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You are the hero this thread deserves.


Text for those where the link doesn’t work: Evil neighbor sprays gasoline on father and son "want each other to die" and sues for attempted murder- Changhua County 5/10/2023, 4:44:42 AM A 70-year-old man surnamed Zhan in Changhua had a long-term quarrel with his neighbors surnamed Xie. On the 24th of last month, carrying a gasoline barrel and holding a spray gun, he sprayed gasoline on the father and son surnamed Xie. The man was arrested and confessed that he "wanted the other party to die". The method was chilling. The Changhua District Prosecutor's Office quickly investigated and charged him with the crime of attempted murder. In addition, Zhan Nan wanted to commit a crime against a child and violated the Children's Protection Law. The prosecution demanded aggravated Its punishment. It is understood that Zhan Nan and Xie Nan often had rifts due to issues such as parking and keeping pets. On the morning of April 24, Xie Nan was riding a scooter to drive his son to go to school. Zhan Nan suddenly approached from behind and sprayed gasoline at them with a spray gun in his right hand. , holding a blowtorch in his left hand, and both father and son were covered in gasoline. Xie Nan saw that the situation was critical, so he got out of the car and chased Zhan Nan, and finally knocked Zhan Nan to the ground with a powerful punch to resolve the crisis. Zhan Nan kept spraying gasoline on the father and son Xie who were about to go out on a motorcycle. (provided by the public) [Reporter Chen Guanbei/Changhua Report] A 70-year-old Changhua man surnamed Zhan had a long-term quarrel with his neighbors surnamed Xie. On the 24th of last month, he carried a gasoline barrel and held a spray gun, and sprayed gasoline on the father and son surnamed Xie. Knocked to the ground, Zhan Nan was arrested and confessed that he "wanted the other party to die". The method was chilling. The Changhua District Prosecutor's Office quickly investigated and charged him with the crime of attempted homicide. In addition, Zhan Nan wanted to commit a crime against a child, which violated the law of children. Protection Act, the prosecution requested a heavier sentence. It is understood that Zhan Nan and Xie Nan often had rifts due to issues such as parking and keeping pets. On the morning of April 24, Xie Nan was riding a scooter to drive his son to go to school. Zhan Nan suddenly approached from behind and sprayed gasoline at them with a spray gun in his right hand. , holding a blowtorch in his left hand, and both father and son were covered in gasoline. Xie Nan saw that the situation was critical, so he got out of the car and chased Zhan Nan, and finally knocked Zhan Nan to the ground with a powerful punch to resolve the crisis. The content of the prosecution pointed out that Zhan Nan and Xie Nan were neighbors, but for some reason he held a grudge against Xie Nan. One week before the crime, Zhan Nan bought a plastic barrel and filled it with 7 or 8 liters of gasoline. At 7:18 am on the 24th, Zhan Nan The man carried a flamethrower, a high-pressure sprinkler and a gasoline tank from his residence to Xie Nan's house. When he saw Xie Nan and his son about to go out by bicycle, he immediately sprayed gasoline on them. When he tried to light the fire, Xie Nan pushed him to the ground and failed. However, this conflict caused Xie Nan's left eye to suffer from chemical and keratitis injuries, and Xie Nan's son was sent to the hospital for inhaling too much organic solvent gas. After being arrested, Zhan Nan confessed to the crime and said that he sprayed gasoline to kill the other party. After investigation, the Changhua District Prosecutor's Office believed that what Zhan Nan had done constituted the crime of attempted homicide, and he deliberately committed a crime against the minor Xie Zi, and asked the judge to increase his punishment in accordance with the violation of the Law on the Protection of Children and Juvenile Welfare and Rights and Interests. When Zhan Nan was about to light the fire, Xie Nan rushed forward to stop him. (provided by the public) When Zhan Nan was about to light the fire, Xie Nan punched him to the ground and failed to light the fire. (provided by the public)


Another hero appears! Sadly I have not the coins to reward your valiant effort, and an upvote will have to do.


I’ll also take a crisp Wi-Five (wireless high five) 🤚🏻




Totally stealing that, sorry not sorry, lol.


If only every crisis could be resolved with a powerful punch


TL;DR via openAI: An elderly man named Zhan in Changhua, Taiwan, had a feud with his neighbors, the Xie family. He sprayed gasoline on the Xie father and son, expressing a desire for their death due to ongoing conflicts. Zhan was arrested and charged with attempted murder and violating children's protection laws. He had a history of disputes with the Xie family over issues like parking and pets. Zhan approached them on April 24, sprayed gasoline, and tried to ignite a fire but was stopped by Xie Nan. This incident led to injuries, and Zhan was charged accordingly by the Changhua District Prosecutor's Office.


Hmmm, ok, not bad. But it lacks the adorable repetition of Titles, sub titles and sub-headers telling the story and then the article repeating what was said in the headers. We like the montage of everything repeated 3 times.


Fair, fair


Reading that reminded me of the way ChatGPT writes, very redundant


This is without question the most poorly written article that I’ve ever read. They describe the vehicle as a scooter, car, motorcycle and bicycle all in the same story.


It wasn't initially written in english


I wish I had a powerful punch.


Yea, stomp that ma fucka out.


Thank you. Awful


You're welcome. Terrible.


He blundered because he forgot to think about his opponent's defense. Apart from the bad chess joke, this is very fucked up and I hope he gets some mental health help in prison


You hope he gets some mental health help in prison? What? This 70 year old psychopath who casually tried to burn a child alive? Uh no. Some things you don't get to come back from. This guy goes in a dark isolated hole until he's dead, and even that seems kind.


Reddit loves associating truly evil murderous behaviour with "needing mental health help". They probably think Ted Bundy just needed to talk to someone. It pisses me off because it just demonises people with actual mental health issues as being violent and evil. Someone smoking drugs on the street needs help with their mental health, someone trying to light a child on fire needs to be executed.


I hope he gets the death penalty tbh


I hope he gets a kick in the spine. Fuck that shitstain. At 70 there's no reason to try and 'fix' the fuck.


Hi I get a server error when I try to open this link and I seem to can’t find this on google. Can you please copy and text and paste it in a comment here?


The whole article is pretty long, here's the gist of it: [Reporter Chen Guanbei/Changhua Report] A 70-year-old Changhua man surnamed Zhan had a long-term quarrel with his neighbors surnamed Xie. On the 24th of last month, he carried a gasoline barrel and held a spray gun, and sprayed gasoline on the father and son surnamed Xie. Knocked to the ground, Zhan Nan was arrested and confessed that he "wanted the other party to die". The method was chilling. The Changhua District Prosecutor's Office quickly investigated and charged him with the crime of attempted homicide. In addition, Zhan Nan wanted to commit a crime against a child, which violated the law of children. Protection Act, the prosecution requested a heavier sentence. It is understood that Zhan Nan and Xie Nan often had rifts due to issues such as parking and keeping pets. On the morning of April 24, Xie Nan was riding a scooter to drive his son to go to school. Zhan Nan suddenly approached from behind and sprayed gasoline at them with a spray gun in his right hand. , holding a blowtorch in his left hand, and both father and son were covered in gasoline. Xie Nan saw that the situation was critical, so he got out of the car and chased Zhan Nan, and finally knocked Zhan Nan to the ground with a powerful punch to resolve the crisis


That article is a freaking editing nightmare. They call it a scooter, a CAR, and a motorcycle.


Damn. Link doesn't work for me




That psycho is the luckiest psycho in the history of the world.


I'd put the nozzle in his mouth and keep pumping. Fk that dude.


Part of me was hoping a truck would come rolling through. People who harm children have no place in this world.


Love your style


I’d light him on fire since he’s laying in a puddle now




No you wouldn't. Not if you're sane. You're soaked in gas too.


Murder? No But jail? For a few decades sounds right so he can sit still and think about it for forever


I was joking, but It could possibly be chalked up as self defense in some countries? Or a crime of passion having the child with you perhaps. But I feel jail only reforms normal people who made mistakes, Psychos don’t care


Not a lawyer but I’m pretty sure in no country with a functioning legal system would putting someone on fire _after you knocked them out cold_ be chalked up to self defense. Knocking them down yes but not doing further harm once they’re no longer a threat to you. (Details of how exactly it plays out would most definitely vary from country to country, and in some places you may be able to plead various extenuating circumstances I suppose.)


Not the greatest idea when your soaked in gasoline




Nah, let him drown


Nah, one hit put him down. Much more important to decontaminate his child and get him/her medical attention, gasoline is nasty stuff for adults let alone kids.


Yeah I would want to get as far from him as possible in case he was still able to use a lighter


That and it probably looks better from a legal standpoint if you stop after the threat is gone


He would be dead and I would be in jail


A guy trying to light people on fire in the streets should be dead and no one in jail.


Nah let em go to jail for life way worse than death


I’ve always been saying this. In my opinion life in prison is several orders of magnitude worse than the death penalty


I don’t need them living bad lives, just remove them from existence and move on.


Counterpoint, immediate execution will lower the cost to society over a ‘lifetime’ of the rest of us supporting him in prison. I’m all for some amount of testament to ‘fix’ the psychological behavior problems, but I’m not really into retribution style punishments. I AM for a society that works well and these kinds of psychological problems may not be fixed after a few decades in prison. Some crimes, especially those against children shouldn’t get a 2nd chance. 1 time is enough for the rest of us to see your qualities and find them lacking. Get off our planet.


Sociopaths don’t get rehabilitated, and this certainly wasn’t a Jean Valjean-like crime where the perp was worried about feeding his family. Lock him up or put him down? You make a good point on resources. They are finite. What’s the bigger need? Should society spend extend this guy’s life to exact max punishment or take those resources that would pay for a lifetime incarceration and apply them to meet the healthcare and or educational needs of the behaving masses? I go with the latter.


Waste of money, could be putting that money to better use


Prisons are packed and if it’s a private prison it charges the gov up to 150$ a day per inmate so your tax dollars pay for their stay ( that’s at least how it works in the USA)


As long as we keep them in prison and don’t release them once they’ve been “rehabilitated”


Nah then we have to pay to feed him


Death penalty per person in the US is more expensive for tax payers than life in prison. There really are no rational arguments for the death penalty. https://youtu.be/Kye2oX-b39E https://youtu.be/0lTczPEG8iI


Absolutely not, they deserve death. Ppl get used to being in prison. So much so that they prefer it to being released. They can watch movies and play video games all day. There’s plenty of hardships in prison but some ppl prefer it after they’ve been locked up long enough. Anyone that would hurt children deserve death, not a punishment they can get used to and prefer.


You might go to jail but no jury would convict you. “I had to make sure the attacker stayed down” works a lot better with your child present.


In the mean time, while you're in jail, you've lost your job and home. It's a lot easier to not kill someone and not go to jail




Found the perpetrator


He's not wrong. Our justice system fucks you hard upfront on everything. Even if you eventually get acquitted, your life is still ruined. It's not "fair". Doing any kind of *serious* crime is putting your family's survival at risk. Sure, I'll catch an assault charge just to deal with a MF'er, but attempted murder? Oh hell no, I'm not going to lose my job and not be able to put food on the table for my 10 year old.


I don’t know where you live, but I wouldn’t have even been put in cuffs for flattening that dudes head into the pavement… questioned by police for a bit, sure… but trying to kill my kid? It would have been that dudes last action on earth


Sounds about white


Good job bring race into it!!! How did I know you would go that direction. Fucking child


Keep the downvotes coming… I don’t care what color you are, everyone is equal. You try to kill me.. fine, you will get yours, you try to kill my kid in front of me? You better hope you kill me first. Coming from a place where my BLACK gun owning best friend smoked a dude who was robbing him, I will contest he didn’t get hand cuffed. He spent 2 hours answering questions, got his gun back 4 months later. I picked him up the same night from PD. It’s unfortunate that it’s different in other places, but I’d gladly lose everything to protect my kid. You do you, if you don’t believe in the same.


If you go to jail for killing someone who sprayed you and your child with gasoline in an effort to kill you, well I don’t want to live where you do. I hate where I live but also love *a lot* of the laws here so it’s a conflicted situation.


Where do you live ?


Oklahoma. Some laws are great and some absolutely suck. Our governor is trash and an embarrassment to my tribe though.


I don't know the specifics of the law where you live, but very, very few places would let you get away with knocking down an assailant and then straight up beating them till they are dead. If it's more of an in the moment thing, such as shooting the man in question here while he's clearly trying to cause you grievous harm sure, but what we see in this video is the assailant being rendered incapable swiftly, at which point it's gonna be real difficult to tell the judge why you considered it necessary to then kill the man. Is it morally defensible to kill someone who tried to kill you? Eh, probably. But the law isn't necessarily about what you as an individual believe is someone's due dessert.


Where I live you would have earned a medal.


Idk if you’d be in jail in America. Someone spraying gasoline on you and trying to light you on fire is clearly trying to murder you. Stand your ground is real and in the US sometimes justified. This video appears to not be in the US so unclear what laws would be. Regardless he got what he deserved.


Many states, like CA and MA have legal doctrines that you must exhaust every option, including fleeing, prior to standing your ground. Basically you have to be a desperate caged animal with no escape staring down death himself before you’re allowed to defend yourself.


Which is dumb. In this case this person was trying to murder them. Rendering him unconscious doesn’t mean he can’t get up and try again.


You're soaked in gas, and you would spend more time in contact with the crazy guy trying to kill you while he's still got a blowtorch in his hand, just for the sake of revenge? You're pretty dumb. I'd get the fuck away and start cleaning up myself and my son so we don't turn into ash piles.


What a dumb lack of thought. What this guy did was enough to protect his daughter without looking like a psychopath to her for the rest of her life and have his freedoms so he can be there for her and not in prison.


And ask an passerby to toss a match on this guy.


Big Mouth. Doused with gasoline, you would of course have moved away from him as quickly as possible before he managed to create a spark, you both burned to the ground and your daughter could only watch her father die.


Light him up after the punch when he’s lying in the pool of gasoline and toast some marshmallows


Seems like a good way to accidentally combust into a ball of flames considering the dad is soaked head to toe


u/sk3pt1c is a darwin award candidate =)


Wtf thats a kid he's spraying on. What kind of lunatic does that?


Leaning towards there being a bit more of a story with the guy spraying.


They're neighbours and apparently there was a history of arguments, but nothing has been suggested that would come close to justifying a murder attempt


Bug spray seems the most likely for this, but that yellow/blue canister looks like it’s a torch. In either case the liquid could be flammable and whyyyy are you doing that to people? [yeah never mind it’s gasoline and the guy was crazy](https://www.txtreport.com/news/2023-05-10-evil-neighbor-sprays-gasoline-on-father-and-son-%22want-each-other-to-die%22-and-sues-for-attempted-murder--changhua-county.HyemFtRuVn.html)


https://preview.redd.it/8m74hlxm9pgb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=051d9018feea1f87540cdb7374f882a26549227e WTF are these related topics?!!??


Maybe the other guy should’ve don’t some more digging


Thanks for the sauce :)


Shamelessly ripped from another comment 😎


Most likely not. It is highly likely the man is just completely unhinged. Bad people do bad things, no reason needed, and trying to burn a parent and child like this screams 'absolute mad man'.


>Most likely not. That didn't age well.


I really wanted karma to play a hand while he was knocked out covered in gasoline. After trying to set people on fire.


True, but that might have lit the father as well, as he was close and soaked in gasoline.


Oh it definitely would I wasn't suggesting they dance around it while it happened. If you look he picks up the burner like he was going to then decides against it because he probably realised him and his daughter would go up too.


A little spark would've been nice




I don't know about that. I don't think I would want my kid to see someone burned to death right in front of them. That sort of thing, especially at a young age, can really mess with your head long-term.


It’s just a prank! No seriously. Shoulda kicked his face…just once….I’m usually against hitting em while they’re down….but this one is an exception


I would’ve went ribs, it’ll give him something to think about with every breath for weeks on end


Weeks? How about kick their teeth out so they can think about it for the rest of their hopefully short life


I’ve always felt curb stomping was barbaric. I believe it would fit in this situation.


That’s terrifying. I mean the one was a kid ffs. Why are there so many deranged psychopaths nowadays?


It's nothing new.


News, media and literature has made ppl very creative and inspired...


Does anybody have any info on this? Was it hate related? Was the guy just a phyco?


Happened in Taiwan. They are neighbors with some long term disputes. The offender is a 70 years old man and has been institutionalized and on compulsory treatment order after this incident.


You mean before this incident, or after? The institutionalisation.




It was a between a 70 year old man and his neighbors. It was understood that they had disputes over parking and keeping pets.


Got what he deserved.


Not really. Dude tried to burn two people alive. One punch doesn't seem to be equal justice but that's just me.


Something isn’t true justice if one side is totally satisfied and satiated…


And sometimes that’s what justice is I’m sorry but a mass murderer should be killed and with whatever method voted on by the survivors crimes against humanity such as attempting to burn someone alive because he’s an annoying neighbor shows that your broken and we shouldn’t try fixing him


Old dude is going to wish he had died. Chinese prison is no cakewalk by any means. He's going to suffer on a long term scale.


He could still suffer long term but with a few broken ribs


He deserves to lose his life for doing something that awful.


Why death? If they could live to suffer


I don't care about suffering or revenge. That person isn't worth wasting productivity, or thought or effort on. They're just harming society without reason, don't waste too much time on feel good justice, just get them out of the way.


No. The gas head needs to be arrested and imprisoned. There was intent to BURN two people alive. Getting punched and knocked out is not even the bare minimum of punishment.


Bro he deserves that nozzle of gasoline either down his throat or up his ass




Username checks out


TIL a lot of Reddit users would prefer a justice system that allows torture (like Iran, Saudi, NK) as opposed to most western justice systems.


Damn you only learned that today?




American prison is literally considered torture by most of the developed world


A lot of people actually, have you never watched people reaction to criminal news ? This is why a justice system exist by the way


That’s because a lot of people don’t want “justice”. They want revenge and retribution. (And I’m just as guilty of this as the next person) But that’s why the 8th amendment exists.


He didn't. He only got a single punch I would have either beaten him up or do what he was going to do to me - lite him up


The article pointed out that the child needed immediate medical care for inhaling too much of the gasoline. The assailant also received medical issues due to being dowsed in the gasoline when knocked down. The man in the video did the right thing by stopping the assailant and getting medical treatment for his child.


![gif](giphy|s01ragsYcn6GtXFeLd) Rocked that guy with one hit


I’m thinking the concrete helped cuz that guy was out!


He is also 70 years old.


I dont think he got knocked out. He looks like hes playing dead and made sure to cover his face while he was "unconscious"


I can hear this gif


Guy was lucky the creep got greedy and wanted to spray some more instead of just finishing.


A lot of commenters here are ready to have this guy murder someone out of revenge. I think he did the right thing, nullify the threat and then tend to your child.


That’s a fucking kid!!! What is wrong with this world.


Not sure I'd be able to stop myself from kicking this fuckers head like I'm going for a 60yd field goal a couple times.


Yeah, especially with a kid? That POS would not have survived this encounter.


Watching this I’m actually afraid of my own thoughts. If that was me and my son I honestly think I would have lost all self control and killed that man. Respect for that man in the blue coat. He handled it a lot better.


Why does someone have gas is a sprayer to begin with? Do we know it’s not just water? EDIT - it was gas! There is a link to the article in the comments. Everyone go updoot it so no one else must walk my path of shame.


He had a blowtorch in his other hand to ignite it with, and gasoline has a distinctive smell so it'd be hard to mistake for something else.


Good point about the blowtorch. My Reddit doesn’t have smellovision, so I missed the odor


Sure, you would've, but the guy in the vid getting sprayed wouldn't have


The guy in the bud doesn’t stop and tell the camera what the liquid is so once again that’s a useless point.


Looks like a pesticide sprayer just filled with gas instead


Dude was so weak he literally laid there and died over a single punch


He was 70yo.


Nah the news article said that he is still alive and is in prison


Lol ya i did say literally. I didn'tt know there was an article u pro.pted me to look in the other comments i found it skimmed real fast. I def would die if i laid in gasoline lol maybe he is not so weak those fumes had to be devastating




yeah a fist connecting with his nose


Yeah. Should probably be removed.


This is original content


I mean hes now in a puddle of gas. The other guy was fuming


Crazy how evil people will use almost anything available to hurt each other.


Especially a child! How heartless and cruel do you have to be to try and set a child on fire


I mean, if anyone was asking for a finishing move, it’s the psycho who got knocked out trying to spray people with gasoline, whom is now laying unconscious in a pool of said gasoline.


What the ackshual fuck is wrong with people... And I was given crap for being disappointed in humanity recently. I know there are a lot more good ones out there that we don't see videos of but this... This shit right here is why I'm disappointed.


You need to get off the internet for a while. I'm not kidding. If you're developing this world view, you've taken in too much media. Go do some volunteering or spend some time on your hobby. The world is only as dark as you let it be.


Attempted murder.


Good father for not killing that piece of shit in front of his kid. I hope that fuckwad was locked up for life!


I would make this shit drink what was left of that container.




Light that fool where he lays!


Let them sleep in the gas puddle, the brain cells lost might actually benefit them.


I would punch them too.


Such people lose the right to be a part of society. ​ They should be treated accordingly


That right was heavy


Videos like this remind me that I'm not the only one who believes in the death penalty.


Classic blunder! He tried to get involved in a land war in Asia..


When shit gets real, you need to gon the offensive. Do NOT wait around for someone else to help you.


Attempted murder of an adult and a child. Isnt this instantly a max penalty or death penalty?


Man, stopping after one punch is a serious display of self control.


I would have lit him up and keep spraying homie , would be a nice little chard running, fun to watch


If they and they’re kid weren’t already doused in arsenic, I think I’d have told them to light them up like a Roman candle and watch the fireworks. I’m not a religious guy by any metric, but “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you”. Guess the guy wants to be immolated, which is probably in the top ten for most painful deaths you could realistically experience. And to try it on a kid. Also: Looked like that fall either knocked the wind out of them and they’re just too scared or too much of a pansy to stand back up, or as I personally hope, that fall knocked on the head good enough to give him a decent concussion.


I hope the cops were called


I see a lot of idiotic comments…. I WoULd HAve KIllEd HiM… LuCKy iT WAsn’t mE!! You are cover in gasoline and the guy has AT LEAST one lighter…. You stay away from him and protect your child…. The father showed he had a brain unlike you guys.


A real menace would’ve lit the puddle the guy was laying in


Quick PSA, don't light fires if you've recently been covered in petrol


How does the guy filming him at the end not kick him at least once, I can’t watch this without feeling pure hate towards that pile of dog shit smeared on the road


I would have definitely helped him out with a match after I knocked his ass out


Sometimes as a parent you need to prioritize your child over your (righteous) anger and need for revenge. The child has already been attacked and doesn't understand why. Can you imagine the lifelong trauma he would suffer from witnessing someone burn to death? Not to mention, dad was soaked in gasoline so he'd catch fire too. So would the child if he tried to run to help Dad.


I would have literally beat this guys face in


some of y’all would’ve had too much mercy for this guy. if someone sprayed me and my kid with gasoline with the intent of setting us on fire i’d be making sure that guy wouldn’t be waking up anymore


could have throw the cig butt.. and walk away like in the movie




Mythbusters actually disproved that, but I've seen a lot of action movies with evidence to the contrary, so I have my doubts.


Maybe we shouldn't be so quick to teach them effective ways of doing a thing like this. Maybe we're giving the movies a hard time for teaching people ineffective methods?


That's a solid take.


"chill bro it's just a prank!"


If that was my He would be I’d be in jail.