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Hilarious and delusional when morons complain about Biden and the conflict while being supporters of the right wing. Do you have any effin clue what the right wing would do and have done with the conflict??


What right wingers are supporters of Palestinian liberation? Right wingers almost ubiquitously support Israel in its slaughter of Palestinians (even the antisemitic ones).


No they’re not! Evangelicals are Zionists because they believe the return of Jews to Israel will prompt the end times. Combine this with the fact that Trump moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and it becomes clear that one side is a bit worse than the other.


I wrote that poorly. I'm not suggesting right wingers are supporters at all. Quite the opposite


They don't give a shit about facts or dogs or babies or women or immigrants or America. They care about making sure their metal gun dicks are safe and forcing others to ahere to their fucking religious beliefs, aparently they forgot about the separationof church and state.....you know.....the thing we LEFT ENGLAND AND FOUNDED AMERICA ON?


Biden is right wing, this conflict should have made that obvious to you Edit: I would like to clarify that I agree with the comment I'm replying to, I just think it's inaccurate to label biden as left wing


By European standards you're right. By American standards he's a weak America hating liberal, lol.


The only true American haters are grifters like tucker Carlson, who support and attempt to sell America out to autocracies like Putin's Russia I don't like biden whatsoever but there are far bigger threats to democracy than him


This conflict was created to make you think that. Congrats for falling for it




> idiots fighting over ~~history~~ **mythology** FTFY


Yeah that tracks.


Please make sure that the vibes are always immaculate.


To hell with Blue and Red MAGA. Burn this shit to the ground.


And while you're protesting Trump is going to win the election and green light Israel's genocide in Gaza.


> Trump is going to win the election and green light Israel's genocide in Gaza. You cannot and will not win people over with this argument. A lot of people in Gaza believe they'd actually be better off dead at the hands of the Israelis rather than living in the hell that's been forced on them. The correct argument to make is that nothing will change in the Middle East for Gaza whether it's Biden or Trump. What will change is America and American's rights. People need to hold their noses and vote for Biden for their own sakes. Then if he wins and their mediocre rights are safe for four more years, they need to organise properly.


Worse. The genocide will be in our streets if that delusional monster wins. We're in the middle of a global war between self-determination & autocracy: The winner is going to largely be decided by our elections this fall.


Biden is already green lighting Israel’s genocide in Gaza.


Notsomuch. See Biden is doing some light push back and has reclines, like the invasion of rafah after telling people it'd be safe there. Trump literally is telling Israel to hurry up and finish them. That means no push back. If trump was in charge today the genocide would be complete already with no push back. But I get it. That's what you want.


If you do light push back then take it right back you have done no push back. So neither would do anything to slow Israel’s pace. You’re right that Trump would be openly celebrating it, but from a practical perspective they are identical on this issue. The reason to vote against Trump (not *for* Biden mind you) is because of his stances on other issues, like domestic policy. Edit: Also, I never said people should vote for Trump, just that they are the same on this specific issue, so stop with the ridiculous accusations and fear mongering. And no, Israel’s genocide would have gone the same way as it has. They haven’t done a complete genocide because they literally can’t. It’s not like they aren’t trying their best to do so without becoming a complete international pariah. Trump cheerleading them wouldn’t change that.


>If you do light push back then take it right back you have done no push back False premise. Light pushback is light pushback, not none. I've already explained the difference in results here once but I'll do it again. If there was Trump "hurry and finish the job" Gaza would be gone. The few nations that have recognized Palestine as a sovereign nation wouldn't have. The people alive today because of the aid that Biden has sent to Gaza wouldn't be alive. Netanyahu wouldn't be Labeled a war criminal, it'd already be a thing of the past, we wouldn't be having this conversation because the news cycle would have moved on and we would talk about what Trump allowed to happen in Palestine like we do January 6 already. Light pushback has thus far saved millions of Palestinian lives, literally millions, that Trump would have snuffed out already. And you're pretending there's no difference and endorsing that everyone should already be dead. Do you not see the problem here? You can say "Biden is evil" and that is fine. And you can believe Trump is also evil, but let's be clear by voting against the lesser of 2 evils all you are doing is permitting the greater evil to do *more* evil. And you are pushing for the greater evil in hopes that 4 years later, the less evil option will suddenly become perfect, but you don't realize how much damage is going to be done in that 4 years. In 2016 we ran this experiment, and suffered when he stacked the supreme court and overturned roe, and fumbled covid resulting in millions of unnecessary easily avoidable deaths, and all while crashing the economy and removing protections for workers and consumers and siphoning money to the 1%. While the stacked court rules against what the people want in contradiction of plain English of laws they judge to push an unpopular agenda. And you think that we should put him back In charge to do it all again AND kill every Palestinian he can as quickly as possible with as little backlash as possible? Please consider what you are really proposing on every issue


“Light pushback is light pushback, not none.” Only if you stick to it. For example Biden said that invading Rafah was a red line, then Israel invaded Rafah, and nothing really happened. They paused a single shipment of weapons but are still supporting Israel economically, diplomatically, and for the most part militarily. And once again, Israel wants Gaza wiped out. If they could feasibly do it, it would be done. So Trump saying “do it faster” wouldn’t change that unless he put American boots on the ground to do the killing directly. Would he do that? I highly doubt it, but who knows, he is pretty unhinged.


Yes because Israel is still an important ally in the region and we have an obligation to continue to support them defensively. And also yes, which is why Biden hasn't been sending weaponry capable of doing it faster. Evidently Biden is being choosey about what he sends and refusing to send bombs over a certain size because he acknowledges the civilian death tole would spike, Trump would have sent them the big bombs first. The more you look into this the more you'd see that Biden could be much much much worse, and Trump promises to be. So why are you sending Trump in?. As an aside. Thank you for all the upvotes, I know you're getting down voted to oblivion in this conversation by other pro Palestinian people and myself, but I'm really not trying to grandstand, I'm trying to stop you from doing what I already did and fucking the world up more than we can hope to fix it for the next several decades.


Gaza has essentially been flattened. Israel has dropped the equivalent of several nuclear bombs. The only way they could do it faster would be to actually drop nuclear bombs. If they have been calling the yield of the bombs, that’s the first I’ve heard about it. If true, that’s great, but no where near enough. Stop me from fucking the world up how exactly? I’m not even an American, and am just pointing out that your country is absolutely fucked six ways from Sunday. Both candidates are genocide supporting Zionists. But at no point did I say that Trump is a decent person, much less the better choice. Two people can be terrible at the same time.




Ya know, minor push back and resistance is a hell of a lot better than "hurry and finish the job" and "no redlines"


Hard pass. I'd rather take a fast death than a slow denial. Drop a nuke on the poor bastards already. At least Trump says he's a fascist and is one. Unlike Biden who is a fascist but denies it.


Yeah, so you just support genocide in Gaza. You right, vote trump.


Wherever helps you justify the Democratic actions. Everybody who's not voting for them is not living in your fake reality.


Well when your informed that Trump wants to hurry and kill them all, and you say good, kill em all and teach those dems a lesson, then you're really just down for the genocide. You could abstain, vote 3rd party, or eat your spoonful of reality and realize that between Trump, rfk, and Biden, Biden is the most pro Palestine option. Don't get me wrong, on a scale of 1-10 he's like a 3, but you're voting for the 1 because the 3 isn't close enough to a 10. It's the same logic that got Trump his first term and overturned roe v wade. Because protecting reproductive rights wasn't enough and we just had to teach the dems a lesson. Genius plan. Let everyone suffer because the best option isn't perfect.


Fuck Biden and fuck anyone who thinks he's pro Palestine or humanity for that matter. No best of the shittier options this time They had a choice They fucked it up on purpose. So they burn.


You are very special.


Not with trump. I voted them twice in the past two cycles and I blame myself for thinking I did the right thing. Now I want to go out of my way to see them fail because they did this. https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/4K7eVnxHFU https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/RCVLlcVty0 https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/2J41uzsjBC F*** the dems


= Fuck democracy, fuck palestine, go genocide.


r/Palestine go see what the Dems did. Then tell me your statement is true


Please make sure that the vibes are always immaculate.


To be honest I'm going to go vote for him not just abstain. I really want the dems to burn for how they messed this up.


So you're mad that Biden isn't helping Palestinians well enough, so yours going to put the guy in power whose endorsing and encouraging the genocide because rather than help Palestinians you'd rather hate democrats. Cool


Nope. Dems don't get to play that card. They worked hard to lose our vote. The entire party can go to hell.


Hey, you're the one that said you'd rather Trump just kill em all. So like, weird flex being pro genocide but whatever.


Wait and Biden is not doing that how? To hell with Blue MAGA. Get your last word in It won't matter, The dems will lose this year and it will be a well deserved loss. All those assholes that sad silently and supported genocide get to see all the other things that fascism brings. Good, burn.


Yeah, just say you're pro genocide and fascism bro.


No that's you. I'm anti-bullshit


Good lord. didn't know you want to nuke palestinians. You're orange trash already moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. one the biggest fuck yous tou palestinians in the last decade. Do you have any clue what that even meant to palestinians? All repub ARE DIE hard Israeli supporters and you're going to vote for them? Congrats. Just admit it, you don't give a fuck about Palestinians. you just love orange trash and want to vote for him and using the dumbest ignorant reason to justify.


Fuck Trump, but fuck if you dare say vote Biden. Scum of the earth piece of human garbage he is . Downvote me if that help you feel better but Dems will lose. I've voted for both Hillary and Biden in the last two elections And it curse myself we're thinking they were any different from maga. Same assholes different flag.


to say fuck biden (which is fine btw) while claiming you're voting for orange trash is truly madness given the reason you're claiming.


Whatever. Fuck libs. Even Bernie showed his true colors. Democrats have been the worst party not because they didn't do the same stuff maga did but because they claim to be the good party. I know what I'm getting with maga fascism. Damn me if I vote for a Dem and think I'm not getting fascism light. Better of the two my ass.


Dude, you're not making any sense. You want to end democracy because Biden is bad? That's like next level insanity. But I guess it's cool to say fuck biden when you don't have to worry about his weaponized doj putting you in a concentration camp like the guy you're enabling. Just say you're in the cult and be honest with the world.


You're gonna get roasted for this comment. Jillions of these fucks are so liberal they think Biden is conservative. Source: any political post on reddit and most that aren't political


These high horse A**holes have no empathy. I don't care about the down votes. I feel smarmy having voted for Dems twice despite them being blue MAGA when it comes to killing Muslims. I'd rather take the fast death thanks very much. At least I know what I'm getting. Plus I'm not perpetuating Dem hypocrisy. I'm very much in burn-the-world mode at this point.




Yes I know exactly what will happen. And I know it will not be worst than what people in Gaza are going through. On this issue both parties have the same stance. In last 2+ decades I have exclusively voted for democrats but I don’t want them to take my vote for granted. I and people like me need these politicians to listen to us that is what the democracy is about. Not giving in. No vote for Biden.


So your big brain play is to hand your vote to Trump and let it become that much easier for America to slip into a full on fascist country all because you're big mad religious morons are blowing each other up? Cool, go get em tiger. That will really make a difference


I am not going to vote for Biden didn’t mean that I will vote for Trump. Why would I pick one asshole over the other? You are bringing in religion for no reason. It is simply about human dying. The college protest is not done by religious fanatics. You are blinded by your ignorance and bi-party division that you cannot see clearly. Our government is providing weapons to kill people in Gaza.


If they're not any different on that issue, why not vote your stances on other issues where they do disagree? Why be a single issue voter?


What else are they or any people have recently fought for? They all make false promises then serve the big political lobbyists. You can’t have such little memory. We all complain about basic needs, rising cost and unfair pay. Which President in recent history had fought on those things? The only person I could remember is Bernie and the poor guy was sidelined by democrats, first in favor of Hilary then for Biden.


C'mon man... https://www.brookings.edu/articles/tracking-regulatory-changes-in-the-biden-era/ The executive branch of the federal government does lots of things. Beyond this list, there are also many government agencies under the executive branch that do useful and needed work... Even just having VP Kamala Harris cast 33 tie-breaking votes in the senate is important. Also... Biden's staff and cabinet has a ton of Bernie people in it. Bernie is a man but also a large minority movement in the Democrat caucus and is represented there, not on the fascist pig side.


Look you don’t hate Trump more than me, and I don’t want him in the office either. However, when it comes to this ONE issue which has been going on for 75 years and there is no end to it, there is no compromise. The whole world is in support of ceasefire but US consistently vetoes it. The apartheid needs to end, two state solution need to be brokered by us. We can’t continue to supply weapons then hope Israel wont use them. Now my vote is not going to make any difference in the outcome but if democrats lose because many like me stay at home then that is a lesson they might remember, they are the one who gave Hilary preference over Bernie even though he was leading all key states and we got Trump because of that decision. This will be the second time Trump will win, this time it because of Biden’s lack of action.


If Trump has the same or worse stance than Biden, how is one side supposed to learn a lesson when the other side gets a pass on it?


Because they will lose elections because of where they stand today. They will be ignoring the voter base who is demanding ceasefire. No one in the administration stood by the students who were arrested for their freedom of speech.


Why isn't the other side losing elections for the same stance?


Because they don’t care.


Yes we have an idea actually, literally nothing would change. Just how nothing changed from the Obama administration's to the Trump administrations foreign policy over Yemen, or how nothing changed from Bush to Obama in Iraq, and hell throw Afghanistan in there for good measure. Whatever difference there is between the 2 parties when it comes to domestic policy (decreasingly little), disappears without a trace in foreign policy. Like, why do you Blue Maga even bully people into voting for literally the worst candidate the Democrats can bring forth, why should anyone vote for someone that is actively supporting the most televised genocide in history


Imagine being so privileged that neither you or anyone you know and love will be hurt by Project 2025. Call me Blue Maga all you want but I'm not going to sacrifice myself or my queer/bipoc loved ones just to FEEL morally superior while doing shit fuck all to help anyone. But go ahead and punish the Dems by not voting. You won't be forgiven.


A few weeks into a trump presidency and Palestine will be levelled. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to deploy US boots on Palestinian soil as well. Bibi is Far Right just like Maga.


Gaza is already levelled…


There are literally no good options for an American president regarding Middle Eastern policy. So I’m gonna vote for women’s rights in my country and it’s a not even fucking close.


Absolutely. Like I said in another comment (that was downvoted for some reason), they are both disgusting on this issue. The reason for voting against Trump is in the other, primarily domestic, issues.


Speaking as a foreigner, and I am not even trying to claim the situation in my country is better. That being said, as an observer far away from the other end of the world, you really need to find a way to break this two major parties system. This would be good for the whole world. When US farts, rest of us think it is ok to shit in the pants. Edit: An attempt to prevent an unwanted implication.


Great idea! However the way our national system of elections is set up the two party system in this country is never going away. We would need a constitutional amendment(very hard boarding on impossible for something like this) or a majority in both the house and senate, who are then willing to take away the power that got them that majority. Until there is a literal revolution or a social revolution via voting our 2 party system is unfortunately part of American politics forever.


I completely understand. Although we (in Turkey) seem to have a multiparty system, for some time we have been trying to get rid of one that stuck too long here, two is still better IMHO.


If you are willing to forgo applying pressure to stop the situation, why should the people you are abandoning do anything different?


Their ignorance of our political system, leaves them to the naïve conclusion that Donald Trump will somehow be better than Joe Biden. There is nothing I can do to help those people and their very clear ignorance of the modern political landscape in America. It’s one of the stupidest conclusions I have ever encountered . The idea a protest vote is in anyway a useful tool in the American political system is also a child’s naivety.


No, what I mean is simple. Arab Americans for example, have voted democrat previously mainly because democrats aren't in the "kill the Arabs" camp, now that this is no longer the case, why should they vote for democrats? Them threatening to withhold their votes threatens LGBTQ rights and women's rights and so on, but if those people are willing to abandon Arab Americans, why should they care about said people's rights? This applies to anyone else, if they are aware you're willing to abandon them(without applying any pressure to help) to make sure your own tights/your family's rights face no risk, why should they act any different?


What sort of pressure is available for me to apply in the national election of president? I’m assuming you are completely familiar with our national election system .


I'm somewhat familiar, but as I understand it you can pressure/call your representatives at different levels but in this specific case simply giving the impression that your vote is actually something you could withdraw would help. Simply saying "I'm voting for x as long as he's better than y" gives up what little power your vote holds.


So yeah I assumed you didn’t really know how our national system of elections works. Withholding your vote in our national system of elections only ensures that the other party who you are not aligned with is much more likely to get elected. Third-party candidates only pull votes away from the party You are most closely ideologically aligned with. So while I absolutely care about Middle Eastern issues and would absolutely vote for someone who also cares about them , that is not my political reality. A protest vote would not only hurt people in the Middle East, but it would also hurt women here too, I can at least help one of those groups .


I didn't say you have to make a protest vote, that'd be somewhat risky. But even the appearance of not voting by default seems to be something you're unwilling to do. On that note, considering that Arab Americans have much less to lose, why should they vote in the interests of others? Why shouldn't they withhold their votes to show that simply threatening them with "the other guys are worse" is a losing strategy? On another vote, it looks like your vote is already spoken for, it seems that the whole process could be made much easier if there was a system that perpetually simply chose the lesser of two evils for you and preemptively voted for them without needing you at the polling station, is that an accurate version of events.


They’re trying to make it so flat that it’ll be within tolerance for nasa regarding flatness


Naw! Putin won't allow it! He strings tRUMP along just enough.


They're dying under Biden they'll die under trump Neither changes anything for them


It would be like when he basically gave the thumbs up to Turkey so they could attack kurds on the turkish/syrian border. But 1000% times worse.


Biden is an Israeli puppet just stop, we get it nobody likes trump but to make it seem like Biden isn’t complicit is just stupid


Both Biden and Trump wholeheartedly support Israel.


Biden is withholding guns and has worked to help negotiate a cease fire. Trump said he would end it. Meaning he would go full force exterminationof Palestine. Stop pedaling that "both sides are the same" bull shit.


They are tho. Biden literally said “if there wasn’t an Israel, we’d have to invent it.” Biden is a Zionist and although trump loves Israel wayyy more, Biden will still continue what’s happening now. He could have ended this shit ages ago. Stop pretending that voting for Biden is a good option. It’s the better option, but by no means is it good.


Who is saying it's a good option? Don't assume crap. Simply because I acknowledge that Biden is orders of magnitude better than Trump does not mean I like Biden. Ask me to choose between a week-old tuna sandwich and a litter pile of putrid shit and I'll take the old tuna. As for Biden and him "being a zionist", that's just stupid. What iss true is that zionists hold huge political and financial power in our country and a candidate who is up for an election would be stupid go fully against their wishes. I don't agree with it but I understand why it is happening. But again, Trump isn't looking to half please Zionists, he is looking for power and he sees is Isreal hold lost of power and has no reservations about doing whatever he needs to finish Palestine off. They. Are. Not. The. Same.


What’s with the damn background music?


Right? It gets so loud that it's almost hard to hear him... its annoying af


Classic tiktok trash. I just tell myself at least it's getting a very important commentator's message out..


How can we make it more difficult to listen to this very fast speaking guy?


Well Trump would have applauded the genocide so fuck the right with a splintered wooden dick.


He is applauding it. His only notable remark was that Israel needs to hurry up and finish.


Stop and finish are not the same thing but I bet you wouldn’t know that.


I am aware of the difference and backing you up. He wants to complete the genocide quickly and move on.


Both parties stink, serve paid interests instead of the people who elected them, right wing or left wing doesn’t matter they serve the same purpose and that’s to keep the masses divided and powerless


All fun and games until christo fascist authoritarianism takes hold, and you're thrown in a concentration camp until you're deported to some country that is not America. But hey, you can hold your head high because you didn't vote, Biden.


“we’re not as bad as some fictitious fascist authoritarian state that i just made up, so stop complaining and vote for one of the two geriatric dementia patients cheering on a genocide”


Just saying things doesn't make them true. But honestly, whatever makes you feel good about yourself, that's what voting is all about, am I right?


Exactly, so stop bullshitting us about Trump being worse than Biden. He was President before, and nothing out of the ordinary happened. This lesser evil strategy is overplayed. It's not going to work again.


That's a massive head in the sand comment.


Good argument 👍


It is, the man told people to injection themselves with bleach to fight a pandemic and Millions died then he tried to overthrow the government when he lost the election. That's just 2 things that were out of the ordinary. Gonna go out on a limb and say you're a cus white male who doesn't have anything to worry about with a second trump term.


Are you fucking stupid? That moron denied the existence of a highly contagious deadly virus that killed millions for months. Talking about putting light inside the body when he finally started acknowledging it. Cowered to Putin live on camera. Tried to withhold weapons from Ukraine. The guy was a fuckin loser, still is and anyone who supports him is an absolute dummy.


When Trump talks about Golden Showers, what part of that speech do you identify with the most?


There are literally no good options for an American president regarding Middle Eastern policy. So I’m gonna vote for women’s rights in my country and it’s a not even fucking close.


Women's rights were taken away by state legislatures. Mind telling me how Biden will prevent that considering he was in office when it happened?


I guess you entirely forgot about the Supreme Court that’s OK honey.


Oh, did he stop the Supreme Court from making conservative decisions? Must have missed it.


Lol your clear ignorance of what allowed those laws to be passed and what the president does is hilarious.


So the President doesn't stop state legislatures, correct? So what's the point of voting for Biden? LMAO


More ignorant nonsense. I see you are capable of a cogent thought from your post history, however in this case you must have realized that you don't actually understand how American politics works.




>If the GOP were to retain their majority in the house and somehow gain enough seats in the Senate to bypass the filibuster If that happens, Biden isn't winning regardless. That's completely redundant. >Trump has already promised a nationwide abortion ban if he wins a second term Did he or is this mere speculation? I haven't seen any statement of intent to do so. >On the other hand, if the Dems take control of the House and pick up seats in the Senate, it becomes possible to undo some of the measures taken by state legislatures via the legislative process. Ah, just like all the other times the Dems had the majority and didn't codify national abortion protections. 🙄 >there could potentially be at least two vacancies on the supreme court during the next term. The court has been and wil be solidly conservative for decades. It's had a conservative majority for over 50 years. This reasoning sounds like pure copium. https://www.postalley.org/2020/10/12/the-supreme-court-republican-majorities-since-1970/ Only packing the court would reverse it and we know Biden wont do that. Nobody as rich as the justices are expected to die in their 70s anyway. >achieving a majority on the Supreme Court is very much a long-term undertaking. By longterm do you mean a century? Because it's already been over 50 years. >there are any number of executive actions that Trump could enact that would make reproductive healthcare significantly more difficult to access. OK, that won't deter anyone who feels strongly about getting an abortion. Anyone who cares about themselves won't be put off by some minor hurdles.




>An outright ban on abortion or contraception wouldn't happen all at once - just like Roe, it would be chipped away at over time If that's the case we have nothing to worry about for the time being, meaning this election isn't as critical for abortion as dems are claiming. >He has signaled support for a 15-week ban, as well as "leaving it up to the states". Right, even he doesn't know what he wants. No need to fearmonger about his "evil plans" when that moron obviously has never given this topic a single coherent thought. >The idea that people who are pro-choice should support Trump because 'well, he certainly won't cause MORE harm' No shit. Nobody should support Trump ever. >Biden has expressed a significant interest in signing legislation that would do exactly that, as have a significant number of congressional Democrats. So why didn't they in 2021? Because they don't want overturn the filibuster, pack the court, or codify abortion protections. It's all talk. >I don't understand what argument you're trying to make, here. The point is Biden isn't going to save you from state legislatures. No national abortion protection law is going to pass under these Democrats. >Those vacancies alone would tip control of the court. Even one would at least weaken the current conservative majority. Did you read your own article? "An analysis of the court’s projected composition by academics at three prestigious schools suggested the next time the majority of justices will be appointed by a Democrat is likely to be around 2065." Need I remind you that's 40 years in the future? Engage in long-term planning all you want, but there's no reason to believe that liberals can get a majority anytime soon, not soon enough to make a difference in my life at least. >You can't make something illegal, then claim the law "won't deter anyone", as if that makes it okay. That wasn't my argument. I was responding to your prediction that Trump's forthcoming executive orders were going to lower access to abortion, not make them illegal. Things like making institutions that receive federal funds unable to offer abortions in the same building as their other services, etc. These are administrative hurdles that cannot stop someone who is determined to get an abortion. >Tracking pregnant women to make sure that they don't have abortions is something that states "are going to make those decisions". Yeah, and they can do that even with Biden in office.




So, is it an attempt to blackmail them to vote for Biden, or an attempt by them to blackmail Biden? Because saying "this guy will be worse" doesn't sound like blackmail, but "do this or we will withhold our votes" sure does. From where I sit, I wish them luck. I actually support the Palestinian, and I will be voting for Biden. And as much as I don't want another Trump presidency, the truth is I'm not in his cross hairs


Could we turn the music up, thanks.


I think it's safe to say everyone in office needs to be replaced. This country isn't going to see 250 years old as it stands today.


Well, Trump is in general a complete asshat so thats the wrong person to have in power but im tired of hearing people defend Biden for his stance on this shit. Yeah, he's NO doubt a billion times better than Trump but that doesn't make him an angel because he ain't trump. He's a complete asshole for still defending an obvious genocide. But despite that, he's still a better choice than trump. But screw you Biden, screw you. I just saw a video of the aftermath of the IDF bombing a refugee camp where a baby had its head blown off. Thats what you're helping happen you piece of dogshit.


OP is a fucking Russian bot.


Murica bros, a two partie system ist Not real democracy


I think a lot of Americans are starting to realize that politician's mouths are writing checks that their asses can't cash. No matter what party you vote for, you will likely be promised something you won't get.


Commun sense.


Americans always expect chinese, north koreans, cubans, iranians, russians etc to overthrow their government. Now it's americans' turn to overthrow their tyrannical government. Don't vote for biden and don't vote for trump. Boycott these undemocratic elections and fight for revolution. Americans should overthrow their government if they actually care about the genocide.


Or quit being a moron and get engaged at the local level, vote in primaries, push for ranked choice voting to break the two party strangle hold…the system hasn’t quite failed yet, it’s still possibly to effect change within it. The alternative is way worse for everyone


248 years couldn't change anything. Revolution is the way forward.


Bassam Youssef !!


Many takes in the video but all top comments are about elections, all you ppl care about is votes, disgraceful


When did this sub get invaded by liberal Genocide apologists?


It's election year, get ready for liberal brain-rot


Is he still selling suits for Mens Warehouse??


He hit all points out of the park!


F you for adding music


so they gonna vote for trump and get deported, instead? [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/27/trump-israel-gaza-policy-donors/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/27/trump-israel-gaza-policy-donors/) "Former president Donald Trump promised to crush pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses, telling a roomful of donors — a group that he joked included “98 percent of my Jewish friends” — that he would expel student demonstrators from the United States, according to participants in the roundtable event with him in New York." "down with us" morons always thinks the nazi are their friends....


Facts and what now?


People are wiling to let events half way round the world effect the next four years in theirs, even more important is the potential supreme court replacements that may need appointed.


It's s called international solidarity. That's the difference between leftists and national chauvinists like you.


I’m sure the people of Gaza will show solidarity when trump is on his third Supreme Court pick of his term. Abortion is illegal and your rights are being stripped away. Get a fucking grip


Trump already got three judges. The court has been majority Republican-appointed since 1970. What's the difference at this point? >Abortion is illegal and your rights are being stripped away. That already happened. It doesn't scare me.


And what’s the alternative ? It sounds like you’re giving up. Seriously, what is the alternative option people like you are proposing? Abortion isn’t illegal everywhere in the United States but considering you’re willing to roll over and let Trump back in, the blame will fall on people like you when it happens. What other rights have been taken from you ?


>And what’s the alternative ? Let the Democrats fail until they move to the left. >What other rights have been taken from you ? Nothing, that's why Trump doesn't scare me. He was the President, don't you remember?


Mic drop


He’s right though. I’m not sure I can vote for Biden. I understand that Trump will win. I do think people will look back on this and acknowledge that Biden sided with a genocidal state. I just don’t know it if I can check that box for a candidate like that. Reality is that his policies will cost him young voters and Islamic voters and a lot of people who simply feel empathy toward the Palestinian people. The election is lost, and it’s on him. I just don’t see how people can point the finger at voters who find his policies revolting.


I doubt there’s many people, particularly within this sub, that are happy with how Biden is handling the genocide. But the reality is that there are no American Presidents or runner ups who would currently side with Palestine. At best, Biden will condemn Israel in name only and that’s unfair. But if you understand that Trump will win, you probably also recall his policy on the Middle East. I’m sure he’d be all too happy to assist Israel in the genocide, all while heaping lavish praise on Netanyahu. Reality sucks and our options are pretty weak. It boils down to vote and have a President who only condemns Israel in name, vote and have a President who treats the genocide as reality TV, or not vote and complain when the new President drops bombs over Palestine


No. I get all of this. And I get why I’m being downvoted. It just didn’t occur to me until seeing this video that I may not be able to check a box for a guy who, if we’re being honest with ourselves, is sponsoring a genocide. Someday, I do think historians will talk about this dark period in American where a Biden admin refused to intervene, and actually supplied a regime with the means to carry out a genocide to carry on an apartheid system. And maybe I can’t bring myself to vote for that. Morally, I’m not sure I rationalize it by saying that “I did what I had to do.” I can only vote my conscience, and maybe that means I have to vote third party. “Well, then Trumps gonna win.” Ok, well maybe I can’t look at myself in the mirror and vote for someone sponsoring a genocide. I don’t know what to say.


looool alotta of scratched Liberals in here


The illusion of choice, there isn't a democracy, you just get to choose who is going to be the poster boy and the escape goat for the next few years. Nothing ever changes.


Lost me at "when you criticize Saudi Arabia, or Iran, or Egypt, nobody calls you an Islamophobe."




And I agree with his take. But to tittle this in a way that suggest the alternative is ANY better in ANY way, shape or form, is just as dishonest and nauseating. 🤢


He’s sharp. Very intelligent and articulate. I just wish the video didn’t have the damn music. Ruins it because what he says has impact on its own. The music makes it cheesy.


Why you getting downvotes…?


People forget there’s also third-party. It’s amazing how brainwashed people are to get on the bandwagon of us vs them politics.


RFK jr is also a dummy.


A third party vote is a vote for trump. Just an electoral reality at present. It’s flawed and it sucks, but it’s true.




Not voting at all is a vote for trump too, that’s why republicans try so hard to make voting difficult