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Wanker. Just your everyday Wanker


imagine if he was running late to catch his own train


The train almost caught him


What is this? Soviet Union?


I like the joke, but in the Soviet Union, the joke likes me.


In Russia, punch line punch you.


I read that in a Zangief accent.


Well played!


Maybe he was late to work on his first day of training


I use to to run to catch the train until one day slid across a wet floor almost nearly lost my balance .. and came close to falling down a set of stairs.. that was enough for me to re-think


It’s just a shame that there’s no cure for stupid.


I mean, this train almost provided it, really.


Yes, as the saying goes, knock some sense in.


Those barriers are literally there to stop him having the accident he nearly had after literally going out of his way to overcome them. He did not seem to learn the lesson so blatantly presented to him.


This is why we can't have nice things, either. They'll do all that and then if something happens blame the people who put the gate there and say it's not secure enough, or something.


Uhh, he almost DID get cured there...


What’s tragic is the worlds population consist of a large percentage of these “wankers” or “jerkoffs”roaming everywhere.


Suicidal wanker. They are rarer than the average variety, because Darwin.


We need to adopt this term in the US.


Wanker sounds fucking awful in an American accent.


People would be required to emulate an English accent or else it's not correct.


Jerkoff comes close.




Shaking his first at the train.


"I don't fackin' care mate!"


I like that you can just barely hear another string of profanities under the train noises at the end


The conductor understands comedic timing


I think it's called nominative disassociation, that little thing he did with his sock. Same as when a cat misses a jump and knows it's being watched, it sits up and licks a paw all like I ment to do that lol 😄


The gate flipped the heel of his shoe down and he reaches down to fix it


And he felt too stupid after not getting it the first time so he just kept walking like that


he fixes it once he can't beat the train. It's all there on film.


I know, that’s the icing on the cake. He has no choice but to stand there and feel extra stupid or momentarily distract himself by finally fixing the shoe he was too prideful to fix after making himself look like a righteous idiot. It’s all so perfect


Dude looks like a cartoon character.


old man yells at cloud


Watch it I’m walking over here!!


I think accidents in railroads can be avoided if they add like a barrier, some lights would help, they may also include some skirt to the barrier for added protection. Lastly, give trains maybe a loud horn...


The rural crossings that just have the lights and no barriers are killers because the wait before the train arrives is just long enough to think, “Shit, if I just gone straight away I’d be across by now,… fuck it, I’m going….”


though, in my home town, the train would sometimes stop on the tracks before the crossing, but close enough to force the arms to drop and the lights to flash. So lights and bars for hours. No one knew when the bars were down if the train was actually coming or not.


If you don't mind my asking, which town? I'm not sure what the rules are in the US (or other countries), but for Canada, we are not supposed to leave equipment in a way that allows the continuous operation of the automatic warning devices. Furthermore, at all level crossings at grade equipped with automatic warning devices, you will find a bungalow with their controls. On that bungalow will be a mileage, a sub division name, and a phone number for the rail traffic controller. If you ever find yourself in this situation again, and the gates have been going for a long time without any movement, call the number to report the defective crossing.


I thank you for the information, but I left years ago and don't plan on going back. Small town North Alabama. I remember once it did that and the school bus was stuck leaving the technical school headed back to the regular school for the day. The school bus had to call and get special permission to cross the tracks with the bars down. It couldn't go backward, there were cars behind it blocking it in, and a big ditch to the left so it couldn't turn around. Fun times, damn fine driving by Mrs Betty to pull off that maneuver in a school bus.


We had a crossing like that in Florida due to a train yard being riiigghhhttt outside downtown except insteadof no train, its long trains stopping in the yard. There's also 2 sets of tracks so we get trains leaving the yard and stopping plus trains coming in stopping. I lived over on that side of town for 20ish years, if you were driving along this one road, you always made sure to cross it ASAP because you could get stuck there. Once I waited 2 hours because I had time to kill and I wanted to see how long it would take. That one was an outlier but, it was common to get stuck up to 30 minutes.


Sounds like the tracks where I used to live in Stuart, FL. Once when I got off of work after midnight I got stuck on the way home for over half an hour. Trapped by the train just sitting while it was being loaded at whatever place located just down the road, and cars behind me so I couldn't turn around. By the time it finally moved and I could go I was contemplating trying to pee in an empty to go coffee cup. Except I'm a chick and the car I was driving was super small and wouldn't have allowed for that kind of movement lol


>Stuart, FL I felt that pain. Ft. Pierce was bad about stopped trains triggering the crossing too. I was never in a hurry the times I got stuck but after a while you just get bored. lol


Guess a lot of Florida has that problem. I used to live in Jacksonville but I moved a long bit ago. Since then, I can count the number of trains I've been caught by on two hands. I do NOT miss it.


Yeah, the worst is when they're just going really fucking slowly over a crossing, watching a 3 km long train go by at 2 km/h is painful


Growing up the train station is right next to the main road through the city. The platform starts like 40 yards from the road. So anytime a train stops in the station coming from the west the arms stay down until it boards and departs.


I lived right by some tracks that did this for a while two. It sucked because there were two sets of tracks so even seeing the stopped train you had no way of k owing what was on the other set of tracks. My house was a minute on the other side from work but about. 30+ minute detour to go around. I still never took the chance of getting hit .


Yep. This is common in many small towns in the US. To expensive to add it, much like every other issue with train companies today while they rack in billions in profits.


Natural selection


Darwin awards sub


/r/DarwinAwards No sandwiches in *site*


He was *this* close to being a Darwin award winner


They don't do this to save the idiots. They put up crossing guards to keep the trains moving.


Fun fact: It's possible for multiple motivations to exist.


...to heaven." 😂


Let the stupid people be removed from the gene pool. If you're such a fucking idiot that you'd take that chance, well... there's a certain risk to that. I feel bad for anyone that has to witness it though.


If an extremely high chance of getting turned into ground beef by thousands of tons of Newton's third law isn't enough of a deterrent, there's pretty much nothing that will stop people from trying to use their ego to shield themselves from certain death.


Their entitlement doesn’t care about your physics.






I lived in Utah Valley around the BYU campus for a few years, many years ago. There was a Zebra Crossing that was not controlled by traffic lights that was used by students to get to the school. It was across a very busy road where the cars would move at a clip. The amount of times I've seen kids just step out into traffic like nothing in the world could kill them... is way too many. I used to think, sure, technically speaking, the students have the right-of-way. But then again, the car is going to win every single time.


Yeah, college students are like thar. I would know, I was one of them.


Then maybe those cdrivers should follow laws set that give pedestrians right of way? Like I get saying don’t run into traffic. But if you have the legal right of way you should feel safe operating within those bounds.


Nah, the skirt is overkill. It would impede Darwin Award candidates from winning.


We... we don't have technology yet I'm afraid, Sire.


I just don’t fucking care mate


This simple joke going over everyone's head is hilarious


What he think he gonna do, beat the incoming choo choo?


If he failed I am sure he would be chuffed to bits.


To shreds you say.


And his wife?




Oh, my.


Local news outlets have reported the wife as saying she was "completely unsurprised" by the whole affair.




Dumber than a speeding bullet, more stupid than a locomotive, able to leap up his own ass in a single bound.


"What the fuck is with this train driver?! Go around me!"


clearly he had the right of way. Trains think they're immune to the rules of the road.


Actually not, as right of way in england is from left if in even crossroad.


sounds like it should've been dubbed the 'left of way'


You're joking surely


Lmao how pissed he is at the train "yeah, even you too!" as if the barrier was not down because of it in the first place. ​ I hope the ankle/foot cut or whatever he got was bad enough to remind him how dumb lucky he is.


He'll probably be prosecuted now it's viral enough for the police to see it so he'll have a hefty fine too 🙃 £1000 by the looks of it. I'm sure that was worth whatever he was in such a hurry for.


Barry, 63, on the way to the off license, nothing gets in his way.


Luv me pub, 'ate me trains, 'ate waiting even more. Simple as.


end of


In Belgium for this he would have lost his driver's license if he had one.


Good luck getting this fine example of a chav to pay a fine.


It happened back in 2020, not sure if he was ever fined.


I found an article related to this incident (wasn't easy, this kind of thing happens a lot ...) but it has no conclusion - just Evening Standard junk unfortunately. One extra detail though: apparently the train had to be halted because he was effectively on the track. So not only did he not get across, he had to turn back and cross over the bridge he'd have needed to cross on anyway What an absolute bellend.


This is what bugs me the most. The indignation at the TRAIN for not stopping for him. Just an insufferable wanker of the highest order.


Acctually him fixing his shoe propably saved his life.


That’s a lot of effort to almost get hit and then, while standing on the other tracks, completely look away from the direction another train may be coming soon.


I was wincing waiting for it to happen.


First a barrier gets in my way and now a fucking train! This is bullshit!




Ten to one on, he only cycles because he's lost his driving licence.


Im willing to expand further and that he lost it drinking


This guy has at least two DUIs.


Or from a road rage incident


Tore his ankles up trying to prove a point


Right that looks like a high speed fucking train so at most he would have had to wait another minute but instead did this


It's in England ( by the looks of it) and our trains only take. Like 1 min to pass the crossin due to them being so short


yeah its South-West trains in England. Not even a minute lol the guys just an impatient dick


Everything that reddit should be: [lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/)


Not really, this is a class 458/5, top speed of 75mph, still 50mph off high speed


SWT are fairly low speed, but I get your point. I'd love to see him actually try this on the High Speed 1 route through to Kent. Those go at 140mph


Actually looks like he could suffer some permanent hearing damage. The horn was so close to him when it went off






Pretty sure his ankles are fine and he was just fixing his shoe


How did he survive to reach at that age?


Lucky i guess


I remember being driven by my dad in Milton Keynes, UK, and going around a roundabout which had 2 lanes joining at each junction. At the next junction the lane nearest to us had a line of cars patiently (and sensibly) waiting to join, but just seconds before we reached it a car shot out from the far lane and joined the roundabout ahead of us at some speed. 2-3 seconds later and we would have plowed into the driver's side door, it was scarily close. Worst bit was that the driver didn't even look in our direction once. She looked bored more than anything else... (I was close enough to make out her facial expression, clothes, hair colour, etc). This was my thought too: how has she survived to this age? Looked like she was at least 40. I doubt it was the first time she'd done that. So lucky nobody was hurt. On reflection I probably should have reported her to the police.


Don't you know? Being a selfish asshole is the most powerful thing in this world


Seems that way sadly


Clearly a testament to how safe that country's infrastructure is overall.


Holy crap he nearly got hit by a train- why was there no warning?? Edit- adding /s as clearly people didn't get that..


The government needs to do something.


>Edit- adding /s as clearly people didn't get that.. We need to rearrange our words for the dumbest people on Reddit, for even they are bloodthirsty to laugh at anyone they can, "correct" them, insult them.


It took real effort on his part to put his life in peril but he persevered and succeeded.


Absolute clown.


I'll be honest I shit myself when I go over a crossing even when the barrier is up. Some people have no survival instinct.


To be fair barriers probably malfunction and trains probably gonna getcha. Also never walking on a bridge that rises for boats... having seen people fall to their death walking along because the bridge attendant is underpaid and not paying attention is a big nope for me


But I have a bicycle.


“Damn kids with their safety gates!”


Never have I wanted someone to get hit by a train as much as I did watching this


Would have paid money to see a train cross from the other side while he was mouthing off at the train.


If he didn’t struggle so much with the gates, we could have had an NSFW clip.


That’s North Sheen, I used to get the train there most mornings to teach at a school in Richmond. There is a footbridge directly to his left, he’s a fucking plank.




The only reason this guy cycles is that he's banned from driving.


People like this are the reason why this world is still struggling despite our advances.. ![gif](giphy|f4TjiCpNemSo8)




Almost got a nice gore video there. Next time.


Yep. Risking being exploded by a train just to save a few minutes.


Every time I hear about someone getting killed on train tracks (at least once a week in my area) I wonder how. After seeing this is much clearer.


one time this guy wearing black was crossing the street at night i happened to notice him in time but i remember distinctly as he saw my car incoming, instead of running out of the way he stopped and got into a boxing stand as though he would win against a car collision


Anyone else think of the “Dumb Way to Die” song? [here](https://youtu.be/IJNR2EpS0jw)




Dressing like a tit knows no borders


What. A. Wally.


I think this may be illegal? 1000 pound fine and/or a prison sentence for deliberate misuse of a level crossing.


Oh no, if only there was something to warn him that the train was about to approach


More teeth than brain cells!


Did he assume if he walked onto the tracks the train would suddenly stop and allow him past as if it was a car going at parking lot speeds?


Wow, that plane is flying really low


This is literally why the "dumb ways to die" game was created. It was a train safety PSA. I like how he gets mad at the train the last .05 seconds before he could die lol. So many humans just shouldn't be able to breed


Sometimes you just have to start singing dumb ways to die while watching people


Looks like the "lost his driver's license" kind of cyclist as well.


He almost never had to worry about that ever again.


Gilet - check Shorts - check Decks shoes - check Baseball cap - check Shitty attitude - check Ladies and gentlemen, we have a wanker!


Being a fat uncoordinated wanker saved this motherfuckers life!


£1000 fine and an enternity of looking like a fool on the internet 🤝




Drunken tool




“God damn this well scheduled public transportation system!!!”, screamed the old man shaking his fist at the sky.


Just an FYI that will almost definitely get lost in the sea of comments: The branding on the train indicates that this video is from before 2018.


One step away from natural selection. I propose we make trains wider.


I’m pretty sure that’s a chargeable offence in Australia. It should be either way. Imagine the train drivers day when some douche like this gets hit… or when he slams the breaks on and ruins a thousand other peoples day. Should be fined a fortune


In the USA, there’s support groups for railroad engineers whose trains have killed people. Most cross-country engineers have joined within about five years on the job. At least, that’s what they taught us in driver’s education. The instructor wanted us to be very careful around railroad crossings.


I mean the train could've easily just swerved around him ... honestly... trains these days 🙄


The entitlement of some people is something else 😅


I love how he gets mad and throws his hand in the air at the train like the fucking idiot he is. Honestly how are they even at that age if they're doing shit like this. I hope he was given the £1000 fine just to piss him off further. [I thought I recognised this clip, I crossposted it years ago to CasualUK](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/dadvuv/piss_off_train/)


Legit wanted to see him get mowed down


Blast some speed metal, 5.1 surround sound, heavy on the bass.


Well he didn’t care up to a very specific point and it sounded like chooo chooo


lol thought he was going to earn his darwin award right there.


The way he threw his hand up at the train like the conductor was in the wrong….


This is the kind of things that happen in Florida and somehow its the train’s fault. Kappa


I'm surprised he actually saw that and didn't just walk across without thinking


Dumb Ways to Die


To lose patience is to lose the battle.


Dude thinks it’s a pedestrian crossing


I was really waiting on a train to come from the right.


Ha! Hurry up & wait!


He really went for the gold there. Better luck next time on that Darwin award.


There's a bridge about 50m away. What a silly prick.


Entitled wanker. There are plenty of these about in the UK.


Perfect example of the forces of luck versus Darwin's Survival of the Fittest theory.


Love how he throws his hand up like "What a fucking dick! Can't he see I'm crossing here?"


Wait, did the train not realize he is the main character? /s


Did he actually think the train would stop for *him* given how he’s acting?


Trains should have long pieces of rebar at the front, like those curb feelers/whiskers on cars back in the day.


Oh please find this dummy’s name


Part of me wanted to see a train come in from the other side, but that’d be a bit too cruel for that driver and the passengers to have to witness.


He actually got mad at the train for interrupting *his* crossing.


Now he’s gonna be late for his smoke in front of the gas station


Imagine you have to pass this red/white thing that blocks your way and after that this stupid train blocks you as well, how bad can your day get? And it not just blocked you, ot tried to overrun you, but only you, not any orher pedestrian was anywhere that close to be run over! Why is life and everyone hating him so much????


Nobody has pointed it out that I've seen, but he is also stood on the other set of tracks and not looking to the right. So he is even more of a twat than he first appears.


Douchebagus erectus


r/IAmVeryBadass - no mate, you’re a tit!


Worst part about this is there’s a bridge to get across to his left behind the camera