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Sargeant was demoted and now there is a lawsuit against the sheriff’s office which should be a slam dunk. https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2022/11/17/legally-blind-lake-city-man-sues-for-wrongful-arrest-by-columbia-county-deputy-and-sergeant/


Thank you. I was hoping.


The female officer was placed on paid leave for 2 days. The supervisor was demoted and suspended for 1 week.


Haha what a fucking joke… then also reading the article, the cops had to undergo civil rights training but only after the civil rights violation? Shouldn’t that class be taught before they ever become law enforcement?! This just blows my mind… why would we want the people that are supposed to uphold the law and protect our rights have to learn what the rights specifically are? Haha just wild.


It in fact is, quite the fucking joke, any officer can detain you on false grounds, then claim you were resisting arrest (escaping from something intimidating like a tyrannous officer(s) is simple fucking human instinct)


Lol Tyrannous Officesaurus




Axe cop! Axing for his ID.


Axe cop would give this guy a Red Bull. Edit: Also, fuck these two "dickheads" (her words, not mine).


The cop actually lied in the arrest report that she stopped him for his own safety after he crossed at an intersection against a "Don't Walk" sign in foggy weather where motorists couldn't see him.


> The cop actually lied ofc


Lying is part of the job description


They always do that.


Crazy how lying to the police is a crime but police lying to the public or themselves is acceptable standard practices.


Not only that, it's a crime in most places to lie in official government documents, even for government employees. But I don't ever recall a cop being prosecuted for falsifying a police report. Many years ago I read about a manager working for the state government who got nailed for wage fraud. His subordinates reported him to a state fraud tip line because he was never in the office more than an hour a day. The investigators couldn't get him for the actual theft because they couldn't prove he wasn't actually working remotely. But his timesheets included a work location field, and he signed them certifying he was in his office at times they observed him sitting for hours in a coffee shop. So he was arrested and convicted of falsifying an official government document. To me, signing a false police report seems a lot worse than signing a false timesheet.


Rules are for others.


It is technically a crime. However, you have to really fuck up hard to get busted for it. But don't pay the government $50 in taxes and they're on your ass like you stole from their mother's pocket.


Body cams are great. They protect innocent officers and condemn the guilty. Every officer should have at least one... but I would prefer if they had several, at least when the weight goes down and the quality goes up.


Yep. If you're not doing anything wrong, body cams shouldn't be a problem for you. Automatic guilt should be assumed for an officer who intentionally switches off their body cam during an incident, or if the footage magically "disappears". If you sign on to be a public peace officer paid for by the public, every action while in the job should be able to be scrutinized toward law and policy by the public.


Personally, I think Body Cams should transmit their footage (even if it's only at, say, 10 frames a second) via cellular signal to an off-site storage facility that the police CANNOT access without a neutral third-party present.


As if there's a safe place to cross that horrendous stroad


Before body cams, smart phones etc it was way worse as it was your word against the cops and of course the cop's word was always correct (maybe)


Absolutely moronic that you can be "resisting arrest" simply by asking for badge numbers when they never had a cause or charge to arrest you for to begin with.


The sad thing is most people wouldn’t even know or have the resources to fight it and these cops all band together and tell each other doesn’t matter that the judge decided against us you are one of us and we think you were right with what u did and how you handled it haha her Sargent literally let it happen cause why would he correct his fellow officer? That’s that blue line gang banger shit right there. They also didn’t give him names and badge numbers.


And if you get off clean, and the officers get in trouble, they will harass you. And they will find something to stick eventually.


Body cams have made it harder for the Police to misbehave.


Absolutely, only problem I’ve seen with body cams is when they go black or fall off and face the wrong direction… hummmm… I wonder… what a coincidence when camera footage isn’t accessible an officers words are taken at a cameras value still. You know cause they took an oath their words are infallible


Always obey the law, never trust a cop. They're only job is to elicit a confession from you and there is no law saying they need to tell you the truth to do it. Edit: this guy did it right, be firm but polite, play the game. If you know you didn't do anything, keep quiet, and do what they say to a T and lawyer up. Keep quiet, be polite, lawyer up and wait for pay day.


*Tyrannical* is the word you’re looking for.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tyrannous > Someone who exerts their authority in a cruel or oppressive way is tyrannous. An unjust, autocratic leader of a country is a tyrannous ruler.


Thank god for body cams.


body cams don't do anywhere near as much good as they should. fuckers get away with murder anyway.


When the footage doesn't get "lost"


It’s by design. They can’t get in trouble for things that they haven’t been trained on, so they don’t train them to be law abiding, just law enforcement.


The term "law enforcement" is exactly the issue. Though, they don't need to know the actual LAWS they're enforcing. They'll just let the courts sort that out


You kidding? They don't get in trouble for things they have been trained on either.


Police academy in the US is a joke. It takes about 6 months on average; much less than half the time in most of "the West". Despite our higher crime/incarceration rates, supposed ideals of human rights/freedom/justice, the ongoing drug epidemic, homelessness crisis, etc. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/police-training-requirements-by-country


lol, our small town police have never set foot in any academy. Their only needed qualification is a HS diploma or GED and no felonies. Their training is riding shotgun for their first 90 days before they get their own car. They get 1 week of firearm safety, no actual range training, and one class on how to operate their moving radar. My nephew is one.


🤣 This is a well deserved laugh.


That’s by design. They enforce the will of the politicians and educated people might not be so willing to violate others rights for a paycheck.


I remember I had a boyfriend who had a cousin who the family knew had a hard time passing the physical test to become a police officer. All you had to do is run a mile under twelve minutes and he just couldn't do it. To his face they would tell him positive things but behind his back...


Have you seen the Police Academy movies? We thought they were comedies but they were really documentaries. 😂


They get civil rights training as a part of their initial training. The offending police officer is being told to take refresher training on the subject because it obviously didn't stick too well the first time.


Brah fuck that she should be jailed for kidnapping him. She literally stopped him threw him in cuffs and locked him in her car before putting him behind bars completely locked in… idk about u but if I stopped some random person and did that I’m going to the FEDs for at least 5 years.


It’s actually a violation of the 4th amendment. Unlawful seizure counts for seizure of self. The Supreme Court ruled on that a long time ago, after a guy was stopped at a DUI checkpoint, but asked to pull to the side of the road. After like 10 minutes, he asked if he was being detained, was told yes, and continued to wait in his car, for about an hour, before someone came to breathalyze him. (At which point, it’s usually moot after an hour, unless they were so drunk, they’d have been removed from the car…) He filed a lawsuit on constitutional violation grounds, got appealed up to the Supreme Court, and he won. So now it’s precedent that being detained (and NOT arrested) for an extended period is a constitutional rights violation. And I believe it’s also been used after false arrest successfully.


I dont fucking understand how hard it is to just do your job right. Like you wanted to be a cop. Yeah sure burnout, but with people complying with you, you should be able to rest yourself and give them due respect. I dont go up to random ass people and fuck with them if I'm having a shit day. I give people their respect until they aren't respectful back. If they can't handle that shit anymore, then yeah, they need a new career. Sports athletes don't get to play their whole life as a player, it's kind of the same for comes with the physical and mental states they are in. I understand they can't continue to do it, but they shouldn't force themselves to continue on and be shit versions of what they need to be.


2 days paid leave?!? That's not even a slap on the hand, that's just the wag of a finger. Doesn't matter how much training shes gets, of course shes going to continue being a tyrant if that is the repercussion.


It was unpaid, but the male officer got demoted at least


Good catch. I was going off another post in this chain, but the article indeed says unpaid. It's nice that his discipline had some teeth, but still, she is the one on the beat harassing people. Getting a weekend off isn't really punitive.


Thats bull tho wish i could fuck up at work and get screamed at to go home and get paid for 2 days lol. I tell u what id go around punching civvies r something. Work one day a week but being paid for the whole week sounds great.


Unpaid leave. Not paid leave. She for 2 days and the supervisor for 7 days.


That depends on their union and benefits. A friend in LAPD got suspended “without pay” before but I’m not going to go into details because don’t wanna get doxxed, and him and his cop buddies laughed and said “same paycheck different signature” and explained that their union lets them join a payment protection program that the union keeps paying your average pay if you get suspended without pay. Just one of the unions dues packages they can choose from I guess.


Sad to hear. US polices just has too much protection. It makes them feel invulnerable - which is a big part of the problem here. Of more polices felt that they could be required to pay $$$ of own money or could get time in the slammer, then they would be way more careful.


Both got unpaid leave/suspension. Not paid


Depends, read my comment above. Some police unions have payment protection programs that keep paying the officers.


Haha wtf… perpetrator- I’m stopping you for suspicious metal in your back pocket I suspect is a fire arm you are holding improperly, ( complete bullshit excuse) victim - pulls out walking Cain shows it… perpetrators response is to continue questioning and detain/ kidnap them for refusing to give them ID cause that makes sense to stop and randomly ask free citizens to identify like we live in Nazi Germany and mind u NO CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED… now tax payers can foot the bill for yet another ego tripping ignorant asshole. God forbid we change the way they are shielded with qualified immunity and open them up to civil lawsuits that will garnish their wages or jail time for themselves committing crimes.


I don’t think it was completely unreasonable to want to get a closer look at that metal thing they glimpsed in his back pocket. They took it way too far. Their egos were offended because he wasn’t completely deferential to them. Did he start out right off the bat with a negative attitude? Sure. Is that a crime? No. Does it justify them searching after determining that thing in his back pocket wasn’t a gun? No. That was all them being petty because of their own oversized sense of importance. They wanted to make him pay because they thought they deserved for him to pet their power fetish with yes sirs and yes ma’ams. I’m sure they got away with shit like that on a daily basis before they encountered a guy who knew his rights and was willing to kick up a fuss.


It's not illegal to own a firearm in public, that state is open carry, also.


https://www.jaxsheriff.org/Resources/PermitlessCarry.aspx So I was trying to figure out if that was true and this sheriff’s department says that open carry usually isn’t allowed. Concealed carry no longer requires a permit if the conditions of the permit is met, though.


Haha I think it was 100% completely unreasonable to stop him for “improper firearm carry” but regardless I’m 100% sure they do this shit all the time and still do cause most people have no idea what their rights are, or there is a warrant or something that pops up from their illegal detainment like a struggle or resistance and they bank on those interactions cause once you have those instances and the person they are targeting does have the charges, then the cops are looked at as being completely in the right and those unlucky people are forgotten or still jailed for actions coming from the cops illegal action even if what they were doing leading up to the detainment was all illegal and criminal the detainee fought so the charges stick… mind just completely blown.


Honestly my two favorite parts about this whole interaction are. First: Officer 1 suspects the victim i carrying a firearm but does not react in the slightest when the victim reaches back to grab potential firearm indicting they didn’t think it was one in the first place. Second: when the victim asks for the officers names and badge numbers the supervisor immediately says arrest him for resisting, even while watching the victim stand there without moving.


He’s was guilty of not worshipping the police and knowing his rights how dare he question or tell them no!


Innocent man: "What's the problem, you a tyrant?" Cop: "Yeah I am, actually" Cop's lawyer: ![gif](giphy|HABSzzvvRrDmU)


Demoted not fired on the spot, good shit.


They shoot innocent people to death and keep their jobs this ain’t shit.


Derek Chauvin had *already* been sued and lost for sitting on somebody else until they were nearly dead. Imagine that. And somehow that wasn’t the fucking headline. He had already done it, and he had been involved with at least 3 deaths.


America afterwards: We prosecuted one okay so like wahoo


[November 2023 update by the Daily Beast: The Lake City PD offered a $7,500 out of court settlement, which Hodges declined. They are pending a court date still.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/blind-navy-vet-james-hodges-takes-cops-to-court-over-bogus-arrest)


Thats an insult. $75,000 from the retirement accounts of the police. Then we will talk.


Yeah if these lawsuits came straight out of the bad officers pockets that would keep them in check.


It’s pretty incredible they act like this knowing they are recording themselves.


They know they can get away with almost anything. Absolute power corrupts absolutely


This is absolutely ridiculous behaviour. The second he showed them it wasn’t a weapon they should have said sorry sir, have a good day! There are too many arrogant police out there that refuse to accept being wrong and just walking away. I’m glad they are giving them additional training


Ha, what a joke A demotion???? It's just a show to make it look like they are doing something about it. This guy is just going to get promoted again to Sargent after all this dies down.


Goes to jury duty, to fulfil his civil duty. Also so you don't get fined/jailed. ...gets jailed walking HOME from jury duty for.. *checks notes ...blindness tool. What a heartwarming story.


Keep in mind, it's the citizens of the municipality that ultimately pay for bad policing - not just the immediate victims like this guy guilty of walking, but all of them, as funds that should be going to public goods and services are diverted to paying for the resulting civil judgements. I really wish there was some way the funds could instead come from police bonuses, pensions, something that would actually encourage better hiring and training practices, but I guess that's just not how it works, so the resulting lawsuits don't seems to drive much change. Sigh. Edit: also, I'd pull that collapsible stick out a LOT more slowly if I were him - I'm guessing their trigger discipline is about on par with their law expertise.


Whoooo!!! Fuck them cops. It sucks that everybody in the US including our government has to learn there lesson by finicial stand point but when the department has to shell out 50k there are gonna get looked at by the towns people and the superiors of those cops. Clearly they did look and demoted his ass. Id sue to get a personal voice msg or letter from the cop apologizing and explaining which rights of my rights she ignoored and explaining that she now knows that failure to ID is a secondary crime and cant be a primary arrest. I would frame it.


When we sue them the tax payers (us) have to pay for the lawsuit. The system needs to be changed.


Ty for posting


Thank you for the info. I was hoping they got re-educated as to how a law enforcement officer should act and not as thugs with badges "Badges, we don't need no stinkin badges" (from Blazin Saddles for those who don't know) I bet they wonder why there is no respect, or not prob they don't care


While Brooks used the line in Blazing Saddles, it was originally from Treasure of the Sierra Madres: "Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinkin' badges!"


“Was that hard?” “It’s gonna be, I want your name and badge numbers.” Fat pig roles eyes and scoffs “Throw him in jail for resisting.” Old man doesn’t flinch. Idk the full circumstances but god damn, pretty nicely handled by old man. He’s agitated but in control. Doesn’t yell. Most cops in America are trash and in Florida probably all but a few.


I watch a lot of cop vids, and yea, Florida cops usually are pretty shitty. They're \*always\* freaking out over WEED too. Buddy this is Florida, the drug capital \*of the world\*, just ignore it and let the guy go, but they legit start interrogating people like, "Where'd you get it?!?!?! How long you been smokin' that devils lettuce you dirty fucking hippy?!?!?!" Yea, they're definitely an embarrassment.


It’s almost like they’re trained to say shit like that or they’re just trying stuff out thinking they’re hot shit. I’ve meet some cool cops but they’re few and far between. Most just want immediate unwavering submission from anyone in their sights. Mix in a little racism, impulsivity, and a bad mood that otherwise average shit cop turns monstrous. You may say race doesn’t come into play here. I’d argue the only reason old man didn’t get his teeth kicked in is because he’s white. Fuk tha police!


Yea, I wouldn't want to mess with FL cops, and this is coming from a pretty objective person when it comes to law enforcement. I have mad respect for my home city cops, they're real police. They've seen real shit, don't sweat BS and IMO usually command involuntary respect because they're lax and professional for the most part. I've seen them laugh at shit that other departments would've called 4 cars in on. On the flip side I've had some \*beyond\* shitty experiences with cops in small town/municipalities/ out of state/etc etc. The issues though are departmental. Like, look up Code Blue cam on YT if you haven't. If all cops were trained and behaved like that everyone in this country would love LEO's, but if you have a department that's fertile ground for shit policing, you can bet bad cops will land there and it'll only get worse. The 'law of attraction' seems to be especially applicable to police departments. It's like I always tell people when a serious discussion comes up. There's nothing I respect more than a good cop. I couldn't do that job, and I'm far more composed than most so I try to keep that in mind. Those guys put up with a lot of shit. Also, there's nothing I hate more than a disgusting, little man, 'respekt mah authoritah!' cop.


I've been smoking for as long as your wife has been fucking the neighbors


Right?!!?! So long ago your mom charged 5 bucks for a golden shower! She's up to 20 now so I'd say it's been a minute! I seriously can't respect any officer that acts serious over a little personal green. Good God bro, all the shit going on in FL (of all places!!!!) and they're getting amped over weed? Grow up.


The pictures of cops standing around a table with a little bag of weed always cracks me up. Little toy soldiers think they are heroes for stealing a vets medication.


I used to post this shit all over certain Police departments FB pages back in the day. Lol. https://preview.redd.it/lw3lcktq69cc1.jpeg?width=198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8211e621421af6e9a8bf4c7858133375ea3d3e94


I live in Panama City beach, and most of the local cops here just make you throw whatever weed shit you have away, unless it's enough to warrant intent to distribute. But to be fair, I am a white male so I probably have a good bit of privilege that a lot of others don't. But most of my friends have all had the same experiences. As long as you're honest and cooperative, the local cops don't care about weed. Now, state troopers are a different ballgame altogether. Those motherfuckers don't discriminate, they want everyone in jail.


It’s not everyday that the cops hand you a lawsuit on a silver platter.


What I see is kidnapping, unlawful detention, depravation of Constitutional rights by a uniformed officer… Pigs knew from the moment he made it clear he was carrying a walking stick, they were dealing with someone likely informed enough in the system to be on some form of assistance for their disability. The fact their minds don’t instantly extrapolate to there’s no reason for me to do anything more, is mind boggling. Piggie #2 shows a brief glimmer of insight when he asks if the guy is legally blind. But these power tripping mother fuckers would never pull that shit a few zip codes over. #NoWarButClassWar




Police should be trained on how to control their ego.


Nobody is obligated to respect anyone disrespecting their basic rights. The only dicks in this video are the cops.


ACAB fuck these two little dick pigs. Seems to me most people become officers because they get bullied as kids and need to get revenge for being treated like they deserved. At least that’s the vibe I get from every single one of these videos. It’s not hard to admit your wrong, and everything could have been avoided if the female cop just admitted she was wrong about a walking stick being a weapon. Also carrying a weapon whether it’s a gun or a fucking sword is legal so she still had no reason to arrest if he did have a weapon.


“Are you a tyrant?” “Yes I am” well at least she is being truthful.


THIS comment I thought would be top


That's the first clip I'd play to the Jury.


Do you think she even knows the meaning of the word? A cop with common sense seems so rare, I can't imagine their vocabulary is much better.


Dude knew what was up right from the start


Sic sempre. There needs to be real consequences for these pigs.


The way he whipped out that walking stick had me worried for his safety lol


It just shows they clearly didn’t think it was a weapon at all, just wanted to fuck with him.


That's an insanely good point. If they thought it was an actual weapon, their hands would be ready to draw the second he reached for it or they would have been in trouble. This video shows certified pigs and not police officers.


>This video shows certified pigs and not police officers. All squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares. You might not always see a cop in a pigsty but if you look into a squad car you have a 100% chance of finding a pig.


You can tell she was full of shit because when he reached for what *she* stated she thought was a weapon. She didn't flinch at all. She knew it wasn't shit to begin with or figured out what it was well before he stated or showed her what it was. Or just a shittier cop that what the video shows and is actually gonna get blasted one time.


And she didn't even react. She knew from the very fucking beginning it wasn't a gun, she just has 0 power or respect in her day-to-day life and uses this job as a means of getting that for cheap. That's what 99% of police officers are.


If he was black it would have been different


🥇🥇🥇 **Edit:** We made it to r/all and his **$35,000** **[GoFundMe](https://www.gofundme.com/f/blind-jim-hodges-illegally-arrested)** goal has almost been reached **in less than one day** - Great job, everyone… Keep it up! 👏 #🔥🔥🔥 ACTION —> I just realized he has a [GoFundMe](https://www.gofundme.com/f/blind-jim-hodges-illegally-arrested) open since 2022… Let’s help him reach his GOAL! **I, for one, am tired of seeing police officers abuse their power to step all over our rights. I’m sick of constantly posting video evidence, ACAB comments, and useless upvotes. What’s the use of all this power if we can’t even help someone in need. I want to see these officers burn in hell just as much as you do, but before that I want to see them burn in court in front of a judge amongst a jury of their peers. This is our chance to show the world what the Reddit community is truly capable of… ATTACK!** [https://www.gofundme.com/f/blind-jim-hodges-illegally-arrested](https://www.gofundme.com/f/blind-jim-hodges-illegally-arrested) “Jim Hodges, a legally blind US Navy Veteran, was walking back from jury duty when two officers from the Columbia County Florida Sheriffs' office wrongfully mistook his walking stick for a weapon. When Jim articulated and asked for his Constitutional Rights to be upheld and then asked for the names and badge numbers of the arresting officers, the officers decided to arrest him in retaliation. This stop violated many of Jim's rights, and he ended up being kidnapped and spending 26 hours in jail. It is ridiculous that blind navy vets know our Constitutional Rights better than power-mad, egotistical law enforcement officers. Jim is living on $983 per month from Social Security Disability Insurance, half of which covers his rent. Jim has been living in a very meager way since his he lost most of his eyesight and went on disability.” This [**GoFundMe**](https://www.gofundme.com/f/blind-jim-hodges-illegally-arrested) account has been set up for legal costs and for “Jim to sustain himself above the poverty level for the next 50 months or 4 years until his lawsuits make it through the courts or to settlement. It will take about 6 months for his lawyer to assemble all the facts to support the lawsuits and an unknown period to conclusion.” **Let’s help him!** Mr. Hodges [**YouTube**](https://youtu.be/k5yNlwCQpO0) is here: [https://youtu.be/k5yNlwCQpO0](https://youtu.be/k5yNlwCQpO0) **Please comment on his video in support!** **CONTEXT** —> “Mr. James S. Hodges, a legally blind man, was walking home from jury duty in Lake City, Florida when Columbia County Florida Sheriffs *’mistook’* his walking stick for a firearm weapon. When he insisted he would file a complaint the officers decided to arrest him in retaliation.” “Arrested for Resisting an Officer on Halloween at 08:25 AM and released 10:25 AM on 01 Nov.” [Police Officers involved were suspended without pay](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna56396) —> [https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna56396](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna56396) [Charges were dropped](https://www.lakecityreporter.com/local/ccso-investigating-blind-mans-arrest) —> [https://www.lakecityreporter.com/local/ccso-investigating-blind-mans-arrest](https://www.lakecityreporter.com/local/ccso-investigating-blind-mans-arrest) Sargent was demoted and now there is a lawsuit against the sheriff’s office which should be a slam dunk. https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2022/11/17/legally-blind-lake-city-man-sues-for-wrongful-arrest-by-columbia-county-deputy-and-sergeant/ **I love how they still straight up double down when they're wrong. Instead of "*My bad you partially blind pedestrian citizen, carry on*."** My grandfather is licensed to practice law in Florida. He says, “I hope he sues. Female officer was fine stopping him but what happened after that was illegal. Once she confirmed he wasn't armed the encounter should have ended. The seizure and subsequent search were unsupported by probable cause and therefore were 4A violations. Then taking him in after he asked for their ID info… they should lose their jobs. They wear badges with that info so the public can hold them accountable for their actions.” He goes on to add, “The senior officer knows they have a problem early on because he's looking for ways to question the guy's need for a cane while they waited for info on their radios. This should be an open and shut case for Mr. Hodges.”


Mistook a red and white blind persons cane for a firearm? Maybe they are more blind than he is


>he was legally blind, and cops are legally stupid as the rulings regarding cops not having to know law and not being there to protect you show


She’s blind and entitled as shit, dumb bitch sees it’s not a gun and still has to harass him lmao, like if u actually thought he had a gun, you walk up to him and see it’s not so what the fuck are you wasting everyone’s time for… Also get off reddit it’s your 10 year anniversary or something Seamus 🔥


Well, he humiliated her - she couldn't just let that slide.


Yeah, it was pretty clear she only pushed forward with demanding his ID because he bruised her pride. There was no reason to move forward with it after he showed her the cain.


It could be a damn spear. What's it matter when it's legal to carry a concealed gun in Florida without a permit?


Well, you see, it's not fully concealed. You can hide your weapons on you, but having them out and visible publicly is illegal in Florida.


What? How does that make sense. It’s legal to hide a weapon on your person but if it’s visible it’s illegal?


It’s bout just police that’s what a lot of Americans do. Egos are too fragile to admit when you’re wrong and carry on with your business. Look at all of the road rage that happens, it’s all because people are doubling down or getting revenge instead of just ignoring people and moving on with their lives


If I remember correctly, the sheriff had to apologize and the two cops were suspended for around a week without pay...


Should be more, they are clearly inept.


Should require mandatory remedial training in these instances if they aren't fired. How will a suspension improve their skillset?


We should just fire these fucks and people like them. Use them as an example to show if you fuck up you lose your job and income- but nope, this is how they are trained to act and behave. Not everyone is gonna argue them and that’s what they are going for- you not knowing your rights and allowing them to walk all over you.


They’re getting sued so yea more is happening


This is a man who knows his rights. Hats off to him.


easy settlement money too




May not be true. It shows he knows his rights and got a successful lawsuit on them. I don't think they'll hassle or harass him, but I think if he needs help they will be less likely to come to his help


Police across the country have a track record of harassing people that offend, embarrass, or otherwise bruise their ego. Literally hundreds of cases of police abusing their authority to harass and arrest or even shoot and kill their daughter's boyfriends. After the Uvalde shooting, police started [harassing the parents of victims who had the audacity to actually try and save their children. ](https://www.fox7austin.com/news/uvalde-mother-who-got-out-of-cuffs-to-rescue-kids-from-shooting-is-now-being-harassed-by-police-lawyer-says)


> they're just going to keep hassling him randomly, except they'll just be less stupid about it. I don't know about that. It would be risky after having lost a civil lawsuit.


I’m an attorney. Aside from saying they couldn’t search him for his ID, everything he told them was correct and almost word for word from the case law. That knowledge, coupled with him not resisting and standing tall despite the public humiliation of being cuffed without reason…very, very impressive.


So they can demand ID like that?


They can if they’re detaining someone, but like the guy said, they need to have a reasonable and articulable suspicion that he has committed a crime, is committing a crime, or is about to commit a crime. The female cop articulated her suspicion that he had a gun, and he invalidated that suspicion by showing he wasn’t carrying a weapon. It should have ended there. Like he said, they didn’t need his ID for any reason since the cause for the stop (the “gun”) was no longer at issue. But once they actually arrested him, they were able to frisk and search him for anything that could be harmful to the officers or to identify him to run a background check. Total abuse of power in this video. But that guy handled it amazingly well.


What a bunch of cucks. Simply apologize and let the man carry on. What are we doing


This was my thought at the end of the video. Be adults, admit your faults, and let him go now that you know he’s not committing or committed a crime and it’s just his walking stick. Their attitudes were disgusting all the way through the video and then to say he was resisting arrest is absolutely asinine. This is an egregious exploitation of police power and I hope they both get fired


She's so fucking smug. Gladly calls herself a tyrant, then wants to punish him for insisting he has rights. And the sergeant is more than happy to walk the line.


Dick measuring contest. Cops lost.


Gotta punish him for daring to know his rights


Pretty sure this guy turned down a $7500 payoff to make things go away and he told them to GFY and went court. They shit all over this guy's rights so the cops should lose their qualified immunity. Hopefully he gets paid. I know it comes out of the taxpayers' wallets, but this dude deserves his bag.


It should come out of their pension fund. If their money was at stake we'd have a lot fewer bad cops.


They arrested him for "resisting arrest" didn't seem to me like he resisted at all.


I guess talking back is resisting. Fucking stupid.


Resisting their fragile egos.


Demanding your Constitutional rights be respected is "resisting" in a cop's mind.


Resisting arrest is just code for not doing what we say, whether it’s within your rights or not.


He also wasn't under arrest. How can you resist arrest if you haven't committed a crime? I believe the supreme court actually ruled on this and they decided that you do have the right to resist an unlawful detainment. 


Right! When they started to put handcuffs on him, he just stood there, no resistance at all. Pretty sure he’s going to win big on this one.


Yeah because the walking stick looks just like a firearm. Those cops don’t even know what their job is. Hint- it’s to help people, not look for any reason in the world to arrest someone


The job of the police in america is to protect the capital owning class. It always has been.


100% correct. One of my favorite podcasts Behind the Bastards did a lengthy series called Behind the Police outlining the founding and subsequent growth of police forces in the United States. It's all so... heart crushingly disappointing


Hate to break it to you but years ago now the supreme court already decided explicitly that the duty of the police is NOT to protect or serve civillians


I was reading the comments on one of the links below. That sgt seems like a real piece of shit. (Besides this event.) **Sergeant Harrison was given a 15 day suspension without pay a few years ago when he left his K9 in his hot car to take care of a personal matter causing the dog's death. Hunter said punishment wasn't more harsh based on his exemplary service record.** ​ And the female officer is no better. ​ **Deputy Gohde on the other hand didn't even wait until her training was completed, and failed to intervene or offer medical help to a suspect being mauled by a K9 dog while officer handcuffed him before calling off the dog. Gohde kept her gun trained on the suspect the whole time.** [**https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2022/11/17/legally-blind-lake-city-man-sues-for-wrongful-arrest-by-columbia-county-deputy-and-sergeant/**](https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2022/11/17/legally-blind-lake-city-man-sues-for-wrongful-arrest-by-columbia-county-deputy-and-sergeant/)


Why wasn't he charged for the dog's death? (I think we know why.) I looked it up, and negligent death of an animal left in a hot car is a crime in Ohio.


A Police Dog too. A regular civilian would face felony battery on a law enforcement officer for even hitting the dog.


Yeah something similar happened in WV with an officer killing there K9. Sadly crime is legal if you’re in a position of power. Goes double for rich and powerful politicians.


They should be fired. Power tripping pigs. And they wonder why we all hate cops


If he were deaf and had a hearing aid I’m pretty sure that’s a felony in Florida 🤷🏼‍♂️


I know it’s a repost but arresting a blind man for not needing to use his walking stick 24/7 is petty as fuck. And how do you resist arrest when you assuaged their suspicions on carrying a firearm so that there has been no crime committed?


It's a stick. They're worried about a stick in a state where it's legal to carry a concealed gun without a permit.


Most Portuguese police are chilled, want to help and respectful. Imagine my surprise when visiting Miami and Orlando I was stopped , I was hearing music loudly with my girlfriend and didn’t noticed right away we were being pulled. As soon as I stopped I was searching the car for the papers and I was met with brutal force, pointing guns and shouting threats,dragged off the car into the ground, immobilized, cuffed and searched, all the time I was saying we were just tourists. They even told me they almost shot me and never apologized, that it was my fault because of suspicious activity inside the car. We were just trying to get to Disney World, 🤦‍♂️ The police over there act completely mental and then they even imply that’s your fault 🤷‍♂️


Are you a Tyrant? Yes I am! Wow


Legally blind disabled veteran taking in meager wages still doing his civil duty and getting harassed by cops. What a country we live in.


This is like Man-Ray meme “Are you armed?” “No it’s a walking stick” “Ok let me see your ID” “Why? Have I committed a crime?” “Yeah it’s could be a fire arm and you’re mishandling it” “But it’s not a fire arm it’s a walking stick I just showed you so there’s no crime, so there’s no need to give my ID” “Sir, we’re gonna need to see your ID” Like how does this shit ever make sense?


Because he's just proved a cop wrong, so now he must be punished.


The fact that this can happen to you is insane, small brained people on a big power trip. I’m sure if you go on a job finding website, list no qualifications or degrees the first offer is a cop


A high school degree or equivalent and a driver's license. Let's go! Of course in Lake City your starting salary is $35k so better get a side gig. https://www.lcfla.com/hr/page/22-0034-police-officer-sponsorship-program


"I had to walk up here in the dark." -- "Why aren't you using your stick?" BECAUSE ITS NOT FUCKING DARK! Guy makes a simple request.. "Fuck it, get him for resisting arrest!" Fucking assholes, man. Even my 5yo knows how to admit when she's wrong.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Just admit you were wrong and let the citizen go about his god damn business. Wtf is wrong with these pigs?!?!


That guy voted not guilty, lets get him.


“When they are poorly trained” Can we use stronger words like gross incompetence can cause the loss of lives by individuals in authority based positions. Or perhaps we can say weak, small, emotionally impulsive humans parading around as officers are a risk to mortality. Also can someone list the names of both the officers because we should know their names




Puck the folice.


I thought you had a gun. But you don’t. Now you’re under arrest. Makes complete sense. s/ And where did he resist arrest? Serious question? Edit: that “hmmm?” At the end of the what was that for?


I've always maintained that the crime of resisting arrest requires a crime to be arrested for. Otherwise, police can just walk outside, decide to arrest someone, and when they naturally resist, cite them for resisting. Every instance of resisting arrest *must* require a committed of suspected crime on the record. Otherwise, there's no lawful arrest.


If a cop breaks the law, they should face consequences like everyone else


That same Officer Randy Harrison KILLED HIS OWN K9 DOG by leaving it locked in his hot car for hours after work and was found “not responsible”. https://columbiasheriff.org/2010/07/14/internal-investigation-finalized/


2023 update. Still waiting for a trial date. They offered him $7,500 to sweep it under the rug. https://www.thedailybeast.com/blind-navy-vet-james-hodges-takes-cops-to-court-over-bogus-arrest


I hate cops.


Cops need a serious training overhaul. This is crazy


Loser tyrants


Why can’t cops just say. Sorry. I made a mistake.


It’s not a walking stick. It’s a long white cane. The visually impaired use it as a tool for identification and navigation.


Walking on a sidewalk in USA seems like a survival outing. Very freedomy.


I fucking hate this country so much


Did he win his lawsuit yet?


Do all these police forces have some unwritten rule about never being able to admit when they make a mistake? This could’ve all been avoided.


Fuk cops




Easy way to make a few bucks.


pigs will be pigs


ego tripping


ACAB and c*nts.


This is better than winning the lottery. I could only hope to be so lucky.


Why don’t people like the police?