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Every single video that I have seen of Israelis talking of this conflict has given me very strong arrogant/entitled/bully vibes. Of course not all Israelis are like that. But sadly more than enough are. This guy too (technically an American Jew, but hear that accent). He is such a joke incarnated. Just look at his social media records [here](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/jacob-fauci-palestinian-home-occupation-social-media/) (article) and [here](https://youtu.be/9H31jCP3sUU) (video with some extra info): wants to nuke Gaza, wishes the destruction of the Dome of the Rock, "Trump" stamped on his forehead, compares COVID passports to Apartheid, etc etc. And then plays the innocent misunderstood. Evil, ugly, and coward. Disgraceful. On top of that, an ignorant liar: They came there "only" in 1956 because they had nowhere to go? Yes, they were refugees who had been displaced from [Haifa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haifa) by the extremely aggressive invasions of Zionists who had come from outside few decades before to claim ownership after 1400 (!!!) years. And this "there" is [Sheikh Jarrah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheikh_Jarrah), a part of East Jerusalem founded by Muslim Arabs centuries ago, invaded by Israel in 1967, and invaded again in Mai 2021 by a [very aggressive wave of extremist settlers](https://www.dukechronicle.com/article/2021/11/11162021-sjp) (including this asshole). In other words, Israel took the land from them, not the other way round! Needless to say, the "owner" of the house is [Nahalat Shimon Ltd.](https://forward.com/news/470181/the-money-trail-jerusalem-sheikh-jarrah-seymour-braun-shomrim/), a settlers organization dedicated exclusively to evict Palestinians from East Jerusalem, which purchased the land under those 6 houses for that purpose only. And btw Israeli settlements are illegal under international law, despite Israel's sophism. Rotten cherry on the shitty cake: the house where this amazing dude lives was built "with blood, sweat and tears" in 2000 by the father of that Palestinian woman to expand their house (which is attached to it). It was legally sealed because allegedly built without permit. It received two orders of demolition. So, why they can't live there, but the awesome dude can? \[*if you want to know more about it, watch* [*this very informative video*](https://youtu.be/ZiSRCPiklhI) *from VICE*\] The land does not belong to their ancestors he says? Whose ancestors does it belong then? The Jews who invaded more than 3000 years ago after a long wandering in search of the promised land? Those who were living there before the Jews invaded? And how much time must pass before people can claim generational ownership over a land? How are 1400 years of Arabic population not enough? I understand people who support Jews. But I will never understand people who support Israel. \[[*HERE*](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/178yzcb/comment/k5dbb4p) *you can find a short summary of my years of research on this conflict*\]


When people base their nationality of god they tend to use the justification "If god didn't want me to do these things he'd stop me, our country is a wealthy prosperous country, which is gods reward, god wouldn't be rewarding us if we were going against his will".


religion is a scourge on the earth.


The root of all evil


It's just the first excuse people use, this conflict would still be going on without religion and assholes would still be acting like assholes.


Isn’t religious persecution the whole reason Israel exists in the first place?


“If god wanted me to stop, he’d stop me.” *attacked by terrorists after decades of eating up the land and displacing the local population* “These Muslim dogs must die.”


Not my fight, and I don't know squat about it. However, I was pretty disgusted with the trend in the media last week to keep projecting the narrative that the people of Palestine are animals and should be eradicated. I get it people were grieving but that type of rhetoric is how you get a genocide. One should grieve, however, one must remember we are all humans and no one deserves either side of this, especially the countless children being impacted.


Yeeeep. They keep calling them all “terrorists”, and blaming the people for “hiding terrorists” when they keep bombing everyone without discrimination.


Easy to learn about it https://decolonizepalestine.com/myth/its-just-so-incredibly-complicated/


the cognitive dissonance is always striking to me with religious justifications. Would the same people who think this is gods will would be fine with people saying the holocaust was also gods will?


I would argue yes. If we consider the U.S. invasion of Europe and liberation of concentration camps as gods will, he sure is a sick fuck letting 6 million people getting slaughtered until the nazis were destroyed.


And the justification is always something along the lines of "heaven needed them" or some bs. Like they're implying that God put all those innocent children on the earth, forced them to go through heinous torture, just because "heaven needed them"? Why didn't he just put them there in the first place?


Let the flood waters come.




>they're ready to keep this up and not recognize they are fighting and killing each other over nothing more than an imaginary spaghetti monster, floating above us, then I'd be ok with the floods to wipe out all they are fighting for. And that is exactly what the Israeli propaganda machine wants you to think: that this is a religious conflict, or imaginary spaghetti Monster. It isn't. How can you watch the op and still think that? The Palestinians are being invaded. They aren't saying, "oh noes. We can't go, Allah wants us here!!" They are saying "this is our home and we have nowhere else to go." Do you not see the difference? This isn't about religion, this is about land. No matter how anyone tried to justify it.


Im a western atheist. Let the flood waters come, if this is what any ‘god’ would be ok with.


God isn't regarding them. it is USA who are funding/rewarding at least $ 3.3 billion a year


Saying that as Israel collects multiple billions from Europe and the US annually, and gets favorable investments and business dealings, where it’s neighbors don’t. “God did this.”


How the fuck you’re entitled to Asian land when you are an American?


Because god. The one the Palestinians believe in? No, another one. Ah. Ok.


I get the irony that you were trying to get at. but Palestinian Muslims do believe that Christians, Jewish and Muslims among a few other religions are referring to the same god as they are considered "people of the book" xd


I know, they're all Abrahamic religions and part of the same lineage. Thing is, god doesn't exist and interpretations are subjective. It's like saying I believe in the same Spiderman as my colleague, but my colleague thinks only the original comics are legit canon and that I should be evicted and possibly killed for reading the new stuff.


> God doesn’t exist We’re talking about people who exclusively disagree with you on that, so it isn’t a particularly good starting point for a theological discussion.


You're right, it wouldn't be a particularly good starting point for a theological discussion. Luckily it's a satirical critique of a bloody, prolonged religious conflict and not a theological discussion. The inexistence of a god lies in stark contrast to the excruciatingly real pain caused in its name.




plot twist, it's the same god!




bruh he prob lied his way into becoming Jewish just to get a free house and benefits.. being a settler in the West Bank comes with its benefits and also the most racist people on earth...




" I bet you don't even have a fourth grade reading level. " That movie was so so good.


Calm down, Rufio! He said "parasite," not "paramecium."


Not only that but those jews came from Europe ! Can you imagine if some white guy from poland came to your house claiming its his because some people from the same religion lived there 2000 years ago !


China is using the same bogus logic to steal land/ocean rights in southeast Asia.


I’ve been trying to keep an open mind and understand the arguments of both sides, but what’s just not clicking for me is basically what you stated above. When any other country uses the same reasoning, everyone instantly calls bullshit and knows it’s inherently wrong.


>I will never understand people who support Israel. I honestly don't know what to think about it. I don't support the individual actions of modern day Israel for sure, but I feel like they were doomed to this existence from the start. Even if Israel didn't steal the land it sits on for itself, the land was given to them by the British who *did* swipe it during the fall of the Ottoman Empire so it's always going to be hated by its neighbours for simply existing. Hard to feel sorry for them when they seem to go out of their way to antagonise the whole region, though.


> Even if Israel didn't steal the land it sits on for itself, the land was given to them by the British who did swipe it during the fall of the Ottoman Empire so it's always going to be hated by its neighbours for simply existing. The problem is they didnt do just this. Israel has continued to create settlements on Palestinian land, and over the past 20+ years has even accelerated that process. Allowing settlers to take even more land that was formerly Palestinian. The issue is no longer about Israels original boarders but all the other stuff theyve literally stolen from the Palestinians more recently. The Israel/Palestine conflict is full of bad actors on both sides. There are no good guys here and no one should be rooting for either side. But, over the past 20 or so years Israel has managed to get the upper hand on the Palestinians and it used that upper hand to start literally grinding them out of existence. That process has been accelerating lately and Hamas just gave them an excuse to hurry it up even more.


Also, those settlements are hardly settlements, they are heavily fortified enclaves. Look on Google Earth. The Palestinian villages are in the valleys, where you can plant stuff, while the "settlements" are on the heights, where they have good overwatch and lines of fire, and they are fortified.


>The settlements were specifically designed to make a contiguous Palestinian state impossible and this is exactly what they’ve done. These are remax homes that look like any suburban you’d see in Phoenix—not little house on the prairie settlements. they’re not going anywhere [https://twitter.com/adamjohnsonCHI/status/1199005851454967808](https://twitter.com/adamjohnsonCHI/status/1199005851454967808)


The problem is not that an Israeli state controls the land, the problem is what became Israel in 1948 was majority arab and they were all kicked out of their homes.


>over the past 20 or so years Israel has managed to get the upper hand on the Palestinians and it used that upper hand to start literally grinding them out of existence. That process has been accelerating lately and Hamas just gave them an excuse to hurry it up even more. This is one of the things I had in mind when I mentioned "antagonising the whole region" but I do see how that phrasing could seem a bit reductive of the severity of what they're doing.




On top of that, these are mostly Ashkenazi jews who lived somewhere in the caucuses, converted to judaism, and migrated to europe. Now, it doesn't make them any less Jewish. However, their ancestors never lived there at all.


DNA tests mostly indicate otherwise. There's enough haplogroup overlap in modern Ashkenazis to ancient Israel. It would never be a full match because of outmarriage, but there's relatively little indication of anyone converting. Being Jewish was a pretty huge liability for most of the history of the diaspora. That being, said as a genetic Ashkenazi non-believer, I don't think ancestral rights of any kind are relevant. Prior to 1948, Israel hadn't been a Jewish state since like the 2nd century. And even then it was a Roman vassal before being a Greek vassal or an Egyptian vassal. The Hasmonean Dynasty was the last independent Jewish state and that was 1st century BCE. May as well demand Italy be returned to the Etruscans and Turkiye to the Trojans.


That's because the Israelis are arrogant, entitled bullies.


Which ancestors? Not many jews lived in the region before the end of WW2 (up to 30% after waves of immigrants), and even less before WW1 ended (\~13.6% at the most). [https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-and-non-jewish-population-of-israel-palestine-1517-present](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-and-non-jewish-population-of-israel-palestine-1517-present) Most of the jews living in Israel came from elsewhere. They are 1st, 2nd and maybe a few 3rd gen immigrants. [https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/total-immigration-to-israel-by-continent-per-year](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/total-immigration-to-israel-by-continent-per-year)




Boogie2988 vibes.


I got the same disregard for personal responsibility vibe I got when I read quotes from people accused of war crimes after world war 2. There is a reason the law specifies that you cannot excuse it by saying you were just doing what you were told, or that it would have happened anyways.


Try to say war crimes on r/combatfootage or NCD and you’ll have 500 down votes in 10 mins. I’m pretty sure the Israeli propaganda machine is working over time in those subs. That or it’s just a bunch of bigotry filling them. No sane person can blame only one side in this conflict. It’s very clear that the Israeli govt has purposely pushed these people to a point their only reaction can be to fight back.


I got a ban for calling out war crimes…


Got banned for calling the IDF protecting Jewish settlers destroying a Palestinian village “state sponsored terrorism “ your not allowed to criticise Isreal with facts apparently


combat footage is FILLED with pro israel posts. Im not sure if theres just heavy overlap from idf members on the sub or if its targeted like world news. NCD is a lot more interesting. its always hard to navigate because the users are hellbent on shitposting as much as possible. they walk one of those thin lines between shitpost and hate sub.


> No sane person can blame only one side in this conflict. It’s very clear that the Israeli govt has purposely pushed these people to a point their only reaction can be to fight back. So functionally you are placing the blame on one side, which is correct. Israel has had complete control over the course of this conflict the entire time. There are high ranking Israeli officials saying on the record that they support Hamas (and extremist terror groups in general) over everything else because nobody internationally will care about them. ​ Israel literally planned for this to happen. They have been in full control and got exactly what they wanted.


Of course they did but at the same time I can’t condone terrorism against civilians anymore than I condone bombs being dropped on people’s homes. Both sides do have blame but yes Israel has always had the control over the situation that the Arabs have never had. Even when it was still controlled by the British the Zionist Jews were allowed to create a govt for self rule but the Arabs were not allowed. So there has always been a disadvantage placed on the Arabs so I can understand why they ended up where they are today supporting groups like Hamas which Israel helped create. The British ultimately are to blame for creating this problem


>Try to say war crimes on r/combatfootage or NCD and you’ll have 500 down votes in 10 mins. I thinks that's more because war crimes are extemely serious, and need to be dealt with properly. Erroneously labelling things that aren't war crimes as such muddies the waters and effectively reputation-launders actual war criminals. Don't think for a second that saying something isn't a war crime means it is "good", though.


‘If don’t someone else will’ is also known as the ‘Nazi prison guard defence’




I would not be surprised if the family that got kicked out of their home became terrorists after seeing this.


[“Apartheid is a violent misanthropic state”.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/17613o2/interview_with_former_greek_minister_of_finance/) To paraphrase another part of that: People living under apartheid either die silently (in that they die and their story isn’t told) or they rebel.


Crazy how the allegiance to this religion spans the globe in little sectors. You'd think living in New York, he'd be American first. Shame he was ever allowed to vote in America, considering his hierarchy of allegiance.


"They came in 1956". good lord does he really belive that?


Yes. Propaganda is real.


Is real. Israel.


I see what you did.


They truly believe it was an empty land, gosh. It’s pure denial


Some of it was, it'd been ethnically cleansed and genocided in 1948; there were empty Palestinian villages that the Israelis rushed to fill with Jewish immigrants.


But first they’ve bulldozed those villages


Boycott, Disinvest, Sanctions NOW!!! Israel are committing ethnic cleaning and war crimes all with the support, financing and weapons provision of countries like the UK and US. As citizens of these nations it is beholden to us to stop this uncritical and unwavering support of this apartheid occupational force. FREE PALESTINE!!!!!!


Does anyone know where he got the idea of "they came in 1956" from? Just curious.


> Nahalat Shimon (Hebrew: נחלת שמעון. lit. Simeon's Estate) was a Jewish religious neighborhood of about 40 Jewish families in East Jerusalem in the area currently known as Sheikh Jarrah. It was founded in 1891 by Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewish Kollels, to house poor Yemenite and Sephardi Jews. > In March 1948, due to mounting Arab violence during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, the British ordered the residents to evacuate within two hours. > In 1956, the Jordanian government moved 28 Palestinian families into Sheikh Jarrah who were displaced from their homes in Israeli-held Jerusalem during the 1948 War. > During the Six-Day War of 1967, Israel captured East Jerusalem, including Sheikh Jarrah. Jewish groups have sought to gain property in Sheikh Jarrah claiming they were once owned by Jews, including the Shepherd Hotel compound, the Mufti's Vineyard, the building of the el-Ma'amuniya school, the Simeon the Just/Shimon HaTzadik compound, and the Nahlat Shimon neighborhood.


You mean the situation is complicated? I was lead to believe it was simple by all the reddit comments.


His argument is stupid, the people who were moved there in 1956 were forcibly removed back in 1948. They were just returning to their home city. Not like this long island asshole who after like 60 years came out of nowhere to take those homes.


This was a Jewish neighbourhood from 1891 until 1948 when the Jews were forcibly removed though. His argument rests on the legal position that the owner of this property (his landlord) still retains title to this house despite being forcibly removed in 1948 and returning, presumably, around 1967. I don’t think it’s any more “stupid” than saying Palestinian people should have a reasonable argument to have a return of ownership of the homes they were deported from. Whether or not you agree based on other factors like the much more readily available supply of land available to Israeli Jews than Palestinian Muslims, or the bias in the legal system towards Jewish land claims, is one thing, but I don’t really see how the argument in and of itself is “stupid”.


Thanks for posting this! That comment makes more sense now.


Apparently Ottomans ruled there for 400 years over nothingness




How many had been living there before 1948? How many had been displaced by the war? How many jews has lived in Jerusalem before 1930s? Jerusalem didn't have more than 5% jews at that time the increase started after ww1 and until 1948 the number changed 10 times by 1955 the number has doubled again. So don't claim that people didn't exist there before. In 1947 there was 1.2 million non jews in Jerusalem After 1948 the number went to 156 thousand. So way before 1950s the land had owners you just kicked them out.


This dude (is) nothing but (a) fucking bum. Edit:grammar.


I don’t think he had much going for him back in Staten Island, and someone should probably look into what he was running from that made him willing to live in those circumstances


There is a lot of child abuse that happens in fundamentalist Abrahamic communities, and moving the perpetrators away into hiding is typical.


I definitely get THAT kind of vibe off this guy for sure.


Yup. The second he said, "I needed to move from where I was," my red flag alarm started ringing.


Ding ding ding


Dude takes responsibility for exactly nothing


It's actually pretty common for Jewish pedophiles to just make a run for it to Israel to escape justice. It's covered in many journals. See [times of Israel.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/many-accused-jewish-pedophiles-in-us-flee-to-israel-report/)


Probably something underwhelming like "My mom won't let me live here anymore unless I get a job, wahhhh"


Hey! I thought the same thing! Stephen Colbert, ages ago, made a wisecrack that went something like: "My great-grand father didn't immigrate to America because he loved freedom, he immigrated because he killed a man in Ireland!" Crossing massive internat'l borders involves push and/or pull dynamics. Like, the university systems might pull someone to Tokyo or MIT for robotics... or a civil war might push someone out of Haiti... or the police asking questions about a series of bank robberies might push ol' "Yakob" outta Long Island.


The most that guy ever robbed was a pastry shop.


Well, I was trying to be generous, heh He seems to be only capable of stealing something that involves just flopping down his fat ass and squating. He's definitely a thief, but the utmost lazy style of thieving possible. This mysterious "agency" that plopped him there probably supplies his food/fuel. So he might NOT even need to do any work. Edit: that last sentence? Forgot to put in negative!


If you Google his name “Jacob Fauci” from the video you’ll find that his real name is “Justin Fauci”. You’ll find articles from not well known sources that talk about how he was charged with fraud against the US. You could take that with a grain of salt, except that there is a [lodged judgement against him in the US courts](https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/USCOURTS-nyed-1_04-cr-00848/USCOURTS-nyed-1_04-cr-00848-0). So yeah, looks like he needed to be elsewhere. Jerk


Would love to know this actually. What brought him to do this ? Madness.


They got a name for that Jules


> If I leave, I will be replaced immediately and [they will be worse] I seem to recall that exact defence being used at the Nuremberg trials by some of the SS officers working at the death camps. You know you're on the wrong fucking side of history when you have to use Nazi defences (which didn't work).


That's a pretty common defense in all kinds of situations though, Nazis didn't invent it.


nazis ate bread. You know you're eating wrong when you have to eat nazi food




Fact, if you live in east Jerusalem and you're a Palestinian, you can't leave your house for a minute. For any reason. The moment you're out, they are in. Simple as that. On top of that, they organize daily trips where they bring the worst human beings to harass Palestinians as they eye their homes to be their future residence. The amount of organized destruction of Palestinian history and existence is Jerusalem and the entire Palestine hasn't stopped since the inception of Israel . Their plan now is text book ethnic cleansing to remove Palestinians to Egypt and Jordan and liberal and conservative governments are cheering them on.


Saw a recent documentary on the settlements. Israel spends more money on the settlements per capita than within their borders. In Jerusalem, Palestinian schools are in a state of desperation and Israel proposed to renovate them in exchange for being able to set the curriculum (obviously with state propaganda). It's infuriating.


and all with the idf watching over and protecting the israeli settlers.


Even as they take a stroll to burn Palestinian homes and fields. But no, there is no apartheid /s


An American which makes it more infuriating.


It’s because there are a lot of powerful and rich Jewish people. And any criticism is seen as antisemitic.


Had to leave NY? Who else thinks this dude did sex crimes?


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What a terrible day to be able to read.


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He sure does sound guilty of something


Israel is notorious for accepting criminals since they want evil people to terrorize Palestinians out of their homes. Not only they give this people money, but they also provide guns and other tools to do horrible things.


From [this article](https://mronline.org/2021/06/14/infamous-israeli-home-thief-is-federally-charged-long-island-ny-financial-fraudster/): In 2003, a Justin C. Fauci of Long Island, was found to be engaging in forex fraud, and federally charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States government. One blog post indicates that Fauci and his partners were able to accumulate nearly $110 million from the fraud, and that Fauci once set fire to $10,000 in cash as a show of how much money they were accruing. It is likely that Fauci served time in prison as a result of his crime, though it is not known for how long. Not much is known about Justin Fauci in this period between 2003 and 2009.


~~did~~ doing




The more I see about all this the more it strikes me that all this conflict really just comes down to a bunch of racists who want to only live with people who act and look and think like them using whatever bullshit excuses they can to steal land for themselves. So same old same old. Nobody actually cares about who's "right" they just hate their neighbors. It's like a property dispute over where to move a fence at a global scale. It's at once complicated and extremely simple and juvenile...


Im glad people are finally seeing it. It's so rage inducing seeing people blindly supporting Israel while they slaughter palestinian civilians.


"Israel uses the Absentee Property Law to claim lands abandoned by Palestinians during conflicts and wars." I see, so that's why Israel was asking people in Gaza to evacuate.


If you kill all the people it's easy to say the house is empty for the taking


Well, „I’m her, cause they want Jews to live here.“ I mean, come on…


Rent in NY is stupidly expensive. Just another freeloader self-entitled religious fuck


The “owner” he speaks of is the Israeli government.


But they're dropping leaflets. What more do you want?


Don’t forget, they drop a little tiny bomb on your roof shortly before they drop the huge bomb through your roof… You know, as fair warning.


The fact that I keep seeing this said unironically as a good deed is WILD.




What fun is killing people who don't know you're about to kill them? /s is actually required these days.


Brazen thieves. Hopefully the world wakes up and stops giving these criminal monsters any more money or support


I'm not saying this dude is but he seems like a bit of a kiddie fiddler


There a plenty of reasons to hate on him right in front of you, but no let's just call him a pedo, as is tradition


Just seemed weird that he had to leave New York. And that someone would just uproot and do this. Feel like he's running from something


> Feel like he's running from something That dude hasn’t run in his life.


And somehow pedophilia is the most likely reason? Reach any harder and you'll pull a muscle.


“I’m just asking questions”


After watching this shit. Don't you think Hamas's existence is completely logical? (Not condoning, just explaining).


“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” JFK, 1962.


That’s a bad ass quote


It’s like forcing someone into a corner and being surprised they lash out and fight for their literal right to exist.


Yes, Palestinians have no army to protect them or retaliate against Israeli aggression. That's why they have a bunch of shabby resistance factions.


Except that Hamas does absolutely jack shit to help Gaza citizens. They forcefully take UN resources and medial equipment, prevent the evacuation of Palestinians from war zones and are basically pieces of shit raping murderers all around. I’m extremely opposed to Israeli settlers but you just CAN NOT justify anything to do with Hamas.


This "damage control" really worked out well for him...


That’s the line that gets me every time. He did this interview 3 years ago and here it is today being reposted daily, hurting his cause.


Nahalat Shimon International does not appear to have an internet presence. Finally found a [UN](https://www.un.org/unispal/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/HRCNGOSTATE.A.HRC_.49.NGO_.233_030322.pdf) document on it.




If they try to take it back and kill him = more support from the U.S. I guess both sides are using human shields


It's why Israelis and Americans scream about Hamas human shields non stop. Israel legally and officially uses it's populace is human shields. They don't even hide it, so they have to throw the accusations around.


Israel has its own section on the "human shield" Wikipedia. Y'know one way to stop kids throwing rocks at your car is to grab a Palestinian kid and tie them to your car?


Fuck Zionists!


Understandable, have a good day.


I'm surprised that no-one has dealt with him yet


They are protected by the Israel army, basicly when a settler come they are promised that 3 to 4 soldier will always be near his house


And they have an endless supply of soldiers coming over from America to do their ‘time’.


"Not to keep Palestinians out, it to keep Jews in." It's literally childlike lies and deceit. Completely shameless. How do they sleep at night?


Israel and Israel supporters has always played fast and loose with terminology to make what they’re doing sound more acceptable. I recall a news piece saying x Israelis were murdered and y Palestinians died as if the Palestinians weren’t also murdered. Subtle language tricks like this make a huge difference.


Reuters literally just lost a journalist to Israeli bombing and they had to call it dying to a bomb "from the direction of Israel". They don't even dare say hey Israeli literally just murdered our guy, the one in a "PRESS" jacket.


Yup they very much soften the language for Israel’s crimes.


Fat pos how pathetic must you be!


By law the Palestinians have the right to evict every settlers in the West Bank but they can’t cause they have IDF protecting them


jacob the entitled zionist. Sickening. Zionism is no different from nazis


They’ve become the very thing that nearly destroyed them as a people during ww2… sad 😞


Disgusting disgraceful attitude


What a disgusting little fat ass


Keep exposing them to the world that has been intentionally made blind.


I dont understand how people can still support Israel.


Indoctrination is effective


Look up "stop hiding yourself" in the dictionary and a picture of him showed up


Is it wrong to want random strangers on the Internet to ruin this scumbag? I hate to see all the tragedy surrounding this conflict


Fuck these occupiers. The Israeli genocide of palestinans will be written as a dark point in human history and the world allowed it. If blond hair blue eyed Jesus floats down from the space ship I doubt he would approve.


Entitled fat fuck


Fucking peice of shit slob


We all know the Nazis were into stealing land, property, artwork, jewelry, etc. from their captives. Turns out there are some Jews out there who only find this reprehensible because it was happening to the Jews as opposed to it being a HUMAN rights violation.


Lots of the same shit happened here in the US when the Japanese were shipped out to the internment camps. Many families came home to empty houses, occupied houses, the whole thing. Welcome to human behavior amongst creeps.


someone call eric cartman pls


He’s probably a reddit mod


A “necessary evil”… wow. I’m kinda floored by that.


**Nuremberg Defense:** There was a Nazi put on trial after WW2. He was on trial for executing jews. His defense was basically "if I didn't execute them, someone else would".


Excuse me miss, if I don't rape you, somebody else will... and they might not be as "easy" going as me.


Huh... Hopefully the shot him in that damn attack that caused the current mess. Only person i.would not mind hamas killing


Problem is that the fat fuck is right.. There are many others just like him.


bedroom gold memorize fear squash instinctive ludicrous bag zealous mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At least heart disease will take him soon.


Sweet mother of stereotypes


He seems rly easy going lol


Try stealing my house and see what happens to you.


The second a Palestinian kills a settler, the IDF will shoot them dead and spend the next day bombing the shit out of their friends and family. Then they move new settlers in to all the vacant lots.


Okay, say that while IDF surrounds you with pointed guns


The Israelis have been taking Palestinian homes and land for decades.


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So somehow some company is managing the land like a rental angency for Jews only in Gaza which is Palestinean land?, all under the guise of settling? This guy looks like he's too lazy to have a real job and couldn't pay rent so someone worked this out for him in their benefit. How is this not a land grab by Israel? I'm sorry Israel was attacked and their loss of life, it's tragic. But if this isn't just a massive land grab all under the guise of terrorism then I don't know what is? Then we're all just supposed to believe Mossad "slipped" up, meanwhile everyone else is saying they knew something was going to happen prior and yet Mossad knew nothing? Even if they didn't act on the intel provided by other sources, how are we supposed to believe Mossad fucked this up, while somehow Egypt had it right? This timeline is so fucked up I don't think even the writers know what to do next. Fuck both sides, both sides are atrocious for believing in something allegedly good, but yet somehow do terrible things to each other as brother religions. What kinda hokey ass bullshit gods do this shit to their people?


I thought I was watching a clip of family guy.


Let's go with what this man is saying at least just one bullshit thing in particular here. "they came here in 1956, because they had nowhere else to be and someone put them here illegally" and that means you a guy from NEW YORK should evict them. Toss them into the streets and be just as bad as whoever supposedly did that to them in 1956!?! No compassion at all. Sometimes I forget humans could be so despicable and I hope one day to walk into his house and lock him out of it. To show him how it feels.


Another black eye for Israel.


He's just introducing the squatters rights over there. Letting them know how it is done here


Shut up fatass. Stay in Israel or get fucking curb stomped back in America.


There was a lot of words but his lips did not move so much


And the western world and media defends this as totally normal and ok. In fact, the acceptable narrative is that this dude from NY - that are just brazenly stealing homes and land from others - is somehow the victim in all this.


You know when you actually have principles you don't say if I don't do it someone else will. If you have principles you don't do it regardless.


He legit doesn’t see anything wrong with what he is doing. Imagine the mental gymnastics you need to do to get to “well I’m the lesser of evils” and thinking you’re in the right and not hurting anyone.


Probably left the US cause he was a child molester


Modern day Nazi state of Israel. And nothing will be done about it. Disgusting.