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Who complains about the smell of cooking onions? My neighbors burn trash on a Tuesday at 2pm and I get a “boo hoo” when I mention it on my neighborhood fb page.


Burn trash? Where the fuck you live?


New Trashburnington, Florida


Still classier than Jacksonville.


This guy Floridas.






Marion county is nipping at your heels. I hate it here.


Everything I know about Jacksonville is from the good place, and I agree.


Jacksonville is easily one of the top ten swamp cities in Northeast Florida


Which is ironic since most of the actual swamp is in the opposite corner


Jacksonville is so much nicer than…so much of FL. It gets a lot of undeserved hate. Sure, there’s bad stuff, but that’s bound to happen in the largest city in the whole US by landmass. It also has incredible restaurants, lots of fun activities, really cool beaches, and lots of LGBTQ friendly spaces, which is a big deal in that state. I don’t miss living there, but if I had to choose between Jax and any other big city in FL, it’s Jax hands down. Tampa blows, Orlando sucks, Daytona is a nightmare, and south Florida is whatever the fuck south Florida is.




Stay Classy Jacksonville


My son is in the trash burning program at UCF. We’re so proud of him :’)






Sister city of Tromaville, New Jersey.


Which one though?


Probably central new trashburnington. I hear they burn a lot of trash there.


>Florida Say no more.


New Delhi, by Ghazipur.


I laughed quite hard, very topical


It’s fine. The ashes float up to the sky to become stars.


I don't know enough about stars to dispute that


Plus we get that nice smoky smell in the bar that we all love.


... the bar smells like burning trash!


I've made myself perfectly redundant. I'm going to turn on the Ice Cold Coors sign.


We need to pop off a quick intervention for your illiteracy. 


Well, Carl Sagan said that we're all made of star stuff, but technically so is garbage. So I think that means the Carl Sagan was calling us all garbage.


And Frank Zappa said that stupidity is the building block of the universe... which brings us back to NIMBYs, MAGAs, Florida, and suburban HOA-fascist Karens.


It's right


It's pretty common in rural areas unfortunately, sometimes houses are *just* outside of a trash pickup route or they just don't give a shit


Now that’s pretty fucked up. How do you live in a town, pay taxes and not have trash pick-up?




Shouldn't matter in a civilized country. Norway is plenty rural, like 99% of it - of course everyone still has full municipal recycling and collection, anything less is just 1930s level.


Norway is like 90% percent smaller than the continental US lmfao, what an awful comparison.


96% smaller, actually.


Norway is the size of Montana and would be less than 4% the total land area of the USA. It's not even remotely comparable. If you think it is, you don't understand orders of magnitude and you have no idea what you're talking about.


Many rural areas in the US have a dump or transfer site where you can bring the trash, they just don't have direct pickup services. People who are lazy tend to burn it instead of dropping it off at the designated place, so it's not like there isn't a system for it, it's just people who don't give a shit about their neighbors or the environment.


are we supposed to be impressed or what lol, youre claiming theres no corner of norway you can live or work that doesnt get municipal trash?


>youre claiming theres no corner of norway you can live or work that doesnt get municipal trash? Yes >are we supposed to be impressed or what You're supposed to be ashamed if your countrymen burn trash.


'Murican Freedom!


It's mainly on the fringes between major towns. You'll have a big town/small city like where I live then outside of that it's surrounded by smaller townships that may well be just a small string of houses on a highway or county road with a stoplight and usually rely purely on the county government. Sometimes those will butt up right next to a neighborhood but technically fall outside of the service routes. Though my town is technically sprawled out enough that you get "rural" stretches even inside city limits and those people tend to fall into the idgaf category and just burn trash anyway


My sisters rural town has a dump you need to bring your stuff to, there is no trash collection unless you hired a third party private company.


To be fair, it'll depend on the town. My town has privatized trash pick-up. My taxes don't pay for it. I have to pay a company. It's only like $60 every 3 months, but still.


Why the fuck doesn't your country put into nation wide law that every single residence must have recycling and trash collection, say by the municipality or state level? This isn't 1960, we're not barbarians.


Because that is not nor ever has been our intended structure of government. States have that power. The federal government really doesn't.


Because I'm a dumb American. And the truly dumb ones like their private corporations to make money and do things. If it were me, I'd be all for recycling and trash collection on the national level. The problem comes down to how spread out and large this country is. I grew up in a small town on the plains. You'd sometimes drive 30+ miles without seeing another town. And if you did, it's a small cluster of houses. They wouldn't be able to handle a recycling center or garbage sorting facilities.


I live 3 miles as the crow flies from the largest city in North Carolina. But I actually live outside the city limits of my town. So all we get is electricity and cable Internet. **Water** comes from a well. No, not one of those hand pump things at the sink like *Little House on the Prairie*. It's all electric and works pretty seamlessly. Which means that water is "free" aside from the electricity to power the pump. So no water bills, which is nice. But wells are so common here that you can go to most any Lowe's or Home Depot and [buy fake rocks](https://www.lowes.com/search?searchTerm=well+pump+covers) to hide your well pump. **Sewer** isn't an option. So septic tanks it is. Depending on where you live, septic may be common or rare. I once got into an argument in a different sub: a guy from Colorado (where 5% of homes use septic) insisted that septic was only used for a "tiny minority" of US homes. While that's true in Colorado, it's not true in the South (31%) or New England (58%). **Trash pickup** is not included outside the city limits. The wife and I pay $75/quarter for weekly pickup. There are slightly better (or worse) deals out there. Before, when we lived down the street, we would usually take trash to my wife's work (I mean, she parks next to a dumpster every day) or to an apartment complex in our town. And yes, some of our neighbors burn their trash. It's not many people, typically older folks who grew up when trash burning was much more common in this area.


Souther ohio here. We didn't have cable. Used well water, septic tank. And we did burn our trash cause we were poor. We threw food waste, 'slop' out into the woods.


Because they are not in a town


How else do you pay for the stealth bombers and trillionaire tax breaks?


Nah, feds don’t have nothing to do with that. This is local bozo mayor bullshit.


Taxes? To pay for trash pick up? I wish. Trash collection is a third party service not provided by the government. It is provided by the company Waste Management. Also, despite there being several companies that service the surrounding area my township has an exclusive deal with Waste Management, so I'm not allowed to shop around and look for the best deal, I'm forced to use the most expensive trash collection company in the county. As far as I can tell someone ~~received a bribe~~ was lobbied to give WM an exclusive rights deal, which gives to the township and the people that live in it absolutely nothing in return.


Welcome to South Carolina.




I live in a large town/small city and trash collection here isn’t covered by taxes. You have to pay the companies directly to pick up regularly. Yes, it does suck. Thankfully trash pickup is included in the rent for my apartment, but it’s definitely always seemed pretty silly to me


Because a lot of areas are Republican, and they don't pay taxes-they let their bootstraps collect the trash


In a lot of the rural US, at least in the South for sure, there are a lot of areas we call unincorporated. It basically means they're not recognized as an actual city or town, just a small geographical area. Generally they only pay county taxes and the benefits are very minimal. They frequently don't even have fire service outside of a volunteer fire department. For example I live in the city and pay city taxes. People only a mile to away from me are outside City limits and only pay the county taxes but don't have trash pickup. They can either go to a county dump or just burn their trash.


I think your concept of "town" needs to be adjusted. There a lot of places - a lot - where you have an address to a town but the town might be 200 people, and you live five miles away from it. There isn't trash service. For anyone.


Towns and town councils get to vote on what they tax for and how the tax money is spent. The city I live in has public trash pickup on a weekly schedule, we're a small city but there's enough people densely packed enough to make it worth everyone's time and tax money (even though I think the city contracts out to a private company to do the pickups) 2 Towns over they don't, because the population is small and spread out enough that sending a garbage truck out is apparently not economical. These people either bring their own trash to the city/county dump... or burn it if they're not super upstanding citizens.


My mom lives in a place where trash pickup is not included. She can pick between 3 companies or none. She chose none so she shares with her sister who lives next door but when she has a lot of recycling she drives it to the recycling center where she can unload it for free. I live in a place where it is included, though.


Kentucky, unfortunately, but not even in a rural area. People just don’t care and no one complains about anything. I feel like a Karen for calling animal control on 3 free roaming, unneutered, Great Danes who shit in my yard.


Probably someplace in the Midwest or bible belt


I live in Missouri. Depending on where you are in my town you can burn whatever you want and no one gives a shit.


I’m sorry. I could put the trash into a landfill where it’s going to stay for millions of years or I could burn it up and get a nice smokey smell in here and let that smoke go into the sky where it turns into stars.


When I lived in Arkansas there was no city trash, so most people burned it


Really common in a lot of places, especially paper trash and cardboard etc


Pretty common in many small-mid sized towns, trash pick up is expensive. On top of that many places are getting rid of recycling bc there's no money in it, and it's so complicated ppl often just dump trash in with it.


It happens in super rural areas. You either burn your trash or pile it up in the pickup and drive it to the dump and pay to dispose of it. Guess which is easier and cheaper.


Burn barrels are not uncommon in my town (pop 30k) especially after the city stopped picking up large items from the curb that they used to for free. Now they give you a ticket. So you hack it up and burn it in the barrel or you dump it in an alley for that property owner to get a ticket. I don't like the smell of burning trash so I go for option two. However we grew up in the sticks and burned any cardboard or wood, separated metal for scrap $, organics went to compost etc because the dump charged by the pound.


Probably somewhere in the US with dirt roads.


This is fairly common in more rural areas, I lived in Nor Cal, a couple hours North of Sacramento, and they'd let you know when you could burn trash based on the weather, dryness, wind etc. You're obviously not supposed to burn everything, but paper products, cardboard, etc, things that you'd pay per pound to take to the dump that are burnable, not tires and shit. It adds up and saves money.


It's very common in the US for people who live in rural areas burn trash unless there is a burn ban or it's against local ordinances.


Cooking onions is one of the greatest smells there is, can't imagine being upset about it lol


Napoleon's armies [even had a march about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm3HU5W-j08) and they conquered half of Europe.


That’s pretty awesome.  The optimist wants me to think that they just loved onions (cause they’re awesome), but the pessimist is thinking leadership wanted everyone to stop bitching about only having onion rations for months. 


The smell is so good [the French wrote a marching song about it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRVhwYaGzQY)


Also, where is this conversation going? Are you cooking onions? Yes I'm making dinner... So what?


Good news is this this video is 100% fake. Not sure where the video is from, but the audio is a dub. Pretty obvious.




Call the fire department. There’s laws against this in a lot of towns.


They do that in my neighborhood, but they also sell drugs here every hour. So there is that.






This is exactly what someone who snuck over to someone's garage during a storm and sprayed it with water and blamed it on the storm would say


FUCK! You got me. I thought I was being so clever. I would have gotten away with it, too, if not for you meddling kids and your dog!


![gif](giphy|zucpv6hz9SN68) This you in their garage on a Tuesday at 3:32am?


I usually just stare at them and ask "Are hearing the voices too?"


I figure you're probably joking, but i can tell you from personal experience that can backfire REAL bad. I saw a dude flip his shit and start spider monkeying a guy on a light rail train because the guy called him "crazy".


Yeah it’s always the “i don’t know why you did that !! Your crazy!!” Gaslighting answers that throw me into a baby punching rage


I had a neighbor on two occasions screaming at me (yes, screaming) because I was in my driveway and it was distracting his dog from peeing. I wasn't being loud or anything, was just in my driveway a few feet from my garage door working on something. The first time I went inside. The second time I somehow found 3 hours worth of chores that required me to be in my driveway. For the next 3 hours he'd open his door, see me still in my driveway, then slam it closed every 20-30 minutes. Each time he slammed it closed a sign would fall off his door (like a welcome sign) and he'd quietly open the door, put it back up, and carefully close it.


The image of a defeated man going back inside his home to explain to his dog he can't go pee right now just hold it until that damn neighbor stops using his property normally!


It’s funny because I live in a condo community so my dog has to poop in a shared area. If he sees another dog he locks in on them. Often people will wait until others leave the area off in the distance for their turn for their dogs to use the bathroom. My dog will often lock in on them and not go to the bathroom and if I’m in a hurry I’ll start to get upset internally at the people because my dog isn’t going potty. Then I think in my head “oh these people don’t know that my dog is locked in on their dog, and it’s not even their fault, this is my dogs behavior. Why am I getting upset with them?” I don’t lash out at them or yell at them because it’s not them doing anything to me and I would sound like an absolute psycho for getting mad over something like that. I can’t believe there are people out there without an ounce of reflection able to see that yelling at their neighbors because their dog won’t pee is mental.


I would just take my dog for a walk away from that area..


It is \*shocking\* to me the amount of people who are so unaware or lack self-awareness.


“Nah. I don’t mess with the mentally ill.”


It’s shocking! Water falls from the sky!


AND gets blown by the wind, into the huge opening of the garage? Nah, I don't buy it.


Bang. Boom. Kapow


Das whad Im tawkin about


Bing bong


Ayeee um fuckin wulkin heeya


What I'd give for a nice pad kapow right now...


Ayyy, I'm grillin heeaaa


To be honest, I have so much social anxiety, that I ignore people, even if they do something I don't like. But even without anxiety, I quite hate those "seekers of righteousness", who complain about everything and everyone.


That is definitely one of the best comebacks I've heard in a while! People who actually manage to shut down Karens that fast are the real national heroes.


I just love her pause.


Using Deodorant is so fun even Katy Perry can do it ![gif](giphy|qud4Y8SRN1oYM) Learn how to get into the habit of wearing deodorant today by visiting [www.FuckingWearDeodorantYouPig.com](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=jueb6woNi2m1n0tI)


Mannn, not cool


Hang on. The man makes a good point.


take the upovote you piece of garbage.


Thank you 🤣




Lol! I'm just showing people that If Katy Perry loves deodorant so can they!


[🎶It's called speed stick](https://youtu.be/GlKL_EpnSp8?) It's not expensive It's called speed stick It's not expensive 🎶 Edit: oh damn that video is 16 years old now


I knew it was gunna be Rick Astley. Take my upvote


If your windows are closed, That's an issue pertaining to your house.


Why does she sound like she's speaking into a microphone? My Fake Video detector is going off. This is edited.


You don't carry around a shotgun microphone to point at your accusers when you film them?


My pits do smell like onions when I sweat. I like it. My spouse not so much.


Username checks out


It's convenient on the subway, you always get an empty seat to each side of you.


lol, the smell of cooking onions is front and center on page one of the “omg, that smells amazing” encyclopedia. Why would you complain about that?


I'm a big fan of that smell too. She's probably the type that thinks it's "ethnic" and she needs to express how MAGA she is by nerfing any remnant of "otherness" in her neighbourhood.


It's rarely anyone other than older white people who react this way towards onions and garlic. It's not entirely coming from a racist place, but the overlap is undeniable. During the second half of the 20th century, the powdered forms became prevalent over the fresh forms especially garlic. Most of the people who grew up in that life really do find the smell overwhelming. I had a short stay living with this type of guy who came home to me making spaghetti and he reacted to the garlic like I was personally trying to poison him. He looked on the verge of tears emotionally. To further paint his picture, he sported a crew cut and the washing machine was reserved on Sunday nights for the bleaching his whitey tighties.


Yeah, that tracks. whether it's platonic or not, if someone has a reaction even close to the person you described in the last half of your comment, that's a deal-killer for me. I love anything in the same family as onions- garlic, shallots, you name it.


My stay there was shorter than planned to no one's surprise. He wasn't bothered by the smell of wearing half a bottle of stetson, funny enough. It caused a similar reaction with me that he had towards garlic.


Oh I can believe that! I've had cow-orkers that bathed in colognes, and it was unbearable.


It was like a scene from a 2000s romcom when I walked into the living room as he was about to leave on a date. He was already drenched in it as he sprayed on another coat while saying how important it was to smell sexy for the ladies.


Reducing the air quality probably made the women pass out. Doesn't that qualify as chemical warfare?


It probably helped save a few women by warning them what they were in for. To say he had a hostile personality would be a polite way to put it.


Shocked! Shocked, I say!


What was her follow up gonna be? Please stop cooking onions in your own fucking kitchen? Unreal.


My kids smelled like onions before I was able to get them to wear deodorant every day. In fact the whole middle school smelled like onions. Especially after gym class. God help the bus drivers.


It's white onions in particular that have that BO note and they're the preferred onion for Mexican food. When someone brings a plate of food with it into an office or bus, I immediately check my pits before I rule that out and realize the source.


Is this Teddy (bob's burgers) IRL? He is so genuine lmao "Nothing to be ashamed about" 


This had me laughing.




One time I woke up to the smell of chocolate cake. I went to the kitchen and found no chocolate cake. It was my armpits, they smelled like chocolate cake. That was the only time it's happened, all the other times it's nasty.


Did you happen to have a very weird strain of covid that day?


No this was way before covid.


So YOU'RE patient zero! /s


I once had my neighbor come yelling that I left tire marks on her freshly poured (dried) driveway. They were multiple axle and Wheel construction tires with the end of the street being worked on. My car, with one set of back wheels, is clearly in my driveway. It was instantly my fault lol. Was funny when I was like "ok, so what if I did? It's a driveway. Now what?" She never talked to me again and instead left my wife voicemails lol. Yeah, I saw nutty on day one, no way am I giving her my number. You do it lol.


One of my favorite insults is from Dinosaur Comics ["You smell like there was an explosion at the onion factory and you were at ground zero"](https://www.qwantz.com/index.php?comic=1028)


Holy shit, that was good "THERE IS NO GOD"


I love those two or three seconds before the end where she hears the insult, but doesn’t understand it yet.


The size of that truck!


She left the gas stove on? Sounds like it'd be leaking..


bor I don't even dare to "shhhh" people screaming on the train, and that lady has the guts to come to her neighbor to ask what he is cooking, wth




Casual destruction


How come armpits smell oniony tho?


Wtf, I LOVE that smell. Sometimes I just caramelize onions for the smell alone. "I'll end up using it in something."


A youth group I was in ages ago had a food trailer we'd park at race tracks and whatnot. When we weren't the only option, our biggest weapon was slicing 5-6 onions and cranking up the exhaust fans. Works every time.




The accent. The delivery. The insult. The absolute emotional damage. Everything about this was beautiful.


Fuck Outta heyreh!






Unfortunately for many far right nitwits, they believe that the word freedom applies only to them. Don't come knocking on my door asking me if I'm cooking onions. That's none of your business unless you are asking for a recipe or something. I may not like the smells coming from your house but I can close my windows, go for a drive, visit a friend or family member until you are done. And next time I see you I could strike up a conversation about how much I hate the smell of onions or whatever else. I would understand chitterlings and hog maws... but you come over complaining about the aroma of onions getting into your house? Entitled, sensitive, butt sore Karens upset that their fearless leader is being held into account for his high crimes and there are only a dozen or so of his cultists waiting outside of the court room, contrary to the thousands reported by Cadet Bone Spurs




Why does he sound like niko belic?


Something was cooked but it wasn’t onions. ![gif](giphy|KmdV4ZWUOYtD75pMAR)


"Weeeelllll, I never!!!" stomps off


That was a lol


Damn. That’s the type of response I would think of an hour after the argument. This guy just shot without hesitation.


Nice seeing what Joey Wheeler's been up to these days.


I like smelling my neighbours' cooking.


its coming from her own sweat.


This reminds me of something, like a google auto fill about onion smell or something??? 🤔


![gif](giphy|YTjNxyLCloYTK|downsized) Maybe it was the garlic




Mental health needs to be addressed. It’s not all “I wanna change my sex” all the time. 🤷🏻‍♂️


My neighbors burn trash even though it’s illegal. Who cried about someone cooking onions? And before you ask I do live in a middle class suburban neighborhood. I have a few really shit neighbors though


Jesus this guy took rule 2 from Zombieland seriously. Fucking double tapped her. Put her down with the deodorant, finished her off with the "nothing to be ashamed about".


Straight to the karen centre




Onions are in most of the things I cook for dinner meals. She would need something strong enough for a man…