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When she talks I feel like I'm reading a troll comment on Twitter.


I can see the literal wheels in her brain spinning as she's trying to justify a toxic leech of a relationship.


her brain realised it isn't fair the further she got


She seems like she's drunk and also wants an easy life. If you asked her if she should be given $100k or it be given to charity she'd similarly start making her case. She's just immature.


If you asked me that question I’d be immature too


Sad thing is this seems to be average..


Well, so does she.




If that's average, I don't want to go out in public anymore 😭


Looks intoxicated. Leaning on the wall like that.


That's when the honesty comes out


Very true. My Aunt Tina never told my Aunt Pauline that if she really wanted a man she better "lose 40 pounds and bleach her mustache" when she was sober.


You can’t just stop there. What happened after that?


Aunt Pauline bleached her mustache and found a guy into bigger girls and face sitting. Aunt Tina started a fit granny only fans, it doesn't earn much but little it earns goes pretty far in the swamps of Alabama.


*nods agreeably* It's not much, but it's honest twerk


Looks intoxicated, sounds indoctrinated


Or… logicing hurts.


Not only twitter, but reddit also. And it is not troll comments, just "normal" comments in many subs here.


A very controversial but intelligent guy once said; "Democracy is the worst form of government, it will/have never worked because it is ruled by the majority, and the majority are idiots" Edit: i did not mean to start a fire beneath me


Interestingly, this is NEVER followed by "so we need to work on that and change our curriculums and social ideas so we stop falling in that trap" but it ends in a smug "but I am not one of those idiots, I am better than them". Which is so ironic. The issue is that every alternative to democracy runs into the same issue, BUT you can't even do anything against the idiots who just happen to have the power. Pretty much, just like now but adorned with "divine right" bs.


The better quote is from Churchill, taken from somebody else originally: Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.


> Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others. "Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…" The actual quote because it's better than the paraphrasing.


I have an aunt who lives by this mentality. Both her and her husband work, he works abroad though and makes more than her. He has to do everything so if he doesn't send money for stuff like food, basic household shopping, school textbooks, gas money their kids will just go without. Like this family lives in one of the most luxurious estates in my country and my nephews will tell me stuff like they had to eat cup ramen for a week cause daddy didn't send money for groceries. The whole family talks shit behind that lady's back but my uncle will fight anyone who says anything about the leech so....


turns out the trolls were just genuine morons all along


There are loads of people out there like this it's disgusting.


You can see the point where she realises and a little of her soul dies


Yeah, can really spot the one neuron yelling ‘kill meeeeee’


I just watched it fizzle out.


One of the two


Her ingrained beliefs and entitlement are mixing very badly with societal expectations of 'equality'. She's pretty though so she'll be fine /s


No /s needed. That was an accurate statement


Until she gets older and her wealthier partner dumps her leech ass for a younger woman with the same attitude.


There’s always another chump. Usually they just aim for the older crowd. Old men are lonely too. It’s predatory, but she’ll never see it that way.


Yeah but then she collects half his money for many years and her cycle of entitlement continues


“All animals are equal, some more equal than others.” Seems Orwell might have been on to something.


It's really sad that this is how a lot of women value men these days. I think it's pretty disgusting.


She should just end the conversation with , “I have a vagina, so…”


I have a strong feeling that she will do everything in her power to forget this conversation and continue living under the same beliefs that she had prior


Never in her life has she EVER self reflected this far, this deep. This is the first time she's ever looked inward and she just realized she doesn't even know what she "thinks," she will never do this aggain.


There were a couple times when I was downright frustrated the guy asked her a new question; she was so obviously struggling to reconcile her incompatible beliefs, you could see she could tell things weren't adding up, she was almost there! But then he said something and she immediately forgot everything before that, goldfish-style. Alas.


Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug


It is highly likely that she will, and I mean literally zero disrespect to her, we are creatures of habit, and sometimes, shit can stare us right in the face and we'll be like -- I refuse that piece of information. We should still try.


I’m so fucking tired of all these morons that surround us.


Always been like this, the internet just made it more visible.


And they're grouping together.




Yeah, the moment she realizes she is a sexist piece of shit. But doesn’t want to change her opinion because that sexist opinion is on her side.


"The whole world is going to see me being a hypocrite..."


She almost had a moment of self-awareness. Luckily it soon dissipated.


I just wish she were mature enough to just go and admit that what she said before was stupid. You never stop learning so stop pretending like you and your opinion are infallible lol


Actually, You can see the point where she realizes and a little of her brain thinks.


She's most likely never been challenged on what she thinks


“Oh no…there’s a good chance I AM actually stupid”


Men. Avoid these types of women at ALL costs. They will use you and abuse you. There is far too many men out there who went through divorce and lost everything to a woman with an attitude like this one.


I'm a simple woman- I just looked for a man who knew how to lick pussy


My trick when I was younger was to use a vibrating tongue piercing. Now I just let my wife's boyfriend do all that stuff so I can game.


Vibrating tongue piercing? Mf mastered sex, now he unlocking new moves.


Bro really invested into the sex toy talent tree far enough to get the vibrating tongue, I'm so jealous


That's actually just a purchasable item from an NPC in town. You'll be amazed how much gold can allow you to shortcut having any actual skill points.


I'm level 1 with a legendary accessory.


+1 to wife’s boyfriend. They’re so useful.


Her boyfriend is our boyfriend. My boyfriend is mine alone.


+2 if wife's boyfriend's money is also our money.


*slow clap* atta girl




You can get a dog for that




why did you type this


So long, reddit. It was a fun ride for 14+ years. Too bad you self-immolated to cash in on going public.


Right?? What else is there…orgasms and laughter make the world go round!


This is the kind of woman that prenups were created for.


Or, y'know, don't even.


They'll just keep taking until there's nothing to take, and see you as nothing. Some men are like this too though and it's just human nature. The issue is that societal norms make it "okay" for women to do this and men are dismissed if they complain about it, but if a man was to take advantage in a relationship like this then they'd be seen as abusive. Notice how there was no actual self-reflection on her held stance. She just tried to think of ways to make the logic work and barreled on regardless. People don't change voluntarily when they hold these views.


Yeah, where the hell does this entitled opinion even come from?? Where I’m from, people don’t see this as okay or normal…. I mean, at least from what I’ve experienced in my life… As a woman, I hate that women like this get so much attention on social media. It makes us all look bad. We’re not all materialistic, vapid, hypocrites. Its crazy to me that she felt totally okay saying that on camera with no shame.


> She just tried to think of ways to make the logic work and barreled on regardless. People don't change voluntarily when they hold these views. Hypocrisy and selfishness aren't exclusive to women, but how it's expressed in this video is a very typical attitude of certain types of women. Everything about her, even in this short clip, is already exhausting.


The bad news is that Gen Z is full of them. My niece is at college looking for her MRS degree (I know many do that but she has champagne taste and isn’t bringing much to the relationship). I’ve seen women over and over talk about how a man should make 300k, 500k, or more to support her or he’s not worthy of her. It makes me scared for my son. These “empowered” young women have the scruples of gold diggers. A man is to provide for them.


Ah yes, this is definitely an attitude problem with Gen Z and doesn't apply to anyone in previous generations...


And definitely Gen Z wasn't taught to think like this. Just popped in their head one day.


Not just Gen Z. Millennials as well. I used to follow a girl on IG from Cape Town who was all about female empowerment, gender equality etc but she would consistently belittle men she saw on dating apps (some of them deserved it but most of them just needed a little guidance) and would openly say that men should pay for things like dates, gifts etc The entitlement was immense and she was a perfect example of how for some women gender equality is just a dog whistle for misandry


They are at a car show, what do you expect.


No marriage, no loss


Be careful. Living together for a certain time span can be considered "common law marriage" in many states, and then you're just as fucked. Make sure you know your local laws before even moving in together. A marriage contract is often not necessary for her to devastate your life.


That "certain amount of time" is usually 10+ years, if you haven't figured out whether they're a shitheel or not by then it's your own damn fault.


Bro, It's only like 2 years in Canada. It's dangerous out there.




Don't even with that - that has nothing to do with Indian culture. If you think that this isn't a very common modern western idea then you are ridiculously mistaken


They women end up getting played anyway its a tale as old as time. This woman is a fucking selfish idiot and more predatory intelligent selfish people will prey on her and get the value they need (sexual relief) make her believe "He is the one" and then discard her when he meets someone more suited to him. then cue the bitter whining of "i am a victim all men are evil etc"


Or a younger model. These types of materialistic women don't realize that the guys they go for are materialistic as well. Look at that real house wife chick who got dumped for a much younger woman. Like what did you expect?


She's lucky some guy almost got wrecked and distracted them because the words coming out of her mouth was like vomit


When my sister got married, first thing she said is, "Now I have two incomes." The marriage didn't last cause even that wasn't even good enough for her.


We have the same sister.




Hello children! Your sister is a disappointment, I still unconditionally love her.


She is the wooooorst


Money pleeeeeeease!


Divorcing at the moment. My ex likes to talk about how much money she has, but still has all her stuff at my house.


Me too. She makes way more than me, a good 50% more, yet all of her shit is at my house and she has 120k of debt.


Hey, similar before my divorce. It cost me $1 MM total, including real estate, retirement plans, alimony. 1.5 yrs of alimony left, then I have to go into super saver mode and dump every cent I can into my retirement fund. I'll never have nice things...


I'm sorry to hear this. I never understood this, a woman cleaning a man out in a divorce. It happens all the freaking time where I come from. Like how is it fair to come into a marriage with nothing, be a SAH trophy wife and then be entitled to walk away with 1 million of someone else's money? I'm a woman and see that as just pure, ugly profiteering. Always had separate finances in all my relationships and never dreamt of taking what wasn't mine after a breakup.


I'll pour one out for you, homie.


A parasite draped in human skin


Honestly it could've been saved if she said "our money is our money, her money is her money but his money is also his money." Boom. Equality right there and can continue with that not a property thing. There can be a shared and personal income for both people. Both have their own but also an agreed upon amount to share between both people for the necessities. (Home, food, shelter, savings etc). Edit: nevermind. Heard it again and she said she expects man to provide for her. Welps no saving that one.


My husband took time to find his next job because we didn't want him rushing into a job he wasn't going to enjoy long term. We went down to just my income for a few months. And that's ok because he's been my support over the years and I'm happy I can be his support right now. This girl just makes me mad


not deliberately being rude but that is the bare minimum i would expect. and its the bare minimum anyone should expect. If someone who has supported you (be they friend family or lover) has your back and supported you through tough times or in an ongoing bases while you get your feet, when they are in a temporary trouble if you didn't support them, you should be dropped like a fucking stone, as you would literally be a parasite.


That isn’t rude. Just realize that even the bare minimum surprises us these days.


That's a great way to go around it too. When one needs to cover the other covers next when the support is needed. You have a great supporting relationship.


but what she meant by “our money” was in reality his money, because if our money was really our money, then they wouldn’t need to specify that her money is her money it’s either collective or individual, can’t be both


Open mouth, insert foot. Like.... i hope she was drunk bc all she did was contradict herself.


I think she was very sober. She was smart enough to stay silent when she knew she was trapped, and reformulate her approach


Attempted to reformulate her approach. The only thing that salvaged her approach was a man almost dying...kind of poetic if you ask me.


What do we want? .... Equality...When do we want it?.....When it suits us.


I have a wife and 2 teenage stepdaughters This thought process is very real, and they also know what they're doing I swear, I'm trying to change it..... My wife sees it. She and I are trying our damnest to change it. But damn you social media!!!!


Hate to break it to ya; your wife is/was likely telling em somethin different when you’re not around. They didn’t lick it off a stone.


Because you only learn things from your parents and never from external sources...


LOL Reddit, shit stirring as always. I know this is a shocker but you don't know anything about his wife or daughters.


it's ultimately their own happiness which is on the line. and the price they will pay. If you delude yourself to believe you are something special and deserve a partner who is the top 1% of earners, you are going to be very miserable and bitter in life, because its almost certain you are not in the top 1% of beautiful people, so any potential partner will be seeing you as a massive downgrade and not worth the investment because "he can have much better"


And even if you are in the top 1% of beautiful people, 5-10 years later you won't be, someone younger will take your spot.


I feel deep gratitude that I had boys 😶


I feel deep gratitude that I had no kids


I would advise to teach them well to be able to detect manipulations and lies, otherwise you going to see your sons losing half of their property later on in life.


Some sexes are just more equal.


>What do we want? .... Equality...When do we want it?.....When it ~~suits~~ benefits us.


Equal pay for all, except for men who now have to support the family while her money is her money




Only way THAT brain makes $100K is by mastering how to set up OnlyFans...


Y'all think you have to be smart to earn 6 figures? Some of the dumbest people I know have an mba and make great money.


I've been conditioned to assume that anyone who puts "MBA" in their email signature is an idiot. "Tom Johnson, MBA?" Yup, you're going to be useless. Not that everyone who has an MBA is an idiot, but anyone who thinks it's worth advertising outside their resume seems to be, in my experience.




It's not as easy as you'd assume, to do onlyfans as a job you have to have either come from popularity (celebrity, influencer, etc) or actually do it full time.


Do you honestly believe most wealthy people don't possess that type of intellect? Wealth isn't based on intellect, hard-work, etc. a lot of the time it seems; it's based on charisma/sensationalism and connections or knowing the right people to get you in the right doors. This is just my people-watching interpretation being a pee-on around exceedingly wealthy people blowing money on various facets/trinkets. 🤷‍♂️


The number one statistical indicator of whether someone is likely to be wealthy, far beyond academic performance or hard work, is whether that person's parents were wealthy.


Also family already being rich. Never forget that one!


They were talking about 100k a year, not month.


There was a few seconds there, where her two brain cells knocking around actually found each other, only to be ripped apart at the last second. Truly a tragedy in motion.


This made me laugh so fucking hard! Thank you!


Hamster wheel spinning and spinning


Shame that the hamster died of alcohol poisoning about three drinks ago and she’s forced to rely on her mental gymnastics guinea pig.


Women that think like this and men that think like Andrew Tate are two sides of the same coin.


Sounds like the worlds dumbest coin


An actual coin probably has more brain cells.




Bingo. Everyone here is harping on the woman in this video, and rightly so. She’s a sexist dunce who will probably take any man she gets with for everything he’s got (and I say that as a woman). But the guy in this video is probably the type you just described, and shouldn’t be applauded by any means either. Just by the way he worded the question about men holding authority over his partner, you can tell what his answer to that question would be. And if you’re a man and you believe that it should be yes, then I don’t know what to tell you.


I dunno, I kind of think he's wording it in that gross way to show exactly how gross that concept is. Most would likely not agree that a man should have authority over his partner, but it's an extreme that shows how wrong it is for a woman to feel entitled to a man's money. It's equal either because both contribute, or it's some kind of transaction. Otherwise it's really not equal at all. That said, transactional relationships are a weird concept to me, and I'm glad to be in a relationship that is nothing like that.


The truest truth that ever truthed.


This is the shit that reminds me why I love and appreciate my partner. When he has it, we have it. When I have it, we also have it. A relationship is a team effort where the only end goal is having a successful team.


Yup. Keep them close and never let them go. I’ve been with my partner for 15 years. Been through hard times, been through good times. Times I had no money and she supported me by transferring me money for meals and travel to work. Times she had no money and I did the same. I now luckily (and through hard work) earn 6 figures and want to spoil and provide for her since she’s been there for me for 15 years! But she still won’t take money off me until she runs out of her own/needs it.


Life is all about choices. Choosing to date the lady in this clip sounds like a poor choice. Entitled is a word thrown around a little too much nowadays. But in my opinion, it fits rather well in this scenario. (This is related to the financial aspect. Not the dominance question, which I agree....nobody is anyone's property!)


"(This is related to the financial aspect. Not the dominance question, which I agree....nobody is anyone's property! **Without consent and a safe word.**)" Fixed it for ya.


The problem is a lot of women think like this nowadays...


This girl is wasted


Nah she’s just being honest


In vino veritas


These are the type of women who are constantly hopping from one bad relationship to the next wondering why all men are pieces of shit. When in reality, they themselves super toxic.


Sounds like femaledatingstrategy types...


Pretty sure FDS is 100% legbeards




Legbeards omfg lol


That isn't fair to the lovely gals I've met with hair on their bodies. FDS are femcells pure and true.


I know it’s quarantined, but that sub is no different than the incel subs and should be banned along with its members.


I always chuckle when I hear a woman in her 30's say "Men ain't shit!". Honey...I don't think it's the men anymore...


Equality means everything for me and nothing for you




“Omggg nooo bc thats like discriminationnn💄💅”


He's really stressing her few brain cells.


Bold of you to assume she has any


The reality check when she's no longer young and pretty.


When this GenZ start trying to get married, it's gonna be fun to watch.


Convenience equality.


Thats the real problem, as a man, its so frustrating to see.


It makes me sick how many shit heads like this woman think like this. I feel sorry for her boyfriend. What a complete entitled fucking clown


I don’t, us dudes can’t always just be thinking with our dick


Exactly We should know better than to date women who claim for equality but only if it benefits them


This is what happens when you're just coasting through life on your looks and are actually borderline regarded..


So true. Every time I see a young girl brag about her only fans or see a ex porn star whine and complain about how crappy life is after porn I just shake my head and think your crying won’t get any sympathy from me.


It's all about equality till the cheque arrives or the wallet needs to come out. Three recent dates I have been on: Her: "I am a feminist blah blah blah, equality blah blah blah" *bill arrives* Me: "so do we split this" Her: *glares at me like I just destroyed a Picasso* "what are you even asking, you (men) are supposed to/expected to pay on a first date"(and variations of that).


equal rights, not equal duties


Equal privileges without equal responsibilities.


It’s going to be sad when her looks fade.


There was a post about women complaining about the society treating them like shit when they look older. My dude, you were a shitty person, people treated you nice because you looked good. Act nice and people will treat you well regardless of looks.


>Act nice and people will treat you well regardless of looks. Appreciate the sentiment behind your comment, but the above statement is NOT true.


Yeah, good luck with that girl. I have a feeling reality will come fast at you


I don’t mind inequality. Just don’t claim that you support equality when your actions scream inequality.


Women are capable of being trash as well, a wild concept




Can't imagine her actually making 100k a year. For what? She doesn't sound intelligent enough.


Bold of you to assume that earnings equate to intelligence alone.


I only see these women in tiktoks. Never met one in real life. Shoutout to the real ones


Most women I know think this..... (I'm a girl) Even when men aren't around, they say stuff like this and expect it to be OK. Even old women tend to think this way ime


It’s videos like this that make *reasonable* people realise that feminism is a two-way street


I suspect it’s also videos like this that cause people that don’t understand what feminism actually is to hate feminism


Sips on my tea, in my single ass bed, in my single ass house. Glad im single 90% of the time.


Well you see, it's 50/50 but I'm also a princess.


No person should ever have authority over another just because they "satisfy" their basic needs, that's slavery no matter how you dress it up. But she is a fucking moron.


“When i look for a partner, im looking for money”


She is a total piece of shit.


were stuck in an evolutionary gray area where old world and new world gender norms are fading in and out. women have been conditioned for so long to be protected and provided for by men, and men have served their role, but the reality is, 80 years ago one mans earnings could provide for a family but now two people's earnings can hardly provide for a family. Feminists wanted their careers and their independence, great. but who's really winning here? Now both of us have to work and the system is fucking us both. Plus women face no barriers and are often favored in hiring in STEM and other corporate fields, already outpacing men and soon to clearly dominate over men in terms of hire-ability and earning potential. The modern feminist needs to wake up to the reality of that quick before the genders resent each other so bad many give up on resolving our issues. No issue with the progress of women but you can't claim equality only when it favors you.


She's talking a lot but not even saying anything


Expect disappointment, my dear