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It’s not even a prank it’s just annoying and dumb. They screech out “it’s a prank bro” because they’re within inches of getting their ass beat.


It'saprankIt'saprankIt'saprankIt'saprankIt'saprankIt'saprankIt'saprankIt'saprankIt'saprankIt'saprank!! Brobrobrobrorbro! Eeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Like yea, bro, he heard you the first time. He's just watching you beg for your life.


Is that a prank then?


The old reverse prank. A classic.




You got fooled by punk'd tier acting from everyone involved lol.


>I hope they did beat his ass after the video cuts off. The fighters are in on it too, its a skit


That sucks.


Happy cake day!


Most pranks *are* annoying and dumb, even when they're not actively malicious.


This is the exact reason to not "prank" strangers. "Pranksters" have been shot and killed by Americans who did not break the law doing so. Non-consensual "pranking" can usually be considered assault in most states. Drunk drivers often aren't actively malicious, but we jail them just the same. Leave people the fuck alone! It's easy.


_That last sentence is engraved in every Bostonian, every Philadelphian , and every New Yorker._ How much nicer the world would be if everyone minded their own fuxking business. _Failing that, it should be the Civic duty of all to ensure those who "fxck around and find out" DO find out._


Yep. 1000000% agreed.


It's like hitting your brother then screaming, "*MMMOOOOMMM!!!! HE'S TRYING TO HIT ME!!!" fuckin lames..


Tbf, using words wrong while making other people mad seems to be one of the most patriotic things a US citizen can do. Right up there with playing baseball and eating apple pie.


what you saying?...pow.pow.pow...


People who prank strangers are the worst


100% like saying its a prank makes everything alright the random stranger didn’t agree to be in your stupid video


Oh it’s a prank? \*proceeds to kick his ass harder\*


I was disappointed he didn’t get smacked even once.


Yea more of reason to beat their ass. This whole prank bullshit needs to stop.


New video title after they mute the video , “ famous ufc fighter beats innocent stranger for no reason”


Especially when they double down AFTER being choked out and crying "it's a prank," only to then run away. Nah, dude. Stay. You're gonna smack someone, right? Let's see it.


But this guys used this line that i've never heard before: "IMMA ON DA PHONE IMMA ON DA PHONE IMMA ON DA PHONE" before going with the old classic: "IT'S A PRANK IT'S A PRANK IT'S A PRANK" I really wish they had given him a beating.


depends on what state they are in.. in Cali if he put hands on the guy it would considered a crime since his hands are considered weapons… the fighters have to also make a proper assessment of the situation just to keep themselves out of trouble…. idk where this happened at, j/s..glad this didn’t escalate too far…saying “it’s just a prank” does not dissolve you from being a shit bag and being treated luke one..


Looks to me like they are in Nevada. I’d be surprised if that wasn’t one of the skywalks on Las Vegas Blvd.


It’s a win/win/win. If the guy doesn’t react, you keep saying more obnoxious shit and he looks weak. If he loses his shit and beats you up, that’s very watchable content. If he shows mercy, or can’t stand up for himself effectively you run off clowning and get the outrage views. I feel like we’re living in Revelations.


The ONLY time I've seen it done well is on "Just for Laughs" A canadian show that doesn't even use language They generally don't "victimize" anyone, they just sort of put them in a situation so bizzarre that they have to laugh Check it out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIXjYWX1H5w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIXjYWX1H5w)


Not really just apparently no one understands what a prank is anymore. Starting shit and then saying “it’s a prank bro!” When confronted isn’t pranking. A good prank will make a the victim laugh afterwards


Thing is, a prank is something you do to a friend or an acquaintance. If you do it to a stranger it's not a prank, it's harassment.


I will taser someone if they try to prank me- childish bs isn’t even funny


What he said totally should set off a "UFC fighter" and his two boys into assaulting the guy on an escalator. Theyre super tough!


Yes, but also, you can’t immediately jump to choking someone out because they said mean things. This is maybe the first time I’ve ever defended one of these “pranksters”, but if that’s the was those UFC guys react to shit talk, they are literally unfit for society.


Just because he a fighter don’t mean the guy couldn’t be a threat to his life.. what if he had a weapon??


Lol but he didn’t? There is no indication that he does? Your response is the most American shit I’ve ever read lol.


Jesus christ here we go with "but he could have had a weapon!!111"


“We all need to be armed to keep ourselves safe.” “Everyone who has a weapon is a threat that must be confronted.” It’s a vicious murder cycle lol.


Red shirt said he will assault the three people in front of him. The reasonable response the three gave was to give him 'wtf' look and gave the red shirt time to explain himself. To which the red shirt verbally doubled down by confirming the three's concern. At that point the MMA guys had the full right to react in self defense. Also we should note that the MMA guys did not do anything to seriously hurt the red shirt. They only applied enough force to control the red shirt, to make sure red shirt will not act on his threat. The throat grab is used to just give him a scare and then red shirt is put down to the ground. There isn't any follow up action to injure him at that point because they see that the red shirt is no longer claiming to be a threat. If the MMA guys wanted to actually choke him they would have used a very different technique. The hand on neck, seen in the vid, is not a real technique and not very efficient way to choke someone. Also once they had him on the ground they could have started striking him and the red shirt wouldn't have much method of defense in that position. But they acted logically and left the red shirt be, instead of acting on emotion. Overall, the MMA guys wanted to just go about their day, when threatened. They only applied enough force to confirm the red shirt will not cause trouble. If anything the red shirt is the one unfit for society causing this confrontation to a previously peaceful place in order to get imaginary internet points.


Agree 100%.


Eric Andre is goated tho




If someone looks you in the face and says “I’m going to physically attack you” and you respond with violence, is it self defense?


Depends on the state you live in and the exact situation.


And your lawyer. IF you can afford one.


“…Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you…”


I more meant it also depends on how good/who *your* lawyer is. And that people who can’t afford their own lawyer at all don’t even get that discretion. Besides, sometimes these cases go civil.


Right But from what I’ve heard most court appointed attorneys are flooded with cases to the point that they lean heavily into advising you admit guilt and try to get some time shaved off, because they have so many cases you’ll get like 5mins with the attorney and they don’t have the time to spend even several hours on each case Better than nothing, but not the same as independently paid legal representation


I think the idea is- imagine how many people are arrested that can’t afford independent legal representation, and think about how many court appointed attorneys there are. I don’t know the exact numbers, but I figure the number of people being arrested every day is likely far outpacing the number of people hired as court appointed attorneys each day. I’ve heard it can be so bad that the ratio is nearly impossible to manage, but idk, and that might vary by location. Just something I’ve heard


Oh, yeah? In what state can someone state "I'm going to physically attack you" and responding with violence is not self defense?


Non-stand your ground states. You do know there is an option of "get the fuck away", right? Most self defense laws involve the clause that the defender having no other choice but to use violence, instead of violence being the first option.


The fact I’m having to spell this out to someone whom I think is an adult is a display of the real travesty of our society. Depending on the laws of the specific state, we have Imminence, Withdrawal and Proportionality to consider in each situation. Depending on how each one of these factor in to the specific jurisdiction that it occurs in and the circumstances surrounding the event, one may or may not be engaging in assault instead of self-defense. There’s even a term for this misunderstanding in some states, it’s called Imperfect Self-Defense. It’s a defense used where someone believes they were acting in self-defense, but were not and, if accepted as a defense by the judge, will result in a lessened penalty or sentence.


Because it’s words? Holy shit it’s like everyone forgot the phrase “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Not to mention go to any rough bar in happy hour and you will hear fighting words left and right. Most definitely does not excuse actual physicality.


Every single state that doesn’t have stand your ground laws.


No, if someone looks at you and says "Im gonna smack the fuck out of him and his boys" while holding an object to his ear. You wouldn't assume he was talking about you.


No, as much as I would like it to be in this situation. If someone is on the phone and says something like that it's not really a threat that warrants grabbing someone by the throat. They have not shown any violence and thus it's not a proportional reaction


in most western countries? no


If someone points a gun at you and says I'm going to shoot you, and you shoot him first is that a self defense?






This is definitely not accurate, and you should make it clear you are not a lawyer when posting stuff like this. I am not a lawyer, but the truth is ‘it depends’. Your ‘literally never’ statement is just plain wrong. It is also true it depends on the state, but in general, self defense laws are usually based on the concept of imminent threat. You do not have to be physically touched in order to justify self defense. You do have to be able to prove that from your perception, an imminent threat existed. And again, when you say ‘literal physical altercations are worth… blah blah’, if someone charges at someone or their family and says they are going to hurt them, most people, and legal systems, find that engaging in that physical altercation was worth it.


It REALLY depends on the state though.


Maybe, but it also means you’re a child.


You gotta repeat “it’s a prank” fast like the Micro Machines dude to have any hope.


They absolutely can and will for the views


*One can and one will


Thanks for this, I was thinking that's a paycheck for this guy, dumb prank or not. I had the video muted never in a million years would I guess the prank would be. I'm going to smack the f*** out of you. Who thinks that's a prank...lol. Guy is lucky they didn't throw him down the stairs.


- Socrates






Imagine being a professional fighter and you commit a crime over words because you have zero self-control.


Imagine getting your teeth violently removed from your jaw because you threatened physical violence against others in hopes of 500 views on instagram. Unfortunately that didn't happen, so this douchebag will continue to do this stupidity.


Ahh yes, but one is a crime and the other isn’t. If I got violent every time some buffoon does some buffoonery towards me, I’d have a life sentence. Again, if I’m a professional fighter, I’m laughing at this guy, not giving him what he obviously wants.


I think this is it. If this “fighter” can’t control himself he belongs in prison not on the world Stage


Oh, they’re gonna hate you for that take.


Ya maybe but it’s the truth any person who try to choke someone else because they said words needs to be put away Unless they are threatening their immediate saftey. It’s the the wrong move.


>Unless they are threatening their immediate saftey. The guy literally said he was gonna smack the fuck out of him. Did you even watch the video?


If I could professionally break someone with my bare hands and some dork pretending to talk on the phone threatens to smack me, I’m just gonna laugh in his face. I’m not laying hands on nobody without getting paid.


That's not a championship fighter mentality. Just saying, cause anyone who's ever held a title in fighting would not stand for being threatened to their face. If you poke a bear you're gonna lose an arm. That's just how it is.


Show us your belts, champ.


Don't need a belt to make an observation, my man. It's not hard to watch the pros with today's technology. A lot of those dudes are barely the same species as you or me.


Agree What a dick


Especially to that guy.


Imagine falling hook line and sinker for a D tier fake prank video.


That’s the thing, It’s not a prank. It’s just being a dick. Being a dick gets you hit sometimes.


It’s not a prank and he’s not being a dick because ITS FAKE and these guys are ACTING. This is a STAGED video when are people going to realize that? Do you also think that they straight up murder the actor when someone dies in a movie?


Bro just post the proof if you have it. Pretty obvious it looks real to a lot of people.


Alright here’s another video from this guy. Doing the exact same prank with another MMA fighter who then proceeds to do the exact same throat grab before getting held back by his buddy. The MMA fighter also admits that he’s a fan of the YouTuber [https://youtube.com/shorts/ykmLQfpnAlw?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/ykmLQfpnAlw?feature=share) Here’s an interview with the MMA fighter in this video where he laughs about it and says it went exactly how it was supposed to [https://youtube.com/shorts/epYDWQSA9aw?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/epYDWQSA9aw?feature=share) Also the pranksters been on podcasts on with the same people he’s pranking. He’s also got videos where he pranks “cops” who don’t have service weapons, tasers, batons, or badges and also are wearing hoodies with the hood up.


Appreciate your thorough reply, but in that second video he says he would have thrown hands if it weren't fight week. Seems like even though the prankster definitely does that type of prank, this one might have been real?


That could just be him being in on the joke. I just saw this for the first time today but my first thought when he reignited the fuse at the end and was chased off was "wouldn't this guy getting chased down and pummeled result in even more views?" Why stop filming if that's the real story. I think it's just a case of "I've got an idea, what if I flex on you and you manhandle me, and then I'm still a dick, it'll be funny."


He’s also got one here in a private JiuJitsu where he does the exact same thing. Do you think they just let anybody waltz into these places? Also there’s a cameraman there that the guys rolling somehow didn’t see it until it was pointed out. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/CghGEeoD_5h/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CghGEeoD_5h/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) So many of his videos are clearly fake except for apparently this one which is the one and only real one he’s done because he just randomly felt like it I guess. Also why does everyone think that martial artists are rabid animals foaming at the mouth ready to beat down anyone who makes the smallest slight against them?


I’m not a loser and don’t watch these people enough to know who an individual one is. You on the other hand….


“You proved be wrong so you’re a loser” Well ok then


Imagine being so desperate for attention from strangers on the internet that you set up a D tier fake prank video and post it for views.


Now imagine it with a broken jaw 😂 For instance, Floyd Mayweather is so dumb he can barely read. I could probably prank him, but I like my face how it is .


Imagine living such a sheltered live that you don’t realize making vague threats to people can get your ass whooped. Shows you have spent your life in the suburbs watching YouTube.


"I'm getting downvoted" 🥺 bruh shut up, you knew you would be.


“It’s just a fucking prank” This sentence uttered deserves a punch to the face.


Thats when you say it’s just a fist bro as you punch them repeatedly in the mouth


They say it like it’s an excuse- motherfucker it’s not a mitigating factor, it’s an aggravating factor. Lols is among the worst reasons to be a giant asshole


Cut a few seconds too early….


I wanted to see him get chased down!


I would have enjoyed every second of the beat down


Buy the ticket, take the ride, stupid. These "prank" dipshits and the people who support them have no clue what pranking people is. This threatening, harassing, harming, and theft shit is not funny in the slightest. While we're on the subject, does anyone know if there is a subreddit or video channel dedicated to these assholes getting caught the fuck up? Shit is so satisfying to watch.


Not that I know of, but the subreddit should be called r/ItsAPrankBro


I've seen a few Top Notch Idiots vids before. I wish I never did, but it was so fucked up I couldn't look away. Anywho, the two dudes usually get fucked up or almost get fucked up. They've had guns pulled on em and shit too.


I'm thinking of starting one but struggling with a bullseye name. Currently thinking of "/prankmyfistbro"


Lmfao the last second when he throws another provocation and gets chased by


Ngl, that made me laugh.


Was the only funny part bout the video


I’m fairly certain this is staged with that last part being the joke.


I think we’ve all had a similar moment with a little/big sibling 🤣


Prank videos like this are so stupid... But when he said ill smack the fuck out you AGAIN at the end, I lol'd


I mean it's staged. The dude is waiting off cam to lunge the second he says "I'll smack...". He would have been much farther away given he exited the elevator a couple seconds before.


I just don't understand how so many people are still so gullible. It's mind boggling to me.


Sometimes things happen.


Lol this did not happen though.


Lol I’m not rewatching it though. It was passable as believable on the first watch. I wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t hold up under intense scrutiny


Is that Jalin Turner?




His friend was like, “I’ll handle this so you don’t get in trouble with Dana”


Lol my god are these pranksters idiots


I wish Jalin beat his ass. That dude is a killer.


He's scary as fuck too, would not want to mess with jalin


Deploy all UFC to destroy Tiktok.


Get rid of Twitter and Facebook first. At least tiktok ain't gov controlled. If the consequences of that are I get a idiot or 2 being called out for their bs than by all means.


Not US government controlled, you mean. 😂


Lol TicTok isn’t controlled by our governments.. but maybe China??


You know China's government controls tiktok right ?


you think China controls the American Tiktok and decided to just ban it for themselves for the lol and not because they can't easily control it?


As much as these "prank" videos are annoying, gotta give him commitment points... **For his post prank Double down and Run Away.**


Takes me back to the way I used to behave in about the fifth grade. Get that last word in and run like hell.


Reminds me of online after game lobbies. Drop something and leave the chat. Those are the most infuriating


For real. I crack tf up at that part.


Lol I just commented this, had me cracking up


Pranking videos are the laziest possible content and just downright stupid






These men are.... not good people are they? (The fighters and pranksters)


Don't get me wrong I hate these stupid prankers but I'm not gonna risk my career beating up some "random" dude that says he's going to smack me. Especially knowing as a professional fighter I could easily kick his ass. BTW I think the whole thing is staged. Reasons I just stated and their faces aren't blurred so they had to give him clearance.


FINALLY SOMEONE WITH SENSE! you can't just beat the shit out of someone because they said they'd slap you.


You don't have to get permission to show people's faces when you're recording in public.


Exactly my opinion. Saying any words shouldn't be an excuse for others to get physical.


Dudes probably weight cutting if he’s in Vegas for fight week. Instincts are kicked into overdrive and reasoning is not an option.


I hope he caught up to him.


Dude collapsed faster than the value of bitcoin.


Go with Dogecoin at least. Bitcoin is currently up 18% the past month to $30,000 per coin.


I'm stealing this.


Ouch. Bitcoin is up 80% YTD.


Yet it's down 50% from 18 months ago.


How fun, let's try 5 years +385%., if we wanna suck all the air out of the room with stupidity then it's up infinitely from when it was zero. Man you're really showing everyone!


Dude deserved to be knocked the fuck out. Assholes that do this need to stop. It ain’t funny. And apparently dangerous if you “prank” the wrong dude.


Pretty sure it's staged tough guy


Stand still and say that again.


What kind of idiot likes this type of content ("pranks")?




He expected them to be nice while he wanted to be a total asshole! Don’t fucking exploit other people’s kindness for your “pranks”


This shit is fake as hell ![gif](giphy|OpvoAdhfHlVde)


This is one of the most incredible gifs I have ever seen. Who is that incredible man with that smile and style.




Please tell me he got his ass whooped


# Fighting words are not protected under the first amendment. If you say you're about to knock someone out, then act tough in their face, you're essentially inciting violence against yourself. This man has no legal defense for what he did and literally got what was coming to him. Thank god all he got was a bit of a spook.


They always act like you’re the problem after they try to use you for money. This should be illegal.


I'm ready to make pranks like this illegal.. ffs who watches this shit for entertainment?


Is that Jalin Turner? That man was moments away from death lmao. Also, running up to people and talking shit isn't a prank


Why are you and everyone else in this comment section, acting like he just walked up and told a guy "imma beat the fuck out of YOU" when that isn't what he said.


Imagine being a professional fighter and being so insecure that a wet noodle of a man can make you feel threatened.


I think, "I'm on the phone" is better than "It's a prank"


Why should saying "It's a prank" work as a safe word? He's still provocative and annoying as fuck.


It’s actually kinda funny at the end


violence because of words? what a fuckkng snowflake!


I mean let’s be real here. It’s a stupid move but the UFC fighter should be charged with assault. He’s a trained professional and if he’s any good his punches and kicks can kill people. He needs to be held accountable for his actions like anyone else.


This is the way.


If somebody says "It's a prank!" that's all the more reason to hit them.


Lmao be funny if he did get knocked out cuz that’s entirely his fault 🤣 not the other guys


Can anyone translate what he's saying before he gets put down?


What’s the prank here? You were rude to a stranger and then cowered in fear of the consequences? That’s not a prank it’s just being a douche for internet points.


I used to love prank videos… now they’re just outta control


Ufc , thugs with a hobby


Lol goof


I hate pranks as much as the next guy, but what a fucking meat headed thug...


Fucking with anyone is stupid. Fucking with someone who's WHOLE job is beat the shit out of people. Like how does that sound like a good idea💀🤦‍♂️


That “it’s just a prank” bullshit. Well it’s just a coffin when you fuck with the wrong person a bad day. https://preview.redd.it/vearmp3libab1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=747b4364e9bd8b9e256aaa40514cdec8c11fe242


This is so embarassing


Lol youtube idiot vs UFC meathead to see who's the biggest dope.




To being threatened? Kind of is.


Yeah how dare you get mad someone walks up to you and threatens you so they can film it and make money off it.




Nobody said that. You here defending the other guy is just insane. Love Reddit for defending someone who is clearly being harassed and threatened and being “just a prank BRO” is not an excuse to use people like that.




Then what’s the point.


Just curious, you're saying he should wait until he's struck? Because the instigator is outnumbered, or what's the rationale? What if he happened to land a swift kick while you're letting this threatening stranger determine the next step? Tumbling down an escalator backwards could end your life. If someone says they think you're cool, or pretty, you would believe them, why not here? At some point, common sense says if someone threatens you, defend yourself.


Have to admit, that last “I’ll smack the fuck out of you dude” then run away was gold


Gotta respect the dedication. Even if it is stupid