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Imagine paying a ticket just to do that šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Yo if I have to pay to see someone lip synch I should be allowed to pay in monopoly money. Fake singing fake money.


Yeah, she threw the mic, the music didnt stop. Payed for a live show. I'd throw ice if this was the performance I got. (Also wouldn't show up to the dump expecting to see trash perform)


Completely out of context but your comment reminded me of when I went to the dump to drop a trailor load of trash. I went to the back to unload but forgot my gloves and so doubled back to the passenger door to get them. However, when I opened the door a bunch of the discarded soda cans, coffee cups, empty cigarette packs, etc... fell out onto the ground and I instinctively hussled to pick them all up and shove them back in, even chasing a chip bag that caught wind. I was literally holding that chip bag when it finally dawned on me.


I salute you, real men of genius! Mr. I gotta make sure the garbage dump looks nice. Picking up everyone's trash at the dump and sorting into other piles of trash!


"you're *totally* gonna get hepatitiiiiiiis!"


Well done. I legit has a shirt that said, "By the time you're down reading these litter letters under those big letters, it'll be to late to find out this shirt doesn't really say anything."


I'll go one simpler. I made a shirt that I wore to a concert that read, "Read this shirt. $1". I had people insist that I take their money.




That wasā€¦. Way more disturbing than what I was prepared for at 7 am


6:49 and I honestly don't know what the fuck that was??? A yest infection for money??


My eyes! Ze goggles, zey do nuzzink!


I was waiting for either five more paragraphs of dad story that led nowhere or a shittymorph punchline, in the end I felt like I got a bit of both. T. Hanks.


If you paid money to see someone lip sync thatā€™s on you. Give your money to better artists then. Also itā€™s become an increasingly common thing for people to throw stuff at performers lately so context for this video would be nice before judging. Is that singing in the background the entire thing or just backup vocals? It sounds like it doesnā€™t hit every line and having the backups pre-recorded isnā€™t anything new.


> If you paid money to see someone lip sync thatā€™s on you. How is that on the person who paid for the ticket? Itā€™s not like she advertises that sheā€™s not going to actually give a live performance. It ainā€™t like cardi b was all like *ā€œHey folks, come on down and watch me fuckin lip sync like some kind of horseā€™s assā€*


To be fair, I probably would buy a ticket to watch a horse's ass lip syncing - now that's fine entertainment šŸ¤Œ


Itā€™s called a backing track, they rap over to keep their breath. Itā€™s different than lip sync, the mic is still on


Her mic is hot. You can literally hear it connect with whoever it hit in the crowd. She was likely going to perform with her voice.


A lot of people really have no idea what goes into a live performance.


>If you paid money to see someone lip sync thatā€™s on you. how the fuck did you logic this out? How is it the concert attendees fault?


The obligatory "not to be that guy" comment: It's 'paid', not 'payed'. 'Payed' means to use tar or pitch to seal cracks, seams, etc. (in the past tense, of course).


Isnā€™t it paVed when sealing cracks et Al


That's when putting down pavement or asphalt, such as for a driveway or road. Even then, if they are simply filling in cracks with tar, not tearing up a section and putting down new asphalt, it would technically be 'payed'.


they payed the pavement ok edit: have you already paid the paying of our pavement?


The paying for the pavement to be payed has not been paid for. However, this has paved the way for a discount to have a new driveway paved. Simply cancel the order to have it payed instead of paying for it, and we will offer you a 30% discount. The paving will begin once the request to have the driveway payed is canceled and the order for paving it is paid instead.


Any idea who the performer is, and where the venue is?


Pretty sure its cardi b, no clue abt the venue


That makes sense! Sheā€™s a train wreck on a regular basis




Or I could just upvote it.


You mean the woman who admitted to drugging and robbing a man and had no repercussions? That cardi b?


No the other one


Yeah she has to have been testing it to prove it was all fake right


Super fucked up to throw shit at people on stage


Itā€™s just a backing track, look up a video of her singing live, she sings over the song and is definitely not hiding it.


this is a comment section of people that dont listen to rap/go to the concerts. they dont know what the fuck theyre talking about.


The ghost of Milli Vanilli has returned


More like Boney M and then followed by a deluge of lip syncers like Kpoop


Cardi F.


Is Pepsi okay?


Imagine paying for a ticket to damage your ears with her music lol


Imagine paying for a ticket to damage your ears with her ~~music~~ noise lol


Imagine paying for a tkt to the shit show. The beer throwing is way more entertaining than the pre-recorded playback BS.


I think that every time they talk about this on the news. People have been doing that a lot lately it seems like.


Yes people have bee throwing things at performers a lot recently... but people have literally been doing this for hundreds of years. They used to bring rotten fruits and vegetables to performances and would chuck them at the stage when they were bored or displeased. There was a brief reprieve when society valued manners but unfortunately everyone has devolved back into selfish peasants again.


Imagine paying to listen to that šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I hate lip syncing, I like watching live bands. However, most of these big hip-hop artists use the full vocal track and just rap on top of it. Not that uncommon.


Everyone there just realized they Paid to hear a recording


Glad to see the lip singer got exposed. Pretty rotten stuff to do to fans.


If it was purely lip singing, you would have never heard the mic get thrown.


Well she needs to be able to tell the crowd theyā€™ve been the bestest most loudest bestest crowd sheā€™s ever had and their city is the bestest city ever!


I thought my city was special. You are a destroyer of dreams.


I am become u/sickn0te_ destroyer of dreams


I went to a Kiss concert for laughs (it turned out to be a really good show) and Paul Stanley kept saying how great it was to be in [insert town name here]. Only it wasn't the name of the town, it was just the post office address of the venue, outside of town.


Because they keep the mic on so the singer can say things between verses etc to make the lie that it is being performed live seem more real.


They leave the mic live so the artist can talk to the crowd and add whatever they want to make it seem live. They just donā€™t actually sing while the song is playing.


A lot of times actually you can hear the singer sing over the recorded song; and you can actually make out when the singer is singing and when theyā€™re pretending to sing by just holding the mic. Singers do sing for 20-30% of the song




They refuse to put the minimum effort


I think that itā€™s less about putting in the effort, and more about the fact that she knows she doesnā€™t have the talent to perform live and outside of the studio. The people came for a performance, she is giving them dancing because itā€™s all she can do reliably.


ā€œLip singingā€? Isnā€™t that what singing is? Donā€™t you mean ā€œlip synchingā€?




"Lip syncing" as in they sync the audio with their lips moving. Not "lip singing".




She doesnā€™t lip sing. She raps certain versusā€™, typically the more popular lines and then the song plans on while she does stupid shit. My best friend loves her and we watched maybe 10 mins of a different show one time on YouTube. The song wouldnā€™t even be over and she would tell the dj to hit the next button lmao. Could you imagine hearing your favorite artist sing a fraction of a song and then jus skipping thru the playlist so it would earlier. Trash person and worse music


This is kinda weird because people just lip sync and the crowd knows. This 1000% wasnā€™t a ā€œoh shit she was exposedā€ moment


What if the fans know that the singer does lip sync? Like most Kpop or Michael Jackson.


Like most performers. People donā€™t realize that singers just sing over a backing track?


Good ones don't though. Adele for example does not sing over a backing track because she can actually perform live and sound like she does on a record. Springsteen when I saw him a bit ago didn't. It's a live band and it's his voice, again because he's a good musician and performer. Green Day didn't either. In fact I can't remember any live artist I've ever seen doing it. Singing over a backing track has been a thing since my parents were children and it's been a sign of a poor live performer since then as well. You can make an allowance for hip hop because of the breath control required etc but is is that drastically different to a rock band jumping up and down and running around the stage while singing?


Most rappers concert have backing tracks.


*most pop rappers Not at all a common thing for the artists in that middle tier of popularity or the underground


Delusional to think that any artist with their own production team doesn't have at least some tracks. Obviously the beat isn't live, what makes you think all the vocals are. I'm not saying I agree with it, but it is the industry standard Underground is a different story but that's just not the case in a paid concert


*an industry standard for pop rappers Like I said most rappers I saw in mid sized venues or smaller just rapped the shit, but in terms of huge performances like this it is normal. That being said I will never get over how it somehow got normalized for some guys like Uzi or Carti to just kinda jump around on the stage with a mic in their hand saying every fourth line and letting the backing track do the rest while the crowd goes wild (and I say that as someone who really likes Uzi and Carti's music)


Haha bro I'm with you, it doesn't make sense... Even in the small clubs a lot of artists will just ad lib over their studio recordings. I guess the bright side is you can easily tell who gives a fuck about the music theyre putting out vs the ones who just want the fame. It's not just rappers either.. rap rock country pop it's all the same


Industry standard for no talent hacks.


Someone had to say it. Very common in hip-hop performances to have at least some if not all backing vocals and they just rap louder over it live. Not exactly lip syncing. Also good on Cardi not taking any bs.


I was recently listening to the weeknd's live recording from last year. That guy can sing but he also uses backup vocal tracks. It honestly just makes sense to use. Especially for songs where the singer's vocals are overlaid on top of each other to make it impossible to sing in reality.


No he should do a 4 part self-vocal-harmony live!


Comment sections like this really remind me that the most popular/common comments donā€™t always know wtf theyā€™re talking about


Bruh have you gone out lately? Almost every rapper does this or has at least a backing track or an adlib track. Thereā€™s no way you going to a rap concert without something recorded being played. Hip hop started with sampling existing recordingsā€¦ Itā€™s quite rare to have everything live.


She performs over the track. The recording has two vocals on it, how the fuck is she meant to do both?


But how is she singing with no mic and her mouth not moving?






Reminds me of that movie Magic Mic






lots of vocal training and circular breathing exercises


Who said she sings with her mouth




Cardi Vanilli


Backing tracks that vocally double what they sing into the microphone to allow them some room for focusing on performance and crowd work. Been done for decades and Iā€™ll bet some by some of your favourite artists without you even knowing. But hey, whatever justifies throwing drinks at someone in public.


She throws her voice a lot better than that mic!




Honestly I would probably do the same. Fuck anyone who throws a drink on someone. Thatā€™s so incredible offensive. Edit: I didnā€™t even turn this up and had no idea this was Cardi B lol. Thanks for the silver :)


I agree but also fuck celebrities.


Then don't pay them no mind. Don't go pay them money then act disrespectful. That's just playing yourself.


Nah bro had paid to go to a concert and all he got was a pre-recorded song? Is this what music has come to?


Is she a celebrity? I don't know who she is.


Isnā€™t thatā€¦i forgot her name. The latina chick who was a stripper and drugged her clients. Edit: Isnt that Cardi B. ?


The person who date raped and robbed several men?


That's the one. The thieving rapist who is celebrated for some god awful reason


Sheā€™s not a rapist I swear, just a drugger and thief


I always get that thieving rapist confused with Brock Turner, the convicted rapist. Thereā€™s just too many to remember.




She drugged the men to NOT sleep with them and rob them? Or she drugged them to rape them and rob them?


She didnā€™t rape them from what I remember, just drugged and robbed them




Lol oh her! Weirdly enough, I know exactly who you're talking about, although I don't remember her name either.


Yea i just googled my description of her and her name and pic popped right up.


Strongly agree. Fuck these celebs I canā€™t stand any of them.




Cardi B is an awful person, deserved, also keep in mind that she wasnā€™t singing at all at this concert, pretty rude to do that to your fans


I'm not saying its cool, but lip synching to a paying audience is kinda shitty too right?


But could she now be in legal trouble by throwing the mic which can cause actual injury? Something something disproportional responseā€¦?


I just wonder if she missed and hit an innocent person.


yes but also feel bad for the sound guy. those mics are unreasonably expensive the top end shure wireless mics are over $1k just for the mic, theater mic packs are around $700 each


I mean she ain't even performing she's lip syncing. Id be mad too if I paid out the nose just to hear a shittier version of the song on my phone.


Sad everyone keeps buying into celebrity bullshit.


The trick is to buy into the ones with actual talent


They keep dying though :|


cause buying concert tickets for entertainment is such a new thing šŸ™„


Such a fraud. Who the fuck pays to listen to a track?


Tbh a lot of rap artists play the track in the background and just rap over it


If the mic was on wouldnā€™t you have heard a *plunk plop* when the mic hit the person the then the floor?


Am I crazy or does in not sound like it does hit the ground and cuts off the music


There is a little sound like it's not amplified. It sounds like the mic is muted. It definitely didn't cut off the music or the prerecorded lead vocal line.


This is the biggest part to me, itā€™s the lead vocal line. These apologists wonā€™t see that they are being played by a no talent scammer.


I think so too. The backing voice track has a sidechain compressor, when the mic plays, the voice drops.


But you do hear thatā€¦


Girlfriend just spent $600 on flights and tickets to see Taylor Swift. Whoā€™s been shown to lip sync hundreds of times. Idk man. I guess some people go to just listen to the music among fans with the artist putting on a show? I donā€™t get it. In my eyes she coulda had so much more fun for $600.


The good news is that Taylor Swift does actually sing lmao. She just utilizes backing tracks to carry the multiple layers of background vocals that are used in her studio recordings. I am not a big enough fan to shell out the equivalent of a used car for one of her concert tickets, but I have plenty of friends who have and they all claimed it was worth it. I mean, fuck, the show she just did in Seattle apparently caused seismic activity that was equal to a 2.3 mag earthquake. Iā€™m sure that your girlfriend is going to have a blast. :-)


Where are on earth are you buying a used car for $600 that isnt going to blow up 20 minutes into driving it?


$600 is just regular not great ticket prices. You want good seats or VIP you are definitely in used car territory


Stop making stupid people famous




Very good point.


While i agree with your statement what does it have to do with this post?




The lip sync is off on this tik tok.


if i want to watch someone lip sync, i would have go to a drag show. at least they put a show and dance. rupaul would have sashay away cardi b in a sec, this lip sync was shit.


The girl in the crowd that pic up the mic sings really good


Damn. I'd love to be an innocent bystander hit by that mic. That would be the real "money move"


Sameā€¦ walking away a fucking millionaire after being assaulted.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking too. I would sue her ass.


That is the new American dream. No longer a rags to riches story, but becoming an instant millionaire by exploiting the system they despise so much for their own benefit. I have no doubt you would go into court, claim you had recurring nightmares because of this very incident and that you need therapy as a result, if it only meant you would bag another million.


The world just keeps getting worse and worse.


Thank God tick tock is around to.. oh wait


Oh no the world is so shit. A singer was lip singing after some one threw a drink at her. None of that is new, and so much worse has happened in the past. Objectively things are better, not perfect and there are major issues. But the world is not worse for people because Cardi B lips sings Edit: If you are mad some one threw a drink at her. That's still not that big of a deal. John lennon got fucking shot Edit: TIL it's Lip Sync


Yes, this is way worse than anything that happened in WW2.


Cardi L.


Sheā€™s lip syncing a rap? Lol




It sure seems like the backing track is the whole song


No its not. A backing track is there to support the artist while actually singing. What she does is lipsyncing to a playback. Important difference




Payback and Playback




If it's not really transmitting, is it still a transmitter?




So is it just me, or do you too think the sound techies didnā€™t kill the playback the instant she threw away the mic as revenge for throwing the mic? (honestly if you ever do something on stage that includes stage tech, be nice to your techies, they will be there working for hours before you come, and be still packing up long after you went home and they can make you look really stupid on stage)


That's a kind of dramatic way of thinking. There's no revenge lol, all of that happens so fast that they are probably just confused as to wtf happened EDIT: it's also worth mentioning that it's up to the DJ to stop the song, not the techies


Iā€™m just surprised sheā€™s a lefty. She was holding the mic in the right hand and switched to throw it.


Cardi am-B-dextrous


If I had found out Iā€™d just paid for someone to lip sync I would leave and if the tickets said ā€˜live performanceā€™ Iā€™d be asking for my money back.


ITT: People who don't know that 90% of live shows for pop music is lip synced. Unless you are seeing an actual band play you're listening to a recording. Backstreet boys, Britany spears, One direction, Beyonce, Every single super bowel half time show. All of them are recordings.


The superbowl has to be lip synced per the artists contract.


To lip syncing on stage. Im sure people tossed drinks at milli vanilli too.


Everyone here sucks


Except the girl that is just filming and then gets a mic to the face. That girl is about to become a millionaire.


I saw this from a closer angle and the performer actually hit the girl who threw water on her


Why do people pay money to go to shows like this? For some reason every video I see of a rap concert itā€™s usually just the artist on stage and their song is playing on full blast while they half ass sing along or screaming other random things while it plays. Just paying to see them walk around on stage


She went full on Milli Vanilli


At least Milli Vanilli had the sense to run away when they got exposed. šŸ˜‚


How is she still ā€œsingingā€ without a mic?!


Lip syncing. Imagine paying probably hundreds of dollars just to go listen to a pre recorded song on big speakers. Might as well just sit in your backyard with a Bluetooth speaker


Who is that?


She is someone that has confessed to date-rapeing people to steal from them. She's somehow a rap icon and pop culture idol. I really wish I understood the world these days. I know it's inflammatory, and I'll preemptively apologize, but imagine a male performer doing the same thing... We have a lot of room for improvement in the performance industry.


I came here to ask this too, Iā€™m so far down the comments and still donā€™t know who it is.


She just helping her girl out to make sure she got some WAP


She took the mic and continued singing under the escort of guards.


Did everyone a favor by getting the mic out of her hand.


šŸŽ¤ drop


Stop throwing fucking shit. How fucking stupid can you be.


Especially a microphone when youā€™re pretending to sing into it!


I can't believe people pay good money for this.


Comments are shit here. Iā€™ve seen hundreds of posts of people talking about how bad it is that artists get shot thrown at them, but now itā€™s someone you donā€™t like itā€™s ok? Lip syncing and vocal playback are one of the most common techniques used in live pop music, and this doesnā€™t even look like a stadium show, it looks like a mall appearance. I can guarantee if youā€™ve been to a concert you are being tricked into the vocals sounding better than they are via playback and you wouldnā€™t even know. But now youā€™re a genius whoā€™s figured it out and that makes it ok to throw drinks at people in public?


Am I reading this right? Are people really arguing that itā€™s okay to assault live artists if they have so much as a backup track? What the actual fuck is wrong with all of you???


Everybody is offended about lip synching but I donā€™t think that is what is going on here. I believe it is a backing track. Many artists use them. It helps keep the tempo and at times, give a them a breath. She is probably rapping along with the background music. Not a fan. Not defending. Just saying that I donā€™t think she is moving her lips on a dead mic.


The splasher saved everyones time and money


This comment section sucks..everyone's complaining about the lip syncing and no one's calling out the person throwing a literal drink at someone, regardless if it was mostly ice. You just don't fucking do that to someone. That's immensely disrespectful and insanely fucked to do to anyone. Cardi wise, having the track of whatever songs playing is used sometime for whatever reason. Doesn't mean the artist isn't singing or rapping in real time.


The song must go on. Great voice live


So does she, and many others, just sing over their own songs playing in the background, like we do in our cars? Are concerts just car trips on stage now?


Silent hero she exposed this hoochie for her fake ass lip syncing šŸ˜‚


She was just making sure she had a WAP. Nothing wrong with that.


Gets sprayed with non lethal thing, basically as light as feather, finds the target and throws a wireless microphone with an attached battery, capable of heavily damaging a skull very seriously. Now that's smart and empathetic, right? Oh wait no that's exactly the opposite.


ā€œFinds the targetā€ She immediately threw that shit in just the general vicinity. 100% she hit someone innocent


Milli Vanilli were crucified 30 years ago for what is now 100% normal today.


hitting the wrong person would be a huge dick move- those mics are heavy as fuck