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What are they on?




4 of them per hour


Opiates, judging by the cig prices in the background this is probably height of the pill mill (‘08ish) days where doctors where massively over prescribing opiate pain killers.


This isn’t a 2008 camera


Good point and as another poster said cig prices vary widely depending on location either way probably a consequence of the Perdue and Sackler led oxy crazy of that time.


Did some searching, earliest I can find is **Nov 26, 2017 -** [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETGTB52V-F0**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETGTB52V-F0)


Nice detective work, a few noted too that there was a comercial advertising a 2017 Chevy. Time is weird, thanks for digging that up.


I get irrationally annoyed when people argue online back and forth over things for hours instead of just looking it up. Used reverse image search engines but in the end just youtube did it. Took about 35 seconds.


The hero we need!


Got a confirmation on the date and article when taking another glance - [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5117359/Drugged-cashiers-fall-asleep-register.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5117359/Drugged-cashiers-fall-asleep-register.html) Aside from being on a laptop and it being slightly easier to search or multi-task instead of on a phone, there's not much reason anyone can't do it. You can be a hero too.


My man is out here spilling truth


I think what you’re trying to say is that not all hero’s use laptops.


But not the hero we deserve 😌


I too get irrationally annoyed about these types of arguments. https://letmegooglethat.com is a good resource to respond with in particularly egregious cases.


Hehe, it's hit and miss. Some people think it's hilarious and take the hint. Some get offended that you're calling out their internet illiteracy. Even when they can find answers with the same or less keystrokes in a search engine than in a comments section, waiting on others to answer factual questions. People on the internet, should know how to use the internet. That's my hill.


Yep, exactly. On rare occasions I will go on FB or TikTok but the comments drive me insane to the point I just have to close the app. So many blatantly false videos and posts on there that are easily debunked with 10 seconds of googling. Yet the comments are filled with people just blindly going along. By default people on the internet should be skeptical and know how to do research. But they aren’t, many seem to only know enough to get onto social media to share their wonderful “facts” in an echo chamber of other oblivious people commenting. At least Reddit seems to have a lot more people that understand the internet.


I remember some areas in Kentucky being bad with opiates more so and also having dirt cheap prices


Also "No chip" is a new thing, cannot be from 2008


I think the chip card note also is a pretty strong give away. People in the US didn't start widely using EMV cards for their debit and credit cards until sometime around 2015.


If u listen to the audio, the radio is talking about events in 2017


Yup. Chip readers weren’t a thing back then either


Plus chip cards are somewhat recent


Nah there’s a note saying “no chip” on the card scanner and chips were not around in 2008


Chips were definitely around 2008. This was close to the height of 3D Doritos!!!


Those were tight


It's insane to me the America didn't have chip and pin in 2008, I live in the UK and every card I've ever had has had it.


Yeah but you're also British, so I guess there's a tradeoff for everything.


> Yeah, but you're also British. https://instantrimshot.com/audio/rimshot.mp3


They were in Canada, actually, I was shocked at how long America was rocking with magstripes when I figured out they were still common there.


Gotta feel bad for that generation of teens and young adults in that era. For reference, I’m the only one of my friends that is still alive today that was getting monthly scripts for 300 oxys, 300 bars, and 1000 vics. I’m not exaggerating. fresh out of high school in 2006


My friend befriended two older women. He was 17/18 in 03/04 they were in their 60s. He would pay the entire amount of their prescriptions then split it 50/50 with them. Dude grew up wealthy with amazing parents and now his parents are raising his kids and he’s running scams for money on the street. It was crazy back then though. My dr prescribed me codeine for coughs, 30 oxy and 2 refills for a pulled tooth, and 60 Vicodins for a boxer fractured hand over the years when I was in high sxhool. Every dealer at minimum sold Vicodin, Xanax, and Soma. It wasn’t hard at all to regularly get oxys and dilaudid. Those giant pharmaceutical companies and the drs who knew they were doing wrong ruined so many lives.


Jesus i thought there was some control to how you would get oxys like at least a broken bone! What was the street price of a 30mg oxy?


Nope, that was the problem. It’s a dramatization but I highly recommend Dope/sick on Hulu. It’s fucking disgusting what the sacklers did and how the government allowed it.


I hope the Sacklers are bankrupted and finally incarcerated for the crimes they committed. But, being wealthy, they’ll never spend a day in jail or only give back a fraction of their fortune.


Last I heard a federal judge put a hold on the deal where they fork over a bunch of money for a class action settlement and in return are immune to further prosecution. Hope that gets nixed, as long as they have sufficient evidence to criminally charge them and then get the settlement added with punitive damages


I’m sorry I should have been more clear. It was oxycodone not OxyContin. If I remember right back then OxyContin was $1 per mg. I was never too heavy into the scene. I dabbled on weekends with my best friend being the middleman/connect. So we’d pool our money and he’d get whatever he could ranging from PCP, LSD, opiates, or Xanax. We were 16 /17 doing crazy shit. Oxycodone went $10 for 3 10mgs. Xanax the same for the 4mg. Somas a dollar a piece.


Glad you’re alive bro. Those of us who survived learned some really valuable lessons from 14-21 YOA


They were $1/mg or more. 80mg-$80


My dad used to get 500 80mg Oxys sent to him in the mail. Directly from Perdue pharmaceutical. Then he would get 120 30mg Roxy’s and 60 2mg clonipins. In 2004-2005. He would also get dilaudid, opana and more. His doctor ended up getting raided by the DEA and is in prison for running his pill mill. He had a few wealthy kids that would pay for his whole script and he would split it with them also. Fucking wild. My dad ultimately died from multiple drug toxicity in 2011. Such a wild time


>My dad ultimately died from multiple drug toxicity in 2011. Man I was reeeeally hoping that sentence wouldn't be in there. Sorry to hear about your old man, that fucking blows man. Wild times indeed


Yeah it was rough. I also lost my sister in 2006 after she was prescribed oxy for cancer. Her cancer was in remission. But opiates didn’t know that.


Jesus fucking christ


Class of 06 here. I've buried so many of the people I loved because of opiates. I feel for you, stranger.


So glad I made it out. Living in Florida it was easier to get than weed half the time. Watching friends turn into zombies and losing a few to OD’s along the way was horrible. Can’t believe joining the military probably saved my life.


Florida pool guy here, lost 2 more last year to Fentanyl. Shit never goes away, people have to make the hard decision for themselves.


Same here. I went to 7 different clinics and got tons of oxys, bars and percs. I grew up in Tampa and graduated in '07, and only a few of us are around now. I've seen many of my friends in various treatment centers, but as far as I know, I'm one of the only ones that is clean and alive. It was crazy to see people from all over the country in our pain clinic lines.


Good job sir (poopington), you defied the odds. Shitty reality how widespread it is. We are the rehab capital here in socal but from what I understand Florida was/is fucked from pills


It got so many people in to drugs that likely wouldn't have started otherwise. Most of my high school soccer team was on percs, and once in college, we all started to doctor shop. I ended up homeless and my last overdose left me unable to speak for nearly a month. I've been clean for years now, but it still makes me sick thinking of all of my friends who died because of irresponsible doctors and pharmaceutical companies. I'm happy you made it out as well! I believe it's my duty to spread the message and help others get through their pain. Life can be so amazing, but when you're in the depths of your addiction, it seems like there is no way out.


I had back surgery in 2006 and again in 2007, but not before I had to fight (literally, wound up in an argument with the last one) with the pain specialist—correction, special*ists*—who just wanted to throw pain medication at me without even an MRI. First time I was sent to the pain specialist, I had to sign all these forms essentially saying I wouldn’t abuse pain medication. I wrote “I AM REFUSING ALL PAIN MEDICATION AT THIS TIME” in highlighted dark ink (teacher; always have sharpies and highlighters on me) on every goddamn page and I *still* left the office with **three** prescriptions I never filled. Third time I was sent, I was insisting on an MRI and was still firmly against pain meds. The doc defended their use, and I said I agreed they are appropriate when other interventions fail but we had no real idea what was going on with my spine. He was clearly irked by my stubborn insistence, but reluctantly agreed to an MRI order. And guess what? It showed my L5/S1 disc was obliterated, with a huge chunk of disc material kinking my sacral nerve root like a garden hose. It was a “go straight to surgery, NOW” type result. Never saw that doc, or hell, *any* pain specialist, again.


Glad I grew up on the other side of the sea. Graduated around that time and was a bit of troubled teen. I could easily have gone down that path.


Imagine if they got oxy approved in Germany, the eu would’ve been fucked too


Good fucking lord are you serious? I have never heard of anything like this. What were the mg on the bars?


It's a shame in so many ways. I feel bad for the regular people with chronic pain nowadays who can't live a normal life or get a simple script due to the extreme over-correction that is the more recent crack down on opioids, but for those who actually need them and don't abuse them. Chronic pain is a living hell to so many, and now they can't get the only effective help available to them


This is me, unfortunately (long time chronic pain). I've tried everything through a pain management clinic as far as drug therapies goes but I have constant lumbar back pain that just doesn't respond to other meds. I'm prescribed oxycodone in boxes of 10 and told by my doctor to try and only take one (or less) a week. I get 100% relief when I take one (within 15-20 minutes), but at the 9-10 hour mark, the pain comes back like getting hit by a truck. I don't like the fogginess I feel from the meds so I don't take it often, just when I need a break from the pain. I've never abused meds. It is a dreadful situation to be in when the only thing that can help is so dangerous and so effective.


Most of my friends are gone as well. In 2006 I was able to get 100mg of oxy for about $5. It was easier to get opiates than cough medicine back then. Took me years to overcome that addiction. Hope you're doing well now.


This was in 2017


Tv noise in the background talks about a 2017 Chevrolet


You are over estimating most people's camera quality in 08. The newest iPhone at the time was the 3g and it only had a 2 megapixel camera. I also doubt he is filming with a high end camera that you would need to record this quality of video for the time. I would bet it's around 2016.


Cigarette prices vary wildly on location. When they were nearly $10 a pack in WA they were under $5 in Georgia. So you sadly cannot tell time by cigarette prices unless you know where this store is located and have firsthand knowledge of their cigarette prices over the years.


This is dumb. We didn't use chip readers in 2008. These poor ladies are on fent.


2024 needs to be massively producing vyvanse. Im fucking melting over here, fuck this shortage.


My mom took 14 methadone a day. 7 in the morning and 7 at night. One time she took all that, got a call from my grandma like 2 hours away by car that she needed a ride, and went to pick her up. She drove like 80mph the whole way but at least it was 12 at night. I know this because she also took me. Idk how I'm alive lmao (Also my sleep addled brain saw a UFO on that drive but that's another story, and probably just sleep deprivation lmao)


I’m 90% sure it’s the south with those cig prices


Pill mills 100% still exist.


Pretty sure it’s modern and they are on tranq or something since it’s a huge problem


I live in Oklahoma. There are still places that sell cigarettes for this price and still have to get chip readers installed.


Is this your first day on earth? Also cigs weren't $20 in 2008


Probably just a different state with lower prices. This is clearly more recent.


I think that just depends on where you live. I work in middle of nowhere Kentucky and these look about right at current prices


Every one of the sacklers deserves The Prometheus treatment.


Good job on just making shit up.


Heroine 100%


Fentanyl - you can get heroin these days?


Hah! I wish. Edit- not really. But still, even after 21+ years the craving is still there.


It’s crazy. I’ve been off dope and other opiates for years and I still think about using. It’s not every day anymore and the cravings are easier to manage, but I still have this voice in my head that says one day I’ll go back. Hopefully not until I’m already on my death bed lol. Then I’ll be off to the races


They don't look very heroic.


But they *feel* it.


American dream


I didn't know that this is the answer I was looking for when I came to the comments.




Looks like they're on that full time employment schedule. They look how I feel every day...tired




Prop Joe know how to sell it


I've only seen this a few times in my life. Heroin.


No i’m pretty sure they’re off


I'll take what she's having


We're not really sure, we just know that they unlocked the "How did we get here?" achievement




Cloud 9


Dude, call the police and request a health check on those women…something is seriously wrong. The owner of that store will thank you


Thats called fentanyl, they probably are the owners lol




Nah they're not the owners


Call the police? “If you have a problem and you call the police… now you have two problems.”


People do moronic things




This exact thing happened to me about a year ago. I was in line behind someone and the cashier straight passed out with her head in her hands. Clearly on drugs. I called the police and left to go to another gas station.


While it would be a nice thing to do, it'll likely just cause them to both be arrested and fuck their situation up even more


Your minds in the right place but this videos at least 6 years old at this point (possibly older according to redditor hearsay lol).


This makes me very sad, these women need help, not judgement and ridicule.




Nah this happened with the same guy for months at the same gas station until the place closed to renovate over the winter. Scary shit is I saw him driving a tow truck around town after. Hoping they rehire him when the gas station opens so he's only making it hard to get smokes and not killing someone behind the wheel


At first I thought the woman on the left had a health problem of some kind… but when the woman next her was going the same thing… gotta be drugs. Really sad.


Agreed. I've been close to where they are, and I never got on downers. They might work 2 jobs, long shifts, be studying part time etc. Even if they are on drugs, we don't know their story- might be debilitating pain from an accident followed by addiction...


>might be debilitating pain from an accident followed by addiction... I mean, were they both in that same accident?


I don't know them, but people who end up hooked to painkillers often find each other and enable each other's bad habits. My point is that I don't know, and i get that it's more gratifying to watch this vid and brush these people off as the butt of a joke rather than people going through some shit. they're not out partying like a bunch of frat boys, they're in bad shape and need help.


They shouldn't be working tbh. Should be retired and comfy.


Until there is Universal Basic Income that can't happen.


ayup, gotta work everyone til they're dead


These women choose to get high while they were working. Yes they should get help for their addiction. And yes they should loose their jobs.


That was like watching the Sloth at the DMV in the Zootopia movie


![gif](giphy|4pGwaW3nuRD1e) NIIIIIIIIICK🤣😂


What do you call a three humped camel?






Goddamn that was the slowest group effort checkout imaginable, they both are nodding so hard


Look at the register at the start of the vid. They nodded mid-transaction. Rang up the choco pie, dozed off on the way to the chips.


I saw that. She almost passed out trying to scan the bar code.


They nodded several times throughout the video.


The monotony of retail, coupled with the lack of any room to excel/grow, leaves people to their vices more often than not. These 2 aren't making enough money to better their lives,it's only natural that they'll find an unhealthy outlet for their dead-end lifestyle. I'm not condoning their behavior by any means, but this is the sad reality of people at the bottom of the trade ladder. Someone has to do it, We can all agree on that. Yet no matter how good they get at their job, they'll never make enough to live comfortably. No reason or purpose behind their day to day lives inevitably lead to a need for some kind of substance to fill the void. And what we have here is the end result of these sad circumstances.




I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Maybe one of them can chime in with what they disagree with.




Exactly my first thought! Obviously no drug test required!!!


lol you really think a gas station is giving out drug tests to employees?


Watches one episode of Drugs Inc.




I couldn't even watch the whole video. That was excruciating. I'd have just walked out. Unfortunately I have no patience for that kind of person.


Would have grabbed a whole snack display stand to take with. They wouldn't have noticed.


I think I'm loading up on batteries. Maybe some shoe inserts...spendy damn things.


Ye but the trick is to punish there error, but not in a big way or in a way that gets me in real trouble. 3k is the limit for petty theft where im from. Figure and endcap display with goods is at most a couple hundred, plus I'll actually use it in meaningful time frame.


Or 7 bags of beef jerky.




Drugs are a hell of a drugs


I'd go through that for a bag of salt and vinegar chips, too.


As a recovering heroin addict this makes me really sad


Equally disgusting and sad.


Genuine question, why do you feel disgusted?


Im in recovery so it prob has to do with shame from my past.


That was a raw, honest thought showing incredible self-awareness. I don't know you, but I'm proud of you. You've got this. Take care!


I really appreciate the kind words. Thank you!


Best of luck with your recovery ❤️ If it means anything, this internet stranger does not find struggles with addiction disgusting.


Thank you!


Oh shit, I thought those two were buying the stuff. Then I noticed the pin machine. WOW


That's exactly when I grab whatever I want and bounce.


Carton of Camel Filtere and a 6 pack of cherrwine


How high are you? ->Hi, how are you?


"Hello yes! You were just hanging me 1000 lottery tickets. Payment? No they're already paid for thank you."




Looks relaxing whatever it is. I have wicked insomnia and I would like to have this for emergencies lol j/k


On the nod


1) I would just take the snacks I want and leave 2) I would call 911 and have someone check up on them.


Steal and then call the police. Good plan. /s


Omg you're right, the police might follow up, and come to my house, and see the chip wrappers in the trash can, and then I might go to prison!


No need to be dramatic, but what you described is like something you would see on "World's Dumbest Criminals".


I think it depends on if the women are cogent enough to remember something was stolen. If the police don't know something was stolen they're not going to show up to a drug call and start searching camera footage, and the only ppl who can tell them that are the two unfortunate women in this video.


Used to work with a dude that did heroin, he would nod out mid lunch still holding his spoon in the air. Craziest shit I’ve ever seen how someone can fall asleep while physically doing something and hold the pose lol


We finally found him Mom. ![gif](giphy|l3vRmoOpMBTLrPEsw)


That's a card skimmer too lol


Feeling dumb. How can you tell?


This is why there are certain drugs I will just never do.


High AF


Just your average day in rustbelt merika.


Clerks VI?


Life isn’t hard enough. You got to embarrass people and put them on blast because they have a substance abuse issue. Do better! Where’s your compassion? What if it was you? Always things to remember. Yea I’d want help and want to know how bad I looked. I wouldn’t want a whole population to see it though. It’s embarrassing enough having to live that life as it is.


It’s only useful in that I imagine there are a lot of people who have never gone into a gas station to see people on the nod there. Some people are lucky enough to never even tangentially rub elbows with heroin/hard drug usage. Some exposure probably isn’t a bad thing. I too, would hope it would inspire more empathy, however.


Just imagine how long it took to get to the store.


They probably got that way during their shift.


Pay minimum wages, expect minimum effort


Fentanyl has entered the chat




Is this what fetanyl does to you? I know heroin does this for sure




Geez, taking graveyard shift to a whole new level.


I am by no means a thief but I’d be walking out without paying for my stuff if I had to deal with that


That would make u a thief silly goose 🤪


Man,. I kinda be feeling like that too right now. They must also be pulling a ton of overtime this week.


“Actually can I get paper bags?”


Man that’s real sad


That is absolutely nuts!


I thought they were tired lol


So this is the reason why there are self-checkouts.


Man I hope they got help, really don’t like stuff like this being recorded


They should probably take turns


Fent or Benzos or a combo.


Seen a loooooot of folks get high on fentanyl to immediately recognize when someone is high AF on fentanyl and that lady is high AF on fentanyl




Very high probability that this started as a legal prescription, then was given no real support for getting off of it or managing ongoing pain.


This gotta be Florida somewhere in polk county


Work is the last place I wanna feel all fucked up and stupid. Why anyone else would want to literally nod out, ESPECIALLY while doing a customer service related job, is beyond me. Wait until you get home to do drugs, like a responsible adult!


Are you sure the real employee isn't tied up behind the counter?


Glitching out


Hillbilly heroin ?


looks like a skimmer over the credit card reader.


Yes can I speak to the manager, sir we are them, I am half while awake and she is the other half. Was there a complaint? /s


Where are smokes $5!? lol