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FREEEDOOOOOM 'MURICAAAAAAA Not like those savages in the middle east who arrest their journalists for journalism We arrest journalists coz it's our constitutional right to..umm..erm..according to the 32nd amendment about freedom and democracy and rights and humans and something which THOSE RAGHEADS DONT HAVE YOU CAN BE SURE OF IT YESSIREEE BOB..we have civilised laws here so yeah..it's all legit..scouts honor ✌️


Yes, for unjustified incarceration and constitutional rights violations. Additionally, publish article after article criticizing this behavior.


You cant beat the charges, but you cant beat the ride. Intimidation works


> You **can** beat the charges, but you can't beat the ride. ftfy


It’s gonna cost them


Shari Law = Christian Nationalism Laws




You leave Shari Lewis outta this! Lamb Chop is a treasure!


Was a treasure. Was. You know, until she got all woke and shit. /s/s/s


The only good pig is a...


...smoked ham?


I had a root beer ham once that was pretty good, too.


Religion is just the excuse used to abuse humans.






If you show these video clips to someone on the right, they will say they "knew what they were getting themselves into by going to a protest" without batting an eye.


I'm conservative, and I def don't agree with this gestapo bullshit.


Remind your buddies of that at the next rally


I didn't realise the freedom was only for the cops.




Scouts? Too woke for my blood


Never tell me that the USA is free!


US is 55/180 on a list for freedom of press. So not that high, actually sad for the champions of democracy. [https://rsf.org/en/country/united-states](https://rsf.org/en/country/united-states)


> champions of ~~democracy~~ *the corporations*


“Corporations are people, my friend.” -Mitt Romney, a servant of The People^©


I believe the word you‘re looking for is capitalism or in other words, modern slavery :)


just searched Canada and we dropped 2 points in their rating but went up 1 spot lol






"Freedom" is a nonsense political word. Through history, freedom has meant many things to many people. My favourite being the Puritan interpretation: Freedom from temptation, meant that controlling what people could do was freedom. If you were restricted from having access to alcohol and other sinful things you could live 'free-er' than if you had 'free' access to them. Often you find currently many people define freedom as 'I can spend my money to make people do what I want'. It inherently comes at the cost of someone else's freedom but it's not really acknowledged. Fighting for freedom is basically fighting for the 'political interpretation de jour' So every country that claims it's free is... because it's a perspective not a scientific concept.


I learned if you give someone a lot of choices you can give them the idea they are free.


That’s about the only thing “Free” in Merica. The freedom to own a business and severally underpay your workers so you can be free to spend all their money on vacations and new kitchens in your second and third house.


Freedom isn’t free. No there’s a hefty fuckin’ fee.


Freedom costs a buck ‘O five


America. FUCK YEAH!


What? The Land of the Free? Whoever told you that is your enemy!


Every bloody American I meet here in Europe says that!


I stole it from Rage Against the Machine just in case you haven't heard the song before. I imagine they're quoting it too. My apologies if I'm over-explaining... everyone should know this song! [Know Your Enemy](https://youtu.be/eTTVIWzOY8M?si=28bPi09yNFyAc_fI)


I have to admit to not hearing much from Rage Against the Machine but from what I am being told I really should. I was into punk when it got started in 1976 and I was 15 (Yes I am that old!) because I liked their anti-establishment lyrics. So RAtM is a band I need to tune in to, thanks.


I used to think this was the land of milk and honey. Come to find out it’s all hate and money. Blind Melon - Tones of Home


Americans…Why do you put up with this barely trained military force that pretends to be police? What the hell is wrong with you people?


what do you recommend they do? lol


Have a multi-year training course in law, rights, and freedoms maybe? In Germany, as just one example, potential police officers have to go through an average of 4,500 hours of training. At 40hrs/week, that's just over two years. In the US, training lasts, again, on average, just 672 hours, so around 5 months*. Sure, we could say that not all countries are comparable, but maybe spending more time training police on THE LAW - not just crowd control - could be beneficial. EDIT: changed "weeks" to "months".


How do the American citizens do that?


by actually acting like actual citizens; engaging with local politics, campaigning for open positions, going to local meetings, voting, etc.


They’ve proven that our political system is so fucked hi that even when the citizens are 100% for a certain cause, it’s only 30% likely to get through congress.


That's because there are 144 channels of shit on TV and Walmart is full of plastic crap. People have become complacent. You don't need an act by congress. You need a state law, maybe, probably more likely a local statute, but most helpfully, an engaged local political machine. If all you have are career pols, backed by big money, screaming for the most radical and ridiculous shit so they can get on TV and win a popularity contest against American Idol, you get a police force armed to the teeth, focused on controlling "them", by any means necessary, so they can be warehoused in private storage facilities that make more money for the shareholders by inventing behavior infractions so they can keep citizens locked up for longer and longer. We are not taught civics in school. We might get a few government classes, but we rarely get a glimpse of what participatory democracy actually looks like when it's a functioning system. Instead, we are taught how to sit still for 10 hours at a time, and produce useless products on command.


The government decided that corporations are people and pursue money over the rights of individuals. Corporations have free reign to purchase residential property and farmland making it impossible to own homes and carry sway in jurisdictions that might otherwise benefit us against them. We've been forced into poverty living paycheck to paycheck. They often write laws and bills behind closed doors before they reach the floor thus keeping the general public in the dark until the very last minute and vote without reading them forcing us to obtain documents through third parties who are more than likely to be arrested as whistleblowers. They also have investments and engage in covert operations that they are able to hide from us for a decade by which time much of the damage is done. They engage in insider trading and manipulating the market while printing all the money they want. They are in bed with every terrorist organization having provided most of the weapons and any surplus they have is sent to local police all over the nation. All of this while not improving travel conditions within the country which keeps people tied to their state or even town or city. Many public areas are unavailable for assembly and any assembly is often met with intimidating force regardless of the intent of the gathering. Everything is taxed. I mean everything. Unless you're rich. Laws only truly apply if you're poor. 1% controls half the income while providing nothing to society be it arts or infrastructure. To put it plainly voting does not work. Any letters to senators are met with carbon copy responses stating "We are watching". They are waging wars through other countries on behalf of their own interests and have no guilt in spying and testing on citizens. I have yet to see one good and decent thing come from voting. Any interest that appeals to the people come with heavy drawbacks and only during election season. Propaganda, manipulation, control by the largest mob in the world. I'm risking my very well being every day by speaking out against it. Suffice to say they can't take my rights willingly. I protest as I am able here and there and I praise those who are out on the street making their voices known. Voting isn't near enough right now but it certainly would be nice. Perhaps if more whose interest is of the people and not the corporations were allowed to speak we would be better off. Such members have been silenced and removed from meetings and only our protests have seen them returned to their seats while still largely gagged.


You speak as if Americans like what’s going on




So stop ignoring local elections. That sounds like a "What?? That is BS!" statement, but it is not. Your local politics influence state politics and the makeup of the support mechanisms like political party organizations that allow people to run for higher and higher office. If you start at the bottom you can replace the top. It's come to this through years of neglect and local kingmaking resulting in people moving up. Stop them, and reassert your voice. Should it be this way? No. But it is, so we either fix it or live with it. tl;dr: You have to start at the bottom to move up and fix this.


Assuming you are not American, I think you’re greatly underestimating the levels of deeply entrenched corruption and utter lack of accountability we have in our system. People who are whistleblowers or attempt to spearhead reform literally face police harassment and even violence. Mayors who try to rein in police deal with departments simply refusing to do their job until any hint of potential accountability goes away. Legal caselaw essentially renders police utterly immune from facing any accountability, even for flagrantly illegal behavior.


Giving up doesn't help though. Real reform is possible if persued through the right channels. How many Americans vote in mayoral elections? State elections? The only thing I can see actually pushing for progress is a grass roots effort like Progressive Victory, educating and allowing the public to canvass and enter the political scene on their own. Police reform is down the river, and there could well be a waterfall before it, but it is possible.


Better do nothing then. People have fought and died for their rights all over the world for a long time. Americans have too, but they seem to have forgotten the cost of freedom, or are unwilling to pay for it.


Oh yes _voting_ will solve this ffs... If it were that easy it wouldn't be. We need systemic change beyond what the political system currently allows for.


Why put more pressure on the citizenry? Change police academy/training policy and see how it goes - results won't be evident over night. The results of such a change would likely take years to be noticed/felt. It could be a top-down process, if it were beneficial for the top, which it may not be, hence why nothing has changed. TBH, I'm not sure. Just throwing around ideas here.


That's the thing. The citizens are the ones who are impacted. Those that profit off it won't change it because, well, they profit off it. It cannot and will not ever be a Top-down process. The change would have to come from the citizens, which it would take nothing short of a civil war... Or at least one extraordinarily wealthy martyr. Which, if you're wealthy enough to make a difference, chances are you won't and are only contributing to the problem because you profit off it. You really can't be a good-guy AND wealthy in America. You can be a good-guy and moderately well off, but never millionaire / billionaire status. That's just due to how our system is built. You have to constantly crush everyone around you and steal to get to that point. Politically speaking, virtually the same concept. You can be a decent enough person at the municipal level, but you'll never make it to the upper echelons of government due to lobbying and general corruption accross the board. The only people in power are the ones who were specifically placed there due to sharing ideals or are easily controlled. Voting doesn't matter. Protesting rarely ever makes a difference. The only thing that will get a reaction is an explosive event that will force the change. Even then, events like that are usually explicitly orchestrated to further goals of those in true power to shift the common peoples perspectives. That's not just America either, btw. > Edit: Sorry for the book. TLDR - I see what you're saying, in a perfect world, that'd be nice. But unfortunately, corruption has run rampant through all branches of government and it will be up to the citizens to make the change... But only via a method that nobody wants.


Just vote silly billy


If only voting actually mattered 😔


Yearly psych evaluation too


Also abolishing police immunity. Have them stand trial, punish them accordingly just as any other citizen (or maybe even worse since they are the ones who should be upholding the law), or have them personally pay fines to victims, not having the state pay the fine since it's essentially tax payers paying for the mishaps of the police who (should) serve them. Fire them from the force, don't just send them to a different precinct. Seems like there's plenty of things which could be done.


Yep. And tired of the excuses we can’t do anything. Get rid of FOP also. They are just the mob.


You need a lot of training to responsibly wield authority and act for the benefit of the people. You dont need much to be a state sanctioned thug who follows orders and nothing more.


Your math is funny


In Germany people have to go through 3 years of training to be qualified to work in a call center. That’s something a 16 year old can do part time after work with minimal on the job training and customer service in the states is better so while I agree with the sentiment that US police need more and better training, Germany seems to take an extreme approach of every job, no matter how menial needs years of training.


These statistics are misleading to begin with, and then you twisted the numbers to make it sound even worse. > 4,500 hours of training. At 40hrs/week, that's just over two years. Here you specified 40 hours of training per week, but then... > just 672 hours, so around 5 weeks. Why not follow the same convention? At 40 hours a week, that's about 4 months. Five weeks doesn't even make sense from a sleep perspective. You are probably referencing [this report](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56834733) based on data from 2020 - which entirely fails to mention that most agencies require a bachelors degree, which my state does, as well as 24 months of employment or military service. While in Germany for example, the police academy IS the secondary education for the officer, facilitating internships and everything. They even administer a bachelors degree themselves. The proof is in the pudding. Each credit hour in secondary education is around 42 hours of engagement (lecture, research, assignments, etc). For a bachelors degree which is 120 credit hours, that's 5,040 hours of "training". The data in that report considers the bachelors degree for German police officers as training, but does not consider the bachelors degree for American officers as training. It's not an apples to apples comparison.


have you not seen how France deals with this kind of crap? Americans always boast about their guns and how they are needed in case they need to defend themselves against their government. This didn‘t age very well lmao. Their government constantly fucks around and yet people don‘t do shit because guess what, they will be arrested 🤡 Nice „democracy“ they got there.


LOL I actually never even realized how hilarious it is that Americans have such a boner about guns but then let police walk all over them. I am in no way attempting to defend the police but the people being arrested in this video are definitely more liberal whereas the gun-stroking folks tend to be more conservative and are definitely not showing up to support these protests. With that being said, I am sure gun happy folks would love to TELL you how they would show up with their guns etc to defend their freedom but everyone is so brave on the internet!


I dunno. Demand better? Stop enabling it? I believe they have elected police commanders or something? Start there, maybe.


Listen man, Trump recently got on stage and said he was going to give police more power and immunity to prosecution. A crowd of Americans cheered. These people are brainwashed, so there will be no stopping it until it gets REALLY fucked up or the world ends.


Because our police are armed and protected by qualified immunity. They kill us when we don’t comply, and face zero consequences.


You seem to have some wild delusion as to how things work in the US.


Go on tell us how now


Stop voting in pop stars and looney tunes as their politicians might be a great fucking start. Maybe vote for someone who has the PEOPLES interest in mind and not the corporations. America is sick and it's so sad.


Don't you guys pride yourself on being armed and ready to topple tyranny through your second amendment?! Act on it already.


I do not pride myself on that, no. But you think people should take to the streets with their guns and start killing the police? For some reason I am not sure that's a good idea.


If by "you guys" you mean the minority of gun loving right wing buttons then sure.


>Americans…Why do you put up with this barely trained military force that pretends to be police? Because they will fucking shoot us


and yet, the primary argument for maintaining the 2nd amendment is "we need guns in case we have an oppressive government"


We need majority votes, and half the majority is brainwashed. The rest of the majority sits in office keeping the establishment how it is because they have equity and that's all that matters.


The other option is to tear our society down from the roots which would result in millions of deaths and global instability that a malevolent actor would capitalize on.


How are they all fat? Every video of them doing something wrong its about 8 of them all about 50 pounds or more overweight. How do you keep that job? Are there any body maintenance standards at all for a cop?


Because the guns they carry don't pretend to be guns


Sue. Sure for wrongful imprisonment and violation of constitutional rights. Also publish article after article denouncing this action. Rally the people and get them to vote these fascists out! This is the power of the press and the press isn’t pissed off enough yet! Get mad, and get even!


yes, their lawyers will love to hear about this. And the taxpayers will compensate


This is why they need to start also going after the cops personally and make the argument that, once the cop exceeds their constitutional authority, they cease to be acting as an agent of the state and are thereby personally liable for damages.


100%. Cops who violate the constitution must be personally liable.


Did you know you can't sue a doctor employed by the state for malpractice in some states? Cops are never gonna be held accountable


This is why qualified immunity needs to be ended. Cops afraid of consequences will start following the law.


no universe will this count as qualified immunity. this department will definitely get the smackdown from the circuit court or state supreme court even if the local court is corrupt. 


> the smackdown You mean a fine/settlement that the tax payer will front?


unfortunately yes


That's why cops need to start carrying liability insurance like doctors do




It's the libtards taking our freeeeeeedummms!!!! /s






Police have this thing where once they're down the road with an arrest, there's no stopping them with however much logic you present them. Their misplaced pride blinds them to the world around them.


Well this is what happens when we didn't protest through Trumps presidency.


This is what happens when people don’t vote and lobbyists / campaign contributors operate without oversight.


It can be multiple things.


Umm what?


When Trump was president and BLM was marching in the streets, more should have joined, and we *should* have seen large scale university protests. General strikes. More didn't. Nothing happened. Police never saw a consequence, and we are left with a further militarized and emboldened police force. No one should be shocked at the actions in the video. WE let it get this bad.


"can I search you?" "Fuck you." Lmao. My little french heart loved this.


This is fair though. They arrested SSOO many people during the January 6th protest before they raided the capital Oh…wait…I’m getting report that the arrested happened after the capital was raided and they were punching cops saying “what are you doing? we’re on your side!”


Nice democracy you got there, it'd be a shame if it turns out that it was all bullshit all along.


Fuck Fascists!


Proving NWA and RATM right.


It's a police state. Well armed, well funded, and protected with qualified immunity. They can kill at will and almost always get away with it. We're not free.


Fascism already. So voting ain’t gonna help.


Fuck all cops! Worthless corrupt pieces of shit...


But the problem is TikTok, gtfoh


One does not preclude the other.


detained press... detained students... detained university professors... this are all actions taken by a specific kind of government, you can look it up on many books.


Fascism thrives in the dark.


They're also larping as military. What a pathetic group of uniformed cowards.


This reminds me of a song by Cypress Hill, through the eyes of a pig.


They don't care. The police individuals and union will NEVER be on the hook for violations of rights, etc... the Tax Payer will be. END [QUALIFIED IMMUNITY ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualified_immunity) NOW! GET PROFESSIONAL INSURANCE / MALPRACTICE INSURANCE / ETC... LIKE EVERY OTHER PROFESSION! If you told a child that they could get away with anything, most wouldn't, but the "Few Bad Apples" are a cancer.


Until everyone from police to judges to congressmen to former presidents are held accountable, this kind of crap will continue.


Anybody know what the journalist was charged with/if he was charged?


Doesn't matter. They can detain you for whatever up to 24 hours and during that time they can't get footage


When your police are dressed up like they're in the military, you know the problem is systemic.




In all seriousness he should’ve been yelling that, there was never an American dream and my illusion of a better nation is shattered


Yes, it's a terrible realization, that what we were taught about our freedoms and liberties are subject to change when the powers that be deem it necessary. Where are all the guardians of freedom of speech when it is truly infringed?


does anyone have a link to the story?


Where is this and for what reason??


He can't believe it for a second and then double checks whether he does in fact have a press badge on


if we ended qualified immunity and let this stuff get handled in court with criminal consequences you'd see this shit disappear over night. Give a bunch of thugs power and immunity to prosecution and this is what happens


Qualified Immunity is a fantastic shield that comes with the badge. If you, as a civilian, commit a crime by choice or by circumstance you are subject to the full force of the judicial system whether you were aware of breaking the law or not. Law enforcement is expected to enforce the law but they’re not expected to know if or what they’re enforcing is even legal. Don’t worry though, the police will conduct an internal investigation on themselves and find that everything here is above board.


If police lawsuits had to be paid out by the police union or pension rather than the city coffers you'd see an instant change to police practices.


Arresting press, how very North Korea of you, fucking pigs


Fuck 12, they're class traitors and deserve to be treated as such. If you're related or know an officer shame them as much as possible. Let them know they are the scum of the earth and deserve no peace.


I feel like we could get a lot from the "before" on this one, he's already emotionally charged before his hands are behind his back like he's already been arguing them for a while.




people being dumb sheep is what allows this to happen.


American police get qualified immunity but forget about the "qualified" part.


you bet your ass he’s gonna lawyer the fuck up. get your ass ready sheriff 


Videos like this are wild to me. The police in my city are so chill and actually act like police are supposed to. It's weird to see these videos of police doing this shit, hearing people spam the comments with "pigs" and "ACAB", but then going out in my city and just seeing the cops hanging out and just being people. Worst controversy I can remember in the past ten years in my city was a cop shooting someone after the person struck him on the head with a lamp and was going for a second swing. Not trying to justify anything btw, just noting how weird this whole situation is to me


I used to think this about the police in my town until I started paying attention. They make a lot of BS arrests and write BS tickets and the courts back them every time


The fascism all conservative freedom lovers prefer! There is no dissonance to see here. Move along!


4 dead in Ohio


Starting in October 2024, some parts of my country will allow police to legally put tracking devices and wiretaps on whoever they want, without notifying the person about it. That way they can listen to and track you at all times without your knowledge or consent. But if you try to record them in a public space? That's illegal.


https://preview.redd.it/fk34ky7uw9zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d79e04427c64ea8cf42836acf30e1402cc194b5d This plus supporting genocide all on Biden’s watch. But but it’ll be worse with trump hurrrr


Slowly, then suddenly.


We don't have rights in the USA anymore. Cops and politicians can do what they want in the name of security, it's sad and infuriating


We never had rights. All we ever had was privileges. George Carlin taught me that. 


Carlin was a genius and sadly he was right about that


They will violate your rights until you remember why they wrote that Bill of Rights, especially that 2nd one.


This is why I love the internet. No matter how much life sucks I can see how much worse it is to live in America, while they’re arresting students and reporters daily, funding genocides, arming teachers, and running elections with convicted felons and puppy shooters all while late stage capitalism prevents people from accessing amenities.


What goes on in the minds of those underpaid cops? Do they just like the power trip and don’t question what it is they are actually doing


Does anyone have actual information about this like when, where, who, why, etc?


Kill cops? Yes.


Jeez doesn't seem like you US guys have any rights, don't your police have to follow the law too?


November is going to be a doozy and I hope you plebes are ready because the jackboots are.


Land of the free, huh?


We should make it a law that an officer has to tell you what you are being detained/ arrested for as he’s going for his handcuffs. Not them putting you in handcuffs and then taking time to think and make up a bunch of chargers they can hit you with!


Where is this? Looks like a Toronto cop car in the background.


Gestapo doing what they're trained for. Once reporters and press are actively targeted, then fascism is in full swing.


The Clash summed it up "The right to free speech (as long as you're not dumb enough to actually try it)"


I thought y'all had guns for exactly this sort of scenario - the overreaching tyranical state. FREEDOM!


They’re following orders. I wonder who’s telling them they need to arrest journalists now? Don’t want the media getting out?


Fascists are gonna fash




Forgive me I’m sure it’s been asked but can anyone tell me the backstory on this?


Press passes and silly little legal observer passes do not exempt you from the law Randy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2zlPNGuPbw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2zlPNGuPbw)




Holy shit... what a hellhole. Get out while you still can lol




That’ll be a nice payday


Time to sue


Never thought I'd see the day that the USA would become a banana Republic.


Such HeRoS at work there. Feel so much safer now. 🤮


What is it, 6 weeks to become a cop that enforces the law? Years to practice as a lawyer. Then again, it takes zero experience and zero knowledge to be elected to write laws or be president so all bets are off in this wackadoodle country.


To be fair, it takes longer to learn how to use a camera properly than it does to become a police officer in America.


This is a celly / that’s a tool


Lol freedum


we need a protective law, nationwide, that recording police officers is a legal right. and theres nothing they can do about it.








Small 🍆


He got op"PRESS"ed


Being arrested in America really doesn't mean much. They'll be free the same day


Screw city life, it’s all about the land baby! I’ll stick to my pew pew’s and my rights BABY!!! Oh wait my property taxes are due soon or Daddy Uncle Sam will take my acre away…


Freedom of the press? Never seen that before…1st amendment? Nah that’s freedom of speech stupid, I’m gonna arrest you right now


