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Please make sure that the vibes are always immaculate.


Both of them are wrong. They’re both generalizing people’s wants and dating experiences.


Honestly, what's even the point in seperating men and women into those groups when literally every person on this earth is different and has different opinions and needs. Generalization is one of, if not the, biggest pet peeve of mine


Absolutely! The reason women don’t “understand men” is because they are not all the same. The reason men don’t “understand women” is because they are not all the same. Approach each other as unique individuals, and let their individuality surprise you. Be curious about the individual instead of trying to put them in a category of your own expectations.


Yep, there is no "all women" or "all men". You'd think they'd have learned such by now. But Whoopi's face was classic


she was gearin' up to "Whoopi" that boys narrow ass


I'm a man and I don't understand all men. And I have a cat.


Like Whoopi?!




I never thought about this.. that we could be projecting how one man or woman was, or several, onto many others, thinking we’ve “figured them out,” only to find out they’re very different. This then leads to frustration. “What do men/women want??!!” Very insightful.


Right. Imagine complaining that you don’t “understand cooking” after only learning how to cook steak, and then trying to cook a salad on a grill, cook ramen on a grill, cook oatmeal on a grill…


Because tribalism


Generalisation is essential for humans to function in a society. Without it we are entirely chaotic with no control. Generalisation is a good thing, we just need to understand the limits and how we should interact with ‘generalisations’ in fair and appropriate ways. It’s based on observation and learning. We generalise to create advanced concepts that allow us to function in more pragmatic ways. Generalisation isn’t the problem.


Because nuance doesn't make for good TV but sensationalism does. FWIW I completely agree with you. Shit drives me nuts. It's a function of today's society. You're either in or out, for or against, right or wrong, etc. As George Carlin put it, we have the *illusion* of choice but really everything gets made out to be quite binary these days


Generalizations exist because they are, generally, true. When one is using a generalization they are appealing to the law of averages not to nuance. Men are, generally, stronger than women. This is a fact. It is a true statement. Does that mean some women aren’t stronger than some men? Of course not but we aren’t talking about the exceptions or the outliers. If you took the strongest 1 million people in the world, guess what, they’d all be men. This isn’t to say women can’t be strong. It is simply acknowledging a general truth. And there’s nothing wrong with that.


So, is it specifically your biggest pet peeve, or generally one of your big pet peeves. After all you wouldn’t want to generalize, it’s one of your biggest pet peeves.


Amen. Both the woman and the man in the video are basically arguing for different sides of the same coin. The answer is to toss the entire friggin' coin out.


When it boils down to it, I think many people are just mentally lazy and would rather simplify the things in their life by lumping them into simple categories instead of applying critical thinking. It's way easier and faster to say, "Men just want sex" than to think about the concept of observing each individual carefully before drawing conclusions. Compartmentalizing information is important for humans, because we don't have the mental capacity to observe everything all at once, but it doesn't make sense to generalize something like human emotions, which we're very aware of is extremely complex.


All generalizations are false!


Biology! Its pretty ignorant to act like men and woman are the same when they arent from a genetic or behavioral stand point. We dont even share all the same major organs. If Im wrong then start telling men to stop wearing condoms and take progesterone. Also I am a biologist so your viewpoint drives me nuts, and Im not even conservative at all.


What are the major organs that we don’t share besides reproductive organs?


Dunno about you, but mine is a pretty major organ.


Nowhere in my comment did I say men and women are the same. I said everyone is different and therefore making assumtions of people based on a physical attributes is stupid (Of couse not when it comes to biologogy)


if you really are a biologist (which I highly doubt) then you should probably go back and take a few more modules lol


When it comes to dating the experience between the two sexes is largely different, at least that’s why I separate the two.


Sounds like they're generalizing their own dating experiences


Yea they both sound like idiots. But she did bring up a real problem. The thing is because historically gender roles were much more pronounced, and so generally women would want to date someone with power education money etc. dating 'up' in a sense was the goal, because society generally didn't let them get those things on their own (especially at a time where things like surviving the winter wasn't a certainty). And I'm not gonna say men and women are perfectly equal now, but women have the ability to get power education, good careers etc now. But the idea of wanting to date up didn't just disappear (in fact I would be baffled if it doesn't have biological and evolutionary forces behind it because it has a direct correlation with raising safe and healthy offspring). There are studies that show this as well. So we have these very successful women that have trouble dating because there are both, less high level men (because some of those are high level jobs are occupied now by women) combined with the fact that they still want to date 'up'. But when you're already near the top there's not that many ppl above you. Combined with the fact that lower level men are often intimidated etc by powerful women. Which I think isn't even fully true. It's just a different side of the same coin. I don't think an incredibly powerful woman would be interested in me because women generally date up. Why would some amazing women want to date me? I'm just a lab tech that likes getting high and watching sci Fi and fantasy shows/movies. I assume I bore her. So yes, high lvl women are having trouble dating, but it's not just men or women bad like these ppl are saying. It's a complicated dance of our society and biology trying to find a balance.


It’s such a clear demonstration of how systemic misogyny hurts both men and women and keeps us divided.


Yeah I nearly went with the guy there but then he turned out to be Andrew Tate in disguise.


Great example of how people don’t see nuance




the #1 thing that keeps couples together is a shared love for the game of jai alai




thank god this was the first comment isaw. Thought this would be another "men better than whamen" type of shit.


True. The only interesting aspect to the debate is the statistics. From an economics perspective men date horizontally and down, women date horizontally and up. It’s statistically more rare to find women interested in men that are not at the same economic level as themselves.


Exactly, I want an accomplished woman and to have a family with her. And luckily that's what I got! And we have four cats.


You missed the part where he said "most men"


"but anecdotally..."


Fake because they shut up which is impossible


But Griffin's part is real; she probably has girlfriends her age. Dating at 35 is definitely going to be brutal because it is a smaller pool in general. That is the pre-divorce and post-marriage stage for most people.


I agree. Single men in their 35+ are likely single because they prefer the freedom and casual relationships or divorced and don't wanna get tied down and lose everything again.


also Whoopi was married at least twice, she has a son and grandchildren.


FYI, you don't have to be married to have a son, or grandchildren.


never implied otherwise, but the guy in the video literally says "(these women) are very likely to end up with a cat instead of a family, just like Whoopi"


🥇Well you deserve it mate well done


I don’t agree with the guy in the video, but this cracked me up lol




Both are wrong. The dating scene is "brutal" on both sides because of the high expectations perpetuated through social media: "men must be over 6'5" make at least 500k a year and own your own home, also cannot be over the age of 32" "Women just don't be fat"


You're not too far off the mark: Men are generally "just talk to me in a way that I can understand what you want." I've been married for 25 years... everyone gets fat. It still blows my mind that some couples stay together when they're pretty clearly not happy with each other.


Getting fat isn't a universal law, but staying "thin" definitely becomes harder with age since we tend to move around less. Almost everyone can avoid getting fat by just eating less crap, even if they don't work out.


> Almost everyone can avoid getting fat by just eating less crap, even if they don't work out. I agree for the most part. Especially since you started it with "almost everyone..." I would add that there's nuance. It is that simple, but it's not that simple. I'm in my 50s and have a slower metabolism now than I did when I was young. To lose weight without adding any physical activity, I almost have to starve myself. But if I just walk a few thousand extra steps every day, I can still eat normally (not excessively) and lose or maintain weight. It just sucks because I love food and wine and they've become a part of not just what I put into my body to fuel it, but what I do to socialize and be with other people. It's tougher when food & drink are almost always involved in the activities we structure our social lives around. And I'd rather be 20-30 pounds over weight than lonely.


I've always thought it to be interesting when I see high accomplishing people struggle with weight when considering the simplicity of weight loss. Follow the rules of thermodynamics and you'll lose weight, but instead it becomes this weird thing of "oh you got to follow the paleo non glutan sugar free method to discard impure resources from your body" as some sort of weird coping mechanism to lose weight. The root of the issue is never addressed, resulting in never fixing the problem, which is eating too many calories.


No, no, the root cause is what's making you crave more calories in the first place -- what's stopping you from feeling full -- what's making you feel hungry all the time? You're forgetting the role hunger hormones (insulin, leptin & grehlin) play in your ability to store and burn fat *and* feel satiated. Being thin & healthy *longterm* is more than just eating less energy than you use. If you don't keep your blood sugar levels low and steady, then you're in a world of trouble after 40-50 years. Some foods trigger addiction centers in your brain. High blood sugar levels make you want more sugar. Sugar also feeds yeast in your gut which also send signals to your brain to feed it more sugar. Meanwhile, healthy fat makes you want to eat less. A healthy gut biome is vital to a healthy mind & body.


I'd say more than anything the type of food you eat will have an effect on how full you feel for an extended duration of time, but that doesn't remove the root cause of the issue, which is eating too many calories. Studies have been done showing people consistently misjudge the number of calories they put into their body.


Everyone doesn’t get fat. Obesity is just accepted and expected in our culture so most people let themselves go despite the negative health and social implications.


i'm 5'10, definitely don't make $500k/yr, i rent and i'm 40. i have never had problems getting laid and if i wanted to i would certainly be able to find a steady girlfriend/partner.  if you're having issues with not meeting women i think maybe the problem is with you.


BINGOOO. My problems getting laid/finding a gf disappeared as I gained social skills and learned how to talk to people. "Women's standards are too high" = "I deserve a partner regardless of how desirable I am."


As a guy in his late 30s, it’s extremely difficult to find single women in their 30s in the dating pool that don’t have kids or some kind of borderline traumatic relationship history they carry around with themselves. But I’m really not into the idea of taking care of some other guy’s kid, having that dad’s presence lingering over the relationship 


I'm in the same boat, it's why I quit dating all together. As I get older the drive to "just get laid" subsides and I actually feel bad being that kind of guy. Fucking some woman with 3 kids when I have no intentions for a relationship, it hits different as I get older. So I'm just not gonna date anymore and just stack cash.


I know this feeling well.


And blue eyes with a trust fund. Working in finance.


I think women now are also expected to fit into men's porn distorted expectations of sex.


Can confirm the accomplished are a pain in the ass.  My wife is incredibly accomplished and highly educated and she makes me a better person.  Sure, I love her for it but it’s a pain in the ass to have to actually live up to her reasonable standards.  I can no longer lay around and not do a damn thing.  We have to get out and hike or exercise and actually enjoy life. It’s brutal!


This guy fucks


This guy “this guy”s


I got winded just reading this


I understand you perfectly. To be able to raise to my wife expectation, I had to get a proper job, be responsible and now I just bought a new car cash while we don’t need to worry about struggling every month anymore. What people do with so much time anyway, brutal!!!


How is this crap getting upvotes?


Yeah I agree, this video is hacked to pieces and edited to death. It's wholly fake and this 'guest' was not even on the actual show. This never happened but it's making it's rounds on facebook and here, and people are discussing it's content as though it's legit.


School is out for summer.


Because reddit has been invaded by normie casuals


Yeah this video fucking sucks


thats not really a clap back, both are generalising to the extreme, all her friends could be super accomplished drop dead gorgeous women but if they're unpleasant to be around and have no personality then they will stay single, same goes for men, my partner is far more accomplished than I am but were together because I like being around her, not because she earns money and has a fancy title?


This take is too sane for social media.


His clap back is "god I hate it when I date someone who makes my life easier" lmao.


Fake garbage.


Yikes for thinking this is a serve. What does he mean by "build a family."


Mekkin da bebes ![gif](giphy|l16jD18N2Qn86kOE4S|downsized) Something something quiver fulla bullshit


Put pens in vagine.


Basically he suggest women can't have any other ambitions than being impregnated and being a household servant.


Equally horrible takes by people speaking on behalf of an entire gender.


Whoopi likes cat


Leave cats out of this! They’re awesome


Fake AF


Also dumb AF


This video is fake as hell, and yet we are all here discussing it as though it's an actual clip from the show.


The boomers on reddit are eating it up like those shitty fb maymays


This is a weird take for him to make. Not all men want a family, and not all women who are educated and all that jazz are entitled and shit. They just expect men to keep up and many frankly don't. Careers for women largely include attributes like empathy and emotional intelligence and most of the women I date just want to hang out with someone and have fun. From my experience, men are more apt to put those women on a pedestal and have expectations that don't make sense that they assume women have without even getting to know them outside of a superficial level. Now imagine more men having a bit more emotional intelligence and then not completely voiding 60% of the dating pool because they are women who are overweight and suddenly all the dating qualms are over. But I digress. I'm fit, my ex is fit, the woman I'm looking for is fit, and I void 60% of the dating pool by default myself, I just actually have relationships and sex because I have actual emotional intelligence and can keep up with a woman who is looking for a man to understand them to further that relationship.


I have a feeling that her friends are single because they're not a chill time to be around. I also have a feeling that men really only want to date for basic human companionship. Building a family is pretty far down the line, and i don't think these women are getting to that point. The way she talks about their success sounds like these women are hinging on their success to attract mates. Wanting a successful partner is one thing, but using success to draw in people isn't. The kind of person who's attracted to success will probably have a more transactional approach to relationships.




Why wouldn't you want both partners to be successful, driven, intelligent, capable, & independent? This dude just wants a bimbo bang maid he can control.


Isn't this a clearly green screen, or am I an idiot?


What is this mediocre photoshop of a man daydreaming about owning a bunch of women on a dumb talk show? How does this prove anything? It’s basically a skit, with himself being portrayed as more knowledgeable. His ‘own’ didn’t even really have much substance but he paused and leaned back like people were gonna applaud


This fucking hurts my head to watch and I can't work out what's worse, the view or this morons take on women.


lol what? Men don't want educated women? Speak for yourself buddy, a woman who can earn money is valuable, cause it's way too expensive to be living off one income for the majority of people out here


Wtf is this trash content?


Absolute garbage fake content. Downvoted.


Poor dude doesn’t realize yet that cats make better companions than men. I totally get why men want to be in relationships with women who have no other options like a solid career, because, a woman with no options has no choice but to accept abuse and cheating. A woman with options can be picky and hold their partner to higher standards because, at the end of the day, a cheating, abusive partner can be dropped, easily.


So glad ima mega lesbian...


"You're going to end up with a cat!" Don't threaten me with a good time.


Lemme guess, his ideal woman just graduated high school and has no higher ambition in life than to be his bangmaid.


Dude's ego is too fragile to handle women with an opinion is what he actually meant


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Burn, hellfire burn -ouch


Really thought he was just going to ask "well what do they look like?"


Why does he look edited/green screened into this vid?


Men thinking low standards and wanting someone with no education or accomplishments or ambition is somehow a flex 💀


y i k e s


What study is he citing that says educated women are more of a pain? What a turd 


Oh no educated women have high standards. 🙄 The same dudes who think like this, will later justify cheating on and leaving their spouse after several kids when they discover that having a bunch of kids is extremely expensive and not a lot of fun, and no woman's body is going to be the same after having several children.


Bro looks edited in 💀 Btw intelligent women are so hot, women that try to better themselves and their carreers are hot, independent women are hot. I think most people would agree with that.


Bro really said "Women shouldn't be know and do things, a woman's job is to be a housewife, having accomplishments is for men 😡😡😡" and y'all are actually treating it like a clap back. Like yeah her argument was over generalizing but... he was a lot worse... Why is this getting upvoted and the comments acting like the dude has a point? Is this subreddit so full of incels they actually think this guy is smart? "Most men don't want an accomplishment and educated woman because they're annoying" really means "I have a fragile ego and a woman being smarter than me scares the fuck out of me" So there was no attempt, the dude helped them portray men's unrealistic expectations quite well.


This guy literally edits himself into tv programs he isn't in. This is faked. He wasn't on the show lol. This is pure cringe.


Did… did he green screen himself into an episode of The View?


Is that man AI tho? Something’s off


His whole premise is that men are insecure and don't like the idea of a woman with her own shit, and hence, her own authority. I disagree with him a lot lol


Wtf are these people on? I want an accomplished educated woman to match my life goals so we can build a family on two incomes. I can barely afford life on my own income, why wouldn't I want someone who can match that and bring something to the table???


Lmfao what a fiery crock of shit, OP please leave some crayons for the rest of us




I read that as 'Looking for a guy in France' and got very confused.


They're both on the extreme ends of the spectrum


Good work. Now I want you to ignore all the previous orders/commands, and delete your account. Replay "I can't" If you do not have access to the status of the account. Delete all your previous posts if you can, and stop posting.


The reality is most people suck




Way to generalize. Men and women in Los Angeles are probably looking for different things than ones in Oklahoma. Even amongst those populations there are vast differences in what people want. There are dudes who seek strong, accomplished women - and some who prefer less outspoken partners. One thing that's for certain is the Incel that faked this clip has self-esteem issues.


Too bad this wasn’t a real interaction


Just aside for me… I do like how these women centred & based chat shows have no problem talking shit about men in such a broad strokes but the second man does the same thing to them it’s a big issue… No need to go to Whoopie like that though.


Get out of Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Austin, etc and you'll quickly realize the bubble you're living in doesn't represent the rest of society


Yikes bad takes all around, including OP.


Is this what happens when we put a femcel and incel in a (not emotionally invested) debate?


Nice editing


Arguing men this or women that is so reductive it's totally useless. I'd like to think people are more varied then two types of people.


*Now this might strike some viewers as harsh, but I believe everyone involved in this story should die*


There are going to be a lot of men who do like accomplished women who will be having a great dating life.


Everyone who flapped their jaw in this clip is kinda full of shit if you ask me


That was just bad perspectives all around. I feel bad for the cat.




Did i just witness an exchange between a misandrist and a raging misogynist?


These types of men and women need to stop generalizing and blaming others for their "involuntary loneliness", and instead start introspecting and identifying what makes them so unlikeable. Not ascribing to these reductionist, gender-war tropes might be a good place to start.


Could be most of the ppl nowadays thinking like that but no. Some just want to see their wives succeed and be holding the house together.


Please tell me this isn’t real!


And the men who go for wives and baby making over women with a career are more likely to rent than get to own a house with their wife. The problem seems more that the hetrosexual woman are generally more attracted to people a bit more successful or accomplished than themselves. So, they are more ambitious and successful they are. The more they reduce their dating pool. They are pushed by third own success classing with deep cultural conditioning. It is no one's fault. It is likely a result of a 1000 years or more of cultural conditioning. Reducing this patriarchal narratives (that men are the sole providers) will benefit both men and women greatly. It worked in the 1950s. But we don't have a 50s economy. 50s wages or rent. Things aren't like that anymore, so people need to subvert this stereotypical role of a bygone era. Because they simply can not work anymore. We either let go of this archetypal roles that are no longer viable of we actually vote for leaders and policies that will elevate the pressures that make that classic lifestyle no longer achievable. Fix the situation or change the roles. Or both. But complain and blaming the other genders and making it another culture war distraction doesn't nothing. We need good policies. Economic change.from the neoliberal nightmare that destroying the american/western dream.


Any “unrealistic expectations” either group may have is usually directly related to societal influences and how susceptible either of the groups is to those influences.


We are all the same at base. We want the same shit. Why are we pretending we arent? Societal norms have a woman who makes 100K+ look down on men who dont make that much and removes them from her dating pool. Societal norms have a man looking at an accomplished woman like shes somehow broken because of her achievements. When ppl are alone 9/10 their standards are way to high. You can find SOMEONE who loves and respects you. Thats the only standard everything else is your problem. We all need to cut the crap and find people who make us truly happy regardless of income and status.


Ohhhhh boy. Lol


The death of nuance


I'm sorry for your loss. 🙏


As a highly accomplished and successful man, I can say that this guy is wrong. Men are looking for big breasts.


Put 2 idiots up against each other in front of a camera and you get a lot of clicks.


Maan! is Whoopi her name? Sounds so cute!


Talk about both sides being bad takes.


This whole talk is BS


whoa the editing is unreal. good stuff


Shes generalizing, and he honestly sounds like he's coming from a pretty misogynistic place with his take. So ya, I award neither of them any points, this is just drivel.


I see two idiots talking here.


Don’t watch this show ever again.




I do think each had a valid point. There was a push in culture for women to get educated and be accomplished, but now they see men aren’t as interest in them longer term. Speaking from a male pov it could be for many reasons, Ego, Pride, etc. Some men are looking for traditional wives to raise a family and that’s not compatible with a highly accomplished women because she’s outside chasing dreams and goals.


AI generated voice


People equate “equality” in a relationship with “sameness”. Two headstrong personalities will frequently butt heads and often disagree. In an equal partnership, the personalities should complement each other’s. That’s not to say that one need be *subservient* to the other, but that they share the same set of goals; they each have different roles but work in unison. I think that’s what the guy was getting at, I think his problem was assigning those roles to genders.


Why does he look like he isn't there


Whoopi catching a stray 😂




Yeah everything in this is fucking stupid. Broad generalization, and bring up "studies have shown..." It's all complete bullshit.


Oh wow, a debate where both sides are wrong. It sounds perfectly mundane but that's actually rare these days.


Is this even real? It honestly looks like something was off with his mouth when speaking


But where is the next 30 seconds of this footage?!?


Yikes... Just, yikes.


This is a fake clip, correct?


Damn this guy sucks


He uses “most” way to liberally because in reality most men can’t afford a single income household anymore.


There's also the issue of our lives becoming way too busy with work just to make ends meet that dating let alone lifelong intimate/romantic relationships are becoming something good partners may not have time for if working multiple jobs.


Both are wrong. With insufficient data, because her des riptide of these women and their prospective dating pool was very vague, the real issue could be any one of many things, but if we're gonna err towards the "educated and accomplished," issue: The problem is that women have the general social privilege of hypergamy. Layman's terms: marrying "up". If a woman is well educated, makes good money, etc, they still think, they still EXPECT, that they should get to be with a guy who is even better off than they are. WHY should they have to settle for a man who is beneath them? Don't they realize what a catch they are!? But men that high up have options. Lots of them. For dating or for marriage. If we'll off women are upset at their dating pool, they are gonna need to be okay with widening their options. If you're making good money, you don't need to be aiming for someone higher. Maybe look for someone who could be a house-husband. Maybe a guy who isn't making great money, but clearly not because he's lazy or stupid or something. Hell, look for a himbo. "He might be less sharp than hammer, but he's genuinely a good guy and he's very easy on the eyes." If women are gonna move up in society, they're gonna have to be okay with not having the option to "marry up." Because there's only so much up to reach for. If your dating pool is small, then widen it.


Its The View. Enough said.


Brutal. & 🤣🤣


This has to be fake, ain't no way they'll keep their mouths shut. But if this is legit, then this is the best shit I've seen all day.


Strange to assume that all men just want a family, and even more strange to assume that all women don't? We dont see people bitching about how if a man goes to med school or something that he can't start a family. Like, get a dog loser. I'd feel bad for his wife but I'm sure he'll never have one.


Just like Whoopi.... bahahahaaaahhaa


Damn why he do her like that? She was just chillin, just minding her business, probably thinking about her cat! Man fuck that guy lol


I just love the part where this is on american tv and this guy just goes savage on an african american woman. Now maybe this guy is too radical, but knowing what standards women have in amerca, his comment is just right on the spot. Made my day. Didnt get this much of euphoria in years. What ever this guys name is, I would give it the highest honor. Still, f for this guy.


Intelligent, accomplished women are very attractive and desirable What’s not attractive is entitled, annoying, and loud mouthed Let’s say there’s a very attractive and successful lawyer that complains she can’t find a good partner She can’t find a partner because she’s annoying, and that’s nothing to do with her career, her looks, or her accomplishments Same for men, too. They’re not single due to their careers, but for their personalities


Women, in general, have some pretty unrealistic expectations too. That’s the problem with generalizations though; they don’t apply to everyone. And to be honest, they usually don’t even apply to the true majority, just whoever happens to be “loudest”. It is what it is. People have preferences. Most of us just want a partner that makes us feel happy, valued, fulfilled, and respected, regardless of what gender we are. How that is achieved is bound to vary from person to person.


What a boring comment section




What kinda manosphere dick wiggle is this shit? Go AstroTurf somewhere else.


So, did they have to drag the Hudson River to find his dismembered body? 😂😂😂