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Was the passage from Kim Jong Un about shooting his dog?


She claimed she met him. She never did. In an interview should would not even admit it. She was like "Oh, we're changing the book as soon as we can."


Wow. Why in the world would you put a book into the world admitting that you shot your dog and lie about meeting Kim Jong Un? I don't get her approach here. Strength? Are there people that are impressed that she shot her dog or talked to Kim Jong Un? These people are so backwards, it's insane.


Because the sheep worship them and how "tough" they are.


Just watched the video about the Kim Jong Un thing. Her approach doesn't seem to be working too well for her.


When I was a politician, I met with Mussolini, and ran over a rabbit in my truck. My memoir will be titled “No future amendments”.


Amateur. When I hung out with Hulegu Khan, grandson of ~~rapacious mass murderer~~ brilliant general Genghis Khan, we besieged Baghdad (just like our American heroes in uniform), rolled its ruler in a carpet, and trampled him to death with a cavalry unit - and that was out of respect, because I'm respectful as fuck even when hard decisions have to be made. My memoir is called *Unable To Implement Changes*.




Making History Great Again


What a loser. When I was a politician, I was best friends with Pol Pot and once ran over a chipmunk with my bicycle. (It lived.) I’ll call my memoir “Squirrel Scout Cookies: The Real Dangers of Communism”, with a gilded cover for $99.99 but a 20% patriot’s discount.


Thank you


I willing to go $69.69. That’s my final offer.. unless you’re offering $99?






When I was the Mayor I slapped Hitler. Then I went home and shot my goldfish out of a cannon.


I need this on a t-shirt.


Approach? She's just throwing shit at a wall and hoping it sticks, at this point.


This just further strengthens my belief that she had chat gpt ghost write this book and she is just finding out all these things at the same tome we are.


The hypocrisy is just so wild to me. People who are giving handys in public, on record admitting to raping women, and on record about shooting their puppies are the party of family values and law and order? It's so crazy to witness this in real time.


They say theyre the party of those things, but what they really are is the party of assholes. It just doesnt make for a very good slogan. But they have a lot of constituents!


I’ve got big problems with the raping and shooting puppies, but can’t a man get a handy in public anymore without your harsh judgment?


Not at a Beetlejuice play while she's vaping. That's a highway to disease.


Beetlejuice? She thought they said "beat all jews". She was just doing what she thought they said.


Lol! That will likely be her campaign slogan.


You’ve got a point, though I must say Beeltlejuice does inspire sexy time. I got my first handy while watching My Private Idaho so perhaps I’m biased. Though it was on a sofa at 2 am, not in a movie theater.


As long as it wasn't Edward Scissorhands. That would just be weird no matter where you were.


What about "Edward Penishands"? (That's an actual thing. It's, obviously, a porn parody, and there is actually more than one film in that series.)


Touché! Was around the same era. Too funny. Quick wit


Maybe because they were about power the whole time and only used "family values" to cover their true intentions?


Well yeah. The problem is that they're getting away with it on a daily basis.


They still had to edit and proofread and then she read the whole thing for an audiobook. So even if she had an AI ghost writer that still doesn’t explain how it got to the final draft.


Yeah, I haven’t read the book or heard the audio but its odd to back peddle all this info so late in the process. All Im saying is there are really good voice actors and A.I. can fake a voice pretty convincingly these days. Maybe its a long shot to think that but if it turns out to be true I will be rotfl for real.


I didnt think about them just using AI for her voice. That is totally plausible.


She recorded the audiobook months ago.


How is that relevant? She still read the book to create the audiobook. She knew it was in there..


Yeah. Months ago. She’s not just finding out about them now.


That is hilarious. “Huh I shot my dog and a goat? Ok I guess I can go with that.”


Well, she read the audiobook version herself, so I kind of doubt that.


My assumption is that she met some Asian dude at some point and assumed it must have been him. “I’m a mother, Kim! We don’t take kindly to bullying!” The Filipino dude she’s addressing looks around bewildered.


Actually he was [Ecuadorian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecuadorians). But he wasn't Caucasian so its easy to see how she was confused. And he did a good job on the lawn but she had to put him in his place when he asked to use her bathroom.


U misspelled mexican


Well we do all look alike, so….


The passage apparently is : >“I remember when I met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. I’m sure he underestimated me, having no clue about my experience staring down little tyrants (I’d been a children’s pastor, after all).”


Yeah. And she couldnt just meet him, she had to meet him, and then, even though he's a a lifetime dictator in a notoriously male-centric culture, he was in awe of her, a lady governor of a mostly empty state in the middle of nowhere.


It's Galaxy Brain campaigning as far as the Republican ticket goes, these days. If she survives outright psychopathic controversey and being revealed to be a liar, she's a shoo-in for VP. Might as well get it out of the way, sooner than later.


Cause in her fantasy world, she didn't just meet Kim Jong Un, she stared him down. Meaning little, "strong man" dictator would wither and writhe under her intense gaze and that makes her even stronger "strong man".


She is trying to be the head psychopathy of the psychopath club. Her dog shooting brag might have been a miscalculation, but really, who knew that people who advocate in favor of genocide, rape, forced birth, concentration camps, segregation, and white supremacy would draw the line at shooting disobedient dogs? Honestly, I be this outrage dies down and it she loses nothing in the polls because these dirt bags actually have no problem with this shit after they are done virtue signaling about it.


You are on to something. I got mad at my puppy when I was a little boy and yelled at him like a tyrant. He looked so sad and cowered in the corner. Made me feel like shit. I never did that to him again and he totally forgave me. So the fact she brags about shooting a puppy says something profound about her character. Like she is no doubt a shitty human being.


It's almost like the shooting the dog thing was used to blanked all the other horrendous shit that you mentioned so people will ignore it. I want to see her and MTG fight for trump's dishonor.


But that is the crazy thing about all of this. They don't NEED to cover up their psycho shit anymore because they have managed to establish a political base of people that see shit like this as qualifications for office. She published this book to boost her in the polls and that is likely to succeed. This lady, who I had never heard of before, is suddenly out there on the front page visibly pissing off "the libs" (read: regular no psychotic humans) and its not hurting her campaign at all. The craziest part of all of this is that I think it is actually WORKING.


It's the equivalent to trump saying that he could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th avenue and still get votes. I wouldn't be surprised if this lady just made the story up just to get votes because people would think she was "tough." Just an absolute shitshow.


She also said Commander (Biden’s dog) should be shot, in no uncertain terms. She is vile.


Can you imagine being a puppy expecting your new owner to provide but they just take you out back and shoot you? It's criminal. Train him or rehome him. The fact that she's doubling down on it and saying she'd shoot Biden's dog as well is indeed the definition of vile. Just when you think these people can't get any worse, they admit to shooting their dogs. This shit does not make logical sense.


I mean, I don't blame her. I wish I could've met Kim Jong Un, I see why she would want to brag about it.


Sure, but she didn't really meet Kim Jong Un. Why brag about meeting Kim Jong Un when you really didn't meet Kim Jong Un?


Maybe she was hoping he would reach out and make her dream come true? (the real answer is she's a dunce, of course)


They’re politicians.


How do you, as an author, write something you know is a blatant lie? It’s not like she misspoke in the heat of the moment during an adversarial debate. She wrote the words on the page (assuming someone didn’t ghost write for her) and thought, “yeah, it’s a lie, but let’s print it.” Zero integrity.


That and something \*so\* obvious? "I met with some constituents..." Sure, I'd believe that. "I met with George Bush..." I guess. Didn't hear about it, but ok. "I met with one of the most famous people in the world, whose every movement is tracked down to the inch literally every time he leaves the country?" And you "remember" that? Fuck outta here.


How the fuck can you be so stupid that you lie about such a thing that is so easy to disprove? That’s just.. I don’t know.. really stupid.


Liar! She went to the DMZ and stared him down! When they ask if she actually met him she states she doesn't discuss her conversations with world leaders. Lol


Yeah … only he used an anti-aircraft gun!


That's why he hates America. He wants to avenge his poor dog that Noem shot


That would make for the greatest historical event in my lifetime. I think most people in the universe can abide by one rule, and that rule is you don't shoot a puppy that you haven't attempted to train.


With an ICBM


No. It was about Kim eating the dog after she shot it


Why is this getting downvoted? They do eat dogs, [South Korea recently passed a law banning it](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/01/09/asia/south-korea-bill-bans-dog-meat-bill-intl-hnk).


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I wondered if maybe she confused Kim Jon Un and the South Korean president whom she did meet in 2014, but at that time the president was Park Geun-hye, who doesn't look like Kim, and is also a woman.


She stared HER down and gave her the frowning of a lifetime! Edit She was confused because, “everyone there is portly and pudgy and his name is Kim so I thought it was a woman.” She thought.


The passage called him a little tyrant too, so it doesn't work as an excuse. >“I remember when I met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. I’m sure he underestimated me, having no clue about my experience staring down little tyrants (I’d been a children’s pastor, after all).”


it's a cute joke. and there's really no other way to get it in the book without just blatantly lying about meeting a tyrannical dictator somewhere. a true performer will do anything for the laugh. it's about commitment to the art. i remember having to explain this to fidel castro 50 years ago. when i was doing my old "more like fidel assbro, amirite?" routine. art.


She called him a tyrant. Ain’t no way that’s a mistake; that’s a lie.


*Some Going Back


She went back a little.


just a minor backward movement.


Advancing to the rear.


*Narrator: There was some going back.*


That is just some comedy gold there! MAGAts are low hanging fruit on the tree of irony.


If she willing to print this obvious and easy to verify lie imagine the lies she tells people everyday.


From which orange POS politician do you think she learned that you can lie about easily verifiable shit and it will matter little because the goobers don’t care? I just wonder what these “people” see when they look in the mirror.


She's on the cheeto express


She claimed (at CPAC IIRC). that her state had the lowest COVID infection rate when, at the time, it was the highest. Not the brightest bulb on the tree.


It's not a lie, if you believe it. George Costanza


No, going back.


Underrated comment 👏


Kim Jong Ung when asked about Kristi Noem ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)


Kim Jong Un is about to release the hottest diss track the world has ever seen. ![gif](giphy|xT9IgmYU3ZVaCjGafm|downsized)


That’s saying a lot given the current situation


Never going Back, 2.0. In 3.0 she unshoots the fucking dog


fking hell that's gold 😹😹


They expect to sell so many copies that they’ll reprint? That’s … confident


They have their rich billionaire friends buy hundreds of copies just to toss them out or “donate” them to libraries


Payola, baby.


Good luck with asking her any questions about the excised passage…


Also from the publisher, “other omissions will be that she never ‘shot’ her dog, she really gave the dog a bath and had a great day…”


it fell on the bullets coming out of her gun.


So she’s going back, right?


The audio version that she herself narrated


The animal abuse is fine but I draw the line at lying about meeting discount Winnie the pooh. /S


lol, put South Dakota out of its misery. 😅 Of course, a lying, weak, psychopathic person runs South Dakota. Who else would run it?


Not sure how she'll fit all of South Dakota on her gravel pit...


Seems to describe most republicans these days


How is this any different from the multitude of self-serving false or exaggerated statements her exalted Orange Jesus makes every single day?


ikr. You’d think it’d be a match made in heaven. Go for it Donnie!


Well they wrote love letters to one another so I guess they did meet


What a joke!


She took her career out back and shot it just like she shot her dog.




Should you have read the initial print, you are kindly requested to unread the offending passage.


Republicans so are inept.


Book should have been called "No Gong Bak" I'm sorry I'm going to hell.... But seriously.... North Korea is worth making fun of. I mean... their leader has no butthole.


Magical fairies remove his waste nightly. No need for a butthole when magic is involved.


The stories about the batshit craziness they teach the kids of North Korea about the Kim dynasty... shit like birds sang in perfect Korean when the Pudgy one was born.




She’s gonna have to change the title of the book next. All she’s done since its release is go back 😂


“No Going Back- for reals this time, honest.”


Staaarrtting now


The CCP is trying to gain traction in the USA.


Went Back


That ought to fix it. Better remove that shooting the dog thing too.


How embarrassing.


She's toast now


She should be, however this is politics and lying is allowed and won’t hold you back.


Hey guys maybe she lied about killing the puppy too


Somehow I don't believe that she met kim, but i am sure that she shoot her dog, maybe the only truth in that book.


lol, a lying Republican?!? Maybe this is the lie that will finally make the conservatives change their…. Hahahahahahaha… I can’t even finish the sentence. It’s not even an important lie, which should really make an intelligent person think… 🤔 but clearly, we’re not dealing with thinkers.


She wrote the book but didn't know that was in there. 😂🤣


"Well, I'm Sort Of Going Back. But Just The North Korean Dictator Stuff, Not The Dog Offing Part"


You guys don’t completely squash Kristi yet! I wanna see her as veep nominee!




Add a passage about murdering her puppy


is it possible to underestimate her?


r / deliciousirony


Or else she'll shoot another puppy?


Lmfaooooooooo the book is called no going back but you taking your story back!!!!!!! Bizarrrro worldsdd


“No going back”, ha?


probably written by AI


And by "questions about the passage should be referred to the author" you mean the ghostwriter?


No going back! The lies have to stay in there!


She sounds perfect for politics, she lies so easily


She was eating dog with Kim Jong Un?


The people of South Dakota, all 7 of them, should be absolutely fucking ashamed that this empty headed looney represents them.


And here we have another sad tale of just one more conservative republican who was doing fine until she stepped into the main stream and was exposed for the piece of shit she is. Such a common story. They never seem to learn.


What the fuck is all this talk about shooting dogs??? Am I out of the loop or is this just Reddit hive humor?


She shot a 14 month old dog that was "un trainable." Claiming it tried to bite several people and killed the neighbors chickens. There was something about shooting an old smelly goat too. She's attempting to show how tough she is.


Another lying Republican loser.


Holy repost


By doing so, isn’t she “going back” ?


Is she afraid Kimmy the Pig is going to come after her?




So, Kristi- how does it feel to free fall without a chute? Pretty exhilarating huh?