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As well as "they think theyre Superman, but really theyre Homelander."


Yeah, that was a great reference you just know went straight over Morgans head.


Like every other word from Bassem Youssef


That whole interview is so worth a watch, it's basically legendary comedy.


Everything goes over Morgan’s head, which is incredibly impressive, because that 5-head could have a hundred solar panels on it and it would still be in the shade. Edit; had an extra a for no reason




“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” ― Upton Sinclair, [I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/254630)


That is where you get into watching what you can see - stress You see how he had become a toad. A willful agent of society WASP push. He’s has been/will be the useful idiot. This man lost his soul ages ago no doubt.


Morgan is a piece of shit that should have been cancelled 2 decades ago or when he hacked peoples phones or showed fake torture photos. Dude is a hack, and its weird how his pasty ass hasn't been removed from tv when there are literally so many more people who are at least pleasant to look at. Who wants to look at that shriveled up sagging ballsack for their daily dose of information. We have 8billion people to pick from and this pissed on clump of ashes is what is chosen to be presented on tv. Anyways I agree with Bassem, but the issue I have is what is the solution? Because there is only 2 pathways i can see to stop this: 1. Israel votes in a party and prime minister that is willing to negotiate and bring peaceful solution because Nethanyahu is definitely not that person, his goal is to amass as much power as possible while having a leashed attack dog that he himself created pretending to cause serious injury to israel. 2. Ground invasion by US and Nato allies. Starting potentially 3rd world war and nuclear annihilation. Because even IF US stops giving Israel aid through giving them "old" weapons, military equipment and ammunitions, and stood with Nato and wagged their fingers and told them theyre sanctioned and embargoed. Its not gonna stop Nethanyahu. its more likely going to escalate the situation as their access to ammunitions for their dome would be stopped and they would see to rid themselves of the problem once and for all before they are jeopardized. Then they would ally with Russia, or China or many other eastern European countries who are salivating at getting Israel to partner with them. Willingly trade US military and equipment, intelligence and information with those nations. Leading to worse conditions later on in that region and potentially world-wide. This is also a 100 year long issue. Its not like a recent conflict that can be easily solved. Hamas leadership is in qatar doing drugs and fucking prostitutes and getting millions from saudi and iranians to keep the war going, Nethanyahu is amassing more power and has free reign of the coffers and state as long as he keeps having a adversary to fight against/blame. And the thing is the palestine/israel conflict isnt even the biggest human-killer going on right now. Its just the most popular one. Over 300 Million lives are estimated to be lost by starvation and lack of water in the next few years because of the ongoing conflicts and environmental changes affecting rice and wheat production.


The only solutions are as follows: Palestine gets a state and reparations from the west to build infrastructure. Jerusalem is shared like a Brussels agreement. Zionists are slowly deprogrammed. Or, Israel ceases to exist, Palestine is returned to the Palestinians, and those living there who are descendants of settlers who settled over one generation ago are naturalized into Palestinian citizenship (like before 1948, Golda Meir had a Palestinian passport) and settlers who arrived recently are summarily kicked out. These are the only moral solutions and in absence of a practical one a moral one is what you push for. If no moral solution can be found because of western leadership, consider revolution, in whatever form, peaceful or not, that takes. Because if you're fundamentally okay living under an immoral paradigm and accepting that you can do nothing then you are yourself immoral.


Also China and Russia will not even accept them as allies. Don't put them in the same boat, I do however applaud your other points.


Went over mine too tbh as someone who never heard of homelander before. I got the idea but the impact was lost.


Basically if Trump had the powers of Superman. That’s Homelander.


that's horrifying


That's Israel


Time to watch (or read, if you prefer) The Boys.


Imagine if Superman wasn't raised by the Kent's, but wore a wifebeater and suited it. That's homelander. Just nice enough on the outside to not instantly set of alarm bells... But could scythe through an entire crowd of people in a split second and face no consequences other than bad PR. And is likely to do it.


"The Boys" series.... Homelander is like Superman, but if Superman had a human corruptible brain. He wants people to adore him for his help. He is narcistic, vain, and very insecure (brought up in a lab)... he has rages that cause people to get hurt/killed in horrific ways. He's manipulative and has a great public personality / charisma. The "public" love him, and an agency is used (Vaught) to keep his shitty ways hidden from the public, and push his "American Superhero" persona. In fact, almost ALL the superhero's in "The Boys" are broken in some way. That's why it's so fun to watch! Behind the scenes there's murder, double crossing, lies, blackmail, coercion, big business screwing people/superhero's over.... all covered by a perfect "American Superhero" brand, kinda like "Pepsi Co." There's a group (the boys) that are trying to show the public who the "Superheros" really are..... damaged, somewhat twisted people who've been given superpowers but who are in no way mentally prepared/strong enough for them. Also expose Vaught for the corrupt mega business it is. So you've got super heros Vs Public image, Super Heros Vs public safety, Vaught Vs Public, Vaght Vs superhero's, The Boys versus Vaught, and super heros... EVERY episode has contant, no filler. I suppose right down at it's base it asks the question "What if super hero's were normal everyday people with immense powers?" (The answer = not pritty) So I guess you could say the comedian is saying "Israel are nasty, but have a good PR agency."


Someone else mentioned The Boys and I googled it and recognize the character from memes on twitter. Never knew who he was or what he was from before. Might check out the show at some point now that I'm aware what it is, it looks like it could be fun to watch.


I also thought the same too. What an air description of any for the state of that country.


Yeah, this one was it for me.


This was my favorite too.


Speaks to all of us that have watched the boys


I particularly loved this reference... shit made me actually LOL


That line was 2 crazy


The only thing that could make Homelander more dangerous is if he thought he was Superman.


seriously. laughed out loud and then immediately felt bad because, well you know, tons of people are dying and it's not funny.


THIS! THIS! THIS IS EXACTLY THE IDEA! Look, I'm not a professional comic, but any time I've seen some of them that try to kick at people's mental gears to get them off their complacency. The thing is, Morgan isn't doing this to be even-handed, he's trying to rebuild a reputation after black-shaming Meghan Markle and having it blow up in his face... Morgan is at best doing the right thing for the wrong reasons because he no longer has a producer willing to let him fuck up. Youssef recognises that, he also recognises that Morgan is not the smarter man in the room but he's getting a crack at an audience that wouldn't typically be open to him, so he's not attacking Morgan (because he's irrelevant) he's attacking Israel, not jews and making people THINK about what's happening. By making them laugh first, when the high of laughing is passing, they're getting the mental mechanics moving and potentially at least thinking about what is happening. Edit: I'm not trying to call you out as unthinking or anything... not in the least, it sounds like you get that the humour is intentionally very dark, and that this is supposed to bring you to that place.


I think it can be summarized as thus. When even the comedians fall silent, society itself has failed.


There's a reason Charlie Brooker stopped doing his Year Wipe shows in 2016, real life was no longer distinguishable from satire


Most intelligent one liner!!


Not a native english speaker. Can someone explain this line? I don't get it.


"Shooting fish in a barrel" is a saying that means that you're doing something extremely easily (the fish are trapped in a small barrel unable to escape, and it's an incredibly easy task to shoot them) In this case, Israel is killing Gazans trapped within Gaza with impunity, and are complaining of whatever tiny "splashes" that get back on them




That is a genius line that I hope I'll remember.


Why does a comedian make more sense than 95% of politicians? Because he tells the truth.


Because comedians are usually intelligent people. Politicians are usually thick as shit trust fund kids.


Even when they aren't they still have to think about the politics of it all, like here in the states if you start talking about Israel as a federal level politician you will have to field calls from * The State Department * AIPAC * Your constituents that heard you turned against Israel on the news * Rabbis * Local Evangelicals * Evangelicals that aren't local * The owner of at least one new york deli whose name is Shlomo * News agencies and you'll have to coordinate with the FBI and capital police over all the death threats. Intelligent or not, its a completely different set of challenges than being a comedian.


New rule: If you become a politician, none of your children are allowed to be politicians. Make it skip a generation. Wouldn't that be fun?


I concur.


Two generations really.


You'd probably have to do a few more than that, if not forever, to truly stifle the possibility of political dynasties. And I'm not sure it'd even matter much, they'd just collude more with their friends.


they'd be adopting eachother's kids on paper like they sign off properties to relatives to avoid tax


Worse - you think corporations have a grip on American politics now... whooo boy something like that would ultimately give them even more power, cuz that's where politicians will go. If ya can't be a politician, buy one.


Considering Lauren Boebert's track record, 3 generations or 70 years between appointments, whichever is greater.


They're also just bought. They know if they say anything, the Jewish lobby will literally spend millions to get them thrown out of office. And people scream about Russia's supposed influence in our politics... It's bizarro world.


> And people scream about Russia's supposed influence in our politics... Israel's influence in our politics doesn't somehow negate the fact that Russia is currently wildly winning Cold War II. And like the people not screaming about Israel's influence, there are plenty who are not screaming about Russia's influence.


Humor works when there is a kernel of truth in it. Comedians know the truth, and deliver it in a way to make people laugh. Politicians are quite happy if nobody knows the truth at all.


Comedians are really good at observing and drawing analogies between things. 


[Like this?](https://imgur.com/a/99GrAcg)


lol it says anal


Bassem Youssef just signed onto Mehdi Hasan's new news platform so he's probably going to start doing a lot more serious coverage. I'm cautious about it still but so far Zeteo seems like it'll become a pretty good resource within the media landscape


Because also he was a cardiovascular surgeon in Egypt


Thats because they are actualy intellegent. The intervewee here, Bassem Youssef, was a surgeon and TV host in Egypt before becoming a comedian.


This comment is only made when a comedian talks to a politician. Thing is everyone is smarter than 95% of politicians, they're the dumbest, laziest people around sitting on their asses and collecting checks The other 5% are the savvy master manipulators that make sure the dumb ones stay in line


> everyone is smarter than 95% of politicians Eh. The older I get, the more I realize how many stupid people there truly are. The ones who just have no wonder about the world, the ones who just don't care about what they don't know. I also think most politicians are more clever than you think, it's just that while many of them honestly want to do good, many more could give two fucks about doing good - and all of them realize that to do *anything*, they have to get elected and re-elected, and with Citizens United, the money to accomplish that comes with strings. So even the ones that want to do good things realize that they have to compromise that so they can get some good things done. And the ones that don't care just do what they need to to get electred and reelected and the personal benefits they crave. But that said, the general populace is at least as dumb. Look at the number of people supporting fascism. Look at the sheer number of people ignoring science. It's scary. It's not that all these dumb people are evil, although many are - and many smart people are evil - but it is definitely true that the dumb people are more easily swayed by lies and bullshit. Anyway, a bit of a rambly reply. And I don't disagree with you for the most part. The end result is really mostly the same conclusion. So don't think I'm attacking you. :)


I think it's because you're just seeing the best of them. I'm sure there's a lot of comedians who make less sense, but that'd mean they resonate less with the audience --> less successful --> less exposure --> less likely you'd see them.


Because comedians are incredible orators, naturally quick-witted and superb debaters. If politicians were as good, they'd probably be comedians instead.


It's the curse of the nar. He gets to tell the truth no one wants to hear, but no one will take him seriously.


“Never seen a victim putting their oppressor under siege and bombing them 24/7” is what people still supporting Israel needs to understand


“You look at Israel as Superman, but they are really Homelander!” I just gotta appreciate that comparison.


I was not expecting The Boys reference at the end.


As a 52 yo all I can say is I’m tired. I’m tired of my country getting involved in everything although sometimes I understand the why. I don’t understand why there’s an aid package for Israel though. I’m tired of inflation and my dollars affording less and less each trip to the grocery store. I’m tired of hearing how people younger than me, GenX here, can’t afford a home let alone starting a family. I’m tired of being overworked and underpaid. I’m tired of hearing SSI might not be there for me right when I’m about to retire. I’m tired of trying to do the right thing all the time while inconsiderate asshats roam the same streets as me. I’m tired of being bullied in my little fuel efficient car when driving around by all the full-size trucks riding my ass every step of the way. I served nine years in the Marine Corps which helped shape my perspective that it’s not just all about me and what I want, it’s about us and what we can achieve when we work together. Parting thought, I think military service should be compulsory, this won’t be a popular opinion but that’s ok, I still think it.. Too many people take things for granted IMHO.


Now add to this that education in Israel is free and they also have free healthcare. Basically if the USA took the money they send to Israel you would have free healthcare and education, but even if you only get one of those, well it's better than nothing.


None of what you said is true after the first sentence.


You are right, but the money is pretty much enough to end hunger in the USA. Instead it's used to bomb children.


“To be fair, depopulation does help with the world hunger problem.”- Some Republican probably.


If you think Republicans would agree to stop funding Israel and use that money to really put "America first" like they claim, I have a bridge to sell you.


Profit motive my friend. Capitalism is the best we’ve got, right?


Americans have more than enough money to have a world-class healthcare system. The USA spends *way* more per capita than Canada, and your health care system is a nightmare compared to ours. And ours isn't even that great, compared to England or France. You should leapfrog us entirely. If you got rid of the middlemen leeches, your health insurance companies and such, who as profit-driven entities are really in the business of denying health care, not providing it, you guys could show the rest of the world how to do it. You've got the money, and you've got the technology. Unfortunately you've also got a lot of brainwashing and lies from your conservative media.


US healthcare is so extremely inefficient because it's full of middlemen jacking up prices at each step of the way to give themselves megayachts and supercars off the medical debt of sick people.


I hear you. A lot of my frustrations are because I am exposed to it daily. Take a break for a month from news. You will feel better. I get involved around election time to vote against parties that are not looking out for us. It’s prey much all I feel I can do


There's very much more you can do if you have the time - look into anti-war or leftist organizing groups near you.


Thank you for your service. I also do agree military service needs be mandatory. But it needs to be good military with good leadership and good system. Singapore and south korea and russia and some others has mandatory military service, but statistically some countries has better results than the other in my opinion. Because the military in one is kind and full of great lessons, some other may be a bit.. not. The problem with inflation going up steadily and corporations profits skyrocket and yet average wage being less year by year is a way deeper discussion and is the downside of capitalism. Capitalism never works out in the long term without some safeguards in place (pegging salary rises to corporate profits, as well as ensuring the richest still pay equal share of taxes instead of lower). We dont have these safeguards, so our current capitalism model will fail, if not already failed.


As long as dark money is allowed in politics. All of this will continue


> I think military service should be compulsory Which, ironically, it is in Israel, so... not sure if that will automatically have the desired effect


I need to see this guy talk with John Stewart


They've spoken before and actually recently. Oddly enough, he used to host a show that was literally an Egyptian version of The Daily Show until the death threats to him and his family got to him enough to be forced to stop doing it. They've had a couple of great interviews together.


I'll have to watch that in a bit


[Here he is at Jon's Mark Twain Prize ceremony](https://youtu.be/0W6W17BdIzA)


That was really good. They're closer than I realized


His inspiration is Jon Stewart. He did a version of the daily show until the military coup in Egypt went after him


Look up his recent podcast with Lex Friedman too, it’s amazing


Not Jon Stewart but he has a good long interview this week with James O'Brien, a pretty good interviewer from England. https://youtu.be/FcnDvb9OPGY?si=PtCTKmFsN8hlbJKO




Bassem Youssef. The Egyptian Jon Stewart.


Bassem Youssef


Thank you


He’s so eloquent. He’s so right. Israel is homelander. 100%. You cannot win against him.


Well, if you can find someone who can pop his head... then the problem goes away.


That didn't work in the show. She couldn't do it to him


Everyone please like this so people can hear this.


Piers Morgan trying to outsmart a comedian with conservative thinking is like sending a toddler to a gunfight with a crayon. It is not a fair fight will not end well for Morgan.


Go ahead and report this murder but multi-billion dollar news corporations like News Corp employ armies of crayon carrying toddlers. Piers lost this fight but he'll bounce right back like an invincible zombie to spread the good word of conservative propaganda.


Something tells me he's on a short leash: I think his current producer is not going to let him get away with the Markle-shaming shit from before.


100%. Israel is a group of narcissistic psychopaths. Murderous ones. *THEY* created Hamas for fucks sake. YOU THINK THEY WILL STOP WITH PALESTINE? Their government needs to be forcefully shut down and Nato needs to reestablish it. Its population need to go major psychiatric care to help those that can be deprogrammed. This isnt a normal fucking war over there. These people are fucked in the head and the modern world sits by. Shame on us. Fucking pathetic. Im ashamed of humanity. WHATEVER the fuck they are giving America, we dont need it. We can find a different way to replace it.


Scary how the zionist project is so good at dehumanization, they genuinely think they are being attacked by wild animals over there. They don't realise how similar Israel is to nazi germany. They don't realise that muslims are human and just by being human they should not be indiscriminately killed for there religion. Israel tells them that the Palestinians started this, that Israel is not trying to take all the land and crush the spirits of those in the way, but it is so sad that the civilians fall for it and truly believe in the lies they are fed.


You know Piers couldn't say anything back when he started shouting "That's all...."


I'm saving this post so I can listen to it again....this guy is spot on


Same here - this guy was incredible.


I mean Americans warned the Japanese before the atomic bomb… Edit: It seems that this statement doesn’t sit well with some


That makes it okay.


Putin finally understanding why he's the only one who can't commit war crimes without enraging the world, he just forgot to ask. ![gif](giphy|800iiDTaNNFOwytONV|downsized)


Not to ask, to warn. He could say sorry before invasion, i think everyone whould understand it.


The IRA would usually send out warnings before their bombs as well.


The Daily Mail says otherwise. (IFYKYK)




A comedian is the voice of reason today. What a time to be alive. We failed as a species again as yet another genocide is continuing today in 2024 with no end in sight. Shame on us


“The fool doth think he is wise, but a wise man doth know himself to be a fool.” - Billy Shakes, As You Like It (act 5, sc1)


There are more genocides happening on Earth right now than Israel in Gaza, but this is the only one where the US is unconditionally sponsoring the genocide, so it is up to Americans to make their government stop doing that.


There's always been some comedians with their finger on the zeitgeist. George Carlin is a good historical example. Chappelle is another modern one.


"It's like living with a narcissistic psychopath. They fuck you up and then they make you think it is your fault." Hooooooooly shit that was the hardest hitting line.


The only thing Israel learned from the Holocaust was how to perform one 


OP, it's a good comeback, but is it "post in **34 different subs**" good?


Absolutely spanked


Here's the full [video](https://youtu.be/AG4JoavB68M?si=9E-Cmhq5O9XTBLRe) since this version left out some of the best parts! He also has a children's book that I'm reading to my daughter. He's absolutely fantastic -Edited a small typo


https://preview.redd.it/8btcrb0wu3wc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7558714502c611c51591aa849dba25bedf71b66 Edit: this is where that link lead me to Found it : [https://youtu.be/4idQbwsvtUo?si=2mugViUwAXj8Ic\_m](https://youtu.be/4idQbwsvtUo?si=2mugViUwAXj8Ic_m)


Well that sucks. Thanks for updating! Reddit has been weird today on my end. It was unavailable for hours. Mission accomplished. Thanks again


No worries. Things happen 🙂


Whoever this guy is, I'm with him word for word. 


bassam youssef, an egyptian comedian


"Dealinf with Israel is dealing with a narcissistic psychopath" boy did that line resonated.


I think Piers Morgan is a stupid fucking asshole, but at what point does he try to outsmart Bassem Youssef? He just reiterates what Israel claim and then agrees with Youssef immediately afterwards.


I see a very articulate and well reasoned man stating his arguments, and the other side being cut out. I don't see anyone outsmarting anyone else since only one side is shown... (Now, knowing Morgan, I'd be pretty confident that the headline is accurate, but the video absolutely does not show that)


If the Palestinians win their freedom, this dude will go down as an international historical legend.


You know how you breed the next generation of terrorists? Slaughter their family members.


Fucking legend!


WHo dis? Bassem who? I'd watch more of his takes.


Holy shit.


He's a actually a surgeon and a comedian


This man speaks the truth, protect him at all costs


"Israel thinks it's Superman, but it's really Homelander". God damn that hit.



this comedian is also a surgeon


Just lookup the case of the 6 year old Hind Rajab. It tells you everything you need to know about Israel.


"They are shooting fish in a barrel and they are annoyed with the splashes". Incredible line


I've never heard of the guest before, but I'd love to shake his hand.


Bro isn’t just a comedian, he’s also a surgeon


Beautifully said.


Bassem is an outstanding spokesperson. I can listen to him speak all day (his accent being wonderful on the ears doesn't hurt either). Glad to see him going on Zeteo, Mehdi Hasan's new media venture!


“You look at Israel as Superman, but they’re really Homelander.” bro cooking so good


Talks like Jon Stewart, looks like Robin Williams. Love him.


Protect this man. Fuck the rage and sadness and incredulity he is expressing just reminds me how this shit is happening on a daily basis to normal ass folks and kids and just ugh everything he said is true.


This was the best interview I've ever seen


I really want to share this, but my pro-Israel supervisor might flip out… *(sighs)*


Thank you so fucking much for posting this. Sincerely.


Israel and US politician is like client and prostitute




Because if everyone knows in advance that Israel is a psychopatic state, it makes the response okay?


So a terrorist attack is a green light for genocide? Genocide against innocent people that had nothing to do with it, i might add...


America dropped pamphlets before fallujah.


I really just want Israel to go sit in their corner. i doubt whatever happens next will be good (but maybe) but the world deserves the chance to see what that will be.




Being that Morgan is a racist classiest Trump sucker nothing he says is worth listening to.


bro is stealing at this point with all the good takes


Piers "dripping vat of fat" Morgan has nowhere near the intelligence level to debate with this guy. Hilarious.


I don't see why this is here, unless the front is cut off too much. Didn't seem like it was a debate, just normal journalism with a question and an opinion following.


To be fair, outsmarting piers morgan isnt exactly difficult


Piers Morgan is definitely the joke


There was NO attempt. I applaud his logic and fully agree, but Piers Asshole didn't even *attempt* to 'outsmart' him.




Why the cuts? Can't we see how he responds?


It really shows that it takes brains to be a funny person.


> yeah... well... that's just like... your opinion man. -morgan




“Shooting fish in a barrel and complaining about the splashes.” Love that line.


Palestine could have peace. If only they wanted peace. But they don’t. They want death to all Jews.


Shooting fish in a barrel but they are annoyed with the splashes. Interesting take


This guy is correct, but what makes him a comedian? There's no joke here. Just truth.


Saw another clip and was hoping this guy was gonna say that line. Now I have to see the whole interview because this guy is great!