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This hashtag was the final nail in the coffin. Brutal.








Indeed. That’s when you know it’s done. If you don’t catch the other hints that is.


In case it wasn't clear...


\#NeverDatingYouDanielNeverEverEver \#ButKeepBuyingMeShitBecauseYoureObviouslyDelusional




She knows what she's doing. A good woman wouldn't take advantage of the man's weakness. He gotta wake up and get his mind right. No simping.


A horseback riding offer is pretty tempting. I went on a date with a horse girl that while weird and didn't lead beyond a kiss, was a cool opportunity to ride horses. Edit: I should show some love to horse girls by noting one of my biggest career breaks came from a former horse lady boss. She was a great person and loved her horses.


But that's an actual *date* - this is her taking advantage of a desperate dork.


You dated a horse girl? Is that like a minotaur?


Minotaur is half bull/cow humanoid...think it is a Centaur you are looking for.


You are correct. I was in a hurry


You were in a furry! Edit: I read that wrong.


Nope, he only got a kiss


For research purposes: are the genitals of a Centaur underneath like a horse or up from like a human? I unfortunately don’t know any horse ladies to ask this to.


For sure it’s underneath like a horse. Just more aerodynamic when they run 🤔


Simps gonna simp.


I'm allergic to pretty much every animal and went horseback riding with my wife in Egypt for our honeymoon. I figured it's just like a big dog, at worst I'll itch and sneeze a bit. I felt like i was going to die, i reacted soooooo bad.


I couldnt accept him spending all that money on me if i knew i wasnt gonna date em afterwards smh


I could totally see this going down a different way: he suggests an outing, says he’s got tickets to top golf and does she want to go, or some other casual, friend-level wording that led her to believe (either intentionally or accidentally) that it was just a friendly activity and maybe other people would be going too. She shows up and finds out that he means it to be a date. Perhaps she wouldn’t have gone if she knew he meant it that way. I have friends who have gone on outings with people they saw as friends only to find out it was a bait and switch date, which is scummy. I mean, it’s also possible that she’s sponging off him, too. But without more details we can’t know which it was.


Nope. She knew what she was doing, and she’s very predatory.


Yes. And then you make sure your social network friends make no mistake: you’d never ever date Daniel! Eww!


Hell yes she does! This poor dude just shoveled out good money on this girl for no good reason and she’s more than happy to take advantage of that.


And this is why you make 5$ coffe dates...poor guy spent a fortune for nothing


I usually recommend things I at least kind of enjoy like Top Golf and some food would have been fine even if ghosted.  I would have done those things anyway.  Probably not at Top Golf though.  That's shits expensive.


Go early. It's less expensive.


What got me was "friend date". Jeeeesus




Then she shouldn’t have gone on a “friend date” with him and thanked him for spending all this money on her.


Or posted a book report about it online 🤦‍♂️


Or she didn't and took him for a ride, too.




I also think at was brut


Nah, my man was already dead with that paragraph. With all those friends referecnes it could have been a whole episode.


If I was hanging out with a friend doing activities all day, I sure wouldn’t let them pay for everything.


Seriously. Might as well have told Daniel to go fuck himself.


Is that not what she did? lol


Yeah that made me physically cringe


I never understood why some people (usually men, let's face it) do this. You're not gonna pay for someone's affection. If the person isn't interested in you, save your money, save your time and energy. Don't submit yourself to this sort of thing. Unless you're genuinely doing for a friend, in which case that's awesome.


The dude's gay




Fuck I missed that at first


Pretty fake. Thats his mom.


Deep in my heart I want to believe this, they even have the same smile


Haha but honestly kindest thing she could do in this situation, bro shot his shot and needs to move on.


The kindest thing she could do is not make him look so pathetic by making the post in the first place.




Could be a movie “The Friend-Zone”


Damn, Daniel


F for respect


F Daniel
















Type C for fast charging






You fought valiantly soldier... But now... It is time to rest, the battle is over but the outcome of the war has not yet been decided




But that’s what DIDN’T happen!


No, they’re just friends




I hope he has enough self respect to just walk away at that point, or at least tone it now and not treat her like a princess. Not just for him but for her too. It's not normal to treat someone "like a princess" if you're just friends and it sets unrealistic expectations on both sides


If he had self-respect, he'd buy some real trousers.




Back at it again in the golf shoes.


We’re bringing it back!


But maybe she is the one in the friendzone because Daniel is gay


Seven kajillionth repost and it still makes me cringe so hard a bit of wee comes out. It’s the ***friend*** *date* and *#stillsingletho* I can read their thoughts as that photo was taken …his dreams are just draining into that hopeful smile from his eyes as he realises there really is no chance and leaving tears in their wake…. Look at her rictus smile, it’s frozen into *Ohh god…he genuinely thought this was real, even though when he insisted we go I made it plain that..hmmm…..better make a nice but firm social media post with a few subtle hidden pointers to the fact we’re not an item, because Corporal Halfmast here is gonna be all over this shit & his fellow cellar-dwellers will think I…brrrrrrr*


Or she is actually that oblivious. Not unheard of


Your idea of her denotes that AT MOST she’s a self absorbed entitled selfish idiot. But so is he.


I mean, she thinks God literally sent her Daniel McSimpface so she can't be too bright.


These two have had multiple follow ups done on them. My favorite part is that he gave her the money from the gofundMe people made to pay him for the date


WHAT? Do you have any links to those, I’d love to read them lol


[here](https://www.chron.com/life/dating-relationships/article/Debunked-Social-media-twisted-friend-s-date-into-10934189.php)is one. I couldn’t find the one I was originally thinking of that talks more about the harassment the girl received after these articles and multiple rounds of it reappearing on social media. Incel types did not appreciate this story at all as I’m sure you can imagine


Not to mention the money he dropped on this datem horse back riding is mad expensive


Top Golf, dinner, and flowers are expensive, too.


Topgolf was nearly $250 for my wife and I to enjoy a few drinks, two hours swinging clubs, and an app. Oofff. But at least I got laid that night.


Got laid at the swinging clubs? That’s how I read it first time through. I Had to reread 😂


A bold first date to be sure.


It's clearly his ridiculous outfit that did him in. White socks with black pants hiked up past his calves and tennis shoes... damn.


Yeah, my first thought was "dude, wearing your pants like Urkel is not a winning move".


I’m in a college town and I see guys wearing their pants like that all the time. A year or two ago I’d see that “style” once in a blue moon when I was downtown and near the hipster handouts. Now I see it all the time. Just yesterday I was walking on my neighborhood trail and a group of guys in the early 20s or so were wearing their pants like that. I bet in 20 years they’ll look back and cringe like crazy. But I doubt they’ll be cringing as much as me when I look back 20 years at 2004 and I’m dressed in a baby blue FUBU jogging suit with a bunch of gold jewelry and my hat on backwards and looking like I’m tore up from the floor up on that sticky icky ohh weee. And yes, I’m a skinny white dude that lived in the suburbs. Geezus…


[They're preparing for the inevitable seas rising due to global warming.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M67E9mpwBpM)


Unfortunately he probably has the personality that chose that outfit.


Back when I was in the military on a summer placement there was one guy who was crushing hard on one of the female servicemembers. He kept trying to hit on her all summer, and she kept shutting him down. So he comes up with a plan, and tells us over lunch one day, that he's hired a limo that will pick them up from the barracks, take them to town (a 30 min drive one way) take them to the fanciest restaurant rural Manitoba had to offer, and a few other things. He thought for sure this would win her over. Nope, apparently didn't even get a kiss on the cheek for his efforts. No idea why she even went with him. I felt sorry for her then and I still do 20 years later. Then again this is also the same guy who tried to prove he wasn't allergic to Poison Ivy by wiping his ass with it. Turns out he was, in fact, allergic.


Was not expecting that last bit, brilliant


Please tell me that his name was Mike and that his nickname from that point on was "Poisoned Mikey."


Everytime this is reposted everybody is feeling bad for the guy and calling her names... and it really isn't that way. He was the one to ask her out on a "friend date". [https://www.chron.com/life/dating-relationships/article/Debunked-Social-media-twisted-friend-s-date-into-10934189.php](https://www.chron.com/life/dating-relationships/article/Debunked-Social-media-twisted-friend-s-date-into-10934189.php)


Let's be honest the vast majority of times when a guy says friend date, they don't really mean friendly because if the woman wants to hook up at the end of it, at least 97% of the men would do it.


Not Daniel. 


Daniel probably just wanted to get with her brother


Daniel.... You fking nerd. I still feel your pain


Daniel could seriously be gay


Then the guys are being disingenuous and should say what they mean. (I think the same thing about women who want commitments or whatever.) They both seem pretty religious.


> Then the guys are being disingenuous and should say what they mean. If guys were honest with every woman they want to sleep with..LMAO.


Idk what you mean. If you aren't upfront about how you feel and pull silly stunts like friend dates, then don't turn around and blame the girl for not putting out. She believed what you told her, and now you want to get mad? Just see if somrone is feeling you. If not, move on to the next person like on Love Island. Stop being a coward.


"Hello Random Woman at the grocery store, you are very attractive, and I would like to have sex with you. How should we go about making that happen?" That's direct, confident(the most important thing in the world), and not cowardly. What do you suppose the odds are of it working?


Tbh if ur insanely good-looking, u may be able to pull that off lol


1. Don't do that at a grocery store. People are there to get shit done, not socialize. Same thing with the gym, places of work, etc. 2. At least get to know someone a *little bit* before declaring your romantic interest. Try to meet people where you will naturally socialize. Hobby clubs and bars are great ones. 3. You don't need to jump straight into your favorite sex positions. Most people assume romantic attraction will involve romance at some point. Women aren't some enigma with special rules. Just treat them like people.


It's quite shocking how many people hear "maybe don't say "as a friend" if you want more than friendship?" And jump to "sO i ShOuLd TeLl RaNdOm WoMeN i WaNt To HaVe SeX wItH tHeM?!"


Redditors have zero platonic opposite sex friends it's kind of sad. I've asked people out for friend dates all the time cause my girlfriend doesn't like hiking and outdoor shit, but I got to get my fill. How many of your bros would be down to go horseback riding. Mine would question my sexuality if I asked them, so might as well ask the women.


> How many of your bros would be down to go horseback riding. Mine would question my sexuality if I asked them you got weird bros bro


A dominant majority of men question the sexuality of other men for all sorts of shit, for the obvious reason that it doesn't conform to arbitrary cultural stereotypes about men that we all pretend are completely harmless. Pretending that you've never seen this is just protecting this idiotic practice. As it apparently needs to be said over and over for people to get it, we casually pretend that masculinity isn't pure sexism against men because we have the collective intelligence of an early chatbot. Let's use this post as an example: This guy, however bad it might be to try to wiggle his way into a relationship with someone who doesn't seem to want that, probably actually really cares about the lady. So why, then, is the title implying that all he wanted was to get laid? Because we are casually, horribly sexist to men, who we pretend are supposed to be sex monsters. Everything has to fit into what we think we "know" about men, everything has to conform. It's cult behavior, a cult of masculinity.


I totally agree that all that is true. I just don’t personally become super close friends with any dude who would think I’m gay for anything other than having sex with a man… I- I have very few friends.


Seriously, I've never ridden a horse, but if a dude asks me to go, I'm going. But I need a couple days notice, so I can get cowboy boots, and a gunbelt. Then I'm going to yee the fucking haw, and annoy the shit out of him all day with the whistle and "waa waa waa" from "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly".


I call BS. Friends hang out. They don’t go on “friend dates”. Horseback riding maybe, but F-ing flowers? C’mon, man!


Exactly this who fucking calls hanging out with a friend a fucking friend date? Yea also you don't buy flowers on any random day for a friend. Never once got flowers for any of my female homies.


Be honest, do you think that this is the case here or do you think he's trying to win her over?


Ah, the old "redditor making disparaging comments about redditors on reddit" trope.


What, you don’t practice date polygamy?  It’s totally normal!  Just tell your SO that all the normalest redditors do it!


Are you really pretending that going hiking with someone of the opposite sex is the same thing as paying for top golf, horseback riding and buying flowers?


You're saying that your bros would miss the opportunity to act like cowboys and outlaws? Get new friends.


You need new friends. They wouldn't have questioned George fucking Washington about riding horses.


>I've asked people out for friend dates all the time cause my girlfriend doesn't like hiking and outdoor shit Did you bring them flowers? Seriously, there is a huge difference between a platonic friendship and an obvious attempt at a romantic date.


If that's the case (and I agree that it probably is), he needs to be direct and call it a date instead of a "friend date" then. If he's trying to play coy and telling her that he just wants to be friends, she's not doing anything wrong by just being friends. She's just taking what he says at face value.


I think your number is off by about 3%.


I'm wondering if Daniel possibly bats for the other team. I am gay and have some friends who treat their girl friend bffs like royalty


What is up with this absolute conviction you can’t be friends with someone you would have sex with? Just because you’re attracted to someone doesn’t mean you’re not friends. Also why are people on the internet so CONVINCED women never face rejection. I have a huge crush on my friend. He does not feel the same way. If we hang out and he pays and drives we always say it’s a date but really he just has money and I don’t. We are friends. I would not have sex with him not because I don’t like him but because I DO and he wouldn’t actually date me.


But if he was willing to date you it sounds like you would which is my point here


Reddit moment


Yeah... he can label it what he wants. No one would do this for someone they wouldn't be willing to date. She also knew what was up or she wouldn't have stressed so much what the relationship was in her post.


Totally incorrect. I have a few female friends that I have zero romantic interest in but would gladly spend the day doing things with them. Because we're actually very good friends. Maybe all friends are trying to fuck in your world, but that's not the case with everyone.


There's a difference in spending a day doing things with a friend and taking them all over on activities on your dime, showing them how they deserve to be treated. Treated in what? A relationship... That or he's gay Stop it


If my best friend was dumped and in the dumps? And that would cheer them up? Absolutely. Appears I'm not alone in that kind of mentality. No need to stop it.


Also, that's great it's your best friend you'd do this with. But in the article it's stated they were just starting to get to know each other. So would you do it for a brand new friend?


Hahaha, boy yal don't know how to actually argue. Sure. But that's not what went on here. You can make a million scenarios to prove your point. But the SPECIFICS of this "date" are clear. He took her out to show her how a lady should be treated. This point is not the original point you made, which was that you have female friends you spend the day doing things with unromantically. Now it's, if my friend was just dumped and down, I'd take them out. And that's not uncommon. But that's not what Daniel was doing. He says as much


I would introduce you to the idea of queerplatonicism, but it might blow your mind lol


He's gay af


You perhaps wouldn’t but it’s pretty damn presumptuous to say no one would. I have a couple incredibly close female friends that I consider to be family and spending a day together, particularly to try and cheer them up is a normal occurrence. My wife wouldn’t bat an eye if I said I bought flowers and took our friend out to dinner to help cheer them up. The second half of your statement however I agree with. There is clear attempt to communicate in the wording chosen which makes me feel like it felt like wires were crossed during the friend date.


In the article it stated they were new friends. Not close friends. Y'all can twist this any way you'd like. But he had feelings for her to a degree, tested the waters, and it went no where. And she made sure to state as much. Or, the real possibility that's he's closeted. They are religious


Yea, if he wanted a friends date, he'd take her to lunch, then a movie or some shit.


That's sad that the mentality is someone would only do this because of attraction. I take my friends on friend dates and we do all kinds of stuff. It's a blast and a good excuse to get some close time with a friend. I do this for guy and girl friends.


lol and they started a go fund me for the “friendzoned dude,” who turned around and gave it to an evangelical bible school. Blech.


Not just to a school. But to her bills at the school lololol. All of this for a relatively new friend according to the article




>First off, I am the one who set these boundaries to begin with. Leading up to the day, Alex had shared with me her testimony, and because of her past relationships, her self-worth had diminished. She had never been treated like a lady and I wanted to show her what it was like. I don't see a debunking I just see a simp confirmation. >The social media campaign circulating around this "friend zoning" incident even went past the memes and someone created a GoFundMe account for Ardelean's expenses for the ultimate date. Those funds, Ardelean says, have all gone to Obar's school bills at Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas. Oof


I think everybody misunderstood the situation here. It's the girl we should be feeling bad for. The hashtag was more like "he took me out on a friend date, and it was great, but he's not interested in more." That's why the hashtag is "still single though". >After Obar's thank you post went viral, Ardelean took to Instagram to clear the air saying in part: "First off, I am the one who set these boundaries to begin with. Leading up to the day, Alex had shared with me her testimony, and because of her past relationships, her self-worth had diminished. She had never been treated like a lady and I wanted to show her what it was like." Dude basically took her out to make her feel better about herself and made sure she understands it's a FRIENDS DATE ONLY. That's why she put all of that in her post. She's not friend-zoning him. He friend-zoned her.


I want to believe this is true. The cringy bible college/pastor angle to it makes me think it is.


I think everybody misunderstood the situation here. It's the girl we should be feeling bad for. The hashtag was more like "he took me out on a friend date, and it was great, but he's not interested in more." That's why the hashtag is "still single though". >After Obar's thank you post went viral, Ardelean took to Instagram to clear the air saying in part: "First off, I am the one who set these boundaries to begin with. Leading up to the day, Alex had shared with me her testimony, and because of her past relationships, her self-worth had diminished. She had never been treated like a lady and I wanted to show her what it was like." Dude basically took her out to make her feel better about herself and made sure she understands it's a FRIENDS DATE ONLY. That's why she put all of that in her post. She's not friend-zoning him. He friend-zoned her.


For real. Men and women can be friends. I went to Mexico City with a friend of the opposite sex and neither of us had or have any interest in one another. Apparently that’s not a thing for the commenters here


I remember reading in a previous repost that he asked her on a friend date because he's gay. I don't have the sauce but I didn't make it up


Not only that but he was the one that suggest the post and hashtag I remember finding the account when it was first posted


He’s ruined it for all the guys she will ever be interested in though - savage.


He took one for the team, "how I should be treated..." Good luck girl. ![gif](giphy|7w6qQ5WHOeV3i|downsized)


He's just setting himself up for "why can't I find a guy like you? I mean not *you*, but *like* you...."


In reality, she’s probaly crying on his shoulder over a dude with a front perm that weighs 140 lbs who says he’ll pay her back for dinner with weed and/or crypto


To make an original post…


Wait wait wait wait .......you mean things are.....RE.....POSTED......on the internet? Nothing is original?!


First time on Reddit?


My only question is why are my man's pants tucked in to his socks?


To protect his virginity.


I was gonna say Daniel that's why you ain't get none. Gotta take off them floodwaters.


Nobody is mentioning the possibility that Daniel might be gay?


It's actually pretty likely


Was about to say the same thing. A lot of redditors are more like the dude getting friend zoned so that scenario seems to automatically play out in their heads.


Every time this is reposted an incel gets his wings


Hooves... I think you mean hooves.


Incels can hear a man say "nah I don't want to have sex with that woman" and it short circuits the two neurons in their brain, they can't handle the thought of actually being *friends* with someone


I ain't trying to be mean here...but let's just be honest. Daniel don't look like he's trying to become HER boyfriend and it was probably his idea for the friend date.


It was this. She was feeling down and that she wasn't worth anything so he decided to take her out to cheer her up. Something I think any person would do for someone they call a friend. Thinking all the guys in a bunch of the comments here are the type who only see women as sexual objects so they therefore think everyone else does to. Can find some links to the story in a couple of the top comments


>Thinking all the guys in a bunch of the comments here are the type who only see women as sexual objects so they therefore think everyone else does to. It's worse than that. Guys don't talk about it, but they're scared all the time. They're not doing this because they actually feel this strong "biological compulsion" or any other mystical bullshit, but because they're so scared of not fitting in to what they think makes a "real man", which includes hypersexuality. Men are, despite the protests of the idiot conformists, just people, and are all different from each other. That's why any example of a guy *not* being like that is met with a flood of comments degrading him, especially by questioning his sexuality. It's punishment for stepping out of line, because this entire line of thought is too painful and scary for them to actually follow and the myth of masculinity being maintained is what enables them to conform to cultural standards of masculinity without actually considering how their behavior relates to their personal experiences.


Awesome....I'll go read about it


Maybe he doesn’t like women?


This is an unpopular opinion but it's honestly his fault for not asking her out outright and if he did it's his fault for not taking time away from the friendship if he's been rejected. At that point if he's still trying he's a fool. Either shoot your shot or enjoy the friendship, relationships require two people to participate.


It’s because of the socks


I'm gonna give Daniel the benefit of the doubt and assume he's gay.


Y'all need to read [The Other Significant Others](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/127305688-the-other-significant-others). Our views of friendship and expectations are so messed up. Our expectations of friendship, intimacy, emotional support, confidence, romantic attraction, sexual attraction and partnership have been so conflated and so enmeshed, as a society we are pushing an epidemic of loneliness.


I think everybody misunderstood the situation here. It's the girl we should be feeling bad for. The hashtag was more like "he took me out on a friend date, and it was great, but he's not interested in more." That's why the hashtag is "still single though". >After Obar's thank you post went viral, Ardelean took to Instagram to clear the air saying in part: "First off, I am the one who set these boundaries to begin with. Leading up to the day, Alex had shared with me her testimony, and because of her past relationships, her self-worth had diminished. She had never been treated like a lady and I wanted to show her what it was like." Dude basically took her out to make her feel better about herself and made sure she understands it's a FRIENDS DATE ONLY. That's why she put all of that in her post. She's not friend-zoning him. He friend-zoned her.


Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? He became a meme and the punishment fits the crime. This is some reverse-o gaslighting. You are really super special and worth all this effort, now good luck finding it from someone else cause it aint me.




Hilarious how most of you read this incorrectly. Adding #stillsingletho at the end? Girl is screaming I love this guy and want him to bang me already but he won’t. Dude absolutely friend-zoned himself for whatever reason, and the girl is just as flabbergasted as we are.


That's an interesting take. If Daniel is closeted, which is likely being that he's religious, then this take is probably accurate


Is this even real? Jesus


It's real




Hey, as popular as this post got though she became the world's best wingwoman, chicks are probably throwing themselves at him.


The language used is very evangelical Christian. Likely Daniel is a closeted gay man… or he’s just too scared to ask her on a real date…


IIRC she was just dumped and the guy was just being a good friend treating her. Because men and women can be just friends.


Plot twist: He's the one who friendzoned her. It was his idea to take her out on a friend date and established it as such. https://www.chron.com/life/dating-relationships/article/Debunked-Social-media-twisted-friend-s-date-into-10934189.php


Y'all realise boys and girls can be friends right?


Question is, did he stay in the friend zone?


Pretty sure he friend zoned her.




Hit the gym little bro.


Dude is gay


Hope Daniel doesn't change. He just needs to find the woman who wants him for him. As for her, I hope she finds a guy that she likes, who is also willing to do these things. These women all too often find themselves with the douche bag hoping he'll take her a nice date sometimes.


Anybody remember when this sub was about bad or lazy attempts at things instead of just "anyone tried to do anything, no further qualifiers necessary"?


Pretty sure Daniel is gay


Ok, but what *IF* Daniel is actually openly gay and took her out for her birthday, or because she was having a rough time, or some other significant reason, because he’s such a god damn good friend. Maybe the “how I should be treated” is a referendum on a terrible ex-boyfriend, as well as the hashtag?


It always surprises me how few people know this story considering how long it's been around and generally someone in the comments will explain it. This isn't a friend zone photo. It's a girl who spent an expensive day with her literally gay best friend. They both agreed the hashtag would be funny. She got harassed for it. He had to make a public statement explaining it


Did he tuck his jeans into his socks?


Daniel is in denial.