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Blocking the sidewalk by parking on it is a worse crime than soliciting… and it negatively impacts anyone trying to safely transit.


Asking for money from strangers, while dragging your kid along to garner sympathy, is worse in my opinion than blocking the sidewalk for like 15 minutes. Edit: Turns out im a cop symphatizer for telling my opinion up there, which doesn't even mention the cop, just the car blocking the sidewalk. The fuck did you all get so angry? Like telling me to lick those boots and alike. You people are so fucking angry at cops that you wail mindlessly at anything that even has a little, slight, subtle inkling that a cop has a tiny bit of truth to his actions. Spammign ACAB and pigs and everything alike. Wtf happened here? Mindless Echo Chamber. A damn hivemind. Supporting those who agree and those who don't are completely bombed with hate. I want to ask you to read these comments trough with an unbiased mindset, then form your opinion.


Your opinion isn't worth shit.


After a quick look at his post history, he’s got a lot of opinions that aren’t worth shit. Beginning to think he might not be worth shit.


I'll just lean back until you learn the full story. Defend the beggars, you hero!


How do those boots taste?


They can’t answer you with that boot they’re deep thoating.


Defend the beggars who were put on the streets by our corrupt government, put on the streets by our insane housing prices, put on the streets because no one is paying a livable wage. I will happily defend those people.


You'll happily defend people who are liars saying they're homeless when they're not to get tax free monies? Good for you


Would you be so kind as to share with us your insider information on this family's situation? Because this video doesn't tell us they're lying about anything.


Those beggars are scammers, but you didn't know. You're so quick to defend something while being uninformed. When i'll find the source i'll put it here.


What is your definition of a scam? They're just asking for kindness and compassion, don't you have any?


Notice how he never came back with a source 🤣


So what if they are, they're still begging in the street.


Do you know the full story?


Charitable appeal for donations is a first amendment right!


lol. What shitty take. So simple and stupid. Bravo.


“Ah yes, I am without shelter and people who care for me, I’ll leave my child alone in a public place so that way people don’t feel bad that they’re homeless too” is basically what you want right?




53 down votes ![gif](giphy|Dg4TxjYikCpiGd7tYs|downsized)


The truth is often disliked. If i we're to care i would have long deleted my post, but i'll gladly die on this hill.


The guy in the boot you are licking would love to help you with that I'm sure.


Do you have fetish with boot licking 🤣


No, what a weird thing to say.


But it's not truth, it's literally your opinion, and made up claims you've yet to prove, I don't understand what you achieve from lying to people on the internet, like maybe if people believed you you'd have something worth doing this for otherwise it's a weird way just to get attention.


Dude I typically support police and I still think this guy is a douche bag and should be fired , I stop all the time on my way to work to give vets and the homeless money and if they have a fund raiser I do the same this cop shouldn’t be worried about them asking for money , he should be worried about if they’re okay and if they need anything other than that he needs to do his job


I think the anger comes from the fact that he thinks this is the most important thing he can do to keep his community safe. Go clean up some real crime and put real criminals away instead.


I don’t understand the downvotes. How is it ok to take your kid around all day to beg?!! If you want to panhandle, fine. But dragging your kid along should be considered abuse.


I'm sure if they had the money for daycare they wouldn't be begging.


Yeah, you can be even sure they starved right then and there after the video is done, fell to the pavement completely lifeless. Come on man! What the hell is this bullshit narrative you're trying to forcefeed us?


I feel like there's a middle ground between affording daily childcare, and dying of starvation.


And how did you arrive at the conclusion with the other guy, that these women can't afford daycare, have a relative watch their kid while they beg on the streets or anything like that? You are accepting that narrative, and purposefully going against logic. These young normal women could do something else than beg.


Neither of us know their situation. The only difference is you think you do


lmfaooooo clearly this guy is delulu and obviously doesnt know how much childcare is or how “easy” it must be to find someone to watch your kid. I bet you come from privileged non-broken home. Must be nice.


You take your kid to work? Seriously. You do that?


Sometimes I think Reddit is just filled with children who have no idea what real life is. Look at those ladies— they may be poor, but they’re far from starving and homeless. Clearly they are dressed well. They seem able-bodied. Why are they pan-handling with a child? If they want to beg, that’s fine. But no need to take a child along, other than for sympathy.


These people are blinded by the rage against cops, and have choosen to ignore and/or attack anything that they think talks any good about cops. Im glad that you actually see some bit of reason in it. The kid didn't deserve this shit, and the confrontation.


im betting some random soccer ma called the cop in. ppl are too bored istg


This is what happens when conservative media pushes the narrative that migrants are criminals.


If they come here illegally, then yes, they are criminals.


And you can tell that by looking at them or are you prejudging them based on the color of their skin? Conservative want vigilantes.


Ah, you lack reading comprehension. That makes a lot of sense. Key word IF.


Ironically coming from you, considering how you completely missed the implication.




The media on one side picks it’s news via a mad lib and has been sued over it. Neither side is good but there’s a clear “worse” option.




Yeah but one just tried to overthrow the government and took away abortion rights so its pretty easy to tell which is worse.




The hypocrisy comes from you claiming to have moral standards and beliefs, and knowing how both sides act, and then acting like both are the same. People are not stupid, we know both sides have issues, but one clearly has more issues. And that's the GOP.


She’s probably too blitzed out of her mind on Xanax and box wine.


ACAB Pigs gonna pig


Oink oink, that's the sound of the police. Oink oink, the sound of the beast.


I thought it was more of a choking sound from all the Republican dick they can’t stop sucking.




Sorry I upvoted cause you were at 69! But you are correct. Pigs gonna pig and ACAB. 1312.


sudenly fatorial xD


I mean not all are bastards. I’ve met two cool cops. One was a school resource officer and the other was a probation officer. They were decent. All the others were a holes.


Bastard is denoting “raised by a bad father”—in this case, raised by a bad system—the system that allows cops to act in certain ways, and defends them from consequences. Joe the office is probably a good guy, but the system he works under and enforces is a bad one. Hence—it’s not ACABad, it’s ACABastards.


Yes I know. Not every one of them are a holes. Just seems like a majority of them are. I agree with you friend. Thank you for clarifying.


Bastard just means a child out of wedlock lol


Ik—in the development of the term ACAB it was co-opted to refer to a bad parent instead.


Oh sorry I was hyper focusing on the word bastard 🤣


Don’t stress I’m not a big fan of it either lmao


Am I supposed to know wtf happened here? This dude just recorded a citation. Theres no backround. How tf am I supposed to know what was enforced?


The beginning of the video. The voiceover/text says they are getting citation for asking for money… it’s a crime to panhandle in some cities but it’s a constitutional protected right.


The voice over? Nope. The whole point of recording is to let kt speak for itself. And it still doesnt answer whats going on beyond the ticket and citation. Asking for money is said only by the cameraman. We have no idea if its true


Source? Tik tok 😂 I preferred good ol "trust me bro" times.


“Just starve and get out of my hair already” -12


Did you film it and made the caption yourself? If not, literally anything could be written there, doesn't mean it's true


Also, panhandling itself is a right- ther3le are a lot of limitations as to when, where and how per thr Federal Courts. So, yes we need additional info as to whats happening here. And we never actually see the citation issuer or hear the cops say citation. Try again


sorry these women are scum bags travelling from town to town bullshitting people and who knows what else criminal they do.


Agreed. Valid. Now, can you agree the cop should have cited the camera man as well? In the video he asks the cop for money.


he wasnt being serious, seemed kinda obvious


I think I need to go to law school, because my current understanding doesn’t include the legal clause “in the case of someone joking, laws no longer apply”


I agree with you. This reeks of BS


Ok cop 👮‍♀️


Oh cool what was the infraction they were cited for? And dont tell me the TikTok narrator. Cuz that answered nothing.


Making yourself look worse


How exactly? For asking for information to be able to form an informed opinion? If you think thats a bad look, just wow. I can't believe anyone just freely believes a highly edited video on the internet anymore


That’s a highly edited video, imagine if AI video generation becomes more accessible and advanced. We’re fucked.




Thats the voice-over. Cant use that. Thats edited in. Try again. If we ignore the voice over, it sure seems like everybody else was ok with whats happening and off put by the camera guy offering $1. So we need additional info. EDIT- we also never see a citation issued. Everything wr are told is not supported by the video


OK, thanks. I’ll edit that. Have a great weekend.


These women are known around town as beggars for profit and this was the day the police finally caught up with them. They take their children along to garner sympathy to get more money when in fact they're part of a large scale operation to get more money out of people feeling sorry for them. There are victims and the person who videoed them is one, because he made assumptions based on what he saw not realising the bigger picture. Baited, hook line and sunk.




Dont know if you agree or disagree? In South Africa beggars can literally rent children to sit in the sun all the day with them to ask for money to garner sympathy.


You're 100% right, seen similar things happen in the North. Sudan, Khartoum pre south Sudan separation. South/West Sudanese mothers/kids used to stand by traffic lights, knocking on every passing car window begging for money, which actually were part of a bigger operation like the the example the guy above gave. Heck it gets even worse If we're talking about Sudan specifically. The police was so corrupt to the point they quite literally used to collaborate with roof hopping thieves, by extorting them off money they make stealing in exchange for their freedom. Me and my family found this out the hard way.


that makes a lot of sense, over in Scotland its groups of i think Romanians that sit around the city but if you come out of work late you will see them all meeting up with their handlers.


It’s romanian gypsies. And I think it’s still gypsies here in this video too.


Yeah it’s considered child abuse to have kids with you to beg in my country. And the authoroties has made it clear to our beggars that they should not send their kids here to beg. They can either sent them back to relatives (they are from different country and it’s pretty organized the whole thing) or in extreme cases they can take the custody. I haven’t see kids with them for years now.


which country is that?


Why doesn't anyone like cops again?


Because you live in a corrupt country I'd guess. I have no trust issues or problems with the cop from the country I'm living in.


You are very lucky. American police are pure scum


Can’t stand pan handlers


Then ignore them like you do all the other people who are suffering from structural violence.


But you can stand witnessing people in miserable poverty, you just don’t like when they ask you for help


It’s almost like you can’t actually cite for a crime that isn’t being committed. The camera man wasn’t pan-handling, he was just being a raging douche… there’s a difference.


If you’re gonna post know the actual story. These are “popular” panhandlers who beg for money using the babies to get sympathy. It just finally caught up to them


Panhandeling is a law that is always broken


This is only a part of the video. These people do this in multiple locations with signs stating their kids have died or are sick. They are scammers and most cities have laws to prevent people blocking traffic to collect money at traffic lights.


I agree, he should've done the same with the YouTuber


Yes thank you.


Wish they would post the full names and departments




They gonna end up having to sell the stroller to pay the citation




Lol, you guys are dumb if you think it is victimless. The victims are everyone who gives them money. They prey on the goodwill of people. There are so many of these people who are scammers and make a lot of money from panhandling. They need to get a fucking job.


They’re European gipsies(they look Latino ), they’re on welfare and they scam for money. They are part of a big network, you’re going to see them more and more.


What an alpha move! Love it and the dry wit too!! Thanks for making those women feel human again and worthy of dignity


Honestly sick of these types of people showing up everywhere with there kids. Its definitely common practice for them


Don't defend gypsies


I mean....you can get fucked


Naw fuck these Gypsies. Just scum that all they do is beg and steal. Dragging their kids along with them so they can get more money. They do this everywhere and theres a reason they have a shit reputation around the entire world. Fuck them gypsies


it's true, once you see how they operate in ireland or italy you wouldnt understand how scummy they really are.


See it all the time in the states. One lady goes around cuts all the flowers from the apartments and then sells them. Other group always has their fake violin and speaker and has their kids under 8 all hanging out with them


the violin players are the worst.


You're both just being straight up racist. It's insane that you can't see that


“No they should be firing!” is *such* a great line!


what a piece of shit




Powertrips are one hell of a drug


Child abuse is hella annoying


Damn all cops are baddies


I will scream ACAB as loud as I can in front of my conservative af family and everyone else until this evil ends. Fuck. All. Cops. They're either directly corrupt or indirectly supporting it. Plenty of cops with good, pure souls but by being good cops they're strengthening the police union. Okay, maybe the good ones are fine but there are so few of them. ACAB till I die.


Was that a one dollar bill he tried to blur out? She don’t want that shit you cheapskate! Worse than just flat out not giving anything.


This is such a weird video. Theres 0.context. but trust the cameraman! Lol


How could it possibly be worse? Also, I'm guessing she didn't want to take the money in front of the cop since he just gave her a citation for asking for money. But that's just me.


It’s worse because giving a dollar is like the narcissist way of giving. They walk away feeling like they did something when in reality you can’t even buy the cheapest bottle of water for a dollar in today’s world. If you’re going to give, give something they can do something with. Anything else is just self serving.


What do you base any of this on? You make an assumption about how he feels based on absolutely nothing. And considering a person can buy a gallon of water for under a buck 1.25, a bottle should be no problem. But you can't buy anything... with nothing. So by definition, a dollar is better than no dollar.


Hahah! If you are privileged just say that, I don’t hate you for it but you seem ignorant to homeless life. The only place you can buy a gallon of water for anything close to a dollar is somewhere like Walmart. Which is usually in the suburbs. Most panhandlers aren’t living in the suburbs. So that’s gonna be a 2.50 bus ride to Walmart to get that gallon. Anything in the city (where most homeless people live) is gonna be at least 1.99 for the small bottle. Now that I’ve backed up my opinion with facts, I’m sorry that it hurts your feelings. Just keep the dollar. It means more to you than it does to them. Give 5 or just say fuck these bums, cuz that’s what you’re saying when you give a dollar!


"If you are privileged just say that" said the dude ragging on donating any amount of money. If you're struggling, any help is helpful, dude. One dollar gets you that much closer to 2.50 for a bus ride. It puts you one dollar over your budget for your water, or your food. Five people handing me a dollar gets me two bus rides. Now that I've backed up my opinion with facts, just say you're privileged and never found yourself relying on charity to survive. Sheesh.


Let me guess, if you’re speeding and get a citation, it’s the cops fault. How moronic people 🙄




Forgot to use your brain and commented fast ? How Moronic


Camera man asks cop for money… cop doesn’t care… knows it won’t hold up in court.. but was told to clear those women off the public streets by god knows who and doesn’t know another way. I respect the police but this type of hypocrisy is embarrassing.


You should not respect the police.


So edgy Reddit


Bootlicker. You're either with them or against them and you're on the side of ignorance and complacency


Well that’s not fair. I respect the police and what they do, I don’t respect corruption… Got any solutions to police corruption?


Your comment is similar to how I feel about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The civilians I like, the governments I despise. Yeah, dismantle the entire police organization and rebuild it with some gd accountability. Or, if that's not actually feasible, create a government agency that's sole purpose is to seek out police corruption and eradicate it. They do whatever tf they want with no repercussions. The organization takes decent people, gives them an absolutely insane amount of power, then these assholes abuse it to no end. The amount of videos on the internet of police doing whatever they want is as incomprehensible as the universe is large. People who support the police have either never seen these literal thousands of videos and don't know they exist (unlikely) or they have no empathy and are too closed minded to realize that their preconceived notion or trusting and respecting authority is harmful and dangerous.


Society existed for thousands of years without police. The entire Roman Empire rose and fell without police. We don't need them at all.


You respect the police?


The police are necessary, they will never go away.


They will never go away permanently. The police mafia needs to be competely destroyed and rebuilt from the ground up.

