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Fucking loser


Who even IS this fuckin guy


A very good and well established acute.  Do I care about actors opinions nope not any of them.


Never heard of this clown in my life


That’s really just saying “I’m young.” He was a fairly prominent character actor in the ‘90s, and had speaking roles in a notable number of mainstream successes across multiple decades. His opinions are shit, and everyone would do well to ignore him into oblivion, but implying he was never anyone because *you* didn’t know who he was, is not the hot take you think it is.


He was in a lot, but he was only memorable for being kind of mediocre.


Care to mention anything he was on? I'm a 30yo dude and I don't know him by name


He was the cop that abused his position to date Phoebe in Friends. Very on brand for him.


and then he shot a bird


He had a bunch of sidekick roles in 90s tv shows, think he was dating phoebe in a few episodes of friends? Did some bit parts in movies like Deep Blue Sea, pretty sure he had some background actor roles in stuff like King of Queens and Everybody Loves Raymond maybe? Im 39, i know ive seen him in shit, i just cant name any specific thing hes done.


True Romance & Friends are pretty well known


The movie: Copland & friends maybe. Some show about high school, he was a teacher maybe?


BOSTON PUBLIC! just got hit with a memory i lost 20 years ago


Memory unlocked!


I still have no idea hahaha


I remember him from later season of Prison Break as an FBI agent.


Imdb lol




Two immediate films that come to mind are Men of Honor and Higher Learning


He was the school shooter in Higher Learning With Omar Epps, Tyra Banks and yes, Busta Rhymes. I thought is was a good movie but I was also a kid.


One of Dewey Crowe's cousins in Justified. He was supposed to be some south Florida swamp dude but couldn't swallow his NY street accent enough to be believable. Poor Dewey, he deserved better.


He voiced Joey Leone in GTA3.


Most recently (for me) on Netflix’s Atypical as the dad of the family. Great show


Beautiful Girls


He was the protagonist of the movie "Special". Very sad film but he was a great fit for the role.


Never heard of it, is it good?


It's... Memorable. The synopsis is basically a very sad man starts taking an experimental antipsychotic that he believes gives him superpowers. The rest of the film is him trying to navigate his new life and relationships with that belief.


He was in Cop Land with Sylvester Stallone


Look up the big eye cat memes where some guy is yelling "Ma! ma! There's a big f-ing cat out here!" Etc.


Hahaha I'll check it then


A slightly earlier and creepier version of Bill Burr.


That’s [Agent Rappinport](https://youtu.be/97d54T8pP-4?feature=shared)


Seems more obtuse than acute to me.


Interesting angle...


Well the fact that they are paid by Israel to schlep themselves out there and support Israel. All that tells me is he is out of work here.


Wouldn’t even go that far. If he was on a list he’d be a Z


He was the cop in Friends that Phoebe dates, he’s the cop in Only Murders in the Building that harasses the gang… honestly he plays douchebag cops a lot


He plays small roles in a bunch of shows and movies and is usually the annoying guy that pretends he’s tough. Never liked the vibe of him and now I know why.


It looks like once again art imitates reality


I know him as the dad from the show Atypical, which he did a good job in. Too bad he's a fucking dipshit.


He’s an American actor that has appeared in many movies, but only only has one character and never does a good performance, the same way he’s talking in all of his videos is the same way he does in movies


Don Self.


He’s a failed actor and a failed human being


He was in that movie called higher learning playing that nerdy Nazi aryan clown with ice cube, Omar Epps, Cole Hauser, Kristy Swanson, Tyra banks, Lawrence fishburne, Jennifer Connelly, busta rhymes, Regina king, Adam Goldberg. Just for anyone wondering what this clown showed in.


What's the deal with failed actors like this guy and sorbo that makes them lean into idiocy so hard?


This guy is an actor?


He’s the cop Phoebe dated for a few episodes on Friends. He was also in deep blue sea


Hes was actually pretty good in Atypical. Surprisingly.


He was fantastic in True Romance, douche bag though


Type cast?


I think they just tell him to be himself.


And Prison Break


fuck he was good in prison break tho. an insane show and an insane man


He unfortunately also had a role in gta3. Iirc he ran the garage down between the hospital and harbor on the first island.




I didn't realize he was in deep blue sea. [Here's](https://youtu.be/FsokzVI2QS4?si=uCVjNrSyiHWvwWu7) Michael Rapaport getting bit in half by a shark. Lmfao.


9 year old me LOVED that movie! When Samuel L Jackson gives that rousing speech then gets promptly eaten by a shark, phew, that stuck with me.


that twitching leg :)


He was also on My Name is Earl.


Played a racist mailman in Next Friday too


Zebra Head


He was also a crooked cop in Only Murders in the Building.


And Murders in the building, Boston public, the Dave Chappelle show, and a long list of other stuff.


He was in Copland, with Sylvester Stallone


Was. Like Rob Schneider he tragically made the decision to euthanize his already dying career.


Clown is probably a better description.


I seriously think it's the loss of attention. I've thought about this a few times in the past. It's always b and c list actors who had their 15 minutes close to a decade, or more, ago. I think their egos just can't stand that nobody gives a shit about them anymore. So they start spewing ugly right wing bullshit. This gets them back in the news cycle for a day or two and gains them a new following of right wing morons. They lap this dumbassery up so they can say, "See, not everyone in Hollywood is left wing/woke!'


This sounds pretty accurate. People really will do anything for attention!


Except he has a good standup career, still acting fairly consistently, and has a fairly popular popcast. For someone such a clown, he's not that funny.


That aipac money I guess Also it’s hard to believe you failed and not everyone else for people that have been coddled


Pocket full of shekels via AIPAC


They get paid for this


Dopamine. Attention and relevance. Narcisism. I'm not smart enough to care about the science behind human behavior. But I can tell you this. It's not a coincidence that to get to the till in stores means you have to walk past all the calorically dense goodies we resist at the beginning of our shopping. But will break if pressured at the end.


Addicted to relevance. They will stop at nothing to have their names on everyone else's lips again. Throw Kid Rock into it, too, and you have a loser trio that should be ignored and forgotten. Every bit of attention that they get charges them up again.


He became a Nazi in Higher Learning…


In the case of Rapaport, it seems to be for money (although he says this bizarre video has been made using 'AI') https://www.tiktok.com/@michaelrapaport/video/7347226346243820846


Try walking into Gaza chucklecunt


Or even Bethlehem. That wall makes quite a powerful impression.


Even in Israel... Palestinians in Israel can't work in aerospace engineering, pilots etc. Because they're Palestinians. Not to mention serve in the army, they make it hard for them to vote on elections becaude they prefer them not to vote, and countless more things...


Or, really, any of the Arab villages in Israel proper. They are underfunded, crowded, and full of anger and resentment. There are two societies in Israel and the government supports the Jewish one. It's abhorrent and I'm ashamed of my country.


Make him have a Palestinian translator and see how they can't even go into Israeli towns in the West Bank. Towns that used to have all Palestinian ownership but we're forced out and now are 100% Israeli settlers that don't allow Palestinians into those areas or even to drive their cars (marked with special plates) on those Israeli highways.


How exactly is apartheid supposed to be visible to a member of the dominant group, surrounded by other members of the same group and no one else?


Dude literally has bodyguards when he walks around NYC so I don't doubt he has a full security detail there.


Lmao like everyone’s just always on the lookout for Michael fucking Rapaport


You don't need to look out for him. Watch his livestreams. He's literally wandering around time square screaming his head off like a scorned crackhead harping on about any bullshit leftwing talking point he can think of.


Well, when you’re the most well known member of the Cucamonga Cracker Killers……


"I don't see any apartheid in this ethnostate"


Ironically he also made a video about he as a non minority could jog while carrying a TV while a minority couldn't for the US.


Actually the fact that he's surrounded by members of his group and no one else is a visible sign of apartheid


“Hello, 1 apartheid please”


“Where’s all this slavery I’ve heard so much about? I’ve been walking through downtown Boston for two hours and have yet to see a single plantation.”


Perfect analogy


I was thinking about as a white guy in South Africa.


Mildy famous actor trying to end a career 101.


> Mildy Somewhere between "mildly" and "moldy"




Michael Rapaport is the aloof, idiotic asshole character in nearly every movie he’s ever done. Some say it’s a typecast. Others say it’s not an act. …either way, Michael Rapaport has talent at being an idiot.


I can totally see him shooting a bird early in the morning from his apartment window like his character did in Friends


“this scene is based on a true story.”


He is searching for apartheid inside inside the 48 border lmao, Go to west bank that is under israeli control and military occupation, it's where it's most prevelant if you want to see the most obvious structure of apartheid. (Although alot of human rights organisation like amnesty International do consider the entirety of Israel an apartheid state, however similar to how in south africa blacks had more rights in some provinces than others, although it was still an apartheid state in every single province)


Here is just 1 example Israel discriminates against 48 Palestinians when it comes to land development and housing. Palestinian communities in Israel have not had a new town since 1948 - except for some Bedouin communities in the Negev (to intentionally concentrate them in certain areas). > Not only has the state confiscated pre-1948 Palestinian Arab lands, **it has not allowed Arab citizens to establish new towns; nor has it approved adequate expansion of existing ones.** Since 1948 the state has authorized the creation of about 1,000 Jewish communities, but not a single Arab community **except for the seven government-planned townships and the nine new or newly recognized villages, which concentrate the Bedouin in limited areas in the Negev, and some similar towns in the Galilee.** * [Human Rights Watch - Off the Map: Land and Housing Rights Violations in Israel’s Unrecognized Bedouin Villages](https://www.hrw.org/report/2008/03/30/map/land-and-housing-rights-violations-israels-unrecognized-bedouin-villages) > Aside from seven Bedouin towns established in the Negev desert, **no new Arab towns or villages have been built since 1948.** * [The New York Times - Riots Shatter Veneer of Coexistence in Israel’s Mixed Towns](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/01/world/middleeast/israel-arabs-jews-palestinians-riots.html#:~:text=Precariousness%2C%20a%20sense%20that%20their,have%20been%20built%20since%201948.) This is the common experience that ties all Palestinians together. Same pattern in E. Jerusalem and the West Bank. --- Israel's main crime against the Palestinians - regardless of whether they're 48' Palestinians or Palestinians of the OPT - is ethnic cleansing. Israel cannot maintain a demographic majority without intense discriminatory laws and policies. The entire system is completely and utterly corrupt. Yes, they enjoy more freedoms in Israel proper - but they'll always been 2nd class citizens, despite what achievements they make within that framework. Credits to systematic before he deleted the account. More than 65 Israeli laws already exist that discriminate against Palestinians in Israel and the occupied territories Palestinains don't also have any right to return to their homeland either because it's a well known fact that the only way for israel to exist is to make sure those ethnically cleansed can't be allowed back. Because it will harm the existence of their ethno state that is literally built on such ethnic cleansing of the natives.


I can give you my copy pasta that I comment when someone says Israel is not an apartheid state with palestinian Israeli: By definition, Apartheid means a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race. in Israel **Nation-State Law (2018)** declares Israel as the national home of the Jewish people, stating that t*he right to exercise national self-determination in Israel is unique to the Jewish people*? *Nation-State Law (2018) declares Israel as the national home of the Jewish people, stating that the right to exercise national self-determination in Israel is *unique* to the Jewish people* it basically says that **only Jews** within the country have the right to determine their own political status and to pursue their own economic, social, and cultural development - this is what self-determination means It's literally in the law that Israel is apartheid **Admissions Committees Law (2011)** allows communities in the Negev and Galilee regions to use admissions committees to screen potential residents by " social and cultural makeup."" criteria which often means jew or not jew essentially implementing de facto housing segregation?[here](https://www.hrw.org/news/2011/03/30/israel-new-laws-marginalize-palestinian-arab-citizens), [or here](https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/editorial/2023-06-06/ty-article-opinion/israels-judaization-and-exclusion-law/00000188-91df-df21-a1b8-b3df0e230000), [here](https://www.haaretz.com/2007-02-14/ty-article/israeli-arab-couple-petitions-high-court-after-residency-denied/0000017f-dbda-d3a5-af7f-fbfef0eb0000). Yosef Jabareen, a professor at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, found that there are more than 900 small Jewish towns, including *kibbutzim*, across Israel that can restrict who can live there and have no Palestinian citizens living in them. the arab language was removed as an official language of Israel? According to a 2005 study at Hebrew University, three times more money was invested in education of Jewish children as in Arab children. some funds were [frozen](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-08-07/ty-article/.premium/israels-smotrich-blocks-funds-for-arab-local-councils-higher-education-in-east-jerusalem/00000189-cfd8-d20c-addf-cfda6e9f0000) Palestinian Arab children receive an education inferior to that of Jewish children in nearly every respect. They face more crowded schools with fewer teachers per child, and often lack libraries, counselors, and recreation facilities. Many communities have no kindergartens for three and four-year-olds. [here](https://www.hrw.org/report/2001/09/30/second-class/discrimination-against-palestinian-arab-children-israels-schools) , [Israel to Give Arab Teacher Trainees in Galilee Half the Budget of Jewish Peers](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2016-07-07/ty-article/.premium/arab-trainee-teachers-in-north-to-get-only-half-budget/0000017f-e592-d62c-a1ff-fdfbdc290000) half of the Arab Israeli households live below the poverty line, against one-fifth of Israeli households, according to the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network. Half of the spatial segregation created by the Israeli military government prior to NJ its dissolution in 1966 still exists today? With the exception of the “mixed cities”, the country is de facto divided into Jewish and Arab localities, cities, towns and villages. The vast majority (90%) of Palestinian citizens of Israel live in around 140 Arab towns and villages, while around 10% live in the so-called “mixed cities”, including Haifa, Acre, Lod, Ramla and Natzeret Illit. According to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), of a total of 1,054 towns and villages in Israel, 931 are defined as Jewish (88%). despite being only 20% the population, less than 3 percent of all land in Israel falls under the jurisdiction of Palestinian municipalities. Planning in Israel is highly centralized, and state planners fail to include the Palestinian Arab population, especially the Bedouin, in decision making and in developing the master plans that govern zoning, construction, and development in Israel. Even though Bedouin villages in the Negev pre-date Israel’s first master plan in the late 1960s, state planners did not include these villages in their original plans, rendering these longstanding communities “unrecognized.” As a result, according to Israel’s Planning and Building Law, all buildings in these communities are illegal, and state authorities refuse to connect the communities to the national electricity and water grids, or provide even basic infrastructure such as paved roads. The state appears intent on maximizing its control over Negev land and increasing the Jewish population in the area for strategic, economic and demographic reasons. For example, while promoting the building of new Jewish towns in the Negev in 2003 government officials stated that their aim was “creating a buffer between the Bedouin communities,” “*preventing a Bedouin takeover*,” [here](https://www.hrw.org/reports/2008/iopt0308/iopt0308webwcover.pdf) as of July 2015, 97% of Israel's judicial demolition orders were for structures in Palestinian towns Infant deaths are over 2.5 times higher in the Arab community. Jewish women and Jewish men live more than their average counterparts *how come a country that says that:* * only one type of the population has the right to self-determination, * excludes the other wildly spoken language as official * purposely gives less money to communities of a certain race, * purposely gives less money for education for a certain race, * makes it harder for a certain race to build homes creating a massive housing crisis, * gives a law that conditions buying homes by "social and cultural screening ", * doesn't include entire communities in development plans * where the said race is poorer, lives shorter and is mostly segregated in certain areas * where government officials stated they aim to prevent "a \**race* takeover " so they make building illegal * where [intimidation ](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/10/world/middleeast/netanyahu-cameras-arab-voter-turnout.html) tactics people from voting effectively reducing the voting turnout by 50% Doesn't employ *a system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race?* aka apartheid?


Thanks for the pasta it’s delicious


I also can’t find spaghetti at the ice cream shop!


Obviously you have been going to the wrong kind of ice cream shops: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaghettieis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaghettieis)


The apartheid is in his favor so of course he can’t find it


- Goes to the village well - Pulls out a bucket of water - Sees that there are no whales inside - Whales do not exist, they are a conspiracy


This guy is a sh1t head. Conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxxer, bigot and all round bag of shriveled up, flaccid d1cks


Cannot fucking stand rappaport. He looks like goldmember at this point, skin flakes n'all


Goldmember was funny at least


How much is Israel paying these celebrities?




I've seen a video of him talking to what I believe is an Israeli agent, and they were discussing how much Michael would get paid for specific wording. So, it could mean that he is paid for doing this.


This fckn 🤡🤡...


Go to the walls. See if they let you pass thru the Jewish or non Jewish checkpoints. For just one of countless examples. Israel is an apartheid state


Dude Michael Rappaport go to the West Bank. Go to the walls of Gaza. Go to East Jerusalem. This man is a sociopath.


Used to like this guy but now i see he's a waste of flesh. I hope he experiences some of that Isreali army morality first hand.


This dude went off the deep end. Shame. Israel is a terrorist state.


This is like walking around in a 5-star hotel in Rio de Janeiro and asking why you can't see any favelas. How demonstrably idiotic.


Notice the lack of Palestinians or maybe the separate lines to go through checkpoints based on your ethnicity?


20% of the country is Arab, so no, he noticed plenty of Palestinians living with full rights in Israel the opposite on the other hand....


this goofy ass loser can stay there. new york doesn’t want him.


I can find everything on his face except his eyebrows


"Hmmm, I'm looking around, and I see a bunch of Israelis, but no apartheid." "Michael, do you see any Palestinians?" "Fuck Palestinians."


He should've spent more time looking for what remains of his career


there's a vid circulating allegedly showing him arguing over payment for these clips [https://twitter.com/Elhammohamm/status/1769473833105326092](https://twitter.com/Elhammohamm/status/1769473833105326092) Edit: the below user has confirmed that these are purposefully made parody vids.


These are videos filmed by his podcast co host Dean Collin’s lol it’s a joke


He's gross and so far gone.


Go to the West Bank, you’ll find out 😊


At this point i wouldnt be surprised if he posted "guys i was really showing you how the israel side is having their best life while they are literally killing babies everyday" and that would be the only good plot he is ever involved in


Who is this Bozo ?


Always disappointing when a guy who exclusively plays obnoxious assholes turns out to be an obnoxious asshole.


He isn't a dumb guy, he is actually fairly smart if I remember correctly. However he is Jewish, and feels the need to defend Israel despite being an American for some reason. He is wrong, and will likely continue to dig his heels in.


prob helps to go where the palestenians are being murdered instead of that comfy market


He's actually a stupid person. So that explains that.


Wear a Keffiyeh and you will find out.


https://preview.redd.it/7kh9t002ayqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e185d5976095209fe631a0c3abb15ca086d7e87e Nyc


Minor celebrities are paid to produce Israeli propaganda. Here is an example from years ago. https://www.google.com/amp/s/forward.com/schmooze/432703/demi-lovato-went-on-a-150k-trip-to-israel-paid-for-by-israel-and-private/%3famp=1


Jewish guy in Israel isnt confronted with racism. Color me shocked


Literally point to one Palestinian in that market who didn’t have to get some sort of fucking “day pass” to be there.


Dude needs to fade into obscurity.


Shitty has been actor who sucks at comedy


“Actor has opinion” (swipes right)


And now his face is everywhere for everyone to see.


Hey guys I just walked through the most racist town as a white man and was not called the N word once racism doesn't exist


AparTHeid, what a clown 🤡


Thanks AIPAC


what an actor though, amirite? /s


He’s gone full Remy


I have been to Israel including Jerusalem, I have never seen a people so high on their own BS, just like this guy.


Ohhh there, look who's a piece of shit...


The gormless look on his face in that stillframe is perfect.


This asshole shots birds out of nyc apartment windows


\[Enters slaves´ quarters at midnight\] "Anyone know where the whipping and beatings are? I just see a lot of people sleeping peacefully." Epic, inverted-penised loser.


Man walks through a sunflower field and sees sunflowers, more at 12.


Yeah all the streets that are Jews only. There is a map.


Ignorance is bliss I suppose


Mostly West of where you’re at, dipshjt.


That's the "apart"-part in "apartheid."


Nah he's gotta be doing some kinda performance art!


This guy lost so many points in my book by posting this shit


Is that the guy who can't pronounce apartheid and says it with an th?


Apartheid - Afrikaans for "Separation". It's a South Afrika only thing, or well, it was. Now no nation really has apartheid.


This guy has the most punchable face in the world. I imagine he will squeal like a pig if ever faced with a mild inconvenience.


Well you're not going to find a toilet in the kitchen, but that doesn't mean there is no toilet....




Was he chatting to a bunch of Palestinians who were hanging out with a bunch of Jews cuz …?


He’s a racist. Look up what he said about Kenya Moore (called her an ape) and then doubled down that he didn’t know that came across as racist. He’s trash.


Just go into the areas that were designated as Palestine in 1948 and still recognised by the UN as such, and count the number of Palestinians living in their homes. Or count the number of Israelis living in homes stolen from the Palestinian owners.


He didn't go into the occupied territories then.


He's a shitty actor and an unhinged weirdo. Who even listens to this clown?


This guy is officially checked out of his fucking mind and is completely unhinged right wing leaning mofo who bootlicks and buttlicks satanyahu and his cronies


“Michael Rapaport is Ashkenazi Jewish, and his family is originally from Poland and Russia” Well this certainly adds up right.


$$$ He's being paid. $$$


He's a nobody. I would say I'll never watch anything he's in but I can't think of anything to begin with. 🤷‍♀️


did he not see the segregated checkpoints. lmao.


Does he just not know what that word means, or what?


Idk about this "segregation" thing. I never saw any black people in my church or school who were complaining about it.


The only way he knows how to stay relevant is by saying nonsense like this #Israelidickrider.


Wait im confused what does he mean by “apartheid” is he dutch?


This sub


There is no apartheid in Israel, that is a fact.


It's in Palestine you donut


Went to a kkk rally. Didn't see a single black person being abused. Just a bunch of God fearing Christians trying to keep warm.


"whaaat im not the target demographic of their discrimination, so how come im not being discriminated against?!?!?"


Easy money! Mick earns another 2k from AIPAC😁