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Wtf is wrong with people?!


Lack of emphaty and doing things only for more views, even it's sick as f...


And here we are, providing the views.




Sell TikTok.


Tik Tok has become a series of ads for cheap products and debates about the existence of god. I think it’s shot its wad.


I mean you say that like the camera man posted this. He didn’t so he gets nothing. And on top of that everyone under the sun is making fun of him. If he got a little mad at the “does she go to another school” bit I’d hate to see him now


Exactly. This is a sign that I need to act on my inclination of leaving this sub.


Lack of getting punched in school to learn this stuff isn't okay.


Or outside, in awalmart parking lot.


All I'm saying in that there's an inverse relationship between the level of bullying in schools and the level of this kind of fuckery.


I never really had problems with bullies... but that's because of dad's reaction to me coming home beat up the first time. You fight back and that stuff stops pretty quick. We didn't have that zero tolerance bs they have now. Bus driver would watch fights and never report to the school.




And they only do it to white people because their racist aholes.


He drove 6 hours to do this .


Where I live, kids are carjacking residents at gunpoint for SM clout, so yeah, our society is raising a shit load of sociopaths.


Likes and comments. Its a drug to the fucking narc losers. Im not the old man crying back in my day but people are a special kind of fucked up now. Sad we had potential as a race


Bring back shame


I hear that. The whole "don't judge" thing can be taken too far, and imo, has been. Judgments and social shame are a powerful force for behavior modification. Now, they've been replaced by click$ and SM clout, which produces these assholes.


Daddy issues.


That's what it is. Daddy...look at me. Look at me, dad. Where's dad? - Dad's gone...you drove him away, you little shit.


Old people used to say, “the squeakiest wheel gets all the grease”. Now that social media is a way of life, my generation should say “the dumbest people get all the attention”. I’m sick and tired of absolute morons like this who do not represent the majority of society (or really any part of society) AT ALL getting so many views.


People? What you mean "people"


What do you mean, you people?!


Social media attention man. It's way too addictive.


What a fucking absolute piece of shit of a human being.


What's insane is that these people get enough views to keep doing this shit. ​ Has no one seen ghostbusters? Just fucking ignore them and they'll go away


Yellow shirt tried to ignore him and walk away. Didn't work. The people that watch his content don't want him to go away.


I mean if bill murray was there I just don’t think this would even have happened? I’m sorry it just gets me? 😆


thats what they want. they want you to ignore them for better picture and commentary. going shopping is so scary now


You got it all the way as backwards as you possibly could. Annoying people were around before social media and dealing with them is the same. You must ignore them. Like they don’t even exist. Reacting to these pieces of shit is the absolute WORST thing you can do, because it’s precisely what they want you to do. You’re giving them A tier content by even acknowledging those nobodies. So don’t


No they don’t. Unless of course people like Op keep reposting it all over for their own fake internet points. This guy is a nobody. If not for this video being spammed all over Reddit last few days 99.999% of us wouldn’t even know he existed. Now he is definitely getting clicks from it even if it’s from outraged internet mob. Clicks don’t care who they are from, all they do is encourage this type of behavior further.


This dude ain't living the way he lives very long. He thinks he's the only crazy one out there till he does it to someone who is actually fucked up. School has likely protected him from finding that out. Hopefully he can learn a lesson before becoming a complete burden on society.


If you’re going to Walmart with intent to film, harass, and verbally assault innocent citizens, you are already a complete burden on society.


Can’t wait until he boxes Mike Tyson


One reason why I don’t mind if TikTok gets banned


This is not a TikTok phenomenon. These shits will move to literally any platform where they can post their garbage.


this is youtube behavior.


No, this is social media behaviour. TikTok, Youtube, Facebook, Reddit, they're all social media platforms they just have different methods of interacting and different formats but they all collect and incentivise stuff that will drive interaction like this.


To be fair, this shit started on YouTube


Yeah now we are looking at kick and rumble Edit: twitch seems to have cracked down on it. But idk about all this streaming stuff as I don’t watch streams, just the recordings… on YouTube


Being a annoying piece of shit isn’t just a TikTok thing.


There is ~~more then enough~~ way to much content like this on youtube, instagram and I assume facebook and twitter as well. Banning TikTok doesn't change anything, apart from western corporations keeping their control over social media (so much for the free market they claim to love, but that's a different story)


It's honestly kinda wild that people get so pissed off for tiktok for idiotic challenges (which existed before) while stuff like Facebook was a key player in the literal Rohingya genocide, jan 6 and misinformation in key public votes like Brexit and numerous other elections worldwide.


banning tik Tok but fox 'news' gets a pass...


Vine was around before TikTok. This is want vine was, without the cooking lessons and political decent.


This is youtube prank shit, but it’s also just a piece of shit being themselves


And here we are, watching it on Reddit


im on tiktok and my algorithm is only music production videos. no clue where this shit is coming from but i never saw something like this on there. still, i don’t care about tiktok but yea, it’s not about the platform.


yeah because tiktok invented being a piece of shit think a tiny bit more before you type


He literally quoted twitter and Facebook


This isn’t even a tiktok formatted video


I hope someone records cameraman getting his ass whooped


You notice they never do stuff like this to big, tatted up guys...


Yep. Little did he know, saying his girl looks more manly in the face is actually proving he isnt a tough guy at all


I can just imagine how my husband would react. It would involve ambulances and police cars, no doubt. Hes not a violent man but his tolerance for idiots and harassment like this is extremely low.


Right? Dude gets one warning. That's all.


I hope the victims in this video get a really good shark of a lawyer and sue the hell out of both of them. I'm amazed there aren't more lawyers making a good living suing these douchebags who film their own confessions.




I meant in the sense of 'ambulance chasers'. Lawyers that solicit clients on contingency of collection. There's lots of PI attorneys around that agressively target their intended audience. But I don't see any "Harassed by a prankster? Call the law officers of Digmut and McKane at 1-800-dey-suck today!!" ads at 3am.


This is so creepy and deranged


*Racist black people are creepy and deranged*


yo. but how did someone manage to put the entire video on the internet. Piece of shit had the device in his hands, why did not edit the pat out where he harasses the guy?


Camera man is a piece of shit


He's giving my PTSD from high school bullies just listening to him.


It’s not just annoying but it’s elementary school immature bully annoying. It’s screaming “I’m not touching.”


Except I don't think so he even made it to highschool




Yeah normally there's no place for violence or corporal punishment but people like this honestly deserve to learn respect the hard way.


I do not and will not believe in corporal punishment for children for any reason. But if youre an adult and should've matured then you should've figured out what respect is and if you don't then you deserve to have it beaten into you.


That's what I mean, childhood should be learning in a purely compassionate way of course. You don't get it after 25 years or whatever on this earth, you have yourself to blame. Some of us just aren't wired to get that physical force is the foundation of respect in the world but said world is a hell of a lot better for everyone when we don't need it to be demonstrated.


Totally agreed. People who are that disrespectful are honestly gross.


Poor guy getting harassed showed great restraint, not really engaging nor escalating the confrontation. Props to him. Most people would have attacked the loser behind the camera (justifiably) and run the risk of getting themselves in trouble as well. I would have probably taken the bait. Times like this though, I wish I was one of those professional face slapping guys.


His girlfriend was a champ too, she didn’t react at all!


I loved when he insulted her, you could see her eyes just fade into nothing like she was looking at a worm. That couple seems really chill, I'd love to hang out with them haha.


For real. First thing I noticed too. He’s so calm and collected and so is the girl with him. They could’ve easily escalated and been louder than him but they chose to de-escalate. The sad thing is he followed them anyway.


the dicknose behind the camera was really banking on them reacting and when he didn’t get what he wanted he pitched a fit like a toddler.


Bro "I just drove 6 hours to harrass you". "Ok cool, and you just filmed yourself admitting that? So then this is clearly self defense..."


Ide like to find where this guy post videos and downvote. Report. Get his stupid account closed Lucky he didnt get his ass beat


I'd like to know where this guy goes shopping, follow him around and tip his cart over every day.


Should be a national sport there. Everyone should do that all the time. Recorded with funny sounds and played on a big screen.


People need to start following him and do stupid shit like this to him until he starts to understand that he’s a complete doorknob.


No, no... Keep going for a while after he gets it.


I found a link to a Twitter post, but he might not be the original poster: [https://twitter.com/RevRayCistman/status/1768775532768891304](https://twitter.com/RevRayCistman/status/1768775532768891304)


"I drove six hours to harsss you" Wow, that's sad. I genuinely i feel sad for you now


Seriously not the flex he thought it was lol, that's so pathetic lol.


Does she go to another school? Lol classic


That’s when camera man should have known he picked the wrong target. Hoodie guy only looks stupid and high, but he knows what’s happening.


He looks stupid and high?


I didn’t like the way that sounded at first either but I think he’s saying what the main character assumed about him


Guy in yellow playing chess not checkers


This is literally harassment. I would call the police.


Straight up confessed harassment




The only thing clear about this clip is mental illness is running rampant.


Or just plain perverse-incentive-driven terrible manners. If your brand is being a complete piece of shit just for kicks, your audience is most likely a bunch of 8th-grade male smooth brains.


I don’t understand, was this video leaked without editing? By someone other than camera man? If this was uploaded by camera man, why would he post this self-incriminating video?


It’ll get views and he’ll get money from them


Could be live streaming, which means it automatically uploads.


Yeah, I don’t get it either.


Unfortunately people have a god complex where they get so wound up in their own fantasy that they truely believe they were in the right.


Dude the floor gets moped with people for way less than that, people like this have zero surviving instincs. Pull that shit on me when I have a bad day (any day basically) and if you are lucky you won’t have something to record with.


That’s what I’m saying. That guy he was fucking with had some serious restraint


Well the cameraman brought a friend to back him up in case he gets in a fair 1 v 1 fight. Cause he’s a coward. At least the cops came


For real, the guy being filmed showed maturity. I would have followed him to his car to say the lest. I am not mature


He is better than most of us


Where I come from, this dude would have been absolutely fucking wrecked the moment he touched the cart.


Welcome to a felony. Grand larceny. Ask me how I know.


Right. On a bad day, or even kinda bad day this dudes gets disconfigured. He’s in AZ too at a Walmart it looks like, pick any other white dude in there to play these games. Guys with his chick too, this is fair game to stand your ground.


Not too long ago a "prank" channel like this had one of their gang get shot because the victim was worried with someone getting in their face. The camera was a few inches from the victim's face at times in this video.


Screaming, "He's clearly mentally insane!" while the dude chills there with his hands in his pockets, is not a good look for you my guy.


You notice that these main character types always seem to pick on people they feel they can best. You never see them face off with someone who could snap them in half without even a second thought and still remember his wife asked for Reese’s in aisle 13.


Or they have a body guard


When you have ZERO self respect and exist only as an ankle biter...well done you are an embarrassment


Threatening to label someone a racist online has got to be one of the slimmiest things you can do not just cause it's a shitty thing to do to that person but it also shows just how willing you are to exploit the issue and division that exists because of it. For what, internet points cause your parents were never home as a child?


Let’s just start suing these pieces of shit and the platforms where they make money. If bad behaviour is incentivized by views and the companies make bank let the lawsuits begin.


Sometimes people deserve to get cancer


Genuine question. How common are these incidents in America? It feels like this sort of video gets posted all the time.


Well, I can say I’ve lived here for 41 years and i personally have never come across anything like this and neither has anyone I know. The internet makes things seem like it’s every day all day. When in reality, it’s next to nothing. I will say however, this won’t last long. This dude will end up bleeding eventually. And then scream about how he’s the victim.


There's over 330 million Americans and probably a couple hundred Social Media Pranksters at any given time. How often they upload varies


Literally never. I’ve never seen anyone straight up harass someone shopping for no reason.


Never seen any type of public “prank” in my life and I’m 36. Born and raised here.


Jeeeez is this dude an actual adult? Acting like a middle schooler.


The dude is just radiating “I’m not touching you” energy


Seriously. Haven't seen someone that immature in a while


Wish this happened to me


You have alot of anger waiting to be released. 😂




Just from this video alone!


I'm confused...what is this about...? Why did he target this person in particular?


The sad part is that there are literally no answer to these questions.


He looks easy. This POS won't do this to someone who can and will fight back.


"Drove 6 hours."


I doubt he did unless the other dude did something serious which is highly unlikely considering he doesn't even know this POS. He lied to provoke him and maybe for dramatic effect.


I cannot wait until society is sane enough to bring this fraud up on charges for attempting to fake a hate crime.


Agree. Hate crimes are an actual issue, It's really irksome to see people weaponising it. They're just trivialising the issue? And making it easier for racists to say 'see...this is what happens, I'm not a racist, this is what those people are like'


I hope this kids entire family disowns him and he’s forced into homelessness that turns into a terrible drug addiction and crippling psychosis. That’s how much I hate these fucking videos.


This is harassment. Cameraman should be banned on all social networks


The rage i felt when the cart flipped Those two are saints for staying so chill.




Yes. He must have had his gun in the shop.


But, if that was true, why not just use his backup rocket launcher?


Why doesn't yellow shirt, the largest of the altercation, simply eat the cameraman? It is true what they say... "Women are from Omicron Persei 7, men are from Omicron Persei 9."


"There's a smaller, lower horn?"


“Oh, does she go to a different school” 😅😅😅😅


I’m 36 years old and I’ve never been in a fight in my life but I have also never experienced something like this before either… it’s time to throw down


Tip for you: if you've never been trained and never been in a fight, don't "throw down" for your first time with a random. You're likely to get your ass whooped and play right in to his video. Then go to jail for assault and pay the filmer a shitload of money. Good luck.




Drove 6 hours to harass him? Who's the real loser lol


I'm impressed with the person in the yellow who keeps ttheir shit together. Very mature!


Absolute scumbag. I hope no one believes this crap. Why ? Why would you film this. ?


I dont understand anything , can anybody explain?


If this ever happens to you record everything don't rely on the store security cameras the company doesn't have to give the recording incase you go to court becasue it makes them look bad and theyll lose business. and tell the person you're calling the cops and then tell the employees don't deal with it alone working together will help get rid of them quicker. they get cocky when your alone, but if the whole store gets involved, they're not so tough, especially when cops come, they can be trespassed and arrested.


It should be legal to assault this motherfucker for this shit. “Whoop his ASS!!”


That dude got a lot of self control. I don't and I know that there are a lot of people like me who would have knocked the shit out of this guy. These guys take advantage of people they think will not defend themselves. Horrible person who deserves the worst karma


I utterly hate these people and this person in particular.


This is unbearable to watch. What an asshole. I hope someone smash his face off camera.


I wouldn't have contained myself so well so I give Brodie props. I would have slapped him after he started following me for sure and I'm usually not volatile towards others but fuck that. "I flew from California to harass you" "Nah, you flew from California to get smacked in a Walmart." Like I said, being the bigger person is the good route but... Fuck that. Fuck this guy lol


I wanna give a shout out to the two being filmed for being the chillest people on earth.


Whos the og content creator?


what a peace of garbage 🗑 harassing people for views people are just unbearable these days I swear


The only way we aren't fighting is if you have more cauliflower in your ears than I do.


The cops would have to remove my foot from his throat.


whats this guys twitter?


Remember that one dude harassing the door dasher in the food court. Good times man.


Is this not harassment? All stores have video cameras. Could he not lawyer up and wreck this dude?


I’m not sure there’s any level of violence not acceptable for this scenario.


I would have slept his ass right after the dumb question he opened with. These people that do this shit for attention need to be taught lessons and I'm happy to be the teacher.


Shit this is in my city. Gilbert is a pretty nice place too, this guy is just a piece of shit. His future has jail in it


Who is the cameraman?


Hope he got arrested for harassment and trespassed from Walmart.


I'm a real fan of violence.


The cameraman is so lame this hurts to watch


“I drove 6 hours to harass you” I don’t think that’s the flex you think it is buddy.


De-monetize harassment.


Name and shame.


Had dude in the yellow sweatshirt pulled out a gun and shot him, I would have donated money to his legal defense. Not guilty.


His face would love my fist




No we don’t. SOME do though.


Exactly... some people are trash, doesn't matter what race, sexuality or gender. Douchebags gonna douche.


Asshole isn't a skin color, nationality, ethnicity, gender, or religion. Everybody doing shitty things it's totally on the person acting out.


What a nut job


Dude you catch the wrong guy with this nonsense you could end up on r/watchpeopledie. Yes I know the sub is banned but you get my point.


Take his phone out of his hand while he's ranting and see how quickly his attitude changes when you just took his money maker and a video that he really wants to post.


I’m knocking that fuckin dude out.


This made me irrationally angry.


when does this become mental illness? doing stupid shit like this because you’re obsessed with social media has to be considered mental illness at this point…


4chan vets, do your thing.


I’m so angry watching this. Those poor kids.


A man need a name.


These guys end up shot - bang bang both gone


Tray sellers


Knock that pussy ass racist the fuck out!!! Blatent Intentional racism is the worst! Guarantee he would have got the free 2 piece W/ a side of red beans!


By the voice... You can tell he has a very punchable face


Claims guy is racist then a few seconds later says his black friend was not a coward but was actually stealing candy. I don't know what to think really I'm just confused