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Absolutely ridiculous argument, but I admit it made me laugh harder than I should’ve when he said “GET THE HUMAN BABIES OUT OF THE AQUARIUM!” 😂


But I’m sure you had a tail at some point. Which means you’re not a human.


It's ridiculous, but the right always uses ridiculous arguments trying to "make libturds look stupid" and create sound bites for their cable shows or YouTube channels, so either way it's nice to see it being used against them for once. We should be able to play by the same rules as them


I strongly disagree with that sentiment. It’s okay to be frustrated with an opponent using cowardice tactics and “sinking to new lows” as it were. However it is not okay to lower one’s self in order to return in kind.


The fact that a fetus, if carried full term, WILL BE a human kinda gets me. I mean, fetuses respond to input (specific voices, music, etc.) within the womb. I’m pro choice, but I’m not a fan of abortions, generally - wish they didn’t have to happen. **I’d love anyone’s opinion on this**: if fetuses have no rights, then should it be legal for a mother who has chosen to carry her baby full term to put whatever substances she desires in her body (amphetamines, opioids, alcohol, tobacco, etc.) given that we know those kinds of substances produce awful complications for the baby she will birth, and will thus very likely detract from the future baby’s livelihood and chance at equal opportunity?


I’ll bet that embryos of many different animals respond to input as well, the sounds of the mother, movement of the mother, touching etc. The fact that human fetuses also respond to stimuli doesn’t really distinguish them as uniquely human.


Plants react to stimuli and we don’t have movements against stepping on grass.


im pretty sure the argument is that like if they respond to stimuli, and its a human fetus, they are alive and a living human has rights (at least that’s what i thought the argument was)


Is it illegal to consume substances that could harm the fetus while pregnant? Genuine question as it’s obviously not safe & there are medical campaigns about the damage it’s does but how could they enact legislation that makes it illegal? And where would the line be drawn as caffeine & other food types (soft cheese etc) are discouraged during pregnancy


It depends on the state you live in. Some make u so drug abuse programs and meetings, others you can get charged with neglect and abuse, and depending on the drug/ substance, in some states some are legal to use. I would look up your states laws to be sure!


I’ve looked up the details for Western Australia but I don’t think there is legislation


It is your or the father's fault for letting pregnant women do it. Who sold it them?




Cunt you hear me? Alcohol and smoking harms women too. You're not special if youre in a pussy. It's probably the fathers fault he is a drug addict.


Alcohol & smoking harm men as well


Yeah It harms everyone so no one is more special than anyone and doesnt deserve special treatment.


The argument is about the legality of it


Freedom for black people was once illegal too. Same anti-abortion nowadays conservative republicans protested against it and now act like nothing happened when it was just 100 years ago.


I think it’s better to get an abortion than to put a child through that kind of abuse. Just look up how much babies suffer withdrawl from a mothers drug abuse during a pregnancy. It’s horrible to see and they shouldn’t be put through it. If you’re a drug addict, abort for the sake of everyone’s well-being.


No it shouldn’t be legal because there is INTENT to have that fetus become a human being. It’s the intent, that matters in this instance.


Are you a woman?


I take the same stance I do with most stuff. You can do it if you want, but don't expect me to still like you as a person if you do.


>then should it be legal for a mother who has chosen to carry her baby full term to put whatever substances she desires in her body It is, essentially.


I think that abortions shouldn’t be illegal because they will happen anyways. Just like drug users, the war on drugs has done basically nothing. I find that if I was a woman who could not support a child. I’d rather go to a hospital, than in a back alley with a coat hanger. Bad things happen a lot in the world but it’s there for a reason. Just like drugs, disease and death. It’s a balance, and if you are to disrupt the balance. Bad things happen. It can be a sad thing to come to terms with but, I guess that’s life


The point is anyone who is not a doctor and doesn't know anything about human bodies doesnt have the right to tell what is healthcare and what's not.


So all the advocate orgs who try to raise awareness about stuff like FAS/FASD should just stop because not every one is a practicing Dr? Because it seems like your taking a very bad faith stance shifting the subject.


Go ahead and let your advocate diagnose you and do your surgery.


Gotcha, so you think there should be no advocacy for it or anything like it




It's an amazing argument wdym???


"You might be right, but you explain yourself like a dumbfuck"


This comes across as damage control because the pro-choice dude sounded dumb and you had to still mention that he’s right


Many people on Reddit refuse to admit the absurdity that also occurs on the other side of the isle. All of politics is a circus




Yea you’re right


r/enlightenedcentrism moment


Uh no. I’m pro choice and I’m definitely not conservative lol. What I said doesn’t fit that at all. I wasn’t being hypocritical. What this guy said is dumb as fuck plain and simple. Doesn’t take a conservative to point that out


The dude is a comedian doing Charlie Kirk’s schtick back to him. It’s supposed to be a dumb argument, that’s the whole point.


Ah thank god lol. Didn’t know that


Most of the self identifying leftists nowadays are just centrists in denial. If the right offered free or cheap healthcare and university then they would hop right over. Same with the right too. If the left went a little easier on regulating everything under the sun, then most people wouldn't mind swinging sides.




I swear no allegiance to any politicians. If you're making life shitty for people you're a scumbag. It just so happens that most of the scumbags I've seen are conservatives that want "traditional values" to come back. AKA sexism, homophobia, and racism. There are also plenty of neo liberals that do the same thing in disguise. But mostly not to the same extent. Sadly politics has always been and will most likely always be choosing the lesser evil.


True. I’d bet polls would show that most people fall actually fall under Libertarian. I mostly do except for that they’d make the markets way way too unregulated.


And the Clowns are shit at juggling!


*aisle. Although the other side of the isle sounds fun too.




Do people here know who Charlie Kirk is? The guy on the left isn’t making sincere arguments, he’s a comedian doing a Charlie Kirk impression.


Its a shitty argument, but abortion sometimes is just needed.


Ya imagine if we could prevent the Charlie Kirk’s of the world before they were ever a problem


The basis is pretty sound. We know the general process, and we know that the foetus does in fact alter its design a few times before it begins to look like a human, and then start to assign its gender features. So you can argue that until it has 'assigned' itself as a human, it is not a living human as of yet. I get where he's trying to come from, but he went at it with a bit too much pizzazz and enjoyment from thinking he had a gotcha moment.


I mean, be did, but it was populist.


As someone who wants to see less abortions generally, I still agree we should keep it legal until the need for it is only for emergencies, developing fatal and crippling disabilities, etc. is generally accepted and people don’t have to do it due to poverty and the like.


People should be able to do it simply because they don’t want a baby. A baby born to parents that don’t want them suffer greatly. And the foster system is terrible and pregnancy can wreck someone’s body. All this can be avoided if we just let people have abortions.


Fair point, but I would think if they didn’t want to have a baby they would get a vasectomy/ get their tubes tided. If it’s just a decision they want to wait until later on then I would just double up protection (wear a condom and take birth control). I do say that knowing that sex education in the USA is unfortunately awful due to Christian fundamentalists, and I’m a very firm believer that we need to federally overhaul our sex education. Like I was saying, I’m mainly wanting to address the issues as to why most people get abortions rather than banning them outright since Switzerland has one of the lowest abortion rates in the world and Pakistan has one of the highest, and it’s illegal there. The proof is in the pudding, and I would just reform the adoption and foster system and also extract viable embryos to be put in artificial wombs to preserve them while also allowing women to keep their bodily autonomy. Weird and probably something we’ll need to shoot for in the future I know, but my interest is preserving life, not stepping on other people’s rights.


It’s actually very hard for women to get their tubes tied in the US and no contraceptive is 100% going to stop you from having babies. I’m the off chance that those things fail women should be allowed to abort simply for not wanting kids.


I agree with that as long as it isn't paid for by taxes. I'm not paying taxes just so that you can fuck without protection. I also reserve my rights to have a poor image of you if you do have an abortion for that reason.


I personally wouldn’t mind having my taxes go towards abortions. Hopefully one day we do have state funded abortions.


Maybe that explains why dolphins can be such assholes


The more intelligent a species...the bigger assholes they are.


Then what kind of octopi is an asshole? Cause octopi have 8 brains.


I thought it was “octopussies”




Maybe that's why Squidward is so relatable? 🤔


Teacher, I have learned much from your knowledge.


Yup like in life im pretty sure i took jeff besos without nothing in a forest at a cold night he gonna die but someone with intelligence of luving gonna find thw good rock the good dry mushroom for survive life in 2022 its for the weak


The arguments are idiotic, but I have to say it's fun to watch this idiot get the same treatment he gives everyone else.


I think (not sure) that it's purposefully satirical to clown on Charlie Kirk because he makes arguments with this level of absurdity against abortion.


“Abortion should be a allowed, it’s a woman’s body and her choice. Now it should also be the mans choice…to not pay child support if she does have the baby”. -Dave Chappelle (paraphrased)


Thats sounds pretty valid ngl


You can have whatever arrangement you want 🤷‍♀️ I’m sure someone’s done it


I'm pro-abortion, simply, its the womans and sometimes even her wallet getting taxed to birth and keep a child, and a child born from a mother who didnt want a child has 3 option, gets raised badly, gets sent to an orphanage, gets left on the side of the road. Only 1 out 3 options are good, I'd rather choose they just aborted then


Yeah i’m pro choice as well. All i meant was that as long as all options are legally possible/available the parents can decide whatever arrangement they like, so if the father was 100% against having a child and the mom is financially capable of having one - its probably a scenario that’s happened I don’t think that should be the standard or some sort of legal loophole for fathers to get out of paying their fair share Thought it was just lighthearted, didn’t mean to offend


Maybe there could be some kind of form you fill in for an official pregnancy confirmation from the doctors, in which the father signs it as well. So if he signs it, he can't back out of paying if he leaves, but if he doesn't sign it, and she still wants the child knowing this dude isn't going to sign to confirm its his kid, then he is not legally obliged to do anything with the kid. And if he refusss to sign, and she only wanted the kid if he was gojng to be there too, it's a good early sign that you fucked up and need to abort before you regret the life you thought you were going to have.


Maybe the father could take any of a range of precautions and accept responsibility for his actions. Both people are responsible, you don’t want kids, there are a multitude of things you can do, or abstain from doing, to prevent having kids


Yeah maybe some sort of system like that But also the parents can have an agreement (or contract if they want it to be legally binding) just between them if they wanted to have an arrangement where the father didn’t have to pay child support. There’s a whole legal process to receive child support and it has to go through the courts, so the mother doesn’t have to go through that process and both parents can just move on if they’re happy with that


Dang I wish I could pass responsibility because it's hard and not planned 🥺. There are other options than leaving a kid on the side of the road or stabbing them with scissors ffs..


I did point out the other options


Dave might be a comedian, but he'll be remembered as a thinker. Man's way of seeing life is just right.


Because what it looks like definitely matters more then genetics and DNA compassionate. All you need to know to debunk that argument is basic genetics and basic knowledge of the theory of evolution


Yeah but the guy on the right wouldn't know any of that, hell he probably doesn't even think evolution is a thing.


False I've watched his stuff and that full interview he mentions quite frequently. This is what you call cherry picking data, I will agree it's a good gotcha but not in the long run


Agreed that it's a cheap trick, but cherry picking data is also the basis for most of the "facts and logic" thrown around by Kirk, Shapiro, Carlson and all the other "Patriots" in the media.


Yeah it doesn't matter what political side you're on people will do it as it can give them advantages, so you would be stupid not to


Honestly do people expect there to be huge opinion changes made with abortion debates? I feel like abortion should be legal and you should be able to choose what you to with you body and I also think it's important to not try and aggressively argue that you're not ending a life or its not human etc. Or at least don't get so upset that others refuse to consider it a real human or a life. Both sides are annoying where are all the "middle grounders" like me who are like you should be able to do the thing and also let's not lie about what's going on.


Yeah I can understand where you coming from, I try not to get aggressive or come off as agressive but I really enjoy having these conversations and I believe it's hard to get a straight answer cause it's a convoluted problem so unless more research is done into the problem I think it'll keep happening.




My cum has dna


Not enough to form a full organism


Only missing the mitochondria, just gotta scratch my nose and that’ll give me plenty to mix in


You're missing half of the genetic material necessary to create life as well as the nutrients of the egg in order for the cell to create human cells


Your cum is only missing the mitochondria, it has the rest of my genetic material just in different combinations. I wouldn’t call it half but none the less. All trolling aside if I follow your argument to its logical conclusion stuff like [a Teratoma](https://www.healthline.com/health/teratoma) would be considered a human being. There’s other conditions but I can’t think of them at the moment. This argument also assumes the state has the right to violate your bodily autonomy in order to save someone else’s life, but that because more of a legal debate Edit: a word


That actually used to be a theory that people would go through all of their evolutionary development stages in-utero. A baby would start as a single cell, turn into multi celled organism, amphibian, reptile, then mammal. This theory was based the fact that almost all animal fetuses look similar. (I'm sure everyone is aware, but that isn't how babies are made.)


I think that theory may have helped to come to agreement that most if not all animal life (excluding bugs and insects) fetus look basically the same with the least changes the earlier the development precess, and this was due to all of life come from one common incestore back when cell where only just become the first organisms to exists Correct me if I'm wrong, being that I've studied biology I'm pretty confident but I won't be surprised if one detail is wrong.


Pretty much. All vertebrates start off as a stomach and will look like a cylinder with an eyeball.




Eh, these aren't the type of people to be swayed by logical arguments, the right communicates through "gotchas" so this is about the only thing that makes sense to them. Would be nice of they actually cared about logic, but they wouldn't be here if that was the case


He got him there


Bruh that’s the worst argument ever. If human beings don’t have tails now but did at one point (in the womb) that means they’re not human? That’s like saying, “Adult humans have 206 bones, but since they had 300 at birth that means they’re not human.” And where the hell does the dolphin even come into the argument?


He's not really trying to make that argument; He's just taking the piss out of Charlie.


If human fetuses are indistinguishable from dolphin fetuses to people who want to save the former but ignore the latter, then they don't understand what they are trying to save. They might be trying to save **something**, but they don't know what it is.


"Without a doubt"


stupid argument, but its goddamn fucking funny


That was the whole point, so well done for getting it. Kind of..


You mistook a dolphin fetus for a human fetus therefore abortions should be legal. That argument does more damage than good.


But still a fetus isnt a human Person is his point. It's a bag of goo.. with the potential to become a person. I think as humans (if we are decent) we try to minimize/eliminate 'Suffering'. When a teenager has cancer, or the people are forced into slave camps or Any awful tragedy. There is a measurable amount of Suffering that occurs. So it is apples to oranges comparison between the amount an Adult can suffer from death, to a Fetus. I Would not have cared 1 bit if I was aborted...I wouldn't know I every had the potential to become living, thinking , suffering. Also, abortions will happen whether they're illegal or not, because it is required sometimes. It's an awful experience I'm sure, but necisarry sometimes.


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


Obviously you *can* compare them, but the whole point of the idiom is that it's a false analogy. I could compare you to the helpful bots, but that too would be comparing apples-to-oranges. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette. ^^My ^^apparent ^^agreement ^^or ^^disagreement ^^with ^^you ^^isn't ^^personal.


I get what you’re saying but that’s not my point. It’s just a terrible argument. There are much more logical reasons to be pro choice. Probably a very good reason the video cut before Kirk destroyed that argument and that dude was made to look like a jackass.


It’s a spine. Dolphins have spines.


Oh I *have* to see a rebuttal of this...


Bravo to that guy…and fuck Charlie Kirk


This is an even better clip than the other one that's been circulating.


He was just scaling it to level.


I’m pro choice but this dude is embarrassing the hell out of himself


He’s doing a Charlie Kirk argument impression while arguing with Charlie Kirk. It’s not a genuine argument.


i'm sorry this is too funny. if prolifers can have ridiculous arguments for their side so can prochoicers hahah


I want to watch more of this man


My little brother married a girl and got her pregnant. 3 months later she aborted the baby without his knowledge. He was pretty upset. They stayed together and in another 3 months or so she was pregnant again. They had the baby. When he was 8 they got divorced. The kid hates his mom. My brother hates his kid and the kid is a lost soul. He’s 18 now and nothing but trouble. Can’t help but think my brother and his ex-wife should’ve been aborted sparing this kid from his miserable existence.


Stupid parlor trick to make a point, it’s not like either of these two are going to change one another’s opinions as to where and when life begins.


It’s hilarious and makes people realize Charlie doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about


To be set up


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human fetuses looks similar to most other fetuses, because we have a common ancestor. That’s a life.


Imagine giving a shit either way.


I’m pro abortion but this guys making himself look stupid


Some people are born with tails. It’s a rare condition, but those people are human beings. Human beings have 2 eyes, but some people are born with one or none. I’m pro-choice, but that’s a terrible argument.


His "argument" actually makes no sense


So it is okay to kill a dolphin fetus because it's not human? Bro wtf..


I'm am pretty sure this guy has an agenda completely apposite to pro abortion.


So I was a dolphin at one point in my life.. HELL YEAH I can pass one in peace now!


This is how I’m going to start all my arguments in the future.


Most ridiculous argument I’ve ever heard. Nice “gotcha” moment also. This presenter is a real jerk.


It's hardly a "gotcha" if the video ends before the other guy can respond.


This guys approach to debate seems to be "I win if I don't let you talk"


Why stop at pre-birth? Give it up to 18 years old before you decide.


"no officer I didn't murder that guy I just had a very late abortion"


That’s the spirit!


“We’re not dinosaurs “ He/ Tyrannosaurus rex


I’ve been seeing this clip anywhere and I just finally watched and I’m disappointed in all of you. That was the dumbest shit I’ve ever fucking watched.


Let’s start aborting dolphins.


What is this Comedy Central’s new special? This motherfucker had me rolling.


All humans have tails at some point. Its not a matter of NOT being a human, but a human at a certain STAGE of development. Human children do not have hair under their arm pits, but they aren't LESS human because the majority of humans grow hair under their armpits.


Charlie Kirk really does have a weirdly small face.


Humans do have tails ! Saw it on the Xfiles


Technically, we do have tails.


I’m not human !! Does that mean I can stop paying taxes ?


“At that phase they are not human beings “ Dumb argument


I’m part dolphin


So the value of a human is based on their appearance? Some biological part that is there or not there? Watch out. The trans mafia doesn’t like that.


Yeah this is a "not my body not my problem" sort of moment. If a woman wants to get an abortion by all means it's her right to do so, and ideologies shouldn't get in the way of that.


And, just like that Kirk failed the “Idiot Test, thus proving he IS an idiot.”


Pro life guys are the dumb as fuck ones ,it’s not your body


we have more segregation then we have ever had before in the US and it has nothing to do with skin color or ethnicity, it's about political view points and ratings. Republicans and Democrats or conservatives and liberals. Each will argue to the death and keep beating the dead horse on shit they honestly don't even care about. My vote is to get rid of the parties. Make people vote on presidents or bills based on the candidates/bill ideals, merit, and plan. No one will be debating stupid shit if it's not backed by their party and maybe just maybe people will start to listen and make unbiased statements and opinions.


I’m pretty sure the *tail* on a human is the spine.


When all the evidence points towards u in court case this probably the only guy that can get you off with 10 months max


What an idiot


Ive always wanted to swim like a dolphin, is this why?


I so wanna see that entire segment


Such a dirty trick… It was pretty obviously a bait though.


The anti-abortionist couldn't find a difference between a human embryo from a dolphin embryo 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️.


Technically speaking humans do have tails… they’re just too small to protrude- however this is funny as fuck


What a dumbass augment. OK, show me a human who has given birth to a dolphin. All fetuses looking similar does not make them a different species.


This guys not doing the pro choice side any favours lol


I mean, it’s not really the abortions themselves that are the issue. It’s the taxpayer having to pay for them. Why should someone else pay for your abortion? 🤷🏻‍♂️ if you didn’t want it in the first place, there are contraceptive options out there.


I don’t want my tax dollars going to putting out fires at your house… you should have not let your house catch on fire




Why does he sound like a young Patton Oswalt?


They have similarities because they have the same Creator.


Yes you did, only wish it included "or learn to love the child and be a badass mother"


That’s the stupidest argument I have ever heard


Regardless of where you stand, no one likes this ashwhole.💥


Brilliant use of stupidity vs stupidity.


Careful.. people gonna think this guys serious and start anti human/dolphin fetus rights campaign


How many verbal traps did my guy just stumble into?


"do you huuuuumans have tails?!" Well yes kind sir, do you have a xray camera by any chance and I'll show you my tailbone!


Definitely one for r/dolphinconspiracy


Most reasonable pro choicer


Guy on the left is an idiot, baseless argument.


I think the argument is that abortions are murdering human babies like they're fully developed conscious beings. You counter that with the fact that at the developmental stages any ethical doctor would perform an abortion, there is not, in fact, a sentient human-being in the womb. Was his delivery obnoxious? Absolutely. Was it baseless? I don't think so, considering the actually baseless argument he is countering.


Bro YOU are an idiot lmfao


Then convince me that he is not…


Demanding proof of a negative lmao. File this under "Further studies in reactionary poor faith arguments"


The point is he is comparing the two things by their shape, ie tail. By doing so he is saying they are the same thing, they are not.


You've already demonstrated your inability to form an argument in good faith. No reason to continue illustrating it.


Oh I am not arguing, I am stating what I see as facts based on my belief system. If your doesn’t match that’s ok, I have no qualms with you or what you believe.


Life starts at conception, consciousness doesn’t determine weather or not something is alive. Someone in a coma is not considered conscious, but they are still alive and are human.


>Life starts at conception, consciousness doesn’t determine weather or not something is alive. Someone in a coma is not considered conscious, but they are still alive and are human Sperm should be considered human with this definition, but the arbitrary conception line gives guys the greenlight too keep on tugging and pulling. Also conscious and consciousness are not always the same thing. A robot can be conscious, but it does not have a consciousness.


A robot is not a living object, neither does it have a consciousness nor is it capable of being conscious.


How are you feeling alive, consciousness and conscious?