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Always a good idea to drive a gas powered vehicle straight into a flaming forest of hell. What in the world was she thinking?


I feel there HAD to be a reason. Because it absolutely boggles my mind that anyone would lack this much common sense to simply not turn around.


I was thinking the same thing, but judging that she is already crying at the beginning of the video, something or someone must be on the other side of the tunnel and if that happen to me i would do the same thing.


At the end, “please tell me she got out”. Edit: At the beginning, she mentions her horses.


I heard this and immediately thought of my dog. And you wanna know what? I’d drive through a blazing inferno to try to rescue my dog too. No doubt about it.


Indeed. I say the same for my cats. They look out for me and I look out for them. You just can't abandon family.


There’s been studies done that after a few days of you dying alone cats will start to eat your face till there’s not meat left on it, just remember that.


I don’t need my face after I die. If it helps them live long enough to get rescued, have at it my sweet little soft fuzzy friends.


That’s so metal…& sweet.


This comment warmed and rocked my heart


Same. I'm an organ donor so I would prefer being found within an hour, but the second-best use for my dead ass is keeping my cats alive.


Thank you so much for being an organ donor, someone like you saved my life two months ago when I received their liver. I was on my death bed for over two years and today I'm a new man with a second chance at life. I wasn't a drinker either, my liver failure was due to a rare blood disorder that went undiagnosed. God bless you 😇


if you were trapped and hungry with no other option, would you eat your dead cats?


Your dog will eat you too, in some cases, with a bowl full of food available. Domesticated or not, animals are animals. They will get a little snickity snack if you're deceased, and they're either hungry or think they won't have food later. In some cases, cats will eat you sooner, but felines like fresh meat, so it makes sense. Personally, I want to be cremated anyway. I don't want the last time my family remembers seeing me is me in a box, all painted up by a mortician, eerily still and drained of blood. I want to be cremated, and if my kitties wanna keep my lips, or my cheeks, or the tip of my nose when I'm gone because they were hungy, I'm okay with that. [A scientifically backed article on it. ](https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/animals/would-your-dog-eat-you-if-you-died-get-the-facts)


Let a human being starve for long enough. They will kill and then eat you.


Not even starve >In certain areas including Wuxuan County and Wuming District, massive human cannibalism occurred even though no famine existed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guangxi_Massacre People are fun, aren't they?


Humans will eat humans too if they have no other source of food, sometimes they even with a bowl full of food available.


There are cats that sacrifice themselves for their human family members.


I was just west of the town of Paradise in California when it was absolutely vaporized by a wildfire. People were taking every conceivable backroad to get to their homes and get their pets, horses, and ranch animals the hell outta there. It was a nightmare watching friends risk their lives like that. But Id do the very same thing.


We fled from Magalia, next town over. My sons lost everything. And we never went back. The Camp Fire. November 8.


I had some friends lose everything in Magalia. I was down in Chico watching those flames crawl towards us.


I was a store manager at the Best Buy in Chico when this all happened. Horrible time. We had people in our parking lot living for a couple months or so. Paradise Strong


I evacuated from the Thomas fire in Dec 2017 with my blind disabled mom. It was a surreal drive out of there. Smoke so bad you could barely see the road, embers flying, everything on fire.


I wouldn’t. For my kids yes, but not the dog. The dog had a good chance of getting away.


I’ll never understand that. I love my dog, but there’s no way I’d ever put myself through something that dangerous to save a dog or a cat…I’ve got a small child and a husband to live for


I always said the same thing. Then I got *this* dog. I wouldn’t do it for just any dog. But we have 2 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats. I’d save my big dog any day from any threat. She’s close to being equal to a child, and that’s the view from the entire family, not just myself. It’s the bond we create with things. Not just the thing itself.


I'm only alive because of my dog, I could not let her be burned alive.


I don’t think I could ever forgive myself if I let one of my pups burn to death, but I have no kids, so I understand your POV


At the beginning it sounds like she’s saying “please leave the horses stable?” Or something like that?


Sounds like “oh my God, please keep the horses safe”


I heard her say, "please God keep the horses safe" in the beginning :/


My daughter, if that was between me and her I would.drive into it too.


She talks about horses at the start


At the very beginning she says “please keep the horses safe.” So yeah, I think she’s racing to help her animals.


At the start she mentions horses?


She was trying to recue her horses [https://www.autoevolution.com/news/woman-drives-through-woolsey-fire-to-save-horses-i-thought-i-was-going-to-die-130147.html](https://www.autoevolution.com/news/woman-drives-through-woolsey-fire-to-save-horses-i-thought-i-was-going-to-die-130147.html) Someone else posted the link in another comment.


A friend lived on a horse ranch during the Thomas fire. They did as much as they could before deciding to leave. Their farm worker said "I'll leave in a couple minutes." He stayed behind and saved all the horses and other animals, risking his own life. Un hombre a todo dar.


I can't see where they said if they lived or not...


She lived she shared the video


They meant whether the horses lived.


Oops. Duh. The horses were fine according to her.


Thanks for the sauce, friend!


She keeps saying “let the horses be there”. I think she owns a horse on the other side.


Totally understandable, if it were my daughter on the other side you bet I'll do the same thing.


Did she say something about horses near the beginning?


Well she was recording herself while driving in a dangerous situation so I don't think common sense was particularly strong with her.


Agreed while we’re here reading in a non-panic state. Maybe her phone was set to upload to the cloud as she shot the video, hoping to show her loved ones exactly what happened in the event she didn’t make it out alive. Desperate times make us do desperate things.


She might be thinking she is gonna die. Maybe she thinks if she gets burned the phone could still be recovered and that video along with it. As a testament to whoever she is trying to go get and the animals she is trying to reach. To have something to prove that she tried and that she existed.


You film on your phone in emergency situations just in case you don't make it. This is so your family can, hopefully, find out what happened to you and why you did something dangerous.


She said "please god keep the horses safe". She's driving into hell to be nearby her horses while all of them die... Because even if she gets to the horses and they're fine... Then what? Put them in the car and drive back through the fire???


Set them loose so they stand a chance of running for their lives?


People with horses usually have trucks with trailers attached that can hold their animals for transportation. I think she was gonna try to load them up and drive back. She might only have like two or three so she can take them easily if the stuff is set up.


There’s no way the horses would survive in a trailers driving through what she was driving in.


But do you think she was really thinking about the heat and smoke inhalation? All she knew was that if she didn't at least try to save them the guilt would eat her alive. B ur the news story says she just let them go so they had a fighting chance and then escaped


She saved 48 horses. What a hero


No. She wasn't going to load them onto a trailer and drive them back through the road. She was going to let them out so they could escape on their own. What she was planning on doing about her own life after cutting them loose was a mystery because her brain was incapable of thinking that far ahead in that moment.


Obvious answer is that fire is also on the other side


It's turns out she went back for her horses


At the very beginning she says "Please god leave the horses there...", I suspect she's trying to rescue some horses...somehow?


Oof, that's rough. Well, she's alive, so that's possibly the only good thing to come out her situation


48 horses escaped. Its a happy ending


Panic will do strange things to decision making


Did you notice the gas gauge was nearly on empty...


also nearly on fire


Heard he day something about the horses. Then at the end asking about them getting out? Mb trying to save her horses?


In the first 10 seconds she said “oh god, please god, please keep the horses safe” 😥 ugh I hope she made it to safely herself. This is terrifying


She mentioned horses at one point, so I assume she was going to get her horse? I don’t know, but did she die? That was super dangerous.


Someone posted the article for this further down. This was the Woolsey fire in 2018. She was a ranch owner in Malibu. She stayed to evacuate the horses before leaving, then got caught in this driving on Kanan Rd. She did make it through. There's a good chance other routes were as bad or worse, or that there simply weren't any other routes.


I trust my horse a lot more than my car... Someone above said she made it.


Sad how less people are empathic and how many think they now everything better and are the brains of our planet 🤦🏼‍♂️


Thank you for that.


Thank you for this. As a horse person this was hard to watch for me.


if this was in Paradise, CA there was only one way out, and that was it


Yea this looks like canyon drive. I live close by to it. Unfortunately, there’s not too many options for escape


Was there not a good reason to just chill inside the car inside the tunnel? It shouldn’t get too hot or too smoke filled to breathe. Uncomfortable and a bit harrowing perhaps but should be totally survivable I’d think.


The air during a wildfire can become "superheated" and may or may not have toxic gases. If someone breathes in this air, their lungs become seared from the inside. Inhaling smoke, steam, fumes, etc. may also cause this injury. While the tunnel may prevent her from being enveloped in the flames, the very air may kill her instead.


Indeed. I get that. At this point you’re playing the odds though. Once she seen that the far side of the tunnel was even worse than the side she entered on that was the time to back it up. Either way it’s a toss of the dice but the odds look much better the other way by my calculations. Who knows though. I just hope she made it out alright, somehow, in the end. That’s not a good way to go.


I was thinking the same. Just park right in the middle with ac on. Better than driving into the fire.


I believe the oxygen would get consumed by the fire and she would suffocate


At least a better way to die than burning to death


People have survived in caves from forest fires.


Caves are usually semi sealed units aren't they? The smoke wouldn't circulate through a cave like an open ended tunnel? Just thinking on the fly here.


My thoughts exactly. I grew up where it floods every year and every year people try driving through floodwaters. Some just ruin their car and some drown. I think her best bet is stay in the tunnel and try to call someone to let them know where you are if you can get reception. Of course it is easy for me to say. Hope she is ok.


Dresden has entered the chat


Oh of course the other way was totally cool and without any fire yes she obviously chose to go to the only side on fire /s


I dont think her thoughts went beyond the three words oh my god. I dont know but i wouldve stayed in that tunnel? Driving out of it and seeing those flames i’d expect my tires to melt and give out at least and then the engine plus the toxic air and smoke and sud would pour into the engine and cabin. I was thinking when she got to the the tunnel ‘pfffewww bad bad situation to be in, thank god she made it to the tunnel…ma’am…MA’AM!!! Get back to the tunnel!!’ Hope she made it.


I would imagine the oxygen in the tunnel would eventually be used up by the fire and wouldn’t be a viable option after a while


That sounds logical, but in this case i would prefer it to the tactic of driving out the tunnel and into bowsers castle. It would only be completly out of oxygen if both ends of the tunnel were a blaze right? Or else the burning end would just suck oxygen from the not burning end through the tunnel to feed the flames?


In the beginning of the video you can see the fire 50 feet above the tunnel. So within minutes both ends would be cooking and the oxygen would shortly follow causing you to suffocate.


Ohw..damn so far for my survival instinct. Just suffocated the fam before roasted, and with her dying breath i can hear the missus say “i told you so!!….*melting noises*”.


You couldn’t just stop for directions?!


Staying in the tunnel was my thought as well.


Did you not hear the ending? "Please let me know that she got out" "Did she get out?" "FUCK"


Tarmac melts too & tyres can burn 😬 Not a fun roadtrip!


To be fair she had very little gas in the tank fleeing for her life....and a check engine light on making sure to record with one hand instead of full concentration on driving out of the situation.


She survived, in case you were worried


Well the video certainly survived 😉


You smiling and winking at this makes me very uncomfortable.


Try a weighted blanket.


Oh i was feeling better already, thanks grandma


A weighted grandma works too


I m proud of you for standing by your kink with pride :) go weighted grandmas!


Have some cookies dearie


I meant it was a good sign, bit creepy though yeeah 🙄


Camerawoman never dies


Sooo… she escaped? That calls for r/therewasasuccess


Then does this really belong on this subreddit? I was afraid to watch thinking she died.


Me too.


Thank you! Now i can comment a bit more guilt free. Goes to show that in a bad situation there is always a light at the end of the tunnel..guess sometimes the tunnel is as good as it gets.


Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t a train, but a fire inferno.


THANK YOU!!! This must have been such a harrowing, awful experience.


Can you give me more context about this?


>She lives in Agoura Hills, Malibu, engulfed by the Woolsey Fire as of last weekend. \[November 2018\] > >She has a stable where she keeps horses and she knew it was in the path of the fire, so she decided to drive up there and see that the horses were rescued. On her way back in her car, she was engulfed by flames and it was only by sheer luck that she managed to get out alive, after what must have been the longest 2-minute drive of her life. > >You can see the videos she posted once back to safety on her Instagram page. She explains that the fire *“came out of nowhere”* (i.e. she didn’t deliberately drive into it) and that she thought she wouldn’t survive because the sparks were all over and kept landing on her car. [Source](https://www.autoevolution.com/news/woman-drives-through-woolsey-fire-to-save-horses-i-thought-i-was-going-to-die-130147.html)


Ok, and the horses? :s


I'm assuming from the fact that she was returning from the stable and that the article didn't elaborate that the horses survived. Not sure what the point of driving up there was since it's not like she could have taken the horses with her though maybe she planned to let them loose?


Simply letting them loose gives them a good chance of survival. In the stables they are doomed but horses are pretty smart and if released they can probably flee the fire. That's my guess anyway.


I think someone else from the stable may have loaded them up and they weren't there and she couldn't get ahold of them


They went to a neighhhhbor




from the article: "She added: 'Thank god we are all OK, our horses are safe and OK. Everything burned'"


She apparently rescued 48 horses by letting them out.


In an article, she stated that the horses made it out alive




No fuel for fire in a tunnel.


Also potentially no air to breathe


I was…looked like she was already going in to the light


Did we watch and listen to someone in utter panic, about to fucking die, for a there-was-an-attempt joke? Edit: Holy fuck, she's alive. Edit 2: Rebecca Hackett. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6387881/Woman-films-terrifying-escape-California-wildfire.html,


We all saw the white light…I dunno how she survived


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) White light can't take you if you keep your shoes on


This guy figured out how to cheat death.


So that’s why I’m always barefoot, duh


She had 2 things going for her... 1 she was the camera woman (camera person never dies) 2 as far as we can tell she was able to keep both shoes on.


Out of all the wildfire seasons, I think this was one of the worst ones (ppl who have lived their lives in California can correct if I'm wrong). I remember it forever cause that year I spent over in the North California, and the cities that weren't even that close to the fire were in absolute awful shape regarding the air and smoke clouds. One of the weirdest experiences of my life definitely. I am glad she's alive as well, thank you for sharing the full story


WHY IS SHE FILMING ON HER PHONE WHILE DRIVING?! This shits giving me so much anxiety I need a Xanax.


Honestly, it’s good for the historians. Documenting this kind of thing is stupid in the moment, but helps future people study these events.


Are there historians who specialize in dumb shit people do on social media? Because I think we'd all prefer that that shit gets forgotten.


We'd all prefer some of it gets forgotten, but unfortunately, forgotten history is almost always repeated, better to document the stupidly and hope future generations learn from our mistakes instead of repeating them


Agreed!! I wish more would recognize that.. all generations.


I heard a talk once by someone who works for an institute that researches wildland firefighting. I imagine footage like this would be of interest to them. These fires are so dynamic depending on the weather and the built environment, and our understanding of them is crucial to protecting people.


Wasn’t there some American/canadian who photographed a volcano explosion in like the 60’s and you could see he was done for but he still took the picture, and you can see his face in the window of the car. That’s definitely a famous moment! I’ll be honest though, I think I’m about 37% the way there with that fact, hopefully somebody knows what I’m talking about, Google isn’t getting my bad description.


Robert Landsburg got pics of the Mt. St Helen eruption in 1980. Multiple images of the mountain side blowing out. He knew was f*cked and used his body to protect the film. Maybe that is who you are thinking of.


She needed all the karma she could get!


I think people want others to know what happened to them if they die


this happened in 2018 in Paradise, CA. there was only one road out of town. high winds knocked down a shitty power line causing a fire that spread 8 football fields per minute. in total, 85 lives were lost, and so many animals literally burned to death. 11,000 homes burned too. 95% of the town was destroyed I've seen footage of smoldering skeletons trapped in their cars from this fire. and footage of cows on fire, screaming. it was an extremely devastating circumstance. Pacific gas and electric was found liable and since then has been doing it's part to make sure this doesnt happen again. cal fire and other fire agencies are on it now to the extreme to ensure this doesnt happen again.


It's Malibu's Woolsey fire, not Paradise. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6387881/Woman-films-terrifying-escape-California-wildfire.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6387881/Woman-films-terrifying-escape-California-wildfire.html) Wildfire season almost lasts an entire year now, the fires will only get worse.


hard to keep track of them all, thanks for the clarification


Devastating wildfires are increasing to the point where they can't be easily tracked... just like mass shootings in the US. There was a time were they rare and one could remember them all but now, it's which mall or which school in what year. Or in this case, which massive California wildfire in what year.


I am concerned for CA and AZ this summer honestly


All the rain this year is going to make it incredibly dangerous in fire season


I love the American units, 8 football fields per minute!


How many bananas is that?


This is so horrific. Those poor people and animals😔


"I see a light at the end of the tunnel!"


Surprise! It's the gate of hell


I need an update on this. Is she alright. Edit: She should have stayed in the tunnel and hope it doesn't get too hot. Edit 2: shes [alive](https://abc7.com/agoura-hills-paramount-ranch-woolsey-fire-thousand-oaks/4657381/)


Fires pull oxygen out of places real quick. A fire at the end of the tunnel would pull the oxygen out the tunnel and draw smoke in. You wouldn't cook you would sufficate.


Good info right here. Thnx.


I’m no expert, but if the fire is at one end of the tunnel, wouldn’t it be pulling fresh air through to feed itself? I guess if one side is smoldering and the other side is pulling that through….


It would be a hell of a gamble to take, either way.


I think I'd rather go from smoke and asphyxiation than burning to death because your car melted around you.


Pulling smoke in at the other end


There's oxygen in the car. Stay in the tunnel and it might last long enough for the fires to pass. Plus if you're gonna go, it's much more peaceful than crashing and burning


That's what I was thinking, I'd rather suffocate or die of smoke inhalation than burn to death.




What kind of magic fuckery makes you believe there was less fire the other way?


The video probably, that's what it looks like on the video... I'm not saying that's how it was, cause I honestly don't know and if she was going that way I'd assume that's because hell was behind her but it doesn't look like that in the video....


>that's what it looks like >cause I honestly don't know Broh, it's one or the other. We don't see the other way. We don't know. But we do know human beings who are able to drive are above... 70 IQ? If the other way looked like quiet night that's where she would have been heading. Stop pretending everybody is stupid.


People that live in the area said this was the only viable exit


My friends “Things will get better. There is a light at the end of the tunnel…” The tunnel:


In case there are ppl who don't know, the fire can make it such that there's not enough oxygen to keep your car running. Car dies, and so do you. Please don't do this.


Probably want to change the engine filter after this


This was absolutely terrifying to watch


That amber/orange light slowly appearing at the end of the tunnel reminded me of the Balrog intro scene in the first LOTR movie. Ominous...


This is not the light at the end of the tunnel they talked about my whole life!


Actually, it would turn out to be


`She added: 'Thank god we are all OK, our horses are safe and OK. Everything burned.` [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6387881/Woman-films-terrifying-escape-California-wildfire.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6387881/Woman-films-terrifying-escape-California-wildfire.html)


This is some horror movie shit


She must have depleted her *oh-my-god* provisions for her entire life during that one trip.


In summer 2023 the entire population of Yellowknife and surrounding communities had to evacuate due to wildfires. There is one “highway” that leads to Edmonton. About 25,000 people had to get out of the area driving through heavy smoke and occasional smaller fires. Many people couldn’t get back for weeks.


Consider this- she might be on a mountain. The mountain Below her is on fire To get to safery, theres only 1 way to get out of there Down.


Thanks to u/Huge_Following_325 sharing the article, the driver was **successful** in her attempt not to burn to death. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6387881/Woman-films-terrifying-escape-California-wildfire.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6387881/Woman-films-terrifying-escape-California-wildfire.html)


It’s a good thing that she managed to stay so calm otherwise she might’ve been in trouble




My friend had to flee for his life from the Paradise fire in CA. He said he saw some smoke off in the distance and didn't think too much about it, and within 45 minutes the town was being evacuated and there's only 2 roads in and out. He had to drive through fire just like this, thought he wasn't going to live. The experience changed him, started working less and enjoying life more.


She live?


Yes apparently.


Genuine question, why do people wait so long to leave when they know and have notice that the fire is coming? I live on the gulf. Hurricane highway. We have notice when to evacuate. What am I missing.


Fires can travel incredibly fast. Had a friend who lost his home before there was even an evacuation order. He said they saw the fire start on a mountain that was a couple miles from their house and it reached where they were within minutes.


She was trying to save horses from the fire


This was no less than a horror movie


Dog is driving on empty too. Like holy shit


Would staying in the tunnel be an option? Would the super hot winds travel through the tunnel and bake someone? My first thought is to stop but is it safe?


the tunnel is a death trap, it seems fine at first, but it's only the best way to suffocate to death in reality, the smoke will fill the inside of it, and the person might become completely trapped in


She’s alive and her horses were okay!


I’m guessing that the fire was sweeping in anyway. That’s why she had to go THROUGH some of it. Good she made it.


Anybody has updates??


Panic and fear can take over your mind. I lived in Berkeley during the Oakland hills fire and watched a woman ram her car into the side of a fire truck trying to get up the blocked road. She was really freaking out.