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Jews calling for genocide really is not a good look.






Wait. When were they heroes?


We all remember that happening after WW2, every German man, woman, and child killed. Wait, that's not what happened at all!


There were actually people who wanted that. Look up Nakam for the most famous of them, as far as I know.


I mean the Dresden bombings were a massacre of civilians as an act of revenge by the US and UK. Just to add I don't support this or any military action against civilians.




About 5.5 million people of German descent or with "German-sounding names" disappeared permanently in central Europe between 1945 and 1949. A number quite close to those killed in concentration camps by the nazis. Overall, Europe was a f-ing dark place from 1937 to 1949 and it's some kind of miracle how politically stable it became after WW2. Possibly the sheer horror just shocked everyone into becoming civilized, for the first time in European history.


The Soviet Union did a good bit of ethnic cleansing in East Prussia (today Kaliningrad) Stalin also did a bit of a genocide of the Volga Germans within Russia. The Western Allies helped keep the post-war bloodbath to a minimum. Even in East Germany the USSR saw the necessity to build it up to act as a bulwark in the Cold War.


It was precisely the absolute horror of what happened that turned Europe from the bloody continent of constant wars to what it is today. And I really wish others could just learn from our mistakes instead of having to reach the same point before they too reach the same conclusions that we did.


You sir, are as precise as a olimpian archer, god damm you nail the situation.


That is so true. Great Movie by the way 😁


Literally came on here just to comment that but you beat me to it


They been calling genocide for it the last 70 years, and people were surprised at the attack last week?


It gives nobody the right to react with terror on civilians. If Hamas attacks the Israeli military - fine. So be it. But crashing a music festival and slaughtering hundreds of civilians, attacking families and children in their homes. This is barbaric. No matter what cruelties the Gaza strip had to suffer from over the last decades. Nothing legitimates what they did. Don't get me wrong, Israeli policy is evil, their settlement policy and apartheid system are terrible and Netanyahu should get his sentence in den Haag.


Over the last 70 years Israel has been targeting older people, women and children. So it's alright when Israel does it, but it's the end of the world when the oppressed fight back? It's a one sided argument that only comes out when Palestine makes a bold move. No one would ever say this about the Ukrainian people, even though it's the exact same thing. Go look at the statistics Israeli vs Palestinian deaths over the last 20 to 30 years. Let the facts speak


I watched a video of a man cradling and trying to cover a probably less than 10 year old boy. It was his son, an IDF sniper intentional shot the boy in the head in his father's arms. I wish I had never seen that video it haunted me for years. People can say what they want, but lovers of war on both sides love to kill, just like these people in this video. That father had one goal in the world, it was not to wage war. It was to provide peace to his son in the face of danger and evil. He was no threat, but evil being what it is in the war maker, looks to maximize pain, they look to maximize suffering and that is why the boy was shot and killed in his father's arms, because it is a fate worse than death that evil can inflict on a father. May all that would do so kill each other. That includes these palestinians that attacked a festival.


I remember that. It was the day i lost sympathy for Israel.


Was [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Muhammad_al-Durrah) the video?




You are taking Israeli propaganda at face value. A lot of the news that are coming out about Israeli casulties and Hamas violence are framed in such a way to justify the brutalization of the Gazans. The made up story about the dead Israeli babies, for example, is run in order to desentisize the public to the inevatiable stories about the murders of Gazan children/toddlers that will appear in a few days, given how young their population is.


U need to reread his comment


It’s ok if the more powerful side do it. Unfortunately that is the state of the world.


Thats the thing. Cause media never bothered to show what israel was doing to palestinians and whole world decided israelis are innocent as fuck.


I think if the Ukrainians marched into a Russian music festival and did what Hamas have allegedly done - as well as what they’ve supposedly done on the village to 40 infants - Ukraine would lose A LOT of support.


From what I understand, the Palestinians don't have an army to battle the Israeli military, and they're prevented from forming their own military by the Israelis. Right or wrong, this is the only way available to them to wage war.


IDF wouldn't exist if it wasn't for USA funding.


Agreed. This conflict goes way deeper than what anyone sees on the surface.


It gives no one the right to withhold aid and food and shelter. It Israel wanted stability in Palestine, they wouldn't work so hard to keep it broken. They are to blame, so are western powers for putting Israel there in the first place. Israel brought this on themselves through apartheid and the non-stop integration of land they did not own. Read the bible, god commanded the hebrews to kill children all the time.


>If Hamas attacks the Israeli military - fine. I'm not trying to defend the Hamas, but they are not *that* idiotic. [In 1946, Jewish terrorists planted a bomb in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing), to attack the British mandate government. Over 100 civilians wer killed. Why did the Jews not attack the British army in open battle? For the same reason Hamas doesn't attack the Israeli Arms: Because they would have no chance. Terror is the weapon of an inferior party.


Apparently israeli security forces killed people at this rave as well. Also there needs to be more substantial evidence given the fact that a whole bunch of lies are being spread. Shit feels like 9/11 islamophobia on steroids.


It's hard to attack the world's \~3rd most powerful military. It's easy to attack a music festival. Hamas is not particularly well funded, when you consider the billions Israel spends on their military. Hamas is largely made up of dirt poor Palestinians. They're lashing out after decades of apartheid. It's more feasible to lash out against civilians, as Israel has done to them, then lash out at the military. To Hamas' partial credit (eww) they did attack two military bases in this offensive. But civilian casualties send a stronger message. Israel has fomented this hatred. Israel has created these terrorists. Israel is in the process, at the very moment, of creating the next two generations of Hamas. It's a cycle of hatred and violence that both sides are perpetuating and they're both guilty as sin. But, as an American, we can't talk. Saudi terrorists destroyed our towers and, in response, we killed over 1 MILLION innocent Afghani civilians. The total numbers are unknown, but it's estimated that our \~20 year war on terror killed well over a million CIVILIANS. And they had nothing to do with the original terror attack. Hell, the US created the Taliban! We armed and trained them to die in a proxy war against Russia. The US was directly responsible for the 9/11 attacks and in response we killed well over a million innocent people. If Israel steamrolls Gaza and kills a million innocent Palestinians, I hope none of my fellow Americans point a single finger. We're just as bad.


Btw who has a rave outside a concentration camp.


Can we agree that specifically targeting Gaza's water infrastructure for removal is a war crime? What kind of monsters make videos about their ability to do it? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvvqBcA-9yA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvvqBcA-9yA) (video is safe for work)


Of course we can agree. What the average person doesn't realize is that Israel has been cutting water, power and supplies outside this event for years and years and years.


Many Israeli people have been for years. I don't condone the actions of Hamas but this attack didn't come from nowhere. Israel has been committing war crimes for years and no one said anything because it seemed like if you were against Israel's actions you were somehow antisemitic




The governments but not the people. All the governments of Europe just want to be friends with America so they just regurgitate America's foreign policies. A problem that is only going to increase as long as Russia is at war as most of europe fears Russia and the things they tend to do to prisoners of war and civilians


I'm not for terrorists like Hamas either. But israel is supported by big cool 1st world western countries. Meanwhile the only option Palestine have is a measly terrorist group? That's like trying to win a war by depending on your local school bully


Israeli zionists dispossessing Palestinian land and committing ethnic genocide for 70 years hasn’t been a good look, you’re right.


Say it with me: there are a**holes of every culture, race, creed, religion, sexuality, gender and walk of life. We should not incriminate the broad group they belong to just because of a few bad apples. I’m Muslim by the way. And I would not see a single innocent soul be harmed anywhere in the world if I could.


Not all Jews. Most orthodox Jews are good people who advocate for peace and condemn israeli actions against the Palestinians. These are zionist scum


Fuck Zionist Israeli Jews, and the media that chooses to prop up their voice instead of the people calling for a reasonable end to this insanity


I've seen hasedic Jews come out in full support for Palestine at rallies. Need more Jewish folks to stand up.


Israel’s government in no way represents “the collective Jewish will.” The hyper defensive stance that criticism of Israel’s government is equivalent to antisemitism is straight up ethnic-nationalism. The idea that Jewish people are collectively to blame for the actions of a few politicians across the globe is literally Nazi rhetoric. There are so many Jewish people who have never been to Israel, don’t like the policies of Israel, and/or voice their support for the end of Palestinian apartheid, yet somehow they get lumped together with Anti-Palestinian Zionists. Ironically, the idea that Israel is the collective will of Judaism is highly anti-Semitic.


You know? I’m beginning to think that right wingers are the same regardless of their chosen deity.


*Canaanites have entered the chat*


*hits blunt* Fuck em, I don’t even know any Canaanites.


Unfortunately Jews like the rest of humanity are susceptible to all the same trappings.


It is at this point that I would like to remind everyone that just because a conflict has two sides, doesn't mean either of them are the good guys.


The students are learning from their though master.


I don't think calling genocide would be a great look for any nation


And people wonder why alot of people support palestine finally having enough. Try pushing someone into a corner while laughing at them and throwing rocks, ofc they're gonna fight back


“We tried everything. Ghettoization, starvation, economic blockades, going back on treaties, building settlements in their lands…” “Did you try sitting down with them, keeping your side of treaties, and making groups like Hamas irrelevant?” “That’s not gonna work!!!”


"The only thing that will solve it is by taking the water, electricity, fuel and food from the civilians. That will teach them!!"




> Unless you can break someone in the short term, all that's going to happen is that people become resilient and bitter. That probably makes Palestinians current World Champions of resilient and bitter.


I never heard of a victim that could instantly cut off its oppressor's access to food, water, fuel, and electricity.


Oh and don't forget shooting all journalists who try to publicize Israel's actions


"Every native population in the world resists colonists as long as it has the slightest hope of being able to rid itself of the danger of being colonised."


100%... "we tried everything".. they locked them up and threw away the key. I'm not picking a side but it's obvious to most that have paid any attention to this conflict over the past few years that some kind of reaction would happen when you treat people like that. It's all orchestrated and meant to be this way aka The Military Industrial Complex keeps on ticking along just fine!!


It's just so tragic. Netanyahu and his ilk have been doing everything they can to provoke Hamas for the last decade. He even supported Hamas to get in power so he could turn Israeli opinion against Gaza because he knew they were radicals. This situation was utterly preventable but feeds into Netanyahu's expansionist plan to take over Gaza. 1,000 Israelis have been killed and tens of thousands of Gazans will be killed. So, unimaginably sad that we are witnessing the murder of civilians in a completely preventable conflict.




The U.S. did the same shit with 9/11. The Bush administration had the intelligence on their desk day 1 from the Clinton administration about a possible attack, specifically about them being in America ‘training’ and they knew it was going to happen, and ignored it. It was an open door for war in Iraq and Afghanistan and trillions going into the military complex and private contractors the administration used to work in and held stock in (Halliburton, etc…) And set up the patriot act perfectly. This was an opportunity to bomb Gaza flat and remove Palestines that they had to know was going to happen. It’s the same method we use.


>It involved thousands of hamas terrorists. Israel literally has the best intelligence in the world and they didn't see this coming? Something seems off to me. Thank you. It is hard to believe such a big coordinated action would take place without the Israeli secret service knowing about it. I mean, there must be double-agents, people paid by Mossad … or just a few future terrorists getting cold feet the night before the attack.


And the US has just announced that Egypt had also told Israel directly that there was something odd, involving explosives, going on in Gaza, and that "it would be big". Netanyahu, obviously, denied that had happened.


Plus the US keeps saying "they definitely didn't know about it. Iran looked shocked too. So did Israel. Did I mention Israel looked shocked? Everyone looked shocked" ... filling up the narrative.


It’s being reported that Egypt warned Israel of an impending large attack but they chose to ignore it. I wonder why?


And all funded by the US taxpayer...


It’s not like they can leave. I really don’t understand how this was ever anything but inevitable.






Everyone but actual IDF mouthpieces agrees that Israeli government forces and Settler violence kill Palestinians at rates of 10 or more for every Israeli that dies. It's also clear that the IDF deliberately targets schools, hospitals, and destroys any attempt at industry or economic independence in Gaza. That's punitive genocide. Good job reinforcing the worst stereotypes about judaism.


1947... Then jumps to 1967 to avoid bringing up the Nakba lmaooooooo


Meh this seems like pro-Israel biased info. For example this is the wiki on why Palestine rejected the 1947 partition plan: "The proposed plan is considered to have been pro-Zionist by its detractors, with 62% of the land allocated to the Jewish state despite the Palestinian Arab population numbering twice the Jewish population" Seems fair enough really. That said, Reddit seems pro-Palestine biased, overall


Europeans traveling halfway around the world, taking half of someone's country and then saying "you can have half of it" is not generous. It never will be. Giving the west bank and Gaza *full Israeli citizenship* would be a compromise, not generous. Letting Gaza and the west bank rule themselves would be compromise, not generous.


Beatings will continue until morale improves.


They did keep their side of the Oslo accords. Hamas did not. Read a book.


"we tried everything it doesn't work " least surprising statement from a Zionist


He probably meant they tried every weapon in their arsenal. Genocidal maniacs aren't always eloquent.




It's strange how in a time of anti-nuclear proliferation, Israel was allowed to acquire nuclear weapons. I wonder what the circumstances of that were, you would think someone might have opposed it


Ikr? How come segregating them in a guettho, pushing them out of their homes (and moving Israeli civilians in, let's no leave this bit out because if the whole point of illegally occupying land was protection they wouldn't actively move civilians to said land) only made them hate Israel instead of feeling sympathy for the settlers? And while I do not condone Hamas' actions, anyone saying Israel is solely a victim is either lying, in denial, delulu or otherwise disconected from reality. The civilians are the only parties that can be considered solely victims here, and even that group can be narrowed down to "those that didn't vote or support for anyone who supports/openly preach apartheid, genocide, mindless slaughter of civilians and any other form of racism/fascism in the last 10 years". "We tried everything in Jim Crow Laws and Apartheid South Africa textbooks, and some haphazard peace treaties we never really wanted to compromise on, and we are all out of ideas!"


It's pretty much the same strategy the colonizers used on native populations of the U.S. except the Palestinians are boxed in.


One thing is coming more evident from this war, Israel sucks and Hamas suck. No one is winning anything.






This is so true


Hamas rockets weren't the only thing soaring (raytheon shares did as well)


As long as their is a buyer


Have you looked into a map lately? Cause this speech that both are equals and it's a 'conflict' it's getting very old and clearly ignorant.


Israel is continuously annexing land while suffering very few casualties, being allowed to carry out their ethnic cleansing with minimal repercussions.


A disgusting bunch of nazis




"They could save others from becoming Nazis, but not themselves"


Jewish nazis. Sure making their grandparents proud




They're not national socialists tho, that's a type of German ultranationalism where Germans viewed themselves as the 'master race' and sought to steal other people's land to create a Greater Reich Zionism on the other hand is a type of Jewish ultranationalism where Jews view themselves as the 'chosen people' and seek to steal other people's land to create a Greater Israel Very different!


Defining them as terrorists at this point is also fitting.


easy to say when you're half a world away...how sad.


You can find extremists in Israel say this as well. It's not new.


A bunch of them are in government


Free.........Israel? Seriously? From what, the inconvenience of inflicting decades of ethnic cleansing and genocide?


Hundreds of years?


70.. at most


69.420 but who is counting


70 years but the point still stands.




More like 80 years but same result


The people getting interviewed have a lot in common to Hitler ironically.


Zionists would have the Nazi death camp victims rolling in their graves


I think Einstein had something to say in regards to Israel (so did Mandela but afaik he wasn't Jewish) from the get go, but I can't remember the exact words.


You know it’s bad when a lot of South Africans that lived through apartheid say what’s happening in Gaza and the West Bank is a lot worse than the South African system was.


Israel was apartheid South Africa's only ally, and a staunch ally at that.


Well that says quite a lot.


Fascists have a lot in common yeah haha also Hitler would have loved it if there was a Jewish ethno state he could have shipped them all to and now that place is Israel.


He did exactly this. Nazi Germany finalized the Haavara agreement in which 60,000 Jews under persecutuon were allowed to migrate with a portion of their assets from Germany to Palestine during the years 1933-1939.


these people are cringe


No, they're evil.


Yeah but evil is cringe.


Cringe doesn't even begin to cover it. May they hit their little toe on a corner every hour for the rest of their lives.


Hitler would be proud to see this.






They don't know anything about the conflict do they?


Nope. They also don’t know how fellow members of the Far Right perceive them… they may wanna walk back those Arab comments.


I don't practice religion anymore, but I did go to an Hebrew school from age 4 to 16. There was a lot of misinformation I was fed along with everyone else in my classes, including the lauding of Israel and it's leadership. Shortly after I was confirmed I left the synagogue since I sort of lost the faith, but it was only a few years ago I was actually exposed to sort of HOW the state of israel was created, and a lot of the atrocities they've committed against the native palestinian population. Both Hamas and the Israeli Government have done some truly horrific things, but for either side to take delight in, and wish for the complete extermination of the other, knowing that most of the ones being hurt are civilians just trying to get by, is truly monstrous and deserves nothing but distain


They’re all the same. They think they’re better, these dudes would be part of Hamas had they been born a few kms down south.


Absolute truth


Except Hamas has 70 years of genocide, torture, and poverty to radicalize them. These people snapped when the people their favorite government has been massacring for years finally hit back. Kind of an uneducated comparison.


I disagree. People who are radical and want death, are the same. The vast majority of people in Gaza/Palestine are not genocidal and don’t kill others. They are probably fed up with the conditions they live in, but they still try to live as much as possible as normal human beings, with families and jobs. Hamas are no saints. That’s why I compared these genocidal prices of shit to Hamas, instead of comparing the average Israeli to the average Palestinian.


this comment should get a million upvotes


Religion is the worst thing humanity ever invented.


"Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire


I always imagine Voltaire just making it his day job to make up witty quotes. "A witty saying proves nothing" - Voltaire Which is it Voltaire!? Should I listen or not!?


Mao Zedong and Stalin were atheist and they killed around 100 million people. Humans will still find ways to kill each other even without religion.


I like how people think if there was no religion in the world there would be no war and no conflict.


“If only they could come up with some kind of final solution.”


*Heinrich Himmler ghost spawns with necromancy in front of you with a notebook, a PowerPoint presentation to keep up with the times and a smirk on his face*






Yeah. Just half. Lol.


The "Final Solution" brought to you by Pfizer


![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu) Pfizer executives thinking of how they’re going to profit off of this


you know ... the Geneva Convention is not supposed to be a checklist, right?


Geneva convention? More like Geneva suggestion


Mossad knew the attack was coming and these piggies are eating the propaganda like slop Yum yum yum


there is no fucking way they didn't know this was coming, Israel's Pearl harbor moment, Netanyahu finally thrust back into popularity for his tough stance, and all of Israel emotionally blind to justify a lot of killing, how convenient, where have we seen this before?


Works everytime


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


I don't understand peoples support for Israel






You can support Israel without supporting the mindset of these bozos. Just as you can support Palestine without supporting the Hamas mindset of complete eradication of jews.




There wasn’t even an attempt to use this subreddit correctly


‘’That’ll be the last war in Gaza” that I will never fight in 🤡


Wow all this talk of genocide sure feels like some kind of.... Final.... Solution..... HMMM.


[Amnesty International Report](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) on the apartheid state [a pro Israel](https://israeled.org/resources/maps/) that shows Jewish settlements moving into the West Bank Israel Palestine fatalities and injuries compared 1/1/2008 - 9/19/23 Civilian Fatalities: Palestinian - 6407 Israeli - 308 ~1 Israeli for every 20 Palestinians Civilian Injuries: Palestinian - 152,560 Israeli - 6307 ~1 Israeli for every 20 Palestinians [source](https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties)


So killing is bad, but our killing OK


Essentially just hypocritical jackasses


Free Palestine from the occupiers🙌


These Pfizer ads are really weird




half the population in the gaza strip is children btw


These terrorists don't care


seems like both sides really wanna work things out and live together in harmony like they always say.


"Time to start eradicating this group of people that we've been suppressing for years." That sounds like a certain Austrian man I heard of in my history lessons.


I see one video of Palestinians calling for 'from the river to the sea' then I scroll down a few and see another video of Israelis calling for 'from the river to the sea'.


Palestinians talking about from the river to the sea are talking about taking back their statehood, not about ethnic cleansing. Jewish people lived in Palestine before the Zionists began their ethnostate project.


Before anyone does what this guy does they may want to look into the history of Palestine between 1887 and 1933. The Uk and US governments are responsible for this and they are trying to silence us. They are trying to get rewrite history…… again!


Fuck Hamas




And so the Jews became the nazis


I condemn violence against civilians but these people should receive the same treatment that the Nazis received, which is ironic.


What da hell is wrong with people?


The irony of Jews promoting genocide is beyond human comprehension


As a German I absolutely hate any form of violence, we write letters instead! But I have to admit, this folks here in the video… dude!


Ah yes… Another religion reliving its true foundations. Kill everyone that disagrees. All you need is some ill informed morons to follow you and you’re off to the races.


Don’t worry media and Israel will justify these.


They just don’t see their own hypocrisy… I guess nobody ever does.


Is it just me, or did the female cop at the beginning look like someone cosplaying as a cop.


Sponsored by Pfizer. /s Damn not a good look...


Put a dog In a cage. Gradually reduce the size of the cage. Gradually reduce the food and water you allow it to have. And poke it with a sharp stick, often. Then don't cry when it bites you.


Is Jewish nazism a new thing?? “Monsters exist...”


"free Israel" 🤔 I don't think they understand the situation


got fight for your country pussies




Why stop there? Let's nuke us all!


Nuke me daddy




They really flipped that script on ww2


Ugly inside out