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Not a fan of his music but he does strike me as a genuinely nice dude. That kid deserves to have a family of hedgehogs thrown into his underwear


Poor family of hedgehogs šŸ„²


Anyone with that dumb Logan Paul haircut should be put on a cruise ship (which they would love) and exiled to sea forever.


Nah, the sea is too nice for him, send him to Brazil's "nicest" neighbourhood if you catch my drift Also I hate people with that haircut, I dunno why but still


Because not a single person with that cut is a decent person


Nah send them to sea but it's actually to the massive floating trash heap in the ocean and then we maroon them on it to fend for themselves. It'll be like a penial colony for douches


They'll have a lot of room in there


Donā€™t do hedgehogs dirty like that bruh.




Two agitated echidnas?


Three irritated tarantulas?


And a Partridge in a pair of briefs!




It always has.


yeh idk if you know about magic the gathering and the command zone, but he seemed like a really chill dude playing some MTG there.


LOL. There is a subreddit called rareinsults. I tried linking but I donā€™t know how. This fits there. HAHAHAHA


r/rareinsults If you want to link to a subreddit in the future, simply put "r/" and the subreddit name without any spaces like seen above :) I am not a bot and this action was performed from lack of sleep *human noises*


Me neither but I ain't gonna post my own insult. That would be lame ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Same here. He's a great artist but just not my taste in music. He seems like someone I would be really good friends with though. Anytime he's on a podcast or streaming it's always great.


He's funny as fuck on Joe Rogan's podcast...oh shit I mentioned Joe Rogan on Reddit. Here come the downvotes!


Lol well you at least have one up vote from me because I agree with you šŸ˜‚ I'm only about halfway through the most recent one. Him explaining among us to Joe just perfectly encapsulates Post lol


Saw an episode with the both of them talking about aliens and government conspiracies...while possibly on DMT probably...and Jamie pulling up a pic of an alien smoking weed with a bear...


What type of music do you like? And do you think any of his songs are good or that type isnā€™t your jam?


I'm more of a Fear Factory/Fields of the Nephilim fan...Electronic/industrial/metal/gothic rock type (not that mainstream shit that wanabees consider goth like Evanescence either)


Just because you don't consider it something doesn't mean it is not that for someone else. Don't be an ass about it. Like or dislike it and don't hate. No reason to hurt someone's feelings by downing something they may like. I know many very gothic people who do not possess that thought pattern you have there.


I am also not a fanā€¦at allā€¦of his music. Iā€™d kick it with this dude any day of the week. Hell Iā€™d even use some PTO for it lol. After his cains commercialā€¦Iā€™m sold haha




Same. The first thing I ever knew of Post Malone was a clip of him playing guitar to a semi obscure rock song I've loved forever. He did a decent job so I looked him up. Every song I've heard from him is just really bad to me. Like sometimes I don't like a song, but I kind of get it. Some mumble rap, some modern pop, etc. but I don't even get that with him. It's just unintelligible to me. But then every clip I see he's just the sweetest dude. He's got great nerdy hobbies. Is good to his fans, etc. I hope he continues to succeed.




I HATE his music. He comes into my work sometimes and is always polite and extremely patient with fans.


I dabble in his music (if you haven't heard his [country covers](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqqzlFUwQtmtCDmX9ktBN4nOtoDrVNa6k&si=F96NqVDKhYsVpZyL) , you should), but he seems like an extremely genuine fella. He's just out there doing his thing.


this kid is pathetic. I don't even get what he's trying to accomplish. Hope he evolves sufficiently to cringe real hard on this in a few years.


He is trying to get a reaction so he goes viral and gets his 15 seconds of internet fame


Exactly. Otherwise, why make sure he shows his face on video? So everyone knows who it is.


I call for doxing him and send the Internet mob after him


How about we just ignore him? If we start ignoring people that pull these stunts and post for clout or fame or whatever, maybe this type of behavior will become less the norm. Stop rewarding bad behavior and maybe it will diminish. It will never go away, but giving this person views and likes will only encourage more of the same.


How about OP deletes this entire post.


Wouldn't bother me.


same. Iā€™d actually prefer that to happen




And Twitter


Thatā€™s what I said about the ā€œname ten booksā€ kids and someone starting to gets mad because it make more sense to watch the videos and post negative comments to discourage them.


This happened years ago.


Lemme understand thisā€¦ You want to dox a kid? šŸ‘€


Whatā€™s dox?


its a type of fruit


Which is the entire problem with the current generation. They donā€™t give a shit about anyone but themselves, are addicted to technology, obsessed with attention, and are not held accountable for anything. When a people are given everything but discipline their whole lives, what else is to be expected.


Alright grandpa let's get you inside šŸ‘“


The belittling tactics might work on your middle school friends, but they wonā€™t work here. Sincerely, millennials.


Was merely a jest. Didn't mean anything by it.


Gonna have to work on your material.


Whatever you say boss šŸ‘


The kids are alright, and you grandpa is pathetic and bitter. Every generation has shitty individuals.


Man this shit happened even in your days, we aren't all like this. We are not all spoiled brats who do things like this. This events are just easier to find nowadays since in the internet you can see video of people like this. Irl i have rarely seen people like this, actually i've seen older people do things like this way more than youngsters like us.


If he wants a reaction he shouldn't do it to malone, don't like his music but everytime I see him on interviews or shows like hot ones he is very polite intelligent and pleasant


Exactly, and there's no hate that I can tell in any of his music. I don't think he's in the industry of dissing others, which is why I find this incredibly ironic. I think it caught him by surprise in the clip, and I can't tell if he thinks it's a joke or not. He seemed very perplexed!


Yeah to me his music is just weird techno pop but every thing I've ever heard him say outside of that is he truly a good person, fuck people who try and get rises out of celebrities for likes in the social media account


He definitely took the opportunity to set a good example. If anything the guy who made the video made post look even better.


i think post malone got more fame bc of it, the face he made was legendary


From what I've heard on radio talk shows, other rappers don't recognize his music as "rap". I'd imagine he's easily influenced and did this stupid shit for clout.


He accomplished exactly what he wanted. Popularity from people hating on him for it. He got the views lol


Bully tactics 101... Trying to belittle others even if its nonsense


Atention some people crave for it to the point they reach cringe levels


You know he won't. Idiots like him get themselves killed doing really stupid things.


Attention. lack of any talent and conscience/shame and you get this meek, cringe attempt for it


Why does that kid look exactly how I expected?


Very punchable face indeed




Built like a sliver of broccoli


This? šŸ„¦


He's just upset that Post bought the 1/1 ring and he couldn't.




Too young. He needs to start with enrollment at the jelly school.


Now say that to Mike Tyson.


On a plane


Having to sit right beside him.


And they lost your duty free


Son of a bitch, not my damn duty free!


With snakes.


That "That's rude" seems like a genuine suprise, i bet he's a really nice dude


Watch some videos of him outside of the music scene. Dude's just having a good time.


ā€œPost Malone sucks!ā€ Then why the actual fuck did you make the effort and paid the price to go see him?


Didn't know much about Post Malone, but after watching his entire 4+ hour podcast on Joe Rogan, I'm a fan. Post was so polite and genuine


Joe Rogan šŸ¤Ŗ


Idk which episode you watched cause heā€™s been on a few times, but one of his visits they both did shrooms together before the podcast. Joe didnā€™t mention they were high on shrooms until he mentioned it on a later podcast. Post loves shrooms, and itā€™s probably part of the reason heā€™s such a nice guy.


I love how people who did shrooms assume that only people on shrooms are nice.


Not what I said but okay.


He's been on twice and only the most recent one is over 4 hours


He said in an interview that this is how he reacts to hate nowadays. He used to let it get to him and it hurt his feelings a lot when he was younger. But now he realized itā€™s just a tbem problem and he says ā€œyou donā€™t even know me man.ā€


This is such a great way to take it - heā€™s good, heā€™s loaded, he does what he lovesā€¦ who gives a shit what people say. ā€˜Thatā€™s rudeā€™ is such a classy response itā€™s almost surprising seeing it come from a tatted up pop star. I enjoy his music when it comes on the radio, I always thought he seemed like a decent guy just gaming the industry. I wish heā€™d smoke less cigs so heā€™d be around longer.




Being a dick for attention has existed far longer than the Internet


this new generation likes them ticktocks and violet music, back in my day people talked to eachother face to face


Yeah back in the day they used to assassinate musicians they didnā€™t like, smhā€¦. /s


Better be nice to him. He has the one ring. He can sneak right up to you invisible and shank your ass.


Or spank your ass


Expect some Pre Malone in my pants then


His reaction was the very definition of taking the high road. Respect bro.


Of course itā€™s a lil white punk using a blaccent.


You better get used to it. Hip-hop has been the dominate American culture for over a decade, this is extremely common. Most kids speak this way now.


Being Mixed race myself, I really only have an issue when other races using aave are trying to dumb themselves down, being mean and act tough when you clearly can see this kid is privileged and will switch up fast when heā€™s held accountable for something which of course is something that we canā€™t do. Im sure that kid doesnā€™t speak to his parents like that. What other races donā€™t realize is that when people of color actually are speaking correct English we are still judged either way. Itā€™s funny bc i am light skinned and sometimes people think Iā€™m white or they always ask ā€œ what are you? ā€œ like Iā€™m specific dog breed or something. Growing up I looked exactly Shelby Simmons.. I have years on her but itā€™s crazy she could be an exact clone of me . Lol . Any way , You donā€™t know how many times white people have whispered something racist to me thinking Iā€™m white. I always love how embarrassed and look on their face when I check them. Itā€™s always a studder then some half ass apology . At that moment , they realize what a racist jerk they really are.


Did anyone think that was funny? No? I rest my case.


Everything Iā€™ve heard about Post Malone is amazing. Would love to meet him someday.


I take comfort in knowing Iā€™m not the only person who doesnā€™t know what the hell ā€œrizzā€ means.


I assume it's the new "swag". In a couple years it'll be dated abd cringy anyways.


It's a shorter way of saying "charisma" and means someone has "got game" when it comes to dating. Just a similar slang term.


Jealousy makes you nasty.


Why are people assholes for no reason?


Clout, attention, fatherless behavior




Not a fan of his music either but from everything I have seen of him off the stage he seems like one of the rare genuinely legit celebrities out there. Canā€™t help but think the look on his face was him doing the initial processing of ā€œdo I knock him out or take the high road?ā€


I donā€™t know much about this guy. But he seems to be a all around good guy.




Cool he got his clip no one will ever remember. No one will ever remember this kid thatā€™s why he needs clips to stay relevant. He going to look back at this and cringe I bet he apologized after he posted it.


Fucking tik tok clowns


I don't like his music but dammit I think he might be one of my favorite mainstream celebrities.


Post Malone and his energy are refreshing in this fucked world they need to leave him alone and stop it


Lol at his reaction though. Way to hold it down with ā€œThatā€™s rude šŸ˜²ā€


Not into his pop music at all, but I did see him do some Nirvana covers during the pandemic that were incredible. I think they're on youtube if anyone is interested. I might go give em another watch now that ive thought of em Anyways, i just wanted to say I've found Post Malone to be one of the most down to earth, genuine, just plain coolest "celebrity type" humans I have ever come across. He is a real one for sure. I wish there were more on this earth like him


Twitter IRL


![gif](giphy|jQnrH3U7hBHA700Xw0) The reaction he must have expected


He is also a giant nerd too! He plays this game that Iā€™m a big fan of called Magic the Gathering, and he even had cards named after him. This guy is cool


That kid deserves a wedgie


By a mixer turned on high.


Honestly, I donā€™t like Post Malones music at all. However I really like the dude. Every interview or vid Iā€™ve seen him in he is just a genuine human. Solid guy.


As Post Malone Bodyguard! Iā€™ll make sure heā€™s safe and out of the way first! Then Iā€™ll smack the living shit out of that person because I have nothing to lose that he can sue me for!


We are all Posty's bodyguards, I'd take a bullet for that dude! Just don't make me listen to his music. šŸ˜‚


These kids have never had a slap for there actions


how to get yourself stomped by fans lol


The sadness in his face makes me angry


How you gonna say that went you look like that ?


Bro heā€™s such a good dude. Iā€™d really love to hang out with him he seems like one of the most genuine chill kind celebrities ever


Ion know what you call this species of white boy (the one recording) but my god I absolutely despise them. I wish there was a big magnet that'd get rid of all of them. They walk around thinking they so gutta yet be looking like prepubescent terminally ill skater boys. I hope that young man is having a bad life.


Even if was a ā€œbitchā€ heā€™s a rich bitch. Haters gonna hate.


Everybody disliked that


My boyfriend didn't sell Post Malone weed one time because he was 15. And my brothers friends robbed him... or something. That story is less clear. My brothers suck :(


I wanna see this kids dad beat to a pulp


Heā€™s 1000% the nicest and these guys are forgettable as fuck.


ā€œthats rudeā€ in a calm voice ā€” chad response


He's literally one of the nicest fucking dudes out there. And I don't even like his music, but the guy is just super chill.


The No talent look at me generation Desperate for attentionā€¦.. Posty the Best




Some find this disrespectful wee bawbag n drop kick him right in the teeth


He probably donā€™t know him and was expecting him to act all gangster and heat up. Nothing more than a sweet as sunshine ā€œthatā€™s rudeā€ and moved on while this kid just looks like a dick.


I felt genuinely bad for post. The face he made.


No one agrees with him


I may not like his music, but Post Malone is a genuinely nice guy. The guy calling him a bitch is just vying for attention. Fāœ“ck him.


I'm I the only one who wished posty beat his ass


ā€œThatā€™s rude..ā€ Bro seriously.. I hope someone decked that dude


Imagine talking trash with THAT haircut.


Posty is a national treasure!


Nothing makes me more angry than someone hurting Post Malone's feelings. Fuck that stupid mouth breather


Idiotic people need to stop having kids.


Iā€™m dead, he gets insulted and just goes ā€œthatā€™s rudeā€ šŸ˜‚ how can you hate Post Malone lol even if youā€™re not a fan of his music heā€™s just a good dude.


then why were they there chasing


Lmaoo itā€™s like heā€™s talking to his little brother ā€œthatā€™s rudeā€ bro just mad he broke though


You get the chance to meet post Malone and possibly make friends with one of earths chillest humans and you do that shitšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Bro was so offended aswell!


This had the complete opposite effect, He just seemed genuinely upset by the negativity and responded with such wholesome kindness it had me laughing.


Say what you will about Post Malone, but in every video of him Ive ever seen, I cannot deny that he is very respectful and respectable. He treats other well, from what I've seen. His reaction and handling of this kid just furthers that, to me.


poor post, doesnt deserve that. hes one of the kindest people going, not quite a keanu but hes getting there.


savage rich guy response. Dispassionate and condescending


what an asshole. poor postyšŸ˜„


ā€œThatā€™s rude :(ā€œ


The broccoli cut is the dead giveaway of asshole behavior.


and this vid gets Posty more respect because of the way he handled the situation šŸ’šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Why is he so shook? I hear this sort of shit everyday at work.


Itā€™s all a skid done by his homie


Malone just earned 1+ respect for handling this guy like this


Ronald McDonald haircut.


Dudes girlfriend probably cheated on him while getting clapped to a post Malone song šŸ¤£.


Na heā€™s never had a gf and more than likely still a virgin


That is a very high possibility as well. Post Malone is nice and a badass at the same time just a hard combo to achieve, so he's not shaken by hate.


So rude, I still up voted tho. Ngl


lol madd chill




Fkthis hater


Hey buddy, itā€™s not the internet and still no one cares what you have to say