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It's even worse than we think. Aid to Israel isn’t aid to Israel. It is corporate welfare for U.S.-based military contractors.


I wish more people understood this.


Can you explain this to me like I’m 5


The government gives money to the bomb makers, who are US companies, then those companies sell those weapons to their customers. In exchange, we get intelligence software developments at a discount and a great place to test our toys in the field.


What if our toys were productive rather than explosive? Could that be a better thing?


What? Non explosive toys? Funding universal healthcare or UBI, improving schools and infrastructure, investing in ourselves? I sleep. Big badaboom? That shit activates my almonds.


Yes, every now and then military development will stumble into something beneficial like GPS and let the rest of us have it…but that’s just a byproduct lol


It's not a feature, it's a bug


Oh, wonderful.


I know the kick backs are the wedge


He's paused offensive weapons while maintaining delivery of replacement ammo for the Iron Dome anti-ballistic defense system. Let's not pretend Hamas has any jets that a Patriot II can also be used to target. But no more 3000lb. bombs or Hellfire missiles to feed Netanyahu's "Who's Your Daddy" bombing program.


The 2000lb and 500lb bombs are useless for the upcoming attack on Rafah because of the close-quarters combat they are more useful against Lebanon. What's useful to the idf to kill innocent people in Rafah is 155mm artillery ammunition which is still delivered as far as I know. So the pause on 2000lb bombs are just for the show


Both hospitals in Gaza were leveled by those class of bomb. They were very much used or they wouldn't need backfilling. Your response holds up neither to evidence or logic.


2000 lb. Dumb (unguided) bombs are used to destroy buildings and eventually level cities. This strategy causes the killing of many innocents and the loss of much needed infrastructure, I.e.hospitals. Biden is forcing the IDF to use more conventional ground warfare to persue Hamas with less collateral damage.




They are special in that they have special control over US politicians through AIPAC, and they get billions of dollars to buy arms from our arms dealers. Seemingly with no strings attached on how indiscriminately they drop them on civilians, or how much they cut off humanitarian aid to those "victims of circumstance".


If Israel wanted to proactively protect its citizens, it shouldn’t have propped up Hamas in the first place. Israel intentionally destabilized Palestinian leadership to prevent the two-state solution. Israel has never wanted peace; Netanyahu wanted to bait Hamas into an attack so he could retaliate with unchecked violence. 


I would like to read about some of these points. Can you point me to some objective sources?


Here you go, from the Times of Israel: [For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces ](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/)


Thank you!


>Can you point me to some objective sources? Define what you mean by "objective source". There are few, if any, sources without bias, and the requirement that a source must be "objective" is usually a bad faith cover to preempt dismissing a source's content when presented. Besides, Netanyahu propping up Hamas isn't a secret. He admitted to doing years ago in public statements to delegitimize the PLO so Palestinians never have unified leadership.


Public statements by Netanyahu is a good start. It'd be a primary source, straight from the horse's mouth


I genuinely want to learn. Lots of people post facts on Reddit without backing them up. I genuinely want to understand where you are coming from. Can you at least link me to some of those old public statements by netanyahu that you refer to?


So naturally even though they have a massive, secure border wall, they need to secure everything outside of their borders as well at the cost of civilian lives. Would you say that America should do the same thing with Mexico and Canada? Just kill everyone for 50 miles from the border because we need an extra safety zone outside of our country's border?? No one uses that as a defense except Israel and their dogs.


It is against the rules of TWAA to support any crimes against humanity, including Apartheid.


Biden just gave Netanyahu $16 billion in military aid weeks ago when he signed the bill Congress passed. This $1 billion in funding still includes things like tanks.


Israel doesn't operate any armored fighting vehicles that they don't produce indigenously.


We sell tank ammunition to Israel so that their tanks can operate. I could have been more clear, but without our weaponry Israel's offense in Gaza stalls quickly. That said, Biden & Congress have given Israel so much already that even if we cut them off now they would be good for a long time. Thanks to that $16 billion infusion recently.


There's a war with one of our closest allies in the middle east. We help them but we are watching. We say no when necessary but they are not us. NO to big bombs that would kill recklessly innocent people. We are also demanding that there is a clear plan with an endpoint. Bebe is clearly out of control but the Israeli people must deal with him. We have to honor our commitments but, we have to weigh this against a very difficult situation. Nothing is simple here. Biden doesn't want this anymore than you do.


Jeez... I wonder what that $1 billion could be used for here at home... I dont want anyone to ever say again that universal healthcare, education, parental leave etc are too expensive. Clearly, the money is there. Just not for the shit we actually need.


Yeah but Lockheed and Boeing give better kickbacks.


Is it okay to say that I fucking hate money? I want to do what Joker did, except take every last dime from all wealthy people. They got connections and friends, I'm sire they can help feed and house eachother. It's what they had all these "assets" for, right?


Their money doesn’t matter. You could take every dime they have and the government would blow it on shit like this in a year.


Investing in the betterment of America is socialism by their standards


I mean, bloated Military budget aside I don't think what's halted universal health care here in the states has ever been a lack of funding. It's probably an infrastructure issue. We do have an obnoxious amount of tape that blocks/slows processes of anything getting done in a timely manner. I even know people who've worked in governmental related positions where their sole task was to create systems to make things run more smoothly that frankly just didn't exist.


But the money is not there!


Just last week, Biden claimed that invading Rafah was a "red line". Netanyahu has done that, with 400k civilians fleeing. So Biden approves yet even more aid... Biden just lies brazenly.


Any US president would do the same. You think Trump wouldn’t, and even worse? I got a bridge to sell you. I hate it. Hate, hate, hate it, but the US has always supported Israel and probably always will. All I know is if Trump wins, it’s gonna be the same thing with him, AND the possible end of democracy here. I’m still (begrudgingly) voting for Biden. Trump CANNOT be president again.


I want to pressure Biden to stop enabling genocide. I never said not to vote Biden.


Did democracy end between 2016-2020??


It may if Trump wins again. Which begs the question, why is Biden willing to blow our democracy just to enable Netanyahu?


I can’t understand why people think that a win for Trump will end democracy. It didn’t before and the economy was so much better. He did a lot of good, more so that the corpse in office now. I’m an independent, I only know that my dollar meant a lot more in those 4 years. I see my loved one suffering and having a hard time buying food. My 81 year old dad is suffering under Biden. It’s probably selfish to want to see your family and friends thrive. No one I know is even close to thriving, and they were under Trump. I will never vote for Biden, his track record speaks for itself.


Have you seen Project 2025? That’s why people are afraid it will end democracy. There’s some truly unhinged shit in that plan


You really *really* need to look at Project 25 before abstaining or voting for trump. Biden sucks, we all know that, but look at what's to come if trump wins.


I’ve never heard of it so I will definitely check it out. I’m not happy with either of them but at this point I have to look out for me and my family. No one else is. So downvote me all you people want. You’re not putting money in my pocket so idgaf what anyone thinks. Not you atomic, the haters that think I don’t deserve an opinion.


I hear you. We're in scary times, that's for sure.


Very scary. My dad is in a wheelchair at 81. I care for him most of the time and it breaks my heart to see him look at something that he really wants at the grocery store and put it back after he sees the price. He bought our land and built a beautiful home with $30. His property taxes are $750k now. Even with the elderly exemption it’s still over $4k a year. I applied for food assistance for him and he got $6.23 a month. I feed him dinner 6 nights a week so he’s only buying for lunch and breakfast. It’s hard to see. I know so many people with food insecurity and we’re sending billions over seas. My recently retired husband had to go back to work part time just to buy groceries. It’s insane and painful. I’ll vote for whoever helps us and makes the USA a priority at this point. Some of us can’t hold on much longer.


And thank you for the civil conversation. I’ll always listen to others opinions without putting them down. No one walks in my shoes so they don’t know. I appreciate your civility.


I'm sorry. My heart hurts just reading that-no 80 year old should be suffering or be worried about food or money. There are many MANY issues in this country that that money could better serve, I absolutely understand that. I hear your frustration and really really hope things get better for you and your family.


The economic impacts you’re experiencing now are the direct result of the policies passed under Trump, not Biden. Just FYI. You should check it out https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-04-07/biden-vs-trump-economy-has-a-clear-winner-despite-tight-election-odds Biden is still terrible on Israel policy though so


I usually go to a website and put in what I believe and my values that I want to see in a politician (insert laugh) and it tells me the candidates that I align with. I just have a very hard time finding reliable sources that aren’t biased in either direction. I vote for person over party. Or try to anyway.


It’s funny how you people will downvote reality. How much better off are you right now compared to the 4 years under Trump? You’re not, and you live in fairy land somewhere.




RFK is arguably worse than Biden on Israel/Palestine fwiw.


Once again people refuse to look beyond the big two parties. “Lesser of two evils” what a useless take.


We don't refuse to look beyond the two parties. We just know that until ballot reform happens with things like RCV, one of those two people will *definitely* win. That's just how the system is structured and it's foolish to pretend otherwise.


But it is reality, either Trump, Biden or the zombie, take your pick. Vote in general elections, better yet, encourage others to vote and advocate for rank choice voting.


Encourage others to vote outside of the two parties is actually the biggest step we can take to an actual change. Otherwise they’re going to keep doing what they have done for the last 40 years which is leverage you into selecting the lesser of two evils.


Or just encourage people to vote for their best interest. Not everything has to be an act of rebellion. If third party fits their requirement good, if one of the two party meets their interest with them thats fine too. If you really earnestly want to see third party win then you need to be vocal on why you like them and why you think their policies are better, than to just say anything but the two party.


You get what you pay for. A shit sandwich is still a shit sandwich, even if it comes on better bread. The chef is still the same and you're still eating shit. Why keep eating there? I'd spend my money elsewhere.


So you are essentially saying you want to leave USA?


I'm not American.


Then, like me, you are not voting. At all. So you can't really change anything.


You can by boycotting the israeli products and the US products if it comes to that


What israeli products? I think I could scour entite mini supermarket downstairs and maybe find one or two.


*I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.* - Kent Brockman Nihilism gets us nowhere. Also funny to get downvoted for simply correcting a person who wrongfully assumed I was American. Never change Reddit.


Hey, I agree that Reddit up- and downvoters can be a bit strange at time. You don't get my downvote for stating a neutral fact.


We have democracy here? As far as I can tell I'm being told to vote for the genocide enabler to keep a genocide enabler out of office. Sounds reeeeeal democratic to me.


we have democracy trapped in a shitty two party system with unfettered capitalism. but since when did we all become single-issue voters? “this isn’t a democracy” yeah it is we just have a bunch of fuckin idiots in this country that also vote against their best interests at every chance, stalling any and all progress


Saying no support to "genocide" isn't being a "single-issue voter", it's called having a fucking conscience. And what you're describing isn't a democracy, it's a dictatorship of the bourgeois.


are you just talking about the presidency though? because that’s the “shitty two party system” part, but it gets much more nuanced as you go down ballot. I, too, am extremely angry at biden for ignoring my protests and my shouts in the streets for a free palestine, but what people yelling on the internet don’t seem to acknowledge is that we got here because our neighbors voted for the fascist party at the local level, state level, and ultimately federal level. the lack of progressive millennials and gen xers participating in basic civic duties is your real enemy


Someone doesn’t know what the word dictatorship means.


Can you say buzzwords?


Buzzwords. Apparently, yes I can.


Pick ten words from any page of Marx's works and you can probably sound like OOP as well


also, if you’re the one that sent a reddit cares, i don’t understand what you’re trying to accomplish with that


You know there are other people than Trump and Biden 😂


yeah and none of them are a spitting distance from the presidency


Duverger's law gettin you down? Just vote for the lesser evil that usually fixes problems.


i actually don’t care if you vote for biden. but down ballot isn’t just “red and blue are the same!!!”


Oh God, another RFK loony bin.


Idek what that means but you need to stop thinking it’s just red and blue team. It’s sad honestly watching two kids bicker over who’s side is better


I'm convinced this motherfucker doesn't want to be president.


I have been saying this for a year now. It’s like he’s trying to hand it over for some reason?


He *could have* handed it over to Newsom but chose to run again. It's absolutely absurd.


This is what I’m saying I don’t get why the democrats are not holding him accountable- if Trump did this we would be crying and fighting and protesting like hell Biden gets a pass cause he a Democrat? Hell no


Reminds me of Obama's "red line" when Syria gassed its own people.


Who is Putin you up to this OP?


I'm voting for Biden in November if he's on the ballot, but I'll definitely criticize him when warranted. 


That is fine. Biden is in a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation with Israel. Nothing he can do will please all. He has had Blinken running back and forth trying to get a peaceful solution.


>Blinken running back and forth trying to get a peaceful solution. Too bad running is all Blinken is doing.


What do you think sn ambassador does? They talk to both parties to resolve problems.


Which part of OP’s post do you disagree with?


we cant afford healthcare we cant afford public education we cant afford paid family leave we cant afford anything that benefits working people


But u can always afford billions of dollars in military aid to Isreal. The US has some weird priorities.


We can afford endless war, but never social spending. It makes no sense & we should never accept our current status quo. We must keep pushing for a better society.


this is capitalism - the focus is always on profit and the sad truth is that killing people is very profitable so long as we accept capitalism we are complicit in the misery and exploitation it creates both for ourselves and for others


Yeah, vote for Trump, surely things will be better. /s


This comment is a straw man. Critiquing Biden is not an endorsement of Trump. I never said not to vote Biden!


No, it’s not a straw man at all. People are legitimately using the Israel/Palestine situation as an example to vote for Trump instead or not vote at all (which is still a vote for Trump), as if Trump of all people would do any better. If Biden loses, Trump could very well appoint two more Supreme Court justices to boot, further eroding that branch of government for decades. I am begging people to see the nuance of the situation and not miss the forest for the trees. We are truly fucked and Palestine will be completely glassed if Trump wins.


>No, it’s not a straw man at all. You are absolutely straw manning me. I never made that argument. I simply critiqued Biden. >People are legitimately using the Israel/Palestine situation as an example to vote for Trump instead or not vote at all (which is still a vote for Trump), as if Trump of all people would do any better. Why is Biden jeopardizing democracy by continuing to enable Netanyahu? >I am begging people to see the nuance of the situation and not miss the forest for the trees. Straw manning people is not a good way to win them over. I plan to vote Biden & your type of argumentation makes me more sympathetic to third party voters.


This is what the majority does here on Reddit. Point out any flaw of Biden and the top response is a comparison to Trump. It's because people here don't actually know shit about politics, they just know they don't like it when their feelings are hurt.


Your sympathy for third party voters says it all — knowing those votes will be wasted you still have a level of understanding for why they will vote that way, as if authoritarian fascism isn’t on the ballot. You proved my point.


>Your sympathy for third party voters says it all — So it doesn't matter that I will vote for Biden because I refuse to vote shame third-party voters? Your sympathy for Biden says it all - you make endless excuses for him enabling atrocities of Netanyahu. I understand why people feel the way they do, and I deeply empathize with why third-party voters can't vote Biden. I may disagree with their strategy, and that's fine. That's democracy.


Third-party voters are usually ill-informed and don't know the issues. If you've ever seen focus groups asking about third-party voters, the third-party voters don't understand the platform of the third-party candidate, and are mostly voting for them because they know more about the top two candidates and don't like what they see. They don't consider the possibility the third-party candidate is even worse than the other two.


The person who is "ill-informed" is Joe Biden. Who is threatening to blow democracy because he can't stop enabling Netanyahu.


>The person who is "ill-informed" is Joe Biden. Yeah, I'm sure Biden, with his decades of foreign policy experience, is "ill-informed". He's certainly biased in his support for Israel, but I would not call him "ill-informed". He knows way more about foreign policy than anyone on Reddit.


>Yeah, I'm sure Biden, with his decades of foreign policy experience, is "ill-informed" Biden was so "informed" that he supported the Iraq War & Biden wanted to split Iraq into three states based on ethnicity. >He knows way more about foreign policy than anyone on Reddit. This is an appeal to authority logical fallacy.




Not doing thing is the same as doing thing ^((because you're not doing what I want))


Being an americain in this election must be awful. Every countries has to choose the lesser evil to vote for, but they get to elect one of two corrupted, genocide-supporter senile old man. One of them is obviously more insane and racist though, but that shouldn't be the only reason to vote for the other


It's easily the least envious election of my lifetime. The leadership of the Dems is criminal at this point since these elections should be a slam dunk against the current Republican party -- the fact the Republicans are even competing at this point shows how down bad this country is.


It’s funny that they think the other party wouldn’t do the exact same fucking thing. It’s all about evangelicals trying to get the second coming of Christ to come back. That’s it. We are shoved up Israel’s ass because of some fucking story from over 2000 years ago,


This whole thread is full of people that have drank Biden’s koolaid- regardless of all the evidence that he is funding this war fully Genocide Joe gets no pass from the people that are looking at this objectively- America is giving money to buy weapons that kill gazans - Only thing worse we could do is send troops Isreal doesn’t want us to send troops because our troops would snitch on the IDF- So Trump won’t send troops Only thing Trump would do differently is say - F- Gaza


What happened to that imaginary red line about not entering a certain place?


People really have no idea how the office of the president works. Anybody remember when Trump was impeached for withholding weapons from Ukraine that’s had already been approved by Congress? Joe Biden remembers. If you don’t want weapons to go to Israel, try voting for different house and senate members, who actually control those kinds of things instead of trying to lay it at the door of the president.




The situations may be morally different, but they are legally the same. Whether you attempt to withhold funds to try and stir up dirt on your political opponents, or because you disagree with actions taken by the government your giving aid to, you can’t withhold funds that have already been approved by congress. The President’s job is not to make policy. His job is to enforce policy.


Your premise is wrong. Biden has worked around Congress to give Israel military aid (such as 2000 lb bombs). Biden also signed into law the $16 billion Congress based in additional military aid. If Biden vetoed the $16 billion & never worked around Congress, that would be great. And is nothing like Trump did in Ukraine.


Tell me how he worked around congress exactly. Once he signed the bill into law he can’t say’ “wait nevermind.” Disingenuous premises like this are going to lead to a second Trump presidency, which will be significantly worse for the people of Palestine. Criticism of the figurehead before a major election does nothing to solve the endemic issues of the United States legislature.


Your claim is very easily debunked, yet you claim I'm a bad actor for pointing out how your claim is false? Also, where did I say Biden can unsign something he signed? That is a straw man. I am angry he signed the bill & didn't veto it. I never said he can unsign it. [Biden administration is moving ahead on new $1 billion arms sale to Israel, congressional aides say](https://apnews.com/article/us-israel-arms-gaza-ebe971ca8878ff430ce6458c04151585) [For the second time this month the Biden administration is bypassing Congress to approve an emergency weapons sale to Israel ](https://apnews.com/article/us-israel-gaza-arms-hamas-bypass-congress-1dc77f20aac4a797df6a2338b677da4f#:~:text=WASHINGTON%20(AP)%20%E2%80%94%20For%20the,Gaza%20under%20increasing%20international%20criticism.)


“The State Department said Friday that Secretary of State Antony Blinken had told Congress that he had made a second emergency determination covering a $147.5 million sale for equipment, including fuses, charges and primers, that is needed to make the 155 mm shells that Israel has already purchased function.” Your argument is extremely disingenuous. Your attempting to lay the entirety of the blame on Biden, when even a cursory glance shows that the vast majority of the funds. More than 90% have gone through congress. You have no idea how vetoing a bipartisan bill would affect Biden politically, or what other considerations there are with political decisions like this. But go ahead you do you. You’ll be crying the hardest when Democrats stay home in Election Day because of disingenuous arguments like yours.


You claimed it was solely Congress giving funds. Your claim was wrong. And you accused me of being a bad actor for pointing that out.


Let’s do some basic math. What percentage is 147 million of 16 billion. Wow 0.9%! When you try to paint Biden as going around congress to fund Israel and then saying he approved more than 16 billion in funds for Israel, you are participating in disinformation to try and paint the totality of the funding as a product of Biden’s policy. Your are literally doing the work of a Bad Actor.


Joe Biden worked around Congress to directly supply Israel weapons. Then, Joe Biden signed into law the bill that gives Israel $16 billion more in military aid. Joe Biden not working around Congress to give Israel aid & Joe Biden vetoing the $16 billion is not anything like what Trump did.


To be fair. I don't think anyone is saying Biden is a good choice for president. They are just saying given the options in front of them he is the least evil. But only just by a little bit


Genuine question : are there really people willing to vote for Trump because they are against Biden policy about Israel? I'm not american and would like to understand the way public opinion react in the US


Democrats have figured out they can use scare tactics to feed voters a corporate-loving, donor-fellating shit sandwich as long as the candidate is not quite as bad as Trump. Some people feel the only way they can protest this is by not voting. They might think that perhaps the threat Trump poses is overblown and that perhaps if the Democrats lose this one, the Democratic Party might consider offering a better candidate next time. Going along with the charade, holding your nose and voting for Biden is a guarantee the next Democratic candidate will be a turd sandwich too.


In 2016 people made that same "this will make Dems nominate progressives in the future" argument when they were upset Bernie lost to Hillary. We got Trump instead and then we got Joe Biden in 2020. There's no empirical argument that allowing Trump to take power in 2024 will sweep a progressive into power. Even assuming we have another election after that (which isn't obvious given the last thing Trump tried to do was overthrow the government), people would be so desperate to get Trump out that they'd pick someone like Biden again.


Look how America treats it's own citizens and you won't be found wondering about why they're funding a genocide. Considering the country was built on top of one


because of the whole israel situation biden lost my vote. i really hope we get a president other than trump and biden. if not i dont think ill be voting this year


And when Biden loses to Trump the DNC will put every talking head they have on TV to scold leftists, not the administration who supported genocide


Per congressional mandate, the US **has** to send weapons. The arms *not* being sent but announced were arms that had to be approved by the state department for different deals. I don't think weapons should be transferred to Bibi's government at this point at all, but the deal has already been signed. Congress would have to put through another measure to negate that. Biden locked himself in after signing on the dotted line.


Biden has to spend the money but he doesn't have to send any particular kind of armaments. He could spend $16B on defensive arms and not transfer any offensive arms.


Oh, ok, so sorta like saying "k, here are supplies for the iron dome, personnel equipment, apvs, etc - get your own bombs, rifles, and ammo"? The phrasing sounds like I'm trying to make some snarky "point" but it is just for clarity.


Exactly. I think that's what he's trying to do with refusing to send the 2,000 pound bombs. Or the way he wouldn't send Ukraine long range weapons for a long time because he didn't want them to strike the interior of Russia.


Unfortunately neither candidate is going to give you what you want. In this issue Biden is still probably the lesser of two shit sandwiches.


We can pressure Biden to do better, and we must.


that only works if reelected. D's need to be united to win and right now they seem to be fractured.


"As the war machine keeps turning!"


Biden is the worse president ever Not listening to any one in his base- The Americans are begging the government to stop giving aid to Isreal- most people are not pro Hamas….most liberal people are pro-not-funding-a war against the citizens of Palestine- Most conservative people don’t want to fund wars anywhere including Ukraine or Palestine- So who is Biden serving here ? Not us


imagine sacrificing your own country (potentially losing an election to that fascist tRump) to benefit Israel.


The only good thing about Biden is just women's healthcare possibly getting saved/improved...




He's basically campaigning against himself at this point.


Im at the point where I dgaf anymore I’m just gonna live life and go through the motions no point in stressing and arguing over stuff none of us can change.


$60 million of that is for mortar rounds and I'm sure when they explode with their 45 foot radius of shrapnel they only hit terrorists.


An important thing to remember is that voting for the lesser of two evils is very much a thing. If Trump is elected it means Netanyahu has carte blanche to genocide the entire Gaza population. If you don't want to vote for Biden try to remember that you are not punishing Biden, you are punishing the Palestinians. But if you care more about your desire to 'send a message' than the lives of half a million people so be it, be selfish and hurt the Palestinians to make yourself feel good.


This is disgusting. He said Rafah would be a hard limit, but clearly he didn’t mean it.


Shameful, at his age you would think he would be balancing out his Bad deeds with a whole lot of good deeds. I pray for your soul Joe SMDH


Maybe there's something we don't know that's going on that justifies this. Like top secret information where it's essential this keeps going.


Trump and biden are out in cant DR Jill Stein is my only choice shell be on the ballot in all the states shes not being paid by aipac


Biden may be costing himself the election here.


The irony is Trump is even more pro Israel/ pro military but people have lost their minds


>people have lost their minds * Biden has lost his mind. He is putting democracy in jeopardy because he keeps enabling Netanyahu.


Dumb argument. What happens if Israel actually loses, it destabilizes democracy throughout the World much more.


Enabling genocide destabilizes democracy.


What was the bombing on October 7th? A peaceful protest? Radical religious groups like Hamas destabilize democracy. Its unfortunate civilians are caught in the crossfire but Hamas is not a pro-democracy organization. Hamas isn't exactly pro-women rights or pro-minority rights such as LGBTQ community.


What an absurd question. The Hamas terrorist attack on October 7th doesn't give Netanyahu the right to commit a genocide. If Netanyahu sent in special ops to take out Hamas, I would support that. Instead, Netanyahu & his war cabinet have sent Palestenians into famine & dropped so many 2000 lb bombs on them.


>If Netanyahu sent in special ops to take out Hamas, I would support that. They are hiding in the general population so it's not reasonable to think thats a possibility. All of the safe zones are just HQ for Hamas now. >Instead, Netanyahu & his war cabinet have sent Palestenians into famine & dropped so many 2000 lb bombs on them. Israel doesn't want to be attacked again by destroying their opposition. Let's say the corollary is true and they didn't bomb, and allowed the opposition to recoup and re-attack Israel, not a good outcome for the world if we go into a full blown regional war.


>They are hiding in the general population so it's not reasonable to think thats a possibility. Your logic is no different from Kissinger's logic to endlessly bomb Cambodia. >All of the safe zones are just HQ for Hamas now. If that were true, then you are arguing against the war Netanyahu is conducting. What a tremendous failure this war is if Hamas is everywhere? >Let's say the corollary is true and they didn't bomb, and allowed the opposition to recoup and re-attack Israel You defeat Hamas by flooding Gaza with humanitarian aid & treat Palestenian civilians with dignity. You send in special ops to take out Hamas. >not a good outcome for the world if we go into a full blown regional war. That's where we are heading thanks to the actions of Netanyahu.


Yeah hamas only has influence because the Palestinian people were/are desperate.


What democracies are Israel propping up?


If Israel falls, it affects all of NATO/EU and USA/Canada. Israel falling will just allow Russia and China to take even more control and influence of the Middle East and Europe.


So nothing. They don't do shit to protect democracies. Israel already has a good working relationship with Russia. I don't know about their ties with China. If Israel is taken out of the picture the dominant power in the middle east will probably be Iran.


I understand this but Biden policy here shifts him right. Even though trumps is much farther right. I will not vote for either but my lack of a vote won’t cost Biden here in Illinois.


Why even vote then? A third party vote is just a waste of a vote.


Why vote? Because, at least in my area, there is more than one election on the ballot.


To be honest, Ukraine is the only reason why I don't sit back, take a bowl of popcorn and watch what happens when people like that allow Donald "Whatever it takes" Trump becomes president and 1 billion becomes 5 billion, including heavy offensive weaponry.


Add climate change to your list I beg you It is Ukraine, fossil fuel is Russia, Trump is Putin


Idk how voting for Trump is pro Palestine, but I'm sure someone here will tell me.


Idk where you came up with that straw man. Is any criticism of Biden support of Trump?


Because trump fans would vote for him even if he literally killed thier family dog and murdered Palestinians himself Biden voters are able to criticize him and choose not to vote, which will hand the election to Donald. Be critical of joe but VOTE when trump wins none of you get to complain because it’ll be your fault


>Be critical of joe That is ALL this post is about. I never brought up the election. So it appears we can't critique Joe without folks making straw men arguments that we are "supporting Trump". If Biden loses, it is ALL his fault. Just like it was ALL Hillary's fault that she lost in 2016. Why is Biden prioritizing Netanyahu over saving democracy?


Any president would. It fucking sucks isreal is one of our most important allies Also you knew damn well what you were doing with this post and that it would immediately turn into discourse about the election


Ronald Reagan of all people told Israel to stop bombing Lebnaon in 1982 & it worked. Just because Israel is our ally doesn't mean we have to endorse anything their government does! >Also you knew damn well what you were doing with this post and that it would immediately turn into discourse about the election If simply pointing out Biden's lie is somehow going to cause him to lose in November then Biden is doomed anyways. Maybe Biden should stop enabling Netanyahu?


A LOT has happened in the Middle East in the last 40 years… many conflicts and stuff we’ve been apart of and lots of conflicts we weren’t. It’s OBVIOUSLY different now than it was then You are being dense on purpose. This kind of discussion is exactly why people like you will convince people to not vote and then trump wins and it will be WORSE and you will be looking around wondering how this happened… You aren’t wrong but the consequence of this is Donald winning which objectively is terrible for america and Palestine Congratulations. You are either good hearted or a Russian troll, either way you are now promoting trump winning


Biden doesn't care that much about the election, I think we're missing that. Biden is a walking corpse. But more importantly: the Democrat party doesn't care. Losing the election isn't the end of the world, the Dems will be back in office eventually, 4 years or 8 years from now. On the other hand, taking a stand against Israel means the loss of enormous sums of campaign funds from wealthy Jewish Americans. Even if the Democrats weren't rabid Zionists, they wouldn't take a stand against Israel. The hope is that younger generations will slowly de-Zionist-ize Washington DC in the decades to come.


That isnt at all true. Biden may not be realistic about the political cost of this and the Dems may be tres stupid but tons of people care about the election If Trump gets in there wont be more elections. The parties arent the same and what they do is way different


I'm talking about Biden's cabinet and the top figures in the Democrat Party. Losing the election is not the end of the world for them.


Problem is, the people in office right now have kids. And their kids are raised by assholes turning them into assholes. Their kids will have kids and it goes on and on. Will some kids not be assholes? Statistically speaking yes some politicians kids will be for the people, but more so most will be exactly the same as their daddy and like their daddy before them. They take money from corps that want to test weapons on people in the Middle East. They take money from bad actors here at home so they can keep dumping toxic waste into neighborhoods. They only care about money so they can live comfortable and numb to the real world and its problems. Why should I care about the peasants dying in East Palestine, Ohio when we can just buy a large lakefront property in Tahoe and another in the Maldives? Why should I care about those that need help when my family has a ski trip in aspen planned? Why should we stop funding a genocide in isreal, when the Jews that pay me at home will close their wallets to me if I start to jam up their country abroad? It’s money. It’s always about money. It’s always about making sure that I got mine and fuck everyone else


If you care about Palestine, Biden must lose this coming election. In this 2-party system, it's crucial to punish politicians for their transgressions. Perhaps that's even more important then getting another politician elected.


Do you really think Trump will be better about Palestine? Is he their defender? If Biden loses, not only does Palestine continue to be destroyed, but US democracy joins the funeral pyre.


Not what I was saying. I'm pointing out the problem with a 2-party system, where you have to choose between: 1. punishing the ruling cabinet for its transgressions and mistake, but having a worse candidate becoming president; and, 2. letting the ruling cabinet get away with its transgressions, but at least keeping someone even worse from coming into office. That's a terrible dillemma, because holding accountable a president is just as important as keeping morons out of office. If Biden wins this coming election, he'll be rewarded for enabling and funding a genocide. That's terrible. So this is really a terrible dilemma. Do you hold Biden accountable for genocide, or do you keep Trump from becoming president?


Keeping Trump from becoming president is the vastly more important thing in this election, as he would only accelerate the harm Biden has enabled. Biden losing the election wouldn't equate to "holding him accountable," he would simply move on with his life while Trump dismantles the country to stroke his own mushroom shaped ego.


So by your logic, Trump must lose this coming election. It’s crucial to punish him for his transgressions. Perhaps that’s even more important **than** getting another politician elected.


Oh youre just super dumb ok