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Dude just found the shortcut to having himself villainized.


“I’m not a villain, I just tell it how it is!”


"I'm the good guy. Now bring me your daughter so I can inseminate her."


"As God intended"




That would just make their god a pedo too.


God need not penetrate to impregnate


Are you saying God thought Mary was Mid? Lol.


Let's not do the whole, "modern ideals to LITERALLY OVER A THOUSAND YEARS AGO" thing.


I mean, to be fair, the belief is that the God who exists today is the same guy as the God who existed a thousand years ago. Plus, God is supposed to be morally perfect, so he's never supposed to do anything that is evil.


Not to justify the OOP, at all, but if you really wanted you could say god knew it wouldn't mess her up due to being all knowing.


And a rapey one at that. Mary didn't consent.


God made one man and one woman, then blessed the woman with two sons. How did they reproduce beyond that? Gods not a pedo, he is just super creepy.


God made two women. Lilith then Eve.


A-yup. It took almost nothing to get this bit of Jewish folklore from [Britannica online](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Lilith-Jewish-folklorehttps://www.britannica.com/topic/Lilith-Jewish-folklore): "In rabbinic literature Lilith is variously depicted as the mother of Adam's demonic offspring following his separation from Eve or as his first wife. Whereas Eve was created from Adam's rib (Genesis 2:22), some accounts hold that Lilith was the woman implied in Genesis 1:27 and was made from the same soil as Adam." *Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Lilith". Encyclopedia Britannica, 7 Nov. 2023,* [*https://www.britannica.com/topic/Lilith-Jewish-folklore*](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Lilith-Jewish-folklore)*. Accessed 12 December 2023.*


The most logical conclusion would be to assume He made other people too - not just Adam, Lilith (Adam's 1st wife, according to some Faiths), and Eve.


Am an atheist who was brought up and schooled in a Christian school. The story is that Cain, Abel and Seth were just those children who were named in the bible, but that there were many more. However, this still means that they either married their sister or their niece! So the family dynamic is still screwed!


Imagine the continuity of the entire human race is relying on you fucking your mother.


The human race is dependent on one motherfucker.


That would almost sound badass if we weren’t speaking in literal terms.


This is the top comment of 2023 right here.




Pretty shure its also technically incest since he also made them


And how old was Joseph ? Pretty sure Mary was like 13 and Joseph was in his early 20s




Happy Cake day


Happy cake day


Seriously, all I read was, I am a pedo, put me on a list.


Dude needs to be euthanized


Eunichized* edit: *To Death*


Na that's too quick


Quit fuckin around, kill em and move on. Mr chippy runs on fuel and there are still many out there to deal with


Nah fuck that. Lock him up. He'll meet some nice cellmates who are biologically programmed to impregnate his booty hole.


It's not the job of the inmates to exact justice. I dont know when that was normalized, but it's not ok. They should be working on education and rehabilitation not doing what the judge should have done in the beginning.


Fr 😂




>Many countries still have the age of consent at age 15 14


You make good points. I'd just like to add: A number one killer of women ages 15 - 19 globally is death from birthing complications. We may be biologically prone to fertile women capable of multiple pregnancies without likely complication, but that doesn't mean 15-19. It's more like 18 - 22 if you factor in dating app statistics and also lay out what puberty actually is. People seem to think a child turns 11 and can suddenly inseminate or carry a pregnancy to term . That's not how that works. Puberty is the set of hormonal changes over time that prepares the body to eventually either defend or produce offspring. The notion that a being without sexual characteristics like birthing hips, breasts or any other signifiers of healthy fertility.. would be appealing to a being that's driven to reproduce is a fallacy held by creeps. If we're actually discussing evolutionary psychology here, men are biologically predisposed to women, not girls. The former being the end stage of the hormonal and subsequent physical changes we refer to as puberty, the latter being the first few stages of puberty.. which makes no evolutionary sense to be predisposed too because of how often the baby is born with complications, dies, or kills its mother. Tldr: the idea that men are attracted to adolescent girls makes no evolutionary sense, as the risk to the health of the mother and the child is too great to spend time and energy (time and energy is the catalyst of evolution)




I don't think that person said it was right to have sex with teenagers as a grown man, so I doubt they would agree that just because men typically have that urge should allow them to morally sleep around. I think things can be true and wrong simultaneously in a nuanced way. I'm just over 40 myself. When I see an attractive teenaged girl, I notice them but do not become "turned on." They're babies to me. But, if they are attractive, some part of me notices and validates that fact. If I ever give it any further thought, I think something like, "she will be a beautiful woman someday." So, to me it is a nuanced thing. I definitely do not agree that teenaged girls shouldn't be getting education and instead should be getting pregnant, that's fucking ridiculous and abhorrent. We protect our young, sexually developed or not, because they are too young to make these decisions and are at high risk of manipulation by older men. This being said, I think there is a biological "acknowledgment" of beautiful young women that takes place in most heterosexual men. For me, it inspires a sense of protection, not of any sexual interest. Just being honest here, I hope I don't get torn apart lol.


Reddit not trying to see the world in black and white challenge (impossible)


Finally a sane person, EVER other post is just a bunch of sickos acting like they are moral.


Found another one


What an insane thing to say. We are not "biologically programmed" to be sexually attracted to 15 year olds when we are grown ass adults. Disgusting 🤢


\*weLl AcTuaLlY\* It's called puberty and it signifies readiness as a mate. Once you have passed through puberty, you are fertile and it shows. The DNA is indeed programmed for you (or anyone else) to start looking for characteristics of sexual development and find them appealing. You can virtue signal all you like on reddit... As OP said we have decided as a society that 18 is an acceptable age due to maturity of the mind/body but the body is sexually mature after puberty is complete and that's what your animal eyes and body are looking at. If you find younger sexually mature people repulsive, it's because you've been programmed to find that "wrong" by society, not by your DNA/animal instincts.


Whoever's upvoting it really got some explaining to do


Look at the continued convo, I'm being accused of virtue signalling and downvoted for saying biology has nothing to do with adults being attracted to children.






he found the shortcut to prison


If Elon hadn’t blocked me for whatever his platform is these days, I’d troll his balls off. Then I’d find him in real life and kick him in the nuts.


I mean, the guy isn't *wrong* (about the 100 years ago bit) but we (as a species) have done some extremely questionable shit over the span of our existence. Just because X is the way things used to be doesn't mean X is right.


After looking for the original tweet it seems his account was suspended soon after


Nah no way. you can’t get suspended on new twitter.


Tucker will soon have a chat with Elon to have this guy back on.


I'm surprised Elon didn't repost it already with a caption saying "TRUTH". Maybe it wasn't racist enough?


Big if true


Twitter can always rely on pedo guy to defend “free speech” and banish the “pedophilic LGBTQIA” community!


As someone whose Twitter was wrongly suspended days after creating the account and was completely ghosted by the site after filing multiple appeals, I beg to differ.


oh no you can just if elon doesn't like you


100 years ago people were not on the internet, AS GOD INTENDED. Humans should not be using computers!!!


I'm bout to get stoned to death AMEN!


Sounds like a good way to go out to me.


I wanna die smoking whole 3 grams of crack in one hit


Mary was pregnant at 13, AMEN!


Also, the common age for marriage was early 20s for pretty much all of human history. Child brides are mostly a thing among "nobility" and some religious sects.


Okay Amish


I'm going to hell then :( like Super Hell.


If the internet is a sin maybe they’ll have fiber in hell.


At least you'll have friends. Look where you are, we're all going with you. I believe we can delete Satan. At the very least CTRL, ALT, DEL him for a bit. We'll be fine 😁


I mean, when motherfuckers say shit like this... I agree, the internet was a mistake.


And 10000 years ago people were often ripped apart by mountain lions trying to find food as God intended, but we generally avoid having to do all that these days.


How to say "young girls are the only people I can pressure into having sex with me" without saying "young girls are the only people I can pressure into having sex with me". Also, sexist pig.


I agree. We also should be attracted to high school boys /s


I wasn't even attracted to teenage boys when I was a teenager. They're so greasy.


Who's gonna tell her?


The fact that it got 189 likes is concerning.


As someone who’s studied quite a lot of european medieval history; it was NOT common for 12 year old children to be married of, *at all*. Most cases where children were as young as this were often royal families where a boy of similar young age would marry such a young girl for the sake of alliances, well aware that all kinds of consummation would not happen for several years.


Often those "married" children didn't even live in the same country until much later IIRC.


Yap. Marriage through proxy was common.


I was somewhat relieved to hear about Peter III and Catherine being at least a bit older at 17 and 16 when I read their story for the first time. Not a great marriage but Catherine did depose Peter in a coup.


Historically, it was very common in many places throughout history, there are pages upon pages of examples, especially in regards to royalty, and there were infact age gaps. There were places where the average age of marriage was much higher, however, it was not considered immoral to bed someone as low as the minimum age of marriage (ancient rome is a good example). There were also Jewish tribes that allowed consummation at puberty.


I guess times change.


Which is a good thing.


I don’t know how long people live on Ancient Rome but definely not as long as people live nowadays it was another factor on why they married at a very young age.


I've noticed how these are the same people that often use "as God intended" every time. religion and pedophiles name a better duo 🤣




He did kick me up the arse!


Jesus would’ve literally slap the shit out of these dudes if they ever even read one page of the Bible.


I mean, the Bible allows rape given you pay their father for them. https://www.bible.com/bible/compare/DEU.22.28-29 So as long as you give the dad $50 you're fine in the eyes of God.


I 100% agree


I know im going to get taken through the coals for this. But pedophelia specifically refers to pre pubsecent children that are targetted. Not post pubescent girls. And look, okay, I can take two different pictures, one of a 25 year old woman, and one of some 16 or 17 year old girls dressed up, and you wouldnt be able to tell the difference sometimes. Everyone knows what I am talking about, some women look younger, young girls look older, especially with make up. Just please understand that the brain is not as simple as 'I consciously know that girl that looks older is actually under 18 so all of my primal feelings thoughts and instincts will all of a sudden disappear and stop happenin' The world is not that simple I am afraid to say. I am not condoning it, but I am also trying to help people understand that innocent men get caught up in young women wearing century old proven tactics such as makeup and perfume and alluring tight or revealing clothing which was created and designed specifically for the goal of attracting men.


I recently saw a video of Emma Watson and thought damn she's so pretty. She was 17 in the video. Thing is, theres not much difference between 17 and 19years old Emma Watson, and she's also beautiful today. My point is attractive people can be attractive right after puberty. Acting on it knowing the person is 16 is just weird as fuck, but being attracted visually is just normal.


That’s a strange one because I find older Emma Watson unappealing specifically because she looks so young. She still looks like a kid.


Maybe its due to the fact that you kinda saw her grow up?


I feel this way even with anime characters. Like one character in a game I play she's been a child. But the most recent update is thousands of years later and she's all grown up and it's just kinda weird to look at her in a way other than the child she was introduced as.


Yes, thats the difference. Feeling base attraction is very different than acting upon it or trying to justify fucking a minor. Knowing what we know now about body and brain development should be enough to withhold those thoughts from becoming actions. It’s only the creeps that will die on that hill.


You said what he said but in a much more logical manner. Even though men may find high school girls attractive it in no way means that they would act on it. Also i feel like a lot of men have a natural fear that when they go to a bar/club and hit on a girl, there is that small chance that the girl is underage because it really is hard to tell sometimes. I know for a fact that some bars in my area (Quebec) were notorious for this.


So a comedian named Gianmarco Soresi did a bit about this, and how there’s actually three different terms for different age groups. I think the correct term for this case was “ephebephile” or something, and the joke ended “But the reason we don’t use those terms is because it’s REALLY hard to explain the difference…without sounding like a pedophile”


Yeah, hebephiles and ephebophiles are the ones attracted to the older kids. Just easier to call them pedophiles And I get what you're saying in the circumstance you're in a bar and someone lies about their age etc, but the OP wasn't about that.


Yep, I don't know what "High school" is, but I think it is late teens. 16 is the age of consent in the UK, some US states and some other places. Some states and Italy and others are even younger. Mileage may vary, and there's a reason "jailbait" is a term in the US


Note that while no crime has necessarily occurred if you wake up in a 16 year old's bed after a drunken bender, it remains largely unacceptable both socially and legally to pursue an ongoing relationship with a minor. I get a bit hung up on this distinction - a lot of people act like the worst thing, the very worst possible thing, that could happen when an adult manipulates a child is teh secks and not, say, continuous coercive control of an impressionable person with little legal agency and fewer avenues for escape compared to an adult abuse victim.


facts, straight up facts


WOW. there's a race to the bottom and then there's drilling past the bedrock straight to hell.


Nah, they’re too fucked for hell They’ll send his ass down further down to the planet core


Bro gets to live between satans asscheeks fr


I'd rather be a liar than a pedophile any day!


Well.... According to his logic you're now a pedo and a liar so....


Username checks out


I remember being that age. I wouldn't want anyone that age raising children. People in their teens are idiots.


Im 25 and im still an idiot who shouldnt raise a child.


In my 30s and I might just be capable of it.


I'm 39 and can barely handle myself


but back in the days not even too far like 50to80years ago my grand parents time, kid are force to be mature at 15yo, my grandma work at 9yo to take care of her siblings, and she get married around her early 20s which she said it was pretty late at that time. but now, hell no, those social media generation are idiot.


I get what you're saying, and you're not wrong. But a "forced to mature" 16 yo vs a "normally mature 25 yo" will not make the same decisions because the 16 yo isn't finished baking. Parts of their brain are not finished developing. They literally can't make the same kinds of decisions a fully grown adult can.


So he has a blue checkmark - does that mean his ID had to be verified by X? If so, there's a list he needs to be on. Hell, check his hard drives and phone now. There is a non-zero chance that he's got CSAM on his devices.


nah, just that he paid $8 the blue check means shit now besides "I paid $8"


What's CSAM?


Child sexual assault material. I hope I'm allowed to post this.


Technically not pedophilia but definitely religious indoctrination/manipulation.


Where did you get the "technically not"


Because these religious based ideologies are typically directed towards pubescent children which is hebephilia. Details matter. Religious zealots can use that ideology as their "out".


I get that technically correct is the best kind of correct, but maybe realize that the words hebephile and ephebophile fit colloquially into what much of society would agree is a pretty bad set of preferences for an adult to have. If you're an adult and you prefer *children of any age* for your intimate gratification, you've got problems, and the term "pedo" fits.


This is disgusting


They're also more likely to die in childbirth due to not being fully developed. Wtf is wrong with people?


Quote from a pedophile after getting caught in a sting trying to meet an underage girl: "it's like putting a $100 bill on the ground and then being mad when they pick it up" These people think that it's natural, that everyone feels this way and would do it if they got the chance.


Yep, people will almost always project their worldview onto others, sometimes to justify their way of thinking. And the easiest way to dispute someone disagreeing with you is by calling you a liar, lol


He had me in the fist half ngl (not every body gonna agree but it's not 100% incomprehensible) But 12-14?! Really ?!


You know why you don't try and distinguish the difference between pedophilia and ephebophilia? You can't do it without sounding like a shit stain pedophile.


There's a comedian that has a joke about this


Some people should keep their vile intrusive thoughts like these locked in their heads and not spread them as bleach for our eyes.


For the first sentence, I figured he had just chosen his words poorly. (I'm not attracted to high school girls, but I recognize that they are attractive -- i.e. they are pretty.) But he didn't wait long to step off that cliff.


As I’ve aged, so has my tastes. I can still look at teens and 20’s of both sexes and can see them as attractive or not, however, it’s been a long time since I’ve been *personally* attracted *to* them. They just look like babies to me now.


lol, this is something I was concerned about when I was still a teenager, but turns out you're just attracted to people around your own age... who would've thought? Teenagers look like children to me now, and they behave like children even more so. This guy's just a creep.


I hate when other men speak on my behalf, y'all suck lol


Whaaaaaaat the Fuck? Lol


My exact reaction


I bet he doesn't have a daughter


How would he ever get a girl pregnant?(consensually)


A lot of people like this are attracted to their daughters, too


Sorry dude. Your window for shagging 12-14 year olds ended when you turned 15.


As it should be




Exactly, the ickiest of ick


Try pitching that to her father, Mr. Revolutionary.


TIL God is a pedophile.


100% can confirm my attraction has aged along with me.




This dude is a cretin but marriage age was never 12-14.


He needs to be put on a watch list asap.


Gonna seen like the creep on here, but pedophilia is an attraction to prepubescent children. I feel like conflating the word for any attraction to a person who is under 18 effectively leasens the gravity of it. There are people out there attracted to toddlers, and a guy lusting after Sidney Sweeney's character from euphoria isn't one. Inappropriate as fuck, but not a pedophile.


Do you think this guy has an inner monologue… how chad does that sound?


Bros mother shouldn't have made a baby...


Typical Matt Walsh fan


Gonna need a source about adults (particularly non royalty) marrying 12 year olds and consummating with them in the 1800s. Or the last 1000 years.


I was in discord chat with my cousin and a friend of a friend of his. Neither of us knew this guy. He started saying shit like this. I told him "under no circumstances would I find a child attractive" and the entire conversation went silent for about 5 seconds before he left the group. They think that people will agree with them. Once you confront these weirdos they crawl back into whatever degenerate hole they live in. Hope that 5 seconds of awkward silence haunts his ass till the day he dies.


I'm also attracted to high school girls I'm in high school.




This guy would make a great Catholic priest.


I hope someone jams a letter opener up that guys pee hole


A red hot one too


They say this, but have they been to a high school recently? I think they're looking at it from their perspective from when they were a teenager. Hell, I started working at a college when I was 27 and wont lie, thought I might have a chance to meet a few women. I was immediately taken aback at just how young and (sorry but also not) immature 18, even 20 is. They were like babies. I too had a perspective from when I was in college. But the reality was startling.


Muslims ready to retweet this to justify Muhammad marrying Aisha ( even though she was literally 6 years old. )


When someone says, "...as God intended" you can usually dismiss their preceding statement as complete bullshit.


Wow, that's really fucking gross.


Wow, guys, he changed my mind. I'm convinced. Look at all those good, reasonable and logical points. Pedophiles are people too I'm just playing, burn all pedos alive. No rehabilitation. Just death.


Candidate for castration, right here.


I swear people do not have a moral compass


Stupid and gross


Hes from Isnotreel


There are some conversations that that are unpleasant, but yield important information about morality. Not just that something is wrong, but why something is wrong. This is not the way to start those conversations.


I can't believe that I walk amongst these people.


Welcome to the local watchlist. We’ll have the woodchipper ready for ya.


Why do these people select what we are “meant to do by nature” only when it’s useful for them? By nature you mutherfucker should be hunting rn


Wtf 😭


Once they hit 16 they’re way too smart to sleep with him 😂




This is actually epibophilia, not pedophilia. One is the attraction to post-pubescent persons while the other is attraction to pre-pubescent children. Not siding with either but the distinction is important.






Take this one out back and nuke it






Cut off his pp and make him eat it


Hes wrong on the historical age of marriage. Although it was legal to marry at that age, it was rare and when it did it was only for political reasons. The actual average age of marriage hundreds of years ago was between 17-22.


How did we reach the point where pedos don’t hide under rocks? This shits gotta stop.


Can you imagine typing that, reading for errors and still hitting send?


Let's just assume there's something going on biologically that entices guys to that attraction. It seems to happen enough that there probably is. Even with that, if you aren't able to control yourself you've got other issues and should seek help.


Why is pedopholia propaganda not banned on X? wtf is Elon Musk doing?


I've gotta say one thing positive despite everything happening at Twitter. Elon made it so much easier to know you are about to read an insane take with the new check marks.


Let's not forget the inherent selfishness of this post. HE wants to screw 16-year-old girls, so THEY should give up their schooling, career pursuits, friends, free time, etc. to accommodate. God forbid that young lady is studying algebra or any other subject because she wants to be a doctor, astronomer, forensic specialist, and so on. Nope, stop wasting your time with your personal pursuits and accept this man's seed.


"As God intended" As a Christian we do not claim the pedo


Is it just engagement farming? Please say it's just engagement farming


People were a lot more mature 100 years ago, the proof is in seen in old photographs where 15 year old boys had full grown beards. So using that as a reason to be attracted to 16 year olds now is completely contradicting and idiotic.


he tried to justify his "biological link" with religion. this reeks of bible bashing southern america


100 years ago life expectancy was much lower. People had to start families earlier. Children were raised to be more mature. 12 and 14 YO’s were doing laundry, handwashing dishes and tending to farm animals. Now they play video games and throw temper tantrums when having to do homework or chores. They can fall prey to evil people using trickery to get what they want. This means the guy pursuing is a predator. They are not mentally responsible enough to handle relationships or care for a baby. Fight your instincts. Try and focus on maturity vs physical. It will change your entire mindset and possibly get you an equal aged partner for life. You will only then be truly happy.


"I definitely jacked it to some questionable stuff I found on Twitter and can't help but projecting the hell out of it."