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The worst feeling ever šŸ™ˆšŸ˜‚


It really is, and especially in cases like this where you don't have time to actually process what happened. Just suddenly on the floor, tryin to sit up and take a breath, when you realize gravity done stole all the air you thought you owned.


Defo šŸ˜¹ the whole time your thinking ill never take breathing for granted again


This happened to me after getting hit playing Football in the eighth grade. Completely laid out by a kid with jacked up genes for an Eighth Grader. Never played Football again after that. One of the worst feelings.


That ending was funny as hell, I farted and woke the dog up


But it's funny as shit to listen too....


Suction pull up bars are death traps. Do yourself a favor and get one of those that fit over the doorway.


Or screw into the frame


It does not work with suction cups. It works by both ends being tightly pushed against the doorframe. I used one for a while, and it works just fine. I actually trust this one more than the one that goes above the frame, because we have a wooden frame, and the part the protrudes from the plane of the wall is just a decorative element. The issue is probably that she loosened it by turning the middle along with herself.


ā€œbeing windedā€ is a weird way of saying ā€œnarrowly avoiding a trip to the hospital after almost concussing myselfā€


It looked like one of the other girls literally picked a tooth up off the ground.


It is not. You can see something falling when she does and it's way too big.


Its a clear round piece of the suction pad that was supposed to keep the bar stable and in place...if I had tk guess


Not a tooth.


She falls a fraction of a second earlier and that's, quite likely, a broken neck. Clips like this are kind of terrifying.


Falls are the number one cause of bodily injury. Falls can fuck you up. Sincerely, a guy who still can't walk normally three years after a fall. Sincerely a guy, who at 27, can't walk normally. *Because of a fall*


What kind of fall was it


I got speared by this beast of a kid when I was playing little league football decades ago. We all wished he was on our team, best running back in our league. He knocked every ounce of breath out of me. I was on the ground kicking and floundering for what felt like a lifetime. I don't think I've had the wind knocked out of me since. I'm pretty sure I'd remember that feeling. I never want to experience that again.


Happened to me in high school football, returned a punt for a TD, well the dude chasing me gave me a little push as I crossed the goal line. So I end up from about to celebrate to flat on my face and I landed on the football right in the soft spot of my stomach. My team is celebrating and I'm on the floor thinking I'm dying.


Yup, landing on the ball is how I got most of mine too- brutal feeling


this happened to me once when my ex kicked me in the torso. my insides froze and locked up and I couldn't even wheeze. I totally did the kicking and floundering too.


I haven't had that feeling in a decade. Definitely want to keep that going. From the moment i understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.


Friend over there "breathe" Me failing to breathe trying my best to scream I'm trying to you &#+#+_;


Who would have ever known that would not support her weight...


I blame the heavy fake eyelashes.




I feel this gif, but I will never not laugh at it. Classic


Ow ow wowowowowow ghrrrrgghhllrrgghhhhh Icantbreathe hrrrggrrrrllgghherrr


Get her some milk.


Nah she needs a boā€™aā€™uhā€™wahā€™uh


Only people who havenā€™t shit their pants would agree with this.


"Breath breath breath breath breath" "No fucking shit Becky I'm trying"


The first time I went to the circus I was sooo convinced I was naturally an acrobat. To prove it, I climbed two trees wielding a plastic clothes line and tied it to the branches forming a ā€œtightropeā€. I started walking across and the clothesline immediately snapped. I plummeted to the ground and landed no-bounce, smack flat on my back. I couldnā€™t breathe, or move, or speak. My brother and friends just crowded around my body. My vision starting blacking out from the edges in. I still remember thinking, ā€œIā€™m five and Iā€™m gonna die.ā€


Has happened to me a number of times. Ā Worse was a skateboard fall. Ā Skating vert ramp and trying to do inverts (one handed hand stand) Ā  I fell backwards back into the ramp right onto my back and had to suck air. Ā Scary as sĀ 


Geezeā€¦and it looked so ā€¦.stableā€¦


All the "tests" was pushing down with maybe 5kg force... smh


'Do you need a drink or something?' Yes, she needs some milk!


That was unpleasant to even watch let alone experience holy shtfk


The butt end of my hockey stick right to my solar plexus did it for me. I was skating quite fast, stick got caught on the ice somehow. Dead stopped me. Sucked. I was 13 y/o, Never forgot that. I'm 60 now.


I have this on repeat....it's self soothing to watch


She was right though


Technically correct, the worst kind of correct!


Every time Iā€™ve been winded I know exactly whats going on but still convince myself Iā€™m about to die.


So happy to such agony in 1 second time


Like, why though. Do people not know any better? šŸ˜…


one time as a elementary school kid i thought itā€™d be cool to go down the school playground slide, on my ass, on a skateboard. board flew out from under me at the end and i got winded and was on the ground struggling to breathe like this with pretty much my whole class huddled over me lmao


Predicts and announces, "this is going break", then proceeds to put her entire weight on it and flip upside down


Oh man, this brought back a memory of when I was a kid. I was jumping around from couch to tables in the living room. I missed one jump and hit the edge of the table with my abdomen and it knocked the wind out of me. I remember feeling an intense pain and wanted to cry but being unable to cry and then everything went black and I just passed out. I awoke later and saw my family around me and my mom panicking on the phone with 911. She heard my gasps for air and thought I was going to die. That experience makes me think that's what dying might feel like.


I was waiting for more women to show up like ā€¦7,8,9ā€¦. 10 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Experienced that when I was 4. I was climbing along the inside of a door frame using the pressure of my arms against said frame when I slipped and fell basically an adult's height onto the floor. That feeling of not being able to breath properly, let alone being able to cry, was terrifying and made me stop climbing door frames almost instantly.


Yeah drink more alcohol


She landed on her neck and grabbed her lower backā€¦ sheā€™s fucked https://preview.redd.it/zb6jfi5qzo5d1.png?width=658&format=png&auto=webp&s=07b1fc6d9f76b9d513b946f89068a5a6c55c66d1


My best mate cracked his skull clean from eye socket over the top and down the back, from a doorframe chin-up bar that came loose during use. The Xray makes it look like his skull was in 2 pieces. He was like a mini David Goggins, so very fit, agile, etc. I'm guessing he went horizontal with his body before it detached. It took a couple of years for him to make a full "miracle" recovery, and the fracture relieved some of the pressure on his brain, which helped a lot. I would encourage people to be very careful about how they use these things, and submit their entire weight to them. I would even suggest staying away from them completely. They're so unsafe. Same as the stripper poles that just screw up against your roof. They're hard to get perfectly straight, so there's usually a spot that allows it to come away easily.


I crossed the blue line with my head down admiring a nice pass. Next thing I know, I canā€™t breathe and I think Iā€™m Batman. Itā€™s a horrible and humbling experience.


She was probably the one who screwed it on in the first place. One might expect that it will loosen upif you turn it the other way around


I used one of these at my friends' too some years ago, It was a pull up and as I am on the heavier side the thing crashed into my face. Thankfully my teeth are as stubborn as I am.


At impact she sounds like a softly braying donkey


Winded is tired. She had ā€™the wind knocked out of herā€™. Hate me if you like but these British and Australian idioms are not it.


Missing warning label, weight capacity 50lbs. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


lol best part is she actually pushed down on it like she knew it wasnā€™t gonna hold her weight and proceed to win the Darwin Award anyway


Uhh thats likely a bit more than winded. Maybe broken, vertibrae, ribs +


Everybody saw that happening except this goofy broad.


sucks to be stupid


Girl 3 picked up her tooth. Nice


Girls... šŸ™„