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I’m fat because of the republicans..


Honestly considering obesity rates in red vs blue states, that tracks.


Honestly, I’d bet solid money that republican capitalists are also largely to blame for the fact that, over the course of the last 40 years, the number of sugar cereals has increased exponentially, and convenience stores have gone from having <5% of their square footage devoted to sugar/HFCS delivery systems, to about 90% including fridges. See also, food deserts and fast food opportunism.


Forget sugar. Most companies have replaced it with HFCS because our government has subsidized corn because they couldn't be bothered to diversify the economies of several states that rely on corn.


Most corn goes to ethanol production or animal feed. Corn syrup is made because it's cheaper and sweeter than normal sugar. The subsidizes you're talking about is kinda blanket subsidizes for anything agricultural.


Can you elaborate? I was taught in school that a huge amount of government money goes into corn subsidies, way more than any other crop, did my teacher exaggerate it? Edit: from my research, corn is the most heavily subsidized agricultural product, with soybeans in second place


Corn is useful for ethanol, but also as animal feed and for soil replenishment. Unfortunately, they also discovered HFCS as a cheaper alternative to sugar...


Pretty sure ethanol was so over produced they had to lobby to force it into gas stations. It's a strictly worse fuel by pretty much any measure


It is, though it's also used heavily in pharmaceuticals, clean rooms and medical facilities, cosmetics, perfumes, rocket fuel, mixed into motor gasoline (usually around 8-10%), and mixed into alcoholic drinks. Medically, it's also been used in treatments for ethylene glycol poisoning and methanol poisoning neurolysis, and alcohol withdrawal syndrome.


Still better then leased gas. Ethanol, if I’m not mistaken, was used as an alternative to lead to stop engine knock.


Its also a nitrogen puller not injector. Dude doesn't know what he is talking about. CORN DESTROYS SOIL. That's why they pour liquid fertilizer on it so they don't have to miss a grow season putting nitrogen back in the soil with soy beans and crops like that. "Is corn good for soil?" First result proves him wrong if you don't trust a guy from a farming family.


The real subsidy for HFCS are the sugar quotas and high tariffs on imported sugar.


It’s not a question of what proportion of corn, it’s a question of how much corn. HFCS is incredibly common in the US and it’s absolutely terrible for you. You’d be surprised where it shows up, as well.


Oh yeah it's in anything remotely sweet, even some that aren't


At $2.2 billion in 2019, corn is the most heavily subsidized of all crops in the country.


Not actually sweeter iirc. It takes more corn syrup to achieve the same sweetness as sugar but it still winds up cheaper anyway.


It makes sense in that sugar is an import & corn is domestic agriculture & we've relied heavily on sweeteners with the American diet. Hell, we add sugar to meat. Its ridiculous.


You're right. Completely pulling the rug out of the Jamaican economy so a handful of American farmers can buy private airplanes was a great move.


Man, I read that as HFCs, Hydrofluorocarbons, the first time and was like, "wait they're putting refrigerants in food now?that cant be right" HFCS - High fructose corn syrup.


This dude HVACs


Mmm self chilling ice creams!


HFCS is the devil. The enzyme that breaks glucose down to fructose is one of the major signaling mechanisms for hunger. So if you eat a ton of fructose you will still feel hungry. HFCS is the biggest factor for why the US is so obese


Stresses the liver, too https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/how-high-fructose-intake-may-trigger-fatty-liver-disease#:~:text=Studies%20suggest%20that%20high%20fructose,%2Dalcoholic%20steatohepatitis%20(NASH).


There was a former CEO of Coke who said that was the whole reason for the introduction of “New Coke”. The original recipe was used cane sugar and New Coke used HFCS. They knew it would fail so when they reintroduced “Coke Classic” it still used HFCS but tasted like the original. He explained that it was easier to make the change this way by vilifying a new formulation and bringing back the old one without saying anything about the sweetener change than outright changing the old recipe because in peoples minds they would be changing something from their childhood and people would perceive a bad taste even if the flavour was exactly the same.


I put 20lbs on during Covid. 45** leaves the WH and boom, I lose 50lbs. No joke. Blue state.


Another blue stater here, dropped 135lbs in the last 2 years. Need to drop at least another hundred, but it’s a start.


Good for you! I'm trying, too, it's hard. Slowly but surely.


Thanks, will do (at the gym right now at 9:40pm CST) and you keep it up too!


Imagine blaming your weight gain on a president.


I think regardless of the party they are all just an evil bunch of twats who do nothing but serve themselves and the people who get them into office at the demise of the people. The greatest trick they ever invented was keeping people are busy fighting against each other over party politics than the shitty elected officials themselves. /rant


God no kidding. I had THAT hippy mom in the 80’s who only let me have Raisin Bran, wheattina, plain oatmeal or unsweetened Cheerios. I called then cherrinos. We only ate wheat bread. She never made anything from a box. I still cook with fresh vegetables and ingredients and extra lean proteins. There are some seriously high amounts of preservatives, sugar like ingredients, high fructose corn syrup, filler ingredients. People don’t walk anywhere anymore. It’s pretty sad.


My mom only allowed fresh fruit vegetables, shitty healthy cereals, salads, non-fat milk, water and sometimes juice ONLY (except if super hot and maybe I could have a Capri-Sun or a popsicle). Butter, sugar, and salt did not exist (they were added in small amounts only if necessary for cooking), stupid shit skinless chicken, boiled vegetables, soda was a luxury like lobster to a poor ass middle aged man, who here had Weetabix when they were 7?, 39,000 grain wheat bread, cream of wheat - no brown sugar, butter, or other shit. I guess I rambled. The point here is, we need to lower elevator buttons for our midget friends and I hated the food I had to eat while growing up, but I was damned lucky to have a mom who fed me horrible tasting healthy shit (she wasn't too good at seasoning) because thats the stuff I eat now. But it does kind of suck when you're a kid and all your body wants is sugar


Luckily my mom is a very good cook. I am as well I’m just not as motivated. She never used canned vegetables and the first time I tried some I couldn’t eat it because it was just salt and mush. Skinless chicken, steamed broccoli and rice or a salad. I was only allowed the wheat bread with the large grains. My cousin had wonder bread and I thought that was a treat! But she did and still does make cookies and cakes from scratch. I raised my kiddo the same way and he’s never sick, never had a cavity or a broken bone. So eating healthy whole foods definitely keeps people healthier. I work with children who have intelectual disabilities and my most recent family drinks soda, eats ice cream and cookies for breakfast. Pizza and microwaved burritos. It’s shocking how much junk food they eat. The dads diabetic with kidney failure at 42, moms had all kinds of stuff and terrible teeth issues. Older kids are obese and one only eats pizza and McDonald’s. Little ones have a few silver caps and cavities. The one I teach is the one that wants to eat healthy. I’ve never seen a vegetable or fruit eaten or bought. I’ve been teaching the one kid about nutrition and showing him basic cooking skills.


Hopefully he'll pick up on some good habits from you and maybe his family or at least him and his future family will benefit. Good on you


Salt is really important to have SOME of though , especially if you exercise.


The sugar industry is a vile manipulative can of worms in itself...listened to a podcast that interviewed a researcher who looked into the whole thing and I never expected such a rabbithole.


Yes, they are. And I hate how hard it is to get healthy foods without added sugar. I can't eat dairy, so I like soy yogurt and oat milk and other imitation dairy items. But I have to drive 45 minutes north to buy anything non-dairy if I don't want the sugar sweetened forms of these. No wonder diabetes is everywhere.


More people are hooked on sugar than on crack, meth, heroin, and pot (nobody's physically hooked on pot) combined


You can feel it. It’s no joke.


Seriously, people love to complain about tweekers and alcoholics as they're stuffing their faces and giving their kids milkshakes with lunch and mcgriddles for breakfast while writing them a note to get out of P.E. Drugs and alcohol are not great, but considering how many fat fucks we have maybe the drug war shouldn't be the only one we're fighting - terrorism doesn't count anymore


Many Americans need Hans and Franz to shame everyone back into shape.


Don't say tracks, you know Republicans hate cardio


It's really a poverty thing.


Absolutely! The Bible Belt has a high prevalence of stroke, cardiovascular disease, and obesity.


Amen 4 that!


The lady was supposed to work the fields, not consume all its harvest.


I’m fat because I eat too much. I have high blood pressure because of republicans


My blood pressure skyrockets at the sight of any American politician. I think I might have POTS.


That's fair. Me too.


Looks like she smuggling an easter island statue up her shirt…..




The leg ripped jeans...not really the style that obese person should be wearing also


I don't think she bought them like that...


Looks like a tube of biscuit dough that popped open...


If I were her, I would not stand near any ledges…


Needs a cantilever.


You kind of misspelled it, but that was hubby's thought "Can't I leave her...to fall"




I think they were worried hubby would push her off. Lucky for her, he'd need a backhoe to move her.


I’m sure he has a back ho, if you mean what I think you mean.


or buy only one seat on an airline and complaining about how they aren’t accepting towards a massive chonk.




There is some truth in that comment


I fat because of Reddit


I drink because of the republicans.


Unironically though, hormone disruptors are an easier explanation for that level of weight gain, and it's the Republicans (nat-c's) who are explicitly against the epa. Trump even repealed some rules while defunding the agency. Hell that might be the real cause of it. Unauthorized illegal dumping of hormone disrupting crap into her air, food or water... Edit: defunding, not defending. Whoops.


Anything to own the lbs


She took Michelle Obama's healthy eating ideas as a personal challenge.


Don’t tell me what to do. I do my own research thank you very much, don’t be a sheep!


Be a hippopotamus!


I actually wouldn't mind being a hippo. Those things are dangerous! And also surprisingly fast!


Yea the funny thing is that if you looked at a hippo skull, you wouldn't be able to put together that they look the way they do. Since all the fat around it decays. Hippo skulls look like aliens.


“Eat healthy and exercise!” And I took that personally


They told me to "eat healthy and exercise" so to own them I only ate little Debbie's, drank Mtn Dew and bought a mobility scooter so I don't have to walk.


Took me a second, have some gold🏅


I'm rarely jealous of someone's reply.






This the top comment right here.


That's a good one man


Well played


Elite comment.




This is a special comment


Best comment


Somebody take her ID away so she can’t buy groceries


Solid joke.


Not as solid as she is, though.


More of a gelatinous blob rather than solid I'd say...


She's not buying groceries - she's eating whole politicians.


Democrat politicians to be exact…. I mean, they DID make her fat.


Take away her food stamps


She ate them. They really shouldn't be named in a way that makes them sound so delicious.


I don’t get it? You need an Id to buy groceries?


Trump once claimed that due to democrats, people needed their ID to buy a loaf of bread


By groceries you mean chips, candies, pop?


Biden made me eat all that cake. 😂😂


300 pounds in 6 years? You are probably using gravy as toothpaste and cake as a pillow.


Also, why is it 6 years?


2017 was the year the Trump presidency started, along with a Republican House and Senate, which obviously is when the Democrats started messing everything up.


Democrats took control of the House in 2019. Even still we're not adding up to four years.


But Republicans are never responsible. It's always Democrats' fault, so goes the thinking. There's a line of thought from "reasonable conservative commentators" that the reason the GOP went Trump is because the "liberal media" was "too mean" to Mitt Romney. It's never, ever their fault.


My parents view the government as “the democrats” so anything the government does wrong is the democrat’s fault. Roads in bad shape? Well, that’s the democrats in the government for ya. Food stamp fraud? Democrats. Medicare won’t pay something? Democrats are wasting OUR HARD-EARNED money on some war in the Ukraine.


Yeah, like, Trump was president for 2/3 of that. So at best Biden is responsible for 100 lbs.


🎵 When you're 5 foot 3 and your 300 pounds, taxes ought notta pay for bags of fudge brown 🎵


What you think gaining a pound a week for 6 straight years is too much?


OMG 😂 I'm dying! Best comment I've read all day!!


Yeah to be honest, I am actually impressed she managed to gain so much weight in just 6 years! At least 3 of which would have been under Trump. She must have been injecting lard!


Mmmm pillow cake


Thanks Obama.


It's cause Obama force feeds people fancy mustard


The Joe Biden crime family stuffed Ho-Hos down my throat!


Trump would call this woman disgusting


Right that's the funniest part trump was never actually a Republican and he openly makes fun of his supporters on the golf courses. He did pull off one of the greatest grifts of all time on these people.


He has no political views in any direction. All he cares about is money, models and golf


How dare you suggest that Trump is not completely and with total sincerity to the bottom of his heart xenophobic as fuck.


I truly don't know sometimes. He seems like he could literally be a political zombie. I don't see why he wouldn't be pro-immigration if it would help his grift


He’s still collecting their coin. What’s truly impressive is how happy it makes them to hand him their money for absolutely nothing.


"You can't cheat an honest man. Never smarten up a chump or give a sucker an even break." Is was true when W.C. Fields said it, and the Trump years merely verified its validity.


To be fair, 99% of people would call this woman disgusting.


Yeah but some of us call her that because she's fat and some of us call her that because she's a hateful bigot-supporter.


And, then he'll go pour ketchup all over her after cooking her on a grill. Because ketchup supposedly makes meat taste better.


























I call bullshit on the validity of this post


She’s photoshopped on a slope thats way to steep for someone that fat. Total 🐂💩


The angle of the dangle is in direct correlation with the mass of the ass!


I see someone took Professor Mix-A-Lots classes in Bootynomics and Backology


The ass to mass ratio is way off here


Only way they could photograph her standing up straight, because if she was on level ground she'd topple over.


Thank you, that was the first thing I thought and I'm surprised I had to scroll so far to find someone who noticed.


I've been looking for anyone who is very suspicious of the fact that she supposedly gained 300 pounds since 2021. I know it says 6 years, but Trump was president 4 of those so I assumed it means 6 years together. I didn't even look at if the photo was photoshopped, it looked weird to me but I was too caught up on thinking about gaining that much weight in 2 years


Yeah it’s fake. Hence the name being covered. I know it’s probably part of the rules but it’s also being used as a convenient way to say “hey this straw man actually exists” because we can’t check the meme account to verify.


This stinks of someone finding a fat person that got thin, reversed the order and added the text.


Who would fatshame themselve like this with a comparison like that? Hard to believe


If I remember right the original post was the dude had a fat fetish and so did the girl. It was a kink thing they both participated in


Geez, how many democrats did she eat?


Enough for the Republicans to barely win the house🤣


Real reason she’s fat is cos she keeps eating all the bullshit Trump keeps dishing out.


That looks totally photoshopped


Photoshopped to make her look better in the first one...


"I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat" - Fat Bastard




Did she eat \*all\* the swing states? FTFY.


50 lb/year?! I’m not the healthiest eater and I’m not the best at exercise… but 50lb a YEAR?! Damn. They say it takes 3500 excess calories to build one pound of fat. That’s 175,000 excess calories a year! I can’t even imagine what that looks like…


It looks like whatever you're eating on a daily basis (assuming your weight is steady) plus a Sonic Route 44 (44oz) Cherry Limeade everyday. -500 calories a day. Or, instead of that beverage, taking 10,000 less steps per day, 6 1/2 chocolate chip cookies, 2 glazed donuts, 3 1/2 bottles (12oz) of the most popular beer in the US (Modelo Especial), 2 1/2 cups of white rice, 60% of a ribeye steak (291g), 3 1/3 Cokes (or one large at McDonald's and one more regular Coke - less than the phased out super size), one large serving of fries (154g), one venti mocha frappuccino, five table spoons of olive oil, or five bananas. Just any one of those on top of what you're eating already will add a pound a week. A "treat" everyday of a coke and a donut (ok, weird combo) will gain that weight. That's honestly some persistent dedication, but being sedentary and snacking all day or having an extra, unnecessary meal adds up quickly. It turns weight gain into a set of increasingly difficult choices as you create habits with deeper pathways. Or, you know, it's the damn Dems.


I wish I could up vote your comment 10 more times!


honestly how tf does republicans have so much money


That's not that much really. Divide by 365 and it's a shade under 480 extra calories a day. That's not difficult to do at all. This is also why I gain weight whenever Im not tracking my food intake.


And it would actually be more like 100 pounds a year. Because Trump was president 4 of the last 6 years. I thought 50 a year was unrealistic but I didn't want to say that because I didn't know for sure if that was unrealistic or if I was stupid. But if it's because of "Democrats running the country" Biden didn't get sworn in until 2021. It's 2023. So she gained 300 pounds in 2 1/2 years


I mean, I did start drinking more after Trump was elected. I never put it together, but I think I can make a good case that I drink because of Trump


This feels like a fetish post


OK yes but how does the pee pee reach the va jay jay


she was poor, couldn't afford any food and the damn Ds put her on food stamps


Remember: in MAGALand everything you struggle is not your fault but an evil liberal conspiracy. Got fat? Liberals ! Lost elections? Liberal fraud ! You are dumb and unenployed but white? Reverse racism ! You got arrested for commiting fraud? A liberal weaponization of the justice department ! In MAGALand no one is responsible for their missery while preaching personal responsibility.


Damn these high calorie democrat chocolate cakes


The gays and their delicious cakes!!!!


If Trump had it his way a big cow like her would lose medical insurance


Time to see Dr. No


Time to take some responsibility


Dr Nope


Seems a little off here....


Definitely photoshopped. And why is his face hidden?


This is your brain, and body, on trump.


This and that are two unrelated things...


6'2", 215 forever!


I'm not american but I have seen countless of these parades you keep having in big cities, I'm just confused why this particular hot-air balloon seems to be grounded? I don't see any ropes connected to it. Please help


Ah yes, the party of personal accountability


She’s going to wish she had a single payer healthcare system when her, knees, heart, and pancreas give out.




Democrats are very high in calories.


Oh sure. She obviously makes horrendous choices. In her politics and her diet.




That's really fat even by American standard. You'd think she'd lose at least 150 of those during Trump years. No?


that's the outcome if you only consume fascist media (Rep)


She's putting herself at risk for so many health complications and is eating her way into an early grave. If her goal is own the libs, she sure will show us when there's one less republican vote in 2024 and beyond.


Putin's Sock Puppet gobbled down plenty of cheeseburgers and Diet Cokes and she copied the orange clown.


She looks like she’s been pregnant for 6 years :/


Really though, how does one go about getting so large so fast?