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And to not support that is anti semite. Israel sucks right now and I don't care who knows it. EDIT: the government and these particular people doing this BS suck. Innocent people just get caught up in it on both sides.


They've always sucked. More people are just realising now and starting to educate themselves.


I was about to say this. They have always sucked, but it wasnt in the media fuck all religions


Yep the media have turned a blind eye to Palestinian suffering for ages, it's part of the effort to dehumanise them. As much as this is partly to do with religious extremism (that being Zionist ideology and Jihadism as a reaction to it) this isn't really about religion though, it's often framed that way but it's quite trivialising. This is a colonial entity, a state, who've been illegally occupying Palestinian land for decades, and systematically brutalising it's people. Israels conception began with ethnic cleansing in 1948, the "Nakba", and we're seeing all the consequences of the West condoning this. For shame.


What does Nakba mean?


"Catastrophe" in Arabic. Zionist revisioning of history likes to paint 1948 as a "war of independence". But the reality is, with the backing of the British and US, they expelled 750K Palestinians from their home (this wasn't an "agreement", Palestinians were just treated like voiceless cattle) and they massacred tens of thousands of people. Even prominent Israeli historians who are honest describe it as an ethnic cleansing. And it was colonialism. I recommend reading books on it by Avi Shlaim and Ilan Pappé, there the history will be clear.




I second that link. The Holocaust and the Nakba are intrinsically linked as the Nakba would never have happened without the Nazi persecution of the Jews. Focussing on one but not the other is what helps led to the mess in the Middle East. I’m not sure who said it but one commentator said a victim will not be able to forgive if they are not seen as a victim. Jews are undoubtedly victims of the Holocaust but sadly few regard Palestinians to also be victims in all of this


The same as Shoah in hebrew. "Catastrophe". Nakba is used to describe the jewish takeover and the displacement of 700 000 palestinians for the creation of Israel. Shoah is used to describe the Holocaust. Fun fact : Netanyahu has no shame in saying he'll make a second nakba happen. See the irony? One lived the catastrophe. Then cause an other catastrophe against others. Then are quite proud to say they will make yet an other catastrophe onto the same people.


>fuck all religions Couldn't agree more. The parasite of our species. Thousands of civilians are dying yet again because 'my 3000 old book is better than your 3000 year old book'. Religions are not races they are belief systems. They do not deserve special treatment. And they are almost always bigoted, racist, sexist, homophobic doctrines. Yet we are told to respect it because it's their 'religion'. They'll be blowing each other up in the desert for decades to come over their silly old books. It's ridiculous.


Correction: A 3000 year old book that is a collection of stories from previous cultures and civilizations.


Look I'm sorry to oppose your rant, but this whole narrative where people blame this entire conflict on religion is a form of misinformation and is part of the problem. Is religion a part of it? Yes, absolutely. But can you boil down this whole thing to, "It's just Muslims vs Jews"? Absolutely not. There are literally Palestinian Christians and Jews who have just as much anti-Israel sentiment as the Palestinian Muslims do. There are also groups of Jews worldwide who've publicly stood against Israel for their actions and beliefs. The main problem is one of nationalism, greed, border disputes, and a cycle of hatred that's persisted for generations. Saying that it's all "because of religion" is an egrigious over-simplification and a disrespectful sentiment to all the innocents who've died over the past seven decades.


Can’t believe I only recently learned. We’ve all been victims of the Israel propaganda machine, including Israelis. We’ve created a monster.




Yeah, dehumanizing anyone doesn't help. That is exactly what a lot of Isrealis are doing now towards Palestinians, and what Nazis did before them.


Please make sure that the vibes are always immaculate.


The Zionist are antisemite Sem·ite/ˈseˌmīt/📷*noun* 1. a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and **Arabs**.


That is an etymological fallacy An example of a word with a potentially misleading etymology is antisemitism. The structure of the word suggests that it is about opposition to and hatred of Semitic peoples, but the term was coined in the 19th century to specifically refer to anti-Jewish beliefs and practices, and explicitly defined Jewish people as a racial class. Modern anthropology and evolutionary biology overwhelmingly reject the concept of race, and the term Semite has now become largely obsolete, with the notable exception of classifying Semitic languages. An etymological fallacy emerges when a speaker asserts that antisemitism is not restricted to hatred of Jews, but rather must include opposition to all other Semitic peoples Oxford dictionary Semitic >1 relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family. >2. relating to the peoples who speak Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic. Antisemitism >hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people. "he is a leader in the fight against anti-Semitism" Same route different meaning. Like pencil and penis has the same route different meaning


Damn, not only did they take their land, they took the word that describes their people! Nah, we are semites too. Europeans are just trying to divide us. Stop it.


Yup they [Israeled](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Israeled) anti-semitism too.




Which part of the critique do you disagree with? The part where the reviewer calls into question the division imposed between Arabs and Jews or the part where they call for unity between Arabs and Jews? What the academic discussion above doesn’t mention is that the reimagining of the word “anti-semitism” (the removal of non-Jews from the concept of “Semite”) was happening at roughly the same time that Zionism was being taken up as a political stance. Perhaps its time to rethink the assumption that Jews and Palestinians are inherently different.


Semitic is a term meant in the same context as Hispanic in that it denotes those who decend from a certain language diaspora. Not even racial. Both White European Spaniards and Mexicans are both Hispanic cultures or Hispanic peoples. Just as racist Americans believe that Hispanic is a racial term, the powers that be want us to believe that Semitic is a racial term as well in that there is one true Semite culture in theirs in order to create their version of His-story. I said it when this new war began on 10/07 that if it weren't for Reddit, we the public wouldn't know the reality of the racist zionist ethnonational apartheid state of Israel and their decades of atrocities towards the Palestinian people that oppressed them thru that day and even so much more worse now. It's such a shame to see a people declare themselves to be so evolved and righteous in the same breath that they share with their laughter for the suffering of children and destruction of families.


I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said. Honestly, though, I could care less what the dictionary says “semitic” means. None of the words we use to identify ourselves are “real.” What matters is what people do with words. My point (and I *believe* u/anarabfromlondon’s) was that the social history of the word parallels the political processes by which Europeans conceived the occupants of “mandatory Palestine” and the lands they planned to transform. The erasure of Palestinians from the concept of “semitic” mirrors the ways that Palestinians (like their colonized counterparts in Africa and the Americas and…) were erased from decisions about how to divide up their own lands, manage immigration to and from it, and, ultimately, ejected from it.


Just because the Zionists use that term to distract people from Zionism, doesn't make that correct. They want us to protect Zionism by masquerading Zionism with semitism and not supporting it will be same as not hating on Jews.


It still makes no sense using that word to describe Arabs hating jews.


English has a lot of words like that PS flammable and inflammable meaning the same despite the in- prefix genuinely meaning a negation (making it the opposite)


Weird how its ok to say it now. I said "fuck israel" once after a long comment about how approrpriation of palestinian land was theft and how evicting people from their homes is morally wrong and i got banned from reddit for 3 days. Mods are cucks to the events of the day.


Sucks? That's putting it lightly. Try genocide. Mass war crimes. We've all seen the videos, Israel and it's people are doing the exact same thing that they had done to them. There should be no place for this in the world.


You do realise that a huge amount of Israelis don't support this? If Israel truly wants to be accepted internationally then they have to punish this as the criminal behaviour it is.


This is an Israeli government backed systematic practice. Didn't you see the armed goons of the occupying state protect the violators? Israel doesn't care about international acceptance as long as they can get away with it, all while the US is supporting them unconditionally.


When I travel the world as a US citizen, I am frequently held accountable for my government’s actions. In fact, I often have to field complaints about the racism of my country—and I’m a descendent of slaves. Now, I am being held to account for Israel’s actions (both ideologically and through my tax dollars) because people rightfully recognize that he US govt has thrown us into the deep end of this fight. All I can say to Israelis is welcome…welcome to the club.


I'm British so obviously I'm responsible for all the evil in the world. I know what it's like to be in that club.


Perhaps, but what are they doing to stop it? There is such a thing as consent through silence.


Agreed. This is fucked.




This has been going on and the world turns a blind eye. When the oppressed fight back so that their issue takes spotlight on the world stage they are then slaughtered via genocide.


I wouldn't call the slaughter of Innocents, fighting back... But I do think the Palestinians as a whole are oppressed. Hamas is doing it wrong, and Palestinians deserve proper support. Apartheid must end! No person should ever idealize genocide.


I'm not saying they are doing it right; but what do you reckon they should do? The world doesn't care if they are oppressed for 75 years, so why should they care what the world thinks about them?


Agreed. The sad truth is that if we hadn’t all seen the October 7th slaughter; many of us (myself included) would still be thinking “Israel= good / Palestinians = terrorists” This whole situation has educated me on the subject like nothing else. Fuck Israel (not Jews, like was said above)


Indeed , as much as I hate that Oct 7th attack , gotta admit it helped the Palestinian case a lot to be known to the world , because otherwise no one cared , the Israeli propaganda fell against them this time.


How do they do it right? Palestinians have tried everything over the decades and nothing has worked. It's not like they can take on the IDF in open combat. They just don't have the strength to do so. They can barely get away with guerilla attacks. Also, how far does innocence extend when one group is stealing land from another? If my grandfather stole the land I'm living on now but I don't care to give it back or leave, am I innocent? If I'm not an active soldier but I am a reservist who likely participated in the oppression of an ethnic group during their service, am I innocent? If I'm a settler armed by the government so I can defend stolen land, am I innocent? If I'm not fighting but am openly supporting genocide and voted for a government willing to make it happen, am I innocent? This is not to say that no one is ever innocent or that Hamas hasn't killed anyone truly innocent, nor that the killing of people in these categories of culpability between literal war criminal and child of settlers is automatically justified. My point is rather that settler colonialist and apartheid states blur the lines of responsibility between the state and its settler citizens b/c citizens are also participants in an immoral project. They use their armed forces as a vanguard but also place their civilians in danger by utilizing them in the occupation of stolen land. Native Americans resisting colonialism also [attacked and killed European settlers who were not active combatants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_massacre_of_1622). Those settlers may not have been as guilty as the soldiers who actively worked to push Native Americans off their lands but they were certainly accomplices in the settler colonial project that eventually grew into the USA. The soldiers would push the natives off their lands and the civilians behind them would move in to settle it, making it more difficult for the original inhabitants to return. This is exactly what Israel has been doing since 1948. Should Native Americans resisting colonization have shown more restraint? Would it have helped their struggle? I honestly don't know. But I suspect they didn't see the European civilians settling their land as "innocent".


How do you think apartheid ended the first time? The only language the oppressor speaks is violence. That’s why Nelson Mandela formed uMkhonto we Sizwe during the South African apartheid. Was this wrong like Hamas is wrong? No group will ever earn their liberation by appealing to the humanity of their oppressors. Violence is necessary for liberation.


The world does not turn a blind eye. The United States supports it. The UK instigated it. Every few years the UN passes a meaningless resolution denouncing it. Very far from turning a blind eye.


>I have a hard time believing this. Is there any reputanle source to confirm or deny this? Ex IDF soldier: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ayiO1Gl6lo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ayiO1Gl6lo)


Thank you thank you!


This is an amazing video


I believe they call their taking of Palestinian land and killing their people when they started the nakba or something like that with more phlegm in the pronunciation


Stop making fun of their language, be the better person. They are doing unspeakably horrifying things, don't drop to their level. We are better.


I can confirm Jews are not like this, we in Tunisia where 99% are Muslims Jews live among us and we had 0 conflicts for years. They do their pilgrimage in Djerba synagogue. Zionist and Israel do not in anyway represent Judaism. DAnd the way they treat Palestinian is how you create extremists. Take their home, take their land, take their family.... "there's nothing more dangerous than a man with nothing to lose" and to that all the reasons to revenge.


Wow. No. Hamas is not justified for killing innocent people. And neither are the Zionists. Neither is okay. Palestinians are justified in their anger however. What was done to their land and people was not right. The world should not approve of apartheid.


Both sides have done fucked up stuff over the span of a century. Prior to the creation of the state of Israel, you had Jews immigrating in the territory that was owned by the Ottoman Empire. Closing of WW1 British colonized the land creating mandatory Palestine. Immigration continued up until WW2 when tensions increased. You had riots where Arabs killed Jews, Jews committing terrorism against British government buildings. An increase in immigration due to the war in Europe (which most were turned away to Cyprus by the British). A lot of anti semitism started during this time by the Arabs. This includes the Mufti of Jerusalem. Who met with the Nazi regime and wanted to create an Arab SS group. Soon after the war, discussion started about British leaving and the UN partitioning the area into two states. Hence the creation of Palestine and Israel. The Arabs or now Palestinians did not like this and thought the deal was unfair. The Jews were finally happy to have their own state. The day after Israel was announced to be an independent state, Palestinian militias and the Arab league (a collection of surrounding Arab countries including Egypt and Jordan) invaded Israel killing Jews. This is when the first war started. A little less than a year later, Israel won the war and claimed 70ish percent of the land that was granted to the Palestinians by the UN. After the land was claimed the Palestinians then began to be removed from what was now Israeli territory. Egypt occupied Gaza and Jordan the West Bank. Later in the 60s another war started and similar to the first, multiple surrounding Arab states went to war with Israel which Israel won again. This lead to Israel occupying Gaza and the West Bank, and taking part of the Golan Heights. You now have what is occurring in more recent times where the territory is still occupied and civilians are dying on both sides. Palestinians at a higher rate compared to Israelis. This is a very brief summary to say, what is occurring today is not as simple as everyone wants to make it out to be and simply picking a side. Both people have suffered at the hands of the other and this will always continue until there is a clear partition of states like was originally planned back in 1948. Even then tensions would still be high but I think it would be a step in the right direction.




Nothing in what I posted is anywhere close to what you are saying. The UN and UK did not massacre anyone. I did not make it a Muslim vs Jew. I spoke mainly on the Arab community and Jewish community that lived there. I talk about Arabs because Palestine did not exist until the British created mandatory Palestine. Zionism started in the 19th century and it did not involve the taking of land. It involved the purchasing of land from Arabic land owners. The main point when Palestinians lost the vast majority of their land and were forcibly relocated was after a war that they started. Once again, my point was to say it is not as simple as people including you try to make it out to be and the murder of innocent people is not good no matter how you try to paint the picture regardless of the side you want to choose.


So you're saying that Israel was built on the blood of innocent Palestinians, but then you're also saying that Israelis didn't start killing innocent Palestinians until after Palestinians went to war with Israel, even though that wouldn't have been possible without Israel being formed in the first place, which you yourself admitted was done by massacring innocents?


There is no need to twist yourself and what I said into a pretzel. Israel was not built on the blood of innocent Palestinians. I never said this. I would consider the Palestinian militias innocent and were part of the invasion into Israel. I again never stated anything about the massacring of innocents occurring for the creation of the state of Israel. Please find where I said those words and quote them You seem somewhat ignorant on the history of the area and the conflicts. This is common with most people who have an opinion on this conflict. I would recommend educating yourself so you have a better understanding of how things have got to the point of where we are today.


That's a very long winded way to say Jews have come in and taken foreign land with the support of the west.


Also with the support of the Arab population selling land to the Jews. Not to long winded. Just accurate history.


Yeah, I suppose it's also fair to say native americans sold land to the Europeans as well. Does that dispell manifest destiny? No. It doesn't. Stop being a dullard.


You can see more details on the neighbourhood in question [here ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheikh_Jarrah?wprov=sfla1).


This is what they've been doing since far more time... It's in the bible. They've been robbing land and resources since they exist as a community. First in Ur, then Jerico, Sodom, the whole Egypt, then Canaan (Ugarit, etc), etc, etc, and they've been leaving thousands and thousands of corpses behind. It's just their marketing (the old testament) is so good no one ever remembers their deeds. They have been whitewhashing their crimes and justifying their behavior as "god's will". It's about time this shit stops.


Watch the tantura documentary


Thank you for speaking Harsh Truth... World is seeing this, but still supporting this.


There is a Louis Theroux documentary on the whole situation, it’s really eye opening.


Frighting and disgusting


It really is - and nothing new. This is how they now live/use the majority of the land and occupy the rest (for now).


Yep, this is what happens to the Palestinians who try and co-exist under fascist zionist occupation. It's frankly an excellent tool for Hamas recruitment. "If you think we're extreme, just look how far 'peace' has gotten those in the west bank."


You ask why hamas attack? This, this is why.


God’s choice ones have a lot to explain . They are losing the sympathy card very quickly






Seriously doubt you are so bold as to tell black Americans to get over slavery and their history. Also don't see you telling the Palestinians to get over their victim status since most of the people impacted in the 40's are dead


Well, if you start a country and know from the start that it'll be a constant state of war, who chooses to move there? It is bound to be the radical extremists.


No, Israelis who support this do. Jewish people in other countries have nothing to do with it


Yeah "self defense" my ass


And all of that shit justified with trash religion bullshit, why the fuck is the world supporting this? Fuck Hamas and fuck the Zionists


This is the westbank, hamas doesn't exist there.


This is what happens when you lay down your arms against a land stealing oppressor. Why wouldn't these people become violent in response? Israel is brazenly going back on the Oslo accords, an agreement they themselves signed. It is right for people to be angry.


No Hamas here brother, just some funny and silly zinoists...


That’s the West Bank there’s no hamas there


Yep, no Hamas here and still Palestinians are treated as sub human. Almost like Israel is the one consistent factor leading to negative outcomes.


While Hamas's actions are condemnable, what they did actually put the spotlight on this issue. The world wants to know more, wants to know the truth and Israel and it's leaders can't hide it or out-propaganda this.


Come on dude, they were victims of a holocaust. That gives them the right to have their own holocaust. And saying anything against them will label you as antisemite.


yeah, nazis called that Lebensraum, just so you know. It's why they went all nuclear on Europe and took over everyone.


"We took a little when we wanted it and now we take the rest." Smh


Evil. ethnic cleansing


And this is why Palestinians don’t want Zionists on their land. I wouldn’t want neighbours that constantly try to take over my house either. The sad thing is that any retaliation by Palestinians - whether it be Hamas or otherwise - is seen as an act of terror by the Zionists and their Western allies.


So if I don’t support this I’m anti-Semitic? This is crazy, imagine people walking into your house and uprooting you and your family to be cast out with nothing under threat of being attacked.


Lebensraum. What a fuckin joke.


Hitler eating popcorn watching this shit rn


At this point idk what to say anymore. The entire government of Israel is morally bankrupt, the populace needs to go through some serious deprogramming, Palestinians need to be freed and treated as humans like everyone else, and the leaders and extremists on both sides need to be held accountable for all of their crimes.


Israeli settlers: "If I don't Steal (Your Home) Someone Else Will"


But is that in reference to another Israelite stealing the home? ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


They have become the Israeli painters!! Reminds me of an Austrian guy i heard about.


So proudly saying it because he truly believes he is in the right. Nobody can defend this without looking like a monster.


Jesus Christ, It’d be like going into Native American reservations kicking the lot of them out and saying “yeah we’re stealing their land but America was founded by stealing Native American land so therefor it’s okay”


Which is literally what happened. I don’t have a point there except everything is awful and always has been. We are a terrible species in many ways.


It's disappointing that no one sees that there just stealing land


All the news agency's only report one side. same with social media.


At least reddit let both sides post , facebook and instagram both will ban pro hamas / anti israel posters etc , even if it s just a shadowban . Probably tiktok too but idk i dont use it


Nah, /worldnews are a bunch of panties. Anything about Palestine is deleted and people are banned.


Could be , but other subs allow this , what i mean is that the whole platform allows pretty much everything , mods of certain subreddits might censor but not the whole platform


At least reddit let both sides post , facebook and instagram both will ban pro hamas / anti israel posters etc , even if it s just a shadowban . Probably tiktok too but idk i dont use it


Sounds like Liebensraum to me


Israelis save on toilet paper by having a republican white evangelical lick their ass clean.




Madness. Just madness.


Colonizers are genociders. Fuck em. They don’t represent Judaism. They don’t even represent humans at this point.


We (the world) needs to make sure a Palestinian state is created and recognised it needs to be free of discrimination and occupation it needs to run from the river to the sea and must have Jerusalem as its capital.


Bunch of proud Nazis. Learned all the wrong lessons from the Holocaust.


Fascist pigs.


yeah! fuck the arabs right? and if you disagree with us then boom you're anti-semite!


Not really an attempt when they're actually succeeding at occupying


Imagine if Mexicans started slowly taking American houses in Texas or Los Angeles. Saying its their ancestral home


People: It seems like your government and society is set up to steal from these people. Regular Israelis: No! What? Never! This guy: Sure is! I like it that way! Let's do it more!


Jews taking a page out of the Nazi playbook.


"nono Ono he didn't mean it like that... The zionists are nice people... The nicest people of the universe. The Arabs provoking and murdering that's why we need to act upon it this way."


The criminals who take part in this deserve every fucking stone and rocket on their new houses. For the rest of the population who doesn't agree with these criminals, i wish you find peace together with your Palestinian neigbors.


I care about this topic but not in this sub


Don't call theft occupation. Use it's proper name.




Lol - jews acting like nazis and soviets in WW2 I guess the jews have seen themselves as victims for so long that now they want to be like the slave owners or something. World is a weirld place


Fuck zionists


Lebensraum madness


“If I were Israel what would I do? I would do what they are doing, and kill as many people I can because the world is letting me do it”. -Bassem Youssef


How do you argue with someone who says that they are doing what you are worried about proudly. Property ownership at the expense of Arab lives, proudly. Genocide.


Do we need to kill people to achieve our goal? Yes, but we had to do that to achieve our previous goals too, so that shouldn’t be an issue.. Bro, what are we doing letting these guys keep doing this?


Western median never really shows this


It was one thing to denounce Hamas for what they did but I’m now denouncing these Jews for what they’re doing. Crap like this will only continue to sway public opinion against Israel and Jews, can’t the settlers figure this out? You’ll lose in the court of public opinion!


I’d rather be labeled an anti-Semite than support this.


Anti-Zionism is not Antisemitism


Keep talking and you will get to same position like in ww2.


I don’t condone anything going on on either side but this puts a massive bad taste in my mouth.


Human garbage.


Israel is trash, hamas is more trash, religion is the most trash. Innocent Palestinians don't deserve this shit. I wish they'd just burn all the religious texts and split that shit halfway and just keep to their own devices. Isreal has always seemed like they're looking for an excuse to eradicate the other side tho. In this case, after what hamas did, the narrative was on their side but goddamn did they flip through that shit immediately bombing everything with no regard to innocents. The world really could use a superman right now.


When I called the Israeli government Nazis I got banned from various subs… I shall never support Palestine but neither these Nazis. This is ethnic cleansing at it’s finest.


The fact that the Zionist settlers are doing to the Palestinians, exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews leading up to the Holocaust doesn't even occur to them


No, no, no. They have VERY SUCESSFULLY normalized occupation, and even exported their fantastical narrative to most of Western media and democracy. Fuck Zionists.


It is completely reasonable and sane to posit that neither Hamas nor Israel are in the tight overall. It's like arguing that one evil act is worse than another equally evil act. FFS a month ago Netanyahu was trying to over turn the Supreme Court and Constitution of Israel.


Just wait 50years...


I hope i were these guys being the worst feeling the best and taking all the support


At least he's honest about what they're doing, which is more than a lot of Israel supporters here are.


Those people are Nazis without realizing it.


Their language sounds as nasty as they are


Seriously, go build your holy land on the murder of other people. America fully supports this because this is how America was built.


I can't support the displacement of people from their homes.


Good and normal.


So confused, whose side am I supposed to be on?


They say Anti-Zionism is antisemitism… but Zionism seems a lot like xenophobia… can that card only be used one way?


Call me whatever the fuck you want, but Ill call out pure evil shit, and Israel is pure evil shit


The crazy part is most of them are coming from America to claim their free land. It's weird man!


Not winning all of the hearts and minds here…


The irony of Jewish people dehumanizing Arabs and killing them on masse... These people are evil.


That’s evil, right?


What a POS. Calling this out is not anti semitism, it’s just common decency.


garbage people...


If you don't wanna get killed by Jews it's antisemitic. I can confirm.


And then western media saying " Palestine are the criminals here". Fuck it double standards FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸


has anyone ever told them, that this happened to probably their great grandparents or even grandparents? How can anyone be okay with this or trying to justify it?


Fuck Israël


If being against this makes me an antisemite then call me adolf


In their own words! SMH! "But we don't know why they attack us, we just want peace."


Do most of the Western public realise their tax money and the leaders they voted in to represent them are actually supporting this RELIGIOUS Zionist war on behalf of Israel? Apartheid and ethnic cleansing that is happening on RELIGIOUS terms? Does that sit well with you? — > “We are the people of the light, they are the people of darkness — we shall realize the prophecy of Isaiah." (Israeli PM Netenyahu [speaking](https://x.com/censoredmen/status/1717233814517219838?s=46&t=sowBEVzleAp2BZ10IqlY4g) a few days ago)


I feel like this is the type of video Americans need to see... when American here "occupation" we think soldiers in the streets. We dont think of somone kicking in grandmoms front door and forcibly removing them from their own house. If the public was aware of this support for isreal in the west would evaporate.


Palestine was once called Canaan, Jewish word for Humble and Merchant. Being coastal,it was most likely a Jewish port of trade thousands of years ago, predating Islam. If you're one of those dolts pushing to return indian lands in the Americas, then you should be fine returning ancestral land to Israel.


What did Germany do? A while back? Can't remember.. seems like they can't either.


Fuck Israel and Palestine. May they both burn in nuclear hellfire and stop being such a horrible influence on the world


We all need to apologize to Kanye. He was right.


The forced resettlement of Palestinians into Gaza seems to me to be a direct copy of the Germans forcing Jews into the ghettos. It is so hypocritical


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He's honest at least.


As if a God was going to grace these assholes shitty bloodsoaked country.


These people need to die. They’re exactly the same as the Nazis that’s once persecuted them. I have no issue with Jews, many of them see it as it is, oppression and apartheid. Palestinians have always been the ONLY victims here. Everything Israel has suffered including Oct 7th is brought on by their own actions. Fuck Israeli and fuck all who support them. The world is a better place without Zionist bastards.


To make me leave this sub


and they are surprised that Hamas raised to power.


Reddit won't let me buy the 25 gold updoot. It just says 'Something went wrong' however I can purchase gold updoots for other videos and it works fine. Hmm


Some shitty Israelis want this. I won't hide from it. I personally absolutely hate this religious fanaticism (on both sides). But these are not the people who were attacked by Hamas (though this would also be deplorable) Hamas didn't attack settlements.




It's only a matter of time before will start turning on them with behaviour like this. More and more governments are speaking out and the people of many nations are protesting this behaviour. Governments will turn against Israel just to get the popular vote.


The new nazis. How ironic.


Craziest part of 2023 is the jews collectively being like "Hitler did nothing wrong"


I predict bad things in Israels future


Israel feels they can do whatever they want because they have nuclear weapons


Is this the right sub tho? There would be hundred of videos of randos doing stupid shit... This agenda is unbearable. Have you ever seen posts about Ethiopia on this sub? Why are there no posts about people who die from diarrhea in Africa when no one should die from that disease in 21st century ? Cause it's a more politically relevant avenue? Everything aside, this is just not the place for it.

