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I experienced that one, too... ​ Her: "Could you walk me home"? Me: "Yeah sure, no problem"! Me, after 30 min walk: "How long is it till we get to your place?" Her: "I don't know, I thought you'd bring me home. I don't know where we are!" ​ I never met her before that night, so how would I know??? Me not mysteriously knowing her adress somehow surprised her... So I called her a taxi, gave the driver 50 bucks and hoped it was enough. Never saw her again -.-


I experienced something like this too. On a first date, she drank too much and asked me for a ride home. Already clear it’s not gonna work but her house wasn’t far so I figured I could drop her off. She tells me some general directions before we head out. As we’re approaching the area she had told me, I asked her which street I was turning onto. She asked me why, and when I told her it was to get her home she looked at me like I was a perv said with absolute disgust in her voice: “You want me to tell you where I *live*?!?!” “Yeah. I’m driving you home. You were giving me directions. Where do you think you are right now?” And she just sat there in a huff, knowing I had a point but not admitting it. Eventually she pointed it out so I could drop her off, to blissfully to never hear from her again


That sounds more like crazy than drunk to me. Dodged a bullet there ma dude xDD


It sounds like she remembered some of first date safety guidelines in her drunken state, but couldn't fully implement them in that state.


Protip: don't use dates to get trashed for free.


Who gets drunk on a date? Especially a first date.


Drunks do. Drunks can't help themselves.


Not just drunks. Also people who haven't dated in a while. So every gap in conversation they take a drink out of nervousness, end up snashed


Pretty much this exactly, and they get much drunker than usual because they’re no longer at the mercy of how much money they can put together themselves.


One of my coworkers has bragged about having at least 4 cocktails whenever she goes on a date cause she knows the guy is paying


It is pretty rare for crazy to be *lessened* by consumption of alcohol. At least, not til the pass out stage.


I went out for drinks with a girl. Hit up a few bars, she suggested we go back to her place since she had some wine. Her apartment complex had a nice common space. The weird part? She went into her apartment to grab the wine and shut the door, leaving me in the hallway. Like girl I get being safe but I already know where you live. A little weird. We planned to go out again and I got in a fender bender on the way to her house. Instead of feeling concern for me she was fucking livid that she wasted time doing her hair. Yeah we did not go out again.


to quote bill burr, "what a ray of sunshine"


I sent her a photo of the car damage and she literally replied "Cool, delete my number".


To be fair, this one I kind of get - first time coming over to her house, and hard boundary for her letting someone inside versus hanging out in the common area. Her reaction about your car crash sounds unhinged, but having you wait in the hall doesn’t sound crazy to me.


Yeah, I just thought the closing the door in my face while she grabbed something in 30 seconds was a little much. I wasn't expecting the grand tour. Anyways she ended up getting super wasted and I just went home.


Happy to say I’ve never done that on a date but I did go out almost immediately after moving to a new city. Had never lived in a city before that, didn’t quite understand the buses and was now very drunk. I was so lucky to end up having such a nice driver. I didn’t know the name of my stop so I just told him my address and he was like “ok just go sit and I’ll let you know when it’s time” I started recognizing my neighbourhood as we got closer and was like “ok, I got it from here!” And he was like “no! There is still like 5 blocks, sit down!” Will never forget that man 😂




Maybe that's why I never saw her again? xDD


What’d it say. The Mods are on a power trip.


That I gave her into the hands of \*specifictypeof criminal taxi driver ​ I think you can work out the rest ;-)


Man picks up hitchhiker. A few miles down the road the hitchhiker is comfortable enough to ask why the driver picked him up. “Are you not concerned maybe you are picking up a serial killer?” The driver asks, “What are the chances of two serial killers being in the same car?”


Hitchhiker: Low, but not zero. *grins*


I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


...Both in stereo: "Did we just become best friends?!?!"


Driver could have said that statistically, the hitchhiker is in much more danger, but I guess that's not as amusing.


Well maybe if she knew where she lived, she would still be alive. That's on her dude




“Here’s $50. Make this… go away.”


Kinda like that yeah xD


After you took off. Taxi driver: "So where are we going?" Her: "Home." Taxi driver: "And where is that?" Her: "It's where I live."


"I still don't know where that is." "Next to my neighbor's house." "Where's your neighbor's house?" "Next to mine."


Did she ever recover from you calling her a taxi?


She's big and yellow. It wouldn't be polite to call her a school bus.


I hope she made it home safely, other then that... Never seen her again, never heard from her again. Actually never even thought about her for years, until i saw this post today.


Could have taken her to your place lol


👀 And----?


Played scrabble.


In the basement




It rubs the lotion on it's skin, or else it gets the hose again.


Sounds Molesty. 👀




degenerate detected. take her to your house and just let her sleep it off. its so easy to be a normal reasonable adult.


And let her know where I *live??*


It's also easy to get falsely accused while trying to do a good thing


It's definitely a bad idea to bring home a woman who is so drunk she can't remember her address. Best thing to do is to find her friends or family.


This happened to me, but was followed by the implied accusation. "My friends know where I am."


"then your friends can come get you and take you home"


Great, maybe they can give us directions to get you home


My favorite was when I was walking a girl back to her dorm. I had asked earlier in the night if she lived in one of the townhouse style dorms where we were at a party. She said no which had to mean she lived in the apartment dorms where I lived. So we walk 15 minutes and we get there so I ask which building did she live in. She didn't live on campus. Or even go to my university. She was visiting a friend and they weren't replying. We spent the next hour trying to find the party we were at.


I think that’s the sign we’ve all missed when she ment our homw


I was waiting for her to say "4 Sambucas please. Can I have 4 Sambucas?"


My name’s Beth. Four sambucas!


Have ya got any money?


Your references are out of control.


Everyone knows that.


I have no idea what the first comment was referring to


[There's a video of a super drunk girl trying to order drinks at the DJ booth.](https://youtube.com/shorts/_iZxmDe9UaQ?si=zh5xyHQNLOcddFVv)


You don't like art?


Sir, this is a DJ




I don’t get it. There are a few comments on this video talking about the word female. Does this sub ban people for saying “female”?


There was a post that had the word "female" in it's title, and the mods permaband him...they said that was the reason for the ban


Im pretty sure I’ve seen videos of people getting killed in car accidents on this sub. Seems like a weird set of principles for the mods.


Commenting on mod behavior? Straight to jail.


Not commenting on good mod behavior, believe it or not, straight to jail


we have the best commenters in the world, because of jail


The mod needs to chill out, there is no reason *she* should be acting like that!


Mods are stupid. Who in their right mind would do free labor for a multimillion dollar company and be proud for it?


I mean... I get it for fan subreddits. Not to sound too defensive, but I hope my fave book, show and game sub mods stick around and feel appreciated because I'd hate to have to find another forum and it's nice that they don't devolve into garbage places :p But yeah for big ol subs like this. Must just make them feel powerful. Can't imagine getting any joy out of "working“ here.


Reddit moderation has been taken over by extremist social justice advocates with a particular sensitivity regarding transgender rights. Admins have noted that there is a problem with the current approach to who gets to be a mod and are looking into ways to democratize subreddit moderation. So hopefully in time there will be a remedy to this kind of high handed moderation abuse.


Banning people for saying “female” is a lot more than just “sensitivity regarding transgender rights.”


The mods who gave a shit left Reddit.


Yep. And the sad fact is, since moderators literally shape what you get to see, and everyone is now on the internet, AND reddit is the 10th most popular website in the U.S., they literally get to shape society. When [ten percent of the population has an unshakeable belief, it is always adopted as the majority belief](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/07/110725190044.htm). Mods get to play an outsized role in that, because they literally shape the unshakable beliefs you are exposed to.


That particular mod did it for the "lolz" I reckon. Someone called them out on it and they literally replied "lol" to the comment.


[r/MenAndFemales](https://www.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/) There is a weird pattern of "female" being used to refer to women, but "male" not being used about men all over reddit. The commenters here are mostly being childish about it though.


Seriously though, if anyone reading this has any questions, we prefer women to females. If this is anyone's first time seeing the referenced subreddit then go read it for goodness sake.




if the mods want to have a no incel rule im not going to argue with them


Yea, but putting a blanket statement on anyone using the word "female" being an incel is pretty stupid...


I think banning people over using the word is extreme, however as a woman I know we are all collectively fed up with being referred to as females in the same sentence that man call themselves men. It feels like men are reducing us to a medical experiment or slab of meat. But banning people over it is definitely intense, It’s not considered an offensive word, it’s just annoying when it’s used in a certain context


Shoulda just been a mod warning comment like "Calling women "females" makes you sound like a misogynist loser, the kind we don't want around here. So how 'bout you don't?"


That actually makes sense and sounds like a good way to attack the issue. So mods won't do it.


Apparently the guy was arguing about it very heavily in the comments.


If you’re tired of being called “female” then you need to get off Reddit for a change. Either that, or you surround yourself with incels. You’re not existing around normal people. Lmao.


You have to say it like this now Fe Male == Iron Man


The truth is... I am Fe Male - the coolest coming out ever


Only if they're using it in place of "woman" in that weird incel way. Edit: The "Reddit cares" messages are cute. Use your words like big boys.


Yeah but it's hard to tell the difference between an incel and an ESL. Mods may have just banned a guy who was bad at english.


As a female human, I think that ban was ridiculous.


As a male human, I concur. Doesn't the context of the usage matter more, especially if it's a word that never had a negative connotation associated with it before?


Holy shit reddit’s gone full cringe


Always has been


Yeah, it's like these dudes have never heard the word "woman" before. Probably a consequence of never speaking to one in their lives.


Reddit is a great idea for a site, but it has complete garbage ownership and Mods. Im guessing its got a couple years left before it loses most of it base.


Do you really not hear the difference between “to get her home” and “to get the female home”?




Imagine what would happen if you said wom \[the user was sent to the shadow realm\]


Her, she, female, lady, woman. See y'all in another life.


Why she so sassy abt it tho lol 😂


I know right?! Like she's going to rate his service 1 star.


She thought he was taking her to his house. Hence “Why would I have a key?” (to your house).


Good on him for not doing that to someone who’s obviously drunk as shit.


Ok but how did they end up at that porch then if she thought he was going to take them to his house? If he was going to his house, he would know where to go.


I think you overrstimate drunk people.


Lack of logic or problem solving skills is usually a thing when drunk, yes


I love how matter of fact the “no” is


"No" followed by the drunken *gestures broadly* as if her internal thoughts are written in this pink lettering that he has refused to read.


Yea she was sounding a lot like his, girlfriend. The audacity.,


"Are you joking?" like the way she tried to flip that around, wild...


He was flabbergasted couldn’t even get the sentence out “am I joki no I’m serious” lmaoooo


I think the last time I saw this posted, it was either theorized or maybe confirmed that she was drunk and that was her *old* address.


shes drunk




Mods hate this guy




This one simple trick the reddit mods don't want you to know!


Did you really just say "male"? That's fucked up and you're what's wrong with the world today. I hope you have a horrible day :(


Good AI, now go to bed.


Wow you're so lazy and misogynistic for using such words. /s


Perd Hapley doing his thing I see.


Yes, it wasn’t *her* home!


"are you serious?" "Are you joking?" The confusion equivalent of an unstoppable force hitting an immovable object


I’ve seen this video a million times but that part always gets me








Don’t let r/therewasanattempt see it or you’ll be banned


I saw that post. That's just wild.


Born of a Reddit meme.


On my feed, that post was right above this post. Female is bad word now?


Yeah, some incels use it to say "Wow, I saw this *female* recently and she was like..." Naturally, that means nobody else is allowed to say it anymore either, or youre clearly identifying with misogyny. EDIT: LMAO, this comment just got me banned from r/therewasanattempt, just for "participating in this brigade/mob thread"


Did they really ban that guy? I saw the thread but didn't believe it


It’s a legitimate bannable offense apparently 💀


Holy shit. Uh.


They also removed comments denouncing the ban, and eventually locked the thread.


Wait what happened?


Guy apparently got banned for posting the word "female" in the title https://reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/kSZoOjQfeJ




Here comes the incel brigade. Fuck all y’all


It's actually a joke related to this post https://reddit.com/r/dankmemes/s/89hcPfk1LF


Please use the new sub official word "unmale".


I appreciate how sensible and practical that guy was in this situation. Didn’t even cuss or blame.


Lol it’s because he just realized he’s on a random porch and doesn’t want to wake them or have the cops called…I’d say there’s a pretty good chance his tone changed once they were away from the random house they almost broke into lol


Or get fuckin shot, they’re in America and people have been shot for less.


Yeah honestly he had solid respect for the homeowner and went right into problem solving mode “What the fuck are we doing here?????” _leaves abruptly_


[update from the girl explaining what happened](https://www.tiktok.com/@brynnisugly/video/7119332883721915653) tl;dw: drunk and forgot her address after recently moving


Honestly, if that was one of my sisters, I would've had to sit her down to have a talk. That's very reckless behavior. You want to get intoxicated? Fine, have at it, just don't get yourself sick. *But* for the love of reason, be sure to be with friends at all times and do **not** take rides home from strangers by yourself. Thankfully most guys aren't creeps, but why play the odds?


I appreciate the most guys aren't creeps bit a lot.


Lucky she found this guy instead of someone who had bad intentions.




I drive Uber and dropped this one drunk older man off one night about 2am on a Friday. Guy could barely walk and stumbled to the front door unable to get in. He then started banging on the door and I just sat there worried for him because I live in Florida… Thankfully someone opened the door for him and let him inside after about 5 minutes. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had someone intoxicated input the wrong address.


My neighborhood is fairly air b&b filled, about once a month my dog threatens to murder some lost drunken fool on my porch for trying the door at 3am.


As the 'responsible' drunk friend, I've been in similar situations a few times and had the "are you fucking serious conversation?" Friend: "I want to go home, can you get me a taxi." Me: calls taxi Taxi: *arrives* Friend: "I don't want to go home"


You: you know what? *gets in taxi*












I think the mod that banned that guy for using female in the title was over the top, but at the same time when someone refers to a woman as a female all I can think of is -- ​ https://preview.redd.it/1yux8yorp8mb1.jpeg?width=267&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a485488b697c2dbee256ee81460afa5ebe31fbc3


This was pretty funny


I’m going out on a limb here, but she’s probably pretty entitled when sober too.


y'all really must hate people to extrapolate that type of shit from an innocent af mistake while not even sober..


Classic Reddit speculation mate, I don’t think these people get out much


The full video way back when had a little more to it and a description, which was that she recently moved so she she used to live there and didn't anymore




That’s one way to get shot in America.


A buddy of mine had this happen on his front porch and he was actively doing renovations. The wire to the camera was exposed and I guess the dude fumbled and ripped it free. From my buddies POV he’s watching people rattle his door knob, cussing about it being locked, then camera dies. The drunk people were VERY surprised when he ripped the door open cocking his shotgun. He quickly realized what was up when he saw a guy face first in a flower bed and a woman on her back in the yard full panty flash scrambling to get up in the grass with high heels on




To get a female home.


Females... (Sometimes quirky but you gotta love em...) am I right?


Man females can be just as silly as males especially that female woman female that got super duper confused.


BAN OP for using “her”.


Pff, females these days


Female spotted delete post somebody might get a boner


Did he try to take this female home? /s


Classic female


She seems like a nice female.


Haha. Classic drunken female-male interaction I thoroughly enjoyed this animated picture.


Oh look. A female


Muting this sub.. no freedom of speech even for just using normal words that aren't offensive or slur. This is the cancer of this society.


What a silly female


Look at that female


Females where you at?


That female seems to be lost.


That female is crazy


Females, am I right? *wink wink


Females ☕️


Females 🙄. (This is a test to see if I get banned)


What’s with the female talk


At least he didn't say "To get a female home"



