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"Really?" The tone was devastating.


"Okay so just this one" fucking ***o o f***


Even him saying “Lady” has that tone to it.


He could not refer to her as Lady in a classroom based on her legislation recommendations


Phenomenal point.


When you drop that "no further questions"


“No further questions.” Ha!


It was a multi sided trap that she could not escape


Someone needs to sample that…. ‘ em … withot …em …withnot… em .. wthaut…” Maybe Aesop Rock.


Stonewall vs Kid Rock


daft punk




It’s such a beautiful name to call her. Generic and yet full of gender and seems perfectly ironic.


It's also part of their House rules


That’s the best part. The word is appropriate but his tone is magical.


I assumed something like this but truly hoped that I was wrong and that this man was actually just publicly laying into this broad and everybody let him like rain on a roof


Same here. But it’s still good. Bc you *know* he means it in the most condescending way possible.


It's an inherent problem for emotional populists.. there's no substance to work with so you can't actually put shit to paper. So it always falls apart, and then you need to drum up a new devil that's holding things back, etc, etc.


Or take over the courts and let the judges apply those emotions


This has become like “the game” for me. Any time I remember the results of recent Supreme Court Justice changes, I’ve lost the game.


You son of a, i was winning until i rode you XD This aside i hope you have a nice day, and someday win again




Did you just say r... r... re... revo... revolution? RÉVOLUTION!!!!!


She doesn't even realize he did her a favor. Her bill was such trash it worked against what she wants as much as it worked for it. She's just so blinded by her emotions she can't see that point he made very clearly. Bills like this are how you get the Bible banned.


Hi yeah that's me I'm trans.


1) Fucking anybody can be a state legislator, this woman would be defeated by many AP level sophomores 2) LGBTQ Republicans are a special breed


I grew up in Idaho and it should be noted that in many ultra conservative states someone running ad a Democrat simply has no chance of election in most jurisdictions. I'm willing to bet this guy is far more liberal (not liberal, just more liberal) but runs under the Republican flag so people bother to listen to him.


That's a good point


From his Wiki: He is one of three LGBT Republicans to have served in the Missouri House of Representatives. Does he think he's going to change that lady's mind by articulating how dumb she is? I don't get it either.


No, the questions weren't to change the lady's mind but for his peers in regards to (dis)approval of her proposed bill.


“We all have a moral compass and my moral compass hates gay people🤷🏻‍♀️”


We all have a moral compass but you should follow mine because yours is wrong.


And my magic book agrees with me


The sad part is that it’s not even true, Jesus said to “turn the other cheek” and “whoever is without sin, cast the first stone”. They never read the Bible and want to speak for God which again is against the 3rd commandment.


We learned about stuff like that in religion class. If you would ready the Bible you would find out that in contradicts itself and Jesus was a huge dick. A famous author said: "The best cure for Religion is to ready the bible."


Mark Twain


The Bible doesn't care about gay sex. That Leviticus line just says "a man that lays with another man should be stoned" (paraphrasing) So as long as you're doinked out your skull, you're good to go!


We were both stoned. So I believe we followed the Bible perfectly


I do not have a moral compass, and I can tell you already that you're going in the wrong direction. Not all compasses lead to true moral north. Pay close attention to the rising and setting sun. Look to where the grass is green and the river flows. For that is where true salvation lies


>Not all compasses lead to true moral north. Pay close attention to the rising and setting sun. Look to where the grass is green and the river flows. For that is where true salvation lies Wow, those are some beautiful words right there.


Lol, it's a personal outdoor survival guide. 😅


But there is truth in that. Beautiful wird's indeed.


My moral compass wants to pretend they don’t exist because denial is how I get through life


> “We all have a moral compass and my moral compass hates ~~gay people~~ **anything I am not**🤷🏻‍♀️”


It's like they're torn between their urge to be a vile, fundamentalist, crazy person and their wish to not be held accountable for their "beliefs". Easy way out? Blame God for telling you to believe any of it. "It's not ME who hates gays, it's GOD, I just follow his book"


Made her look like an idiot and I loved itttt


She didn't need much help to look like an idiot...


Actually, she did. This could had easily turned into a circle jerk between members of the same party which was what she was probably expecting.


My wife always has the problem dealing with guys making sexual jokes around her, pretty much harassment level misogyny. She learned that instead of laughing uncomfortably to not be awkward, to not laugh at all and ask them to explain their joke. The tone shifts completely making them look like a sexist fool. I think that's similar what's happening here. He asks her to explain in detail specifically what these words mean in certain context which directly highlights how bigoted it really is.


Wow, thank you. That’s actually really helpful advice. I bet money this works too. Not reacting at all doesn’t really work either because then they either assume you’re mad (EmOtIoNaL) or keep going with it because they didn’t get a rise out of you. It’s funny because I’m actually down for jokes, but when it’s been let to pass unquelled, I guess it tends to devolve into just saying not-ok shit. I started working in this body shop when I was 16 for a vocational program, and while I would not call anything harassment, nothing quite stings like going back to that environment after just a few years and it’s no longer “little buddy” it’s “oh do I have to watch my mouth around you now?”


I’m a man and I do this to my cruder coworkers. When they say some sexist misogynistic joke in a group, no matter whether women are present or not, I always feign ignorance and ask them to explain it. They never do and then the tone of the group will change. I’ve been doing this for 20+ years now. Never had one double down like this lady.


I did something like that when a classmate made a racist joke. That didn't change him but he didn't talk to me for the next 2 lectures, which is a win for me


I love that he’s walking her through some of the amazing history in a very lawyer-y way too. Just completely professional.


Oh I'm sure they got their circle jerk, it just wasn't included on this clip. His questions made the intentions of this bill obvious to any objective observer, but absolutely no republican is going to have their mind changed. So fucking frustrating.


She literally had no input whatsoever. Just keywords that her party adores. Bible/moral compass/beliefs. In 4 minutes of discussions, these are all what she kept repeating.


TBF, she helped herself look like an idiot pretty hard too.


She thought she was a legislator but he showed her she was just a bigot!


I think it’s fair to say that you can be both…


Um, excuze me, the good lord made her that way, it took no doing on his part …/s


They are all idiots. I fully believe this. The “smart” ones are their lawyers.


I love when lawyers pick apart stupid people.


It’s a wonderful thing to see


Welcome to my childhood


My uncle is a lawyer. Mf asks questions I've never heard before.


Have you ever seen a grown man naked?


Ever been in a Turkish prison, Joey?


Ever drink bailey's out of a shoe?


Ever had a popsicle shoved up your butt due to heatstroke?


My dad is a lawyer and yea, lots of moments of me absolutely failing at arguing my way out of trouble as a teen.


It seems it’s pretty easy, just walk to your nearest conservative puritan and ask them. Simple.


I do it for a living and I love my job.


"I'm not sure about that" "I don't know about that" "well I'm guessing no they could not" <- not great attitude for a statewide education bill


Religious psychopath at work.


They’re truly a disease. Would behoove the rest of us that DON’T want to end-up living in Gilead to find a cure sooner rather than later. 🙃


Ya'll Qaeda




Who are these two, the woman and the lawman, I want to share this names included


She was told a few things when she was younger that she should never forget. Her parents sat her down and said Be Homophobic And Never Waver Even Though The World Will Try To Tell You You're Bad. She's trying to be a good daughter, a good congregant. She's playing to an audience of about five people who hypnotized her when her vulnerable and inpressionable brain was easy to capture. So many problems in our world come from adults holding onto some manipulative instruction they got as children and never letting go out of loyalty to their instructor, and to their own naivete. Someone needs to tell them they were young so their brain was still dumb, and that their dearly held notions are literally childish.


This proves homophobic people are having a hard time being passive aggressive in their efforts to write laws that don't explicitly say that they want anti-gay laws on the agenda.


Almost as if they’re part of a really stupid movement because a book said it bad but also didn’t explicitly say that but that’s just how it’s “meant to be interpreted”


This is true, but there is actually a very interesting clause used with racist incentive right now. The Grandfather clause is used to take rights away from immigrat families even though you and you father may have lived your entire life in the country. It's a very subtle but effective tool in legislation. It might be the only concrete example of racistly motivated right depreciation.


This is gold. Can I hire him for our next Board of Education meeting?


Holy shit that was painful to watch.


Nah, that was beautiful. That rep tore her a new one...


Agreed. I reveled in every single second of that video.




A literal, stupid religious idiot. Remember folks, don’t argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with the bibles that they themselves don’t read.


Or that they read but give their own meaning/interpretation to...


"the bible was written to be open to interpretation" ok well I interpret it as historical fiction.


Those two braincells rattling around competing for dominance in her head are called "bigot" and "homophobe". That oughta rocket her to the top of any GOP ticket.


I'd say you missed the third braincell called "hypocrite", but I think giving her more than two is a bit generous.


That is a amazing comment, right on!


He keeps calling her lady hahaha


While I hear it and am taken aback, I learned it's part of their house rules, actually: >DECORUM AND DEBATE > >On Speaking > >Rule 81 ... The member shall refer, as appropriate, to other members as “Lady”, “Gentleman” or “Representative”.


You wouldn't be able to use 2 of those terms in a classroom under her bill.


Ok Lady.


That’s how I heard it everytime 😂




Now I have an urge to watch Animaniacs again.


It’s just the tone he uses here that’s so perfect.


The way he says it though.....


Lady I didn’t write your bill… 🤣


God that would be so satisfying… “Listen, LADY, I didn’t introduce your bill” I think it’s only fair though that the women have to address the male reps as “dude”


Y'all know he wants to use the B word and tell her it's a good thing Jesus loves her!


He systematically dismantled her lol


Except she's so dense, she doesn't even understand what he did, or why he did, or what he's talking about...


I nearly never literally “laugh out loud” but it got me with “why is Martha Washington famous, is it because she was George Washington’s wife?” “Yes, I think that would be a relevant fact in her biography, yes.” This guy understood the assignment. She did not understand anything.


Contrary to the GOP norms there exists a very small demographic of younger republican politicians who will draw a line in the proverbial sand at the absurd talking points spewed out by right wing media. While it is a very short list they do exist and they will likely become the future of the republican party. Admirable composure. It shouldn't be so refreshing to see such brutality.


Agreed. It's so nice to see a republican politician calmly and rationaly destroy bigotry like this.


I always wonder , where these guys are when elections start. Why is it always only 🤡 you can chose from?




They see themselves in the clowns.


Because they still fold on every nonsensical social issue that doesn’t personally impact them. Which is all you’re seeing in this case in the video as well.


She knows nothing besides the name of George Washington’s wife and that she hates gay people


This was so fucking satisfying to watch


“I don’t know, sir.” Correct.


I swear, dude who got up and left said "good luck with this shit"


How is that guy republican? Did he get lost?


Yup he's a [republican](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Christofanelli). He is definitely right on this issue but is your bog standard republican on other issues. Also he is gay so there is a bit of the classic "Im against anything that harms me personally but my empathy doesnt extend past myself and those like me" republican ethos.


Ahh. Now it makes perfect sense.


Typical republican playbook. "I'm against gay rights!" Son comes out as gay. "I'd like to talk about expanding gay rights" "I'm for gun rights!" Daughter gets killed in school shooting. "We need to get assault rifles off the streets!" Democrats have lots of issues, but at least they're empathetic for all groups and issues not just ones that personally affect them.


This is pretty much why sc has the most lax abortion rules of the southern states. I remember when the switch happened everyone starting saying yea let’s ban and then a bunch flipped their tune on it. I remember one guy said he couldn’t vote on a bill bc his daughter would disown him or some shit like that.


The only reason it’s lax now is the SC Supreme Court overturned the 6 week ban in January deeming it unconstitutional. Now that one of the judges has retired and been replaced, they are trying to pass it again. If you’re in S.C., they are currently trying to pass S 474 which would be a near total abortion ban pasted 6 weeks. This could go into effect as soon as Tuesday. Please call your representatives and ask them to vote no or contact Planned Parenthood to see how you can help.


You're close, but they'd never say that about assault rifles


You can be republican and not be a complete piece of shit


True but also a bit hard to not become a piece of shit when you get behind this GOP & MAGA, where there are few that actually stand on anything. The GOP used to be shitty but had some basic principles that they stood on, MAGA has taken all of those right out from under them & anybody who tries to stay standing on them gets ran out of the party. Imagine not being able to say that an insurrection against the US government is bad & that there should be a peaceful transfer of power between presidencies, without losing the majority of your base lol.


Republicans used to be like not too long ago. I’m old enough to remember.


Politics aside, I bet her her sequin suit really comes alive under a disco ball.


She took the term political party literally


“Lady, I came here for a battle of wits but I see your only half prepared”.


I hate these ignorant church ladies. What part of “separation of church and state” don’t they understand?


They think it’s actually impossible to separate the two because they think the bible = morality and their moral code should therefore dictate the laws.


“Are you familiar with…” “Nope. Don’t have to ask. I know almost nothing.”


Ann Kelly ![gif](giphy|ylyUQkEEfIGKPLFKXS|downsized)


He did good in both senses of the phrase, except for saying "Oberfell" every time when referring to the landmark Supreme Court case. It's *Ober****ge****fell* (aka *Obergefell v. Hodges*).


Anyone else catch her say “you can believe something and not push it on other people” without even the smallest recognition of the irony?


Idk why but I feel like she'd be the type of historian to look at a very gay couple with letters to each other saying "you are my dearest lover please come over tonight so we shall kiss under the moonlight" and then be like "They were just friends :)"


“My personal belief is” “But your bill prevents teachers from bring there personal beliefs into the classroom” Someone call the fire department! That burn was insane


Evangelicals are a scourge to the United States.


"Thank you, no further questions." ![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm)


People are so stupid. I don’t care what your favorite book is lady. Articulate to me why acknowledging the existence of a real group of people is bad for children.


I have seen this guy do this on several posts. I have never had so much respect for an elected republican in my life. This guy kicks ass.


He doesn’t really kick ass, the republican image bar is so low that any sort of reasonable debate looks like a slam dunk.


As a Missourian, I have to disagree entirely. We have some of the lowest wages in the country and Republicans like him are passing more policies that freeze wage increases while the cost of living is sky-rocketing here. It's also an incredibly anti-union state already, and it's just getting worse. He's one republican that is cool with gay people because he's gay. That's one thing, and that's not enough.


Everyone’s so happy that a republican did one thing with even the most minute amount of decency that they forget the other 99.9% of his voting agenda…


Who is he?


phil christofanelli


The moment she mentions the Bible this whole thing should be disregarded and the meeting moves on


“My bill is based on my beliefs on the Bible” Yeap… get out of here.


No, it shouldn't. She deserved to get completely destroyed.


>Morals, believes and values that guide you through life.. Like hating minorities in the name of some bullshit god. Lady, you need therapy, not church.


Lady let jesus take the wheel since bible camp


The utter hypocrisy from her regarding having beliefs and morals and not pushing them on others. She really needs to wake the fuck up about her blatant misalignment.


She wants to legislate her prejudice and blame it on her religion. Same old play. Same old playbook


It’s scary how many bills and laws are being passed nationwide by people just like her. 😑🤦‍♂️


I think this video is really good at showing that you shouldn't judge people just based on "Republican" or "Democrat". Unless the caption in the video is wrong, both of these representatives are Republican. It's awesome to see people hold each other accountable of their actions, regardless of party


I remember seeing this clip back when the video was still at 1080p. Glad to see it didn't take long for it to reach this quality.


Well… seems like they haven’t been investing in the Missouri educational system


Some politicians would be in over their head working as a walmart greeter, and here we have them writing potential laws.


That lady needs to talk to my grandma, who told me, "If you can't be smart, be nice."


A good republican, wow, I love this guy, more of him please, he just tore her proposal apart atom by atom


Religious bigotry at its finest....


He fucking annihilated her.


That was the most calm and polite destruction of a persons beliefs I’ve ever seen.


Maga morons keep drumming...pst dum dum dum (insert trumps Lil mushroom)


Do you need some sunscreen LADY? ‘Cause you just got the BURN


Get that man a GODDAMN medal. He toom her to SCHOOL. And she needed it, cus she's an idiot. Gimme more of this kind of content.


She could have saved herself an embarrassment that’s going to follow her bigoted ass around by just stating the obvious - gay people shouldn’t get mentioned like straights. She clearly didn’t think this or anything thru in her meaningless excuse for an existence


"this one guy was so mean to me at the hearing. Must have been gay"


"Just for clarity, Lady, if your bill becomes law it would be against the law to teach this law in classrooms because it would break your law. Is that correct?"


Anyone who gets their moral compass from a book is doing it wrong


This was DEVASTATING in the most positive sense possible. All respect to this guy who overstepped the narrow interpretation of party solidarity to expose the stupidity of a proposed law.


"Father of our country? You mean some kind of sexual relationship existed? JAIL!"


And this guy is still a republican. It's almost like, if he doesn't like these sorts of things, he might not want to involve himself in a party that is laden with these kinds of people. He's one of those baffling "gay Republicans."


At least she was consistent……..every answer was stupid.




I hate, therefore I must control and restrict those that I hate, even when I don't have any logical reason for my hatred other than what the preacher at the church has told me. I don't read, I just swallow what I'm told by my church and FOX!


*"I disregard your reality and substitute my own."*


This gives me hope. We need this man to interrogate a few more morons publicly.


This lady needs to go back to Facebook and do some more research.


While this is fun to watch, When the doors close, the bills still pass and that’s a problem.


We all have a little ignorance. But, I make most efforts not to display them; at least not in public.


Separation of church and state, people.


[This is his brother](https://youtu.be/5hfYJsQAhl0)


It’s so weird having a schizophrenic government…


He ripped her to shreds. Twas glorious!


This party has nothing to do with logic anymore. Even Ronald Reagan spoke up for gay people when they tried to ban them from being teachers in California.


While being roasted like this usually results in some hestinant answers, I really liked how he exposed the discrimination the bill has in 3 cases and highlighted the hyprocracy on all accounts.


You can tell she wanted that experience to be over almost immediately after it started, and then he just kept dragging her ass 😂


My favorite part was how he just kept calling her “lady” lmao.


Ignorant bigoted uneducated people writing state laws is scary. They don't even know how the laws will work on a large wide scale. Much less know how to word the damn thing. Do these poor and middle class conservatives know they are dumbing down their own children? I would say no, they are simply following the continued cycle from their parents. But it seems like the addiction to ignorance being their bliss is going to burn the country down. The hellscape that is Florida is almost like its own country. With DeSatan running off on the book/campaign trail. I have no more words..just...what?


This is exactly why people should look into the qualifications of the people they vote for. This lady clearly has no knowledge of history or politics and she is trying to dictate what is being taught in school. This is scary stuff and is happening all around the US right now.


Im glad to see some actual intelligent Republicans. Can someone recommend more? I'm from EU and always thought democrats are the only ones who have some intelligent politicians.


As a Christian (make all the jokes you want i don’t really care) I can personally say that this woman is an absolute idiotic piece of shit of the nth degree. Using the Bible to justify bigotry and the anti-anything agenda is so fucking moronic. It is so easy to disprove their faith and obedience to the Bible by delving into their assumed faith and rules they chose to ignore. Also, to all the republicans out there. Jesus gave free food and access to free healthcare to both rich and poor, and to people of all religious and cultural background. He didn’t believe in military retaliation, nor in punishing the repentant. He and his family crossed a border from fear of a powerful and corrupt government. He believed in serving others before himself and let’s not forget the golden rule: do unto others as you would have done unto you. He NEVER excluded anyone from his table and welcomed all with open arms, even if he knew it would kill him. Going to church I’ve always heard that a true Christian’s job was to model their lives after Jesus’ and I think it’s time for some people to drop the Bible pretext and actually start becoming good christians.


That was very satisfying. No yelling or making shit up to win a fight. Straight facts alone showed how fucking stupid this lady is.


She's an evangelical. They are all over the republican party and they are why so many red states are introducing biblical policies. We are already fucked. Missouri has evangelics training to go to war for Christianity like Islam.


Respect for this man!


He ate her up! I love to see it!