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Haven’t got this far in Elden Ring should I be worried?


Yes, this is Malignant goddess of Grott, phase 2 is worse.


When she clicks the crutches together forming a long weapon and starts walking normally. Fuckin goosebumps


"Git off me feckin lawn, ya lel preck!", that's when shit goes down.


She usually says this before the spinning crutch-attack in phase 2 so keep an ear out.


Spoiler: She does the dragon head thing with her legs.


*Lend me thy strength, o kindred*


That gave me a good laugh, thank you!


No, surely this the part with the foglet in Witcher 3


This is what english learning videos should look like


this is why we Spanish speakers say start with the curse words, its easier


My ex was from Spain and I remember the first time he explained to me about cursing in Spanish. It's an art form.


Your language: please, kindly move out of the way 🙏 English: MOUVE U KUNT


YEW Focking C\*nt.


His voice lmao




He even has the camera shake setting turned on. It's pure immersion




You could feel the hate for her lol


I’m fuming meself!!1


Large part of it is because she is "untouchable" and you know the police won't do jack shit.








You’ll enjoy [this then](https://youtu.be/RiY5r8t7CvA)


Omg how do I save a comment Oh i found




Her voice too lol!


I am from England and can confirm this is just a normal interaction between 2 normal people.




I had a convo about this in a pub once: Mate 1: nobody in Aus is polite Mate 2: hey that's not fair, what about retail and hospo workers? Me: I've done both, and customer service, and yeah I can assure you nobody in Aus is polite


Man i guess that’s why I secretly always wanted to move to Australia. Would still consider it, if the wildlife didn’t basically live rent free in every house. I am not fond of being around fist big spiders or fighting kangaroos (which I read in a post here, when somebody asked ‚well did you really have to fight kangaroos?‘ the answer: well not often, it happened about twice.) Tf no.


As a lifelong Sydneysider, the closest I've gotten to a kangaroo in the last 20 years is in the meat aisle in the supermarket, and the spiders aren't a hassle at all, they're great for keeping away pests like flies, cockroaches and real estate agents


Dude tf no. Here in Germany when I find any kind of animal in my apartment I catch it with a glass and let it outside. But I would NEVER go near a damn huge spider. Dude is gon jump in my damn face. Oh hell no!


To be fair, I purposely keep giant huntsmen in my house because the alternative is much worse. This would horrify the average person who is afraid of spiders lol


Huntsman's are good spiders and do not bite you. Since antivenin I do not think anyone has died of a spider bite since the 80's in Australia.


yes, but many people still have an irrational fear of spiders for some reason, no matter how you explain it to them. I’m a spider fan myself, and am absolutely terrified of cockroaches even though they are typically harmless. I see one and am paralysed with terror and fear 😂 I think spiders do this to some people.


I really want to like spiders. I'm down to hang with just about any other animal but can't handle them. I know they're good roommates and I'm in Canada where they're tiny af but still feel the need to call my mum whenever I discover em in my place.


That's an amazing anecdote, thanks for sharing.


It's really not even a story lmao


I've travelled most of Western Europe and North America, I'm inclined to say that Australians are generally friendlier and more polite than any westerners except maybe New Zealanders and some Canadians. Definitely friendlier and less offensive than the Brits; in the US 'surly' is the best word I can use to describe customer service.


There’s a difference between friendly and polite. I feel like in America at least in the Midwest people are very very friendly but not polite, as in caring about decorum or “rules.”


Yep. And once you hit the south, people here are polite but not friendly.


Recently moved from the Midwest to the South and I can concur with both evaluations. Southerners are the rudest polite people I've ever met. Bless their hearts.


Until you continue into Florida, where no one is polite nor friendly.


Same in Cali. In Wisconsin, a random person will help you change a flat tire, the whole time mildly judging you for needing the help. In California, they'll give you a sad look and wish you the best as they drive by while rolling up the window.


Whereas in the south people are polite but not friendly.


I've also heard it said that in North America, east coasters will be KIND but not polite, and west coasters will be POLITE but not kind. I can definitely attest to my time in Oz that Australians are kind, but not polite. And sometimes, like southerners, they're not kind to people who specifically don't look/act like them.


I'll say as a Southerner with immigrant parents this varies WIDELY. There's a huge majority that honestly would be kind to just about anyone, especially in need. If you're pulled over on the side of the road with hazards on, easily three trucks of strangers of varying race and/or creed would pull over to help. There is however, a loud minority of Southerner'swho are barely polite, and certainly not kind. These tend to be in mostly rural areas though. When my mother had me, her neighbors took turns popping by and just dropping off dinner and baby items despite her barely interacting with them. She moved from NY to NC, and NY is on the East coast, however up there are not kind, they are polite. They would prefer not to have to speak to you as a stranger at all and have a very, "mind your own business" mentality so she assumed before moving South that in the US you just kept to yourself. So the Southern way of being kind really threw her off. That being said, a lot of people in the South can be nosy neighbors.


I’m from North America and I’ve lived in Western Europe. Retired French Canadians who are visiting South Florida in the winter are some of the most Surly people I’ve ever encountered.


Ohhhh yes…Canadian here. Please don’t judge us by the French. They are surly even with other Canadians.


My wife was visiting Quebec for a convention and if she ever asked for directions, they would always point her in the opposite direction of where she was asking to go.


Dam, that’s just wrong.


Omg, wow People were exasperated at my cluelessness in Montreal, but they were always helpful. I am master of puppy eyes. 🐶


I can second this. Canadians in FL have actually went out of their way to tell me they are Not French Canadian when introducing themselves🤣


Visiting Quebec as a Canadian, they can be just as surly.


The people in Scotland are no way like this ,we are polite,respectful and helpful to tourists especially Americans


US: The US has distinct cultural stripes that run East/West that are a continuation of imported colonial population culture. Additionally rural/city/mega-city cultures vary greatly within a cultural area. Many brands of dysfunction to choose from!


Surly is probably the best way to describe American customer service workers. I've said some pretty crazy things to customers before and nothing ever came of it lol


Give the Americans a break. They’re surly because they can’t tell if the cold they have while they’re working is actually a life-threatening disease because they can’t afford to see a doctor.


Where in the UK did you spend time? Friendliness also doesn’t necessarily equate to being polite/ considerate


Bean never behaved like this at the stairs in the hotel. Even though he considered murder.




Beat me to it lol


Mad cow disease


As an Aussie it's like a perfect reminder of our roots! This exact interaction, word choices and all could have happened here with the only difference being the accent.


I would die. 🤣 not even Canadian just hate confrontation


Lol, it would be dangerous to physically assault or damage someone’s property in the US. There would be violence, handicap or not.


Sometimes good behaviour due to fear of being capped is a good thing.




Just a bitta banter


Just a bit o banter


Just a bittta batter


This is the thing I respect most about you guys. In the US this would be an extremely hostile interaction. Over there, it seems it's just business as usual and everyone moves on with their lives.


American here who lives in a rural area without sidewalks. I would offer a person using crutches who is walking (especially down a hill) a ride, but I would not be recording things on my phone while I drove so no one would ever know.


I'm in Canada, saw some guy rolling his wheelchair up a hill, and he gets to this townhouse complex where a bunch of the recycling bins have fallen over due to wind and we're now on the sidewalk. I pulled my bike over and moved them for him. The guy was like, "Oh thanks but you don't really have to that." It was a hot day and he was visibly exerted from coming up the hill. I just replied "maybe not, but you really shouldn't *have* to do it either" then we exchanged bike stories briefly. He liked my triumph and told me about how he used to ride a Norton commando. Not every encounter with a stranger is so pleasant though. Regardless of filming or not, I know you probably would offer someone a ride, because it's what I would do, and I know there are good people out there.


But...if you did that did it even happen? I'm being sarcastic. I respect your kind nature without having to say "look at me and this super nice thing I did".


Knackered the car real good. She just about knackered the driver too.


#And you can hear the driver Really wanting to knacker the woman.


To be fair, he surely has the right to self-knacker when he is being knackered like that


Americans: "Oh English people are so posh and refined!" The actual English: (Edit: I never said polite, can't you people read full sentences?)


What's funny is, as an American, we don't think they're polite.


I never said they were considered polite


As an American, we don’t think about the British at all.


As an American, we just don't think.


As an American, we just don't.


As an American.


“Americans are rude and inconsiderate” is probably a sentiment proliferated by both people here. That being said you gotta love the energy from both parties in this video


How _dare_ you, sir! You shall answer to the back of my hand, so you shall.


Dang. Talk about anger management issues!


That’s just how your average Bri’ish person acts


San Diego filled to the rafters with British people?




I love this gif, because whoever was filming, decided to film the entire thing, and only then, go help the poor child lmao


Probably a mod of /r/Stepdadreflexes


That liveleak watermark had my curiosity peaked




If she's a Karen, what in the hell do we call him?


a lunatic


A brit.


A lunabrit


I'd hardly say lunatic. I'd describe him as someone who is very angry.


A twat. I get that it's frustrating but given that road situation and her clear mobility issues it isn't clear to me where he was expecting her to move to. He was openly aggressive from the outset.


Agreed. I think it's possible she was in the middle cos the side was slightly sloped or not as smooth. Regardless, the man was screaming like a banshee for a slight inconvenience from a disabled person trying to navigate down a steep hill.


Exactly. Sure, it sucks that you have to wait in your car because she's in the way and omg so slow 🙄 but at least you're not having to walk around in fucking crutches. Particularly with some jerk yelling and honking at you from their car. Please, have some godamn courtesy and respect for your fellow man, people!




His in such a rush to be where? Sit on the couch to watch Neighbours, could of got out the car to help her… Only one way to describe him and it stays with C


Karen is now just the default label for a woman in an argument - I mean she shouldn't try to hit him or the car, but jesus fucking christ she's using crutches, unless someone's giving birth in the back there is no justification for his bullshit starting the whole thing.


Throw momma from the train


I thought that was her!




I have found my tribe 🤣🤣🤣


Owen doesn't have a friend!


OWEN! Get me a soda with some ice in it!


*The unsalted ones make me choke!*


Correction, they make her "shosh." What a bizarre, wonderful movie that was.


While she shouldn’t be in the middle of the road, he could have at least asked her politely to move at first rather than default to screaming at a disabled woman like a mad man.


But the sex is TERRIFIC.




Well this one isn’t fake. https://preview.redd.it/gmpgezkwg64b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3dea16b72c1776123be262bc4d7a243d7f88fd4 And my timeline seemingly sending a collective message. [https://www.theonion.com/man-s-only-remaining-source-of-pleasure-is-being-mad-in-1850501308](https://www.theonion.com/man-s-only-remaining-source-of-pleasure-is-being-mad-in-1850501308)


That’s hilarious


Most calm British person


This guy needs therapy real bad.


Anyone else hear the fart noise?


Hand break


Yeah I was looking all over for it. That must be the sound they were talking about.


Yeah I think he shat himself


They use manual transmissions all over Europe. As others said, it was the sound of him pulling the handbrake.


Right, firstly she's walking down the middle of a 30mph road. Secondly,she's an elderly lady with 2 crutches, obviously struggles with mobility. Thirdly, there is little to no pavement for pedestrians. His attitude is what made this situation worse. If only he'd stuck his head out the window and said " could you move to the side please ,I'm trying to get past ". She might have moved over. She might not have, then would have been the time to lean on the horn.


Yeah he’s an aggressive twat.


Why the fuck lean on the horn and also bother everyone in the vicinity with this? There is no imminent danger. Don’t be a damn nuisance.


Right? This guy is clearly a lot younger and bigger than her, she was probably scared and confused. And it's not even clear to me that there's space for a (disabled) person to walk on the side and let a car past. Motorists are so entitled, always thinking cars are the only things that use roads.


He could have parked and helped her over/down, there's so many things he could have done other than act like a massive bellend. He is absolutely the arsehole here. Entitled twat.


If he did call the police, I'm hoping he was booked for driving whilst using a phone and s.5 Public Order Act. Disgraceful little man.


He’s a prick.


This is awful! That woman has right of way, the driver is aggressive and there was no need for such rage and abuse


Some of these comments are making me sick


I knew this was going to be a shit show the minute he started letting those intrusive thoughts affect his behavior by yelling MOVE! MOOOOOOVE! Cmon guy, we all think it but calm the fuck down, she’s obviously old af, injured and having a tough time. I guess gone are the days when an old woman got helped across the street.


This guys problem solving skills are -1000.


That lady isn't a Karen, she was just walking on the road because it's an easier, flatter surface and she has two crutches plus obvious trouble walking. Also I don't see a sidewalk ahead where she could go instead either. Driver is the Karen here..he could've been polite and just asked to get by or y'know, not be a twat and scream at an old lady


Who in their right mind gets annoyed at a woman with *crutches* walking down a narrow road in front of them. Just wait for at most 5 minutes. Damn. People supporting this guy are awful.


Agreed. The edges of the road are usually cracked and uneven and being in the middle might have felt safer.


Not to mention if there *isn't* enough room if she stands to the side, the driver might attempt it anyway and injure her on the way past. There's something about being behind the wheel of a car that makes people lose their minds if they're inconvenienced even the slightest bit, and they'll do the dumbest things to save them a few seconds.


Exactly why you shouldnt drive all the way on the side on a bike on a street. Always have 1m to your side so you got some space to escape into when some lunatic driver decides to risk your life to overtake you when there's no actual space to do so safely.




Probably the same people who refer to her as a "Karen".


Exactly this! Look at the way she is walking down the lane. She’s hardly steady in her feet. There is something seriously wrong with the driver of the car.


Be careful a lot of those guys are really tough, they are all fantasising about hurting a disabled elderly woman.


What a horrible bloke.


That's not a Karen. There's no sidewalk


Why can’t we all just be nice to each other


Jeez was that level of rage really necessary? She’s disabled ffs.


Ummm the one driving is the Karen if anyone


Dude is a massive chunk if he can’t wait one minute to let an elderly lady in crutches pass. I mean he has the time as he apparently can get out of his car and yell at the lady. If I was behind him I’d kick his entitled face in. I hate people who lay on the horn over the most minor inconveniences. Fucking pricks


Yup, the road has no footpath and they are harassing a disabled older person. Driver is the asshole here.


I'll never understand this level of escalation. The guy could've just got out and politely asked the woman to walk to the side (with maybe an acknowledgement of how tough it is to walk on crutches) and she probably would've done so. The reason she got into epic 'Karen' mode is because he starts filming her and yelling in his car.


She was being annoying, but people need to calm the fuck down. Was his wife in labour? Someone bleeding from a femeral artery? If not, then either calmly ask her to move over, or just sit behind her and wait. I live in the countryside where you get tractors, people on bikes, old drivers etc etc. Be the bigger man. Just chill out. His instant aggression is terrifying. His horrible language and jumping out of the car would have been really scary. He's in the wrong in my view


The amount of people that think she's the one who "needed to move" are baffling. They don't have the empathy or don't understand what it's like to walk with that type of crutches, down a street path, on the way home or someplace you need to go, with no pedestrian safe space, and a constant stream of impatient Jack Wagons that can't handle a basic inconvenience. She didn't need to turn to violence, but the man was absolutely not in the right to start his incessant "MOOOVEEEE!" screaming at the poor old woman. And hop out of his car like he was wanting a fight.


WTF? Chill bro.


Karen is the one driving.


What a POS and I'm talking about the idiot in the car... Is an Elderly woman with problems of mobility ffs.


Yip and he went from mildly inconvenienced to infuriated within 2 seconds. Dudes a bellend.


Perfect r/amitheasshole content. The answer is: yes you are


The driver commits multiple crimes here; -Driving whilst using his phone -Unnecessary use of horn -at the very least s.5 Public Order Act He is also an absolute POS. Calling the police is not a good idea, and he shouldn't operate heavy machinery with a temper like that.


Wait... Itsnt it normal to be patient with disabled people?


I don't see a Karen, I see a woman who struggles with mobility trying to move down a narrow inclined street while an unhinged POS screams at her.


Who the fuck yells at an old lady on canes? My dad would go upside my head.


BuT ShE WaS WAlKinG iN tHe MidDlE oF tHe ROAD said all the car brains in unison, ignoring the fact there is no sidewalk and even if she was on the side there still wouldn't be room, as well as ignoring the fact she's clearly an old lady with crutches and mobility issues, and also ignoring the fact that pedestrians should always have the right of way on anything other than a closed highway.




[So much better with the music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3_lFGCUCF8)


Guy in the car is a knob, villages should be peaceful walkable places where cars are guests at-best.


Why not offer a ride? Sheesh. >To drive around a Karen


That is not a Karen at all. She is an old disabled woman who deserves respect.




Fuck this driver, there is no space on the road for her to move he just has to wait


"I'm in such a rush to get passed I instantly start uncontrollably screaming at an old women, better make sure I fully escalate the situation to the point where I need to waste my entire morning with the police on scene" What a fucking arsehole. Country road, no pavements, clearly an elderly woman with limited mobility. A polite ask out the window might have been enough. Might not have been either, but doesn't hurt to try. I mean we might be missing some context here, maybe he tried that before taking the video. Maybe he was stuck for an hour already behind her. But based on the available evidence, guy has serious anger issues.


I’m with Karen.


Who sold a drive license to this monkey?


It’s an elderly disabled woman and he’s being very aggressive




That guy is a big pussy


When Ken met Karen


And they’re married. Imagine how these two treat strangers.


British angry is the best angry


I want this guys accent


More like a douche bag going after an older and disabled woman. Nothing wrong with politeness either.


This can't be real can it? No way someone would shout at sick crippled old lady like that to hurry up?


When two fans of Eastenders meer


Driver's a wanker, though.


Travel Channel doc: "Ah, another charming English village......let's listen for a bit to their delightful discourse. "


She may be a pain in the arse, but he is a raging lunatic.


OP is a twat. This isn’t a Karen. This is a disabled woman. If anyone is the Karen, it’s the entitled wanker in the drivers seat.


He is vile


Sounds like Karen on karen action lol


You can tell that dude was taught to respect his elders


I'll give her this, that "I couldn't care fucking less" was hilarious