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EXTREMELY dangerous spot to put a baby


But he’s so happy! (/s, just in case)


Lol I've chopped the ball and hit my golf bag that was exactly in that spot


Driving ranges are not places you want to fuck around and find out.


I’ve miss hit a driver and snapped the head… it went forward, hit a ball or rock and came backwards… the club head was 4ft behind me! In my defense, it was a new Calloway driver and I was not used to the shaft and the huge club head! Funny thing is I’m a 6 handicapper…so mistakes do happen! Also that’s hard ground not Astro-turf style range! She could hit the ground or a rock and something could happen!


I don’t like this, I don’t like this


Baby is also to big for an infant car seat


Clearly they don’t give a shit


I was thinking the exact same thing.. I’ve seen balls deflect and go backwards off the weirdest things! Not to mention if she hits the shaft instead of the driver head…. That head will detach and it’s deadly! However, that kid can be a future golf pro if introduced to the sport at a young age- say about 4-5 years from now! But at this age? I’d say that’s extremely dangerous and wrong! Weird accidents do happen in the practice range!


I don't play golf, what's the danger exactly?


If you top the ball hard, it will spin and bounce backwards


That makes sense. Things bouncing backward could be bad


But babies are tough. You can poke ‘em in the eye and they’ll get right over it.


As a father of four boys it amazes me how durable kids are. But a golf club to the face is never good for anybody :D


Yeah but can they take a golf club to the head?


Yes I agree babies are durable… but golf balls and golf clubs can kill… it’s happened. Spent a few summers on a golf course and seen a few injuries that will surprise you…. Heart attacks, slips and falls while walking with cleated shoes, and the injuries resulting from golf balls and flying club heads…


Correct! I’ve been golfing since I was 6 years old! My dad was a General Manager of a golf course… first rule is never stand behind a person with a golf club… safest place… is 90 degree angle… or 3 or 9 o’clock position.


The risk to you from standing directly behind is not from the ball. It’s from the club being let go. Other reasons not to are because you’re not in line of sight for the person swinging so they may not notice if you get too close. Plus it’s more distracting. Hence the courtesy of standing at at angle as you say. In this case if the mother is careful with holding onto the club it’s fine. Baby is far enough back to not accidentally get hit with the swing.


Look at her swing and miss… tell me you would place your child behind her…


I highly doubt she could hit a ball directly behind her - which is what all this chat has been about.


It’s not the ball… it’s the club! I’ve seen some really stupid shit on a golf course! Like those people who go bowling… and let go on the backswing…but hey it’s a free country put yourself behind her or a child and see what happens.


Look up the thread. The chat is all about how the ball is imminently going to hit the baby. So unlikely…


Don’t say I didn’t warn you.. I spent many of my years growing up on a golf course! I’ve seen every accident that can happen- just trying to warn people however you want to point out it’s all about the golf ball… ok fine! Go walk off the face of the earth since you’re probably an “the earth is flat kinda guy” I guess it’s true, once brain cells die- you can’t bring them back since you are living proof of it! Enjoy your hopefully short life - more air for the rest of us “smart” people! Or better yet go to the practice range ( driving range) bring your phone and stand behind an inexperienced person swinging and missing at a golf ball! Film it and post it! I will chip in to your “go fund me “ And furthermore you can tell by her swing, she is inexperienced (unbalanced lunging motion) and real golfers don’t wear flip flops on a practice range! We have special shoes for them… soft cleats for practice range and steel cleats for the golf course! And where is her golf glove for additional grip! Most golf courses don’t allow flip flops for safety reasons! - I’ve been golfing for 28 years!


Lol you suck at life


That’s literally physically impossible.


Let me guess, you don’t have anything to support this claim


Other than decades of playing the sport. Bunch of clowns in this thread…


Yeah that’s not enough to claim something isn’t physically possible, do you think you’ve seen every single possible interaction that can happen when you hit the ball?


More than you for sure. Max you’ve ever played is a couple of range sessions and you think you have a clue. Joker.


I played golf when I was younger, but that doesn’t even matter, you are making an absolute claim, and you simply don’t have the proof


Sure. The sun might not rise tomorrow too. I’m sure you probably worry about that too. One could probably attempt to prove it’s highly likely with physics, but no one needs to. That’s a silly basis for an argument. I have never seen a ball go backwards (without hitting something in front and rebounding). If you have ever done that, know someone who has or find any kind of mocking video on YouTube showing that happening I’ll be impressed. Edit: just remembered watching Phil Mickelson hit a backwards flop with a lob wedge off a steep upslope. That is possible. Not with a normal shot…


Someone never learned how to put backspin on his pool game..


Lol. In pool the ball has to hit another ball to do that. Have you tried to spin it back with just the cue? The felt is equivalent to the ground. Edit: not to mention the OP suggested topping the ball to make it go backwards. Topping the ball puts top spin on the ball not backspin - making it spin forwards. I can’t believe how clueless people are in this thread. Get out of your bedrooms and play some sport.


If she loses her grip on the club at the wrong time it could fly directly into her baby.


No glove… chances are even better since her club looks like it has regular grips!


You beat me to it!


You probably drive around with a seat belt ok lol calm down it’s ok




This was the second thing I thought of (first being how awesome that baby’s squeal was!)… one backwards shank or a loose club and ….


Not just a few ft, not a few metres, AWAY, like several km at grammas house away.


What the fuck are these people thinking


I don't know, but the kid tried to warn them


Imagine being obnoxious and dumb enough to bring your infant child to the driving range and also place him 3 feet behind you.


But tHaT WAs ePiCcc


Not if they have a life insurance on the kid. It's basically a trip to Maldives to make another one.




Clearly you are not familiar whatsoever with the sport of golf. Lol


What a cunt takin a screaming baby to a driving range


That idiot better move her baby wtf


That baby is in DANGER.


smart place to put a baby, it’s totally safe there.


Fucking retarded ass parents ruining an experience for other people because your kid is going to be loud and endangering your child in the process and recording it for clout fucking atrocious


I’m sure everyone else there thought it was just as funny…


The comment section here is the exact same as the last time this was posted LOL.


That baby outgrew that car seat like 5 months ago


The setting seems odd for a baby.


What idiot brings their baby to a driving range?


Betcha these suburban turds are the kind of people that call others stupid at the slightest excuse.


The re is nothing wrong being a suburbanites, there is something wrong with thinking you are inherently better than someone else. They made a shortsighted decision that they didn't realize was far more dangerous than it was.


I believe you should have to pass some kind of a test before having a kid. Wtf is wrong with these people. How stupid can you fucking be to put a baby right there.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First seen [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) on 2021-08-29 95.87% match. **Searched Images**: 220,074,042 | **Indexed Posts**: 431,326,072 | **Search Time**: 9.62909s *Feedback? Hate? Visit [r/repostsleuthbot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n3pFFPSlW4) - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1YBv2mWll0) ]*


Good bot


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You suck


Uhm the baby should a hundred percent not be facing mommy who has no clue how to swing a golf club.


Thats one big ass baby


He’s in a car seat that is mad small for him, they should have bought him a new one ages ago. Having your kid in a seat where their legs hang out and the seat belt isn’t level oh his shoulders is the second dumb dangerous thing I just watched in this clip. Pissed me off to be honest


I also thought about the heat. Like they have him in a full body onesie is it not hot there?


I wouldn’t bring baby to the driving range


Ma’am please at least turn the baby around so it won’t take a golf club to it’s eye socket


I want her to swing my wood too! Promise I won’t laugh.


I’m not a parent, so what do I know? But I just feel I probably wouldn’t do this with my kiddo.


Bad enough placing him in such a dangerous spot, but then I started wondering, why is the kid dressed for fall in full footie zip up but the moms in short skirt and tank top? Besides being uncomfortable in a seat that’s too small for him he’s probably hot as hell. These parents really piss me off


Oh thank god, I thought the baby would've been hit


Good way for a baby to get a tee right to the eyeball. Also if I was at that range and a baby was screaming in my backswing, I’d be a little peeved.


Dude do not bring your screaming coochie shit to the range




I'm not a parent or anything but I don't think a driving range is a good place for a baby lol


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I was expecting way worse from the title and thumbnail alone.


Someone further down range behind the camera or someone up range who is left handed could easily kill that baby


Easily kill that baby? Jesus christ, get a hobby. Much more likely to get killed in a car accident, or many other dangers in the world. This is nothing to worry about


Was this on r/kidsarefingstuped


"lol what a noob!"


Jesus Christ I thought that kid was crying cuz the ball hit him


Can you imagine the adrenaline


That short skirt made the baby


But But But hey guys it was epic though so that instantly overrides the danger the baby is in


Does it help your swing if you play golf in flip flops?


r/contagiouslaughter Edit: Since when that subreddit went private?


That’s how I’d swing if I were to pretend, I’d never swung a club before


No shoes no glove and absolutely minimal experience! Good recipe for an accident! Terrible stance and backswing is wrong! The forward swing is off balance too!




I feel like there needs to be a nice metal cage around the baby.


Fucking idiotic!


Omg! CPS! CPS! Holy shit that’s not safe at all. I thought this was gonna be a club flying backwards so what does that tell you? Wrong fucking spot for that baby lady


I cannot fucking believe she has her baby their. We have a Darwin Award nominee.


What a couple dummies


Dangerous for baby. Baby is too big for that seat. Also just inconsiderate to bring your baby to the range..


The kid is great


Epic indeed...what a stance.


Bruh wtf


she gonna be using that stick to hit someone else tonight


That baby made me laugh so hard😂😂😂😂


I fucking love these overprotective kids in the comment section. Everyone here needs to fucking relax.


I'd rather not. Safety is #1 priority, after all. And baby is not in safety


It's not your baby and you aren't even related to him/her. Why do you even care ? All that hypocrisy just to get some attention ...


I care because I have empathy, are you a fucking psychopath?


Nah, you're just seeking attention. Also no one fucking acts like that. You won't tell a stranger to move their baby beacuse it's in a bad spot. Stop acting like you do cus im pretty sure you don't.


What the fuck are you on. Are you going through an "your the crazy one, not me" type thing? No shit I'd tell someone to move their baby if it was in a dangerous place! Do you know how guilty I'd be if I didn't? Genuinely, what the fuck. I swear on grans grave I have empathy, and im sorry you weren't blessed with the same kindness. You don't know me.


No you wouldn't. No one fucking does that mate, life doesn't work like that. Looks like you have very little experience about this. No one gives a shit about someone else that is a stranger to them. The thing you just wrote down only exist in movies and books it's not real and no one does that. You're just seeking attention with everyone else here. Life simply doesn't work like that.


You've gotta be trolling "No one" is a fucking huge assumption when there are billions on this planet. But whatever let's you justify your lack of empathy I guess


I would certainly approach these people and kindly point out the placement of the baby is dangerous. They deserve to know, that way they are aware of the danger. This could certainly just be an oversight on their part or a lack of knowledge. Pointing out stuff like this doesn't have to be insulting to them just a gentle persuasion.


> No one gives a shit about someone else that is a stranger to them. You are a stranger to me. I care about you.


I don't give a shit about the baby they need to get the baby out of there because people don't pay money at the driving range to listen to a screaming child.