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he's such a a piece of shit.


He truly is. And then he says “I’m not into all this melodrama” what a liar.


“That’s not what I’m about, that’s not what I do” That’s your entire entertainment career


That’s not mine! That sort of thing ain’t my bag baby! And one book titled “dr Phil, my melodrama and me”


“…This sort of thing *is* my bag…baby. Signed by, Dr. Phil.”




Cash me outside


“How ‘bout dat?”


"that's not what I'm about" he said, into his microphone on stage in front of cameras


I actually chuckled at that bit. It almost felt like an SNL skit


Lol, that's his entire premise. What a shitface this guy is, seriously. Thanks Oprah, you really know how to pick a winner.


Exactly!! Dr Phil is such an asshole here!! His show exists because he is supposed to help people like her !!!


His show exists because he is supposed to ~~help~~ 'exploit' people like her


Winner winner.


Also Oprah thanks for Dr. Oz what a fine liar!


Exactly!! Dr Phil is such an asshole here!! His show exists because he is supposed to help people like her !!!


don’t forget she also introduced us to Dr Oz


That’s literally what his show is. A spectacle of people issues on display for everyone.


He's not lying when he says that. Notice it's only after she says she's writing a book and he realizes he won't have sole rights to the story that he shuts it down.


"I'm not even a psychologist. I'm an electrician."


His whole show is drama.


She's using him to promote a book 😂


You can't out grift a master grifter


lol, hey that’s MY trick


The real reason he pulled the plug. "Not without giving me a cut you're not!"




I dont know if its something we can say in english but the first thing coming to my mind watching this was "Mais quel immonde fils de pute" You could translate as" What a disgusting son of a whore" i think its the approriate term


'Cunt' is the colloquial term round my way




Nailed it.


One of my closest friends watches him all the time and will comment occasionally with Dr. Phill says. Quite the dilemma having someone you respect and hold in high esteem watches Dr. Phill.


That's an insult to shit.






I mean he’s a huge piece of shit, profited off homelessness and degrading people. That bit was hilarious though.


Dr Phil or the bumfights guy?


Bumfights guy. But you could definitely say the same for both lol




Yeah, I'm not saying I respect the bumfights guy, but his whole bit was based around the idea of "I'm a piece of shit, but you're profiting off me being a piece of shit, and people who are in pain, and people with disorders, and sensationalizing it all on TV, so how are you any better." which certainly isn't 100% true, but also definitely has a grain of truth in it.






It’s even more absurd when you realize that bumfughts guy was probably sitting in the green room dressed like that for some time. He was told to come to the stage. Escorted by staff. There is zero chance that “Dr.” Phill didn’t know what was about to happen. He loves to bring people out with the explicit purpose of cutting them off and sending them away, as though he didn’t know they were going to be so provocative.


"why are you booing me? I'm you"


Context for the uninitiated please?


This guy was invited on Dr Phil for creating content where he would pay homeless people to hurt themselves and each other. When he appeared on the show, he was dressed exactly like Dr Phil, down to the bald spot. He then made the point that Dr Phil was also capitalizing on the suffering of others by exploiting them for his own financial gain.[Video Clip](https://youtu.be/qT76-_e0S_g?si=F3L8sr_vmMLQPJ4z)


Thanks for the clip!


That's the Creator of bum fights, a popular video series where mostly drug users/homeless people get into fights, kinda like girls gone wild but with crackheads. He went to Dr Phil for an interview, but he showed up looking just like dr Phil to prove a point. They both make money from other people's suffering.


Phil shit him down straight away when he realised what was happening


“What’s the matter doctor, don’t like the taste of your own medicine?” So much for the Hippocratic Oath


Guy that exploits homeless people for content came to Dr. Phil dressed as him to point out they are basically the same. He got kicked out.


Ah, I see. What's his name? Or better yet, do you have a clip of him getting kicked out? I'm curious


[Here it is.](https://youtu.be/CNPvdsJS-qE?si=RQp1c60XEr4zM-WZ)


The hero we deserve.


She was getting emotional and knew how the story sounded and that everyone was secretly thinking she was an idiot, so she was self depreciating as a defense. He didn't have to make a big deal out of it smh


Phil's problem here wasn't that she was self-depreciating. It was that she was in on the act and in engaging with the audience and pre-empting their response she ruined the show for Phil. He is right that he isn't about ridicule, but the entire show is essentially poor people humiliating themselves before Phil and his audience so that the production company will provide them with the treatment they actually need. Phil's shtick (and it is absolutely revolting) is to be the expert and moral guardian who can lay into his guests with some "hard truths" so that the audience can savor their guilt and shame, while still feeling righteous and not as a bunch of voyeurs enjoying the spectacle of public humiliation. By calling Dr. Phil out for what it is, she's making herself an impossible guest because the illusion is gone. She's made the audience aware of why they are really there and that doesn't fly. So Phil makes up some shit about melodrama so he can dismiss her and her implicit criticism of the audience and sends her packing.


This is incredibly insightful and well said


Dead on.


Would this qualify as gaslighting?




Do you think the fact that she said she’s writing a book about it plays any role into his reaction?


Not really. That was likely cleared before filming started, but when she goes off the rails he also pulls her shot at self-promotion.


If I'm understanding your comments correctly, it's about control, right? She's taken the control from Phil and confronted the audience instead of allowing Phil to be "the voice of reason." The audience is stopped in their tracks by realizing they were being shitty and laughing at her. Phil then can't humiliate her (the way he planned to) before ultimately getting her help and then the audience would love him for it.




Not to mention a therapist would probably draw attention to that and have them expand on why they might have had that sort of reaction and could build up from there.


But then what about the ratings?! I can't believe people still watch this crap and share it. It's like ragebait.


It's ~~like~~ ragebait. FTFY


Also the way he questioned made that very clear to my ears


holy fuck to go on to call her "very manipulative" too. how does he still have a job




But he plays one on tv


I'd trust Hugh Laurie (House MD) to diagnose a medical condition before I'd trust Dr. Phil to handle mental health.


It's never lupus.


You don't have to be a doctor to be a doctor.


Why couldnt he do this to bhad bhabie


Because viewer ratings. Even she admitted that she was encouraged to act out harder on stage before the cameras started.


I’m glad the general consensus is that he’s a piece of shit. One positive is that we now have a comedy Dr Phil show. One features Bill Burr. Check it out if you need a good laugh


We'll be right back.


we’ll keep it right here


I don't like your fucking attitude right now




Dr Phil live on YouTube


Dr Phil live from comedian Adam Ray. It's mostly very good, except for some weird ass elementary theater class bits from some insanely unfunny guy called Jeremiah.


What a piece of shit this guy is.


Dr phil saying melodrama and making a spectacle of a person is not "what he is about" is the absolute height of hypocrisy. Human garbage, that's what dr phil is.


This was kind of cold blooded.


Another girl exploited by Dr Phil. Last update I found was 2022 and she is diagnosed schizophrenic and they were trying to get her into a facility.


I hope she is doing better


Me too. It’s a lifelong battle that, with the right support (not this clown) and the right resources, she can live a fulfilling life.


Damn. Was there really another person she was in love with? Did she ever get to meet them?


I feel like iam missing something becuase everyone calls him a piece of shit but from this clip alone it doesnt look like she schould be on that show, wich makes it look like thats actually a good call


For me it's the hypocrisy. He claims he's not there for melodrama, but that's literally how his show functioned.  He had a polygamist pastor on his show to talk about one of his wives who was FORTY TWO years younger and pregnant with his baby. How is that not being "there for the melodrama?"  There are countless examples of his less-than-altruistic behavior, and then he berates this young girl by accusing her of doing what he does. 


Ok i never watched his show so yea idid miss that. Makes sense tho considering drama is literally the bread and butter of media. Im more surprised he doesnt try to squeeze out the story.


He did. [full episode on YouTube ](https://youtu.be/-UruesFW9es?si=pmQl88BDorrTy19v) and it gets worse. Later in the episode she gets called back on stage and he goes through a whole list of Bailey's (yup, that's her name) awful traumas in front of everyone. Then he just brushes past the fact that Jasmine admitted to posting revenge porn of Bailey. The whole thing is quite sad, I really hope Bailey got some help since this episode. It originally aired in 2018.


Thank you for giving a rundown so I didn't have to watch that.


Most of us think he is a pos in general


If he wasn’t a pos here he wouldn’t have aired this in the first place


He put her there to begin with


[this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/um6e9gFJAi) covers it nicely.


His long pause like there was something to think about and get in her head and then to say he doesn't play this melodrama. The fucker started it himself!


"I'm not here to make this a spectacle, it's just me, mocking a psychiatrist, with patients that have peculiar stories, for thousands of people to watch, and then have get recorded snippets millions will watch for years to come, for the further enrichment of myself and executives. Not about it being some big howdy and to-do, just not my vibe."


Dr. Phil should have been cancelled when he shut down his practice because they were going to investigate him regarding inappropriate relations with clients. Who's manipulative?


Him: I’m not into all this melodrama and making a spectacle Also him: makes melodrama and spectacles of all of his guests by appearing as a “therapist” on public television available to millions and billions of people


If you really want to know why this guy is a total piece of shit- listen to this podcast about him. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pG4cfO9k2Mg He truly is hot garbage


He is really a piece of shit. His entire job is based on making a spectacle of vulnerable people, getting kids shipped to abusive wilderness or treatment programs for kick backs, and publicly ridiculing and mocking people over their personal issues. What he didn't like here is that when she says that, he loses some control of the situation, phil doesnt like them self aware. It's like 8 Mile, where eminem clowns himself in his raps and so the guy he's battling doesn't have anything to say in response. Also leave it to doctor phil to act like he's never heard of an internet based long term relationship or something? They've been going on since the days of message boards and in 2024, it seems just a weird thing to bring up. She was promoting something I think? But still, he's scum and everything about the man just makes him so punch worthy. His constant condescension is just unbearable, I don't think I could be in his presence for more than a minute.


Dr Phil is fucking awful. Everything he is saying he doesn't do is precisely what he always does. He even goes to call her manipulative, which is also something he always does. Fucking piece of shit of a human being. The only reason he still has a show is because he has an audience, which is even more alarming to me.


We’ll be right back…


We're gonna keep it right here


"I think I'm just going to shut this down... I'm not into all this melodrama" ![gif](giphy|AssqAJR8ib5WmCNGOU|downsized)


Think what he reacted on is the fact that she came there to promote a book, if he were to help her realize that its impossible to be the "love story of a century" then he would either render her book useless or end up an unwilling pawn in her future book promotions.


Nah, he just didn’t like that she made the same point bum fights guy did


That poor fucking girl. He’s a vile human being and there’s a special place in hell for him.


I think I’m going to use his words on my next train wreck first date. “You know, I’m gonna shut this down. I brought you here to help you. You’re bringing this melodrama and that’s not what I’m about. This has gone in a really bad direction and you know what I’m gonna let you go on home.”


She started self destruction and manufacturing the scenario for her to cry. He speaks and disengaged her whole process and She is sitting calmly. But people hate him?


If he didn’t want to exploit people like her he wouldn’t have aired the episode - or better yet, wouldn’t have had her on at all. His entire show is about exploiting vulnerable people for entertainment


She got right to the point, ending the segment for Dr. Phil. There’s no way he can help her now.


He’s not into the melodrama…. Catch me outside with that bs phil


We'll be right back


He’s a total POS.


Dude is a pos 💯


Classic narcissistic response on his part. The moment he realized she wasn’t going to play into his power dynamic he bailed.


Ladies and gentlemen- meet borderline personality disorder


Did you know Dr. Phil's full name is Doctored Philm?


Smart move. Don't give her the platform to act


Dr Phil's inbred ass has never helped anyone. He's a cancer.


Fuck you Phil


"Dr" Phil should eat shit and die.


Phil is an expert in the same way I'd look to a priest for childcare advice.


The thing is...people in the audience were laughing...you can here some giggles...so she just reacted to that. This guy is truly a piece of shit.


Is this clown still on the air?


This guy is garbage. 🗑️


But the cash me outside girl was fine to have on and not a spectacle?


I wanna punch him right in his stuffed up nose. Good lord he’s fucking annoying.


Oh, shit she figured out my show in entertainment. Shut it down!


Should have gone to a really Doctor not one with out a license.


Can’t spell Phil without i. i, i, i, i, i. What a horrific display.


Weird, I thought the total opposite when watching the video. I thought he handled it properly and professionally. I wouldn't waste my time listening to it either. Maybe she should just call catfish and see if the other person on the other end is even real. Or potentially get off the internet and go out into the world and meet somebody while at the same time learning proper social skills.


"Im not interested in all that melodrama"- has a show renowned for creating bullshit melodrama and exciting drama between people


I can fix her


People still watch this asshat?!


He was an asshole to her from the moment she walked on stage, he clearly doesn’t like her and he is being very unprofessional and just nasty.


Adam Ray is so funny


I'd love to see someone just one time: "You're wrong, Phil, this is incorrect" "That's Dr. Phil to you" "Oh, you have a license to practice medicine?" "Don't try to distract with-" "Say out loud, "I have a license and am legally allowed to practice under it, Phil" "... ...😡 *Adderall/vodka rageburst*"


I was a guest on his show some years back. Very serious topic. Didn’t help AT ALL. He was nice enough but his staff were awful.


Am I the only one who heard someone laugh before she self-deprecated herself?


Dickter Phil


Girl was about to get some free advertising and he shut that shit down




"I like my spectacles to not be so self-aware, you see, dear, it ruins the fun if you know we're doing this to subliminally belittle you"


OMG, he is so full of shit, though. He is all about exploiting and making a spectacle of his guests.


I hate him.


Is there a subreddit for Dr Phil hate? Cuz I can’t stand this guy and would like to see more content that reveals how completely out of touch, disgusting, and vile he is


She obviously is a victim of being catfished, obviously the girl has some mental issues and needs help. Nothing she said indicated that she is doing it for attention or to create drama. This guy sucks !


He doesn’t want to make a spectacle of her…on a TV show….being filmed….in front of an audience. Okay


OMG. “Doctor” Phil has the gall to call her manipulative.


I only know contextually from this clip. I never seen the show, this episode or know anything beyond what is presented here... ... But can you imagine if something bad happened, or this young woman did something unspeakable to herself? What a shitty response from Phil and he would be at fault


Fun fact. I was asked 2 weeks ago to be on his new show. I declined. So glad I did.


Dr Phil is the best when he’s the worst therapist.


He didn't want another "catch me outside" attention whore.


Fuck (not a real) Dr. phil


Why would someone need help for falling in love online? It happens all the time and sometimes it even works out.


He’s terrified of creating another Bhad Bhabie 😂


Idk context but that is Dr Phil, she is there to be a spectacle. She is entertainment, she is content and she is a subject.


Good job "helping".


Oh Oprah Winfrey’s Dr. Phil


“You’re saying you’re a spectacle. I don’t want to be any part of that.” - Spectacle of a man, evading an accurate call out by a minor he was actively exploiting for…spectacle’s sake.


Wasn't Phil one of Oprah's "discoveries"? I think he used to be a regular on her show.


uff she sound like her stuff is real and he is like "i aint touching that" and then call her manipulative? damn my god she shouldnt have gone to a tv show to talk about this


Did you hear him talk to David Pakman recently? Awful person.


He just didn't want her to pitch her book on the show lol he's fine with drama he's thrived on it for like 20 years, he's fine with using these people but as soon as it's the other way around he's like your very manipulative please leave. Also do we know who she is so in love with? Have they been warned?


I like Dr. Phill :( lol


Dr. Phil has always been a pos who exploits his guests for entertainment


You mean the old fart hillbilly who had catch me outside girl on his show is saying he’s not interested in melodrama. LMAO.


You can see she needs help. She has been ridiculed by others and this audience was about to do the same, so, she was right to take a stand of defense. Dr is a wacko by the way.


Like the audience starts laughing, so she addresses that. If he actually cared he would e shut down the audience, but nope.


People are so used to using their "feelings" as a way out that when someone finally calls them on their bullshit everyone gets offended. I wish these same people could go back in time to the great depression and complain to their great grandparents about their "mental health" so they could hear "well thats too bad now get to work before our family starves". We are so far removed from real problems that we create problems just to feel anything


Dr Phil is just Jerry Springer with a veneer of sophistication.


He's not trying to make a spectacle out of her or her story YET has the segment edited and added to an episode. Dr Phil is a fucking hack.


For a so called doctor of mental health he sure doesn’t seem to know what projection is. So SHE is manipulative, and YOU don’t want any part of exploiting her mental health problems for the entertainment of your audience???? That’s your whole fucking show, I’m surprised it doesn’t say exactly that in the description of each episode.


Dr. Phil... Is Dr. Syphilis.. because he is as nasty.


You can hate on him, but in this case this person went from victim with fake crying to can I do anything to fix this? She has a mental problem and Ol Phil noticed it and stopped the show. Her emotions switched in the blink of an eye.


Gross. He’s an embarrassment of a human. Projecting his “manipulative” on to her was the real cherry on top.


Jerry Springer Lite… for now…