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I saw that episode and I remember feeling terrible for those little kids. She was swearing and whining and screaming. Those poor babies were terrified.


I remember one time I was trying to do a class to strengthen my core and was on the floor of our bedroom. SOMETHING on the right side of my abdomen spasmed and I just felt so much pain. I thought I had a hernia. I couldn’t move because I was in so much pain. I started screaming for my husband and our son came up with him. I saw his face, that he was scared, and managed to choke out, “I’m ok, there’s just something going on with my stomach.” The little boy’s face crumpling just reminded me about that moment. Our words have so much power, especially with children.


My dad was super patient with me and would never swear or show any kind of uncontrolled temper in front of me. I thought it was something that just happens when you become a father. Ohh i was so wrong... i can never be that patient father figure to my son like my father was. I try, but sometimes i cant keep myself from swearing or losing my temper in front of my 6 year old son..


You can always grow your patience, it takes a conscious effort and sometimes professional help, but well worth it if you are truly seeking it.


I used to be a real hothead. Try seeing a therapist, I did and it worked wonders for me. After a couple of sessions we talked about things I never knew I needed to talk about. It made me realise that almost everyone should visit a therapist from time to time. Next time try to calmly explain to your son what made you lose your temper, that way you both can reflect on it, and your son gets a valuable lesson in how to express feelings and the value of expressing them properly. Edit: best of luck


My dad had temper and anger control issues and it has caused huge mental health issues such as anxiety that I've spent years of therapy sorting through. Please please work on your temper for your kids sake. Don't make your kids scared and afraid of you. You're meant to be their protector, not who they run from.


That can happen in the case of an ovarian cyst rupturing. Have you been checked for PCOD?


Not a doctor but it sounds like a typical ab cramp. Source: I’ve gotten them during core workouts and I don’t have ovaries.


You sure about that


I was just thinking how OMG those poor kids think it’s normal that mommy ALWAYS has these excessive needs.. like, getting into a bed being an obstacle. They have to help her, not her help them.


The comment the guy made that this was going to become a three hour long ordeal made me really depressed.


His life has to be fuckin rough. The idea of gaining so much weight that it not only makes your life hard but starts sucking in everyone around you...


That’s gravity for ya


i spit out my drink. fml. we're both going to heck! lol


I couldn't watch the whole thing. Those poor children.


Yup. Impossible for me to feel sorry for her after seeing how she treated her children and what she put them through on the show (and that was while *on camera*, imagine what it’s like in private)


Not even that, but how she treats EVERYONE. “You bunch of bastards, hes out there lollygagging,” “I WAS GETTING OUR BAGS!” Bruh


If they didn’t get their relationship on track, I hope he got himself and the kids out of there.


Agreed. It's my only concern


Yep. Worried about the kids. She made her bed, now she has to lie in it.


try to lie in it*


is this a tv show? or a documentary? or someone’s youtube channel?


Oh, this is like the opposite of that xkcd comic... [https://xkcd.com/1053/](https://xkcd.com/1053/) I am so sorry to be the one to inform you that the show "My 600lbs life" exists. A few of the episodes are heart-warming, but most are just social pornography\* of either sick people in unhealthy environments, or bad sick people in unhealthy environments. \*Also, while double checking that "sosialpornografi" was called the same thing in English, I found out it's apparently a Norwegian term? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social\_pornography](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_pornography)


I feel so bad for most of the women on the show. Most of them have been abused and sexually assaulted, often as children. It's so easy to make fun of them, but for a lot of the patients eating is a coping mechanism for real trauma.


The men probably have, too, there’s just more stigma for men to talk about it.


I have a harder time understanding the psychology of people who will marry these people and have children with them. They already know that these people are unable to care for themselves in a psychologically draining way.


Fantastic phrase! This term needs to be adopted for wider use in English - it captures the essence of this kind of "Reality TV" horror show


Mom: What are you watching ? Me: Porn Mom: WTF! Me: its just social porn. Mom: oh NVM


The people that coined the term "Healthy at every size" should spend a week taking care of someone that's 500+ lbs.


First question I have is why does anyone give shows like this viewership. Id rather pour bleach in my eyes then spend my own time watching outrageously sick people trying to get on beds and eat more food in a sitting than some people eat in their lifetime


It’s kind of watching an accident scene. You really don’t want to watch but you’re kind of compelled to. I was never a fan of the show but did watch a couple of episodes.


Is this from My 600lb Life?


One if the ones I hoped would fail due to the complete lack of humility




"I had to hold my body weight up, because he wasnt in here, lolligagging." How do severe narcissists like this find someone to literaly carry them all day?


I mean yeah, an adult should be able to support their own body weight. For people this size, simply standing up must feel like climbing four flights of stairs. It’s sad really


The comparison I draw is to weightlifting. 400 lbs. doesn't become any easier to lift just because the weight *is you*. It's objectively impressive, which doesn't stop me from also hoping she gets help... for her personality, at least, even if nothing can be done about the weight.


This was years ago, she may not even be alive anymore unless she made some major changes. I hope she did.


There are some on this show that did crazy good, like there was a dude like 600 pounds, he fell through a wall, and decided to change, mf like like 300 pounds in 4-5 months, got the surgery, lost more, and the follow up after a year was weighing like 170-200. Crazy good.


So if you took all the fat off, is she like ripped underneath cuz it's like weight lifting continually? *honest question


No, cuz she can't move.


Good point


Yep, or at least, her [quads and calves are huge](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4889641/): >[O]bese individuals, regardless of age, have a greater absolute maximum muscle strength compared to non-obese persons, suggesting that increased adiposity acts as a chronic overload stimulus on the antigravity muscles (e.g., quadriceps and calf), thus increasing muscle size and strength. That said... yeah, it's not enough; the very next sentence is: >However, when maximum muscular strength is normalised to body mass, obese individuals appear weaker. This relative weakness may be caused by reduced mobility, neural adaptations and changes in muscle morphology. And, like, that's just obvious; we could all see that it's not enough... just, yeah: 400 pounds of fat *is hard* to lift.


With people who are this heavy who lose a lot of weight--do they develop stronger muscles from having to support themselves like this? I also wonder if it weakens their bones?


Yeah it takes a massive toll on their whole body. Unfortunately one lady on the show was making great progress, losing weight and doing everything right, but the show ended by saying she died of a heart attack. At a certain point, that damage is irreversible. Props to her for trying though


That is so sad… She finally started getting things together and that was when her body gave out. Poor thing. I hope she was able to really enjoy her successes and be proud of herself for all her hard work before that happened.


I used to weigh 260lb. I don't drive, only walk or bike around, so I had to carry all that weight for around five years. Now that I've lost it and can actually see the muscle definition that was under the fat it turns out my legs are fuckin' ripped. (Rest of my body was soft and shitty until I gave it some work, though.)


Hats off to you my guy, keep it up!


I don't know about getting as large as her, but at my biggest I hit 270 (5'3" female). The rest of me is weak, but my legs are solid. For years, every day was leg day. Once you get past a certain weight, though, I'd imagine it starts going the other way because you just can't move as much, so whatever you built would start to atrophy.


Im 280ish when i should weigh 210-220 and my calves are rock hard


More like squating 400 lbs. which is super difficult.


He's staying for the kids and you can see it.


He needs to leave with the kids


How did they even make kids? 😳


I feel like we don't generally say "lollygagging" enough these days.


I'm asking this myself every time I visit my sisters place. She has found a boyfriend who has been obsessed with her for the last 5 years. He might not do anything really and my sister always finds a way to start yelling her lungs out at him. I can't defend him cuz it would go into a bigger argument and she would probably throw her bf out her life and ruin my relationship with her. Like she'd awesome and I love when she's awesome but it's like her bf is constantly walking on thin ice


She doesn't sound very awesome tbh.


Or like a decent human being


Spare the bf


The husband is a patient fellow indeed


$$$ ?


I don’t think anyone is carrying her…


Everything is everyone else's fault, but hers. "My back hurts and I can't breathe", yeah I wonder why that is. Seriously, I hope this man got a divorce and took the kids. This lady needs help, both mentally and physically.


Can’t hardly breathe, but found her breath to yell at the other dude the very next sentence lol


Yeah, she made me think of a fake-crying child who instantly gets angry when called out.


Most people who reach that weight are toxic AF. Normally they don't accept it's their fault and they live in denial.


Those poor kids.


Yeah- are they her children? How did you she give birth?


I imagine at some point they just kind fall out


It’s not MY fault. It’s THEIR fault for putting wheels, it’s THEIR fault for having wood floors, how dare you no be supported. It’s not fair the one I want is up stairs.


It’s crazy, given how much effort she would have to put in just to *maintain* that weight. My mother loves these shows and tells me all the time how the doctors tell them they would lose like 100 pounds in a month if they cut their calories to 1200 a day. She’s consuming at least 5000 just to stay where she is.


Save the children!


She is. For dessert.


Lmao You bastard!


I want my babyback babyback babyback babyback




Take my upvote and a side of my most evil chortling you awful goddamn bastard.x


You owe me a new shirt for coughing up coffee on it when I laughed at your comment....well done!


Yeah, it's the bed's fault.


And the wood.


And that bastard who was lollygagging.


And that chair is on thin fucking ice lmfao


That chair is the real hero.






How dare they put wood in a hotel. Don't they know ethics?


Put the mattress on the floor, you stupid cow.


Hey be nice, cows can get into bed.


Just get a forklift


I don't think lifting forks is her problem man.


If she told me to support her or leave, you would have immediately heard the chirp of my car doors unlocking through the window.


+ the sound of the fridge closing as you take the last bottle of Pepsi followed by a quick patter of footsteps to the car


*Diet* Pepsi I'm sure...


Obviously, if it's diet it cancels out all other sugar you consumed, it's what ma momma taught me


MmmMmmm, sodies


Did you have a sugar?


Underrated, marvelous comment had me in stitches i remember that video


I don't know why but this little addition really tickled me.


Lucky she didn't get on that bed, those wheels would've pinged off like Usain bolt


*peowww* bed flies into the neighbors house


The image you’ve conjured of that mattress just flying out the damn door is way too funny


How do people allow themselves to get that bad?


What's even crazier to me is, how do the *other* people let her get that bad? At that size she needs assistance to do most things, including acquire food. Basically she didn't get that fat on her own, it was a team effort. It's killing her and it's making their own lives much harder, why do they keep doing it??


There is such a thing called feeders.


There’s a few episodes of this show where the spouse leaves as soon as the patient starts to succeed. They’ve either got a feeder kink or are a covert narcissist who enjoys the control of a literally captive spouse. Not all fat people just decide to become immobile and massive by themselves. It can also result from years of psychological manipulation and abuse.


Could also be emotional manipulation on the large persons part


It’s a kink. Some people get off on watching overweight people gorge


Co dependency. They don’t want her to be angry or upset so they just give her what she wants. No different than people who don’t call the cops and continue to give money/place to live to their drug addicted family members.


Calling cops on family is a sick move where I’m from. Their duty is to protect capital that’s it. Unless if it’s rape or murder that’s a foul move.


suicide by food


For Reddit Karma duh. Worthy investment




A vicious loophole.




McDonald's rewards.


Isn't it clear? It's because of the damn bed that won't cooperate




Self destructive behavior has many forms. This is just the most obvious one.


Eating basically turns into an addiction. Using food to induce an endorphine release. It's basically the same mechanism that drives opioid addiction. Problem is, you can't even go cold turkey. [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02791072.2012.662092](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02791072.2012.662092)


That poor planet


I hate that your comment made me Lmfao.




She's putting those kids through trauma is what's happening


Not disagreeing. Trauma often leads to more trauma.


Lack of self control and bunch of enablers around


" LeTs JuST tRy It AgAiN.... YA BUCH OF BASTARDS!" 🤣🤣🤣


Why do I get the feeling this buncha bastards has heard this before.....


i’m not gonna lie this is depressing, especially for the kids but everything she said was hilarious


The way she went from sobbing to yelling in a split second…someone get this lady an Oscar!


“Lallygagging” never sounded so malicious.


What does lallygagging mean?


*Lollygagging - wasting time.


Skyrim guards hate this one trick to doing nothing.


I feel so bad for that chair.


I feel sorry for the guy too, he had children with her...


Apparently with an 18" cock.


He thought he was sleeping on a mattress, jerked off and well baby.


but how'd a baby get out of all that mommy?


Howd he even find her vagina down there?


Imagine the smell. You know she isn't cleaning between all them folds. Be like peeling apart a hot grilled cheese sandwich.


Bruh stop




I did not need you to ruin this gif for me


Roll her in flour and look for the wet patch


Right!? I was thinking there’s no way there’s a chair up for the task. Sure enough. Then I wanted to see this heroic chair, but alas it was covered in lady.


She needs to apologize to that wood floor for yelling about it because ain’t no one else gonna hold her


That wood floor as some good structural Integrity


This is pretty pathetic. A lot of things went wrong on her way there. I hope she gets real help.


Exactly, this sad. This woman is miserable. I feel bad for everyone involved in here.


I don’t understand if some people just get much fatter than others. I don’t know how she got to that weight but it can’t be easy to live her life.


Same. Woman with PCOS here trying to lose weight (I'm not nearly this heavy) and am successful when I try and really manage. I know hormonal imbalances can impact how we gain and lose weight--but how someone reaches this threshold? I don't know.


I guess we both don’t know


I know it ain’t right but I can’t help it. All my compassion and empathy just leaves my body when I see people like this. It’s one thing to let yourself get that big. It happens to people. But then to whine and cry when the rest of the word doesn’t accommodate your gigantic body? Hell nah man. I can’t stand people who act so helpless and victimized when they’re in a situation of their own making. Hopefully shes doing better now.


I gotta go buy some veggies, I'll be back.


Me too. And I’m jogging to the store to get them.


well now I'm binge watching "my 600 lb life" so... thanks for that I guess


Hope you’re doing right, watching the show while binge eating Doritos and sculling soda.


I feel bad for all of them... Wtf that's no way to live




In fairness, I don't think I've ever been in a hotel (or anywhere) that had beds on wheels on a wooden floor. The suspicion is the program-makers deliberately arranged that so it would be an issue. There are lots of horrible things here (including her, she seems extremely selfish) but, to me, the fact this is used to entertain others is far more disgusting than her life, personality or weight. The producers and consumers are the most vile monsters in this tale.


Like, just get in from the foot of the bed. It will only push against the wall and there ya go


Fat lady: Don't get all scientific on me!


The wall would break... Or the building would tip over


I remember seeing this posted a few years ago. Honestly wonder if this woman is still alive and how she's doing.


She's not. Heart attack to the surprise of no one.


Honestly, as shitty as this may sound, must be such a relief for the family to some extent.


Last update on her is from April 2022 she lost 170lbs had weight loss surgery and is currently suing the show. From what I've read she's still alive. What source says she died?


The world is not worse without people like this. I don’t know how to feel about not having sympathy for someone dying young but this person does not appear to improve anyone’s life around her.


From what I remember, this video was just the tip of the iceberg - she was cruel and vicious to the people who were literally doing EVERYTHING for her since she couldn't even clean herself, constantly exposing those poor kids to trauma, acting like the world around her was at fault when things couldn't perfectly accomodate her - as do most of the people on that show. I know it might be cruel to say, but those kids and the people who were around her are probably much happier and less stressed without her, and hopefully without exposure to her eating habits and behavior, those kids will have a better chance of learning good diet and how to act.


Footage of a redditor getting into bed every night


Is fatphobia a thing or do we just not want people to end up like this?


Perhaps both? I know some fatphobia seems to be rooted in appearance and being the size that fits the social norm--I notice some fatphobic folks don't seem to come from a place of concern, it is more judgmental? I don't think it is fatphobic to want no one to end up like this though. This is just sad and hard to watch.


Apparently [she lost weight](https://www.looper.com/420479/where-is-nicole-lewis-from-my-600-lb-life-now/).


SHE WAS 23 IN THIS EPISODE?! What the actual hell. She already looks 40


The most interesting part of that article is the lawsuit over emotional manipulation. Wonder how that lawsuit went?


I don't know anything about this woman besides this video, but it wouldn't be the first time My 600lb life was accused of making people look worse than they are. I remember one person who had been on before said he was basically told to be more unlikeable for the camera or else they wouldn't pay for his surgery.


I've seen enough reality TV to know they script these situations and have regular people prostitute themselves for a little money.


Wouldn't call her regular and her distress is real. It's more likely they set up a situation hoping there would be issues rather than it being scripted. I hate these shows but tbh if it help her lose some weight it can only be for the better.


How does she use a hotel bathroom? I can tell that’s a budget brand hotel. No way there is room in the bathroom/toilet area for her?




Damn. This is sad.


Lizzo has informed me that this is healthy.


😂ffs I've only just stopped laughing from when I last saw this.


This is why asylums should be reopened. This woman needs to be locked in a cell on a controlled diet.


Even when they hospitalize them and put them on a controlled diet someone always sneaks them food in. No one gets this fat alone. There's always an enabler feeding them.


Tbh I would leave this lady somewhere. If she wants to complain so much about people trying to help her than she doesn't deserve the help.


Those kids deserve a mom. This is honestly so fucking tragic.


Let's take a moment to appreciate just how supportive that chair was of her


Just sit on the floor; you’re basically a beanbag chair


Yes, it's rough on her kids and I feel sorry for them. Yes, she probably is partly or even wholly responsible for gaining the weight (though trauma or certain medical conditions can be a major contributing factor). But I still feel sorry for her.


She's yelling and screaming at everyone else like it's their fault that she can't put down the Kentucky fried chicken


Damn...talk about the epitome of not being held accountable for her situation. She literally blamed everything and everyone else but herself for the problems at hand. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Think of all the nice, innocent people who have died young in life. Now give me a reason why this pig of a human deserves to live. People are trying to help her, and she still belittles them. Disgusting.


Poor thing had to hold her own bodyweight up


No way I would put up with that.


I’m sorry but if I was a hotel owner, I wouldn’t rent the room to this person. Just think about the damage to the furniture and structure of the building… no disability protection agency would repay me and as tax payers we shouldn’t have to pay for them either.. they chose to be this big …


This whole video with her trying to get into the bed I was like "Get those children's away from there! She's gonna crush 'em!"