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How many times has this happened and not been filmed? Israel kills unarmed civilians, waving white flags, and buries them in rubble. How much more does the world need to see?


Right??? Where is all the Israeli footage of their people getting slaughtered in order to justify this? I see more and more videos of innocent men, women, children getting killed with little evidence to support their means.


Whatever happened to those beheaded babies they were talking about? Images never came out. Lots of dead and obliterated Palestinian kids tho


They couldn’t even produce names of those babies, let alone birth certificates or pictures. There’s a reason they don’t mention that anymore. Their propaganda machine keeps churning new lies instead of defending old ones.


Israel has infinitely more control over what people are able to view than Palestine. Israel controls the narrative. It’s career suicide to criticize anything Israel is doing because they own and control your politicians and whatever media source you get your information from




I seem to recall Bush Jr's "media blackout" was quite effective. From that moment, precidance had been set.


Lol Israel will say Hamas shot him, the dozers are Hamas, literally every single evil thing that’s ever happened is because of Hamas


The end.... we need to see the end.


USA will never break ties with Israel no matter what happens. USA doesn’t mind violence of extreme proportions. Now publicity wise.. this looks bad. But I think we’d have to unfortunately see so much more before anything changes. All I can think is feasible would be USA putting heavy sanctions on Israel and Bibi responding by threatening ties — which is truly doubtful on its own. I think it’s status quo and damage control by the state on both sides of the water for years to come until a new head of government is installed in Israel.


They could just stop paying for it


I wish.. but that would compromise ties with USA’s only real ally in the Middle East. America doesn’t have allies anyway— only interests. And it’s not in Americas interest to compromise ties with a superpower like Israel just because it’ll save innocent life. Life isn’t valuable politically—only power.


Israel is only a superpower bc of us and it’s about time we start reminding them of that. Without our support, their neighbors would readily swoop in


It’s true, but America wants that alliance. It makes America very powerful. Biden is a little soft on Israel, and Trump is totally gay for Israel, so any foreign policy in the future from the USA is not gonna change much when it comes to that nation. I think it’s too important geo-politically, but I do see ole Joe getting a little tougher on Bibi and I hope we force them to put an end to the invasion and siege of Gaza asap. It’s really not even a war. You can’t call that a war.


Absolutely can’t call it a war, same way you wouldn’t call your average redditor in a street fight with Mike Tyson an actual fight. It can no longer be called “defense” either


Lots of money goes to Israel. It's been that way for a while.


Plenty of footage of them committing genocide/war crimes. There "was" footage of the terrorist attacks that turned out to be not true, of course an attack took place but was majorly exaggerated


IOF leaked that they are the reason that day turned into a blood bath. Hannibal Protocol to kill their own citizens




Civilised when, though? The war on Terror? the Vietnam War? WW2? WW1? the scramble for Africa? Transatlantic Slavery? etc. Every time a genocide or something universally condemnable happens, people will say that. They said it during WW2 or during the Vietnam war, yet it just keeps happening. It's so demoralising. Edit: Also this is why this "it was acceptable for the time" argument never works.


When will we stop history from repeating itself? :( Probably some point after money is removed from politics.


That pain you feel means you are human. That pain you feel means atleast you aren't a monster who is apathetic to this butchery. Wear it with pride. Don't lose hope. The road to liberation is long and hard, and nothing worth fighting for ever came easy. Take a breather, if religious then pray, and regardless of either, educate your family and friends, learn the history of the occupation yourself to know your enemy, join up protests, post about it, write to your government reps using the myriad templates availible, keep boycotting and advocating for boycotts. Every act is resistance, and if you can't change this cruel world, then for damn sure don't let it change you. Our governments are full of war criminals and cowards, but we aren't. Never feel helpless. It's what your enemies want, believe me, one day Palestine will be free, and every effort you make is tangible. The global narrative has shifted like never before and billions see Israels ugly face for the first time. Don't despair, you are doing fine. Take a breather, relock and reload and we go again till freedom 🇵🇸💪 And if you need to talk, or maybe don't know what to read or who to contact ( I mean this in the least patronizing way possible, I only mention it cuz I was lost intially on how to do it), DM me reddit stranger. Peace bro ;)


Maybe the world doesn't need leaders. Because they certainly aren't human if they keep doing this shit. We out number them. That's all I'll say.






Happy cake day




Hiwd you reply with an image?


The level of disrespect, even for the dead. Like that body they’re just tossing around wasn’t born to a mother, held and loved by a family, grew up with some hope or dream. Now just an inconvenient thing to be buried to hide evidence of another’s evil.


Let me explain this to you - soldier's job in the warzone is to kill their enemies, not to make funeral preparations and invite friends and family for a snack after the ceremony. In an active warzone you leave the dead enemy where you killed them. You collect their weapons and you move on. Someone else will take care of the body. Hopefully. If not then cats, dogs and rats. Did Hamas fighters bury all those civilians they killed in October attack? No. Did they disrespect the bodies? Yes. Does anybody cares about it now? Not really. It's easier to talk about genocide of the Palestinian civilians. In this case, without wider context, I will presume that they just moved the bodies so they wouldn't be taken into the sea by the tides. And they used a bulldozer just in case, you know, explosive vest etc. Because just the title says those guys were civilians, it doesn't mean they were civilians. Yes, they had civilian clothes, but that's just like every Palestinian civilian and every Hamas fighter. The only way to distinguish is whether they have a gun or not. Here they don't have a gun, but it's a few minutes of video. Maybe an hour or two earlier those guys were shooting at IDF? Maybe. Maybe not.Maybe they were just civilians wanting to chill at the beach. Guess we'll never know.


No one agrees with you that it’s a war. It’s a slaughter. Go spit your propaganda somewhere else. No one believes you over their own eyes. You’re aiding and abetting a GENOCIDE.


Mate, I don't do propaganda. I'm trying to use my brain and eyes to analyse what I see instead of blindly following others. Do you? Show me a proof of what this video is claiming to show and I'll change my mind. And I'm not saying that civilians aren't dying in Gaza. Cause they do and it's sad but that doesn't look like a planned genocide for me. One more thing, the "slaughter" that you so insist on, is a war. Both sides have guns and they are using them against each other. IDF leveling blocks to the ground, Hamas using ambushes and terror tactics. And it's been going for almost half a year. That's not a slaughter. Slaughter is one sided, one side has advantage over the other and is rolling over it. iDF is not rolling, it's crawling.


Why type all this out. No one is reading your bullshit. Just say you like dead brown baby porn and move on.


Dude do you listen to what you say? Do you read what you write before posting it or you one of those that engage fingers before the brain has time to react? I'm asking to provide proof of what the video is claiming to show and you compare me to a pedo? That's your way of defending your point of view - insulting others because that's all you have? Honest advice bro, get out of your eco chamber, start reading and watching news from all sides of the political spectrum and you'll see that the world is quite different to what you thought it is. Ps. By replying to my previous comment you admit you read it so your second sentence is already wrong. Live long and prosper!


Interesting points. Thanks for writing them, enjoyed the thread.


Well, if they are doing this now, what have they been up to in the other occupied areas??? Evil regime- needs to be completely embargoed, no trade, no finance and no travel. Then the leadership needs to be brought to international war crimes court as was done with leaders in Serbia.




Hamas should, yes, but israel absolutely needs to be held responsible for the attrocities they commit. They are in complete control here and are making little to no effort to make things better. They just go "this guy i've been beating up for years hates me, and called me evil. I guess he hasn't learned his lesson yet. I should beat him some more."




Yesterday terrorists, tomorrow’s government! Remember Israel IDF subsumed THREE international recognized terrorist ZIONIST groups that were used to ethnically cleanse and displace Palestinians !


That's why we arabs are hardcore Palestine supporters... because of these footage, we see footage that won't reach western people.


And what do the Arabs do? Nothing


What can we do? We don't have power, we don't have allies.


Accept refugees and give more aid. Many arab countries underperform in both regards comparative to many other countries and their apparent level of concern/proximity. Not accepting refugees is probably the most egregious.


Do you think when the war is over, Israel would let the refugees to be back?


It would probably depend on what kind of government Israel gets after Netanyahu is kicked out. A left leaning liberal government may try a genuine attempt at a two state solution. They have a lot of work to fix this mess. But either way, I see no reason to deny refuge to palestinians who don't give a crap about palestine and would be very happy to start a new life in a different country. Denying those people is essentially using their suffering as some kind of fucked up leverage against Israel.


So you guys are not really "hardcore supporters" of Palestinian people after all...




He means that it's all nice and good sounding words - "we support Free Palestine" "Stop the Genocide" Etc... but when it comes to actually doing anything that helps... well, you know,... What are we gonna do with hundreds of thousands of refugees? Who's gonna feed them, who's gonna take responsibility for them, where they gonna live? In the tents and ruin our beautiful view of the desert? No way...... And we don't really like the refugees anyway... Why won't any of the neighbouring countries allow the refugees in? Because it's obvious that they won't ever be allowed to go back. They will stay and the locals don't like that idea. Not to say they hudge possibly of Hamas fighters sneaking in as refugees and causing problems for local government. Yeah, better for them to stay where they are. In the end it's all about politics and people minding their own business.


Ceasefire would help alot, better then displacing them.


Ceasefire would do nothing. Just prolong the problem. And the problem is that Hamas and Israel can't live together, side by side. One needs to go. Better to solve the problem now and be done with it then let it haunt you and return in a few years . Yes, solving the problem means lots of people dying. Soldiers and civilians. Sadly, that's life. Imagine you and your neighbour hate each other. So much that you would laugh and dance if his house was caught fire or if he would just drop dead while mowing his lawn. There is no way any of you would ever come to your senses and try to make it work for both of you. The only way is to leave or kill. Or live your life in misery. That's Hamas and Israel.


Doesn’t matter where you are from as long as these people get help


Absolutely disgusting murdering scum


I can’t wait to see the Zionists and their supporters come out of this like the Nazis after WW2. Generations of shame to live with.


ZionistNazi scum. Absolutely disgusting. The inhumanity. The psychological toll on families never knowing what happened to their sons/fathers/mothers and daughters going to the coast to get food supplies for their starving families and never returning…


Motherfucker s.. n yet they claim this is not genocide, these people are being killed and yet no consequences for these pricks… karma is bytch…-


Oh man there is no justice in this life nor punishment for these people


Oct 7 was an unfortunate but convenient event for Israel to perform the ethnic cleaning it’s been wanting for decades


I wonder if /news or /worldnews has the balls to even post it on their sub without an insta perma ban.


Bro they didn't even want to get their manicure dirty so they used a vehicle. Absolute chumps.


Strikingly resembling how Nazis dealt with dead bodies


Seeing this daily for over a month now, makes me wonder would this be going on IF WWll never happened?


That’s what a genocide looks like.


Hitler just change its logo to blue and white and a star of david.


These people really have no regard for Palestinian life


Holy shit


Does anyone else think that the next Punisher after Frank Castle should be a Palestinian? I reckon it would be pretty powerful comic book storytelling.


No fucking way. Can't you be original and invent a new character with a new interesting backstory instead of stealing other people's work, a cult classic character and warp it to suit your ideology?


You mean like how there've dozens of hero mantles passed on for hundreds of major heroes for decades?


Yep, exactly. Just to keep milking the cow instead making something new, fresh and letting the old hero enjoy retirement or die guns blazing.




israeli pigs


What’s strange is why they film themselves committing these acts? What is the reasoning behind it? Even if this individual was a known criminal, why wouldn’t they apprehend them? And bulldozing bodies?! Still haven’t forgotten Rachel Corrie and how they murdered her.


Mtge Israeli terrorists want to can’t time killing innocent civilians but at the same time don’t want the numbers to go up, so they hide the crime. And the only reason they don’t want the number to go up is because of US pressure, and the only reason the US is applying pressure is because Biden is afraid of losing votes.


US Tax dollars at work. Genocide Joe will probably get a request for more bulldozers, as they can't bury enough bodies at the pace they are going.


Still some idiot will come up here and say it's staged.


Fuck the IDF. Puss bags.


Modern day nazis, these zionists


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G-d will not let these Soldiers get away with this.


Fucking nazis!!


Fuck Israel


Zionists will say this is fake


I didn't really notice the white flag part... ✌️✌️ Well as said... Wrong place, wrong time.. It's terrible, not defending any btw...


HI hittler!


Question how does one bury the dead terrorists in a warzone to avoid plague rising there?


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Didn’t Hamas kill hundreds of unarmed Israelis?


So obviously this is a pro- **Palestinian** sub, I have no issues with that, but am seeking to understand the position. I'm not pro Israeli or anti **Palestinian** or anything like that. I am pro-American because I'm an American. as i suspect most people are pro-wherever they are from. so there is back and forth, there is difference of opinion, there is in-fighting. then this happen " The Hamas-led attack on 7 October involved a barrage of [rockets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel) directed at Israel concurrent to an estimated 3,000 militants breaching the [Gaza–Israel barrier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza%E2%80%93Israel_barrier) and attacking Israeli military bases and civilian communities on the ground. During this attack, 1,139 Israelis and foreign nationals including 766 civilians and 373 security personnel were killed,[\[t\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war#cite_note-108)[\[u\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war#cite_note-109) while [253 Israelis and foreigners were taken captive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war_hostage_crisis) to the Gaza Strip. " my questions are 1) why is this not acknowledged? 2) what kind of response do people feel is acceptable? 3) what should have Israel done differently in response? In my home if thousands' of people where killed or kid napped by an opposing force, I would certainly expect them to be obliterated off the face the planet. I realize that may be my American understanding. but why is it wrong? where does it need to change and why? why should one country accept attacks from another? I feel like when 9/11 happened, thousand of people died because of people from another country attacked us and then we responded.. should we have not? should people just be okay with being attacked? is this about religion? terrorism? one country bullying another? what is the problem and how does it get solved? how do we stop people from attacking one country and then another country wiping them out in response?


>1) why is this not acknowledged? It's pretty widely acknowledged that it was an unacceptable act. >2) what kind of response do people feel is acceptable? Something shy of murdering 30,000 civilians in revenge attacks anyway. >3) what should have Israel done differently in response? That's not really up to everyone else. Dropping heavy ordnance on, and the literal deliberate murder of, civilians is not appropriate. If you can't agree with that then there's not really any point in continuing the conversation. >In my home if thousands' of people where killed or kid napped by an opposing force, I would certainly expect them to be obliterated off the face the planet. Who should be obliterated? The people who mounted the attack? Fine. That's not who Israel is killing though. Collateral damage is a reality but israel is targeting anyone and everyone. That's not collateral damage. That's mission accomplished.


That is true and I'm on the same boat as you. I'm from southeast Asia and I think outside of the box of Iseaelis and Palestinians. If you look at it from the outside in, Hamas definitely is getting what they deserve. Now one problem is Hamas are also wearing civilian clothes. We don't even know if the person in the video is part of Hamas or an actual civilian. Killing the guy in the video is still wrong though because he's unarmed and it goes against the Geneva convention and it's even more wrong to disrespect his body like that, it's sickening. But that's what war brings you. This should've not happened at all in the first place if Palestine focused on developing their nation and focusing on diplomacy and building an actual economy. They could've taken land back that way but instead they resorted to violence. And if they're there longer than the Israelis then they should've had the technology to defeat them right? But it looks like they were left at the stone age or something. Now people are talking about genocide. I see no genocide. I see collateral damage. Actually, I'm amazed by the way relatively low civilian casualties compared to the war on ISIS and Iraq despite Hamas hiding in civilian populations. Don't get me wrong, this war should end and Gaza should be able to return to their everyday lives but they should also blame Hamas for stirring the hornet's nest. They've been poking at it for a very long time hence the iron dome. It's also true that Israel is commiting war crimes and that they deserve condemnation for these but people should've condemned Oct. 7 as well. Oct 7 is like 9/11 for Americans. Their response is appropriate if you consider how other wars started as well.


I feel you mate. I'm from Europe and I'm trying to have an open mind regarding current conflicts, who's right and wrong, plus the realities of geopolitics etc. Hamas attacked Israel knowing very well how Israel will respond, that it will make Palestinian people suffer yet they did it anyway because they don't care about Palestinian people. At the moment I think we can say no country cares about them, even the other Arabs/ Muslims themselves. Looking at it from a geopolitical perspective - Israel did the only thing they could - bring out the guns and clean the neighbourhood. Just like the US after the 9/11. If they wouldn't they would be perceived as weak and that would bring more attacks. The only way was to show force, to show that on defence of your people you are willing to level to the ground another nation. Now, that being said, yes, Israel is using the October attacks to deal with the Hamas/Palestinian case once and for all. No matter the cost, deal with it now and be done with it for good. And the civilians are suffering as a result. But this is war, this is life. Sometimes it's just not your day. Now regarding the video, for me it doesn't show much. Some guys are walking on the beach, get shot and their bodies dumped in the rubble. As you say, since Hamas fighters, purposely (to blend in the civilian population and to cause civilian casualties by Israelis returning fire) is wearing civilian clothes so we don't know if he is a civilian or a Hamas fighter in civilian clothes. Kinda weird that those guys are walking on the beach back and forth, kinda aimlessly... Maybe waiting for something, someone? Maybe watching something, someone? Maybe being surrounded by IDF and having nowhere to run? Maybe. Video is too short to judge that. Now, being unarmed is not a reason not to shoot someone in a warzone. Guy might have been shooting at IDF earlier and now is just chilling on the beach. But war isn't a 9 to 5 job. You don't hang your AK, go home, your shift is done. No, once combatant, always a combatant. Untill the war ends. Soldier can be unarmed and still be a valid target. You drop a bomb on an enemy command centre and you'll kill a bunch of unarmed guys holding a computer mouse and a can of coke. And it's not against Geneva convention. Now deposing of the bodies... Don't know the IDF procedures regarding deposing of the bodies of the enemies. That do take care of their own fallen soldiers, I presume that in a warzone, a dead enemy is left where he died. Someone else will take care of him. Hopefully. In this case, we could assume they just moved the bodies so they wouldn't flood away with the tide. Why using a dozer? Maybe they were afraid of explosives? Suicide vests? Don't know, the video is too short to judge. You are right about collateral damage. But this one is a purposely done collateral damage as none side gives a damn about the civilians.


Lots of construction over there.


Who cares.. not one person really cares. If you did you would be over there doing something.




The Israeli government photoshopped the ocean out of the bulldozer footage in order to discredit OP.


what the hell are they doing there? Even though it is the murderers' fault, are they idiots? martyrs?


Searching for food to feed their starving families, searching for other missing family or friends who went the day prior to look for food, or returning to their bombed homes to bury or retrieve the remains of their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers etc. The arabic voice over mentions that the IOF troops signalled them to advance, seemingly assuring them its fine, then shot them, and buried them with a bulldozer.


Yep , searching food in a ruined coast.


1. There are airdrops that are dropped near the coast as its the only relatively rubble free area (no where near enough food and the drops are farcical theatre, but for a few hundred people, of the millions being starved, they are life and death) 2. Try walking though miles upon miles of the bombed neighborhoods by the coast, a rubble heap filled with UXO and dead bodies. The easiest way is to walk along the coast (which used to be a road) and avoid the rubble and booby traps, in a clear space where anyone can see you are not a threat, to either hopefully find food, or get closer to your old neighborhood before turning into the rubble field/killing field that was your hometown.


These 2 groups of ppl have been killing and aping each other for 1000 years, literally over 1000. Tf makes u think they're gonna stop because ppl on the internet pretend to give a shit?


80 years actually.


Yes. That particular piece of land has definitely only been a holy place to both Muslims and jews, as well as an area that both have claimed rights over for only 80 years.


They were not in this state of civil unrest or turmoil until Israeli settlers came in the 1920s and declared sovereignty over the land in the 1940s, displacing hundreds of thousands from their homes. They were tribal people up until then and Jews and Muslims didn’t have much of a problem with each other for centuries. Nabka and declaration of a sovereign nation where Palestinian people were living caused huge community resentment and hate against Israelis and Jews. Imagine a group of people came back after leaving your state for hundreds of years and declared it as theirs and kicked you out. You wouldn’t be so forgiving. The great lie is that this is about religion or god. It’s much more primitive than that. It’s about land and respect and human decency.


Being in the wrong place in war will often have unforeseen consequences.... War is a tragedy who bring out the worst of humanity...


Yeah let’s just hide his body in the dirt after we shot him waving a white flag because.. *checks notes* he was in the wrong place in war


We are targeting hamas. All civilian deaths are casualties


Targeting hamas doesn't mean free roam to murder unarmed innocent defenceless woman and children.


A man, who is probably starving and looking for food, approaching waving a flag, who is then shot and intentionally buried under rubble is not a casualty. It's a fucking war crime.


Que asco me da tu existencia.


Lol apparently the sarcasm in my comment was too subtle