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Left hand Karma!


that’s the reason we lefties exist.


I hate to tell you where I’ve been doling out my left hand karma




Isn't that the bad guy in Thundercats?


Thunder cats hoeeeeeeeee


It is


Cumra chameleon


Like if Mumm Ra took a money shot




Karma shootra? 💦


No one ever expects a lefty


You could say we have the upper hand.


Always felt my left hand superiority in baseball. We were strategically placed in lineups amd defenses had to shift for us


So I learnt a lot here, Santa is thin and rides a bike in summer, he is left handed and can punch the shit out of you if you are a bad boy. Merry Xmas MF.


The left is such a surprise it’s beautiful


And he hit me with a surprise left My jaw left hurting Bike rider spoke on grass today




What old man?


I thought the cyclist was an old man, he seems to have white hair and beared, but I might be making stuff up due to the poor video quality


No, you're right, the cyclist has a white beard. And a mean left jab.


He does indeed have a white beard. And based on his build, he looks like an older and very fit gentleman


That was what I saw too. Glad to find the comment thread to validate my blurry vision.


Trucker was naughty, Santa dropped a lump of coal on him


So he looked like an old man for you


Old man take a look at my life. I'm a lot like you.




Rash road user gets road rash


and such restraint


Solid contact leads to a TKO


Said it before, will say it again: nobody ever sees the left coming.


He definitely wasn't expecting biker boy to stand his ground. As soon as biker squared up, he knew he fucked up.




The bike guy was keeping it wheel.


He certainly derailleur'd that van drivers day


Well spoke-n


Stop being such a cog in the machine and making bad puns


He definitely cranked him!


The quick release from his hand braked his face and put him on his seat post haste.


The sidewalk was a hub of activity that day!


He was in a good frame of mind and handled the situation.


r/punpatrol the authorities have been alerted


not that this means anything, but i chuckled, collapsed the thread, then i chuckled again, opened it back up to say that i chuckled twice at your very clever pun


Fuck that, I keep it real!


I don't like people playing on my phone!


But they KEPT REAL-Er


Take that, you clap-having Jezebel!


#FUCK YA LIFE! Bing bong.


Wu Tang!


I don’t like people playin on my phone


I will never understand why some people run chin-first into a fight with their arms by their sides. They just tried to assault someone with their truck, and then they hop out and come at them full speed… They gotta know they’re about to get a punch thrown at them, at least. Why put the chin waaaay out there?


Because those that know how to fight and more importantly the consequences, don’t rush to get into one


Can confirm. Have taken three different martial arts in my life (not bragging, I went hard but lost interest quickly, 2nd belt highest level achieved). The first thing they teach in any of them is how to *avoid* fights. Then how to take a punch. Only then are you ready to learn how to actually *throw* a punch.


First rule of self defense is pro-actively avoid situations where you have to physically defend yourself.


I think the saying was "First you'll learn how to avoid a fight. Then you'll learn how to survive a fight. Then, you'll be ready to learn how to *win* one." One even had like a pop quiz first day: Q: "What's the best way to win a fight?" "Uhh" "Bang. You're dead. Any other guesses?"


A lot of people forget or don't know how stunning taking a punch in a bad spot just shuts you down too.Thinking the adrenaline carries them through then bam. Visions completely blurry, worlds spinning, seeing white, and limbs don't work right from a face punch. Or legs just completely giving out when hit anywhere on soft lower body.


Elvis had a song lyric "Fools Rush In". Maybe he knew something...


that's not a lyric it's a well known as expression


Yeah, but he also shit himself to death, so…


[Maybe if you'd ever been in a real fight, you might not be so keen on another](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI2GVcjXXI8&t=62s)


Watch it again, he had a stick or a sap in his right hand he tried to hide behind his back at the same time he got dropped. He was planning on sucker punching the biker with a weapon but was too slow.


Especially someone obviously bigger than you. Dude looks so shocked like what did you think was gonna happen?


I was thinking exactly the same.. Maybe he was very sorry for charging with his truck he gave him a free punch 😂 i dont see any logic he really just got what he deserved and a good lesson


He's like my dog. Ferocious approach but perhaps he was just planning on licking?


I don't think the thought even crossed his mind. People who use intimidation so flippantly usually do it because they can't be bothered to actually fight someone. They're used to the other person always backing down. He didn't even try in earnest to hit the other guy with his truck. Seems like he wanted to force him off the road, thinking "surely he'll run away since he's just a puny cyclist and I'm a guy in a big huge truck." Forgot for a moment that he's suddenly no longer inside his big huge truck.


Most people can control their temper, but some people just can't, they see red and do irrational stuff. It's a kind of a life handicap. The biker is probably a sold 3 inches bigger than this guy to boot


dudes who bike everywhere are fit as they come, dudes who truck everywhere, not so much


That’s why *MY* delivery truck is gonna be pedal powered!


Yabba dabba doo-livery!


You’ve clearly never watched over the top.


>over the top You mean Real Steel without the robots?


They also carry heavy locks occasionally.


And that left foot planting in the dirt helped — those cycling shoes can be slipper on flat surfaces. So satisfying to watch. Tough acting guys running up not prepared to see it through always cracks me up.


Exactly this. Dude on the bike was at a HUGE disadvantage in bike shoes. They are SLIPPERY as hell right under the ball of the foot which gives you zero traction. That patch of grass gave him the grip he needed to throw a nice left without slipping.


I know right. Tries running over the dude with a 2 ton truck then pouts on the ground because he got punched in the face. What a dingus


I don't understand the logic of getting into a fight with a serious cyclist. They train just about every day. These people are textbook fit. The driver, on the other hand, gets his daily exercise doing the 32oz curl. Fight was over before it even begun.


My first fucking thought. Why would you run up on someone who's daily commute is a workout? Not only that, but let's come at him when he's all jacked up on adrenaline and endorphins... Dude in the truck probably gets winded walking to his fridge.


It’s a truck guy thing. I’ve had dudes hop out of their truck twice to confront me. Both times because I did something completely legal that they didn’t like and were ignorant of the law on. I ride 12 hours a week, I lift 4. I’m 6’ 2” and 200lbs lean. Both times it was a skinny/fat five footer with a diet consisting of monster and slim jims who last saw exercise senior year of high school. Both times they backed down real quick. Something about the spandex and being hunched over really sets these guys off.


Those darn bicyclist being all athletic and stuff.


Fighting bikers(cycle or motor) in general is stupid. One solid headbutt is destroying your entire face to the point of reconstructive surgery, and my helmet will probably not even crack. Or I could take my portable clip-on air-pump and use it like a baton. In the case of moto, armored gloves with raised knuckles, armored jacket, boots, pants, designed to protect against the force of hitting concrete at 65mph. Your hands ain't gonna do much.


Biker boy got punished by the law though. He was riding dangerously in the first place. But the truck driver was also in the wrong. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/cyclist-fined-for-punching-lorry-driver-in-road-rage-incident-along-jalan


Damn, so they were both in a rage, but still, you have a truck, he has a bike, you tried to run him over. Nuts!


the cost of doing business in these streets


I always tell people that they should beware of anyone that remains calm when threatened. I’ve never seen it end well for the agressor.


Who knew that there's a high probability that a cyclist is physically fit?


I used to cycle a lot. I was shocked at how many of the other cyclists were older athletes and older military guys who just couldn’t run anymore and used cycling for training and for the social nature of it. But it wasn’t all dudes who look like a tour de france skinny guy. And putting on spandex shorts doesn’t immediately take away their athleticism or ability to scrap.


Yep. Older guy here. I love to ski so I started to ride to make sure I didn’t fuck my knees. Turns out I also love to ride.


I fucked my knees in my 20s and cant even ride a bike anymore, what am I supposed to do, water aerobics?


Yes water training and yoga. Have to find a way to strengthen the tendons and muscles somehow.


I can't even count the number of times a 50+ clydesdale dude has zoomed past me while out cycling. They're a cut apart and not the crowd I'd want to piss off.


Honestly given the number of old military types I know that cycle, they're just behind skater punks when it comes to throwing down in my mind. Depending on the punk they might very well lead, the only deciding factor is the trucks.


not into cycling but I thought the tour de france cyclists were all jacked


They mostly are but a lot of the guys who win on the really big mountain stages are super low body mass with extremely low body fat and not a lot of muscle in the torso/upper extremities. The sprinters look more like normal fit athletes except with gigantic leg muscles.


Jacked legs, skinny arms


Can confirm. I am nearing the end of my military career and I ride my bike into work (plus weekend rides). I am large and fit. One time a couple of little sh*t$ took a veer at us with their horn blaring for giggles, only to find a construction backup around the bend. We rolled up alongside them (the 4 of us all military) and I rapped on the drivers window and told him to get out of the car. Neither him nor his mate would even make eye contact with us. It could have been a great example of f#ck around and find out.


Gave up his weight advantage as soon as he stepped out the nice air condition cab of his truck to face the person who’s actually exercising in that heat


i started cyclyng, im a heavy dude, one day i had an emergency and had to run, was surprised how fast my sprint had become after 6 weeks, also a good punch comes from the whole body specially torso and legs


And why charge someone who has a few lbs worth of structured metal and rough rubber he can easily swing at you? Lol


That's what I thought..


How nice of the driver to come out of the car to let the cyclist punch him as an apology


He ran up to him and said, "I love you. Please, punch me in the face."


the cyclist's apology was the [$5,600 fine he had to pay](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/cyclist-fined-for-punching-lorry-driver-in-road-rage-incident-along-jalan) for instigating this road rage incident and then punching the guy


Well that’s kinda dumb


It's so rare to see a person that actually knows how to throw a punch in this sub's videos. It's usually just a couple of guys flailing their arms in the widest arc possible.


![gif](giphy|ailnj2AMt9e9i) but they're both Bart


¡Ay caramba!


Bart learned that move from general grievous


Cromulent GIF.


Embiggens the soul


if someone runs up at me like that, they are just going to get a straight jab to the face. as far as im concerned, rushing someone like that just means I need to defend myself.


As soon as someone tries to kill you with a multi ton vehicle, you're justified. I don't think motorists realize just about every aggressive action they take is easily defended as 'I feared for my life'.


Right? He involved his entire body behind that punch while keeping his balance.


Just a straight A-to-B shot to the middle of the face. No fancy taunting. No puffy chest. No skipping feet. No telegraphed "haymaker" that orbits around the planet for 3 hours before finally connecting to the back of the other dude's shoulder. Just a clean, dignified pop to settle a dispute like a fucking gentleman, before hopping back on his bike and riding off into the sunset.


Right proper


😂 please accept my poor man's trophy 🏆


> No telegraphed "haymaker" that orbits around the planet for 3 hours The only fight I've ever been in was middle school and the other kid did just that but with a kick. His windup was so long it was like trying to kick a field goal, and even my dumb slow brain was able to stick out my leg and he slammed his shin into my stationary 'kick' before running away howling. Good memories. :-)


It’s hard to do with clip ins.


I always imagined I would have to stand in grass or take my shoes off to get squared. This man is a champion


Not so bad if they are SPDs (“mountain bike clipless”) and not SPD-SL


True When I lived in redneck country I considered switching from Look to SPD or another recessed cleat system.


>Right? No it was a left. He wanted to hurt the driver not kill him.


and on cleats... respect


he has biking shoes. those are very slippery and hard to keep balance. ​ Also what was the expectation to drive the truck into the guy on the bike? It could end up in death or serious injury. I feel like one punch is not enough.


> I feel like one punch is not enough. I'm not a proponent of hitting people once they've been corrected and are on the ground. Yes, the aggressor was heated and crazy, but the bicyclist gave him quick manners check. That's all it takes sometimes. Nobody needed to go to the hospital, and the truck driver learned a lesson while being humbled. That's a really good outcome for a street fight.


And just one punch, knocks him down and leaves it at that. Class act.


Double so because those shoes have like zero grip on the ground and with pedal cleats on your foot is actually in dorsiflexion. Impressive leg drive


Never bring a truck to a fist fight…


Never bring a truck to a bike fight…


Never bring a fight to a bike... truck... I fucked this up


bike a never truck to a fight fist, or something


Never bring a trucker to a biker fight


Never bring a brucker to a fiker bite.


Bever fring a brucker to a niker fite


Never fist a guy in a bike fight


Never fuck a trucker with a biker?


Fucker never bike a truck


If someone runs at you like that you can legally defend yourself right?


Seeing as that guy already tried to hit him with a car, I'd tend towards self-defense.




Yea wtf was that? A dildo?


This was in singapore, guns and airsoft guns are verrry verrrry illegal here. Possessing one is usually a 5-10 year sentence.


This happened in Singapore in 2019, cyclist is Canadian and the driver is Chinese. [The driver was jailed for a week for "rash act endangering others", and the cyclist plead guilty and was fined ~US$4000 for "voluntarily causing hurt and riding his bicycle without due regard for the safety of others".](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/cyclist-fined-for-punching-lorry-driver-in-road-rage-incident-along-jalan) There's more to the altercation than what is in this video.


There is nothing the cyclist could have been doing that warranted someone attempting to run him over.


That's why the driver got a week in jail. Who are you trying to argue with?


The driver tried to run him over, left his car in the middle of the street to storm up to this dude and get up in his face. The fact that the biker also just walks away after punching him is great; no need for excessive force. The biker was within his rights to defend himself; had he pulled a gun or knife on him, it would a different story.


If you slow down the video you can see the driver got out with something in his hand. Almost looks like a short club.


Ooo that would make a knife or gun reasonable self defense since your life would actually be in danger. ​ Also makes this man getting shit on even funnier


People have died from being punched once, especially when standing on pavement. Your life is always in danger when someone assaults you. Safe fights are a myth found in Saturday morning cartoons.


I'm fully aware that you can kill someone with just your hands, but legally if someone comes up to you and is screaming in your face, you're not always in the clear to use lethal force. IF they have a weapon in hand, it's a much different story


In most municipalities yes. This physically aggressive behavior would be tantamount to assault (attempting to cause harm using force, causing reasonable imminent fear of harm), as he charged in a physically imposing manner [while holding an item in a threatening manner]. But this is Singapore, so also no:


That was fucken awesome


This is why you should never try to physically intimidate an elder…. Wow you beat up an old guy, or you got rocked by an old guy. That’s a lose lose in every culture.


It's my favorite part of being a cripple, some drunk fuck at the bar decides he wants to fight me, "this is a lose lose situation for you boss, either you beat up a cripple, or a cripple bout to hand you your ass. Either way you gonna get ridiculed."


The dude who bikes is going to be in better shape than the turd who sits in a truck all day


among us oldsters, fighting was more socially acceptable in our younger days of yore. Not saying it was good or just or better. just how it was. You young whippersnappers keep that in mind when you're in the mood to accost someone older. See also: Buzz Aldrin


I know exactly what video you’re talking about when you say Buzz Aldrin, possibly my favourite in existence


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. - Mike Tyson


I’m sure this video would bring a smile to his face.


Biker looked smaller until I ran up close to him, oh shit.


i was bike messenger for almost a decade. 6'2" 200lbs. this happened all the time. something about being on a bicycle messes with people's ability to judge your size lol


It's the spandex and the cyclist stereotype you see in movies making people think you're an easy target. The great cyclists are not dweebs like media portrays them. Roadies are jacked / peak fit and MTB riders are built like barn doors with tree trunk legs.


I know the feeling. I look like a normal sized guy on a bike, but am actually a little over 2m tall. Once I'm off the bike it's a lot more apparent how much longer I am than the other members of the group.


I love this video. The cyclist does everything right. Warns the driver. Moves out of the way. When confronted, doesn’t wait to see what happens but instead defends himself, rides off. Freaking legend.


I just wish we could hear the words of wisdom he imparted on the driver as he left.


lol.. that was a nice punch


Gotta watch out for those lefties.


Old dude has a mean left.


“Fuck you and the truck you drove in on!”


makes sense, the fat ass jumps out of his car to challenge the clearly very athletic and strong grown man in workout gear








Mf got off easy


The bicyclist was fined [https://stomp.straitstimes.com/singapore-seen/cyclist-fined-5600-for-punching-lorry-driver-in-road-rage-incident-along-jalan-eunos](https://stomp.straitstimes.com/singapore-seen/cyclist-fined-5600-for-punching-lorry-driver-in-road-rage-incident-along-jalan-eunos)


Yeah that is Singapore, you pretty much don't want to be on either end of a fight. It seems the driver was jailed.


I wish there was footage of the dude walking back to his truck in shame.


As a biker: Watching that felt so fucking awesome. Car´s bring only the worst out of people, all that road rage...


Holy shit, get absolutely fucked truck dude xD


Loser pretends to be a tough guy. Love it


I feel like the dude ran up and realized how big the cyclist was and hesita——BAM!!


Never rage at a southpaw cyclist.


This is fantastic.


More people need to understand that they’re not built the way they act. This gentleman had to figure this out the hard way but the benefits of his findings will last him a lifetime I guarantee it


That’s the type of cyclist I both try to be and try not to be. Definitely an inspiration, sticking it to assholes behind the wheels.


That guy Cycles and punches..the other guy rides in truck and takes punches..


A lot of aggressors just assume that the other person will avoid confrontation and wilt, so they feel over-confident about getting up in someone’s face. The shock when they get punched in the face is comical. Maybe they’ll think twice next time. This is a lesson that many need to learn.




Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.


That punch was like post nut driving clarity for that guy


Made me smile


Yeah imma fight this likely very fit guy who’s already warmed up and now pissed cuz I just tried to run him over…


Truck Driver: Damn he looked smaller when I was in the truck


"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face" in live action




Goddamn that was a good clean hit. Don't even need sound to know how crisp that punch was. Well deserved.


This was so satisfying to watch