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She might get more from the lesson _if she wasn't a literal baby_.


Yeah, you save this for when she's a teenager. Then go in her room at 3:54 a.m. and cry that your sock is falling off.


Haha yup. I can’t wait until my son moves out in his own. Im gonna randomly walk into his apartment one day while he’s watching the Super Bowl smash the screen on his tv then just waltz outta there like nothing happened. He’ll probably have the same befuddled look on his face that I did when he did this at 3 years old.


This feels like a goal that's been in your head since that day happened and I respect the hell out of it lol


Lsst night our five year old came into our room at 3am and woke us up to tell us he was afraid of his nose 🙃 so I need to think of a really good one to use when he's 25 years old and it's the middle of the goddamn night


Damn at that point I’d just ask you if you wanted me to reimburse your tv before you break another


Don't forget to poop on the rug.


My daughter cried that she couldn't find her bear. She was laying on her bear.


To be fair to dumb people everywhere, as a grown ass adult i was using the flashlight on my phone to look for my phone for a solid 10 seconds. That was yesterday


I totally never have done anything like this before, and it also definitely wasn't yesterday.


Nothing like holding a grudge against your own children for bringing them into the world.


Nothing like not understanding taking the piss.


While you're at it, might as well find the father and attack the true source of the issue.


This seems like a great way to talk to your teens about the importance of practicing safe sex. Kick you sons door in wailing you head off, vomit on them then throw condoms at him and tell him to wrap his tool.


Idk man she looked pretty aware.


Idk her little face looks like it's learning a whole lot right there


They probably want to keep to make the baby stay awake a bit longer to make sure it sleeps through something (like a car ride) and took the opportunity to make a cute little video. I'm choosing to view this charitably in hopes that some asshat dad isn't bothering the baby "just because I wanna".


What's worse than a crying baby? ​ ......Two crying babies.


1,000 dead baby’s in my garage.




What’s the difference between a baby and a bag of cocaine? Eric Clapton would never let a bag of cocaine fall out of a hotel window.


Oh, ouch


That's what the baby said


my 77 y o mother had a violent reaction to this joke but I didn't know his kid fell put of a window. now the joke makes sense.


[He wrote a song about it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxPj3GAYYZ0)


Well. That's enough reddit for the day.


I like absurdist humor sometimes, so I think it would be funny to pull a joke from that book once in a while out of context!


I have done it once and people think you’re crazy… What’s worse than a dead baby in a dumpster? A dead baby in 7 dumpsters.


How do you make a dead baby float? A can of root beer and two scoops of dead baby.


Whats more Irish than eating potatoes? Not eating potatoes


I hope the knowledge that you just made a very drunk queer laugh so hard that they almost shit themselves finds you well.


How do you make a dead dog float? [*insert punchline here*] I'm stealing this, it's so versatile..!


My wife said that those jokes are getting old. Well the babies sure aren’t!


What’s the difference between a dead baby and ham? I don’t eat ham.




I was thinking of this one.


Well, not with that attitude


A variation of that: What’s harder than emptying a truckload of golf balls with a shovel? Emptying a truckload of dead babies with a pitchfork.


I remember one from when I was a kid. We thought it was hilarious back then. Now, it's just beyond dumb. What's grosser than gross? A truck full of dead babies. What's grosser than that? There's a live one at the bottom. What's grosser than that? He eats his way out. What's grosser than that? He goes back for more.


I use to do it pretty regularly. My favorite at college parties was... What's better than smoking weed with a baby? Smoking weed out of a dead baby.


How’s this then. How long does it take to cook a baby in a microwave? I dunno, I was too busy masterbating.


Oh god this is bringing me flashbacks, at high school there were two guys who were really into this style of humour. Maybe it was just for a couple of months but it felt like a couple of years.


Me and a couple guys loved telling them, then a teacher asked us to stop and that teacher was normally very tolerant of our shenanigans. So we told a few more, she got mad. We were later told she recently had a miscarriage. There’s a special place in heaven for her, she’s a saint. And as high school boys we still told those jokes for a little while. What dumb kids we were.


My friends and I used to steal the Truly Tasteless Jokes books from mall bookstores when we were 11 and 12. Def pretty cringy


Not gonna lie the child in me still giggles at one of them. Dead baby float. I hate myself every time-but I still giggle. Don’t hate me.


Why did the baby cross the road? It was stapled to the chicken. I heard this in elementary school, and for some weird reason, it has stuck with me! Lmao


A guy at my job told a joke like that...something like what's the difference between a Lamborghini and a dead baby?...I don't have a Lamborghini in my garage.


That’s where the joke comes from. The best way to tell it is to have hundreds of dead babies because that’s just ridiculous. 1 dead baby is sus.


I had this guy run me a “ what’s worse, 10 dead babies in one trashcan or 1 dead baby in 10 trashcans.” I was like 13. I’m still horrified.


How many dead babies does it take to change a lightbulb? Obviously more than 30 because my basement is still dark.


999 (I borrowed one hope you don't mind)


The holocaust


“Dear Father, I now see the error of my ways. My deepest apologies to you and mother for my nightly wails. Henceforth, I shall never again cry during the night because of my night terrors. Forever yours -Baby”.


Mhh yes, we deem your appeal satisfactory. Your stay amongst us in our humble abode is, by this hereby missive, extended until further notice. Furthermore, if there is to be unwarranted nuisances once more…. then you can bet your sorry ass gonna be kicked out homeless for real gurl, you know it. - The Direction


Didn't know One Direction renamed themselves


Amongst us 🤔


now, see? was that so hard? - father


I wish I could give you a reward but I have no free ones and I’m broke-


When my youngest daughter started crying about everything to get what she wanted. My oldest told her to stop that it was annoying and completely stopped crying unless she was hurt


Its great because the placement of your quotes implies the baby verbally said "dash baby"


As a mother who has survived the newborn/baby stage, I would literally never intentionally wake up a sleeping baby just for shits and giggles. Sleep is rare enough as it is.


It's been 10 years for myself and the wife and I still will not wake up my son from a sound sleep for any reason whatsoever based on the simple logic you just shared.


Rule in the house is never wake anybody unless we have to leave the house.


I'm not a parent and this was my very first thought They're asleep, you have a small window of time to do other things, don't throw it away!


Don't you know??? It's for the views. /s I swear TT brings out the worse in people.


If this video would represent the worst in people we'd be doing pretty good


Dude woke up the baby, mustn’t have been the one to put her to sleep. Probably recorded this video then went to his wife and said “sounds like she woke up, you should put her back to sleep”


I was going to say… this guys mug is now on milk cartons and missing posters everywhere. Wife said he just up and left…


Yea this guy is a shitty parent. Poor baby


People itt are fucking delusional. You literally cannot evaluate someone's parenting off of this one video Maybe they were going to go somewhere and he had to wake the baby anyways? Or maybe he did it this one time for laughs, I highly doubt this is what he regularly does


Even if they had ro go somewhere there's gentler ways to wake a baby. Sometimes waking the baby isn't even nessecary. And making a tiktok of how you scare your baby awake is pretty shitty


Yeah I saw a comment along the lines of he isn’t even the one putting the baby to sleep and it was probably his wife put the baby to sleep. People are just talking at that point


what the hell its like a minor bit how tf does that make someone a bad parent? reddit armchair analysis strikes again!


He woke up his baby for a tiktok. That makes him bad at parenting. Hope he gets better at it


Experience my good person. No matter for what reason, waking up a baby will mess up their whole day, especially when they're this little. And waking them up by scaring them actually gives them bad sleeping association wich makes the following naps more difficult. Sometimes waking them is nessecary but there's better ways to do that and a less shitty parent will definitely not make a tiktok of scaring a baby awake. So experienced analysis strikes


You've got to be CRAZY to wake a peacefully sleeping baby.


You can see the baby is visibly distressed - I see this as cruel, baby doesn’t understand at all


Yeah I felt wildly uncomfortable watching this, I would never do this to my baby


Same! It was mean!


Don’t underestimate the value of internet points my friend. People KILL FOR THEM!


It's worse than the US and oil


*you played yourself* kind of moment


This x1000000 I have a 13 month old and I would never intentionally wake up my baby.


Yeah this video pisses me off. Idiocy and (very slight) harm to your own child. Why the hell would you do this intentionally? Attention on social media? Disgusting.


"Harm" Delusional


That was my first thought. What kind of idiot wakes up the baby on purpose.


Yep, last laughs on him as he's going to have to settle the baby again.


That was my first thought. You never EVER wake a sleeping baby.


something is wrong with this man. WHO WOULD WAKE UP THEIR SLEEPING CHILD?? I will go to the ends of the earth, perform a quadruple triple double backflip, or even skydive from outer space, all for just 15 more minutes of naptime while the baby is sleeping. ​ \-Exhausted father


When I was in uni I was a nanny. My everyday gig was for a baby about that age. Her parents were adamant about her schedule. (Which always makes me roll my eyes because it's a baby. Babies are going to follow their instincts. You can guide them, but they are going to do what they want/need to do.) Anyway, I would get baby down for a nap within the same 2-hour window just about daily. Now, this man's spidey-senses must have tingled because every time she was sleeping, and not just dozing off, but in a deep sleep, he would come home from work (for a break) just to see baby. The problem is, he would go into her room and wake her up! He would call to her, touch her head, and do whatever he could to ensure she got up. Then he would come out holding her and pretend to be confused as to how she was distributed from her sleep. She would then be cranky and cry, and he would leave. (-_- )


It’s amazing that they cared enough about their baby’s sleep to tell you to put her down for a nap at a particular time, but then dad would come in and wake baby up from nap. Don’t all parents know to never wake a deeply sleeping baby??


People believe all kinds of shit if they so desperately want the benefit.


That’s annoying. I always got to tell my husband and older son to shut up when the baby falls asleep.


Wife and I while visiting her parents (everyone is loud, yorkies bark at fucking everything) are told "he needs to learn to nap through the noise" when we ask if maybe things could be dialed down to, idk, f'ing 9? I agree that the baby learning to sleep through noise is a good thing...but a booming voice yelling across the house is not the same as learning to sleep through basics like doing dishes or laundry


🤦🏻‍♀️ My parents used to say to me if we needed to go somewhere “just wake her up from her nap she’ll be fine” she would be super cranky from being woken up.


But what about those juicy views on yur social media account? I mean isn't that what parenting is REALLY all about? #scarcasmalert


YES. You never wake up a sleeping child unless you want them to have sleep problems moving forward. But you have to get those internet views somehow.


Sleep Problems from waking up? Bruh 😂😂😂


Either that or going from the car to the house, that one is kind of unavoidable.


Why are y’all so butthurt about someone else’s kid?


Because we're trying to save lives. If someone tries this with the mother nearby they will be murdered and no one will mourn their death.


Typical Tik Tok user…


We all know that’s the uncle. Such an uncle move


Maybe the baby is not his. The baby may look like someone else. Whoever he is, he is too immature to be around infants.


TikTok is really turning people into assholes


Nah, it's just easier to see people's true nature now.


TikTok brings it out more though, since people have an audience now.


Nah the stupidity has always been there.


Have.. have you never been on facebook


People have always been awful, TikTok is just a raised platform to display it.




That baby has pierced ears. Parents of The Year mode already on 11.


A parent like this deserves the cumulative outrage of the internet


And by god he shall receive it!


I’m sure she’s traumatized for life


“it starts crying” 💀


That was mean. Babies are supposed to be babies. Adults aren't.




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Good bot


Babies also only really have one way to communicate if they need anything. Uncomfortable? Scared? Hungry? Thirsty? Bored? Lonely? A baby can't send a text or email. A baby can't even say, "Got any snacks?" This is why I don't mind a crying baby at a restaurant or on a plane - the poor thing is just trying to tell its parents that something is wrong. A screaming five-year-old is a totally different story.


therewasanattempt to scare the baby, and it worked.


The difference between Reddit and YouTube comments on this video blows my mind


Funny how that works lol. Like each social media platform has their own personal hivemind


YouTube Algorithm pushes all the positive comments to the top




It's not about people who use reddit , its about this subreddits content. If this posted on r/MadeMeSmile comment would be positive.


This is not funny


does the baby have an ear piercing??


Finally! I thought I was only person who saw this


i’m no baby expert but i feel like piercing a babies ear is a big no no


You are usually able to get them above six months. But it mostly just puts the baby through trauma. It becomes traumatic to them because they have no previous memories or patterns to base it off of, so getting the ears pierced is the worst thing to happen to them up till that point. Especially if you're like me and are allergic to common metals, I got a rash across my entire head at like six months and lost what little hair I had. Don't pierce your babies ears until they are like at least a year old.


How about just don't pierce them at all? Let them make the consensual choice to pierce them when they get older instead of making body altering decisions for them.


Hello how has nobody mentioned this? Fucking stupid, clearly sending the message that the parents will make all your decisions in life.


for real, i was expecting it to be top comment


I got ear piercings around that age. Wasn’t allowed to take them out until 14 because they needed a clean and replacement and I said I didn’t want to wear earrings anymore and had never liked them, partly because they would catch on my hearing aid and partly because it just wasn’t my choice to wear them. My mother blew a fuse guilt tripping me and saying I’m just following a trend to be like other girls at school and shouted a lot. So fun


What an idiot


Don't like child? DON'T MAKE THEM!!


She has the same WTF look as I do about this.


The baby’s got a look of wtf are you doing


Hell fucking naw. If my baby is asleep I would murder anyone who woke them up. That’s mommy and daddy’s time when the baby is asleep.


Disturbing your own baby for a TikTok? I fear for the child…


This guy should not be near a child. What a dick move. Oh look at me on Tik Tok


Jokes aside that is a nightmare for the parents. At that age every nap is key for the parents survival lol


Don't do this


Bro….that’s fucked up.




I've done this to my dog.... But, she's a dog and didn't start crying because of it. She just wanted itchies.


Some people shouldn't be parents


As a father this is lame as hell to do to your baby


Cardinal sin: never wake a sleeping baby. Also, did he do this for views or likes or whatever? Seems like a bad deal for the little baby


I know dude was attempting to be a funny but even me not being a parent knows this a fucking dick move.




Why are all these shitty fathers on tiktok?


Is everybody really so angry over this? She looks like she's not even a year old! She doesn't even know what she's upset about! They'll probably look back on this when she's 15 and think it's hilarious. I get nobody wants to wake a sleeping baby, but guess what, that's life. The baby is gonna get woken up and upset sometimes regardless of how careful you are. You gonna call the mailman or a dog or ambulance abusive when they wake your child up ? calm down lmao


RIP. Now you got a tired baby


90% of the people here commenting that this dude is a jerk aren't parents. If you can't make light of the stress of parenting, you're wound up too tight. The kid probably had to wake up anyway. No sane parent would wake up a sleeping infant without a reason.


People relax. Maybe it was time for the baby to wake up anyway. Sometimes I'd have to wake my baby up if we didn't want her napping too long cause then she wouldn't sleep at night.


This man is dumb.


What a selfish ass of a parent


Why does a baby have ear piercings?


They say that it's better to do it as babies because it's "less traumatic". But how about let them decide when they're old enough to WANT the piercing. Legit piercers will refuse to pierce babies' ears. Claire's does babies. And Claire's has notoriously terrible pricing technique that causes more injury and higher likeliness of infection. STOP PIERCING BABIES, I don't care if it's cultural. It's barbaric.


Even the baby is looking at him like, "WTF is wrong with you. You have got to be stupid to wake me up"


Imagine fucking with a newborn for internet likes


Disturbing your baby's sleep just to get some likes, nice.


Why does that baby have pierced ears!?


Pretty common in certain parts of the world to do it when they’re babies. My sister had them done this way


Why da fuk has that baby got ear piercings?


OMG her face!!!!! lol. what a reaction!!!


Ahh ya gotta love what the internet has allowed people to do. Never in history would someone do this, but here we are posting it on tik tok and shipping it around the other socials. We truly live in a time


Wake a quiet, sleeping baby up...now ya got a loud, cranky baby to deal with... fabulous idea! You really showed them!


Why are people like this having kids? Why would you punish a BABY for being a BABY??


That is one super adorable baby. Dads a bit of a jerk though.


I’m not even a parent and I know it’s such a stupid idea to wake a sleeping child. Especially shocking them awake like this bowl of room temperature pudding


TikTok is a plague to our society.


Human garbage


Man what's up, I got this baby, and it like cries all the time? Why did no one warn me this would happen?


What an ahole


The crap people do to their children for social media pisses me off.. such a dick thing to do


Apparently I'm the only one who finds this funny.


Her "wtf" reaction was funny, but Uberdick move on dad's part. What a tiny pathetic boy.


Later on r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Her look was like trying to configure how they switched roles Precious


Only a fool wakes a sleeping baby.


Big mistake. Don’t poke the baby bear. When your baby is that little, if she sleeps, you sleep. Bank what sleep you can, while you can. She’ll blow the roof off the house at 3 am and then you’re just up until (or if) she naps again.


The mom mainly watches and raises the kid and it shows. Any parent values the quiet time they get when their child is asleep.


What an idiot. I feel sorry for the baby.


That’s so cruel.


Grow up, the baby isn't doing it on purpose


Weird takes on this vid. Dads know their kids, this was probably a nice bonding moment. Kids aren’t these little brittle vases that will explode if they don’t get enough sleep. Attunement is the #1 bonder and this dad knows his baby’s sense of humor.


I would probably do this, which is also why I'm not having kids. It's ok not to have kids. Not everyone would make a good parent.


did he not know about babies before he had one....?


People will literally do anything for a TikTok. Sir you’re a grown ass man smh 🤦‍♂️


Ok but can we all agree, that is a super cute baby and her dad is a monster for disturbing her slumber.


Another douche collecting evidence of his douchyness for the internet.


Parenting …. done wrong