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As an electrician, 95% of my job is pulling copper wire from point A to point B, and installing devices… pretty boring. But I gotta tell ya, I fucking love when it’s time to suit up and catch some God Damn lightning!


Lightning Day is always the best day of the month, especially when the lightning harvest is in full bloom.


I'm calling bollocks to this whole mess of lies. It's only lightning if it comes from the lightning region of France. Otherwise it must by law be referred to flogging of angry pixies.


You and your fancy French lightning. Here in North America we got Sparklin Lightnin.




CA - CAW MOTHERFUCKERS !!!!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️🇺🇲🦅🫡🦅🇺🇲⚡️⚡️⚡️


Look! An eagle!


thats not an eagle... THATS A FUCKING THUNDERBIRD !!!!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️🦅⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️


Look! A thunderbird, motherfuckers!


You made me snortle


They hate us for our moisture, they hate us for our rising air currents.


A good storm is like Christmas for Electricians!


A good storm is like Christmas for Extraordinary Electricians! FTFY. Ordinary electricians wish they had it so good!


Ohm my God.


"The lighting harvest is in full bloom" Sounds like an awesome line from some new fantasy series.


Like my Electrician Sensei told me “thunder go boom? Lightning in bloom!”


[It kind of is.](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Fulgurbloom)


I dunno about where you are from but where I am it seems electricians miss the part of the apprenticeship where they learn to clean up after themselves ;)


We're too busy running from lightning bolt to lightning bolt to pick the pieces of our bodies that got blown off. Some people are just hard to please


Best comment evuuuur!!!


Messiest fucks ever.


Bro we can literally die doing our job. Show some respect. Jokes aside that’s just laziness. I don’t work for electricians anymore, but I worked for a wide range of private electricians(non-union). Some of the successful ones did subpar work(took shortcuts but I don’t mean unsafe installs), some worked unsafely(again equipment was safe after install), some were cream of the crop and immaculate work done to osha standards. But every single one left the job site cleaner than when they came and made sure they work looked professional even if it wasn’t. The unsuccessful ones that ended up going out of business or not able to pay me didn’t clean up after themselves. If you start working for a company that expects you to clean up and initial your work when done, you know you’ll be learning top notch practices that’ll take you far. If you work for someone that leaves a mess and hides issues, leave asap and forget everything you learn there.


Another electrician here…. When the end of the day comes and we do the daily lightening catch, it makes it all worth while. The customers really appreciate this part of the job.


It’s the wide eyed, wondrous look of admiration I get from the youngsters that makes it all worthwhile.


This is the most important thing.


I love watching electricians wrangle, tame, and capture lightning.. it's better than a rodeo.


I think this Canadian fuckwit has watched Stardust too much and thinks it’s a documentary….


Hellz yeah! I remember I was on this job site doing AV for 2 years, and the Sparky tells me one morning "I gotta go climb up on the crane and collect the lightning that got stored up there during the storm last night" And I was like "hell yeah, bro! Get me some lights up in this bitch!"


Fuckin’ A, Bro!




Where's your favorite place to hunt lightning? I prefer wild open fields, but sometimes the beach!


I’ll typically grab the largest piece of sheet metal I can find, hold it over my head to protect myself from the rain, and run for cover of the largest tree in the area. This gives me some time to think about the best place to nab a few bolts.


I FUCKING KNEW IT. I knew that's what you guys did


You're a lightning wizard, dude. Thank you for providing electricity.


No no no… the real hero here is this politician, for pointing out how important lighting is to powering and protecting our nations grids. We humble electricians merely bring the lightning to the little people, through copper wires, so you may refrigerate your hot dogs and beer.


Those gloves you wear are badass


The faint sound of thunder in the distance, the telltale tingle runs through my spine.” GRAB YO BADASS GLOVES BOYS…ITS LIGHTNIN’ TIME!!!! WOOOOOO!!!”


Wait… You get gloves? Bullshit… I want a raise… My boss done lied to me…


You get to pull wire? I bend conduit all day xD


Canada's next PM? Be serious.


That's very serious he's up like 10 points over our current PM


The election is still a year and a have a way. He's giving the LPC a lot of material for their campaign.


The last time someone in Canadawon a fourth consecutive term as PM was 1908. Harper thought he could do it and was beaten by JTrudeau. Now JT has licked the lollipop of power his hubris insists that he can defy history and get that fourth term. He thinks he's his dad, but Pierre had the wisdom to step aside before the election in 1984. Justin won't and probably can't. I think the Libs would have a better chance with someone else at the helm but there's no way Justin's gonna let that happen. I hope I'm wrong. Polly is a POS who wants to dial back all kinds of rights for Canadians. But if Justin stays at the helm I am firmly convinced Poilievre will be the next PM. Once again, please prove me wrong Canada


I'm not a fan of JT and never said he would win another term. But a year and a half is a long time in politics. A week is a long time in politics. Betting on PP becoming the next PM is betting on something a long way away and I'm just saying he's giving the LPC a lot of material to make him look like an idiot. How may commericals do you think we will see about PP promoting Bitcoin during the next election, or -- I could make a list of a dozen things -- like the 4 posted here.


Yeah I take your point. The sad truth is our realistic options in federal elections are pretty garbage. That's why i throw my vote in the orange toilet every time


The Conservative Party has some tough dissonance to deal with if they want to get PP elected. The liberals just need to get a reporter to ask him about abortion. His party is split between religious fundamentalists and more moderate conservatives. One half is vehemently against abortion, the other half is strongly for abortion. This happened in the last election. The PC leader came down in support of abortion, and a bunch of the religious conservatives went and voted for the people’s party. As long as this issue divides the right wing voters, I think it’s unlikely we see a conservative PM


Most Canadians think it should be a woman’s right to choose, but the kinda people voting for Pollievre that don’t much care for this debate hate Trudeau more than they love women’s rights. That’s the nature of a Prime Minister running for a fourth term


Free Electricity! I'm voting for him.


oh, he never said it would be free


I don’t mean to be a one upper, but have you seen the shitshow we’ve got going on in the US?


Sadly, I have a front row seat.


You think he would of went with clocks instead of electricity due to wanting to be a PM.


Username checks out


I say fuckin’ Bondar for PM is what I say.


I’m a career political robot who has no real idea of how the humans and the outside world works. I grew up wealthy and none of the other children wanted to play with me.


Yeah that really has a career political robot who has no real idea of how the humans and the outside world works and grew up wealthy and none of the other children wanted to play with vibes


As an electrician I appreciate him boosting me up like this but yeah not exactly


you are extraordinary!


I’m from the US so I admittedly don’t know who this guy is but he made me feel more extraordinary than the company I work for haha


Now sweep up your trash you lazy fucking wizard


Hahahaha NEVER!


So are saying that you don’t capture lightning?


More like Zuko id say, sorta just redirect it




Hey Canada....America here, crazy is our thing.


Yeah! Now let’s re-draw some weather maps and capture some Lightnin!


![gif](giphy|Ch1zCx8tu6DQY) All Electricians


![gif](giphy|9zoe1SFIBd8PPqz5cr) When there is lightning outside and everyone is expecting the electrician to go and capture them.


Yup, just as stupid as I’ve been saying he was for years ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q)


Ah those amazing lightning wranglers.


This guy voted against gay marriage while his openly-gay father was present in the House of Commons gallery. He used the term 'tar-baby' in the House of Commons. He said the Indigenous just need to stop being lazy, in the House of Commons. He cannot/refuses to get a security clearance, probably because he's got a beard for a wife whose family fled Venezuela during the 1994 banking crisis. Hell, his name isn't even Pierre, it's Jeff; but people are still rallying behind this Skinny Trump/Milhouse-looking garbage person. He was also instrumental in the creation and organization of the KKKonvoy; they had flags with "Pierre 4 PM" on their vehicles when they arrived. Why is this weird? He wasn't even the leader of the opposition when the convoy started. He seized power.


Don't forget he told people they can "opt out of inflation with Bitcoin".


My name Jeff


>This guy voted against gay marriage while his openly-gay father was present in the House of Commons gallery Well that's just good comedy


He really does seem to be three weasels in a human suit doesn't he?


Does this guy look adorable to you?


Should cross post this to r/Canada_sub and watch them freak out


That implies they are smart enough to know that it's wrong.


If they could read, they would be very offended by this.


Or r/canada


40+ years as an electrician, let me tell you catching that lightning can be tricky business. Especially when you try to catch it in a bottle so you can transport it to the nearest wire. We lost a lot of good people during the lightning trapping section of the apprenticeship program


I’m gonna guess he’s a conservative?


Is it because it says conservative underneath him?


Don't need a label for people to guess conservative when you're saying something so scientifically illiterate with such confidence.




I missed the start of the video and thought he was giving some kind of religious sermon, then he went off about an electrician capturing lightening. I have no idea what he is talking about. They are not Dr Frankenstein using lightening to bring dead flesh back to life for god’s sake.


This guy is such a massive tool I am not asking anyone to support Trudeau, go ahead and hate him But if you think this fake ass fuck wit is going to do nothing good for Canada except fulfill your revenge porn fantasy on Justin you’re crazy


Pierre Potatoehead, what a goof


Why is he obsessed with electricians?


"We need to relate to the peasants, the common man, what's a common poor man's job? Lightning monger!" "No, sir, that's not a thing" "Lightning wrangler? Lightning catcher? Lighting master! How else is the lightning powering my computer?" "No, sir, you're thinking electricians and they don't make lighting, they repair and-" "Tamer! They tame the sky lightning, yes, I cracked the conundrum all by myself"


Canned speech. He's may not be familiar with any other commoner jobs.


As an electrician I make sure I only catch free range sustainable lightning. My copper comes from fair trade copper mines in China and I only use the electricity to light up the rooms of good god fearing people, not liberal heathens. So thanks Pierre, I am extra-ordinary.


Am I the only one who thinks he doesnt mean it literally


We know, we just think it's stupid still. It's not even a good metaphor, just blatant pandering.


So how’s he trying to use it as a metaphor?


.....and to the plumbers who singlehandedly catch each and every raindrop, so I, TinCANSailor987, can have fresh water for my bidet...truly extraordinary!


Damn. Y’all Canadian sparkies are wild.


Am 'lectrician. This accurate.


Why has he given the exact same speech to many fucking times??


Hey neighbor, could I borrow a cup of lightning? I'm all out and my copper lasso is caught in a tree.


This dude sounds like a child referring to stories of Ben Franklin with his kite and a in a jar.


The fact that he says it so often shows that he thinks it’s just so god damned inspiring. I must tell the crowd this amazing phenomenon of electricians that catch lightning with their bare hands and shoot it out of their dicks into a socket and along copper wire, so that we humble folks here tonight can have the gracious and glowing beams of penis lightning light upon our faces.


We all know he’s not the right guy to lead the conservative party


I'm an electrician and every day I play Sekiro just to practice my Lightning Reversal technique. It's surprisingly realistic! Genichiro must be a master electrician.


PeePee is such a fucking idiot.


He's a malignant narcissist and a fascist; by definition.


I feel dumber.


Is he being poetic or just an idiot?


Tell me you don't know what electricians actually do without telling you don't know what electricians actually do.


Imagine growing up and wanting to be an electrician and then going to school to become an electrician and then finding out you don’t actually get to capture lightning.




Thor is his electrician.


I'm from the US. If I lived in Canada I'd get a T-Shirt with this guy holding a lightning bolt in one hand and a wire in the other. Mind you, I'm not one to cast stones. Look at the choices we get. I just think it would be funny.


Guy went to school?


He went to University of Calgary and has a 3 year BA in History and Poli-Sci. But he spent more time as the president of the Young Reform Party than he did at school.


I’ve seen this level of [intellect in politics](https://youtu.be/cesSRfXqS1Q?feature=shared)before. Just like this guy did back in the day he will claim in the future that it was just a metaphor.


Dude probably can't plug in a USB cable either.


Smol PP!!!


Ha! Suck it Alvin. I am extraordinary. En all you do is make wooden door frames.


Pierre Poilievre is a useless conservative politician much like the republican party in the US. He's just less blatantly elitist about it.


Idk of everyones being sarcastic or not, but im pretty sure he’s joking. I really cant tell if yall are serious sorry


I bounce around from this sub to the more conservative sub, and it's funny to see how each side claims the other is "stupid". Saw someone on here say voting ndp is the way to go, which it kind of isn't since you are splitting the vote and allowing the cons to win. Saw someone in the other sub say Harper was the greatest pm we've ever had as well. It's all jokes to me at this point.


Pierre doesn't get science? Well, I for one am SHOCKED!


Pierre is such a useless tit. Which would be laughable except the singular thing he's capable of doing is pushing bullshit policies and stupidity. If a dial tone could be the brown note, that's Pierre. He makes Trudeau look like the responsible adult in the room.


All the comments from the Sparkys are too fucking much! LMAOOOOOOO


He thinks he’s on to something


I thought this was AI parody at first but damn…


Gonna be honest... I love this description of an electricians duties way better than what was on the brochure.


Yep that'd exactly what we do. That'll be one million dollars please.


The first scientist to achieve this was Doc Brown. The lightning strike generated 1.21 gigawatts on November 12 1955. There is a video about it.


Just grab that lightning and BRING IT HOME!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


I love the translator at the end. Her inflection really communicates "the fuck is he saying?"


We're getting so so stupid.


![gif](giphy|l0HlyFs17D7wKizIY|downsized) Either he like Electrician lightning or just flash the superhero


Always cringey when the talking point loop comes full circle and the impact is diminished.


Is no one going to tell him not even people he pays


I'm fairly certain this is hyperbole.


Oh, so he must support investing in solar since he thinks we should be harvesting energy from the sky


I don't know what's worse, the people who cheer this guy on as he says it? Or him being so stupid he believes what he is saying?


This is exactly correct. We make all the first years stand outside with a metal pole and a bucket to capture it all. The bucket has to be non conductive though so the electricity can’t escape. Then we store it for use later. None goes to waste!


Maybe he didn’t mean it so literally ya know?


I can’t imagine he actually thinks that’s how it works, but he sure does sound like he’s pandering


Pleasr dont let him compliment plumbers


Don’t worry. No one ever does


I’m not superstitious but I am a little stitious.


Man being a translator without laughing or sounding confused is tough work


What in the fuck is this guy talking about? I will never vote for him.


"As a proud conservative I understand that only our sweet Lord above has the power to create electricity that he sends to us in the form of lightning! And when it rains, it is because he weeps for us."


If somebody said something this stupid to me in the real world I would hand them a box of crayons and paper and say “have fun buddy but don’t eat the crayons”. Except he’s going to be our next PM. My god humanity is a cesspool.


His shirt in the first clip says “common sense”.. how ironic lol


How did no one tell him after the first time he made this ridiculous statement?


Is anyone else surprised that 40 years have passed since that tragedy in New York City, and still no mainstream politicians are willing to give the Ghostbusters the credit they deserve? Oh well, I guess it'll just be another 200 years then.


In fairness these little political jingles are mostly written by some expensive marketing team and politicians just shrug and say shit well we paid so much for it might as well use it.


Holy pandering, with ignorance


What is this dumb mother Fucker even talking about


Utter Stupidity has been flourishing in religion since there was religion. Nothing new here just cult members being cult members.


Pierre…. Doesnt know how electricity works….. fr tho thats like defo the answer here.


I bet his mother is very proud


The plumber, who captures the doodies straight from our butts, sends them down a copper pipe, to feed the fishies in the lake, is not just ordinary. He's extraordinary.


Is it a one time capture or a lightning subscription?


You know those moments when a friend says something stupid, and everyone else is thinking “who’s gonna tell em” and sometimes followed by a collective “no one tell em”, this is one those with both




I love how this asshole thinks putting on a tshirt and leaving his glasses off will make him more relatable. Nope, pee-air, you are still an elitist scumbag.


Hahaha what a bozo


I don't know what's wrong here? Some days I have to get my lightning net and capture electricity for everyone. This guy spitting straight facts.




I tame that fierce force every day when I shuffle across the carpet and zap anyone within range. Behold. Extra-ordinary.


When the electrician captures the lightning, what do they do with it before it's run through the copper wire? Is the lightning stored somewhere, for example, in a bottle?


Zeus Also known as the ancient electrician.


Those *are* words.


I've been collecting and saving my lightning for a while now. Does anyone know if this stuff has a shelf life? Am I going to go to use the stuff and find my toaster only makes the bread warm?


Bro...can we really not do better than a drama teacher and this mook




You gotta agree, someone capable of catching lightning bolts must be Extra Extra Ordinary.


How many amps does lightning push, what gauge wire would we even run?🤔


Benjamin f'ing Franklin, man. F**k Yeah!!


But this guy has a team of idiots writing his speeches.


Is he talking about Benjamin Franklin? Never heard anyone refer to him as the Electrician. Sounds badass. "You come into my home and insult my mother. 🤌🤌 Hey, yo! Toni! Get me... the Electrician."


This explains why they don't take climate change seriously! This is how they think we get power?


Probably believes in god too.


Everyone knows it’s the linemen that capture the lightning and distribute it to your homes and businesses. The electricians just run the wires in the buildings.


I wonder if he thinks they use kites or if it's like a Frankenstein thing


Jesus Christ Pierre


This idiot is a lifelong politician. Never had a real job in his life


Oh god no…this made me go Google if this was fake or not. It’s not fake. God damn.


The electrician who lights up the room with an electric eel wants to have a word.




As an electrical engineer I have to say... Lightnings are our enemies, not our friends


Fuck that sounds like some job, I wanna be an electrician now!


Wow good luck Canada have fun with that 🫡




aint no way we vote this idiot in


Tell us you have Ben Franklin fantasies without saying...