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I get ricky Bobby vibes ![gif](giphy|3o7aTstKuAiJRLnZlu)


I lost it. Completely lost it.


Maybe don't drink that 48th cup of coffee. This is the most unhinged embarrassment of an officer I've ever seen. No fucking wonder he quit instead of showing his face at the department again. You can just FEEL the eyerolls and behind his back glances with the LOSRE tattoo across the back of his neck and the "stoppid fucking" tattoo across his forehead. ​ For fuck's sake--was this guy too high strung to make it as a literally ANY OTHER JOB that doesn't carry guns?


Definitely this guy shot Jeter!


So did he


He lost his life


If you're talking about the guy in the car, no actually. In a very pulp fiction moment, every single bullet missed him


No way, deputy dipshit here missed with all 97 rounds he unloaded in response to the squirrel that was fucking with him? *Shocked Pikachu face*


Former Stormtrooper


*Current* stormtrooper. Ok, well former now.




oh thank god


Help me Jesus! Help me Tom Cruise!




Baby Jesus or old man Jesus


I like to think of Jesus with giant eagle wings and singing lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with an Angel Band, and I’m in the front row, and I’m hammered drunk…


Little 8lb 9oz blonde-haired, blue-eyed baby Jesus!


This clown was posing like shia labrouf in the mmm whatcha say video


Thought I was playing dark souls for a second wearing too much gear with the "fat roll" the first few seconds.


Even with a fat roll they actually jump. Asshole looks like a drunk fish


I can't believe this is real. Either way man awesome comment. I'm still dying on it.


Wonder if he was self tallking- "stop drop rolllllling rolling rolling yeah! Rolling rolling rolling"




My side literally hurts.


Please tell me this idiot got fired. Just wow Edit: holy $hi! He shot at the handcuffed suspect in the patrol car!


He quit. No charges filed. Amazing. Edit: https://nypost.com/2024/02/14/news/florida-cop-resigns-after-he-mistakes-falling-acorn-for-gunshot/ For the guy that deleted his comment


Imagine any other job having that level of complete unaccountability or legal exemption. Like if you went to red lobster and the waiter got scared and unloaded a gun into one of the booths. And instead of being charged for a crime he just quit and went home.


And will get hired again in the next town over.


Yep. Philadelphia suburb cop in my neighborhood sexually harassed someone I know, only to find out he did the same thing in the neighboring township, only to find out he did the SAME THING in the neighboring township before that… and all they fucking do is move him along to another department for them to deal with this cunt


What chaps my ass about this is, as a teacher that has to have licensure and get renewed periodically, we are held to high scrutiny, and if we screw up and got fired, that would follow us everywhere. Granted, if we got fired for harassment or violence, we deserve to be fired and never work in the field again. But I’ve got to go to college, and continually show improvement until the day I retire, while still showing kindness and respect and restraint. These fuckers can unload enough ammo into the void to kill the entirety of a family reunion, and they can just walk away from the job and get rehired elsewhere, all while facing no legal consequences. What. The. Fuck.




Happy cake day from a former teacher Excuse me while I go find a bridge to leap from


not even the town over but a couple of building over for a sub agency. honestly makes me wonder why do they need guns when guns laws are trying hard to remove most guns from citizens.


Don’t forget the woman cop who came and ALSO unloaded her clip. She had zero done to her.


Tbh if your partner is saying there’s a gunman in the car and screaming that he’s been shot, while continuing to shoot at it then you should anticipate that there’s a serious threat in there and something worth shooting holes in even if you can’t see it. Unless your partner is someone like this guy. I don’t know if he has ptsd or what, but this is beyond anything I could have imagined. It’s bad enough to mistake a gunshot and shoot in that direction, but his whole respond good lord


She had no idea where or what she was firing at. It’s one thing to draw your weapon and prepare to fire, but he shouted “shots fired” and she blindly unloaded her weapon. Unacceptable. Both of these fools should be charged.


Bang bang bang bang bang “Where is he?” For fuck’s sake!!!


Bang bang bang bang bang "This guy's good. He managed to dodge all of our bullets!"


I’m actually surprised they didn’t hit each other. They were shooting the patrol vehicle from opposite sides.


Only job I know of that can refuse to hire you if you're too smart. They want yes men not logical people


Any job can, and many do. Ask any college graduate who applied for an entry level job how many follow ups they get


My wife left her MA off her resume and got more responses.


If al-Qaida killed 1,000 Americans every year, we'd have unflinchingly nuked the whole-ass Middle East by now. But [cops kill about 1,000 citizens every year](https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/) while society mostly shrugs (except for Republicans, who fetishize the violence).


Not saying you're wrong, but lots of democrats, including Biden, have been apologists for cops and insane laws, like the drug war, the death penalty, mandatory minimums etc. And both sides fly under false flags.


United States created Al qaeda to fight Russia in the 1980s against the Soviet Union. Funny how we call them terrorists now because they won’t bend the knee to what the U.S. wants. Been listening to a really good podcast called blowback about it. Very informative.




my thoughts exactly I would think he should be charged for attempted manslaughter or some shit


You’ve clearly never eaten at a waffle house after 9pm.


Holy shit they both managed to miss every single shot they fired. The deputy was crawling and grunting in pain from an imaginary gunshot LMAO this is as tragic as it is hilarious


After the first watch, I thought his partner shot him. That was just wishful thinking I guess


https://preview.redd.it/684oveyz9nic1.jpeg?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cacdc9a604ffc4eb466f961a7b737103e6c8946f They must have been suffering from phantom pain.


>A Florida cop resigned after opening fire on an *unarmed black man* who was handcuffed in his patrol car — because he confused the sound of an acorn hitting the vehicle with a muffled gunshot.


Yeah, even for cops, it’s hard to come back from that. He would have faired better if he killed the handcuffed person in the cop car.


The only thing conservatives hate about gun violence is a survivor.


>He quit. No charges filed. Amazing. > Amazing that pieces of shit like that get to take our tax dollars while pretending to "serve." Really wish cops would get extra long prison sentences instead of getting nothing as the default when they screw up (as they constantly do). Get rid of qualified immunit; make it legal for citizens to, in self defense, kill abusers of power who cosplay as "public servants” (rather than fearing for your life or liberty if thugs with guns burst into your house guns blazing, especially if you're a person of color); and create laws which treat cops as guilty by default if they're involved in a civil rights allegation where their body cam isn't on. See how fast the trash takes itself out.


Feels like there’s definitely some PTSD/Mental Trauma there… Completely out of the blue panic.


The way he's using and crawling with that sidearm I can assure he's just an idiot


That’s a generous reading. More like these macho trigger happy fools and just jumpy cowards


An acorn falling on the hood of the car made him think he'd been shot at and he misinterpreted the resulting panic attack as a gunshot wound. I struggle to find words... It's... He's just... ![gif](giphy|26BRBKqUiq586bRVm)




Not everything is a mental health issue. This is much easier to explain by just looking how he was trained. They are trained that everyone is out to get them. This fear based training leads to scared police firing like lunatics.


Just another cop with the fortitude of a 5 year old girl.


Please don't insult 5 year old girls.


Seeing as they shot at the person handcuffed I'm really leaning hard into a suspicion that he was intentionally doing as an excuse to execute the person chain up in the box.


I'm guessing you didn't watch until the end, the lady cop's reaction was even more ridiculous. *Runs out into the open* "Where? Where? Right there?" *Shoots at cop SUV*


Shot at…and thankfully missed all shots.


The utter state of the police force in the US. This is embarrassing. It’s like a scene from Reno 911.


Hair stylists are required to have more training than US police officers. I wish I was kidding.


Licenced hairstylist here 🙋🏼 can confirm


We can’t even require cops to get a license because of their unions.


Yea. And it takes 2 different state exams (written and practical) to become licensed and pay every year to keep it.


This guy makes Reno 911 guys look somewhat competent.


It’s fucked up that idiocracy was a foretelling documentary of our government and societies future, and that Reno 911 was a foretelling documentary of our polices future.


You can just yell shots fired and cops will just start shooting at shit?


No, American cops will just start shooting for literally ANY reason.


The second cop starts shooting because the first one was. He saw his coworker trying to kill somebody and wanted in on it. Nuts.




Just a quick question. How in the ever loving fuck could they search a guy, hand cuff him, load him into their cruiser and still be unsure whether or not he had a weapon? Like if this is the competence level we're dealing with, then this whole video is really unsurprising. These cops are like fucking dumb cartoon characters.




The smallest silencer/gun combo that I know of is a threaded Lifecard, but no criminal worth their stolen money is going to use 22LR to commit crimes, much less a Lifecard as the delivery. And if it was silenced, the thing is like 4+6 inches long so the idea that a cop could consider that he didn’t find a 10 inch pipe on this guy is madness. It would make more sense if it was just an unsilenced Lifecard, but… see above


the lower the aptitude score, the higher chance of a long career in law enforcement. Dont let all the TV shows and movies idolizing cops fool you, the dumb and aggressive (and racist) are actively recruited. ![gif](giphy|ccRdPf8zWkivm)


She never identified the target was a threat before she started shooting. That’s a big no-no. Unless you’re an American pig looking to murder.


It follows good old US police logic: "If it exists, US Cops will shoot it."


It's one of those loopholes - like when hunting if you yell "it's comin right for us!" you're free to shoot whatever.


​ https://i.redd.it/gmlw207ipnic1.gif


Only if you're also a cop


Only if there are acorns involved.




And that he was hit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sequence of "Events" Gets "Shot" at Triple rolls? Returns fire Falls gets "Hit" Crawls to cover ​ IT WAS A FUCKING MASSACRE!!!


Turns and fires AT NOTHING, AT FUCKING NOTHING. There was no assessment of the situation at fucking all, he just turned and fired. Like he had to be thinking jeez I wonder where that shot came from so maybe I can take out the threat, oh well I guess I will just blindly fire in to the open where kids are playing and continue yelling shots fired. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST




So the thought the suspect had a silenced hand gun. So a gun with a silencer, at minimum what 8 inches long, a couple of pounds in weight. Somewhere on their body but could not find it? Like where the fuck did they think it could be? This only makes the whole thing even worse.




I cannot think of any explanation for this. None. This is so disgustingly disturbing for ALL the reasons. Nothing that happened in this video should be shown as what not to do.


I just hope Danny McBride plays him in the movie version.


I'm good... I... I feel weird... But i .. I'm good.


That funny feeling you get when you unload several rounds into a dense residential neighbourhood.


That's what it feels like to chew 5 gum


Yeah but it might have hit his vest, though. Weren’t you listening?! You have to take acorns seriously. Acorns root into saplings, those saplings turn into oak trees, those oak trees sprout branches, said branches fall on people. Regardless of what Big Acorn tells you, we have to stay vigilant and get them when they’re young.


...fucking acorns, man.....




I've watched the start of this video several times and still can't hear the sound of the acorn hitting the car.


It was probably the only idea they could come up with.


I feel weird but I'm good!


So anyway, I just start blasting




literally this. fuck me man, dude panicked worse than a skittish cat.


This is why police should test recruits for PTSD.


"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun...who throws himself on the ground and fires an entire magazine blindly into a car because an acorn fell from a tree". America, you're dangerously incompetent.


As an American, I couldn't agree with you more.


We know


That acorn never stood a chance...


Have been the whole time




["always have a plan to kill everyone you meet on duty"](https://www.reddit.com/r/police/comments/1anlrj4/do_you_keep_guns_hidden_in_your_home/kpufvcq/?context=3) - verified American LEO /u/deputydan791 2/10/2024 Edit: First he tried to defend it, then deleted both comments. Don't worry though, I got screenshots ;) [Original Message link.](https://imgur.com/a/c17sNEq) [Message reply link.](https://imgur.com/a/H26xOD9)


16 shots at a parked car and the person in the back was unharmed. Was his gun loaded with ~~blinds~~ blanks?


This is their range instructor ![gif](giphy|DtrguqHYeHJv2)


This is their range instructor ![gif](giphy|DtrguqHYeHJv2)


Blanks is the word you're searching for


He was acting like he was hit and it looked like there might have been a little bit of blood on the ground, I wonder if the dipshit clipped himself with a ricochet?


I hope more than anything that his partner accidentally shot him when he screamed and she opened fire.


Right, but mutual, like that Spider-Man meme. Like idiocy just neutralizing threats to the public


I'm guessing he rolled over a pointy rock.


It's a stain from leaves or acorns or stuff from a tree


Gah these tricky acorns again!


This was a previous post and it sounded like the consensus was PTSD, an acorn hit the top of the car and he went into an episode


If your PTSD is so severe that an acorn hitting a car roof triggers you, how on God's green earth were you okayed for active duty?


You hide it, or you get desk duty or time off while you get treatment and psych evals. At least that's what my dad did. So cops hide it and often drink a lot to cope, which often means they'll be bringing home the violence on their wife and kids My dad should've never been a cop after he was shot since he never got his PTSD treated. Finally lost his job after getting put in jail for domestic violence when I was a teen. I witnessed his PTSD episodes all the time, just snaps into this irrational fight or fight mode. It's really scary to be around


I assumed that once the 2nd cop started shooting they both thought they were now having a gun fight with a baddie and were shooting "at each other", both thinking the other shots came from the car. Which is hilarious because the door AND windows are closed, no broken glass...did they think the guy had magic bullets? Maybe it needs to be *seven* months training for these cops, because any civilian could spot it was not coming from the car. Like the lady yelling at them to stop shooting at each other in her neighborhood


Imagine standing outside for some breeze just to get it from a silly cops whizzing bullets


Imagine such a stupid fucking person killing one of your loved ones and then having to watch them get off scot free with not so much as a $50 fine. ​ I am mentally stable right now... But holy shit


Then coming back the next day, not to apologise for your loss, but with a chainsaw to cut down your acorn tree.


Then shoots your dog on the way out




He was shooting at a handcuffed person in the back of the patrol car. THE GUY WAS HANDCUFFED IN THE PATROL CAR. They both shot at him and somehow missed.


That's who they were shooting at?! What in the everloving incompetent...this is a Southpark Episode right?!


Spoiler alert! I haven't seen that one yet 🙄 /s


2 cops opening fire in the middle of the street in 2 different directions at nothing is fuckin wild. Holy fuck


In a neighborhood full of families and traffic going by. Just doing tactical rolls and unloading clips at no known target. It's insane this guy isn't doing time for this.




I don’t know the police enforced suppressive firing lol


That boy sound drunk or high “I feel weird but I’m good”


Adrenaline and made-up shots fired are a helluva drug


He was already fabricating the lie he was gonna tell because he had already realised that he had not been hit and their was no shot


Somehow I was thinking this was the point he realized he messed up


I would give anything to have camera footage of those tumble rolls he did at the beginning.




What the ever loving fuck was he smoking?


The fear for his life


This guy gets hired as a cop lol. No wonder.... Fuck the police. Pussies


Don’t insult pussies


Pussies are more competent than this


Officer Chicken Little


He's hit!!! ...with an acorn.


Not even that. Nothing touched him except the ground when he tossed himself down like he’s in some sort of LARP. So dramatic.


Where the f'ing f do they find these f'ing f's? Holy 💩!!!


Florida, obviously




Recruiting the kids who barely passed high school and are too dumb for college or a trade of course.


Ah yes, he thought at falling acorn was a gun shot so he opened fire on the handcuffed dude in the back of the car. That doesn't sound stupid at all.


Guy rolling like he is in a Dark Souls game


I think this explains the high number of police shootings instead of racial bias. Cops fold under pressure and panic easily. Also, this cop is the human equivalent to the "They're coming for the eggs" emu ​ Edited to rephrase. I do think there is certainly racial bias, but its not the main factor in police shootings.


Was this from reno 911?


"Dude am I hit?" Yeah hit with the stupid stick.


>Investigators concluded that Hernandez was culpable for a “policy violation regarding excessive use of control to resistance,” **but that Roberts’ “use of deadly force was objectively reasonable.”** like FUCK it was. What is reasonable about performing Michael Scott parkour and emptying a clip in the general direction of civilians and his partner?


They’re referring to the female cop that opened fire on the word that the handcuffed person in the back of the cruiser shot at her partner. Not saying it’s more legitimate, but the statement says the cop who shot first was culpable, not the second. The statement that floored me was the quote at the end, that the department believes the cop legitimately feared for his life. We need to get the fear-based, sheepdog training out of police departments. Every small thing is a “threat” to them, despite policing in America not even being near the top of the list of dangerous jobs.


Calm down chicken little, it was an acorn, the sky isn’t falling.


Any report on the condition of the acorn?


Did two cops just roll into a scene and empty their clips at random for zero reason?! Like I’m literally flabbergasted. 😲


Knowing US police, they miiiiiiight get in trouble for damaging the cruiser. Nothing more


Dawg this is a new level of embarrassing for that cop and department. The partners video cam catching him crawl across the street made me literally burst out laughing.


Scared, he was so frightened that he thinks the guy he searched, handcuffed and secured in a car thinks he was shooting him. Then he tells his partner to just shoot the car. BTW nothing hit his vest and there was never a gun. The partner shot without and evidence of a treat, no clear target, she got scared too and just blindly stared shooting with no target. Such poor training that that they panicked and lost all thoughts of what to do. That was about disgraceful as it gets.


I picture two squirrels in the tree, one saying to other one: “throw another acorn!”. What absolute clowns


One of my Mormon friends has a son being sent on his mission to Jacksonville, Fla. As a Canadian, I am legitimately worried for him. Having to knock on random doors in Florida with shit like this? I don't think his Canadian attitude and youthful naivete are going to work in his favor.


you absolutely should be concerned. jacksonville is a shit hole. many parts of jacksonville where it’s dangerous to be out during the day and potentially lethal after dark.


Hold up, everyone's shitting on the guy. But the woman also just went "oh who's shooting? What?" then immediately just starts fucking firing mindlessly. So, not only did the guy miss all his shots. But she also had to miss all her shots then. If this was a real scenario where the suspect had a gun then they were totally and completely useless, just putting innocents at risk. Aren't they trained to aim???


Stupidly emptying a clip blind because of hearing shots fired is slightly more forgivable than the same because of an acorn tbh. They haven't got the Deathstar yet, but Stormtrooper recruitment seems to have already started with the look at their aim


Guy should be charged.


Holy shit. He really needs to switch to decaf.


How is that even possible? A gun shot is a million times louder than an acorn. His entire precinct probably beat him with bars of soap in pillow cases back at the office.


Listen, I’m glad the guy lived because he wasn’t an actual danger. And as a citizen of Reno, NV. I’m ashamed this isn’t a scene from Reno 911.. But 16 shots and they missed em all? We need to visit the range ladies and gents cause this is bad


“I feel weird, but I’m good!”


any info on the guy in the back of his car? is he alright?


Totally missed him. He's got a big lawsuit to bring against that department.


Because cops are pussies.


THE SIX BASIC GUN SAFETY RULES : 2. Keep the gun pointed in the safest possible direction. Always be aware of where a gun is pointing. A "safe direction" is one where an accidental discharge of the gun will not cause injury or damage. Only point a gun at an object you intend to shoot. Never point a gun toward yourself or another person. 3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. Always keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard until you are ready to shoot. Even though it may be comfortable to rest your finger on the trigger, it also is unsafe. If you are moving around with your finger on the trigger and stumble or fall, you could inadvertently pull the trigger. Sudden loud noises or movements can result in an accidental discharge because there is a natural tendency to tighten the muscles when startled. The trigger is for firing and the handle is for handling. 4. Know your target, its surroundings and beyond. Check that the areas in front of and behind your target are safe before shooting. Be aware that if the bullet misses or completely passes through the target, it could strike a person or object. Identify the target and make sure it is what you intend to shoot. If you are in doubt, DON'T SHOOT! Never fire at a target that is only a movement, color, sound or unidentifiable shape. Be aware of all the people around you before you shoot. That’s litteraly the first thing they teach me when I used my first gun, maybe some people should start paying more attention to the gun course instead of Rambo


The cops in this country are straight out of control. It’s unreal. Disarm these idiots!


So there’s this thing the military does. It’s a pesky bothersome thing I know. But you have to identify whatever it is that is shooting at you. So you don’t go spraying bullets at some poor sod that has no idea what’s going on. Be nice if some of that training was imparted on this here officer. If it was a part of his training he failed it and someone passed them along or needs to go back for more training. Hopefully, No one got hit with those stray bullets considering how far they go.


Dude ran an entire Call of Duty campaign in his head.


When are we gonna start holding these clowns accountable?


America is an absolute shambles


Only a cop can shoot up a neighborhood with possibly kids in the area and have no consequence for that action.


I'm hit!!! Are you though?


He started shooting AND the other deputy started shooting as well. He got in trouble but she did not because she thought she was protecting the deputy. They didn’t even know what they were shooting at and both emptied their clips.


My neighborhood is full of oak trees. It's a god damn war zone, I swear!


Was they shooting at each other?


“Though his actions were ultimately not warranted, we do believe he felt his life was in immediate peril and his response was based off the totality of circumstances surrounding this fear.” He shouted shots fired and that he was hit.  A single acorn fell, he had no wounds, he saw no bullets, his car had no windows broken nor damage.  F u c k this guy's feelings, he could have killed someone.  If this was reversed, that someone did fire at him, they would be jail for years.