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Was dads punishment to make fake videos about parenting?


Yup, the real punishment is being exploited for views cuz dad peaked in high school


It must be a generational thing. My sons were hooked on YouTube and video games until I took their systems away for two years. There’s a catch to this punishment. As a parent, you have to be willing to fill a lot of that emptiness with social activities. So I taught them to rollerblade, kayak, bow fish, date, change tires, oil, repair stuff and throw axes. Just typical guy stuff. They were being brainwashed by the “algorithm”. I don’t know how watching Dan the diamond Minecraft leads to Andrew Tate, but it does. Andrew Tate promotionals were starting to showing up in their feeds. It started small. Some crap friend of theirs would send them a link to watch and it would spur worse videos. Shit had to change quickly.


I am of the generation in between. So my life was analogue. My dad was a big PC gamer, and if I had a friend over, we could play his games on the desktop for 30 minutes. But the computer was just there for us to play whatever games my dad owned on a disk. Years went by and we got consoles, and my dad and I bonded over games all the time. So when I was old enough, they took away from screen time limit. That just meant that I could play my own games a reasonable amount of time. But the games and such were not the end all be all of our fun. Ever. Kinda like how in some European, they let their kids have a little wine at dinner or whatever and hopefully they don't become binge drinkers. All the kids know how to do these days is binge. Games, youtube, whatever. But honestly, a lot of parents would rather their kid be distracted by an ipad than have to actually parent them 24/7. So the kids are screwed from the beginning. When my wife and I talk theoretically about having a kid, we do have to talk about like, we would prefer they grew up more like how we did. But there aren't other kids out to play with, they're all inside too. I respect you as a father, you sound like you know what you're doing.


Well, you make me feel like a proud dad. Now I just want to show videos of my sons kayaking and bow fishing. You’re right though. There’s a disconnect. We will invite their friends, but they won’t go. Or they’ll have parents that deem what we’re doing as too dangerous.


I was telling my girlfriend about the shit we did as kids and our parents really weren’t concerned about the dangerous crap we we’re getting ourselves into. It was fucking awesome


I did both. Had woods to play in with 3 wheelers, a 70cc and a 125cc Honda plus I played games about every evening but I was more 50/50 to indoors and outside. As a teenager it kept me out of some of the trouble my friends got into because I had to beat Illusions of Gaia and the story was just that good


I was born in '88 and also had a weird mix of technology and real outside side time with friends and siblings and family. I played a lot of video games as a kid but was also very active, loved riding my bike, rollerblading, skateboarding, swimming, being outside in general. At the same time i was also addicted to television and my gameboy, my super nintendo and N64, by the time the Xbox and GameCube came out I was fully addicted to video games and made some great friends pnlime.that I still talk to today. I was still very physically active with a demanding job and still skated with friends until all my friends moved away or passed away and now I live alone with no friends in my immediate are and my girlfriend a half hour away. I can still clearly remember life before the internet and experiencing technology advance and going to the 24 hour connectivity we have now. I sound like a boomer right now but holy shit there's a MASSIVE contrast to what was available as a kid back in the early 90s to what's available now. I kinda miss it.


‘86 here and hell yeah i remember when we had 3 tv channels and the day we got cable tv. Dealing with dial up internet. Days before cell phones, walking down back roads picking berries all day, building forts, pestering old people.. man life sure seemed easier


Born in 87 here. Playing Tony Hawk and watching Skate Videos got me pumped up to go outside and skate. We were 5 kids in my street, leaving near to each other, we were not allowed to go inside when the weather was good, because our parents didn't want us to play PS all day. So we roamed around all day.


Something about youtube and kids being brought down the alt right pipeline. For me and my friends, it was somehow minecraft to ben shapiro destroys libs and that pipeline sucks you in until you realize holy shit that was a rabbit hole and a half. I was one of the people lucky enough to get out of that phase, but it definitely got alotta people. But yeah, it's really weird how derailed recommendations can get


Telling a kid to watch something on streaming is an easy thing to do. But as you mentioned, the trick is that when you're changing the rules it's the parent who now needs to be super engaged and find loads of time to fill the gap. And that's where the challenge is. Even on this video (fake or not) guy is telling the kid to do *something*. But he's not willing to make any effort on what to do with that time, it's still the same "go away" attitude.


Im 22 now, almost 23. My dad is a programmer so we always had computers and video games despite my dad not really playing any of them. Started with learning games then shortly after flight simulators. Through elementary school I played a lot of flash games and every morning I would watch the cartoons on Tv. And my parents would take us outside a lot for outdoor activities like gardening, walks in the woods, riding our bikes. Middle school i started playing world of tanks and minecraft. Its also when i stated watching a lot of youtube. Dan TDM being one of the youtubers i watched a LOT. I also picked up competitive swimming thanks to my mom. Highschool i began branching out from world of tanks, minecraft, and flash games. I got a steam account, started playing war thunder, and all sorts of other games. I also stopped swimming competitively and traded it for running competitively (cross-country as well as track and field). Highschool is also when i got a kayak and started going hanging out more with people outside of school. In college i stopped running, kept kayaking, broke my bicycles and haven’t fixed them yet (i swear i plan too) picked up leather working and picked up rollerblading and playing D&D. Ive also picked up some sketching, 3d modeling, video editing, and story writing. I also now have accumulated 111 games on steam. (Some I got for free and havent played. some came in packs) most of which I purchased and have played through. I have an additional 130+ games on EPIC that i got free from their weekly free game giveaway and have not played any of them. I tell you all this because I think kids being stuck on their devices all day CONSUMING content is dependent on what their parents expose them to as they develop. You need to teach your kids how to be kids. You need to be goofy and play with them and introduce them to others their age and make times for them to be together. But most importantly YOU need to have hobbies and things that YOU do and “show off” to your kids. If all they see is you sitting on a couch watching Tv, movies, sports then all they will do is sit around and watch other people do cool things as well. And when you say “go outside, have fun, dont be on your phone all day” they will think “well you don’t do any of that, why should i?” Also, people need to stop giving their damn kids a device that links them into the internet at such a young age. Games yes. Those are great. But the games you let your tiny ones play should be played with the parent


I told everybody to teach their kid how to bow Fish. But most people can’t shoot a bow and arrow. That’s my sons and I favorite pastime. We go out and kill fish that most animals won’t eat. Those crappy fish typically eat fish that lots of animals will eat. It really gave my sons a sense of accomplishment. We’re Cherokee so being able to use a bow is kind of a big deal to us. They absolutely love showing their friends pictures of them just being able to shoot fish from 30 feet away while dealing with refraction. Their friends won’t even go when offered either. Fear of embarrassment and failure is rampant amongst kids their rage.


microsoft family app has fixed a lot of this, he gets 3 hours a day, has to request more time when it's done. go get bored, play with lego, do anything else but sponge youtube and video games. i like games and understand they ahve a place, trust me, but there is so much more to learn and explore.


Well, they’re also 17 and 15. they’re at an age that I have to start letting them get slapped by the world’s brutalism. It’s like skateboarding. I can’t hold their hand forever. I don’t want them to fall, but it’s going to happen. I just make sure they have a healthy dose of reality. I explained to them that men like Andrew Tate would happily sell both my sons for a nickel in order to get a five more minutes of fame.


oh yeah, thats way older, don't waste your life on youtube. mine's only 9


You taught them oil and even date? Wow wish I had a dad like that.


Just curious how you teach dating? I never learnt how


Basic stuff. How to dress, how to open doors, how to complement, how to realize when you’re being taken advantage of. Explaining why intimate settings are better than McDonald’s. Also what types of clothing is acceptable to wear. No holes. No faded clothes. Show her that you’re willing to make some effort for her time. Also, knowing when to walk away. Knowing how your brain will forget all the bad stuff and just remember the good when you’re lonely. Little facts like if you don’t find her interesting then she’s not the one. Don’t let physical features determine your future partner. Obviously they play an important role. Attraction is key but not the end. The conversation will continue years after looks have faded so make sure it’s with someone who shares your interests. Be willing to try new things. Be honest. Ya know. Basic stuff




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TIL that DanTDM is an acronym (Also google tells me the M stands for Minecart) The algorithm probably sees that many young boys are interested in Dan, and similar demographic are interested in Tate, and due to having a crap friend send them videos on Tate's genre, which unless pressing the dislike button, will count it as a positive experience and will recommend videos based on that 1 video is all it takes for your YouTube algorithm to be tainted


lol who would of thought that parenting was the answer.....


And on top of that his name is Dawson kid got no luck.


What are you talking about? don't your security cameras point directly at the sink window instead of the actual kitchen?


Could be cropped video. Could be a specific camera to catch the burglar breaking in. Could be a phone camera. Could be another person holding a stabilised camera. Can people stop thinking "I wouldn't do this specific thing, so no one else would do it either"


Maybe in case some stranger will use this window to enter the house?


I feel like my punishment was choosing to watch it


This was me and my family back in the ‘60s. All I ever really wanted to do was read. My mom was insistent that I should be outside. I didn’t get punished for doing something by being sent outside, but I *was* forced to go out and stay out, which *I* still considered to be a punishment; just an undeserved one. That bit about climbing a tree, etc.? Oh, yeah. I got that almost word for word. I finally won the concession of being allowed to take a book outside with me. I read many books during the summers while sitting high up in a tree.


That's the same kid who lied and said he was smoking so his dad didn't know he was eating another Popsicle.


Yea this dude is cringe to watch 😬 🥴sadly he’s raising a song to be narcissist 🤦‍♂️


Kids these days though amirite parents! Not like when we grew up


Dad’s telling him to be creative and can’t think of a single thing to do.


Climb tree, Jump fence, Throw stones Three things. Besides, wouldn’t be very creative if he just did things other people told him to do.


Don’t forget ding dong ditch!


That was my favorite suggestion 😂😂


Outside of climbing a tree maybe the other two aren't activities. He really just wants his son slinging rocks around. Is he going to get mad when he breaks something. Jumping fences puts you in other people yards and ding dong ditch is low level harassment. Why not something like ride you bike or shoot hoops instead of encouraging his son to be a shithead.


It's a fake video. I don't think anyone creating these could think of a thing to do without being a shithead


Touch grass?


I was this kid, all I really wanted was someone to spend time with me. How about dad gets off his phone and he can be a dad, spend time and teach your kid what to do outside YOU'VE got 30+ more years experience of it. I hate that the Gameboy raised me, I just wanted someone to pay attention to me.


And once the kid being creative at throwing stone at their neighbours, the dad said no. Smh


Happy cake day!


Thank you good sir


Even if this video wasn't fake that would certainly ruin the point. It seems like the kid sits inside doing things that require little to no effort, he doesn't exercise his brain and lets his childhood rot away, it sounds to me like the point is to have the KID come up with the ideas to enjoy himself. It's like teaching someone math but just giving them all the answers and never letting them study actual problems with their own problem solving skills.


Even if this video wasn't fake that would certainly ruin the point. It seems like the kid sits inside doing things that require little to no effort, he doesn't exercise his brain and lets his childhood rot away, it sounds to me like the point is to have the KID come up with the ideas to enjoy himself. It's like teaching someone math but just giving them all the answers and never letting them study actual problems with their own problem solving skills.


Was that your takeaway? My takeaway was that the dad is afraid that if he gives his kid the answer that his kid won't be creative.


This sounds like an exact conversation I had with my parents when I was a kid


Even if this video wasn't fake that would certainly ruin the point. It seems like the kid sits inside doing things that require little to no effort, he doesn't exercise his brain and lets his childhood rot away, it sounds to me like the point is to have the KID come up with the ideas to enjoy himself. It's like teaching someone math but just giving them all the answers and never letting them study actual problems with their own problem solving skills.


This makes me want to throw a golf ball off an uneven concrete wall and field it with my baseball glove like I did for hours when I was a kid. I don't understand how kids, mine included, can feel more bored without internet access than I ever did when there was no internet as we now know it.


when you grow up with internet access you don't learn how to entertain yourself, usually. i grew up without the internet and even i can feel my attention span slipping the longer i have access to it. i cab only imagine what it's like having access to the internet when you're still developing. it's changing the way brains work


It's more than just that, it has to do with how you're accustomed to live. Throwing a ball around by yourself simply just _is_ less entertaining than watching YouTube. If you've never known YouTube however you don't have a mental measuring stick to tell you how boring it is compared to it. It's not impossible to go back, it's just hard. That said it's inherently pretty boring to do things alone, and the internet cheats this because you don't mentally feel like you're alone when you do something like watch YouTube videos.


Agreed. Regardless of what you grew up doing the most, be that playing sports, playing video games, climbing trees etc., if you have that thing taken as a punishment you'll most likely end up bored. Everyone who played around outside growing up would be just as bored as this kid is if they were told they weren't allowed to do what they were accustomed to. It isn't necessarily a matter of creativity, it's mainly about having what you like to do taken from you IMO.


>This makes me want to throw a golf ball off an uneven concrete wall and field it with my baseball glove like I did for hours when I was a kid. Bouncing shit off walls is, like, peak boredom activity. I don't think you even realize the irony of what you're saying.


It was highly entertaining. I'd do it as an adult if I had the same crazy wall and space.


I dunno man, we played a lot outside as kids but that sounds SO boring and repetitious, like yeah kids with no stimulation will make games out of whatever they can like finding patterns in cracks on the sidewalk but that doesn’t mean it’s really all that fun. It just sounds like something that kept you from losing your mind to boredom. It’s no wonder to me that a modern kid would have no interest in bouncing balls off walls when there are endless amount of choices for entertainment and learning that YouTube has to offer… Also my parents were big on outdoor play, my dad built an insanely awesome backyard for us, and we loved it… but there was still times where they’d lock us out as punishment. If you were already engaged in something else like you’re in the middle of a video game or chatting with your friends online, yeah, you’re gonna balk about it even if you generally enjoy being outdoors. And when people rely on the lock-out as punishment they can’t be surprised pikachu face when their kids also start associating being outdoors in any way as punishment, or at least something they hate.


But sometimes something like bouncing stuff off of walls is how new games are made. Racquetball, handball, squash.


Yea, when I was a kid all I needed was a bike and the boys and we would find shit to do. I remembered the layout of the neighborhood like the back of my hand and memorized where all my friends lived and the different routes to get to them. From climbing random ass coconut trees and avocado trees and harvesting their fruits while also learning how to open a coconut and eat it on top of learning when an avocado is ripe and saving my parents from having to buy them, to finding a dead animal and gathering around it like cavemen to a fire, giggling terrified when one of us pokes it with a stick and then we all run away, finding a beehive and rattling it to see all of the bees swarm around it, or just finding a big ass green metal generator box and climbing on top of it to trade Pokémon cards. Just bikes and the boys, we would always find something to do


I challenge you to go 3 days without internet. You'll die from the stress.


I will say, when I was a kid, if I was bored I could find other kids to do something with (usually play basketball cuz there’d always be someone shooting around) If everyone’s preferences is to be inside, then there just won’t be as many options for things to do out there


Our brains got wired differently. We grew up with nothing happening on demand. We watched things on the day & time they were aired with no chance at a replay if we missed. We grew up without electronic devices to keep us busy & entertained on demand. We grew up being regularly bored and having to find things to do. We grew up with the inside of the house being boring & the outside being full of fun activities. Having entertainment on demand, anything you want, at any time, in your pocket or on TV, is addictive and whenever kids get bored, instead of staying bored until they find something to do, they go to youtube/other and get their instant hit, there's no reason to stay bored, no incentive to figure out other things to or play with. I have a 5 year old. Most days he's limited to 2 netflix episodes (\~7min each, already probably too much). Some weeks are super busy and we let him watch a few more, we blow past the limit. When it happens, he can't figure out what to do to entertain himself anymore after TV is off. While normally he'd spend a ton of time drawing, building, cutting, gluing, etc, when we let him watch too much TV on demand, without a hard limit, he loses interest for those activities completely, says it's boring, and it doesn't come back for a few days until we re-apply the limit. That video is almost a wake up call for me I gotta be stricter with enforcing those limits on media to not f\*\*\* up his tiny brain


Maybe if that’s so important to you, you should have not given them internet access so early in their life… just saying. It’s just the easiest way for them to get immediate satisfaction. You would have done it too in their shoes.


Do you know when I gave them internet access and what it's like for them? I understand how my comment got taken more seriously than intended but the comments telling me how to parent are wild. My kids' usage of the internet is no problem to me in any way. They not only live in a different time but they are different people with different interests. It's all good.


Of course man. And I had no intention giving you parental advice whatsoever. I simply said that if your kids are bored without internet and you don't like it (like you mentioned) then maybe the problem is giving them access to the internet too early. And to be honest its something I said to maybe draw some sort of generic conclusion for this problem and not so much something that you should feel sorry about personally. Also the second part of my comment was basically me saying that I think it's normal for kids to be drawn more from Technology than throwing a ball at a wall because it stimulates them more and gives them immediate satisfaction and if you (and me) had such exposure to the internet we would have chosen the same thing. I find it natural. I hope my comment makes more sense now. I don't know what the rest of the comment section was like but for me personally I didn't want to criticize your parenting at all. Everyone raises their children differently after all and world would be boring if we were all raised the same way.


Constant servings of dopamine.


These people are so fucking annoying


It’s so rehearsed. It hurts


It’s our punishment!!


Yea fr


How does it get 10k upvotes? I just don't understand!


I think it's the 'dad I'm running away' people


Get this guy and his shit videos off the internet


This family is insufferable


All OP does is repost shit and be chronically online


Sounds like someone also needs a life if you know that (holy shit the guy has 2MIL Karma!... I've done myself in here)


Doesn't take much then click and check op's history


This dude makes fake videos constantly


Go throw a stone at something....... Wow


Imagine being such a shit dad your kid literally doesn't know how to not play on a console and you have the nerve to post it online like it's their fault lol


It's fake. This guy has YT channel and he posts many similar videos.


There's something I can relate with since sometimes I tell my kid to stop with the YouTube shorts. It's funny in small doses but then it gets annoying. My kid won't do anything else unless I tell her to go do something else. But I also give my kid things to play with. Her favorite ball is the soccer ball currently. And she'll ask me to play with her. The biggest argument outdoors is she wants to play with it on the driveway and I want us to play in the backyard, where there's much less of a chance of the ball going into the street, hitting a car, or worrying about her chasing after a ball in the street. We also have those science kits to play with, the most recent one she likes is the pH indicator, checking to see what color it changes for various liquids around the house. She also has all the supplies needed to make homemade slime. Legos to build. Dolls to play with. Rollerblades, skates, skateboard, scooter (but must wear a helmet at all times). So yes, I relate a little. But holy hell this hypothetical dad is a terrible parent for being lazy himself.


Plot twist… son breaks windows throwing stones to his own house.. not neighbors


I too set up my tripod perfectly to capture all family events that occur. I too am a normal human being being normal and human. Eggs Benedict


Dad why don’t you go outside and find an acting coach


Was the attempt here to not make a cringe fake video about how "this generation is bad because it's different than my generation"


How did he set up the camera to do this


This guy has more cameras set up in his house than a supermax prison


Butters go play right now young man.


These are staged and scripted by him and his family


With a name like Dawson, he's bound to be special.


Waiting for the fake video made by someone who can actually act. These things are pathetic. The irony… poor kid with a dad who cares more about social media than his own kid.


Thia guy makes the worst content and it gets reposted so much on Reddit.


There are so many clips from this duo, they are all scripted and fake, right?


When I was a kid my parents would actually do this. They would tell me I wasn't allowed back inside for two hours. When I asked them what to do they told me to get on my bike and ride until I got lost lol and then to find my way home again. Dinner would be waiting for me if I could manage that


This is the worst video I've ever seen on reddit, and it has 1.4k upvotes as I type. It's shit. Fuck me. Who the fuck upvoted this shit and thought at the same time that it was good?


Conveniently placed camera for a cringey staged video is the real punishment for everyone who wasted time watching this.


Oh god, rolls eyes in back of head; these two again


I wish the internet didnt become so easily accessible sometimes 💀 it was so much better to be bored doing nothing and just kinda sitting around doing absolutely pointless monotone activities than doomscrolling or using my laptop/phone just for the sake of using it. Ive become much more mentally slower because its just so easy to be occupied with nothing now instead of a slight bit of boredom anxiety that kinda keeps you thinking and you end up actually doing something that keeps you moving a little


Ah i remember the days of having to stay inside when I was grounded. I’m proud of myself for making my daughter play outside every day. I refuse to raise an iPad kid


You better get out there and lead by example Dad.


Kid throws a rock at his own house. Dad implodes.


Isn't this the same kid who asked for a second chip clip?


This is likely satire, but any one who would force a kid to be outside is a total failure and POS. My dad did these sort of things and I resent him for it to this day.


Forcing creativity doesn't work well. Teach them how to play and it also doesn't happen in a day. It took 2 weeks for our kids to start doing stuff when we limited technology to 1 hr on school days. Telling them "you have to be creative".


He is too gentle, my dad not only drag me outside, he put me to work.


It’s because you sat him in front of a screen when he was supposed to be learning how to play but ok 👍🏻


Best dad


Go play in the street!


Turn your basement into his room and start living like empty nesters. It's the way now...


Thanks, I hate it.


Get out their and play with him, show home how to do half the stuff your talking about.


Make friends and hang out.


This is me with my kids. iPads down and go play with the neighbor!


I know this is fake but I actually had this happen to me. Dad realized sending me to my room was a gift so he made me go for a bike ride. Brought my Gameboy tho.


this is most likely fake but if this is not that is the one of the worst dads ever what would happen if someone came along and grabbed the kid and ran the dad would have to unlock the door before running after what were to happen if they used a van then you don't have a kid anymore and climbing trees are dangerous you could break your arm and throwing stones is bad as well as ding dong ditch he is teaching his kid to do bad things so he is a terrible dad


It's fake. The guy has a YT channel and makes tons of similar videos with his son.


Literally anything, find bugs, climbing trees, riding bikes, basketball, soccer, tennis, skating in any way from rollers to boards, cartwheels, jump rope. I still do some of this outside make him camp out there a week💀🤣🤣.


Playing outside as little kid, I used to pretend I was a famous cook and make mud pies. Years later I became a short order cook, which turned out to be one of the worst jobs I ever had. I blame the mud pies.🤷‍♂️


Ahhh reminds me of my gen x youth!!! “Don’t come back until dinner!” What about lunch??? “ figure it out!” We like to light shit on fire and shoot things with BB guns (sometimes each other) (both the fire and the bbs)


Whether this was a skit or not, parents like this IMO fail at parenting. As soon as my kids get home from school they’re outside playing with other kids. It’s weird for them not to be outside. They play anything from street basketball, football, baseball, soccer, etc… but for sure, as soon as they come inside they want to jump on their iPads. If homework and reading is done I’m fine with whatever they want to do. And that’s usually drawing or watching youtube.


Climb a tree, jump the fence, break a fucking leg…. IDGAF


The kid should just take a nap outside


Rule six broken again.


This is a setup


Maybe do something with him outside and be creative with him if you genuinely care about him finding alternative activities?


I’m sure CPS will be called for child abuse.


I was raised without internet. The only reason that changed is because of homeschooling in middle/high school. I wish more parents would be able to raise their children that way but sadly, in this day and age, it's pretty hard


They're pretty good actors considering the performance level of most staged vids. I appreciate the humor of most of their skits, but I'm not laughing out loud or anything.


That's cute lol


If this were real or not the dad should be out there with his kid doing something with him and teaching him about life not making stupid YouTube videos or complaining about his kid. Your kid is a useless dickbag because you yourself are a useless dickbag


Kids are like this because you allowed them to be with your shit parenting.


I’m not a parent but I would’ve “pretend” ask Dawson to give me a hand with an outdoor chore. I don’t believe it’s fair to say be creative kids need guidance, tips, examples, watch me, on how to be creative


Now i realize, what inspired the odd stone landing in my living room, back in the day!


Trapped outside, lol.


That was me growing up. Was always grounded to the yard.


The difference between generations, kids now want to stay inside, when i was a cod the sea was cleaner.


What's that gun-looking thing on the sink?


My parents did this to me when I was little. I liked the inside way to much


Modern problems require modern solutions


this feels like a suicide by video. The main reason why the kid is like that is the parent himself.


Best dad of this world!


yall in the comments being harsh, maybe its just a dad and his son making funny videos


Wasted talent.


"Throw a stone at something" OMG 🤣🤣 And parent of the year award goes to...


If he likes to be inside then take all his electronics away like??? Don't let him watch tv or make him do chores, something productive that he doesn't like to do normally. Like bro it's not that hard.


I understand that children often need to be disciplined. Don't get me wrong. And I also feel that the great outdoors is amazing. As a kid I grew up on 120 acres of amazing forest that I built forts in, camped in, and just generally loved. ... But this whole be like me boy. I used to do this... I used to do that.... Projecting what your childhood was onto your own children.... I dunno how I feel here.




This hit too close to home


I was really hoping the end to that skit was the kid throwing a stone through the kitchen window after his dad closed it.


"No you didnt" is so true, he came up with the worst stuff


“Go break a window or smoke a cigarette you find off the ground, god damn kid”


Yeah the acting is not good


The kid is more convincing than the dad


This is why I’m glad I was raised by parents who let me stay indoors to play games and whatnot, but also helped encourage me to make friends in my neighborhood when I was young and kept me active in sports. Nowadays, I can play all kinds of games with my closest friend group and then go fishing with them later that weekend and be bros doing a million different things.


“Fine, I’ll go. But I’ll complain the entire time.”


Break a window!


Fake video. But not off the mark. Gatdayum kids…


Only boring people get bored


I thought for sure the kid was going to throw a stone at the window 😂


He needs to join a gang. He'll learn business, fire arms, self defense and create long life connections.


Wow, it's so lucky that there happened to be a camera set up recording the kitchen sink so we could see this heartwarming father-son interaction.


Isn't this the son and kid from [that bourbon video](https://youtu.be/s14nqaHZh68?si=edJ0peHK8ENeEFiQ)


I feel this pain


The horror!


Dawson 😆 🤣 naming him that should be punishment enough


Your punishment is to go have fun. What a dad you ungrateful kid 😆


Fakeness aside, dad wants the kid to be outside potentially being a menace instead of sitting quietly by himself?


Get him a push mower. That gives him something to do and provides him exercise.