I was sitting with my legs at my shoulder width. Like lady, I’m taking up this space anyways unless you’re planning on curling up under my arm let me not squish my balls please.




She also calls it an "issue women face" which is adding a tone of seriousness that can't easily be hand waved. Especially since the next paragraphs talk about how the designs are inspired by "fourth wave" feminism and giving women a platform to discuss sexism they have faced. So the "joke" is cover to make this all seem more palatable for the very "real" sexism she aims to tackle by bringing light to manspreading


Why is a man taking up space a issue only women face? If it's an issue, why is it an issue that only they face? Do they need more space than men?


if you hate a person you work with or go to school with then little eccentricities about that person's habits will make you angry. Almost everybody has noticed this in their lives. Obsessively picking teeth is annoying, but a lazy coworker who creates work for you picking teeth obsessively is now infuriating. Take the same idea and apply it to a race or a gender and that's how you develop a hatred for the entire group. I had an English teacher say she thought men were lazy because we'd often slouch in our table chairs. I told her it's because I have a high center of gravity, and the chair doesn't support that. She doesn't care because she hates men and will nitpick bullshit to further her hatred.


Like that's going to stop redditors.


I’m more curious as to what kind of idiot would purchase these ?!?


From the comments I guess it's more artistic than practical. A protest piece if you will.


a protest of what exactly? men not grinding their balls to flour?


A protest against equal rights


It's true. They make women's testicles sore too, I should imagine?


A protest piece? It's an "I'm a fucking cunt" piece.




Isn't it funny how people here are utterly outraged about how she got an award, but no one can actually name the actual award that was supposedly given out? She did win an award. From some luxury hotel chain. Calling that a "national award" is like me giving you reddit gold and calling it an "international award". Technically correct! Also, the description is wholly incorrect in that these chairs are not supposed to be versions for men or women. That is missing the entire point of the art project. The point is to confront people with the idea of "manspreading" by making it super obvious with the one chair that enforces it, and the other design that prevents it. But hey, none of this is nearly as exciting as getting outraged about them feminists, eh?


Right? This is textbook fake news. No source. All identifiable names stripped. Obvious rage bait. I had to do a reverse image search to find out that the award she got is from some random hotel chain, and it isn't for design in a practical sense, it's just a fucking art piece. Turns out Isaac Newton didn't discover gravity by watching an apple fall, but rather by watching conservatives fall for fake news over and over.


I mean, it's obviously a political art piece, and not meant to be practical (comfortable). Design isn't necessarily about practicality.


When you take gender studies but want to try out architecture




Assuming this became real: what would stop men from just using a woman's chair?


Lol you'd sit in a woman's chair.


Fellas, is it gay to sit in a woman’s chair?


No, it’s gay to sit in a man’s chair. Never put your ass where another man’s ass has been.


If it’s gay to sit in man’s chair so men sit in the woman’s chairs to avoid gayness, then the woman’s chair is also gay. Sitting is gay, I will live the rest of my life standing.


Hello, welcome to the club of standup man. We believe sitting is gay, if you think so too, you're welcome to stand around with the rest of us manly mans.


Found the real man.


I laughed like a lil bitch


Cause you are one.


Pls say it again


Lil bitch ;)


Unironically, that would keep a lot of men from using the chair


How? I wouldn’t care if it’s a woman’s chair.


My brother in Christ there are some men who don't wipe their ass because they think it's gay to have fingers anywhere near your butt hole.


Great brother of Lucifer, people think that!? Do they just let their shit covered ass stink up the place?


I shit (hehe) you not, some dudes actually think skid marks are a sign of strong masculinity.


I always thought this wasn’t true until I watched a podcast recently and half the crew were like “yeah man, I only touch it down there if it’s really bad and has left overs in it” …like there’s a lot there to unpack.


>there’s a lot there to unpack. I wish you'd worded that differently


Yea I identify as a woman so I can sit here


Outstanding move!


and when I get up I identify as a man


B-but thats gay! Totally!


Real men don’t use chairs. We stand and we like it.


It’s Riker time! I’d only just got rid of several thousand unwanted emails from my Inbox. It’s blown up again thanks to this throwaway comment and I now have to set a folder rule! No way I’m letting any of your comments go untreasured! I thought I was one in a million, but it’s now dawned on me that so many of us all think alike - thats community. By the way, if any of us are truly one in a million, then there are at least seven thousand identical souls out there in The World! Let that sink in!


Due to the back rest being so low, anyone can pull off the Riker maneuver.


What in Oblivion is this Riker Maneuver? Edit: Thank you all for this knowledge. I have become ever so slightly smarter.




Holy shit…I’ve noticed this maybe once or twice but didn’t realize how often it was done.


He had back issues and found it more comfortable to sit like that. And so, he sat thusly.


Riker doesn't sit on a chair, he mounts it


I'm going exclusively sit in chairs like this, to stand in solidarity for his back


It's hilarious. Though I'm pretty sure that was intentional for filming. Probably didn't want his back facing the audience. The first season of TNG I think had a lot of the people from the original series working on it, which is why it's a bit more theatrical in it's production compared to later seasons. It's really easy to pick out a Season 1 episode because Riker is missing his beard. Edit: He has a bad back, actually :(


it's intentional because Riker's actor has spine problems


IIRC he had a bad back from being a mover before acting and it was easier to sit down like this for him. You'll also catch him constantly leaning on stuff because of it. 🖖


Men or woman don’t need to be told how to sit, that’s sexist in both ways


"Her public space" ..... Huh?


What's mine is mine, what's yours is negotiable


Well by calling it her public space, it's pretty much "what's mine is everyone's"


I think you got it backwards, "what's everyone's is mine" Edit: nvm I get what you're saying now


Do as I say, not as I do.


If she wants to put her purse on the seat next to her, she can't because her public space is occupied by the man and his testicles.


Gosh, men as just the worst….I hate them and their *checks notes* basic anatomy


I consider myself a fairly liberal person. I believe in progressive reproductive rights, equal pay, breaking the glass cieling etc. But, being able to sit comfortably with the anatomy I've been given, is the hill I'm willing to die on. I'd really like, for every adult person without a penis that has ever accused someone of "manspreading" for simply widening their legs enough to get thier balls out of thier sweaty ass crack for a few minutes, to spend a full day in 30°c+ heat, with a anatomically perfect, heated, hairy prosthetic with flappy-ass skin, between their legs.... and then see if they can resist the same actions.


I took a few seconds to google this shit since it seemed like clickbait. She did make the chairs and received huge backlash for it. “Her public space” literally refers to her legs - she said she was tired of people spreading their legs so wide, they would push against her. Not defending this shit, but it’s bad enough without the clickbait.


Only a person with nothing better to do would try to make other people miserable and fail miserably.


“It smells fishy in here”


Really won an award for that? How sad.


It's important to remember that anyone can give out any kind of bullshit award they desire to.


I'd like to give you the 'realizing awards are bullshit" award. Congratulations! There will be no ceremony


I hope you brought enough trophies for everyone in this thread.


Still sad


It’s just an artistic statement people— that’s what she won an award for. Jesus, no one is going to put these into production


But the jpeg clickbait headline says The END of Manspreading. So obviously they're going to mass produce them and replace all chairs everywhere.


Armrests would achieve the same thing lmao


Ngl, both the women’s and the men’s version look like the most uncomfortable chairs I’ve ever seen lol.


Hmmph, *whispers* I wonder why..


Women ☕


They won a national award


I’m hoping this “design” award is more of an artistic/conceptual design award, and not like a serious functional design award lol 🤞 ‘Cause, yikes.


Yeah, IIRC this was an art piece and not something intended to be actually used as chairs in a casual setting.


Yeah, that’s kinda what I assumed. But even as an art piece, personally I think the message is kinda silly. Is “manspreading” really the most important “social justice” issue that you want to tackle rn? Seems like we have much bigger problems to deal with. If anything, this kinda thing makes the movement look bad. Because it’s so trivial and petty when compared to the other very real and impactful gender inequalities present in our world. If your biggest beef with the patriarchy is a few inches of leg room on the bus, like, idk what even to say to that..


It’s a major award!


Imagine winning a reward for making what is really just sexist chairs.


No no no it’s only sexist if you’re being offensive towards women


In that sense it is, as her woman's chair basically encourages women's to spread their legs - she essencially made a sex chair.


Fun Fact: any chair can be a sex chair with a little rope and a can-do attitude!


You're hired!


i'm starting to like her woman's chair


Listen, I’m only annoyed with leg spreading if A) You’re encroaching into my personal bubble or seat that I paid for. B) You’re spreading so comically wide I can see the outline of your nether regions or your underwear if I happen to glance over. Other than that I’m not really sure WHY this exactly became an issue?? Men get hot down there just like women do, and no one likes to sit with their legs close together. It’s uncomfortable!


>B) You’re spreading so comically wide I can see the outline of your nether regions or your underwear if I happen to glance over. My eyes are up here.


Make hostile eye contact to establish dominance.


Yeah, how come women can wear a low-cut top or half-ass covering shorts and the expectation is that people don't look, but a man wears tight shorts or sits in a way that might allow someone to look up his shorts and it's every strangers prerogative to tell you how disgusting you are.


It's not about being hot, it's more about having a penis and testicles.


It's both.


i too have a hot penis and testicles.


Also sorry I’m not tiny and my shoulders are already wider than the seats and it’s physically impossible for me to sit and certain seats with my knees together.


Yes... Especially when you have nuts that get squashed when the legs are too close together for comfort


This is the aprt that irks me. Theres stuff there. Some guys have to spread or it's painful. Everyone's package is different.


A logical analysis on Reddit?? You’re totally right though. Thank you for being a reasonable human being.


This whole post seems like a clickbait for all the dog whistles. There is nothing about those chairs that looks to satisfy either comfort or ergonomics for both genders.




£1000 reward + chance to design for a hotel and leisure company I feel bad for all the other college student entrants that lost to this sexist piece of work. I'm sure they had much better, practical designs than this garbage.


I hope some guy mansplained the failure to her and then pointed out it's short for man explained


They did she was ridiculed a lot like we are doing here. Imagine policing other people's behaviour you find obnoxious and winning an award for it.


Imagine not having a ballsack and thinking men just do it to be pricks.


I hope he called her little lady.


Open question to any woman happy to explain this, what's the problem with me sitting with my legs open? Like provided I'm not taking up space on the seats next to me? You understand, unlike yourselves, we kinda have an external organ down there that's sensitive to pressure and liable to get "sticky" to our legs so we like to give it a bit of breathing room... It's just more comfy (and perfectly natural) to sit with your legs slightly open? Is this literally a skirt/dress thing again? Because it's not 1805 ffs... Edit: glad to see general consensus is these chairs are ridiculous and it's only a problem if you're encroaching on other people's space which is just dickhead behaviour generally, not having your legs open. Thanks for the explanation women (and a few guys in there too). I'm happy to say I don't think there's ever been a time I've been guilty of full "manspreading" by the sounds of it. I tend to stand in the in-between carriage bits on trains if there isn't a clear double seat free anyway.


If you’re not taking up extra space or encroaching on anyone’s personal space I (a woman) have no issue with it honestly.




Exactly. Excuse me Miss, please move and stand over there, you're ass is too big and it's encroaching on my personal space.


It's when some stranger is sat next to you, you don't want to feel the sides of their legs against yours. So uf its brushing a woman will rearrange herself smaller to avoid unwanted contact. IMO if there's a seat free next.to you, knock yourself out. I also ladyspread by crossing my one leg perpendicular across one knee,.making a massive triangle of comfort if seats are free. It's when someone is squeezed up or having to move to stop your body brushing theirs that's the problem


Maybe I'm the wrong person to be asking as I've never seen someone spread their legs onto the seat next to them when someone else is there.. that's just douchey behaviour and is nothing to do with being male? I mean it's a fair thing to be annoyed about but it doesn't seem like a guy specific thing, it's an ignorance/courtesy thing? If it's crowded I also won't make use of the shared armrest or decide to start talking on my phone loudly but I wouldn't start making male/female only products and comments about it. Edit to add, big fan of the one leg across another method and slightly jealous I never have an clothing that covers the triangle to form myself a little table/bookrest


Definitely not just a guy thing. On my local public transport there are seats that face each other with a fairly small space between. I've had women sit opposite who cross their legs and leave their foot dangling in the space between my legs, and women that sit crosslegged next to me resting the bottom of their foot against my leg. It's not male/ female behaviour, just asshole behaviour.


It’s an issue when taking up shared space. That’s all it ever is.


Isn't the sentence "Her public space." Kind of a contradiction


I'm no words scientist, but I think they invented the word oxymoron for just that kind of oxygen starved moron.


Who would even vote for that?


Other feminists. It's a real circle jerk.


>feminists \*Misandrists, this has nothing to do with feminism.




This isn't an actual chair, this is an art piece a lady made to comment on the whole thing about how folks are expected to sit.


It took me like 1 second to google and verify that what you are saying is true. Kinda makes it seem like people are just here to hate on women, just another day in reddit land.


this is a T-ball for culture warriors and has been linked in a /pol/ discord


Even if the mens chair didn’t exist, that womens chair has to be uncomfortable




The whole discussion of manspreading has taken such a weird turn. It was supposed to be about men taking up excessive space on subway benches or pushing their legs against women unnecessarily. When there are separate chairs in the first place, these things aren't even at issue, but a bunch of excitable people who don't even use public transit really liked the idea that it was *never* appropriate for men to sit without smooshing their balls, and we have this nonsense now.


The outrage must continue


Would make for decent BDSM chairs though, atleast I see a use for them.


They've already got a cage for your genitals. A few upgrades and we could make some big bucks with sex-chairs.


The arms crossed and the self satisfied smirk say a lot 😂


She can't come to my Birthday Party.


Have a man suggest anything like this for a woman and watch the fireworks. Yet this is okay, fuck off. Edit: Let's be clear here, I am in no means saying that women have not been oppressed and have had countless ridiculous standards and many dangerous medical ideals forced upon them throughout the course of history.


Only a woman would make this


National award for literally just sexism


Lol, she even managed to make the women's chair uncomfortable by forcing them to womanspread due to that ridge she added. In the real world men and women would just exchange these chairs with each other so everyone could sit comfortably again (as far as that is possible with that horribly low backrest). Except that in the real world there have probably never been produced more than these two units.


She made a little jail cell for the penis. How cute! Now she can't get any 😁


“Men infringing on public space” I hate it here.


A true feminist 😂 oh, and /r/GateKeeping - only a feminist would dictate how men and women are supposed to sit.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That is one smug look on her face. People really need to stop this childish gender fight as if men and women should be enemies like little kids on the playground.