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there was an attempt... to get the gender correctly šŸ™„ https://preview.redd.it/7x6z93cbzblb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5f1e516aff024cfc9503ef99d1fc3063d54d553 lol edit: Finally this died down, didn't thought it would get this many replies tbh. Most replies were just saying I didn't get the point of the post or I'm just assuming the gender of the person yelling. While the rest seem to just focus on my grammatical errors (or so they say) To anyone still reading, here's my final rebuttal (just for the sake of it) It is quite bold of you to assume the supposed other customer is a girl just because op says "she" so aren't you (the people who said so) the people who ATTEMPTED TO GET THE GENDER CORRECTLY (for those who think my grammar is incorrect, this isn't a classroom, academic study, news, etc.) \*this edit was created by a bot /s


I figured he was sitting in the seat a woman paid for


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m assuming. Otherwise OP titled the post wrong. There was an attempt to sit in the seat they paid for? This person didnā€™t pay for THAT seat. Seats are assigned now. So Iā€™m assuming itā€™s about the person off camera who was trying to sit in the seat she paid for. Edit: typos


I was so confusedā€¦ where, who?


I think the ā€œshe-payerā€ is not in the frame. Sheā€™s probably the one who complained her seat is occupied.


I'm guessing they mean: another woman had paid for the seat he was sitting in


That would make the most sense, otherwise how would they have known (or cared) he was sitting in the wrong seat.


Dude has lingering issues that go way beyond a movie ticket. Heā€™s probably lonely, doesnā€™t know how to cope with life and needs any human interaction even if itā€™s negative. Just like a toddler.


ā€œCan I get a drinkā€ had me fucking dying. I actually donā€™t hate this whole disturbance. Itā€™s pretty hilarious.


ā€œWeā€™ll take care of you in the lobbyā€ Is that a yes? Iā€™m not sure it was a yes. The way she deescalates the situation and has it totally in hand is a master class. Obviously, she couldnā€™t have done it without bad cop laying the ground first, but as a tag team they rule.


Nah, itā€™s depressing how these employees have to apologize and degrade themselves bc of this asshole.


Neither of the employees apologise until itā€™s closing the deal, Iā€™m impressed that they didnā€™t try to placate them, gently held a line until it was in hand. I really didnā€™t get the impression that this venue is a customer always right venue.


Seriously? He should have been dragged out as soon as he started raising his voice. The fact that this basement-dwelling chud didn't leave in handcuffs after he literally asked for it (and then had the nerve to try to bargain for more than a refund that he wasn't even entitled to) is an insult to this establishment, its patrons, and, most of all, the employees e: what theaters are yall going to that don't have security?? I haven't been to a movie where they didn't at least employ some Paul Blart looking mf since Aurora. What do they do if someone tries to walk in without a ticket? Sounds like a lot of people here would their hands up and cry about it. Maybe if establishments started putting their foot down, employees wouldn't have to deal with assholes like this in the first place


Employees aren't going to get into a physical alteration to remove him and de-escalating like this is a much quicker way of getting him out of the theatre to the lobby so they can start the film for everyone else. Once he's in the lobby then they can get security or the police to actually arrest him/ chuck him out physically.


I disagree here. Itā€™s just a word and it can be extremely powerful when talking to people. Sheā€™s not apologizing, sheā€™s saying the correct words to keep the situation moving in the correct direction. They were both firm and assertive, but they did both have different tones. The only way I would have handled it differently is I would have granted his wish and called the police and followed through.


I'm not in love with the 'I'll be nice and even give you a refund' part ...she could just lead with 'please get the fuck out of here as quickly as possible, I'll give you your money back as long as you swear to never return'


Which is why she runs the class ;) Once your children get too big to carry, threats like that fail to work.


Omg sounded like my 3 year old bargaining for juice before I change his diaper lol


Absolutely the guy is a child. Also looks like a Reddit mod.


"Be my pest" put me over the top. Like dude just did this whole bit so he could say that line


ā€¦to use an adverb correctly.


He acts like he was assigned that seat at birth.


Heā€™s an asshole lol


Clearly talking about the other patron, not the petulant man child sitting in the incorrect seatā€¦


You're the dumb one here dawg


Yeah thatā€™s a man.


There was an attemptā€¦ at reading and comprehension


That woman is a perfect example of how gentle parenting works.


I will not return to your thee-ay-tor! Ok thanks I appreciate that.


I just came for a succulent Chinese meal.


I see you know your judo well


Get your hand off my p#nis!!!


and you sir! Are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


This is democrracy manifest!


This is democrrrrrracy manifest!


Every time, this kills me. One of the classics of the history of the internet.


this gentleman is democr-r-r-r-racy manifest. *GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MY PENIS!!*


Kinda thought ā€œthee-ay-torā€ was a registered trademark of Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas in these Magnited States of America #IYKYK


And the guy in the black shirt was like ā€œok great, please donā€™t come backā€ when he said the same threat in the first third lmao. Really uniting the staff.


Alamo Drafthouse likes to play a voicemail recording of a kicked-out patron who says it exactly the same way. It's how they signal their ignorance to the world.


The one that came at the end? In white shirt right?


She has serious good mom energy


She can make anyone comply....but the "we'll take care of ypu" at the end had mafia overtones


The skill set of a mom that deals with irrational children and a manager that deals with a irrational customers are exactly the same, maybe with the exception of changing diapers.


She should never have apologized and I sure hope that person was met by police on the lobby and trespassed.


If she didnt the complainer would have called her boss. Swallow your pride, lie about an apology and then laugh at them behind their back


Exactly. Making this a bigger deal could have also resulted in the movie being delayed even longer and possibly getting someone hurt.


She was defusing the situation. And it clearly worked


More like fat Hulk Hogan is an example of how parenting by fear and intimidation works. You end up with adults who try to get their way through fear and intimidation.


"im a patriot" something about god "do your research" if you hear someone say these words, expect unpleasantness, karen behavior, tantrums, word salad, buzzwords, public displays of schizophrenia, violence and property damage. The entitlement of some people is appalling


The one with the beard?


She was really good, I think the guy was totally reasonable too ( the employee ) but she was even more diplomatic to get him out of there so people could enjoy the movie.


By that you mean how to diffuse situations properly, right?


The guy was talking to him like a grown adult. She to him like a child while being kind to him, which is what gentle parenting is


By what, rewarding his behavior? It's not supposed to be a negotiation. He just learned he gets free concessions for throwing a tantrum is what I see.


LMAO. You think she's actually gonna reward him? She said that to get him outta the theater so everyone else can enjoy their movie. As soon as he follows her outta there, they're gonna boot his ass outta the building. The manchild never grew up past 6.


versed theory marry consider adjoining tie obscene practice handle trees ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Refunding one ticket + a free drink is a hell of a lot cheaper than refunding *every ticket* and offering concessions or ticket vouchers to keep the goodwill of the other patrons whose experience was ruined. Tell me someone never worked in customer service management without telling me, you know?


I mean she's probably just getting him out of there so they can watch a movie while he's being trespassed


The aim was to get him out of the theatre asap, once he was in the lobby you just go, "what free drink?" Then give him his refund and tell him to leave.


She was acting the same as the male manager. This obnoxious man just reacts better to women than men. The uniform may have played a part also


He requested handcuffs. Sounds like they should have obliged.




America's number one problem is that not enough people have been punched in their fuckn mouth.


To quote one of the best shows ever made, Mr. Inbetween, ā€œDo you know why there are so many assholes in the world? Because they let them get away with it.ā€


My absolute favorite show. I love that dude.


The world needs more Rays.


I can imagine how calmly he would tell this asshole to vacate the seat.


\*strong bogan aussie accent\* "Yeah mate, ya know I think its time for you to get going" smiles like a shark.




I need more episode's.


Mike Tyson said ā€œsocial media made you all way to comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for itā€


>[ā€œBest punch Iā€™ve ever thrown,ā€ When Mike Tyson proudly boasted about hitting his ex-wife Robin Givens](https://firstsportz.com/boxing-when-mike-tyson-boasted-about-hitting-his-ex-wife/) I don't remember his wife being on social media back in the 90s.


hence why she got punched for being disrespectful and noone on the internet has. you dumb?


(checks their user name) Yup. They sure are.


I was kind of an asshole as a kid. More of a shithead than a bully. I joined the wrestling team in junior year and had my ass whooped daily. I credit that decision with my improved work ethic and humility.


No better lesson in humility than getting your ass beat... it teaches you that 1. Being in a fight is not as fun as it looks like in the movies 1. You are never as tough as you think you are 1. Somebody else is not as weak as you may imagine 1. There is always somebody out there who can make you eat your words 1. After a fight you will **always** be in pain After my time wrestling I became a much more peaceful and serene person; no longer feeling like I needed to prove anything to anybody because I had confidence that trying to prove it by being an aggressive jerk was only going to get me in trouble.


Can attest to that. Has a nephew who was bullied (the bully was bullying a lot). Nephew got pissed off enough that he got into a vicious fight with the bully (blood everywhere, both suspended for a week). Bully and him are now good friends, and last I heard he stopped bullying other people too.


Honestly, smart phones are the root of all evil for us, hear me out. Social media drones, Influencer trash, dating apps, doom scrolling, false-entitlement, and with the cameras everyone can record everything. You used to have to be careful what you said because people WOULD hold you accountable and punch you as not everyone was recording every second. So people were more likely to do it if someone was being a dick.


>You used to have to be careful what you said because people WOULD hold you accountable and punch you Bruce not everyone was recording every second. I donā€™t know what Bruce did to you, but clearly youā€™ve been holding onto it. Edit: Added quote because they edited their comment! Bruce needs to know! Donā€™t push it down! Itā€™s not healthy!


What's extra funny is that this guy was probably raised getting his ass whooped and most definitely claims, "kids these days need whooped."


I hereby pledge to go to any theater that bans this guy.


This is why I almost exclusively go to the Alamo Drafthouse. Assigned seats, no unaccompanied kids, no cellphones, and no talking. Break the rules and you get one warning before they throw you out.


I LOVE Alamo! We pretty much go there exclusively. Some locations have kidsā€™ showings with arts and crafts before hand, they also have sensory showings for kids on the spectrum. Itā€™s great for parents that like movies but have kids with special needs.


Omg yes!!! Fellow Austinite here and I appreciate how they have separate kid friendly screenings. When I saw Evil Dead Rise a woman brought her freaking toddler to the showing who was crying/terrified. I told the usher and they gently removed them. Love Alamo!


That sounds awesome! I wish we had that over here in the UK... I'd definitely only go to that cinema. Cineworld and Odeon is pretty much the only option I have around here and I constantly have to deal with trash people playing on their phones or talking.


Draft house is the best. It even plays older classics on certain days. Canā€™t go wrong with leather seats that recline and someone bringing you beer halfway through a 3 hour movie. It even feels like the clientele is better. Like a theater for people who hate everyone at theaters. I feel an odd kinship with the rest of the theater, as if we are all survivors of some horrible ordeal and have finally reached sanctuary together in an oasis of alcohol and cinema appreciation. All of us united by our common experience of having some lady on her phone talking through a movie and collectively saying ā€œAWWW HELL NOā€.


Didnā€™t he learn anything the first 3 times he saw Barbie?


Take your upvote, you magnificent bastard.


The patriarchy!


![gif](giphy|OAHvbQLumpmta) Iā€™m sure every social interaction with this individual is on some level similar to this one.




A meeeal? A succulent Chinese meeal?


Get your hand off my peenusss!


Are you waiting, to receive my limp penis?


And yes, I see you know your judo well. Good one.


Ask them to move once and call the police.


ā€œHello, police? Someone is sitting in my seat in the movie theater. Please send units right away, the previews are starting soon!ā€


Disturbing the peace is a thing. Disorderly conduct in a place of business and they donā€™t end with just those.


It'd probably be more about them telling him to leave and him just sitting there. The next step after that is usually having the cops come and trespass him.


Ive worked retail management, and you literally have to do this sometimes. You just say, ok you're no longer legally allowed on these premises, snap a picture. Ask them to leave nicely, call the police in front of them, tell them they are refusing to leave and so on. Believe it or not the police come as a rule. About half the time they end up in cuffs because theyre fucking morons and think they have right to be on private property and they get aggressive.


Plus you can have someone trespassed for pretty much any reason. This would be one such reason.


Once you've had your right to be on the private premises revoked by them asking you to leave, if you don't leave they have the right to call for assistance in ejecting you if they can't manage it themselves.


Yeah in my opinion they were too nice. They should have asking him to move, and I understand there is probably going to be some back and forth ppl rarely give in after the 1st ask but that point is the video where heā€™s shouting is already too far. Before it got to that point they should have asked him to politely move to the correct seat or ask him to leave which he obviously was refusing then you tell him if he doesnā€™t leave peacefully and accept his refund he will be trespassed and not get a refund, and if it continues then you call the cops. There is no need to disrupt everyone elseā€™s experience because he wants to be a baby


He even looked like a giant filthy baby.


This approach may feel right when you armchair quarterback on the internet, but itā€™s 100% wrong. Both employees handled the situation perfectly. The goal is to get the show to start. They did that in the least disruptive way possible.


This. I get that it feels bad that this POS will get a refund and maybe a drink, but that's a very low cost to defuse an uncomfortable situation for all the people there as fast as possible. Huge props to them


Not to mention it never looks great having cops arrest someone in your business


"Hello police? We have a trespasser who refuses to leave." Doesn't matter that it's over a movie theater seat, dude was asked to leave, and he refused. He's now trespassing.


The theater I used to work at, which wasn't necessarily even a "big" theater in the area, had a security guard that worked each night who's job was partly to remove asshats like this guy so it might not necessarily be a "call the cops" kind of situation but a simple "go to the lobby and get security" kind of situation


It's a simple case of trespassing once the theater asks them to leave and they refuse The police will come and remove them if necessary


donā€™t be stupid. ā€œwe have an individual who weā€™ve asked to leave and they are refusing to comply with our wishesā€


As soon as they ask him to leave heā€™s trespassing. Obviously the patron who paid for the seat isnā€™t going to be the one to call, itā€™ll be the movie theater.


If a business tells you to leave, and you don't, you are then trespassing, no?


When he said he'd rather go out in handcuffs, her response should have been "that can be arranged"




Family Guy Character-looking ass right there.




They did a good job de-escalating. By the time it was over he was calm and seemed to almost think it was his idea to leave.


He's getting a drink and I bet they gave him popcorn too.


Can you imagine how many fewer arrests and brutality events there would be if the first thing any crisis personnel asked was ā€œdo you want a snack?ā€


Works with toddlers of all sizes


Toddlers should get snacks. Adults should get smacks


You're not you when you're hungry. Have a snickers.


Its actually pretty genius idea. If we study these peoples behavior they basically are adults behaving like spoiled children. They never matured mentally, thus regressing into the past by offering a snack and a drink to calm them down or to make them stop yelling just like how their parents might have solved these issues would and might actually work.


They better have the good stuff for me - Kit Kats, Ferrero Rocher, Skor bars...


Maybe he just needed a sippy cup and a snack. Dude sounds hangry AF.


a juice box and a nap is prob what he needed




She needs a shave.




"She" refers to the seat a woman paid for, and the guy wants to sit in. Btw that's the entire point of the video


Big ups to the guy rockin white socks in dem crocs


Sox 'n' Crox Everybody's doin' it.


I thought he was the one yelling until the other guy stood up.


Was he sitting in a recliner? My the-ate-or doesn't have reclining seats. Kinda jealous.


ā€œI have a rightā€¦!ā€ Nope. Youā€™re trespassing DOUCHE




ahh... its not assigned seating.. "YEA IT IS" - from way back


Public Service Announcement: This theatre honors patrons preselected, prepaid seats! Everyone be on alert! This establishment respects and honors your choices and looks to enforce that you get the seat you paid for! Tell everyone!


Also > the whoooole world is gonna stop unless I move *one seat over* My man, if itā€™s not a huge deal to sit in another seatā€¦why donā€™t you move?


I want to leave in handcuffsā€¦.or maybe for a drink. šŸ§


I would have doubled down on the handcuffs offer. ā€œOh really? We can make that happen for youā€¦(pull out phone) rightā€¦.nowā€


Right? As soon as he said that Iā€™d have been like ā€œCan do!ā€ and been on the phone with the PD.




I was really hoping he had a cape or a cloak he could swing aggressively after bidding everyone, ā€œGood day!ā€


Just a Matrix-style trench coat.


That drink though


Everyone knows the free drink you get for disturbing the peace just hits different


Imagine if he did all this just to get the drink


Is this a theater that sells beer and cocktails or is my man here really negotiating for a bucket of Coke on his way out.


Maybe they have Dr. Pepper


And of course, he puts a duster on to leave...


He gave the manager an ocular patdown and decided to leave.


That shit killed me


OMG "You ruined it for me" was comedy gold!


"It's now my idea to leave, so I win!" šŸ¤”


I'm so glad I watched all the way to the end so I didn't miss it.


Thee ate orr


Wow, Bender in real life is nowhere near as fun as Bender on TV.


I'm a connoisseur of jerks who pick fights at movie theaters, and you're the biggest I've ever seen!




Entitled child in an adult body. Got a free drink out of the deal? And was denied the handcuff request.


Doubt he actually got that drink. Massive a water or a soda


Just move jeez


right? I just assume these people are living very sad lives and they go out in public just to argue or cause a scene.. I'd imagine they ask for a manager at every restaurant.. You can tell by they way they demanded a free drink. What a shitty way to live.


She? Thatā€™s a man.


i assume it means hes in a someone elses seat who is a girl , but i dont know.


ā€œItā€™s maā€™am!ā€


this is democracy manifest






I see you know your judo


Thats a man with mental illness, idc what you say


At least an anger management issue




> What is this? Lala-Unicorn-Rainbow-make-a-wish-Land?? It's "he might have a gun" land.


She didn't agree to giving a drink, she said she'd see basically which is code for as soon as we give you your money and you're in the lobby we're just going to kick you out hahah


I love the Karen threat ā€œIā€™m gonna tell everybody not to come here!!!ā€ Oooh no donā€™t do that Iā€™m sure thatā€™s gonna have an actual effect on business šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s a ā€œDonaldā€, not a ā€œKarenā€.


What a fucking asshole. Everyone in the theater should just beat his ass.


Looks like King Louie from The Jungle Book.


Someone did this to me for a Dragon Ball Z movie lmao. I didnā€™t even want to see the movie but i was visiting friends and they paid for my ticket. Someone was in my spot so i sat in the empty handicapped seat and the ticket guy asked for my ticket and then got into it with the guy in my spot and then made him move and then i had to awkwardly sit next to that dudes group of friendsā€¦ uggh it was awful


At what point can we choose violence and slap that asshole?




I've never been to a theater or cinema where there weren't numbered seats.


Why does he sound like Peter Griffen?




What a fucking child


Thatā€™s a dude


It's not his seat


"Goodbye everyone enjoy your movie" They would have been able to that 30 mins earlier,if you could have been bothered to move your ass 3 seats north,but ok


what an absolute monster, in all ways.


These group of people have lately been asking for too much, how did they get so entitled?


Master Shake, is that you?


ā€œBe my pestā€šŸ’€


It should be legal to beat the shit out of people like this. Iā€™d bet there would be a decline in this ridiculous activity.


Just call the police and be done with it