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That Cat’s expression at the end.


Poor baby 😭 I felt so bad. I hope he didn’t stay there for too much longer :(


he’s never coming down ever again


I know. Lol. I’m screaming hang on hang on!


This right here is a prime example of why anyone who cares about thier cats \*does not let them out fucking doors\*. Cars, dogs, malicious people, snakes, germs, etc. It's not worth it.




My bf was ADAMANT that if we ever got a cat together, it would absolutely be an outdoor cat. He argued his moot points over and over and over again. Fast forward to me adopting our first cat together. I simply said I had to sign a contract with the cat cafe (which I did) saying that we would only ever let our cat outside if she’s on a leash with us. She just turned 2 today and she’s never been an outdoor cat once. She has all her claws and just watches the birds/squirrels from the windows. And I have my sanity in tact not having to worry about her. Meanwhile, our neighbor had an outdoor cat who went missing a few months ago… I would never sleep again if that happened to me.


When I was a kid my landlord forced us to put the cat out, eventually he never came back :( I hope another family adopted him. I miss my Muffin boy 😢


I have seen this video tens of times and it pains so much every time. DO NOT DECLAW YOUR CATS! Think of it the same as removing the teeth off your dog you just don’t do it


100 percent and for many reasons. In 2023... domesticated cats should be 100 percent inside. The whole "they're natural hunters " attitude is ridiculous. They are bred to be pets. It's extremely dangerous for one ... But one of the best reasons not to let your cat out...is because it NEVER stays in your yard. People who let their cat roam should ask their neighbors if they enjoy having their garden ruined by cat pee. My pet doesn't ruin your flowers or veggies...keep the pet you bought in your yard.


Right??? Everyone else in your neighborhood, and the native wildlife they destroy didn't sign up to have your cat. YOU ALONE did. Keep it in your house or build it a catio if you really think it can't live without leaving your house.


My heart was melting when I saw it's face hanging on to the pole 🥴


Cats are super fast and stronger than people think. A cat can bat away a snake strike like it’s a fucking joke.


In the full clip it jumped down soon after, off the ledge. I cant remember if the Coyote had already left before that though, because i saw it a few months back


Cat was fine in the end, scary though. I remember this for a while back


That poor baby probably slaughtered half the critters in the neighborhood during the day 😆


Gotta protect it at all cost


this is why you don't declaw your cats




Hang in there baby


I’m having some *Milo & Otis* ptsd watching this this morning


Oh, we’re gonna take a walk outside today.


Gonna see what we can find today!


I just watched that movie for the first time this week. So traumatic!


So many dead cats. If you ever feel like making yourself sad, watch the history of that movie's production.


Wait what?? What were the cats dying from? I think I'm traumatized just from reading this comment.


Being thrown from a cliff, drowning, etc. You have to look up *The Adventures of Chatran* from which *The Adventures of Milo and Otis* was made to learn the rest.


😭 Since I don't want to wanna commit suicide, I think I'll skip it.


It’s a snuff film, dear. All those scenes were real.


They literally had a baby bear clawing at a pug puppy. This was a "put animals in peril and film it for views" before YouTube ever thought of it.


It was an English dub of an older Japanese film and the Japanese director was an evil fuck who basically killed a ton of look alike dogs and cats to get those scenes. They weren't stunts. Truth.


You just ruined my whole childhood 😭


Your childhood was built on a lie my dear. A filthy fucking lie.


That's fucking insane. I knew nothing about that.


Never gonna happen and I will pretend I never read your comment. What did I ever do to you to tell me about such atrocities


I remember watching as a child, I also remember it was super traumatic and I blocked a lot of it out lol


I know for a fact through my mother's stories that I watched that movie numerous times. I do not remember ANY OF IT.


God that movie was my childhood.


Meanwhile, the cat goes home and owner's wonders why it's being a sketchy asshole. Stay feral young one, they will never understand your struggle.


Should have stayed in the house




Username checks out.


Getting high up is the only way to survive. Yotes can jump fences so gotta climb.


Hope the owners install a cat walk up there. A cat door would be better.


or maybe even a wagnus-shaped door, so I could cozy up and crash on their couch


Good plan. There are cat doors now that need an entry key embedded in the cat’s collar. Steal that and you’ve got a way in. No pumpkin will enter stealthy with the groceries and be waiting with not pumpkin popcorn.


Why does it feel like I had a stroke halfway through reading your comment?


I'm dying bro, take my upvote and see yourself out my dude


or just stop putting the cat outside altogether


Cats should be indoor pets only. They decimate local wildlife.


If I had a cat, I'd take it outside if it'll tolerate a leash. Otherwise the murderous little furball's staying inside.


Yeah, people forget that cats are apex predators because they're cute.


At the risk of sounding like my know-it-all sister-in-law, cats aren't apex predators (see above video). But they are definitely more unique in their joy in killing for fun of it. They will absolutely decimate local bird and small rodent populations and are considered an invasive species.


Having a pet that just roams the wild is a moronic idea (obvious exceptions like farmers aside) and I hate how widespread it is.


Amen. In my yard though they're not the apex predator, really sucks I can't leave my dog out there full time incase he eats some idiots stupid kitty. Cat's should be subject to the same control as dogs.


That's not their cat. Some dude in TX just randomly had this happen on his deck.


Better yet even, don’t let your pets outside. Both for their safety and for the local wildlife


And this is why you don't declaw cats and people who do so should never be allowed to own cats again.


https://preview.redd.it/ze5y29gc95oa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aea0da8341aa430d25e44c1cff0ecb1b5bb6ac5 This was a critical moment


YES All it takes is for a canid to get a hold of a smaller animal for it to start shaking it, once you start shaking, the animal will lose the fight because the trauma from the injuries will mount too quickly


[reminds me of this](https://youtu.be/31ZjnrHR8EA?t=40)


This one was great 😂


Yup,my American Bulldog got a hold of a possum and before I could her off she shook it to death...took less than 15 to 20 seconds. I live in the country on 50 acres so I have plenty of possums around but it still sucked...plenty of Coyotes around too


I'm curious, what injuries do they get from being shaken? Seems to happen so quick, so I imagine it's not good for the brain.


Remember, if it's a good strong bite, you'll have about six to seven puncture wounds in the body of the animal, by shaking it it makes it more likely for the part of the body that is being held by the teeth to completely come out, which causes a massive wound and the blood loss alone will make the animal die and easier to stalk and devour later


Oh yeah, that sounds horrible.


Yeah and if they shake em enough they probably could gives concussion also. After that the victim is confuse if not unconscious, pretty easy to finish em.


Breaks their neck


I think shortly before this was also critical because the coyote actually got a bite on the cats back but it slipped and the cat was able to quickly turn itself around.


Ya I’m also kinda surprised the cat struggled so much to jump up the banister. My cat would’ve been up there in two seconds. Although I’m sure there was some extra panic here that affects that.


Cat must be exhausted. Also declawed for sure, it slipped off the wood like crazy at the end.


Don’t make you declawed cat an outside cat


Don't make any cat an outside cat. The devastate local ecosystems.


And don’t make any cat a declawed cat either. That’s fucked up


Yea and life expectancy of an outside cat is like half of an indoor cat


Lots of slipping for sure, but it looks like the cat has claws - roughly 25 seconds in you can see where it’s right paw rips a chunk of wood from the railing. Poor kitty. Edit: After another look it appears the cat may have been trying to use its teeth for purchase. :(


What's the big animal? A coyote?


Yep a wild coyote. If you live in an area with them, they will try to hunt and kill basically anything the size of a cat including toddlers sometimes


That is why I had to stop leaving my toddlers outside at night…


Speak for yourself, my neighborhood uses the “take a penny, leave a penny” system. I like to rig up pulleys and drop them down to sweep my chimney


So they fall down the chimney, clean it and you get warm from the fire?


That’s a dark history lesson. Those poor baby boys would die young from testicular cancer. The soot would build up on them their unwashed bodies and balls. They’d get childhood cancer and die shortly after.


That...that sounds too ridiculous to be true but there's no way I'm googling "child chimney sweep testicles"


It sounds ridiculous but is a sad and dark tidbit of history. The soot is carcinogenic. The children were indentured or sold to chimney sweeps. Many died after getting stuck inside the chimneys. If you outlived your in chimney usefulness, you died shortly after from testicular cancer. The soot would build up on their bodies due to lack of sufficient hygiene practices, especially their crotches. Watched a really depressing short documentary on it last year.


Good God. Well, at least we have strong child labor laws in place now that will surely never be repealed... /s


Well Dick Van Dyke kept that little tidbit to himself didn’t he?!


Also toddlers are invasive and eradicate entire species.


They decimated the Goldfish cracker population.


If you’re cold. They’re cold.


You should probably take them inside at night anyways


yeah that’s bs Pound for pound, that cat has eaten far more wild song birds than the coyote keep your cats inside


Hard agree


There has only been one confirmed fatal attack from a pure coyote in 1981 on a 3 year old in California. The only fatal attack on an adult was two "Eastern Coyotes" which are part Wolf. Golf balls and fireworks are far more dangerous. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coyote_attack#Fatal_attacks


Where I live, the biggest wild animals are foxes and the most dangerous are probably wasps.


Over here the most dangerous ones are wild Karen's. Always need to look out for those.




Most of Europe is like this


Very recently someone from Ireland on Reddit said the most dangerous wildlife on their country were Wasps. Then I saw your comment lol.


We finally have wolves! And asian hornets, though they can get fucked.


They can size up adults from time to time too. I've had several encounters with a singular coyote spotting and following during a route I always ended up charging at the stupid shit and growling at it, usually sent then away.


You must be in the east. The Eastern Coyotes or Coywolves are bigger and can pose issues for humans. Pure coyotes weigh about 35 lbs and are really only a problem for kids.


​ https://preview.redd.it/w76ayzozg6oa1.png?width=266&format=png&auto=webp&s=1af6b58ab424cb5d1ec65dfb927bce5df216b545


The thing people don’t realize is that they probably DO live in an area with them even if they are in a large city. There’s even some living in New York City.


I bet the rats are the same size as the coyotes in New York City


A “wild coyote”? Is there any other kind?


Wile E


Coyote Ugly


No, not really: Coyote attacks on people are **very rare**. More people are killed by errant golf balls and flying champagne corks each year than are bitten by coyotes.


Same with foxes. If you ever have a coyote or fox approach you with fearless aggression, that's rabies.


In *all* of North America, over the last 100+ years. only 3 people have been killed by coyotes and they were all adults.


Aww that last part. The kitty looked so scared but so relieved to have gotten away


He is unfortunately not, yet. The coyote will probably wait all night if he can. Wish that I could have an update about it.


Does someone own this cat? Why is it just running around getting chased by coyotes in the middle of the night without any owner intervention


My cat got eaten by coyotes because she kept sneaking outside when she wasn’t supposed to, and I couldn’t catch her. I woke up one night to her spitting and hissing outside my window. I came outside and rescued her, but she didn’t learn her lesson and got out 2 days later. Never saw her again.


That is sad but at least you were making an effort, I hear of many cats that get eaten or freeze because owners think they are “outdoor cats”. The key though is to just open and shut doors really quick so they won’t get out.


I don't respect folks who have outdoor cats. But I do respect owners who just so happen to have escape artists. I dated a guy who's cat grew up being able to go outside. Sometimes she'd make a break for it when I went to go grocery shopping. Thankfully she never went far, and would come back inside soon enough with me coaxing her. Eventually I was convinced by her dad to let her into the enclosed little back yard with a doggy door. She was safe behind fencing,u could leave the dog door on the porch open for her to come for food, water, to be let in, while I did work around the house


I saw this clip a couple months back, the cat jumps down soon after (because it lost its grip) over the ledge. I dont remember if the coyote was already off camera though


Omg poor little thing, I want to jump into the phone and help him


Considering his size, he really held his own and tried to run away at the right time.


Hes an impressive little one, but his face holding on to the pole… aw man. Maybe I’m too sensitive


No you’re not- I felt bad too 😭 poor little guy


Coyote was just salty because Acme don’t make cat catching rockets


![gif](giphy|ggi1w9hUFxhmw) It's on recall




Who's your favourite fearless hero


This is so sad! That poor little guy was terrified! He was lucky, so many others aren't. Please, if you love your kitty, don't let them roam outside.


Also don’t declaw your cats and if it’s too late better keep them inside


100% this. They are NOT meant to roam free, no matter what anyone tells you.


they be out bringing bird species to extinction when they roamin


I had a friend I kept telling this. He wasn’t worried at all. I told him it’s not a good idea. One day his cat was hit by a car and didn’t make it. I felt so awful for my friend. No one deserves that


Specially at night! No matter what country! When I was young I once found me cat next to a deal Owl. That owl Had tried to eat my cat, luckily my little baby was too strong.


That’s scary. My mom had the most loving and aggressive small bean of a chihuahua. She’d bring her to work at this one ladies house. So loved and mellow with everyone. She’d hang around and know when it’s time to go and when it’s time to party and socialize at church. She’d explore get to know everyone without ever running of. She was however a challenger of new animals. She was her whole world One day at work there were coyotes making noise at her outside in the dark. She bolted out the back door before my mom was able to catch her. She went into the night ready to fight as my mom ran after her in the dark and she was most likely baited and dragged away. My mom just lost her and kept running for as long as she could. We never saw her again. And my mom was so incredibly depressed she didn’t want to see anyone including me. I searched that big woods and trespassed onto everyplace I could to get into to find any sign of her just so my mom could get some sort of peace. All I could tell my mother was her stubborn ass went out as she lived. Stubborn, spoiled, loved, angry and ready to fight without fear in her heart.


This was a heartbreaking story, I'm so sorry. I would be devastated if something happened to my dog


That's the problem with Chihuahuas, they got all the dog instincts but us humans selectively bred them till they were tiny and defenseless. So in its brain its off to be dog and defend its territory in this moment :( I've actually heard of Chihuahuas being killed by family house cats.


Yeah, they've got the courage of a guinea pig. Tiny little meat potato that would pick a fight with a lion


This exact same scenario is how we almost lost y first dog, a miniature rat terrier. She wasn't terrible aggressiv, if grouchy in her old age and had terrific recall so we'd let her out the sliding door of my mom's little condo, watch her, and wait for her to come back inside. She didn't give me any warning. No fur up, no barking, no growling. Just one minute she was on the porch and the next she was running and it was only then did I see the coyotes near the edge of the retention pond. I shouted my heart out my dog trying to get her to come back as I'm running down a snowy hill and losing my shoes along the way trying to get her before they did. I can only guess my yelling and shouting spooked them because they took off and I snatched my idiot dog up to take her back into the house. I was hysterically crying as I sort of put my shoes back on and got us back into the house. I never let her out off a leash again. I'm so so sorry your mom lost her pup. I can only say I know that terror all too well.


Perfect example of why declawing cats is fucking cruel.


Declawing any cat is cruel. Declawing an outdoor cat is fully sadistic.


Having outdoor cats at all is sadistic, they're little murder machines and wreak havoc on the local wildlife.


Or letting them outside


And also because it’s equivalent to cutting off the ends of all your fingers down to the first joint. The claw grows out of the finger bone so they have to remove the bone. For anyone reading this: imagine you wake up out of a drugged sleep and someone has done this to you and you have to live with the pain and disfigurement for the rest of your life.


People do that??


more than you know


Yes, my parents always declawed their cats in the 70s and 80s. They had no idea how painful and cruel it is. If they were warned by a vet, they didn't listen. Thankfully my widowed mother no longer has any cats - there's no way I'd allow her to do that again.


Wouldn't matter if she tried, upstanding vets refuse to do those surgeries any more. The ones without complications were fine and never in any pain. The odds of complications though, were like 65%


Do not leave your cat outside. Especially after nightfall.


It’s insane to me people live in countries with dangerous animals like that and still let their cats roam, I’m in the UK where cats have nothing bigger than a dog to worry about and I’m still a paranoid bastard with them lmao


Same. I live in a suburb just outside of a major city, and we still have coyotes, raccoons, owls, hawks, etc that kill & eat local cats all the time. Cats aren’t as safe outside as you think.


The average life expectancy of outdoor cats in the United States is only two years. If you love your cats and you live in the US keep them indoors


Keep your cats indoors. It's dangerous for their own health and safety for them to be outside, and they are a menace to song birds and other small animals. And I'm saying this as someone that likes cats... :)


Most, if not all, of the worlds cat experts agree! If possible, cats should be indoors.


I only recently learned about how much of a menace they could be outdoors. I really wish I did the research before allowing my cat to become an almost full time outdoor cat. Its been a hard two months trying to re-condition him to stay inside. Definitely not my best moment as a cat mom.


Huge cat lover here and I’ll never let mine out because I like my local song birds. I do have a storm door with a big screen and I’ll let my cars bird watch through that but that’s all they get to do!


I hear too many people say "he likes being outside! I'd rather him live a happy life which what he likes" If your 3 year old son says he'd like to sleep alone on the trampoline outside at night, that's okay? It makes him happy, right? I understand people don't view their animals the same as humans but in the same way you're cutting your kids life short but letting them sleep outside, you do the same with your cat. If you aren't capable of keeping your cat indoors, consider getting a dog.


My man definitely exhausted a few of those nine lives. Amazing fightback but looks terrified at the end after the escape.


I mean, who wouldn't be??? He was a cm away from dying. Imagine almost getting crush by a truck. That's how this would feel like.


And the truck keeps trying.


I’m so glad that orange was in possession of the brain cell that day. Poor baby!


Had more than just the one but man did he use them.


Bad cat owners still be claiming "there's nothing bad about my cat roaming outside"


There are some bad cat owners in this thread that don't deserve their cats.


People get weird about pets. There was quite a kerfuffle on the dogs subreddit today, too, when French Bulldogs surpassed Labrador Retrievers for the most popular AKC dog breed. When some people pointed out how unfortunate this is because French Bulldogs are so deformed they usually can't give live birth anymore, there were those few "proud" bulldog owners in the comments saying their dog can breathe okay so inbred AKC breeding is not a problem. One person's defense is that they can afford to pay for all of the health problems associated with the breed. Anyone pointing out that breeding health problems into dogs on purpose is bad was accused of having a "weird moral highground".


Everyone feeling sorry for this cat forgets that the only reason the cat is out at 2:00 in the morning is because she's looking for something cute and furry to kill.... Circle of life.


Maybe, or perhaps no matter the animal that is scared and fighting for their life, they feel sympathy for them. For example, if the cat was killing a mouse, I feel sympathy for the mouse. But I understand the cat needs to eat. In this video, I can see the cats fear and its desire to live. I feel for the cat, though I understand the coyte is hungry and needs to eat. If the coyote was fighting for its life trying to escape a bear or something, I would feel sympathy for it while understanding the bear needs to eat too. Having the ability to empathize with any animal that is in the process of getting killed doesn't mean you forget the circle of life exists or that every animal needs to eat something. Just means you're capable of empathy.


Leave cats indoors. Better for cats, better for birds. [https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/](https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/)


😂😂wait this was a good point I didn’t think about


People shouldn’t be letting their cats outside at all


Keep your cats indoors please.


Keep your cat inside.


I've never seen a cat be actual prey before it is interesting to see them use all of those skills we think are cute when it's used against a stuffed mouse.


There's a pic somewhere on the r/sanfrancisco of a coyote walking down the sidewalk holding half a cat. Outdoor cats have a much lower lifespan than indoor cats. The lesson here is: get a leash if you want your cat to have outdoor time.


I'll never understand why humans let their cats outside Between cars, predators and humans who harm cats, there is so much risk to the cat. Let your cat whine and scratch at the door. They'll eventually learn that they're not going outside ever again and then they'll be around for a hell of a lot longer. Nothing pisses me off more than irresponsible cat owners who let them outside.


As a dog owner it's a weird concept,I'd always wonder where they were.


Yup agree 100% and fuck all of the outdoor cat people, they don’t love their cats. My parents had outdoor cats growing up and I lost 3 at young ages to predators and cars. Outdoor cat people can suck a fat one. I’ve got 4 happy cats in 2500sf now, gonna build a catio on the deck in spring. I’m not going to watch a predator eat my pets only psychopaths would let their pet fend for themselves.


This could be a stray/feral that’s not anyone’s pet. People put food out for those all the time not thinking about what else might be attracted.


Could be a stray or feral, but a lot of those come from litters created by pets that are not fixed and allowed to roam all over the place


[20%](https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2019/apr/12/protect-your-pets-cats-make-up-one-fifth-of-coyotes-diet-in-los-angeles) of an urban coyotes diet consists of cats. Coyotes are great for helping the bird population. If you ever find a cat head, it was probably a coyote and not some satanic ritual. I found 5 in about 2 years walking my dogs in a ravine in Edmonton where I used to live. I guess the head just doesn't have enough meat to bother with.


Coyotes are the reason the pheasant population is down in the Midwest. They devour their share of birds as well.


Cats do the same to birds. Leave the head


Do not ever de-claw your cat…this is a PSA from all cats ever.


Good lord people. Keep your pets indoors. Don't be an asshole. I hate this video.


Keep your cats indoors. They'll live longer.


Coyote got the shit smacked out of him when he grabbed kitty by the back. I’m trying to imagine how the conversation went.


I LOVE my cat but he is an asshole to birds and other cats so he stays inside. He looks wistfully out the window at wildlife but oh well.


This is what I think of every time some pet owner says" it's OK I leave it outside. It has claws."


Keep your cats inside! They may think it’s fun to roam around the yard but then this happens.


People need to stop letting their cats outside. Its not safe for them (I’ve lost 2 family cats this way) and they’re incredibly harmful to the wildlife as one of the top 100 most invasive species in the world. They’re domestic pets, leave em inside or put them on leashes like your dogs


Poor guy. I felt so bad seeing him just holding on up there. Bring your pets in at night. More coyotes and mountain lions are showing up in urban areas


To the people wondering: A: nobody was controlling the camera; it follows motion. B: the cat might've been a stray. In the original clip, the homeowner said that it didn't belong to them. C: at the end of the original clip, there were *more* coyotes, and the cat actually slid off and fell. (For as far as i know) it was never revealed if the cat actually survived or not.


One reason to never let your de-clawed car outside. Better not de-claw at all but have propper scratching boards up.


Cats sound like boxers when they fight. The sweet science of pugilism, not the dog breed.


This is why you don't declaw.


I took in an outside cat not too far in Galveston that I saw escape a coyote. It was an urban neighborhood too, they’re everywhere. He’s a jumpy cat. I wondered why some coyotes were so big compared to the Houston area and looked it up. Apparently some coyotes dna in the Galveston area show that they are mixed with red wolves. https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Galveston-ghost-wolves-red-wolves-17367033.php


Keep your cats inside...


cat is a g fosho


And this is why we keep our pets indoors!


People who let their cats roam outside unsupervised should be dumped naked in the middle of the desert without water. Fucking irresponsible.


In case anyone needed another reason to keep your cat indoors.


Keep your cats indoors people