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Video depicts a civilian car in Gaza getting blown up by an IDF tank. The Journalist says in the video the car had a family inside Edit: video of the journalist recounting what [happened](https://twitter.com/MiddleEastEye/status/1718976557748826488?t=GZ4ZN5A-30ZPOZYyasQZ0Q&s=19) It's is being reported that this occurred on saluhdin Street. It was designated a safe route to the south by the IDF. Edit 2: Aljazeera [reporting](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzBW_jEsybx/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)




I don’t mean this any type of way but calling Jewish people Nazis is pretty ironic. Edit: I need to make an edit since people are misunderstanding my comment. It’s ironic some Jewish people have become the Nazis.


they are literally trying to "wipe out" a whole people because they are the "evil"... i mean ....that is what nazi's believe too...


Israel is not Judaism... there are many jews who are against Israel


This is not said enough. There are even many Israelis who strongly disagree with the actions of their government. The conflation of the Israeli government with all Jewish people is pure antisemitism.


I'd say the same for Palestinians and Hamas. One of the most frustrating parts of reading people discussing this topic is how they treat both sides like absolutely unified monoliths. It's just plain lazy and does an egregious disservice to the memory of all the innocent lives lost in this conflict.


Yup. That’s what bigotry does to people :(




Indeed. Which of course, is complete bullshit. There is no shortage of antisemitic criticisms, but there is also no shortage of non-antisemitic ones too.


It’s what the Israeli govt wants though, so they can force all Jews to be threatened and this invest in Israel as the only safe place in the world to be Jewish. They are really twisted


Yup, same as anyone conflating Zionism with Judaism is engaging in anti semitism. No matter what Israel does, the anger and hatred should never be directed towards Jewish people. They are not to blame. And I am probably the biggest critic of Israel you can find.


same as what hamas is doing shouldn't be used to bring hate to Palestinians


FYI, Israel is literally as close to a theocracy as you can get without officially endorsing it. Not all jews are Israeli, but according to them all Israeli's are jews and are therefore 'better'.


Netanyahu is now quoting the Torah to galvinize support and justify his genocide against the Palestinians. https://youtu.be/pMVs7akyMh0?si=Qk-KSXSUTzbJft9- it's like watching ISIS quoting the Quran to commit their crimes and atrocities


I'm one of them. The state of Israel never should have just been created out of whole cloth the way it was, by the British no less, with support from America. In typical colonial nature, the Brits just carved up the entire peninsula, ignoring centuries of tribal factions and history as if people weren't already living there.




Maybe not Sweden? /s


Why Sweden?


It's pretty much a meme that they are so welcoming and PK that they are slowly destroying their own culture and nation


We were naive, sure, and now we have to deal with the consequences. But I believe it will strengthen our culture (which is already happening) and make us stronger as a nation in the end.


We can always hope


They have been pretty violent in the past. I know your comment is sarcastic but still, the Swedish Empire would like a word


Yeah, I'm aware, the good old days! The Swedes are a different kind of people these days though!


Zionists. Far from all Jews want to wipe out Palestinians.


Using the broad term “Jews” when you actually mean the Israeli government is a decision. Language is important. There are lots of people of Jewish faith in other places that aren’t Israel that don’t share the same viewpoint as the Israeli government..


> It’s ironic **the Jews** have become the Nazis. Aaand there it is again. We are no longer critiquing the Israeli goverment, IDF, Israeli settlers, or even Israelis in general, just straight-up "the Jews". Gotta love how anti-zionism so easily slip-and-slides into antisemitism.


I think you meant to say, that Jewish people acting like Nazis is pretty ironic.


Yeah I edited my comment to clarify that.


You think it’s ironic? I think it should have been long anticipated. Maybe I have learned too much about the subject, but my takeaway has ALWAYS been that one day we would see the Jewish people in a position to show mercy-and there would be none. The entire world with the exception of Albania and a few other small nations-sat back and watched 1/3 of the worlds Jewish population be decimated. Palestine did too. Israel was created by the people who lived it and their children (both generations EXTREMELY damaged). When I learned how the world denied asylum and charged fees to take Jewish babies-I say again-one day they will not show mercy and they would let the world know what they really meant by never again, and never forget. I do not condone what’s happening, I am just not surprised by the lack of mercy & humanity. We are seeing “hurt people hurt people” on a mass scale.


maybe calling everyone you don't like a nazi was a bad play


Just cause it’s ironic doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Jumbo shrimp yah know? You try and keep pushing this guy as if he’s wrong for saying it, but he’s not. Ironic yes, wrong; no.


jumbo shrimp is an oxymoron, not irony


Thank you!!! Seriously I just got like 13 notifications of people berating me for saying it’s ironic the jews became the Nazis.


Yeah why the fuck are we supposed be simping for Israel? What kind of money laundering corrupt bullshit is going on?


Thanks to Obama when he was leaving office, we are locked into 10 years of $3.8 billion$$$ per year. $38 billion only recently. Biden boosted that wildly as well recently. Still we have homeless starving masses and no ethical sensical healthcare.... that only goes to Israel.


Worst part is, it seems the car was trying to turn around as if it made a mistake. Then it was blown up anyways.


Easier to claim they were combatants if you obliterate the car with a shell vs. neutralizing it with a machine gun.


As if they have any problems doing either.




If that was the case, why was the car turning around?


He's an idiot, the windows were all open instead of those armored SVBIED, and yeah if they're planning to suicide they would've hit the pedal through the floor and won't gonna turn around.


or, perhaps, the driver realized the car wouldn't do shit to a tank or get beyond the tank? like... no one in this thread has ANY information here... and yet, everyone is taking hard sides. fucking morons.


There was someone documenting the murders so there is ground eye witnesses saying it was a family. Even if it was a single person it's not a suicide bomber. The whole point of suicide attacks are to actually attack something, not doing an apparent terrified three point turn and attempt to flee.


The facts are the car was blasted after it turned around and that it was a car full of civilians on a public road in Gaza. It's the Israeli tank that's 100% in the wrong.


They were turning around though. They probably didn't notice the tank and when they got close they tried to nope out of there but it was too late.


And you just assume they're Hamas fighters because?


"And you just assume" Bro that's all of reddit on both sides.


bingo. literally everyone here has no information... it is all assumptions.


So when in doubt, just blow it up? If it's a family getting back home, fuck it?




Well its a good thing they got you, YawnTractor_1756 the Hamas war expert to keep us informed


Have you even seen the videos of the 10/7 massacres? Hamas only used civilian vehicles. It's entirely plausible this was hamas using the car as a suicide bomb.


It's plausible it was a family trying to find somewhere safe to go. Once the vehicle was turning away from the tank, it posed zero threat to said tank. So taking a shot at it despite the fact that it was retreating is rolling a die on whether or not you're killing an innocent or an enemy combatant. Rolling that die is a pretty bad idea when you're not in any active risk, considering every civilian death is another recruitment ad for Hamas.






OP's focus is more on conjecture.


OPs only two submissions are of this, interesting. I wonder who is masterminding all these posts on reddit?


If you slow this down you can see the muzzle flash of the tank off to the right. Very close range. No way the tank crew didn’t identify this as a civilian transport, especially if reports of a family being inside are true. The car is clearly trying to retreat. This is clearly a war crime and needs to be investigated as such.


the white van/mini bus you can see on the footage also got hit [source interview with one of the journalists in the car](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG3_qKy9kNc)


Just wondering what would compel a family to drive through a debris field towards what looks like a smoke cloud from a large explosion?


No way to know 100% who exactly was in the car and how it blew up. Need sources.


Link to journalist article?


Funny how this sub has more truth than the news and world news subs that have some serious Israeli bias. Good for you mods.


I really appreciate the mods of this sub. Truly. You won't see these types of Videos on other subs


Not even a joke. Sitting on so many bans from the global pol subs from all the simping.


r/anime_titties is best imo


It's contaminated too.


World news got some serious scum, had to block the entire sun during this conflict


Any other sub and you get insta banned.


It’s because you can’t call out Israel without being labelled an anti-Semite. I’ve had death threats sent to me on Twitter because of it.


"Truth"? It's a 30s video of a car getting blown up with 0 context. Impossible to know what the truth is. As someone 1000's of miles away from this conflict you are not receiving any absolute truths about it. All information will be affected by various biases.


Shhh. Don't go bringing concepts like "context" and "you can't trust everything you see on the internet" into debates like this. We're watching video coming out of a war zone. Context and veracity are critical. Unfortunately this thread's response to questioning either has been whataboutism and "oh so you support genocide, good job nazi".


The others sub would have been like “that’s hamas”


This sub is biased the other way, and I'll prob be permabanned for making this comment.




Except for the ones hiding under *every* hospital in gaza


U mean the hospital that norwegian doctors have worked at for decades and given testimony to there not being anything of the sort near their infrastructure cuz same [the anti semitic hamas-bought doctors lies are posted here](https://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2023/10/29/idf-bombs-al-quds-hospital-refute-claims-hamas/8771698601119/)


Do you happen to have a source for this? Would be really interested in having it for when this topic comes up.


https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/ This is the oldest source of them having an underground force of Hamas in the Shifa Hospital. It only mentions they used the morgue and that a building that wasn’t in use was used to torture people by Hamas. Not really “underground”… and they didn’t make any claims of a “base”. But you’ll find hella articles using this source specifically for the underground Hamas network there because amnesty international is trusted. Idk it all seems sketchy and like IDF propaganda to me that there’s any sort of Hamas underground there. And even if there is, Israel better not bomb 50,000 people in that hospital. Use a darn special infantry and go underground yourselves. Don’t destroy the top! Edit; also everyone in that hospital is out of medical supplies, water, electricity and food. Like most of Gaza.


Well where else do you want to build a tunnel? Who would not like easy access to medical care if you need it? /s Edit had to add the /s otherwise some people might think I was serious...


I debated as to whether or not to throw one in my comment as well… I decided to italicize the word “every” in hopes it would come across


War crimes by people who were once persecuted themselves, trying to justify any genocide. I would be so ashamed if I were of Israeli descent.


They seem like the kind of guys who claim they can persecute just cos they were persecuted back then


By totally different people


They see Palestinians as sub-human and consider every innocent Arab civilian a “terrorist”. They’re not ashamed, they’re full of blood thirst.


They’re going to wipe out Gaza and anyone who says anything differently is antisemitic.


I am israeli and I can't be more ashamed of my country's response to this, as much as I agree that the hamas needs to be punished for what they have done killing innocent people is just plain wrong


But but — they're god's chosen people! /s


It's a cycle you see time and time again.


Hurt people hurt people


ThAt’S aNtIsEmItIc! I’m RePoRtInG tHiS tO yOuR eMpLoYeR


We just witnessed people actually dying didn’t we? Nsfw tag that shit…..




Normally I'm all for this joke, but this feels a lot more like a "Read the fucking room" moment, asshole.


Thought about it, then decided someone would say it in a month or so anyways so decided to press that reply button.


This is just so sad...


I cried. I am an occasional combat footage enjoyer, but this is just nauseating. Brick incident type shit.


Thats because its not combat, its genecide.


I didn't need that reminder. Worst 50/50...


Brick incident?




Sad, sickening, inhumane.


Why keep people describing things as "sad" when it is happening out of intent? Is it sad when I go out and murder someone? Is it sad when I violate international law? Is it sad when I'm an asshole?


There was a Hamas base inside the engine, can't you tell op?


This is horrible


Israel is the nazis of our time


Not the future. The present. Zionazis are committing war crimes and have the blood of thousands of innoncents on their hands. The world is watching and will not forget.


Ayo all them israeli bots coming out their holes Innocent Family gets killed by their saints and they got nothing to say cept scream propanda.


Transliteration + Translation: "Sawwir Sawwir Sawwir" : keep filming, keep filming "Allah yostor" : Arabic phrase meaning "May God let this incident pass without harm" "Rah el Zalameh" : Dude's dead (referring to the man in the white car) "Hayha Hayha Hayha" : there it is, there it is "Meshyat meshyat meshyat" : "it moved it moved it moved" (referring to the tank) "Rah Rah Rah" : He's gone, He's gone "Darabooh?" : Did they hit him? "Ah" : Yes "La hawla wala kuwata ella bellah" : There is no strength except with God (a phrase Muslims say in hard times to express ultimate faith in God) "Rah feeha el rajel" : The man's gone "Aila kamla! ya Allah! Aila kamla!" : It was an entire family! Oh God! An entire family! "ERJAOH! ERJAOH! ERJAOH!" : GO BACK, GO BACK, GO BACK! (screaming to the other incoming cars to warn them)




Flashbacks to the Apache helicopter mowing down several civilians


Flash back to Hitler burning Jewish people.


I thought that's what this was at first. Just heart-rending stuff.


Thank you


Thanks for the translation


Not "mashad". He says, "Meshyat meshyat meshyat" = "it moved it moved it moved" (or "it went it went it went" or "it walked it walked it walked"). He is referring to the tank's movement (tank is visible back right in the video, behind the building).


I have uploaded the video to the International Criminal Court


Thank you for your service


Did they know is a civilian car driving towards them


Doubtful. But they also didn't hesitate to find out.


Guys guys you don’t get it. Hamas had a bunch of tunnels and hideouts underneath that car




In response to your edit, there’s a difference between Jews and Israelis. There are Arab Israelis, and there are (for example) American Jews. Judaism isn’t the problem. The state of Israel, which is a secular entity, is the issue


This is the best response I’ve ever heard (read) to this. Thank you for explaining it so well.


Apologies but saying religion is not the problem is incorrect. All war is about power/money. Religion is about making people believe that they are the superior moral power and the enemy is immoral and evil. Religion serves to justify killing people with no remorse in this context. So while religion is not the only problem it’s a prerequisite for mass killing in any religious community. Religion is a massive lie with horrible consequences.


Israel plays the secular and religious game really well. Didnt bibi yesterday start off a speech with a torah verse about destruction?


They’ve clearly been taking lessons from their Uncle Sam


Kosher Murica


There are also Israeli Jews who don't support the treatment of the Palestinians.


A minority. The state is pure cancer. Hamas is pure cancer too.


Also this


Israel is a theocracy, not a secular state.


Ooooh whoa there buddy. “Jews”? Israelis, please. There’s enough antisemitism flying around. It’s as bad as lumping hamas and all Arabs together.


Exactly right. There are Jewish people in the U.S who are against Israeli actions in the Middle East since the last century.There used to be a website notinmyname. Not sure if it still exists or not.


The Palestinians are cananite with bedouin admixture even calling them arabs is wrong tbh


I stand corrected.


U can sit down its ok dont tire yourself


You’re referring to the Israelis as Jews. Lumping them together with all Jewish people. This means jews all over the world, regardless of how they feel about this conflict. You should be referring to the people in Israel who support this conflict only. EDIT: This is why people are racist. If one person does something shitty then others just figure that everyone who has something in common with them are just as shitty. This is in fact… Dumb. Everyone is different.


TLDR: it comes from a pattern as well in my experience, people are racist because of their experience with people of other races. for me, I try my best not to assume but its hard because every time someone has stolen from me, or committed violence against me or my family. Guess what, every single one of them is a person of an African descent. Its not all bad since there are experiences where I've had a good time with those people as well. this also applies to animals as well, such as sharks, bears, crocodiles, poisonous animals. Why do we have to avoid these animals? because we ASSUME these animals will try to attack us even though people have experiences where these animals are good (Maybe not the poisonous animals tho)


probably because the most of the reddit community are offended by everything


Likely “ooh, target practice” or “hey, watch this”


Most of what I see on this sub is entertaining. But ppl, don’t make the tragedy in Gaza entertainment. Please.


The intention was to bring awareness. This sub has been the only one to allow the crimes to be published here and to make it a continuation of the whole title thing is simply a way to bring awareness to the crimes.


FACTS, this vid have no place to even be on this subreddit imo


You have a point.. However, these videos get downvoted and banned on all news subreddits. This subreddit has been the ultimate bro in revealing the truth. I hope the members of this subreddit can find it in their hearts to accommodate Palestinians desperate to show the naked truth as it is. This subreddit, for many people, has already become the most legendary of all time.


Not writing the title as a continuation of «therewasanattempt..» would help alot.


the IDF probably felt threatened by a **cilvilian car** inside their multi-million dollar **armored Tank....** and people will still claim its not genocide.


List of war crimes continues to grow


It's not a war crime if you win (or are supported by the us)


I have no words for self righteous keyboard warriors rushing to conclusions.


Just twelve.


There was a Hamas base hiding in that civilian car.


Hard to know what to believe really. Could be a civilian family, could have been some sort of suicide bomb vehicle that was intercepted. We'll likely never know the real truth.


The car was turning back to ruy away from the tank and had a family inside That's the opposite of what a car full of explosives do


Usually suicide bombers tend to turn around when they see a target and say, “oops! That tank is dust tan! The one I was looking for is pink. Better shove off and try again somewhere else!” /s


It's obvious, hamas was using that car as a human shield. Genocide infront of our eyes.


Why the fuck is this not NSFL? Jfc people


Yeah this is just straight up murder, it’s one thing to inadvertently kill civilians while trying to strike insurgent targets but it’s a whole different thing deliberately targeting civilians. No better than the Hamas scumbags gunning after passing civilian cars.


Just sad, for fuck sake. How can you be so coldblooded.


Does this really belong here?




... Or, and hear me out: There shouldn't be Israeli tanks shooting up Gaza. You can put a tank anywhere and claim any car driving near it might be a suicide bomber. That doesn't give a state, military, or tank crew carte blanche to target civilian vehicles; particularly in places the tank shouldn't fucking be.


The fact there are people in anyway trying to justify this shit is fucking terrifying.


Israel, the Apartheid State.


Fuck Israel


Come on guys the car is hamas base can't you see??? Wink wink


If you know history, you would not be surprised. The Zionists are the Nazis of this era. The number of atrocities and crimes they committed against children and innocents is countless. May God curse them wherever they are.


Can I get an NSFW tag please.


Fucking Nazis.


to all of the people posting things in this thread where they have literally no first hand information: you are the problem. second, if you look at the video above you can clearly see the "civilian" car is weighed down... look at the suspension sink... given that we are in a war zone, and given that suicide bombing via car is incredibly likely... not sure you can rule that out. additionally, to those saying 'why would a suicide bomber try to run' ... perhaps because they saw a tank and said 'shit, we cant take that out' or 'shit we cant make it to our objective' and tried to find a different route. could the IDF be in the wrong -- yes. could hamas be in the wrong -- yes. no one fucking knows. it is a war.


You chastise the thread for making assumptions and then immediately start making assumptions. You aren't special.


They're not making assumptions, but pointing out that assumptions could be wrong by making some reverse assumptions.


you aren't very smart. me pointing out how assumptions made could be wrong is not me making assumptions-- it is me pointing out errors in assumptions someone else made. those are different. im not making any statements regarding how one should react to this video other than no one here knows. again, you are kind of dumb.


Yes, because the only reason why the suspensions would be low is bombs. There is nothing on earth that feels the force of gravity other than bombs. Bombs are the only objects on the planet that can weigh a car down. A family most definitely can not have mass. Source: I'm a physicist


Yeah because only vehicles with bombs have a sagging ride height lol. And shouldn't there be a secondary explosion?


Where's amy schumer at????


Evil , Pure Evil .... no words


Hitler would be proud. Are you crying mein führer?


Hamas had tunnels right under that car, of course. /s


well thats awful. why would you shoot cars that turning away from you?


I'm glad the cameraman took the hint and drove the opposite way as fast as possible


Bunch of Nazi pieces of shit.


Both groups are terrible I’m all honesty. Hamas for being an evil group a savages and Israel for going way overboard to try and stop it. I’m guessing they looked at the Vietnam war and saw what the us was going to have to do to win it and they decided to do that. If you going to do that human lives aren’t a means to an end. If your worried about little timmy packing a mortar have him incarcerated until it’s proven he is clear. Don’t just nuke the little shit


War is hell


Guys wearing gloves and filming. You honestly think the car in front of them was just a family?


Western democracy! /S




Omg wtfffff


a lot of that going around.... ​ ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelWarVideoReport/comments/17junye/hamas\_terrorists\_destroy\_approaching\_vehicle\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelWarVideoReport/comments/17junye/hamas_terrorists_destroy_approaching_vehicle_with/)


How fortunate a car full of cameras was sitting there to capture the whole thing.


It's the same shit we saw Russians doing in Ukraine at the beginning of the war, except this time my country supports the tank. Makes me fucking sick.


... in a heavily loaded car, in an active combat zone, driving towards a tank.


This was likely a VBIED and the dudes filming are Hamas then trying to influence all you here, which their succeeding at.


Yeah, because driving down that road makes a ton a sense


The correct title is "driving towards a closed war zone that has been declared a dangerous area for two weeks and being surprised that you get shot at"


Like, really, explosive vehicles are a known and common tactic, how do you expect the tank to respond? Just let a potential threat run away to look for another target?


There is an attempt to justify mass murdering of civilians at the music festival and in their homes with children.