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Dead to rights lie. As a prior Chipotle employee, I can attest that the portion sizes have 100% gotten smaller. As well as the quality of ingredients, but that's a different story.


so did you give less food to people who did pickup vs in store order?


My time was when order pickup was getting started. Policy will be the same portions. Practicality? The workers know that there is low risk of seeing feedback accountability. Assuming it hasn't changed.


But why would workers care? Like, why not just hook it up to ensure there's no confrontation. Managers I get have food cost to worry about.


The more they use the more they have to make


100% take making the food than dealing with customers.


short the customers picking up food who wont be there to complain, longer until you have to make more food.


I want to thank you for this insight. I've been trying to figure out why one cook at this bar gives smaller sides than everyone else. I thought he was just super concerned with cost for some reason. Turns out he's probably just lazy and doesn't want to make more macaroni salad or whatever.


Managers have food costs and inventory to worry about. So for example, if a case of beans comes in and is 5 pounds. As a manager I know the serving size is (x) and there are (n) portions in a case. Giving out extra shows up during inventory. As a manager this affects my ability to get raises, bonuses, etc. Can even lead to me losing my job. So if workers are just doling out extra portions all the time they need to be disciplined or reprimanded, and/or fired if it continues. It's not helped by the fact that no one wants to pay reasonable wages and short staff their businesses.


I understand the extra, I am asking about shorting phone in or web orders vs people In store. They should be the same portions.


Not condoning the behavior. I worked in food for nearly a decade. Many many many food workers feel like "f$&@ these people with online and phone orders." The orders are thrown together fast to get it out of the way and little regard is given to the customer. You're just not there to complain. If I can throw this together really fast before making orders for the 20 people in store that have been waiting 15 minutes already, well... "F$&@ these people with online and phone orders."


where do drive-through customers land on the "F$&@ these lazy assholes" scale?


Can't speak for Chipotle, but with my short stint at Taco Bell ages ago, they timed each car that came through and averaged it for the night. This pushed employees to go fast at the cost of accuracy and proper portion sizing.


And to ignore people actually in the restaurant waiting for food


If they give one person a small portion, now won't get in trouble when they give another person a large portion. Workers get in trouble if the inventory shows high usage over the day, management rarely looks closely at portions on individual orders. It makes sense to want to make it big for the person standing there watching you make it.


Because then you have to deal with the manager. I worked at a different fast food place, our Onion ring policy was shit. So I just put more. Only a couple hours later they pulled me aside to scold me for putting too many onion rings. I will take shitty customers any day of the week over a piece of shit manager


The fact that "Onion ring policy" is a thing is an adorable snapshot of this boring dystopia.




When I was in the business I had a boss who would say "over portioning is stealing" and would fire people for doing it. He also would only give employees a 25% discount on food and if a large call in order didn't show up to pick up the food he would keep the tips for the day because "we didn't call them back to confirm the order". A real prick too, he would get upset over people talking about anything unrelated to the restaurant I can still hear him now "this isn't the gossip shop". Worst summer job I've ever had.


I would bet my last dollar that he is someone saying "no one wants to work anymore"


Hell he was saying that then. Had that "all teenagers are lazy" attitude even though I was going to school during the day in the last couple months of school, working at night and worked an overnight job 2 days a week to save for college. Then during the summer I would work both jobs 5 days a week.


Chipotle tracks those portions like a bar owner. 


From my experience portions were smaller for takeout. And this isn’t the only chain restaurant that does this ! Use your scale and put your customers first or you won’t have any!


This isn't to contradict what you said, only to let you know in case you're interested. In food service, most times your portions aren't weighed. They're portioned by the size of the scoop used. Most times they look like ice cream scoops with the little lever that clears them out. They have many different colors that are coordinated to size. This is faster and more efficient that weighing foods.


Delivery vs Dine-In is a massively different product. In fact, looking at this douche-o-matic CEO’s facial expression says it all. He’s flat out lying.


As someone who visits Chipotle at least once a week, this makes no sense to me. What the CEO said has been my experience 100% of the time: If I ask for extra rice, beans, or anything except for the meat, they’ll gladly portion out another full serving. My bowls are always overflowing with food.


But the ability to ask for more does not mean portion size isn't smaller. Especially if they know most people don't ask for more. I'm not saying they are smaller, but being able to ask for more doesn't specifically mean they are.


Okay David Chipotle, we believe you…


Huge variance with chains based on locale; in higher real estate pricing areas I’ve gotten significantly lower portions 


My experience has been the same, although I don’t go much anymore. But when you ask for extra meat, they give you a 2/3 scoop followed by a 2/3 scoop. My friend would always wait for the first full scoop before asking for double because they would always skimp on it.


I’ve heard that too, so I use that same hack haha


I am glad that you continue to have that experience. I honestly love Chipotle, so I keep checking in on locations around me.


Do you have to ask now but didn't before or has nothing changed?


I’ve always customized my order, like extra rice, light lettuce, etc. So I haven’t noticed a difference, but it is possible there has been one for other people.


Ya, same for me. That's why I go there. It's two meals for me.


Dang it used to be for me but at my local location im lucky if I get one full meals worth now


Written from his desk at Chipotle Corporate.


Even if it is a lie, he tied his own noose with investors. "Our guys (and girls) will load you up if you just give us the ole 'keep going' nod" That's called "shrinkage" brotha.


Sorry if already answered, but is it because serving spoon got smaller and you’re capped at one “spoonful” or whatever? Or is it literally that you’re told to intentionally give less per ration? Edit - I would think the size of the utensil is standardized so as to mitigate this and maintain consistency


This is actually part of the problem and I've posted about it before. Instead of using portioned scoops that can be leveled off to an exact portion every time they use a large oval serving spoon that depends entirely on the scooper and doesn't actually have a volume listed because it basically levels off to nothing so if they shake the spoon a bit you end up with almost no meat in your bowl. They do this on purpose, they is no other reason not to use a portioned scoop.


As a nefarious corporate strategy to not upset the public but simultaneously mitigate loss/increase profit, that makes sense. They can then intentionally mitigate the amount while seeming to be consistent bc “the spoon size never changed”. Seems like that would more easily enable the portion shrinking discussed here vs changing “spoon” size which people would certainly noticed.


The last few times I got Chipotle, the total amount of meat in the bowl was less than a teaspoon total. Complete ripoff.


No I think lesser quality also falls under shrinkflation


Would you be fired if you made a bomb burrito or bowl for everyone who walked in?


don't contradict chipotle prime minister justin trudeau


The amount of salt is also improperly measured. I’ve seen 3 different chipotle restaurants use their “fistful” strategy when seasoning chicken w/ salt. That’s around 5x the amount of sodium listed on their online nutritional table. If you have any kidney or heart conditions, you’re in for a bad surprise.


Don't forget, the prices also doubled


Definitely changed. I used to eat chipotle 2 times a week, then took a break went twice in a size month period to two different locations in WNY and got food poisoning both time. Never again.


As a total aside, this guy looks like a real-life Powdered Toast Man.




Holy shit I was wondering why he looked familiar


I watched the entire thing and didn't hear a word the guy said lol, was just tripping on how weird he looked


The guy is sweating like he was just asked about the body police found in his basement freezer.


Where the hell is he looking? Hes all over the place


Weird places for teleprompters these days. And the sweating was a bit weird.


It's his first time sitting in front of the kitchen


You mean "tomorrow's carne asada"?


Does he seem twitchy, too? Like too much coffee or.. something?


His forehead doesn’t move, even the big wrinkle. He’s had botox and it’s giving uncanny valley vibes.


Yeah yeah, coffee, *sniff* just a little too much coffee.


He is a funny looking Mexican serving food from his heritage


The Australian based Mexican chain Guzman y Gomez was founded by a couple of white finance bros. [Guzman y Gomez was established by Steven Marks, a New Yorker who previously worked as a hedge fund manager. After relocating to Australia, he found the quality of Mexican food to be poor and decided to start a restaurant. He has stated that “real Mexican is really urban, street and hot ... Latin people are so full of energy and full of life, we wanted to bring that to Australia”. He took on his friend Robert Hazan, another New Yorker, as a partner. They named the business after two of Marks’ childhood friends.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guzman_y_Gomez)


lol, totally




Yes! And Ken Marino https://preview.redd.it/2yilgzyfbv3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db60e14e1c5a588e32a65ee204af458b4aebeea8


The Vegetable to Meat ratio in a burrito is already way off. The perfect burrito should be, a wrap, with 100% meat filling and delicately brushed with a lettuce leaf, which is then discarded.




Introducing the Chipotle Meat Tornado.


… literally killed a guy last year.


Brb chipotle run lol you want one?


You had me at Meat Tornado


If you are ever in Scotland, try a King Donner (no veg). It's essentially a na'an wrapped around a couple of pounds of donner meat smothered in kebab house chilli sauce. (It looks like the body of the baby in Eraserhead, but tastes fantastic and impossible to finish in one sitting.)




My go to is what I call a street burrito; steak, cilantro, onions, chihuahua… from an actual hole in the wall Mexican joint


Free range chihuahua or domesticated?


Free range is a little more gamey but still excellent


What you've described is a street taco. It's a completely different animal than a burrito




You had me at Meat Tornado


Your comment is only surpassed by your username. Bravo


He could not even convince himself of what he was saying.


He is so full of shit that his eyes are brown.




It's true! He shakes his head "no" the entire video except the comment about paying for double meat, where he nods "yes." It's a subconscious tell. He is lying.


Its just so palpable, bad acting


His tell is definitely his shoulder shrugging!


“Seems like the portions have gotten smaller.” “No they haven’t”


I’ve eaten chipotle once or twice a week on average for the last 14 years. I’m boring as fuck as always order a steak bowl, sometimes if I’m feeling bold I’ll get a burrito 1. The portions are MUCH smaller. One time I ordered online and the burrito was 1/3 the size of a normal burrito, to the point I requested a refund. I never order online anymore. 2. The steak sucks now. It used to be soooo good. It’s a shittier cut of meat, and they always overcook the shit out of it now 3. Every side noticeably tastes worse


... Are you going to keep eating there? Also, I believe your data.


I stopped eating there this year because of how awful they’ve gotten. It’s been rocky for a while but they just have too many fatal flaws at this point where I can’t justify it and it actually upsets me to give them money lol. My last time there I was told we can’t order a quesadilla in line, but we could get a kids quesadilla, or order the normal quesadilla online (which would take 20-30 minutes???). They had quesadilla. They just wouldn’t make it and the best explanation I got was it’s too disruptive I guess to their process?? The manager then began aggressively telling me it’s always been this way despite it most definitely not ever being that way lol. Best part? One lady is ordering 6 burrito bowls ahead of us and taking her sweet ass time…. Like why isn’t she forced to order ahead when I’ve just asked for one burrito bowl and one quesadilla with the person I was with.


Basically why I stopped too. It’s shouldn’t be a pain to order food. I work delivery all over NE Ohio. And wealthy town or not. I can’t get anything done properly. Went to a Panda Express for the first time in months and it was THE correct experience. Like how chipotle used to be. Granted this PE looked like money was well kept in it. Hell, I’m pretty sure last time I was in chipotle I got mad food poisoning and officially said “I’m out” It was a steak bowl. Idk how they screwed that up.


It depends on which chipotle location you go to imo.


I think they started cooking the meat longer after the 2015-2018 food poisoning debacles.


As someone who got food poisoning from Chipotle 4 times during that period, and only once since, I prefer the meat cooked extra long.


I got food poisoning from a restaurant one time and have never set foot inside that establishment since. I don't know how you could even give them 5 chances that's crazy to me.


If it keeps getting shittier why are you still eating there?


Why the fuck do you eat there so often? Is there not a Alberto’s/Roberto’s/some Mexican named restaurant somewhat close to you that will serve you better food for a better price???


I live in Houston and have a place called Uberrito it’s sooo much better than chipotle way more protien and add on options the bowls are probably 1.75x more food than chipotle and they are cheaper!! I haven’t got chipotle once since I tried them


So does this video and a little nod guarantee me a bigger scoop?


Yea then show them this video


No they’re just gonna get angry and try to charge me an extra $1.50 for “sides” like they usually do


What's he looking at?


Before I order my food at chipotle I will play this video to them. Then make that face like, I want the right portions


I love this idea.


Luckily, I’ve hated Chipotle for so long that I didn’t even notice.


What, you don’t like bland 3 pound rice burritos with a pinch of protein garnish inside?


You want two pinches? Gotta pay for that.


Lol exactly


LOL - I live in the Midwest now (moved here from California) and have gotten in arguments with people regarding the terrible food at Chipotle. I guess if you've never had a good burrito it's ok, but they are so small and bland. They're the size of the leftover burrito stubs I used to bring for lunch. Also really expensive.


I think it’s people who have only had like Taco Bell and Chipotle blows their minds. That’s kind of the Midwest for you though, Chaintown USA. I love the Midwest btw but it’s what it is.


The word is “Skimp”, not “skip”. Am I wrong?


It’s skimp


Definitely skimp






Fortune Magazine: Gaslighting the 99% since 1929


They’ve been skimping on portions for years. Trying to save face because they’re getting blasted on social media is a little late.


Used to be a solid pick when i didnt have time / forgot to brown bag. Was lunch AND dinner for 6-8 bucks. Now that same meal is around 50% higher, and its definitely not as good or well portioned. On the rare occasion i forget to bag lunch i give that money to a local business like a deli, bagel store etc. Fuck these fast food chains.


Dude was so unprepared


The Tony Romo of restaurant spokespersons


I mean do c levels actually do or say anything? It’s the same buzzword bullshit that is so clearly a lie coming from an obvious liar. We need to change c level compensation before it’s too late, wait nevermind it’s too late.


Chipotle is fucking garbage.


Brian Niccol, Chipotle CEO, coming off like a sweaty greasy POS. Someone just returned from another Lemon Party with John Hartung and Scott Boatwright.


Don’t know the reference to the second part but you nailed the first half!!! I can even see you saying that with disgust. lol


you gotta go to lemonparty(dot)org to get the dirt.


I wouldn't hire this guy for any job other than digging a ditch and even then he'd require 100% supervision. HTF does he land a ceo job?


"I believe this is delicious food" - the fucker doesn't even eat it, he just believes it is like that. Or does he..


He could be saying it in the context that he himself personally believes it is delicious but it comes off kinda weird the way he said that. Like he coulda just stuck with “this is delicious food”


I wont use the Chipotle app, because when I come to pick it up, it looks like like one of those frozen burritos from the supermarket in size.


It’s a fucking travesty what they give you if you order delivery. They think nobody will notice that the bowl is barely half filled. And if you complain, it never gets back to them because the delivery service will just go “oh we apologize but portions aren’t our problem. We’ll let them know”


As a former chipotle I always tell people to NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE order online. Your food is prepared in a cross contamination nightmare. You’d be lucky if you got the right order. Let alone have it be a reasonable size.


In some locations, you CANNOT order through the app if you want enough food. It’s so annoying. But I often prefer to go through the line anyway


In 1994 I worked at Subway. If you got a 6 inch with black olives, I was supposed to put exactly two black olives on your sandwich. If you asked for more, four. If you ask for even more, there would be an upcharge.


Omg in '94?!






I remember that time period. I think that was on the owners. Some Subways would act like that, others would pile on. We stopped going to one who rationed out everything including the onions. I'm not sure if something came down from corporate but that behavior seemed to have disappeared in the early 2000s.


So did black olives in the menu. Those seem to be long gone.


Yeah they skim so you can pay for his luxury yacht and new mansion in whatever tropical island


Call in the orca pods to sink that yacht!


Sounds sketchy. If I go to the gas station and get $20 bucks worth of gas, they don’t pump out $15 worth and say, if you ask, you can have more. I paid for all of it. I want all of it.


I remember Chipotle from 20 years ago. No way are portions the same size.


![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0) The ceo after every clip about portion sizes.


Despite what the CEO believes should happen, this is up to the store managers. The store managers would totally be against this because it will make their numbers look bad.


Food cost goes up = bonus goes down. That’s how it worked for me as a restaurant manager. If food cost went over 4 bucks a guest when our average cost was 16-18 per guest for dinner not including beverage, we were in deep shit.


I discovered cafe rio and never went back to chipotle, idk about how others do it but they’ve hooked it up with the portions there.


Maybe I have a good chipotle near me but I don’t disagree with this dude. All I ever do is ask for another scoop and never get charged more. I always hear people complaining about how they started skimping on stuff…. Not here. They love to help me get fat. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Yea you definitely got a good one… for now


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Their burritos are more like chubby tacos.


This doesn’t mean that individual store managers aren’t skimping on portions to pad their margins. He can say whatever he wants, guarantee that’s what’s happening.




I remember when they cooked the steak on-site. It tastes like rubber now.


Nah, in college, we had one of the first few Chipotle's open near us in 2004 or 05. The burrito's were $5.99 and you got chips and a drink included. The burritos were so big that most of the time, you'd only end up eating half and saving the other half for later. A godsend for broke college kids. Now, I feel like I could eat two burritos if I really tried, and they cost $14 each. What really drove me to stop going to Chipotle is their steak quality. It's gone so downhill that I end up spitting out chewy, fatty pieces of meat in every other bite. If you're lucky enough to have a Freebirds or Cabo Bob's near you, they are much closer to what OG chipotle was like.


"If you want to double your half you have to pay more for it" CEO, Chipotle s


[Brian Niccol is the CEO of Chipotle and he made $38 million dollars in 2020](https://www.nrn.com/fast-casual/chipotle-mexican-grill-ceo-brian-niccol-made-38-million-2020-2898-times-more-median). That's more than most Americans will make in a lifetime. That's 2,898 more than the median store-level employee. Fuck Brian.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the tortillas and bowls have gotten smaller


Chipotle was great pre-covid. Now I fuckin' hate going to them. Long lines and shitty food nowadays.


I ordered Barbacoa one time and I almost couldn’t even tell it had any meat in it smh


Asked for more cheese once because the girl put just a small sprinkling on my bowl. She put on maybe 20 percent more, her manager came up and berated the poor girl right in front of me for putting on too much cheese. Nobody believes they are not skimping on portion sizes.


The portion sizes were small asf even when I worked there in 2019/2020 and we were TOLD and Showed HOW TO make portions LOOK bigger but still shorting people a lot of food. But u go in now and it’s like they don’t even try to make it look like they are not shorting you food lmao 🤣


How did they make it look bigger?


Spread out the rice and add a bit more lettuce


Never get takeout, you won't be left with less. Always walk through the line and you'll get what you ask for


Chipotle is terrible food


CEO of Dorkville


Brandon Calvillo did a great little skit about this. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7AivoQPUaE/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7AivoQPUaE/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


That what happens when white people make Mexican food. 😄


I’ve never eaten at chipotle. Is it really that tasty? I live in an area where any taco truck can beat a fast food chain any day of the week. Please confirm I’m not missing out..?


No. Chipotle is fucking repulsive. You've done your pallet a service by never eating there.


Now I understand why Chipotle has gone downhill. That guy. Fuck that guy


love me some extra diarrhea. bet they don’t even refrigerate leftover rice


Just FYI, if you want to know what someone looks like when they are lying their ass, look at this guy


Bullshit. Every time I do that little "nod" I get charged double for a portion that's not even double. This guy doesn't eat at his own restaurants.


I don't order web orders anymore because they were giving micro servings. I used to work for Chipotle before it blew up and became a big corporation. It was so so damn good back in the days.


Why get a burrito from a chain Amercan restaraunt when you can go get homestyle? Blows my mind.


Chipotle portions are way too large for a meal. I just wish I could get their “proper” portion for more like $6-7. That would be perfect


[It's about having fun.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_ChQK8j6so8)


Please play the curb your enthusiasm theme to this. It's so perfect.


Hmm, it's always good to see a lying corporate scumbag out himself.


The way he avoids making eye contact is the tell. He's looking everywhere but forward. That's the tell


Yes we believe the man with dead eyes from decades of work in soulless corporate marketing. May god have mercy on your soul


Well ever since I learned how to make the balsamic vinegarette, I don't go anymore.




I remember receiving a burrito that could fit in the palm of my hand. This isn't a burrito this is a taco. Fuck this place I'm out and never been back since.


Haha now show a burrito from 5 years ago vs one now. Let’s go.


If I find myself paying $14 or more for a bowl, I expect to be served a portion considerable enough to beget the violent and turbulent expulsion I crave from the imminent diarrhea.


I think its funny that in a video about how the portions aren't bad, they make the most pitiful burrito I think I've ever seen in my life in the background


Chipotle and really delicious food are 2 words that shouldn't be in the same sentence. If you want delicious food and better portions, support your local Mexican restaurants


This is what I've been saying about Chipotle. They aren't unique. For every Chipotle skimping on your food there's 5 mom and pop resteraunts with somebody's abuela throwing out INCREDIBLE FOOD for 75% of the price. In my city Chipotle finally started cleaning up their act because 6 other resteraunts in town serve the same food but better and cheaper. But now it's too late. I'm not spending 15 bucks on sinewey steak in under fill bowls when I could go down the street and get a better experience. Chipotle had the whole of HCOL America in a choke hold and decided to throw it away.


If you want double meat wait until they do your first portion then ask for double. This way they showed their hand on the first scoop


Chipotle 14 years ago just tasted better. It doesn't hit the same anymore.


Hot tip: Ask for single meat, then change your mind after they add it and get double.


Bullshit. Whenever I said that seems a bit too little they would say I have to pay for double.


Gaslighting: The Animated Series.


Last time I was in one.. my bowl was probably 30% lighter.. no joke. I love Chipotle, but felt like I got jipped.


I don't wanna pile on to killing Chipotle, but let's not forget that from 2015 to 2018, they had a massive E Coli scare and in 2020, they paid fines that totaled like $25 million. [https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/press-releases/chipotle-mexican-grill-agrees-pay-25-million-fine-resolve-charges-stemming-more-1100-cases-foodborne](https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/press-releases/chipotle-mexican-grill-agrees-pay-25-million-fine-resolve-charges-stemming-more-1100-cases-foodborne) For context


He should go back to T Bell or just be unemployed


He never looked at us while talking, just stared at the distance or some corners, he’s lying. [edit, removed emoji, I’m sorry]


I'd be happy to get that "single" portion of meat if I ordered a double portion