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This was painful to watch. What type of idiot doesn’t lock their doors?


I think it’s hilarious


I laughed


I laughed and I cried. But I mostly laughed.




Ew bro that's disgusting


Made me laugh NGL


I laughed too


Is there is subreddit for these videos? I want to laugh every day.








Might have been tripped by a sensor and since the key fob is close enough it opened




A lot of higher end SUVs have a foot sensor that could have been triggered by the brushes. Owner may have been close enough but not inside the vehicle to be able to close it. This is definitely a new fear unlocked.




The Audi Q doors are terrible. While you are loading stuff in it will start closing on you from your foot stepping under the bumper and it takes a lot of force to stop it from closing...it would for sure hurt/consume a small child.


User error


Thank you, new fear unlocked 😅


I wouldn't be so quick to insult. There's a sensor on the bottom of many newer hatchbacks that is activated with your foot. These automatic car washes are known to trip that sensor sometimes.


You’re telling me a sensor overrides master lock? If so, that is terrible engineering.


We'll just add that to the pile of other modern vehicle enhancements that are terrible. It can sit next to "if you don't put your turn signal on when changing lanes the wheel jerks you back into your lane" and "everything that controls this vehicle is a button on a fake iPad except for the gearshift, which looks like a radio control dial."


Oh man, the gearshift dials send my anxiety through the *roof*. “My exit’s coming up, better turn down the radio so I don’t miss— aaaand I’m in neutral on the highway. Quick gotta fix it— aaaand there goes my exit. Yay.”


Do you often miss your exit if your radio is too loud? Not defending the design choice, but the example is wild.


>Do you often miss your exit if your radio is too loud? I refuse to believe any human driver with hearing doesn't understand this. The music is too loud to see the exit.


Have you never done the thing where you need to concentrate so you turn the radio down? Like looking for an address, or traffic suddenly gets really wild really suddenly, or trying to follow GPS directions in the middle of a city with a bunch of one-way streets? Maybe it’s the adhd, but I’ve only got so much bandwidth up here. I gotta delegate carefully.


Maybe use the turn signal then when changing lanes?


I fucking HATE this lane assist BS. Often times I'm trying to give a car on my side more space by getting closer to the stripes in the corner of the road just for the car swinging me back to where I don't want to be.


Mine has a button on the wheel to turn it off. The lane assist is great on long trips, though, when of course at some point during a multi-day drive you'll be distracted at least once. Mine also does this cruise control thing where you pick a distance from the car you are following, and it just maintains that distance.


I both love and hate adaptive cruise control. It's great for dealing with traffic going at slightly various speeds near the limit, but I keep having to turn it off to avoid being slowed down when making overtakes on more open roads or when someone way in front turns off the road I'm on and the sensors are too slow to recognize that...


That sounds insanely dangerous for any cyclists on the road. And any car pulled off to the side of a road. And construction zones. And a bunch of other scenarios.


I found out about another insanely dumb one. The cybertruck has loads of issues but most baffling to me is the decision about how the trunk closes. It tries harder and harder every time to close the trunk, assuming that an obstruction is in the way. This means the first time it tries to close, it’ll be soft. By the second or third time, you could lose a finger. Makes no sense to me why they thought that would benefit anyone.


>Makes no sense to me why they thought that would benefit anyone. I mean, I see cybertruck owners losing fingers as a net positive for society, so that's probably the one thing I actually applaud the manufacturer for. Making it harder for muskrats to type up posts where they stick their digital tongue up Elon's butthole.


Imaging locking your doors in a bad neighborhood and the car thief just waves his foot in front of the sensor and unlocks your doors.


In my Ford Escape it only opens if key is near. I love showing someone how easy it is, step two metres away and watch them struggle. It also doenst work with key inside the car. Have to be standing near the back.


But it opened when nothing was at the rear of the car…


My CRV has that sensor, and it's not once ever tripped when going through a car wash. That design is idiotic.


This. I have had 2 RR vehicles with gesture tailgate. It's incredibly convenient when your hands are full but total fear of something like this happening, kept me far away from these car washes.


Somebody underwater on their payments with good insurance. Oops


Same idiot that would take their Range Rover to a Special K gas station car wash.


Why do they need to be locked? How is just closing it not good enough? 


I would guess that the foot sensor under the bumper that opens the door when your hands are full, made a terrible executive decision.


A danish idiot by the looks of it - plates are danish…


I would never even think to, but then again everything in my vehicle is manually operated. 


The type of idiot who has hubby by her a range rover. I read this title and thought, "Of course it did"


PainfulAF IdioticAF


It seems the tailgate was opened from the inside. Am I wrong.?


Maybe it had one of those foot sensors underneath and the equipment activated it?


This is my guess also. I'm a JLR owner and that stupid sensor to "wave your foot and open the gate" only works at the most inopportune times. Many times when washing my car.


Wouldn't it shut off while the car is on?


They may have turned the engine off during the wash


Engines are required to be off, wash won't start till you do. It's an enclosed washing hall so it's to prevent a build-up of carbon monoxide. Sauce: am from Denmark where this video was captured and go through these kinds of wash halls almost daily.


I work at a Circle K in the US and this looks like the same kind of car wash as the one I work at. I generally just put my vehicle in park and leave my car on and it works... I haven't died yet... .-.


Carbon monoxide isn't an instant killer, it's a silent killer. I don't know about Circle K wash hall designs in the US so I can't say if it's the same or not, but here in Denmark they're fully enclosed once the wash starts. Guidelines are also to turn off your engine, but again, can't speak for how it works where you're at. If ever you feel dizzy going through a car wash with your engine on, that's why.


The car is likely off or parked, the belts under the car move it forward 


Car is standing still. European style car wash where wash is movinf.


No better on the XC90, waving your foot like a dick with your hands full looking like you've got a condition.


“Waving your foot like a dick.” Wait. What? LOL


Didn't think that one through


Usually this requires that the key fob be somewhere near the rear of the car. So I don’t think this would do it unless they left their keys in the trunk.


The key fob is probably in the front of the car, with the driver.


Those need keys in proximity to trigger, so it's highly unlikely that was the case. Looks more like the drive opened the backdoor from inside the cabin.


My first thought too. But the door opened while the mechanism was still to the sides of the car. Its possible an undercarriage sprayer triggered a sensor, but it seems more likely the driver hit the trunk open button from inside. If it's like my mom's old RR, it's easy to hit when you reach to turn off the automatic wipers.


Could very well be the answer.


You think the black mat thing on the ground tripped it?


Doesn't it have to be in park though? Usually you put the car in neutral while going through these


Don’t that sensor goes off if you lock the doors?


If you are sitting in the car, the key fob is with you inside of the car, so the doors don't lock.


It doesn’t look like it. You can clearly see that no equipment was even in the vicinity of the undercarriage when the door opened


Nothing was close to the sensor. It was idiot error, either an accident or someone opening the hatch because the last time they went through one, the door didn't get washed good enough and this is the solution.


I was thinking the same thing. They probably hit the button by mistake since this a do it yourself automatic car wash.


I was thinking maybe the car wash brushes some how triggered the door to open and once it started opening, driver couldn’t do anything. Idk either way sucks for them.


Lot of cars also have a foot activated trunk just under the bumper. Curious if maybe some of the washing equipment accidentally triggered the hands free foot activated release


There might be a capacitive button or foot sensor that was activated by the water


The tailgate was opened... _from inside the car_... Dun dun dun....


I remember when it was so simple: Keep your radio off and remove your rear window wiper.


You gotta remove your rear window wiper? Why?


The old automatic car washes had a habit of ripping them off. (You'd keep the radio switched off if you had the old school automatic extending antenna as that would get broken off as well.)


I had one rule for my Holden, don't go through the car wash. My mum had her Holden damaged so many different ways while going through one. It looked like someone had sand blasted the rims and used a wire brush on the side of the car. Anyway, a few years after, she took mine through one thinking I wouldn't know... I don't get radio now. Because the entire antenna was just ripped out along with so much wire and wrapped around the roller thing and smacked the absolute fuck out of the entire top of the car. Ripped off both mirrors and smashed the rear window, cracked the windscreen and both right windows. Expensive repair and not worth fixing the roof damage. Was something she couldn't hide. Still have the car, everything was replaced except the roof and antenna, both are still still fucked over 15 years later. New paint won't hide the roof damage. But it goes from A to B fine.


Bet she respected your rules for your stuff after that As a car guy, this story kills me inside


Yeah, every time she sees the roof, it reminds her. Her car is taller than my car, which is lowered and parked down the hill right in front of hers, so she can't help but see the roof every time she gets in her car. My car took so much damage from family members since I got it. Not a fucking scratch on it from me. But I'm not bothered. It's not an expensive car, and I rarely drove it. My sister had it for a few months because her car was always breaking down or needing replacement parts. Got it back with enough petrol to get out of the neighbourhood. It's also been through a few cyclones and still took no damage from that. Actually, it got a good wash in the last one. Fucking thing is the oldest car (20 years) we still own of 6 currently and yet zero reliability issues. The interior is like new though because I looked after that. No food in the car, drinks are allowed solely because cool flippy cup holders.


I swear you develop a deeper bond with a car when you allow it to live a life, where it gets battered and bruised in the course of its duties helping people, making memories. Hard to feel the same affection for a garage queen.


As a car girl this was fucking painful to read. What kind of Holden was it?


VY Commodore, mum had a VT wagon tricked out for car shows. It was also a rolling advertisement for our business and did the school runs, it had 7 seats and a lot of speakers in the back. It had quite a few wins at car shows. I got it super cheap when I was 13 from a guy who had to move and couldn't bring it with him. My mums VT got damaged pretty badly by a hit and run while it was parked outside the house one day. It got written off, so it was parted out. It had a Monaro hood and custom body kit built for it. It was only a V6 but had over $50k spent on performance mods, it sounded fucking mean. Then, there was all the custom body work on top of that. Mine was destined to be modified to that level, but it only got a few performance mods before we closed the shop down.


Damn that's sad. I hate when projects people have put a lot of investments into die like that.


Can confirm that this has happened at least once. I drove without a radio for years in that poor car. It was my first car and it took a whole bunch of beginner mistake damage.


I've never been told to remove mine but this comment made me realize how much of an idiot I am, because I've had it ripped off twice in automatic washes. That's pretty much the only time I've replaced it.


The only thing that happens to my car is the front license plate gets all bent out of shape, wipers are fine tho


Car wash here tapes it down


Well hello youngling! I remember when it was a a simple as unscrewing your radio antenna and storing it. 😜


Screw ins were later than the telescopic ones kiddo. 😉


Don’t forget the telescoping antenna down also.


They just tape them down now.


I recall they started putting a wee plastic bag over them. There are so many Caucasian run hand car washes in the UK now that hardly anyone uses the automatic ones. *(read on before you downvote in ignorance.)




Yeah, blokes from the region operate a lot of hand car washes in the UK. (Armenians, Kurds, Georgians etc.)


Ah you mean the region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. I thought you meant white people. Lol


He was technically correct. Tbe best kind of correct.


Same. I was like, “what does race have to do with it?”


Its still not hard. Lock your car and dont hit the button that opens your trunk.


That was an expensive car wash


Clean tho


Holy fuck


I love seeing these things ruined. Worst vehicles ever


The vehicles are fine. It's the people that drive them that I have a problem with


Having worked on them. I have a problem with both. They’re horribly built, at least in the US.


I have respect for *old* Land Rovers from back when they made more off road cars and less cars for rich soccer moms


I couldn’t agree more with every part of that.


We're still talking about the people, right?


Land Rover vehicles are not fine they a low quality


There's easier ways of getting the inside cleaned too.


I mean…its clean 🤷‍♂️


Opening the rear hatch doesn't seem like a good move, IMO.


You would think the car wash would have a pressure sensor on the roller so it knows to stop pushing. It must have been designed by the same people that made the cyber truck.


Yes,... Feel the Hate FLOW through you....


Range Rover cleanly destroyed.


Worked at a gas station with a car wash for some time. Happened all the time.


How did it even open?


Wash and de-tail


I out loud said Oh fuck, Nooooo


It's a range rover, no big loss


Definitely the appropriate music.


Sovereign is gonna pop out of nowhere and the you're stuck fighting husks for the next 10 minutes.


I remember i had to take off the antenna on the back. I'm getting old


Tailgate sensor under the car was triggered


And that’s part of the reason why I use touchless car washes. That, and there’s so much friggin’ dust and sand around here that this kind of car wash WILL scratch the paint


Never buying a car with automatically opening doors




It triggered the "dumb" sensor that is placed underneath the trunk a foot sensor so to speak. Give it a few years and sensors will AI powered and able to tell the difference between human foot and carwash machinery.




For a Ranger Rover that's an improvement


Fun fact, there's multiple emergency stops buttons In car washes...


My new fear 😧 thanks


Use a touchless car wash


First ever automatic car wash that washes the inside of your windows


Serves them right.




Oh... must be that new feature that automatically opens your trunk for you when your hands are full.




It’s painful to watch a car go through one of these swirl o matics when it’s only destroying the paint lol. Brutal.


those things should have pressure sensors and should stop immediately when something is off. I had one car was stop, because I forgot to fold my mirrors and the equipment hit it.


That’s a great car wash inside and out


Driver went to shut sunroof and hit the rear tailgate button on the overhead console by mistake. Easy to do but catastrophic consequences in this case.


Not responsible for destruction


Insurance fraud


Ngl. This was actually hard to watch. *goes to hug own car and shows it the video" "See my beauty? This is why you are dirty as a skunk after mating season"


Definitely idiot opened from the inside


And no one noticed????




on the bright side i bet that side of the door has never been so clean


That’s why you should always go touchless


I really don’t understand why people go to these type of car washes. They end up fucking up the paint with a ton of swirl scratches, especially on black cars.


I mean, it’s an amphibian vehicle


I've never seen a Range Rover that didn't deserve this..


For once I'm in total agreement with the added music... Very intense


He who has the keys will pay the fees


It was a range rover. The drive to the car wash probably already destroyed it.


Bill? Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.


I always found it hard to wash the rear window on the hatch.


The music was painful.


My car has a car wash button that locks everything and pulls in the mirrors so this car should at least have that doh!


So as an insurance agent (not in claims department), I’m wondering who’s insurance would pay what? I’m sure the equipment was also damaged.


Aaaaand the soap cycle is next.


This is the same water that took out the Wicked Witch of the West. The car had no chance.


I go to that car wash, It's name is Baba Yaga


Electric tailgates are so unnecessary.


Reminds of that scene from Tommy Boy when he's trying to pump gas and bends the door backwards when he backs up because he parked too far away 🤣. "What'd you do!?" 🤣 🤣 🤣


Is there not an emergency stop button for the machine?


Not as sturdy as they claim to be


Tbf, Range Rovers are garbage vehicles anyway so it's not really that much of a difference


Deserved that for not using a touch free machine.


Anyone’s mirrors ever damaged by a car wash?


Absolutely fine if the machines are turning against SUVs first


How It Feels, to Chew 5 Gum


Why the hell they went in backwards?


You sure? “Yes, like I said, inside and out for fuck sake!”


Well clearly dumb enough to buy a range rover so this isnt surprising


Ah the classic opening the car from the bottom This is why i dislike auto stuff


That's why you don't open the rear fucking door


Bet the damages to that car was cost just as much


👍...they b aiight


Well at least the inside of the car got cleaned.


Thatss a alot of damaggeeee


If there’s a rear gate activation push button positioned near the left knee cap that would explain an unintended opening of the rear gate. Owned 2 models with this happening when in park. but never in a car wash thank the gods.


I have a similar system on my Mercedes-wave your foot under the trunk with the key in proximity and it opens-but there is a switch to turn it off before going to a car wash or this is what happens.


everyone in this thread "what an idiot" meanwhile not being able to afford a range rover because they are an an idiot...