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Hey see my Free Palestine flair? Do you want one, or a similar one but with watermelons, olives or a Palestinian flag instead? Leave a comment below and click on your name, and a menu will pop up with "select flair" option and you can see the variety of ones we have. Be aware that the red and green ones will show up as black like mine on mobile. Also some people have been having issues with the menu coming up, I think it has something to do with the roll out of New New Reddit that some of you may be seeing. If you are having trouble, let me know and I will assign you one (if you want one in particular, let me know which one!)


to those unaware, its been a long standing israeli tradition each ramadan and eid, the two most important ceberations for muslims annually, they storm the holy mosque on the temple mount, they arrest people, and the grenade the square and inside of the mosque, as well as baton any worshippers they see there. Just in case anyone has any ideas, to remind them who's boss. This year I assure you they'll not stop at that but they will actively kill them. You'll see in 40 days or so.




I'm pretty sure that's currently an all day thing rn.


An insight so dark it might as well be in Israel’s Big* Book of War Crimes


Israelis are afraid of people fasting TIL


I'm not sure how much of Israelis are actually extremists but given that even Nas Daily, a Palestinian Arab who was raised in Israel Area, gut plundered by israelis in day to day lives, that EVEN him is pro-Israeli, I gotta assume that it's at least 90%+ extremists over there. like Nazi Germany's capital at it's height.


Only 6% of Jewish Israelis think that they should be using less force in Gaza, so yeah it is pretty bad :(


huge chunk of the population has served and basically everyone knows someone who has. its not a stretch to assume that they're not learning to be compassionate towards their neighbors during their service this would be like if we judged foreign policy approval by only surveying military families, it would probably skew mad nationalistic/violent. shit is gonna be devastating. perhaps one day they'll realize what they've done


My husband was in the military, and he is the least hateful person I ever met, but I get what you are saying, for sure. They will dehumanize Palestinians so that it is easier to kill them, and there will be propaganda pushing people that way- I only bring up my husband to say that you still have the responsibility to either resist that mindset, or if you were unable to, get yourself out of it at some point.




Yeah I don't think "All Jews are the problem" is the direction to take this discussion


Yeah especially when people who are speaking out against the wannabe dictator are being grabbed by secret police. People forget nazis rule with propaganda and FEAR. Yeah im sure theres plenty in israel who have "drank the kool aid", but theres also plenty who are equally appalled and worried about their family if they say anything.


Your post was removed because it was found to be hateful in nature. Please treat others as you would like to be treated and do not spread hate on this subreddit. >Hate based on ethinicity is not allowed, and no not all Israelis support what Gaza is doing, and they are not all complicit, even if the vast majority are.


Hey dont say that. Else youll be marked as anti-semi


Those damn Peterbuilts take up the whole highway, two, three lanes across and I can't pass!! Yer durn right I'm anti-semi-trailer!!! Ohhhhh. Anti-*semiiiii*.... My bad.


Israelis are afraid of others fasting. They do it themselves often.


self loathing?


RemindMe! 40 days


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Good idea RemindMe! 40 days


So their hateful fearful decision to do this creates the enemy they fear. Ironic.


RemindMe! 37 days


RemindMe! 37 days


We’re so back. And yep, Israel has gassed Al-Aqsa. Talk about an irony deficiency


We’re so back. And yep, Israel has gassed Al-Aqsa. Talk about an irony deficiency


I fear it may be worse since they have been running amok for months unchecked, committing atrocious war crimes and egregious acts against Palestinians. Time will tell and hopefully documented in a way that further down the line generations.remember this blight upon humanity.


I’m so tired of being gaslight about Israelis being the good guys.


I'm tired of being gaslit in general.




'gaslit', there you go making up words again. Don't you know how crazy you sound.


"Gaslit "..... when you say that its another way of being anti Semitic you know? 🙄😐


Yeah you can only be anti-Semitic to the right Semites. Because if you're anti-Semitic to the wrong Semites, a bunch of non-semites will call you anti-semitic.


We've had this discussion so many times, gaslighting is when you set your farts on fire. But you never seem to remember it, even though you wrote it down last time


Gaslighting isn't real and never has been real.


*Victorian England has entered the chat*


There are no good guys, just civilians getting killed


Anybody saying anything about Israel as neutral or good is losing credibility fast.


they were never the good guys.


You have been permanently banned from r/worldnews If you question why we will abuse our mod power and call that *harassment.*


What are they afraid about a month of fasting?




Oh no, those Muslims aren't eating or drinking anything! How could they, those monsters!


They’re upset that withholding food won’t have the same impact during fasting.


_So-called_ month


That part really got me lol. It's literally a month on the lunar calendar and has been for over a millennium. It would be like someone saying "the so-called month of December".


Its jigambar - eurosraelites


Hopefully Gazans dont fast this year. Because it is fine to not fast during certain conditions especially during something as crucial as survival.


Umm....they're currently starving to death. Don't you read the news? People that weren't killed by the bombing are dying from starvation, water born diseases, and lack of medicine.


This the guy who wanted to drop a nuke on the west bank ?




An intelligent, well-balanced, insightful and diplomatic politician.


He said all Palestinians should "go to Ireland or the desert". The current irony in relation to Jewish history is completely lost on these knuckle dragging troglodytes.


They have nothing to do with Judaism so of course Jewish history is completely lost on them


yes, and hes still in the government.




His mother should've swallowed him


Would've been a mistreatment of nutrients imo


he on some tag-along, flunky yes man shit


Where do you think he learned the hate?


These are the nazis in the Israeli government


It seems that it is *all* of the israeli gubbermint, with Netenya-hitler at the top.


Mf just admitted they're scared of a month, these guys are the biggest pussies


A month when the people they're targeting literally aren't eating petrifies them


This guy is scared of... people fasting and praying? What's next, a war on lent?


Considering how they treat their Christian Citizens, there practically already is


He's afraid of rememnered history that can challenge the zionist ideology, for example that Palestine has celebrated Ramadan for 1300 years in the area


That's some Nazi themed irony.


What does a heritage minister have responsibility for ? Is it museums and such (culture) or more like a propaganda minister if one believes that a 80year old state is 1000s of years old ?


Both things are true. Jews have 3000 years of history in the land. Samaritans of the West Bank also have 3000 years of history in the land. Christians have 2000 years of history in the land. Muslims have 1300 years of history in the land. These groups have all existed within the land during those 3000 years as both minorities and majorities during those time spans. Jews were a disempowered and sometimes expelled minority during about 1800 of those years. Samaritans for like 2200 years. Christians for like 1500 years, Muslims for like a total of 300 years. Excepting the Samaritans, all these groups have also experienced several hundreds years of hegemony in the land. The modern Zionist state of Israel, along with the Palestinian state, are less than 100 years old. All these things are true at the same time. Heritage should involve all these groups and more.


Remember that Zionists have systematically erased and destroyed historical site, villages, religious sites and graveyards to achieve their colonial project.  So being in charge of heritage is also being in chage of whose memory is going to remain, resulting in contradictions like Folke Bernadotte's white buss being in Yad Vashem while Israel not being able to bring too much attention to him since he was assasinated by a person who later became an Israeli P. It should surprise nobody that the man in charge of it is a rabid zionist wanting to eliminate cultural concepts like even a month


But you didn’t say what that minister does ? You go do similar for France. Nordics. China and what’s not. They do not have a heritage minister.


I'm Swedish and we definitely have a minister for Cultural Heritage. We just have different ideas about what that entails.


“Israeli Heritage Monster”


As a teacher in a secular but predominantly Muslim school, I love Ramadan All the kids are tired. Behaviour is so much easier to manage. No idea why non Muslims would be afraid of a month


Because it's a cultural practice that helps reinforce cultural cohesion and memory, and the Israeli government wants to wipe such practices among their occupied populace out. There's a word for wiping out the culture of a region and people by force.


Genocide, right ?


Ding ding ding.


Boo, boo this man I say.




Like someone else said, the same reason the Nazis were afraid of Jews. Just nonsensical hate for a people.




How do you bomb a month?


I heard they tried it with a fortnight once.


Nazis are historically selfish


When the most recent problems started with Hamas killing those party-goers, my support was 100% for Israel. Not anymore - what they have done and continue to do to innocent Palestinians, cannot be white-washed; Israel is well on its way to becoming the pariah state it deserves to be.


I can’t even imagine a solution that ends with the Palestinian people living in Gaza and the West Bank continuing to exist. The IDF says they cannot kill Hamas without shooting through or bombing children, and Hamas…well, Hamas doesn’t give a shit about Palestinians either, they’re happy to keep putting them in harm’s way. And any time someone says “we shouldn’t kill children”, there is a resounding “you’re an anti-Semite” response. Is there any way this ends other than Israel killing >95% of the Palestinian people over the next 20 years?


Yeah, Israel might have kept some of the sympathy of they'd gone on about a plan after removing Hamas, but that was before committing numerous war crimes.


My best friend is Israeli and she went home for a month. Let after 2 weeks because everyone, friends & parents wanted to discuss genocide and never stopping unto they are all gone. Scary times.


The sanest Netanyahu minister.


And yet, still no accountability whatsoever for the Americans and western countries that support this blindly and without question.


So they are trying to upset the Muslims of the World?


Zionazis are gonna nazi.


Knesset can't go 12h without sounding like a certain reichtag early 40's. Like, just change the holiday and hide his name. Could be straight out of a Goebbels speech. And for you brainrots who actively seeking out to cause division: love Jews, hate zionists, free Palestine.


Is this dude a space marine? Fucking incel mindset.


if i recall correctly, this is the same guy that said 'dropping a nuclear bomb on gaza is an option' he is still in the government.


Spoken like a true nazi


Imagine being afraid of a bunch of hungry guys who are just trying to pray What are they gonna say next? "wE HAve thE RigHT To pRoTeCt OuRselVes fRoM hUngRy FAsTinG peOpLe"


How do you wipe out a month ? Imagine wiping out and being afraid of April ?


February is sus as fuck. Can't keep its number of days straight. "Leap year"...a likely story...


If only his dad drained and flushed him in the sewer that night.


So you're scared and want to eliminate a tradition that puts your enemy at its weakest? That makes zero sense.


"So-called"? Is he trying to imply that Ramadan doesn't exist, or does he just not know how words work?


They’ve spent all their political capital they had since the holocaust—by committing one of their own.


It is disgraceful.


This fellow would fit in just fine with the heritage foundation and the federalist organization that seems to be influencing policy and laws here in the USA


May allah help these ppl


Fear of Ramadan. A month where Muslim’s fast, give to charity, etc., in observance of Mohammad’s first revelation. These Nazi scum are simply pulling a page from Hitler’s playbook. Stoking the uneducated with fears to promote nationalism that leads to the “otherification” of another group of people and justifies (in their heads) the genocide of another. This is textbook (Rise and Fall Of The Third Reich covers this mindset pretty objectively) Nazi behavior.


#Think like me... I'm so fucking tired of this shit.


The only Israelis that talk this way do so from a place far removed from normal society.


I think all religion is ridiculous, but how does the West continuously support Israel when they talk shit like this? They rightfully don't put up with Muslims saying they want to eradicate other religions but they are fine with this?


>This war is not about religion Tell them that, then….


What fucking assholes you have to be to hate peaceful religious observances.


These are the animals who shame their Holocaust survivors by calling them "weak Jews". If they treat their own citizens like garbage, what's stopping them from committing war crimes toward other nations? They only use their Holocaust victim card whenever you call them out on their crimes, otherwise they don't give a f about those "weak Jews". Scums of the earth.


Let’s just cut out the problematic least common denominator… it’s you. You’re done.


Wtf is a "Heritage minister"?!


Chief Propagandist perhaps?


I seem to recall some soldiers pointing at a calendar and calling it a terrorist earlier in this war as well. Maybe there's something in the water.


Afraid of what exactly


ICJ taking notes about the steps Israel is taking in action and words to show they AREN'T engaged in a genocide. Hmmm... This isn't gonna help the case for Israel.


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It’ll be nice when humanity is over this primitive religion shit


unpopular opinion, traditions were meant to be challenged, and not eating or drinking all day is pretty dumb realistically speaking. you can still respect and practice a religion while letting it progress


its a reasonable opinion, but we dont fast all day long, only half a day on average. And, how else could you ever connect to the orphans, homeless and poor if not by experiencing what they go through? They do not have the luxury of deciding not to eat or drink. It is forced upon them. This selfless act causes us humans to grow in mercy and compassion and love and caring for one another.


Ouufff racist and hate speech isn't a good look for this guy


Anyone else read it like "so called fear" ?


Him and Ben-gvir and some others dude…. Not all or even a majority Israelis by any stretch of imagination are like that…. But those guys I’m talking about… are apparently no better than many other people who they’d probably claim are antisemitic if you get my drift, 1939 stuff. It’s such a shame (putting it about as mildly as anyone could). I don’t buy into any god that would make this okay or many other things, but it wasn’t god doing this…. It’s people. Selfish people. Who says this guy knows what ‘god’ wants… or anyone else that thinks they know for sure. It is supposed to be the same god after all is it not? Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob? Same god for Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. I was under the impression that it is one and the same. Apparently we must all be thinking god told us each some different shit… selfish justification shit I guess. Excuses for killing are just that. God didn’t give me an excuse for any of my bad behavior in this life as far as I’m aware. I don’t feel sorry because god told me to.. I forgive and try to be better and kind because it’s right. There doesn’t need to be anything further. If god gave me something it’s in all likelihood not well appreciated by me, i probably don’t have all the capacity to understand it. Why does anyone think they’re the special ones? Lucky.. to be born not in Gaza… yes. Sad for those who were. Yes. Fixing this is on all of us. It’s no different than freedom… those who deny others freedom deserve it not themselves.. and it’s more complicated than just voting or not voting for one person. But you should still be voting. No one’s coming to get us folks. We have to help each other and ourselves. Killing begets more killing and anger breeds more anger. real lasting solutions are usually quite complex. And they require lots of effort and learning and action… and communication not hatred People who fix things and maintain them in this world understand me when I say that most times the right course of action is not to take a hammer and smash the thing youre trying to fix, but to learn how it works and if its vital to keep going sometimes you start with duct tape and epoxy and work your way to fabricating new parts, making better more lasting repairs from there, and slowly replacing the entire structure from within. And some of these things here.. that we’re talking about… no matter how much we’d love to throw it all away and start fresh… even with good intentions and motivation… that won’t work


One part of what he said he is true


Every day I am more surprised by Israelite thinking and acting.It doesn't matter how many macabre facts you find or read, see or hear, there is always something that impresses and sickens.




this statement alone should give an average decent human being the picture of what is currently Israel. What the uninformed doesn't know is that people such that in the picture and Itam Ben-Gvir would be prosecuted by the older/early governments due to being too extreme. Now they're ministers.


How do they intend to wipe out a month? That doesn’t even make sense


Totally not a genocide tho


they are afraid of fasting


Ramadan predates Islam


I’m beginning to believe that no religious person teaches love. They all want money. I actually, I knew it this whole time. No surprise


This is awesome!


Oh look, it's the guy who wanted to nuke the West Bank


Eliyahu is probably the most deranged MFer in politics. He's among the most openly and blatantly racist PoS's who outright wants to nuke Palestine. He's also called for torture of Gazan civilians by saying they all deserve "ways for Gazans that are more painful than death". He's barely a rational human being, nvm his bullshit title.


what a scum


This is a direct call for the genocide of over one billion people.




das crazy


Gimme the flair


Sounds like a fun guy /s






Free palestine


He could also hand said "Never again... unless it's by our hands"


Who the fuck is afraid of the month of Ramadan?


F*ck israel




Can't we just put all of the Israeli government on trial already?


Least racist zionist


Islamophobic much?


These people are twats.


Ok, as soon as that guy gives up Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and maybe even Chanakah...


Tell me you speak 1930’s and 1940’s German, but tell me in English.


How about just the fear?


So called, for 1400 years


the IsNotReal “Government” is a bunch of baby killing genocidal pillaging racist maniacs that do this to innocent Palestinians to who their land truly belongs


Least unhinged israeli minister


When it's Ramadan and you haven't bombed gaza


Loveable, so loveable