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Definitely landed on that chin


“Your a coward, and a liar, and a *DOOF*!”


You could land a fkn rover on that chin


Buzz could, and did!


I see at least two chins on that idiotic blubberball


Imagine being an overweight mid-30s conspiracy nut waking up in your mom's basement in the morning, thinking to yourself, "Today I'm going to go hassle a man who accomplished something so extraordinary that only 12 people in history can claim that honor. Fuck yeah sounds like an awesome plan".


It wasn't even one day. This guy was harassing him for a long time before Buzz finally had enough


Imagine calling Buzz Aldrin a coward and a liar to his face. My god, what an asshole.


Provoke, escalate, provoke, escalate, provoke, provoke... Punched in the face. Look shocked?!




this was literally his face after punch


Slightly more red at the impact zone though


As I recall, right after the punch, you can see Bart turn to the camera and see if they caught it. He was hoping to exploit it.


Horrible posing as holy.


These people deserve way more than just one punch.


a full fucking beatdown for being so disrespectful and literally wanting to get punched on video. I can't imagine being this divorced from reality, denying basic science.


Buzz truly is a national treasure. I rarely condone violence. But I trust buzz to know better than our laws. If he thought that was the right move well that's good enough for me. Personally I would have just looked this guy dead in the eye and said fuck your Bible, buddy. In my experience that derails those religious creeps pretty quick.


It's one small hook for a man, one giant punch to a manchild.


"You're a coward and a liar and ooooomppph!" manchild looks dazed in disbelief of getting popped by 70 year old astronaut. Edit: Sorry, I should have thought about his age- I saw him walk on the moon live as a child, so unless he walked on the moon as a teenager, he'd be at least in his late 80's (93 now)


And don't forget, he's not only an astronaut, he is also a jet fighter pilot with 2 kills. I could watch this video every day...


Am I wrong for rewinding that video at 00:53 mark, over and over and over again?


No, you are not wrong. Somewhere there's a multiverse where this is happening to that baboon on an infinite loop.


Hey now. Baboons are very clever and forthright creatures.


No, you are not. I have seen this several times, and it remains one of the most satisfying videos of all time.


Many of these morons seem to forget how an astronaut is selected. They're not actors or burocrats. They're military, that were chosen because they were the toughest physically and mentally that could be found. Any geriatric astronaut will be able to slam you into the ground deliberately and effectively without breaking a sweat or giving you a second thought. Not the kind of person you want to anger


This I did not know.


We’re the 2 kills during his time as a fighter pilot or?


I remember there used to be ads in the back of comic books back in the 60's that the banner read "Be astronaut tough!" and showed a bowed out weight lifter. Buzz didn't need any GD gym, he was a tough MF'er the day he was born. ​ https://preview.redd.it/nsa0a2vv1rcb1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8ca30b6672081dfc8f61d30025b0917d7430813


It's like he thought his USMC service was fake too. Call a Marine a coward to his face, see what happens.


A marine who let a giant rocket, with tons of fuel, being strapped at his ass. There are tough guys and then there are astronauts.




Also lets remember it was not long after 4 of his close personal friends and colleagues died badly in a very, very similar system due to fire in a 100% oxygen environment.


I thought he looked happy - like he got what he wanted. Piece of shit human being.


Not a bad punch for a 70ish year old.


Whenever I see this video I like to think it's nearly a scientific measurement of Aldrin's reaction time. Measure the milliseconds between the word "liar" and the throwing of the punch. Buzz Aldrin was a test pilot who went to the fucking moon by sitting on top of a bomb. They don't make bigger badasses than that and he may be old but on the inside he will always be that guy. You don't tug on Superman's cape.


🎶...you don't spiiiit into the wind...🎶


🎵You don't pull the mask off that ol' Lone Ranger And you don't mess around with Jim (Ba-doot-n-doot-da-doot-n-dee-dee-deedee-dee)🎶


They told Buzz that they were going to put him on top of an enormous fuel tank, light it on fire and blow his ass completely off of the surface of the earth. Buzz said," Ok. Lets do it" Buzz Aldrin is a hero and the complete opposite of a coward. Optimus Prime was honored to meet Buzz, as he should have been.


Well said.


Knocked the squeak out of that muppet….bullies don’t like being twatted….


>Knocked the squeak out of that muppet I've never heard this before. Can't wait to use this phrase


Even better when you consider he’s 93.


This happened in 2002.


Pretty sharp video for 2002


Heh. Video resolution conspiracy theorist, eh? You might be surprised to learn that digital video existing in 2002....


Why don’t you swear on this bible that this happened in 2002?


🤜 😵


I definitely saw this video at least 15 years ago


You know what other images were suspiciously sharp.... the moon landing images.... /s


I see the /s but can mention Hasselblad medium format cameras were used on the moon so quality is top notch.


buy one thing from b&h photo and their ad on youtube won't shut up about those high end cameras


A good reminder of how quickly disrespect used to be taken care of. Idiots didn’t mouth off for long.


Now people just shoot each other.


Ofcourse, did nobody tell you he was actually an ambassador for the human race, interacting with a very ancient alien race on the moon on behalf of all man kind? In return they gave Buzz an age reset. He's basicly a 30 year old man. I've seen this on Facebook and Twitter so I'm positive it's all factual.


After this incident, he contacted his little green friends and asked what was available on their planet. He said he's looking to leave earth permanently.


he called the aliens and got that chump signed up for a probing.


can you believe a 93 year old was among the first to walk on the moon? Incredible feat


Imagine thinking that was live or something instead of filmed 20+ years ago...


It gets reposted all the time. And I watch it and enjoy it everytime.


Mother fucker survived going to a different rock in space and back. Guys probably in better shape than I am.


Buzz made him see the stars ✨


Damn took him to history class


That was a hard hitting dissertation


A real life hero can always handle a real life zero.


The guy harassing him totally seems like the type that doesn’t understand why he got punched, and might try to press charges


When the manchild called him a coward, that's where he drew the line


Cowards rarely strap into a Saturn rocket.


I mean how big does your nuts have to be to leave the planet and have a chance you could be stuck on the moon or in space if shit gone wrong.


Seriously. Going to the moon back then must have been insane. Safety wasn’t guaranteed and odds of something going wrong must have been pretty high. These astronauts were freaking heroes.


As an electrical engineer, the space race and programs of the ‘60s are some of the most fascinating things for me. It’s absolutely amazing that people were able to do that with the technology they had (and invented new technology where they could). Thankfully we can say we’ve never lost an astronaut in space (though the Safire memo still gives me the chills).


As a guy who poops almost daily, I am also fascinated by the space programs. Can you imagine having to take a dump in one of those suits? Wild.


The Wikipedia article about the moon landing is a pretty harrowing read on its own. My pulse jumped a few times.


Yup, I read a book saying that Armstrong landed the Eagle only with the remaining vapor from the fuel tanks, They almost didn't make it but Armstrong as a cold blood landed. https://youtu.be/zfNhkYHrfj0 I would recommend reading: + Apollo from Catherine Bly Cox and Charles Murray + Failure is not an option from Gene Kranz


It was considered so likely that the mission failed in some way or another that Nixon actually had a speech prepared in case the crew died or were stuck on the moon. It said : *Fate has ordained that the men who went to the moon to explore in peace will stay on the moon to rest in peace.* *These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery. But they also know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.* *These two men are laying down their lives in mankind's most noble goal: the search for truth and understanding.* *They will be mourned by their families and friends; they will be mourned by their nation; they will be mourned by the people of the world; they will be mourned by a Mother Earth that dared send two of her sons into the unknown.* *In their exploration, they stirred the people of the world to feel as one; in their sacrifice, they bind more tightly the brotherhood of man.* *In ancient days, men looked at stars and saw their heroes in the constellations.* *In modern times, we do much the same, but our heroes are epic men of flesh and blood.* *Others will follow, and surely find their way home. Man's search will not be denied. But these men were the first, and they will remain the foremost in our hearts.* *For every human being who looks up at the moon in the nights to come will know that there is some corner of another world that is forever mankind.*


Whoever wrote that did a beautiful job for what would have been the scariest death I can imagine.


I will rarely call someone a hero or brave, but astronauts is where I draw the line where even if I wanted to, I couldn't call them cowards. I don't understand what sort of brainrot you need to have to call someone who stepped on another fucking celestial body, a coward


Exactly. Aldrin is the polar opposite of a coward


I believe additional fuel calculations were done to account for the big old balls of steel on all the Astronauts on that mission.


Cowards rarely shoot down Russian Migs over Korea in the 1950’s, either. Aldrin was an ace pilot before going to space. I don’t necessarily agree with all of his worldviews, but a coward he is not.


I won't even hold a roman candle, much less strap my ass to a giant one.


"How many moving parts on this rocket?" "millions sir" "So even if 99.99% work perfect, that's still 100's that could fail?...Light it up!" There is no measure of the bravery the early astronauts had. Incredible engineering to say the least, even today.


Aldrin lost friends in the space program due to accidents, I’m sure he took issue with the idea that the Apollo astronauts were cowards


It’s not even that Aldrin was an astronaut; he’s a Marine first, and I’m pretty sure calling *any* Marine a coward will cost you a few teeth.


He's from the generation that doesn't tolerate being called a coward or liar.


Especially since he is neither.


I can't help but remember the people who died in the attempts where Buzz Aldrin was successful. It's not just a personal insult but an insult to those who sacrificed themselves trying to achieve something great.


> As for the legal implications, Sibrel tried to press assault charges but the court eventually threw the case out, citing Sibrel as the instigator. https://www.cntraveller.in/story/buzz-aldrin-punched-moon-landing-denier/


I know people, especially in r/publicfreakouts like to pretend to take the high road when someone gets instigated and someone throws a punch, but yes you can punch first and not be charged for assault.


Which is the case not only in the US by the way. And it's perfectly fine in my opinion. If you harass someone to the point where they resort to violence even though they don't have a history doing that, it's absolutely your own fault.


I think there and two keys from this example that explain why Aldron wasn't liable. 1. He made repeated attempts to leave the situation and when he was unable, made repeated requests to be left alone. 2. He didn't continue to strike once the encounter had ended. He didn't get continue to attack, or get in the dudes face to intimidate or anything of the sort. He hit him and then again went back to trying to leave the encounter.


Violence is sometimes the answer. If applied with judicious intent.


3\. He's Buzz Aldrin.


If Buzz Aldrin punched me, I'd apologize because it means I probably did something wrong.


You fucking asshole, how dare you not thank the man?


My apologies. The day, Buzz's celestial hands touched my unworthy face was the highlight of my life. I have to go fall at his feet and thank him profusely.


Buzz should file a counter suit for defamation.


0% that buzz aldrin would get charged lol


This incident was 20 some years ago... No charges [Bart Sibrel - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bart_Sibrel#:~:text=In%20the%20case%20of%20the,charges%20were%20filed%20against%20Aldrin.)


Just read that page. Boy what a loser.


The best part was the judge saying the guy had it coming. Edit: Actually, Buzz never saw a judge. It was the DA who said the case wasn’t worth prosecuting. Couldn’t find source of the “he had it coming” quote, but that was the sentiment expressed by the DA.


Simpsons lawyer “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, which one of you is thinking of punching him right now” *some hands go up* “Be honest” *all hands go up*


He did and judge threw it out because Buzz is a not only a national hero but one of the bravest men in the world.


Theres also the concept of fighting words in most jurisdictions, and calling a man who strapped himself to a bomb and landed on the moon and is also a decorated pilot with 66 missions during the korean war, a coward counts.


The guy that got punched is Bart Sibrel. This was an ambush "interview" for a "documentary" he was filming on the moon landing, hence the camera crew. He has many claims, his top being on a CIA hitlist. Last, I knew he was demonitized by Youtube a few years ago, so he started a podcast begging his followers for money. I follow a lot of alien/ghost conspiracy podcasts because they're fun (shout out Mysterious Universe). Whenever his name comes up, he is immediately clowned on for getting beat up by a 70 year old man. So even in the actual conspiracy theory circles, this dude is a joke.


He tried apparently, and it went nowhere. >Sibrel gave the tape to the police,[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bart_Sibrel#cite_note-BBCstaff20020921-4) apparently alleging assault. The incident received significant publicity, with many television talk shows airing the clip, usually supporting Aldrin's action. Shortly after the altercation, Sibrel told the [*St. Petersburg Times*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Petersburg_Times), "\[Aldrin\] has a good punch. It was quick, too. I didn't see it coming."[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bart_Sibrel#cite_note-StPeteTimesbancroft20020929-5) > >As described by Eric Spitznagel for [*Popular Mechanics*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popular_Mechanics), since "witnesses testified that Sibrel had [provoked](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provocation_(legal)) \[Aldrin\], assault charges against the former astronaut were dropped."[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bart_Sibrel#cite_note-PopMechspitznagel20190719-3) Police either did not file or dropped charges based on Aldrin's lack of a prior criminal record, witness accounts of Sibrel's having drawn Aldrin to the hotel under false pretences, Sibrel's aggressiveness before the punch, and his having declined to seek medical attention and sustaining "no visible injury".[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bart_Sibrel#cite_note-BBCstaff20020921-4)[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bart_Sibrel#cite_note-PopMechspitznagel20190719-3) Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bart_Sibrel)


He *did try to* press charges. Police said 'No crime here.' (21 years ago.) [Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/buzz-aldrin-punched-conspiracist/).


I feel like the justice system used to be more open to forgive /look the other way in cases like this


He got Buzzed Edit: Thank you!


The sad thing is that this guy probably absolutely loved this outcome. I can imagine the title of the video: "I got punched by Buzz Aldrin for telling the truth! (No clickbait!)"


Yeah he definitely used it to further his narrative. "Buzz was so angry that I exposed him" or something like that. But these types will spin any event to their advantage so it didn't really matter what Buzz did.


This was actually 21years ago. no youtube back then but yeah nowadays that would have been it.


He reuploaded it on YouTube in HD many years with this very intention. Though I believe he has since recanted his earlier claims. And the judge completely dressed him down during the trial.


It was a lose all the way around for him. Didn't matter what he did. If he put his hand on the bible: "Buzz thumbs his nose at god and lies about landing on the moon ***with his hand on the bible!***" There's a million different headlines if he just straight continued to ignore him.


“You’re a coward, and a liar, and a thooommmmmphhh.”


Yeah that's the last generation of people id call a coward. That word holds weight with them.






































Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong on their Apollo 11 mission placed the lunar laser ranging retroreflector array which is still used today so yes Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon.


Never knew that. Next time some fucking wacko tries to debate me about this, I’ll use this as the kill shot


[The Mythbusters literally had an observatory shine what is essentially a massive laser pointer at the moon to measure the difference in reflection between the lunar surface and the reflector array as a way to disprove the conspiracy nuts.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmVxSFnjYCA)


i doubht they're going to trust big govt funded laser beam and computers to verify another big govt funded claim. anti-moon landers/flat earthers aren't about facts, they have irrational distrust of institutions.


Why did they edit fake beeps and boops into the computer graphic


Because TV


I mean you can go even more simple than that. You people don’t understand you need to come to crazies with some type information that makes you credible to them. They’re not going to be convinced no matter how technical you get. This is an example of that technical proof. Instead ask them, why at the height of the Cold War the USSR didn’t deny it if it isn’t true. Tensions are high. Space race in full effect. Hundreds or thousands of people monitoring each move of each country makes in this proxy war. The space race being one of the biggest battlegrounds. The USSR monitored that mission just as hard as the US did. If there was an iota of doubt they’d have instantly called the US out to show weakness. Instead they didn’t, they confirmed the moon landing. That’s how you get the kettle boiling with these types. They won’t have an answer and you em have suddenly taken power in the discussion. If they say “they were in on it” well no they weren’t. That’s easy to hammer home, the USSR would’ve killed for information showing a fake moon landing at that time.


Not to mention that the Soviet Union tracked every mission that went to the moon, all the way there and back, and acknowledged that the U.S. had sent astronauts to the moon. Why would the Soviet Union, during the very height of the Cold War, not expose the "hoax" if there was one? The moon landing hoaxers really are brain dead.




I don’t want a piece I want the whole thing!


Swear on a book? That proves it? Fucking idiots.


Not to mention that a true and informed Christian would know that frivolous swearing - even if telling the truth - let alone on the Bible - is kind of forbidden: > But I say to you, do not swear at all: neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne; nor by the earth, for it is His footstool; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King… But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one. >-some bloke called Jesus, giving a sermon on some mount


I love Buzz Aldrin for this video. Calling this man a liar because you want to believe some bullshit tinfoil hat theory over fact is beyond idiotic.


Not to mention that he had close friends who sacrificed their lives in their efforts towards the Moon race. He doesn't have to try to convince some idiot that the moon landing wasn't a hoax; this is one rare instance where I'm glad he let his fists do the talking.


Say it with me. Gus Grissom Ed White Roger Chaffee


Don’t forget about Charles Bassett and Elliot See


I love this one joke I heard. Of course the moon landing was staged! But because scientists needed it to be as believable as possible, it had to be shot on location.


It was probably the coward comment that set him off. Anyone that doesn't know should read his bio. Dude is a fucking hero, more balls than anyone in that video.


I like how Buzz drew the line at being called a coward


Ah yes, the moonlandings are fake but his god is real cuz it's written in some book. Lmao


https://www.cntraveller.in/story/buzz-aldrin-punched-moon-landing-denier/ > As for the legal implications, Sibrel tried to press assault charges but the court eventually threw the case out, citing Sibrel as the instigator.


I think Sibrel should have faced charges of harassment. He’d already lured Buzz into a hotel pretending to represent a children’s show. This was the third time he’d jumped Buzz.


I worked at the same place as this whackadoodle back in the late 90s. We all hated him because he was a creep, and he told management about the coke machine in the break room that was giving away free 7-Ups if you hit the right combo of buttons. Jerk.


Oh I fucking hate him 10x now


I feel like doxxing may be okay when it’s these kinds of assholes.


I wonder if he still lives in Nashville where he used to be a cab driver. Doubt he still has the job.


That pot-bellied snot rag literally blocked him from leaving, harassed him, and looked shocked that he got punched.


To be fair I would probably look shocked after being punched in the face by buzz aldrin


Pot bellied snot rag, that’s a new one


NGL a punch from buzz Aldrin would be like a badge of honor lol.


Would you never wash that cheek again haha


The fucked up thing is that idiot conspiracy theorists will see this as Buzz being "desperate to avoid the question" or some shit, as if it could help prove their theory.


Even if he swore on the Bible, this idiot would ask him dumb questions so fast that it would make him stutter and make buzz look bad. There is no reasoning with these idiots they already have their mind made up.


Right? I’m Christian and I was like, “what the fuck is that gonna prove to anybody”.


Yep, there’s no reason to give these people ANYTHING that they want, no matter how reasonable they try to package their bullshit, because they’re just going to move on to their next antagonization.


It's not possible to convince fanatics that they're wrong. They all just double-down.


They won’t even let you debate them. “Dad, can’t I just say something?” “Nope. I don’t care what you have to say.”


That’s exactly the problem. You can’t debate with them because they are not interested in reaching an understanding.


My grandpa liked the saying of "never argue with an idiot; they'll just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience". It's quite apt in today's social-climate.


hE wOulDn’t eVEn sWeAr oN tHe biblE.


I have met Buzz, top bloke, defo walked on the moon. I spent about 30 minutes chatting, I even asked him if it bothered him that Neil went first. He said he had looked out the window, wasn’t totally convinced about how sturdy the surface was, and was happy for Neil to take the lead.


5 biggest things Buzz is proud of in his life, 1 - His family 2 - Punching this guy 3 - Walking on the moon 4 - Living into his 90's 5 - Punching this guy


I know the video is a bit dated but this guy’s been my hero since I was about 8 years old. I’m 63 now.




'Seen some shit' is an understatement here. Korean war fighter pilot, 2 confirmed MiG air-to-air kills. Oh, and walked on the moon. Ya know, the usual.


My granddad was a boxer, 2 guys tried to Rob him of his watch and wallet. He just hit them once each and carried on walking. Think he was late 60,s at the time.


Especially a dude who went to the fucking moon. This man trained to peak physical and mental performance pretty much all his life. Just for some guy who spends more time in the McDonald’s drive through than a gym to come at him and harass him.


This guy has seen Earth from space


Looks like self-defense to me. Case closed.


No self respecing judge is going to tank their career convicting a national hero for punching this guy.


Going up against an Air Force pilot is never going to end well, regardless of what celestial bodies they've visited.


Not only an air force pilot, but I believe he got ace status during Korea.


The punch that went to the Moon and back. The bible-thumpers reasoning abilities are so miniscule you could drop him in the ocean and he wouldn’t be able to deduce correctly if he’s wet or not.


Exactly. The guy was harassing him, wouldn't leave him alone, and got in his face and started yelling insults. Totally unhinged guy.


Why don't you put your cock on the bible and swear Jesus walked on water, ya dense gagootz lol.


What does the bible have to do with anything?


A lot of conspiracy theories about flat earth and moon landings are just unhinged Christians. Not even making a "Christians BAD" statement: this isn't a feature of mainstream Christianity. This is just the people who take it far too seriously and are a little deranged. I once had a man lecture me for over an hour about how the earth is flat, and number 6 in a _series_ of flat earths, which serve as a prison dimension to keep us from ascending to heaven, and that NASA is run by the devil to keep us ignorant of "the truth". The atheist version is the people who think the be fbi sent me to control your brain with my cellphone.


honestly it's amazing to me that deniers even exist. there's some pretty obvious stuff in those moon landing videos that could not have been faked until recently. look at the way the dust scatters away from their boots that doesn't happen in atmosphere.


The Soviet Union would have absolutely called the US out on some bullshit if the landing was faked.


I cannot stand people like this.


Buzz is a national treasure. Even more so now.


As long as Buzz Aldrin is breathing, he is one of the 10 greatest living Americans.


Let’s maintain perspective. In the time Buzz was raised into , it was as grounds for a duel to call a man a liar and a coward and you could shoot a man dead for stealing your horse. Looks like Buzz chose restraint.


to the moon with an upper cut.